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2 years ago
(* syntax *)
type ide = string
type boolean =
| True
| False
type exp =
| Eint of int
| Eplus of (exp * exp)
| Eminus of (exp * exp)
| Eide of ide
| Ebool of boolean
| Eeql of (exp * exp)
| Eleq of (exp * exp)
| Enot of exp
| Eand of (exp * exp)
| Eor of (exp * exp)
| Eifthenelse of (exp * exp * exp)
type com =
| Cassign of ide * exp
| Cvar of ide * exp
| Cconst of ide * exp
| Cifthenelse of exp * pseq * pseq
| Cwhile of exp * pseq
| CDoNTimes of exp * pseq
and pseq =
| Pseq of com * pseq
| Pend
type prog = Prog of pseq * exp
let rec exp_to_string (e: exp) =
match e with
| Eint i -> sprintf "%d" i
| Eplus (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s + %s)" (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
| Eminus (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s - %s)" (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
| Eide i -> i
| Ebool b ->
match b with
| True -> "true"
| False -> "false"
| Enot e -> sprintf "(not %s)" (exp_to_string e)
| Eand (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s and %s)" (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
| Eor (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s or %s)" (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
| Eeql (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s == %s)" (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
| Eleq (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s <= %s)" (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
| Eifthenelse (c, e1, e2) ->
sprintf "if %s then (%s) else (%s)" (exp_to_string c) (exp_to_string e1) (exp_to_string e2)
let rec com_to_string (c: com) =
match c with
| Cassign (i, e) -> sprintf "%s := %s" i (exp_to_string e)
| Cvar (v, e) -> sprintf "var %s := %s" v (exp_to_string e)
| Cconst (v, e) -> sprintf "const %s = %s" v (exp_to_string e)
| Cifthenelse (cond, cthen, celse) ->
sprintf "if %s\nthen %s\nelse %s" (exp_to_string cond) (pseq_to_string cthen) (pseq_to_string celse)
| Cwhile (cond, body) -> sprintf "while %s\n%s" (exp_to_string cond) (pseq_to_string body)
| CDoNTimes (n, body) -> sprintf "do %s times:\n%s" (exp_to_string n) (pseq_to_string body)
and pseq_to_string (s: pseq) =
match s with
| Pseq (c, Pend) -> sprintf "%s" (com_to_string c)
| Pseq (c, q) -> sprintf "%s;\n%s" (com_to_string c) (pseq_to_string q)
| Pend -> ""
let prog_to_string (p: prog) =
match p with
| Prog (s, e) -> sprintf "%s;\nreturn %s" (pseq_to_string s) (exp_to_string e)
(* error handling *)
let unbound_identifier_error ide =
failwith (sprintf "unbound identifier %s" ide)
let negative_natural_number_error () =
failwith "natural numbers must be positive or zero"
let type_error () = failwith "type error"
let memory_error () =
failwith "access to a location that is not available"
let not_a_location_error i =
failwith (sprintf "not a location: %s" i)
(* semantic domains *)
type eval =
| Int of int
| Bool of bool
type loc = int
type mval = eval
type store = int * (loc -> mval) (* il primo elemento della coppia è la minima locazione non definita *)
let empty_store = (0, (fun l -> memory_error ()))
let apply_store st l = (snd st) l
let allocate: store -> loc * store =
fun st ->
let l = fst st in
let l1 = l + 1 in
let st1 = (l1, snd st) in
(l, st1)
let update: store -> loc -> mval -> store =
fun st l mv ->
match st with
| (maxloc, fn) -> let fn1 l1 = if l = l1 then mv else fn l1 in (maxloc, fn1)
type dval =
| E of eval
| L of loc
type env = ide -> dval
let empty_env = fun v -> unbound_identifier_error v
let bind e v r = fun v1 -> if v1 = v then r else e v1
let apply_env e v = e v
let rec eval_to_string (e: eval) =
match e with
| Int i -> sprintf "%d" i
| Bool b -> if b then "true" else "false"
(* denotational semantics *)
let rec esem: exp -> env -> store -> eval =
fun e ev st ->
match e with
| Eint i ->
if i < 0 then
negative_natural_number_error ()
Int i
| Eplus (e1, e2) ->
(let s1 = esem e1 ev st in
let s2 = esem e2 ev st in
match (s1, s2) with
| (Int i1, Int i2) -> Int(i1 + i2)
| _ -> type_error ())
| Eminus (e1, e2) ->
let s1 = esem e1 ev st in
let s2 = esem e2 ev st in
(match (s1, s2) with
| (Int i1, Int i2) ->
if i1 >= i2 then
Int(i1 - i2)
negative_natural_number_error ()
| _ -> type_error ())
| Ebool b ->
(match b with
| True -> Bool true
| False -> Bool false)
| Eeql (e1, e2) ->
let s1 = esem e1 ev st in
let s2 = esem e2 ev st in
(match (s1, s2) with
| (Int i1, Int i2) ->
if i1 = i2 then
Bool true
Bool false
| _ -> type_error ())
| Eleq (e1, e2) ->
let s1 = esem e1 ev st in
let s2 = esem e2 ev st in
(match (s1, s2) with
| (Int i1, Int i2) ->
if i1 <= i2 then
Bool true
Bool false
| _ -> type_error ())
| Eand (e1, e2) ->
let s1 = esem e1 ev st in
let s2 = esem e2 ev st in
(match (s1, s2) with
| (Bool b1, Bool b2) -> Bool(b1 && b2)
| _ -> type_error ())
| Eor (e1, e2) ->
let s1 = esem e1 ev st in
let s2 = esem e2 ev st in
(match (s1, s2) with
| (Bool b1, Bool b2) -> Bool(b1 || b2)
| _ -> type_error ())
| Enot e ->
let s = esem e ev st in
(match s with
| Bool b -> Bool(not b)
| _ -> type_error ())
| Eifthenelse (c, e1, e2) ->
let sc = esem c ev st in
(match sc with
| Bool b -> esem (if b then e1 else e2) ev st
| _ -> type_error ())
| Eide i ->
let value = apply_env ev i
match value with
| L l -> apply_store st l
| E e -> e
let rec csem: com -> env -> store -> (env * store) =
fun c ev st ->
match c with
| Cassign (i, e) ->
let s = esem e ev st
match apply_env ev i with
| L l -> let st1 = update st l s in (ev, st1)
| _ -> not_a_location_error i
| Cvar (i, e) ->
let s = esem e ev st in
let (newloc, st1) = allocate st in
let st2 = update st1 newloc s in
let ev1 = bind ev i (L newloc) in
(ev1, st2)
| Cconst (i, e) ->
let s = esem e ev st in
let ev1 = bind ev i (E s) in
(ev1, st)
| Cifthenelse (cond, cthen, celse) ->
let s = esem cond ev st in
match s with
| Bool b ->
if b then
pssem cthen ev st // ERRORE: questo causa scoping dinamico, vale a dire, le variabili dichiarate nel ramo then possono essere viste dal seguito del programma
pssem celse ev st
| _ -> type_error ()
| Cwhile (cond, body) ->
let s = esem cond ev st in
match st with
| (firstloc,stfn) ->
match s with
| Bool b ->
if b then
// ERRORE, non va restituito st1 ma st1 con "maxloc" (primo elemento della coppia) resettata
(* let (ev1, st1) = pssem body ev st in
* csem (Cwhile(cond, body)) ev st1 *)
// Invece, resettiamo maxloc a quello vecchio per st1
let (ev1, (firstloc',stfn')) = pssem body ev st in
csem (Cwhile(cond, body)) ev (firstloc,stfn')
(ev, st)
| _ -> type_error ()
| CDoNTimes (n,body) ->
let n = esem n ev st
match n with
| Int 0 -> (ev, st)
| Int m ->
let (ev1, st1) = pssem body ev st
csem (CDoNTimes(Eint(m-1),body)) ev st1
| _ -> type_error ()
and pssem: pseq -> env -> store -> (env * store) =
fun s ev st ->
match s with
| Pend -> (ev, st)
| Pseq (c, q) ->
match csem c ev st with
| (ev1, st1) -> pssem q ev1 st1
let rec psem: prog -> env -> store -> eval =
fun p ev st ->
match p with
| Prog (s, e) ->
let (ev1, st1) = pssem s ev st
esem e ev1 st1
(* test *)
let eval: prog -> unit =
fun p ->
printf "\n%s \n\n==> " (prog_to_string p)
printf "%s\n" (eval_to_string (psem p empty_env empty_store))
| Failure message -> printfn "error: %s\n" message
let a () = failwith ""
let l =
[ Prog(
Cvar("x", Eint 98),
Cvar("y", Eint 28),
Enot(Eeql(Eide "x", Eide "y")),
Eleq(Eide "x", Eide "y"),
Pseq(Cassign("y", Eminus(Eide "y", Eide "x")), Pend),
Pseq(Cassign("x", Eminus(Eide "x", Eide "y")), Pend)
Eide "x"
) ]
let l2 =
[ Prog(
Cvar("x", Eint 1),
Cvar("y", Eint 0),
CDoNTimes(Eint(9),Pseq(Cassign("y", Eplus(Eide "y", Eide "x")),Pend)),
Eide "x"
) ]
let main = List.iter eval l
let main2 = List.iter eval l2
> dotnet run
var x := 98;
var y := 28;
while (not (x == y))
if (x <= y)
then y := (y - x)
else x := (x - y);
return x
==> 14