Add sumDivisors and peterson implementation

Francesco Minnocci
parent 826b37d405
commit 7d9c4a6d3e
Signed by: BachoSeven

@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ printfn "%b" (isPippo(parolaPippo("pipo")))
printfn "%b" (isPippo(parolaPippo("pippo")))
let s = Seq.initInfinite (fun s -> s*s)
Seq.toList (Seq.take 10 s)
printfn "%A" (Seq.toList (Seq.take 10 s))

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
// For more information see
printfn "Hello from F#"
// printfn "%A" ((fun x -> x+1)3)
let ratio(x,y) =
let z = x * y
let w = 2 * (x + y)
w / z
let ratio2(x : float, y : float) =
let z = x * y
let w = ((2 : float) * x) + ((2 : float) * y)
w / z
printfn "%A" (ratio2(2.1,3.0))
let getType(x) = x.GetType().FullName
let rec Fib (n : int) =
if (n = 0 || n = 1) then 1
else Fib (n - 1) + Fib (n - 2)
let TrNum (n : int) = n*(n+1)/2
printfn "%A" (TrNum(10))
let rec ProdNum (n : int) =
match n with
| 1 -> 1
| _ -> ProdNum(n-1)*n
let rec sumFirstFun f k =
if k<=0 then 0 else f k + sumFirstFun f (k-1)
let rec fold g f k1 k2 z =
if (k2 < k1) then z
else g (fold g f (k1+1) k2 z) (f(k1))
let sum x y = x + y
let double x = 2*x
printfn "%A" (fold sum double 10 100 0)
printfn "%A" (ProdNum(5))
printfn "%A" (Fib (5))

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
let rec foldLeft g f k1 k2 z =
if k1 >= k2 then g(z,f(k1))
else g(foldLeft g f k1 (k2-1) z, f k2)
let rec foldRight g f k1 k2 z =
if k1 >= k2 then g(f(k1),z)
else g(f k1, foldRight g f (k1+1) k2 z)
let list1 = [1; 2; 3]
let list2 = [1,2,3]
let list2' = [(1,2,3)]
let list3 = (1,2,3)
let list4 = []
let list5 = 4::list1
let rec lngth lst =
if lst = []
then 0
else 1 + (lngth (List.tail lst))
//printfn "%A" (lngth [1;3;4])
let rec invList l i =
if l = [] then []
else if ((List.length l) - i) = 0 then [List.head l]
l[List.length l - i] :: (invList l (i+1))
//printfn "%A" (invList [1;2;3;4] 1)
let reverseList l =
let rec reverseL acc l =
if l = [] then acc
reverseL ( (List.head l) :: acc) (List.tail l)
reverseL [] l
//printfn "%A" (reverseList [1;2;3;4])
let rec sumList (l: int list) =
if l = [] then 0
List.head l + sumList (List.tail l)
let rec maxL (l : int list) (max : int) =
if l = [] then max
if (List.head l) > max then maxL (List.tail l) (List.head l)
else maxL (List.tail l) max
let maxList l = if l= [] then failwith "Lista vuota" else maxL l (List.head l)
//printfn "%A" (sumList [1;2;3;4])
//printfn "%A" (maxList [1;2;3;4])
//printfn "%A" (maxList [])
let rec fib x =
match x with
| 1 -> 1
| 2 -> 1
| n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
let rec fib2 x =
match x with
| n when n < 1 -> failwith (sprintf "Error: %d is less than 1" x)
| (1|2) -> 1
| n -> fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
let rec fn2 a =
match a with
| (x,y) when x > 0 && y > 0 -> x + y
| (x,_) when x < 0 -> 0
| _ -> failwith "This makes no sense"
let rec length2 l =
match l with
| [] -> 0
| _ :: xs -> 1 + (length2 xs)
let rec nth i l =
match (i,l) with
| (_,[]) -> failwith "Errore: ricorsione termina in lista vuota"
| (0, x :: _) -> x
| (n, _ :: xs) when n > 0 -> nth (n-1) xs
| _ -> failwith "Errore: indice negativo"
// printfn "%A" (nth 4 [1;2;3;4;5])
let rec EuclidsAlg n m =
match (a,b) with
| _ when (a <= 0 || b <= 0) -> failwith "Errore: almeno un numero non positivo"
| _ when (a = b) -> a
| _ when (a > b) -> EuclidsAlg (a-b) b
| _ -> EuclidsAlg a (b-a)
let rec unzip l =
match l with
| [] -> ([],[])
| (a,b) :: xs -> (a :: (fst (unzip xs)), b :: (snd (unzip xs)));;
// printfn "%A" (EuclidsAlg 48 12)
let rec unzip' l =
match l with
| [] -> ([],[])
| (a,b) :: xs ->
let (aa,bb) = unzip xs
(a :: aa, b :: bb)

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// This program illustrates the use of Peterson's algorithm to synchronize
// multiple threads.Two new threads are created and alternate writing to the
// standard output.
// The key difference between Peterson's algorithm and strict alternation is
// the inclusion of flags indicating whether a thread is ready to enter the
// critical section.
// This function is taken from `~/.local/src/dwm/util.c`.
// Print the error message and `perror` if the message ends in `':'`. Assumes
// `fmt` is not `NULL`.
void die(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
// Following Unix convention (see `man perror`), first check if the string is
// not empty.
if(fmt[0] && fmt[strlen(fmt) - 1] == ':') {
fputc(' ', stderr);
} else {
fputc('\n', stderr);
// The `turn` variable indicates which thread should enter the critical
// section. Unlike strict alternation, the `turn` variable is set _before_
// entering the critical section.
// Note that globally-scoped variables are initialized to zero.
int turn;
int flag[2];
void* f0(void* arg) {
while(1) {
// Signal that this thread wants to enter the critical section.
flag[0] = 1;
// Signal to the other thread that it is their turn.
turn = 1;
while(flag[1] && turn == 1);
flag[0] = 0;
void* f1(void* arg) {
while(1) {
flag[1] = 1;
turn = 0;
while(flag[0] && turn == 0);
flag[1] = 0;
int main(void) {
// A POSIX thread has two main components: an object of type `pthread_t`
// which represents the thread and a function pointer of type
// `void* (*)(void*)` which will be the entry point of the thread.
pthread_t t0, t1;
// Creates new threads. The second argument is a pointer to a
// `pthread_attr_t`, if `NULL` the thread is created with default attributes.
// The last argument is the argument that is given to the thread's entry
// point function, unused in this example.
if(pthread_create(&t0, NULL, f0, NULL)) die("unable to create thread");
if(pthread_create(&t1, NULL, f1, NULL)) die("unable to create thread");
// Yes, I could have just created one thread.

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
open System
let factorsWithMolteplicity n =
let rec loop c p =
if c < (p * p) then [c]
elif c % p = 0 then p :: (loop (c/p) p)
else loop c (p + 1)
loop n 2
|> List.countBy id
let isPerfect n =
let sumDiv k =
|> factorsWithMolteplicity
|> (fun (p,m) -> ((pown p (m+1))-1)/(p-1))
|> List.fold (*) 1
sumDiv n = 2*n
// brute-force approach
let divisors n =
|> Seq.filter (fun f -> n % f = 0)
let sumProperDivisors n =
|> divisors
|> Seq.sum
// perfect
let isPerfect2 n = (sumProperDivisors n = n)
let timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
printfn "%A" (isPerfect 8128)
printfn "%f" timer.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds
printfn "Elapsed Time: %i" timer.ElapsedMilliseconds
let timer2 = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch()
printfn "%A" (isPerfect2 8128)
printfn "%f" timer2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds
printfn "Elapsed Time: %i" timer2.ElapsedMilliseconds

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
for n=2:N
% A contains the unique prime factors of n; M their multiplicities
for i=1:l
% formula for the sum of divisors of p^k
if 2*n==s
printf("%d is Perfect!\n",n)
while mod(m,2)==0
printf("The corresponding Mersenne prime is %d\n",((2^k)-1))