# Usage of cluster with slurm Information about che cluster and partitions could be obtained doing: sinfo scontrol show partition With srun we cen reserve a subset of the resources of the compute nodes for out tasks: More parameters are provided in the documentation. srun --partition=production --time=00:30:00 --nodes=1 --pty bash -i (take for half hour 1 node from the production partition and launch the command 'bash -i') To simplify all this expression we can create a basic batch file with all directives and the code to run. Is a good thing to redirect the output in a file to save it securely. sbatch run.sh Example of batch script #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -n 10 #SBATCH --time=00:30:00 ... mpirun ./my_exec_code To see the queue of jobs in the system we can run squeue squeue --long To remove a job from the queue we can run scancel