#include <mpi.h>
#include <iostream>
A group is just the set of all processes in the communicator.
A remote operation involves communication with other ranks whereas a local
operation does not. Creating a new communicator is a remote operation
because all processes need to decide on the same context and group, whereas
creating a group is local because it isn’t used for communication and
therefore doesn’t need to have the same context for each process. You can
manipulate a group all you like without performing any communication at all.
MPI_Comm comm, //context communicator
MPI_Comm* group //the group created
MPI_Comm comm, //context communicator
MPI_Group group, //group, which is a subset of the group of comm
int tag, // ???
MPI_Comm* newcomm //the group created (?something like a sub-group?)
MPI_Group group1,
MPI_Group group2,
MPI_Group* newgroup //the group created by the union
MPI_Group group1,
MPI_Group group2,
MPI_Group* newgroup //the group created by the intersection
MPI_Group group, //group of processes where ranks value are contained, at least
int n, //size of ranks
const int ranks[], //ranks to chose
MPI_Group* newgroup //group with only the specific ranks from the other group
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
MPI_Init(NULL, NULL); //Initialize the MPI environment
int world_size;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size); //Get the number of processes
int world_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank); //Get the number of process
MPI_Group world_group; //To free
//MPI_Comm_group(comm, group)
MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_group);
const int ranks[5] = {1,3,5,7,9}; //Just use ranks that are in the group
MPI_Group spare_group; //To free
//MPI_Group_incl(group, n, ranks[], newgroup)
MPI_Group_incl(world_group, 5, ranks, &spare_group);
MPI_Comm spare_comm; //To free
//MPI_Comm_create_group(comm, group, tag, newcomm)
MPI_Comm_create_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, spare_group, 0, &spare_comm);
int spare_rank = -1, spare_size = -1; //If this rank isn't in the new communicator, it will be MPI_COMM_NULL. Using MPI_COMM_NULL for MPI_Comm_rank or MPI_Comm_size is erroneous
if(MPI_COMM_NULL != spare_comm)
MPI_Comm_size(spare_comm, &spare_size); //Get the number of processes related to the communicator
MPI_Comm_rank(spare_comm, &spare_rank); //Get the number of process related to the communicator
std::cout << "Process (rank " << world_rank+1 << "/" << world_size << ") is splitted to sub-group " << spare_rank+1 << "/" << spare_size << " (row/size)" << std::endl;
MPI_Group_free(&world_group); //We have to free the group that we created above
MPI_Group_free(&spare_group); //We have to free the group that we created above
MPI_Comm_free(&spare_comm); //We have to free the communicator that we created above
MPI_Finalize(); //Clean up the MPI environment
return 0;