edoardocoli 1 year ago
parent 0456a627ac
commit 0b74201353

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Calcolo_Parallelo_infrastruttura_alla_Matematica_2022-23
Progetto speciale per la didattica dell'universita di Pisa
Progetto speciale per la didattica dell'universita di Pisa

@ -2,27 +2,33 @@
CC = mpicxx
CXX = mpicxx
# Extra flags to give to the processor compiler
#TODO -Wall -Werror -Wextra
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -Werror -Wextra
SRC = main.cpp
OBJ = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
NAME = merge_sort_enhanced
NAME = sort_big_file
# Check if NODES variable is defined
ifeq ($(filter run, $(MAKECMDGOALS)), run)
ifndef NODES
$(error NODES is not defined. Please define NODES before running the target (make run NODES="1-5"))
# SBATCH parameters
JOBNAME = Distributed_Sorting
PARTITION = production
TIME = 12:00:00
MEM = 3G
NODELIST = steffe[9,12-20]
NODELIST = steffe[$(NODES)]
OUTPUT = ./%x.%j.out
ERROR = ./e%x.%j.err
.PHONY: all run detail clean fclean re
.PHONY: all run detail clean fclean cleanall re
.o: .cpp
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
@ -33,41 +39,40 @@ $(NAME): $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
run: $(NAME)
## Se modifico il Makefile con i parametri di sbatch ricreo anche il
# @if ! [ -f ]; then \
@echo "#!/bin/bash" >; \
echo "## sbatch is the command line interpreter for Slurm" >>; \
echo "" >>; \
echo "## specify the name of the job in the queueing system" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --job-name=$(JOBNAME)" >>; \
echo "## specify the partition for the resource allocation. if not specified, slurm is allowed to take the default(the one with a star *)" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --partition=$(PARTITION)" >>; \
echo "## format for time is days-hours:minutes:seconds, is used as time limit for the execution duration" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --time=$(TIME)" >>; \
echo "## specify the real memory required per node. suffix can be K-M-G-T but if not present is MegaBytes by default" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --mem=$(MEM)" >>; \
echo "## format for hosts as a range(steffe[1-4,10-15,20]), to specify hosts needed to satisfy resource requirements" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --nodelist=$(NODELIST)" >>; \
echo "## to specify the number of processors per task, default is one" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$(CPUS_PER_TASK)" >>; \
echo "## to specify the number of tasks to be invoked on each node" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$(NTASKS_PER_NODE)" >>; \
echo "## to specify the file of utput and error" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --output $(OUTPUT)" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --error $(ERROR)" >>; \
echo "" >>; \
echo "mpirun $(NAME) $(ARGS)" >>; \
chmod +x; \
echo "The '' script has been created and is ready to run."; \
@echo "#!/bin/bash" >; \
echo "## sbatch is the command line interpreter for Slurm" >>; \
echo "" >>; \
echo "## specify the name of the job in the queueing system" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --job-name=$(JOBNAME)" >>; \
echo "## specify the partition for the resource allocation. if not specified, slurm is allowed to take the default(the one with a star *)" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --partition=$(PARTITION)" >>; \
echo "## format for time is days-hours:minutes:seconds, is used as time limit for the execution duration" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --time=$(TIME)" >>; \
echo "## specify the real memory required per node. suffix can be K-M-G-T but if not present is MegaBytes by default" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --mem=$(MEM)" >>; \
echo "## format for hosts as a range(steffe[1-4,10-15,20]), to specify hosts needed to satisfy resource requirements" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --nodelist=$(NODELIST)" >>; \
echo "## to specify the number of processors per task, default is one" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$(CPUS_PER_TASK)" >>; \
echo "## to specify the number of tasks to be invoked on each node" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$(NTASKS_PER_NODE)" >>; \
echo "## to specify the file of utput and error" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --output $(OUTPUT)" >>; \
echo "#SBATCH --error $(ERROR)" >>; \
echo "" >>; \
echo "mpirun $(NAME) $(ARGS)" >>; \
chmod +x; \
echo "The '' script has been created and is ready to run."; \
# else \
# chmod +x; \
# fi
@echo; sbatch
@echo " To see job list you can use 'squeue'."
@echo " To cancel a job you can use 'scancel jobid'."
@echo " To visualize binary files in bash can be used:"
@echo " od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format"
@echo " od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format"
@echo " od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format"
@echo "Compiler flags and options that mpicxx would use for compiling an MPI program: "
@mpicxx --showme:compile
@ -76,45 +81,23 @@ detail:
@mpicxx --showme:link
## Sembra non funzionare read
# read -p "rm: remove all files \"./$(JOBNAME).*.out\" and \"./e$(JOBNAME).*.err\"? (y/n)" choice
# @if [ "$$choice" = "y" ]; then \
@echo rm -f ./$(JOBNAME).*.out
@for file in ./$(JOBNAME).*.out; do \
rm -f "$$file"; \
@echo rm -f ./e$(JOBNAME).*.err
@for file in ./e$(JOBNAME).*.err; do \
rm -f "$$file"; \
# fi
@echo rm -f ./e$(JOBNAME).*.err
@for file in ./e$(JOBNAME).*.err; do \
rm -f "$$file"; \
rm -f *~ $(OBJ)
fclean: clean
rm -f ./;
rm -f ./nohup.out
rm -f /mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun*
rm -f /mnt/raid/tmp/*.sort
rm -f $(NAME)
re: fclean all
# mpicxx *.c
# mpirun/mpiexec ... //will run X copies of the program in the current run-time environment, scheduling(by default) in a round-robin fashion by CPU slot.
cleanall: fclean clean
@echo rm -f ./$(JOBNAME).*.out
@for file in ./$(JOBNAME).*.out; do \
rm -f "$$file"; \
rm -f /mnt/raid/tmp/*.sort
# SLIDE 5 Durastante
# The Script
# #!/bin/bash
# #SBATCH --job-name=dascegliere
# #SBATCH --mem=size[unis]
# #SBATCH -n 10
# #SBATCH --time=12:00:00
# #SBATCH --nodelist=lista
# #SBATCH --partition=ports
# #ecc..
# mpirun ...
re: fclean all

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
case $test in
make run NODES="20" ARGS=main.o;
# testing of: single node speed
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
# testing of: single nodes speed of 2 nodes to see disk availability bottleneck
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
sleep 0.1;
make run NODES="2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
# testing of: single nodes speed of 2 nodes to see disk availability depends on first started
make run NODES="2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
sleep 0.1;
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
# testing of: single nodes speed of 3 nodes to see disk availability bottleneck
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
sleep 0.1;
make run NODES="2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
sleep 0.1;
make run NODES="3" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
# testing of: speed od 1-2-4 nodes doubling file size each time
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_268435456.bin;
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_402653184.bin;
make run NODES="1-2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_268435456.bin;
make run NODES="1-2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_402653184.bin;
make run NODES="1-2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/8gb.bin;
make run NODES="1-4" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_402653184.bin;
make run NODES="1-4" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/8gb.bin;
make run NODES="1-4" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/16gb.bin;
# testing of: speed od 1-2-4 nodes doubling file size each time
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin;
make run NODES="1-2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_268435456.bin;
make run NODES="1-4" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_402653184.bin;
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_268435456.bin;
make run NODES="1-2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_402653184.bin;
make run NODES="1-4" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/8gb.bin;
make run NODES="1" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/_402653184.bin;
make run NODES="1-2" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/8gb.bin;
make run NODES="1-4" ARGS=/mnt/raid/testlists/16gb.bin;
echo Specifica un tipo di test N;

@ -25,13 +25,11 @@ od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format
#define BUFFERSIZE 32768
#define CACHENUM 131072
#define RAMNUM 268435456
#define BUFFERSIZE 64
#define RAMNUM 134217728
#define ALLOW_BUFFER 1
void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigned long long maxLoop, FILE* file, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
void sortedRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigned long long maxLoop, FILE* file, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
unsigned long long startOffset, endOffset, currentOffset; //The interval is [startOffset, endOffset)
double startTot, start, end;
@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigne
while (currentOffset < endOffset)
unsigned long long elementsToRead = std::min(endOffset - currentOffset, static_cast<unsigned long long>(static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE))); //It's important to check because if the difference between endOffset and startOffset is smaller than BUFFERSIZE we don't have to read further
unsigned long long elementsRead = fread(buffer, sizeof(int64_t), elementsToRead, file);
unsigned long long elementsRead = fread(buffer, sizeof(int64_t), elementsToRead, file);//TODO
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < elementsRead; ++i)
@ -70,29 +68,29 @@ void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigne
while (currentOffset < endOffset && fread(&num, sizeof(int64_t), 1, file) == 1)
while (currentOffset < endOffset && fread(&num, sizeof(int64_t), 1, file) == 1)//TODO
end = MPI_Wtime();
std::cout << " " << end-start << "s" << " => Time to read file from offset " << startOffset << " to " << endOffset << " in Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << " memory" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << end-start << "s" << " => Time to read file from offset " << startOffset << " to " << endOffset << " in Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
start = MPI_Wtime();
sort(bigVect.begin(), bigVect.end());
end = MPI_Wtime();
std::cout << " " << end-start << "s" << " => Time to sort elements in Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << " memory" << std::endl;
start = MPI_Wtime();
std::string templateName = "/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun" + std::to_string(id) + "_XXXXXX"; //If absolute path does not exist the temporary file will not be created
std::string templateName = "/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun" + std::to_string(id) + "_XXXXXX"; //If absolute path does not exist the temporary file will not be created (mandatory 6 times X)
int tmpFile = mkstemp(&templateName[0]); //Create a temporary file based on template
if (tmpFile == -1)
std::cout << "Error creating temporary file" << std::endl;
start = MPI_Wtime();
for (unsigned long long i = 0; i < bigVect.size(); ++i) //Write the ordered number in a temp file
if (ALLOW_BUFFER) //Branch to test performance with and without buffer
@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigne
buffer[i % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE)] = bigVect[i];
if ((i + 1) % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE) == 0 || i == bigVect.size() - 1)
ssize_t tw = write(tmpFile, buffer, sizeof(int64_t) * ((i % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE)) + 1));
ssize_t tw = write(tmpFile, buffer, sizeof(int64_t) * ((i % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE)) + 1));//TODO
if (tw == -1)
std::cout << "Error writing to file" << std::endl;
@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigne
int64_t elem = bigVect[i];
ssize_t tw = write(tmpFile, &elem, sizeof(int64_t));
ssize_t tw = write(tmpFile, &elem, sizeof(int64_t));//TODO
if (tw == -1)
std::cout << "Error writing to file" << std::endl;
@ -119,6 +117,7 @@ void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigne
end = MPI_Wtime();
off_t sz = lseek(tmpFile, 0, SEEK_END);
if (sz == 0)
@ -138,23 +137,11 @@ void sortRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigne
std::cout << "Error closing the file" << std::endl;
end = MPI_Wtime();
std::cout << " " << end-start << "s" << " => Time to write '" << templateName << "' and fill it up with " << sz/8 << " sorted elements by Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
start = MPI_Wtime();
end = MPI_Wtime();
std::cout << end-startTot << "s" << " => Time function sortRuns() in Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
void snowPlowRuns(unsigned long long fileSize, unsigned long long sliceSize, unsigned long long maxLoop, FILE* file, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
std::cout << "Can't compute files of size bigger then " << static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM) * mpiSize / 134217728 << "Gb with " << mpiSize << " processes (currently file is " << fileSize / 134217728 << "Gb)" << std::endl;
maxLoop = (fileSize / (static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM) * mpiSize)) + 1;
sortRuns(fileSize, static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM), maxLoop, file, id, mpiRank, mpiSize);
std::cout << end-startTot << "s" << " => Time function sortedRuns() in Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
@ -201,10 +188,19 @@ void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
int fdFinal = open(finalFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); //Open the file for writing only, creating it if it doesn't exist and not overwrite if it exists
int fdFinal = open(finalFile.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); //Open the file for writing only, creating it if it doesn't exist and (add '| O_EXCL' near O_CREAT if want the next feature) not overwrite if it exists
if (fdFinal == -1)
std::cout << "Error opening or creating final file '" << finalFile << "' by Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
for (const std::string &fn : fns) //Remove all temporary files
if (unlink(&fn[0]) == -1)
std::cout << "Error unlinking file '" << fn << "' by Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
@ -213,16 +209,30 @@ void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
std::priority_queue<std::pair<int64_t, int>, std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, int>>, std::greater<std::pair<int64_t, int>>> minHeap; //Creating a Min Heap using a priority queue
int64_t tmpValue;
for (int fd : fds) //Populate the Min Heap with initial values from each file descriptor
int b=0;
for(int i = 0; i < RAMNUM/fileCount; i++)
if (read(fd, &tmpValue, sizeof(int64_t)) == sizeof(int64_t))
minHeap.push({tmpValue, fd});
for (int fd : fds) //Populate the Min Heap with initial values from each file descriptor
std::cout << "Error reading from file descriptor by Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
switch (read(fd, &tmpValue, sizeof(int64_t)))
case sizeof(int64_t):
minHeap.push({tmpValue, fd});
case 0:
b = 1;
std::cout << i << "Error reading size=" << sizeof(int64_t) << " from file descriptor by Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
if (b == 1)
std::cout << minHeap.size() << "=size heap" << std::endl;
int tmpfd;
int64_t tmpValue2;
@ -232,7 +242,7 @@ void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
tmpValue =;
tmpfd =;
if (read(tmpfd, &tmpValue2, sizeof(int64_t)) == sizeof(int64_t)) //Read another integer from the same file descriptor
if (read(tmpfd, &tmpValue2, sizeof(int64_t)) == sizeof(int64_t)) //Read another integer from the same file descriptor//TODO
minHeap.push({tmpValue2, tmpfd});
@ -240,7 +250,7 @@ void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
else //If no more values can be read
if (close(tmpfd) == -1)
if (fcntl(tmpfd, F_GETFD) == 1 && close(tmpfd) == -1)
std::cout << "Error closing the file descriptor by Process " << mpiRank+1 << "/" << mpiSize << std::endl;
@ -251,7 +261,7 @@ void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
buffer[i % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE)] = tmpValue;
if ((i + 1) % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE) == 0 || minHeap.empty())
ssize_t tw = write(fdFinal, buffer, sizeof(int64_t) * ((i % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE)) + 1));
ssize_t tw = write(fdFinal, buffer, sizeof(int64_t) * ((i % static_cast<unsigned long long>(BUFFERSIZE)) + 1));//TODO
if (tw == -1)
std::cout << "Error writing to file" << std::endl;
@ -262,13 +272,13 @@ void kMerge(const std::string &argFile, int id, int mpiRank, int mpiSize)
ssize_t tw = write(fdFinal, &tmpValue, sizeof(int64_t));
ssize_t tw = write(fdFinal, &tmpValue, sizeof(int64_t));//TODO
if (tw == -1)
std::cout << "Error writing to file" << std::endl;
for (const std::string &fn : fns) //Remove all temporary files after merging them
@ -305,7 +315,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (mpiRank == 0)
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <file_to_parse>" << std::endl;
std::cout << "It returns a file with extension '.sort' in the same directory of the not-parsed one. Make sure to have space before." << std::endl;
std::cout << "It returns a file with extension '.sort' in the /mnt/raid/tmp/ directory. Make sure to have space before." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Use arguments in the make as ARGS=\"stuff\". Example 'make run ARGS=\"/path/to/file\"'." << std::endl;
MPI_Finalize(); //Clean up the MPI environment
@ -323,23 +333,25 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
fileSize = ftell(file) / 8; //Size in bytes of the file, correspond to the number of numbers to parse. Each number is 8 bytes
if (mpiRank == 0)
std::cout << "Sorting file '" << argv[1] << "' of " << fileSize << " elements" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Using " << mpiSize << " nodes for sorting " << (fileSize/134217728 > 1 ? fileSize/134217728 : fileSize/131072) << (fileSize/134217728 > 1 ? "Gb" : "Mb") << " file '" << argv[1] << "' of " << fileSize << " elements" << std::endl << std::endl;
//Load balancer
if (fileSize < static_cast<unsigned long long>(CACHENUM)) //Can add more granularity considering efficiency, now is used by default all nodes
slices = 1;
else if (fileSize < (static_cast<unsigned long long>(CACHENUM) * mpiSize))
slices = mpiSize;
else if (fileSize < ((unsigned long long) static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM) * mpiSize))
if (fileSize < ((unsigned long long) static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM) * mpiSize)) //Can add more granularity considering efficiency, now is used by default all nodes
slices = mpiSize;
slices = mpiSize;
sliceSize = (fileSize / slices) + 1; //Each process divides a number of 8-byte integers based on the size of the starting file
sliceSize = (fileSize / slices); //Each process divides a number of 8-byte integers based on the size of the starting file
maxLoop = 1;
if (sliceSize > static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM))
snowPlowRuns(fileSize, sliceSize, maxLoop, file, id, mpiRank, mpiSize);
maxLoop = (fileSize / (static_cast<unsigned long long>(RAMNUM) * mpiSize)) + 1;
sliceSize = (fileSize / maxLoop);
sortedRuns(fileSize, sliceSize + 1, maxLoop, file, id, mpiRank, mpiSize);
sortRuns(fileSize, sliceSize, maxLoop, file, id, mpiRank, mpiSize);
sortedRuns(fileSize, sliceSize + 1, maxLoop, file, id, mpiRank, mpiSize);
MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //Blocks the caller until all processes in the communicator have called it
@ -350,10 +362,6 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
endGlobal = MPI_Wtime();
std::cout << (endGlobal-startGlobal)/60.0 << "min" << " => FULL EXECUTION TIME" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl << "To visualize binary files in bash can be used:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format" << std::endl;
std::cout << "od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format" << std::endl;
std::cout << "od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format" << std::endl;
MPI_Finalize(); //Clean up the MPI environment
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
17.0484s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
390.915s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
113.75s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1431_bFpTPZ' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
547.755s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0320882s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.buf.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
17.121s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
390.887s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
110.574s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6327_MVRb4v' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
530.367s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.070604s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.buf.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
37.56s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
391.047s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
670.79s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun893_Xz6Dhe' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1102.66s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0324358s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
38.1031s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
392.089s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
671.833s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9652_2tfls5' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1109.1s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0626567s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
37.6609s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
391.111s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
667.1s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4681_YommZF' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1099.93s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0731785s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
38.0441s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
391.383s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
664.489s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9714_jat8Lq' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1098.15s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0603253s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
38.032s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
390.928s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
664.397s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5738_IEKHZr' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1096.43s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0872179s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
41.8038s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
391.177s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
686.758s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9103_TKVByb' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1126.5s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.101134s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Using 1 nodes for sorting 1024Mb file '/mnt/raid/testlists/__134217728.bin' of 134217728 elements
38.2192s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 134217729 in Process 1/1
391.569s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
681.192s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8694_k0Fm6B' and fill it up with 134217728 sorted elements by Process 1/1
1117.01s => Time function sortedRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
0.0805095s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/__134217728.bin.sort'

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 1 nodes
1.55336s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2097153 in Process 1/1
4.81169s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
2.92035s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5329_zaCj6x' and fill it up with 2097152 sorted elements by Process 1/1
9.2862s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
7.0683s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.273188min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 2 nodes
0.128706s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1048577 in Process 1/2
0.733598s => Time to read file from offset 1048577 to 2097154 in Process 2/2
2.30546s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/2 memory
2.29961s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/2 memory
1.59152s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7179_M4MH3D' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 1/2
4.02627s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/2
1.60468s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7179_gDn6yX' and fill it up with 1048575 sorted elements by Process 2/2
4.63928s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/2
Starting the merge process for 2 files
8.5407s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/2
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.220368min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 3 nodes
0.0850972s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 699051 in Process 1/3
0.544419s => Time to read file from offset 699051 to 1398102 in Process 2/3
0.732456s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 2097153 in Process 3/3
1.47231s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/3 memory
1.47153s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/3 memory
1.49376s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/3 memory
1.05572s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7471_eT3lgE' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 1/3
2.61365s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/3
1.1381s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7471_O0ujGn' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 2/3
3.15566s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/3
1.38727s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7471_fpfJpt' and fill it up with 699050 sorted elements by Process 3/3
3.61417s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/3
Starting the merge process for 3 files
9.53482s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/3
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.219849min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 4 nodes
0.0644231s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 524289 in Process 1/4
0.436188s => Time to read file from offset 524289 to 1048578 in Process 2/4
0.628058s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1572867 in Process 3/4
0.731893s => Time to read file from offset 1572867 to 2097156 in Process 4/4
1.09779s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/4 memory
1.08238s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/4 memory
1.10373s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/4 memory
1.08906s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/4 memory
0.854046s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3944_HzJLqb' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 1/4
2.01682s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/4
0.929902s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3944_CgjTid' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 2/4
2.44917s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/4
1.46054s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3944_Voy2zd' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 3/4
3.19304s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/4
1.37187s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3944_zSQnnG' and fill it up with 524285 sorted elements by Process 4/4
3.19433s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/4
Starting the merge process for 4 files
10.1488s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/4
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.223173min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 5 nodes
0.051964s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 419431 in Process 1/5
0.348689s => Time to read file from offset 419431 to 838862 in Process 2/5
0.529507s => Time to read file from offset 838862 to 1258293 in Process 3/5
0.671281s => Time to read file from offset 1258293 to 1677724 in Process 4/5
0.759353s => Time to read file from offset 1677724 to 2097155 in Process 5/5
0.868976s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/5 memory
0.852595s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/5 memory
0.865393s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/5 memory
0.858516s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/5 memory
0.687074s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9835_XfgPik' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 1/5
1.60919s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/5
0.855723s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/5 memory
1.50543s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9835_WJW5rZ' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 2/5
2.70769s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/5
1.77991s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9835_MZ2rMe' and fill it up with 419428 sorted elements by Process 5/5
3.3964s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/5
2.00032s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9835_XbrPTD' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 3/5
3.39591s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/5
1.85321s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9835_03ryOg' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 4/5
3.3837s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/5
Starting the merge process for 5 files
11.002s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/5
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.240928min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 6 nodes
0.0426593s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 349526 in Process 1/6
0.282711s => Time to read file from offset 349526 to 699052 in Process 2/6
0.447379s => Time to read file from offset 699052 to 1048578 in Process 3/6
0.594766s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1398104 in Process 4/6
0.693445s => Time to read file from offset 1398104 to 1747630 in Process 5/6
0.71376s => Time to read file from offset 1747630 to 2097156 in Process 6/6
0.727742s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/6 memory
0.702092s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/6 memory
0.701777s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/6 memory
0.700457s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/6 memory
0.702775s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/6 memory
0.628841s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2830_csDhAI' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 1/6
1.39993s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/6
0.704515s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/6 memory
0.626908s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2830_d4SfJ2' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 2/6
1.6124s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/6
1.83578s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2830_WcbkaL' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 4/6
3.13187s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/6
1.74718s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2830_QLBbnK' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 5/6
3.14429s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/6
1.99544s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2830_CR3iQd' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 3/6
3.14615s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/6
1.74808s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2830_xcQJwF' and fill it up with 349522 sorted elements by Process 6/6
3.16747s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/6
Starting the merge process for 6 files
10.5902s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/6
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.230275min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 7 nodes
0.0368362s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 299594 in Process 1/7
0.250494s => Time to read file from offset 299594 to 599188 in Process 2/7
0.421546s => Time to read file from offset 599188 to 898782 in Process 3/7
0.54048s => Time to read file from offset 898782 to 1198376 in Process 4/7
0.615365s => Time to read file from offset 1198376 to 1497970 in Process 5/7
0.595654s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/7 memory
0.694093s => Time to read file from offset 1497970 to 1797564 in Process 6/7
0.718412s => Time to read file from offset 1797564 to 2097158 in Process 7/7
0.609429s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/7 memory
0.594586s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/7 memory
0.604903s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/7 memory
0.553601s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_ofAcDZ' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 1/7
1.18671s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/7
0.595697s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/7 memory
0.605447s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/7 memory
0.608357s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/7 memory
0.561715s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_gTY0l5' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 2/7
1.42235s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/7
1.51334s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_skIHtE' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 3/7
2.53018s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/7
1.848s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_Id3AYf' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 4/7
2.99406s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/7
1.68916s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_FKiQVf' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 6/7
2.98968s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/7
1.79144s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_QJQDsn' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 5/7
3.00324s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/7
1.66405s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7747_Ka95wU' and fill it up with 299588 sorted elements by Process 7/7
2.99164s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/7
Starting the merge process for 7 files
11.3434s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/7
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.240075min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 8 nodes
0.0323183s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 262145 in Process 1/8
0.219817s => Time to read file from offset 262145 to 524290 in Process 2/8
0.365825s => Time to read file from offset 524290 to 786435 in Process 3/8
0.501616s => Time to read file from offset 786435 to 1048580 in Process 4/8
0.535023s => Time to read file from offset 1048580 to 1310725 in Process 5/8
0.515927s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/8 memory
0.661565s => Time to read file from offset 1310725 to 1572870 in Process 6/8
0.681704s => Time to read file from offset 1572870 to 1835015 in Process 7/8
0.711228s => Time to read file from offset 1835015 to 2097160 in Process 8/8
0.523069s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/8 memory
0.516354s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/8 memory
0.516948s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/8 memory
0.513327s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/8 memory
0.514069s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/8 memory
0.515431s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/8 memory
0.518689s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/8 memory
0.755984s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_XXxytB' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 1/8
1.30481s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/8
0.546722s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_ZleWom' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 2/8
1.29116s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/8
1.18444s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_XUlzsf' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 3/8
2.06733s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/8
1.30239s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_P5dEHG' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 4/8
2.32191s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/8
1.71827s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_3dIZAn' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 7/8
1.88104s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_DyNGEL' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 5/8
2.93011s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/8
1.67376s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_v1ni3F' and fill it up with 262137 sorted elements by Process 8/8
2.90454s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/8
1.73818s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2934_kEvCTH' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 6/8
2.91469s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/8
2.91685s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/8
Starting the merge process for 8 files
11.3096s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/8
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.238131min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 9 nodes
0.0290668s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 233017 in Process 1/9
0.20358s => Time to read file from offset 233017 to 466034 in Process 2/9
0.34039s => Time to read file from offset 466034 to 699051 in Process 3/9
0.455337s => Time to read file from offset 699051 to 932068 in Process 4/9
0.45945s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/9 memory
0.544861s => Time to read file from offset 932068 to 1165085 in Process 5/9
0.609802s => Time to read file from offset 1165085 to 1398102 in Process 6/9
0.460017s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/9 memory
0.682952s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 1631119 in Process 7/9
0.729694s => Time to read file from offset 1631119 to 1864136 in Process 8/9
0.806835s => Time to read file from offset 1864136 to 2097153 in Process 9/9
0.454239s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/9 memory
0.459208s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/9 memory
0.482676s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_rIF5O5' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 1/9
0.971754s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/9
0.458422s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/9 memory
0.455087s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/9 memory
0.469134s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/9 memory
0.460898s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/9 memory
0.456899s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/9 memory
0.673303s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_l7IGDU' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 2/9
1.3378s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/9
1.33861s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_M2EPQm' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 5/9
1.40741s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_I0ITz9' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 4/9
2.32291s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/9
1.53575s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_zHULXE' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 3/9
2.3311s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/9
2.34337s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/9
1.50165s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_uRGdDb' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 8/9
1.63968s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_JHHXNe' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 6/9
2.70528s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/9
1.45031s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_gNv6D1' and fill it up with 233016 sorted elements by Process 9/9
2.71563s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/9
2.69376s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/9
1.54993s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1550_MJUa6W' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 7/9
2.70276s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/9
Starting the merge process for 9 files
11.8394s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/9
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.243453min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 10 nodes
0.0287652s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 209716 in Process 1/10
0.181072s => Time to read file from offset 209716 to 419432 in Process 2/10
0.311885s => Time to read file from offset 419432 to 629148 in Process 3/10
0.409894s => Time to read file from offset 629148 to 838864 in Process 4/10
0.415498s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/10 memory
0.478388s => Time to read file from offset 838864 to 1048580 in Process 5/10
0.584191s => Time to read file from offset 1048580 to 1258296 in Process 6/10
0.404291s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/10 memory
0.634917s => Time to read file from offset 1258296 to 1468012 in Process 7/10
0.678129s => Time to read file from offset 1468012 to 1677728 in Process 8/10
0.403644s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/10 memory
0.725146s => Time to read file from offset 1677728 to 1887444 in Process 9/10
0.825566s => Time to read file from offset 1887444 to 2097160 in Process 10/10
0.405265s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/10 memory
0.408438s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/10 memory
0.405018s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/10 memory
0.401288s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/10 memory
0.649938s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_GZcXSY' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 1/10
1.09476s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/10
0.409649s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/10 memory
0.404082s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/10 memory
0.534783s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_7x92Rn' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 2/10
1.12086s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/10
0.414293s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/10 memory
0.576985s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_iyzfRg' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 3/10
1.2932s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/10
1.19508s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_TkLVFA' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 4/10
2.01155s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/10
1.40416s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_k49BxR' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 5/10
2.29187s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/10
1.51646s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_eH9GXD' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 6/10
2.50733s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/10
1.64942s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_F7xueB' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 8/10
2.73805s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/10
1.71347s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_U8rX6n' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 7/10
2.75033s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/10
1.50546s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_Jjx634' and fill it up with 209708 sorted elements by Process 10/10
2.74619s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/10
1.62967s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7153_VwaDzt' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 9/10
2.75962s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/10
Starting the merge process for 10 files
11.6886s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/10
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.241643min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 11 nodes
0.0264835s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 190651 in Process 1/11
0.158391s => Time to read file from offset 190651 to 381302 in Process 2/11
0.272817s => Time to read file from offset 381302 to 571953 in Process 3/11
0.364631s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/11 memory
0.37933s => Time to read file from offset 571953 to 762604 in Process 4/11
0.429132s => Time to read file from offset 762604 to 953255 in Process 5/11
0.363657s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/11 memory
0.549877s => Time to read file from offset 953255 to 1143906 in Process 6/11
0.611082s => Time to read file from offset 1143906 to 1334557 in Process 7/11
0.365061s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/11 memory
0.650798s => Time to read file from offset 1334557 to 1525208 in Process 8/11
0.677218s => Time to read file from offset 1525208 to 1715859 in Process 9/11
0.730638s => Time to read file from offset 1715859 to 1906510 in Process 10/11
0.370906s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/11 memory
0.761723s => Time to read file from offset 1906510 to 2097161 in Process 11/11
0.36506s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/11 memory
0.366594s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/11 memory
0.573371s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_LLFZyD' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 1/11
0.9651s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/11
0.372209s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/11 memory
0.47243s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_8J7Uf0' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 2/11
0.995189s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/11
0.366306s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/11 memory
0.36151s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/11 memory
0.375434s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/11 memory
0.372056s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/11 memory
0.784209s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_1BEWNV' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 3/11
1.42279s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/11
1.16557s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_XZCdI6' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 4/11
1.91654s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/11
1.46537s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_e4L9Xt' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 5/11
2.26058s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/11
1.73912s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_LbhXba' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 6/11
2.65625s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/11
1.6711s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_40QM1V' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 7/11
2.65544s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/11
1.62752s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_bo5Ag6' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 8/11
2.64556s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/11
1.54627s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_JgMGfw' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 10/11
2.65317s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/11
1.62661s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_84fh1Y' and fill it up with 190651 sorted elements by Process 9/11
2.6661s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/11
1.51964s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3312_z5pcbq' and fill it up with 190642 sorted elements by Process 11/11
2.65476s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/11
Starting the merge process for 11 files
12.2124s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/11
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.248929min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 12 nodes
0.0219438s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 174763 in Process 1/12
0.1558s => Time to read file from offset 174763 to 349526 in Process 2/12
0.262539s => Time to read file from offset 349526 to 524289 in Process 3/12
0.341265s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/12 memory
0.349329s => Time to read file from offset 524289 to 699052 in Process 4/12
0.395106s => Time to read file from offset 699052 to 873815 in Process 5/12
0.334737s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/12 memory
0.521841s => Time to read file from offset 873815 to 1048578 in Process 6/12
0.564311s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1223341 in Process 7/12
0.336615s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/12 memory
0.62727s => Time to read file from offset 1223341 to 1398104 in Process 8/12
0.661377s => Time to read file from offset 1398104 to 1572867 in Process 9/12
0.684018s => Time to read file from offset 1572867 to 1747630 in Process 10/12
0.334581s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/12 memory
0.707242s => Time to read file from offset 1747630 to 1922393 in Process 11/12
0.333248s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/12 memory
0.730774s => Time to read file from offset 1922393 to 2097156 in Process 12/12
0.337026s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/12 memory
0.33819s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/12 memory
0.580725s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_MnDgfv' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 1/12
0.944557s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/12
0.33508s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/12 memory
0.333548s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/12 memory
0.495938s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_GzacvL' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 2/12
0.987149s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/12
0.329823s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/12 memory
0.330709s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/12 memory
0.346918s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/12 memory
0.771813s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_tPWf7t' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 3/12
1.37268s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/12
1.45615s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_qHQFLA' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 4/12
2.1408s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/12
1.52303s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_NL1pWW' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 5/12
2.25211s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/12
1.66074s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_lJcEoC' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 6/12
1.54734s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_F0vX7z' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 8/12
2.51041s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/12
2.52129s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/12
1.62008s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_vLr6dn' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 7/12
2.52404s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/12
1.54874s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_8TcBkJ' and fill it up with 174759 sorted elements by Process 12/12
1.65349s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_z1h71o' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 9/12
2.64915s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/12
1.62056s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_AqyJf2' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 10/12
2.63507s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/12
1.59654s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8513_M3Vmm1' and fill it up with 174763 sorted elements by Process 11/12
2.63557s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/12
2.62815s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/12
Starting the merge process for 12 files
11.8057s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/12
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.241987min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 13 nodes
0.0220922s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 161320 in Process 1/13
0.133227s => Time to read file from offset 161320 to 322640 in Process 2/13
0.243639s => Time to read file from offset 322640 to 483960 in Process 3/13
0.309482s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/13 memory
0.334336s => Time to read file from offset 483960 to 645280 in Process 4/13
0.40566s => Time to read file from offset 645280 to 806600 in Process 5/13
0.306868s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/13 memory
0.483135s => Time to read file from offset 806600 to 967920 in Process 6/13
0.303829s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/13 memory
0.554656s => Time to read file from offset 967920 to 1129240 in Process 7/13
0.585537s => Time to read file from offset 1290560 to 1451880 in Process 9/13
0.59908s => Time to read file from offset 1129240 to 1290560 in Process 8/13
0.311528s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/13 memory
0.675439s => Time to read file from offset 1451880 to 1613200 in Process 10/13
0.694015s => Time to read file from offset 1613200 to 1774520 in Process 11/13
0.697816s => Time to read file from offset 1774520 to 1935840 in Process 12/13
0.309039s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/13 memory
0.737258s => Time to read file from offset 1935840 to 2097160 in Process 13/13
0.319055s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/13 memory
0.303972s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/13 memory
0.559971s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_oDoqIm' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 1/13
0.892111s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/13
0.316765s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/13 memory
0.311036s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/13 memory
0.309439s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/13 memory
0.307719s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/13 memory
0.313437s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/13 memory
0.596755s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_Ks2bEy' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 2/13
1.03758s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/13
0.491148s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_bCMxWd' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 3/13
1.0403s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/13
0.304788s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/13 memory
1.51862s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_1Tsvpa' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 4/13
2.16516s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/13
1.46088s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_ons9Rs' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 5/13
2.17631s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/13
1.32488s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_YPqY7z' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 11/13
2.32746s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/13
1.62757s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_001uPc' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 6/13
2.43071s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/13
1.56841s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_3zk32R' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 7/13
2.42776s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/13
1.53983s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_C4te3U' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 9/13
2.44394s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/13
1.77622s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_hQqXO7' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 8/13
2.68738s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/13
1.71298s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_ljzSiB' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 10/13
2.69856s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/13
1.67229s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_FfXFaf' and fill it up with 161320 sorted elements by Process 12/13
2.68471s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/13
1.65783s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7987_ETzofs' and fill it up with 161312 sorted elements by Process 13/13
2.70071s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/13
Starting the merge process for 13 files
12.4896s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/13
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.254316min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 14 nodes
0.018652s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 149797 in Process 1/14
0.127643s => Time to read file from offset 149797 to 299594 in Process 2/14
0.207176s => Time to read file from offset 299594 to 449391 in Process 3/14
0.289072s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/14 memory
0.309609s => Time to read file from offset 449391 to 599188 in Process 4/14
0.380913s => Time to read file from offset 599188 to 748985 in Process 5/14
0.29308s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/14 memory
0.453634s => Time to read file from offset 748985 to 898782 in Process 6/14
0.291554s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/14 memory
0.51746s => Time to read file from offset 898782 to 1048579 in Process 7/14
0.539241s => Time to read file from offset 1198376 to 1348173 in Process 9/14
0.569964s => Time to read file from offset 1048579 to 1198376 in Process 8/14
0.286012s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/14 memory
0.655926s => Time to read file from offset 1348173 to 1497970 in Process 10/14
0.289035s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/14 memory
0.392447s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_tDhLAc' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 1/14
0.700763s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/14
0.690108s => Time to read file from offset 1497970 to 1647767 in Process 11/14
0.707668s => Time to read file from offset 1647767 to 1797564 in Process 12/14
0.718207s => Time to read file from offset 1797564 to 1947361 in Process 13/14
0.727011s => Time to read file from offset 1947361 to 2097158 in Process 14/14
0.284899s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/14 memory
0.286994s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/14 memory
0.288658s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/14 memory
0.392519s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_gwrgyj' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 2/14
0.814407s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/14
0.283108s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/14 memory
0.2822s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/14 memory
0.286451s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/14 memory
0.281867s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/14 memory
0.285664s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/14 memory
0.279937s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/14 memory
0.638761s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_BwcPKI' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 3/14
1.13843s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/14
1.20042s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_QuDKoi' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 7/14
2.00585s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/14
1.33374s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_axOZiY' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 5/14
2.00449s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/14
1.39906s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_13y01J' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 4/14
1.99537s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/14
1.25595s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_Xy2qTG' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 6/14
1.99518s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/14
1.63661s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_jlsokn' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 9/14
2.46531s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/14
1.47633s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_S96E3n' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 11/14
2.4536s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/14
1.56491s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_ejWXp7' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 10/14
2.50475s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/14
1.49233s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_S8pSas' and fill it up with 149791 sorted elements by Process 14/14
1.51023s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_mH3fyM' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 12/14
1.64674s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_GFK4dC' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 8/14
2.50073s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/14
1.49423s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9651_nN1IgT' and fill it up with 149797 sorted elements by Process 13/14
2.49901s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/14
2.5015s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/14
2.50057s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/14
Starting the merge process for 14 files
11.9748s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/14
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.242654min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 15 nodes
0.0175997s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 139811 in Process 1/15
0.123865s => Time to read file from offset 139811 to 279622 in Process 2/15
0.206827s => Time to read file from offset 279622 to 419433 in Process 3/15
0.262859s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/15 memory
0.284614s => Time to read file from offset 419433 to 559244 in Process 4/15
0.362509s => Time to read file from offset 559244 to 699055 in Process 5/15
0.264208s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/15 memory
0.435413s => Time to read file from offset 699055 to 838866 in Process 6/15
0.262408s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/15 memory
0.492544s => Time to read file from offset 838866 to 978677 in Process 7/15
0.533891s => Time to read file from offset 1118488 to 1258299 in Process 9/15
0.266512s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/15 memory
0.560994s => Time to read file from offset 978677 to 1118488 in Process 8/15
0.265167s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/15 memory
0.639657s => Time to read file from offset 1258299 to 1398110 in Process 10/15
0.669665s => Time to read file from offset 1398110 to 1537921 in Process 11/15
0.262628s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/15 memory
0.701578s => Time to read file from offset 1537921 to 1677732 in Process 12/15
0.724614s => Time to read file from offset 1677732 to 1817543 in Process 13/15
0.484422s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_IG8tBl' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 1/15
0.765626s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/15
0.755684s => Time to read file from offset 1817543 to 1957354 in Process 14/15
0.263381s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/15 memory
0.759481s => Time to read file from offset 1957354 to 2097165 in Process 15/15
0.260942s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/15 memory
0.266368s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/15 memory
0.262329s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/15 memory
0.267417s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/15 memory
0.571842s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_2LEtJ6' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 2/15
0.960663s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/15
0.490624s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_MX3lbn' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 3/15
0.960677s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/15
0.263713s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/15 memory
0.26235s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/15 memory
0.263777s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/15 memory
0.274236s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/15 memory
1.08423s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_5rloxb' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 4/15
1.6361s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/15
2.01651s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_zvrUn9' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 6/15
2.71527s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/15
1.95582s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_WwXDsU' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 7/15
2.71262s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/15
1.89109s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_Z2gRI7' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 8/15
2.71935s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/15
1.82365s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_GtCPiy' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 10/15
2.72654s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/15
1.94169s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_n56PcT' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 9/15
2.7374s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/15
1.78437s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_XbrRfl' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 11/15
2.72215s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/15
2.09628s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_jxMYgq' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 5/15
2.72557s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/15
1.75919s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_gi0kJb' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 12/15
2.72531s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/15
2.02218s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_iMZSzv' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 13/15
3.01002s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/15
1.9697s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_DxqTl1' and fill it up with 139811 sorted elements by Process 14/15
1.97187s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6809_CDtKVt' and fill it up with 139798 sorted elements by Process 15/15
2.99583s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/15
3.00064s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/15
Starting the merge process for 15 files
12.4575s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/15
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.258966min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 16 nodes
0.0163537s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 131073 in Process 1/16
0.0915996s => Time to read file from offset 131073 to 262146 in Process 2/16
0.1718s => Time to read file from offset 262146 to 393219 in Process 3/16
0.251615s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/16 memory
0.246904s => Time to read file from offset 393219 to 524292 in Process 4/16
0.315967s => Time to read file from offset 524292 to 655365 in Process 5/16
0.250474s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/16 memory
0.244325s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/16 memory
0.451479s => Time to read file from offset 1048584 to 1179657 in Process 9/16
0.433s => Time to read file from offset 786438 to 917511 in Process 7/16
0.472729s => Time to read file from offset 917511 to 1048584 in Process 8/16
0.243911s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/16 memory
0.252941s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/16 memory
0.583317s => Time to read file from offset 1179657 to 1310730 in Process 10/16
0.619626s => Time to read file from offset 1310730 to 1441803 in Process 11/16
0.622523s => Time to read file from offset 655365 to 786438 in Process 6/16
0.638601s => Time to read file from offset 1441803 to 1572876 in Process 12/16
0.669805s => Time to read file from offset 1572876 to 1703949 in Process 13/16
0.248387s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/16 memory
0.24816s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/16 memory
0.68876s => Time to read file from offset 1703949 to 1835022 in Process 14/16
0.712548s => Time to read file from offset 1835022 to 1966095 in Process 15/16
0.484309s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_y7y21j' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 1/16
0.753363s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/16
0.248307s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/16 memory
0.739786s => Time to read file from offset 1966095 to 2097168 in Process 16/16
0.249254s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/16 memory
0.252062s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/16 memory
0.247056s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/16 memory
0.248295s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/16 memory
0.253578s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/16 memory
0.582485s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_XtvFWV' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 2/16
0.925613s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/16
0.513157s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_gODLLP' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 3/16
0.929986s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/16
0.25034s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/16 memory
0.248242s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/16 memory
0.254525s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/16 memory
1.21767s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_dHfkNJ' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 4/16
1.70916s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/16
1.45162s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_nkq9St' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 7/16
2.13356s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/16
1.45383s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_xWdHEl' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 9/16
2.15443s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/16
1.57452s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_CGf7DZ' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 5/16
2.14416s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/16
1.58297s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_csfym0' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 15/16
1.81001s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_gL251C' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 8/16
1.72051s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_BtXUS4' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 10/16
2.55395s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/16
1.65151s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_xasVKO' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 12/16
2.53922s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/16
2.5455s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/16
2.53263s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/16
1.77218s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_MQ29ZD' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 6/16
2.64245s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/16
1.70239s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_mCbUEw' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 14/16
2.64263s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/16
1.61832s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_RmyzCm' and fill it up with 131057 sorted elements by Process 16/16
2.61362s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/16
1.7825s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_5m0xIr' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 11/16
2.65504s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/16
1.7636s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8781_g9a2dT' and fill it up with 131073 sorted elements by Process 13/16
2.68855s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/16
Starting the merge process for 16 files
12.9505s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/16
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.261906min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 17 nodes
0.0160833s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 123362 in Process 1/17
0.102583s => Time to read file from offset 123362 to 246724 in Process 2/17
0.178759s => Time to read file from offset 246724 to 370086 in Process 3/17
0.232244s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/17 memory
0.241729s => Time to read file from offset 370086 to 493448 in Process 4/17
0.306873s => Time to read file from offset 493448 to 616810 in Process 5/17
0.230586s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/17 memory
0.228926s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/17 memory
0.421909s => Time to read file from offset 740172 to 863534 in Process 7/17
0.235056s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/17 memory
0.470938s => Time to read file from offset 863534 to 986896 in Process 8/17
0.511805s => Time to read file from offset 986896 to 1110258 in Process 9/17
0.234213s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/17 memory
0.563605s => Time to read file from offset 1110258 to 1233620 in Process 10/17
0.560061s => Time to read file from offset 616810 to 740172 in Process 6/17
0.620901s => Time to read file from offset 1233620 to 1356982 in Process 11/17
0.626965s => Time to read file from offset 1480344 to 1603706 in Process 13/17
0.641883s => Time to read file from offset 1603706 to 1727068 in Process 14/17
0.229853s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/17 memory
0.683312s => Time to read file from offset 1356982 to 1480344 in Process 12/17
0.725276s => Time to read file from offset 1973792 to 2097154 in Process 17/17
0.230655s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/17 memory
0.71459s => Time to read file from offset 1727068 to 1850430 in Process 15/17
0.229873s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/17 memory
0.53195s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_2sLr9A' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 1/17
0.780858s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/17
0.739493s => Time to read file from offset 1850430 to 1973792 in Process 16/17
0.232399s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/17 memory
0.229147s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/17 memory
0.231393s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/17 memory
0.227185s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/17 memory
0.527768s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_GCkbgO' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 2/17
0.861813s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/17
0.451981s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_OTkEEs' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 3/17
0.860647s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/17
0.2299s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/17 memory
0.236942s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/17 memory
0.239285s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/17 memory
0.234323s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/17 memory
0.23016s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/17 memory
0.700391s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_0CQzid' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 4/17
1.17794s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/17
1.20923s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_No9WRs' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 5/17
1.75107s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/17
1.36707s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_N1Pgw4' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 6/17
2.15705s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/17
1.4429s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_lANvn5' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 8/17
2.14523s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/17
1.55744s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_eTM74d' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 12/17
2.47934s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/17
1.75869s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_jGFzHR' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 9/17
2.50117s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/17
1.69234s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_sk38ov' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 10/17
2.48926s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/17
1.63708s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_uUe8cS' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 11/17
2.49024s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/17
1.82634s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_Nxv43V' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 7/17
2.47885s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/17
1.63408s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_PMTaKx' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 13/17
2.48927s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/17
1.76394s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_qPk3SW' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 14/17
2.63762s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/17
1.63942s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_Z69dCL' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 16/17
2.60977s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/17
1.72993s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_DEDDuc' and fill it up with 123360 sorted elements by Process 17/17
2.69602s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/17
1.72292s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8769_NEmcyu' and fill it up with 123362 sorted elements by Process 15/17
2.67273s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/17
Starting the merge process for 17 files
13.2612s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/17
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.267079min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 18 nodes
0.0146413s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 116509 in Process 1/18
0.091301s => Time to read file from offset 116509 to 233018 in Process 2/18
0.153367s => Time to read file from offset 233018 to 349527 in Process 3/18
0.220331s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/18 memory
0.218401s => Time to read file from offset 349527 to 466036 in Process 4/18
0.258328s => Time to read file from offset 466036 to 582545 in Process 5/18
0.218405s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/18 memory
0.215704s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/18 memory
0.368538s => Time to read file from offset 699054 to 815563 in Process 7/18
0.395725s => Time to read file from offset 932072 to 1048581 in Process 9/18
0.409796s => Time to read file from offset 815563 to 932072 in Process 8/18
0.21628s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/18 memory
0.217838s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/18 memory
0.492038s => Time to read file from offset 1048581 to 1165090 in Process 10/18
0.53411s => Time to read file from offset 1165090 to 1281599 in Process 11/18
0.566272s => Time to read file from offset 582545 to 699054 in Process 6/18
0.581206s => Time to read file from offset 1398108 to 1514617 in Process 13/18
0.361511s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_3qB3IR' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 1/18
0.59705s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/18
0.216036s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/18 memory
0.222614s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/18 memory
0.597592s => Time to read file from offset 1514617 to 1631126 in Process 14/18
0.630116s => Time to read file from offset 1631126 to 1747635 in Process 15/18
0.219656s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/18 memory
0.668177s => Time to read file from offset 1864144 to 1980653 in Process 17/18
0.637597s => Time to read file from offset 1281599 to 1398108 in Process 12/18
0.221045s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/18 memory
0.218498s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/18 memory
0.732827s => Time to read file from offset 1747635 to 1864144 in Process 16/18
0.784502s => Time to read file from offset 1980653 to 2097162 in Process 18/18
0.42312s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_9v0yq1' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 3/18
0.793218s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/18
0.216692s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/18 memory
0.221386s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/18 memory
0.21958s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/18 memory
0.21782s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/18 memory
0.225416s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/18 memory
0.219678s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/18 memory
0.633467s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_Qg6UnA' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 2/18
0.94389s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/18
0.519773s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_nsAcoG' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 4/18
0.955268s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/18
0.227663s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/18 memory
0.220911s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/18 memory
0.844312s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_8xZdy6' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 5/18
1.32196s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/18
1.40281s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_rHUNfK' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 17/18
2.29727s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/18
1.67991s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_wWMkuo' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 9/18
2.29901s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/18
1.53462s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_z44B8f' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 11/18
2.28812s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/18
1.63215s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_SXH2mF' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 8/18
2.26232s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/18
1.57017s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_Mqn6fX' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 10/18
1.69405s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_i7iGCw' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 7/18
2.27941s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/18
1.27919s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_cSIoLA' and fill it up with 116499 sorted elements by Process 18/18
2.28467s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/18
2.28696s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/18
1.85727s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_C5gI3B' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 6/18
2.64091s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/18
1.95596s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_HVmh52' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 13/18
2.75933s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/18
1.83908s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_JMhv6I' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 12/18
2.69704s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/18
1.90057s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_RgxRr0' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 15/18
2.74937s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/18
1.92942s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_ujdZ8s' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 14/18
1.76582s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8612_m3Krpg' and fill it up with 116509 sorted elements by Process 16/18
2.72713s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/18
2.74833s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/18
Starting the merge process for 18 files
12.5754s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/18
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.257042min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 19 nodes
0.0141093s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 110377 in Process 1/19
0.0827428s => Time to read file from offset 110377 to 220754 in Process 2/19
0.159445s => Time to read file from offset 220754 to 331131 in Process 3/19
0.206363s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/19 memory
0.205238s => Time to read file from offset 331131 to 441508 in Process 4/19
0.26504s => Time to read file from offset 441508 to 551885 in Process 5/19
0.207322s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/19 memory
0.206507s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/19 memory
0.359756s => Time to read file from offset 662262 to 772639 in Process 7/19
0.42271s => Time to read file from offset 883016 to 993393 in Process 9/19
0.402339s => Time to read file from offset 772639 to 883016 in Process 8/19
0.20945s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/19 memory
0.201668s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/19 memory
0.489648s => Time to read file from offset 993393 to 1103770 in Process 10/19
0.510365s => Time to read file from offset 551885 to 662262 in Process 6/19
0.52142s => Time to read file from offset 1103770 to 1214147 in Process 11/19
0.202133s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/19 memory
0.57694s => Time to read file from offset 1324524 to 1434901 in Process 13/19
0.600548s => Time to read file from offset 1434901 to 1545278 in Process 14/19
0.404812s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_V6hF0c' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 1/19
0.625865s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/19
0.206045s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/19 memory
0.334774s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_msGmik' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 2/19
0.625585s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/19
0.615876s => Time to read file from offset 1545278 to 1655655 in Process 15/19
0.20484s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/19 memory
0.645398s => Time to read file from offset 1766032 to 1876409 in Process 17/19
0.671737s => Time to read file from offset 1986786 to 2097163 in Process 19/19
0.203662s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/19 memory
0.700331s => Time to read file from offset 1655655 to 1766032 in Process 16/19
0.207389s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/19 memory
0.204201s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/19 memory
0.768924s => Time to read file from offset 1214147 to 1324524 in Process 12/19
0.207616s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/19 memory
0.790886s => Time to read file from offset 1876409 to 1986786 in Process 18/19
0.208585s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/19 memory
0.2108s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/19 memory
0.219417s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/19 memory
0.215323s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/19 memory
0.53433s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_krDnot' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 3/19
0.901048s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/19
0.209884s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/19 memory
0.208616s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/19 memory
0.217498s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/19 memory
0.679481s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_XaZT9d' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 4/19
1.09493s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/19
0.639077s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_tZqfwE' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 5/19
1.10655s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/19
1.24241s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_0GXIVX' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 7/19
1.80552s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/19
1.197s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_YuRinQ' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 9/19
1.82656s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/19
1.43382s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_tdbOT2' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 8/19
2.04225s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/19
1.33177s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_JF9UhQ' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 11/19
2.05844s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/19
1.36879s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_YuIqcx' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 10/19
2.0629s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/19
1.44124s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_qUJ4ET' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 16/19
2.35226s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/19
1.55247s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_Yv0bgZ' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 14/19
2.36247s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/19
1.64414s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_AlwAJ8' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 6/19
2.36265s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/19
1.58386s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_5UNY0r' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 13/19
2.36925s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/19
1.36211s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_I2c106' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 18/19
2.37128s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/19
1.48188s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_kOBUUg' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 12/19
2.4603s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/19
1.63117s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_gLIZtu' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 15/19
2.45877s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/19
1.6143s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_fTbVs9' and fill it up with 110377 sorted elements by Process 17/19
2.48003s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/19
1.62619s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7124_9iDBcZ' and fill it up with 110366 sorted elements by Process 19/19
2.5141s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/19
Starting the merge process for 19 files
13.0954s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/19
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/2097152_8byte.bin' of 2097152 elements (16Mb) using 20 nodes
0.0131783s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 104858 in Process 1/20
0.0789921s => Time to read file from offset 104858 to 209716 in Process 2/20
0.128768s => Time to read file from offset 209716 to 314574 in Process 3/20
0.192108s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/20 memory
0.182808s => Time to read file from offset 314574 to 419432 in Process 4/20
0.238247s => Time to read file from offset 419432 to 524290 in Process 5/20
0.193999s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/20 memory
0.193194s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/20 memory
0.322725s => Time to read file from offset 629148 to 734006 in Process 7/20
0.36209s => Time to read file from offset 838864 to 943722 in Process 9/20
0.359868s => Time to read file from offset 734006 to 838864 in Process 8/20
0.19822s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/20 memory
0.193213s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/20 memory
0.435961s => Time to read file from offset 943722 to 1048580 in Process 10/20
0.441082s => Time to read file from offset 524290 to 629148 in Process 6/20
0.461601s => Time to read file from offset 1048580 to 1153438 in Process 11/20
0.193816s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/20 memory
0.53719s => Time to read file from offset 1258296 to 1363154 in Process 13/20
0.197464s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/20 memory
0.555222s => Time to read file from offset 1468012 to 1572870 in Process 15/20
0.562981s => Time to read file from offset 1363154 to 1468012 in Process 14/20
0.194094s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/20 memory
0.414247s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_wRSLQU' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 1/20
0.620083s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/20
0.192403s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/20 memory
0.636371s => Time to read file from offset 1887444 to 1992302 in Process 19/20
0.193151s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/20 memory
0.196422s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/20 memory
0.681894s => Time to read file from offset 1153438 to 1258296 in Process 12/20
0.723257s => Time to read file from offset 1677728 to 1782586 in Process 17/20
0.193731s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/20 memory
0.197311s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/20 memory
0.199118s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/20 memory
0.523416s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_3JU5Sl' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 2/20
0.797053s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/20
0.480381s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_LpALb9' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 3/20
0.803082s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/20
0.785804s => Time to read file from offset 1572870 to 1677728 in Process 16/20
0.833425s => Time to read file from offset 1782586 to 1887444 in Process 18/20
0.204024s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/20 memory
0.803861s => Time to read file from offset 1992302 to 2097160 in Process 20/20
0.192416s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/20 memory
0.201242s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/20 memory
0.59675s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_tzrM0E' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 4/20
0.97851s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/20
0.201263s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/20 memory
0.199724s => Time to sort elements in Process 20/20 memory
0.20704s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/20 memory
0.616076s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_btXhb8' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 5/20
1.04848s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/20
0.964312s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_WsHNqy' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 7/20
1.48155s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/20
1.6149s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_du1tko' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 9/20
2.17516s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/20
1.50437s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_EM74vs' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 11/20
2.16357s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/20
1.53516s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_aEuxEV' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 10/20
2.16429s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/20
1.59063s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_NrDe0B' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 8/20
2.14533s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/20
1.61126s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_tdkSUt' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 19/20
1.80138s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_1zmd7A' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 6/20
2.43632s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/20
1.72298s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_8OEtJ0' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 13/20
1.6921s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_VgW5e7' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 15/20
2.45292s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/20
2.45544s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/20
2.44638s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/20
1.54223s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_OtgqG1' and fill it up with 104850 sorted elements by Process 20/20
1.67503s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_dIKxdG' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 17/20
2.60043s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/20
1.81367s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_qQsRKs' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 14/20
2.57663s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/20
2.5467s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 20/20
1.54002s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_FshKly' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 18/20
2.5816s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/20
1.62023s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_PCZz8l' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 16/20
2.60808s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/20
1.73211s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3049_TN07hG' and fill it up with 104858 sorted elements by Process 12/20
2.60797s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/20
Starting the merge process for 20 files
12.752s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/20
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/2097152_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.257872min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 1 nodes
2.9801s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 4194305 in Process 1/1
10.1004s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
5.72629s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4239_eElXUm' and fill it up with 4194304 sorted elements by Process 1/1
18.8073s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
13.7709s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.544057min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 2 nodes
0.256256s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2097153 in Process 1/2
1.4448s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 4194306 in Process 2/2
4.79176s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/2 memory
4.90764s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/2 memory
2.91316s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7187_dCrhOu' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 1/2
7.96172s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/2
2.96927s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7187_mkw7po' and fill it up with 2097151 sorted elements by Process 2/2
9.32234s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/2
Starting the merge process for 2 files
17.2864s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/2
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.444183min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 3 nodes
0.169963s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1398102 in Process 1/3
1.04799s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 2796204 in Process 2/3
1.44711s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 4194306 in Process 3/3
3.13759s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/3 memory
3.14916s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/3 memory
3.10583s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/3 memory
2.04042s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3593_TJq6zL' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 1/3
5.34855s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/3
2.18949s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3593_1zyVt1' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 2/3
6.38734s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/3
2.71346s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3593_9fZrBg' and fill it up with 1398100 sorted elements by Process 3/3
7.2671s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/3
Starting the merge process for 3 files
18.9986s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/3
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.438512min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 4 nodes
0.128118s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1048577 in Process 1/4
0.84904s => Time to read file from offset 1048577 to 2097154 in Process 2/4
1.23267s => Time to read file from offset 2097154 to 3145731 in Process 3/4
1.41387s => Time to read file from offset 3145731 to 4194308 in Process 4/4
2.30695s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/4 memory
2.31278s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/4 memory
2.31629s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/4 memory
2.2622s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/4 memory
1.64159s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7572_ppY8C6' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 1/4
4.07723s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/4
1.93291s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7572_HS0noT' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 2/4
5.09567s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/4
3.16811s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7572_SxD2wZ' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 3/4
6.71778s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/4
3.01685s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7572_YL79uH' and fill it up with 1048573 sorted elements by Process 4/4
6.69406s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/4
Starting the merge process for 4 files
20.1491s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/4
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.448469min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 5 nodes
0.102348s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 838861 in Process 1/5
0.652081s => Time to read file from offset 838861 to 1677722 in Process 2/5
1.07438s => Time to read file from offset 1677722 to 2516583 in Process 3/5
1.30431s => Time to read file from offset 2516583 to 3355444 in Process 4/5
1.45922s => Time to read file from offset 3355444 to 4194305 in Process 5/5
1.83044s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/5 memory
1.80688s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/5 memory
1.78869s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/5 memory
1.79391s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/5 memory
1.79538s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/5 memory
1.33917s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9628_pME7Js' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 1/5
3.27255s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/5
1.64609s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9628_me4K9L' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 2/5
4.10569s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/5
2.96204s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9628_BnhaLp' and fill it up with 838860 sorted elements by Process 5/5
3.35397s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9628_raU6Mw' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 3/5
6.21797s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/5
3.1026s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9628_LDAn0c' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 4/5
6.20152s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/5
6.21817s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/5
Starting the merge process for 5 files
21.2046s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/5
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.457898min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 6 nodes
0.0861297s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 699051 in Process 1/6
0.549194s => Time to read file from offset 699051 to 1398102 in Process 2/6
0.902808s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 2097153 in Process 3/6
1.18707s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 2796204 in Process 4/6
1.33145s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3495255 in Process 5/6
1.42008s => Time to read file from offset 3495255 to 4194306 in Process 6/6
1.47633s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/6 memory
1.46767s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/6 memory
1.49145s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/6 memory
1.03173s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1290_bsoq5T' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 1/6
2.59498s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/6
1.46836s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/6 memory
1.48243s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/6 memory
1.4719s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/6 memory
1.14812s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1290_Q7JSHO' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 2/6
3.16566s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/6
2.10759s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1290_5KNY8b' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 3/6
4.50257s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/6
1.8316s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1290_R49IAM' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 4/6
4.48773s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/6
2.51978s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1290_PavwY6' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 5/6
5.33435s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/6
2.45796s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1290_suQx3K' and fill it up with 699049 sorted elements by Process 6/6
5.35151s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/6
Starting the merge process for 6 files
20.961s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/6
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 7 nodes
0.073624s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 599187 in Process 1/7
0.479384s => Time to read file from offset 599187 to 1198374 in Process 2/7
0.8175s => Time to read file from offset 1198374 to 1797561 in Process 3/7
1.07836s => Time to read file from offset 1797561 to 2396748 in Process 4/7
1.24873s => Time to read file from offset 2396748 to 2995935 in Process 5/7
1.27574s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/7 memory
1.35384s => Time to read file from offset 2995935 to 3595122 in Process 6/7
1.4426s => Time to read file from offset 3595122 to 4194309 in Process 7/7
1.25681s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/7 memory
1.25105s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/7 memory
0.930445s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_e9hnfo' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 1/7
2.28098s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/7
1.258s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/7 memory
1.25481s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/7 memory
1.2526s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/7 memory
1.28076s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/7 memory
1.02068s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_4EKjOX' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 2/7
2.75756s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/7
1.09914s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_8pAiYJ' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 3/7
3.16854s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/7
2.30049s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_0EZkRz' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 5/7
4.80469s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/7
2.45117s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_sHZY4k' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 4/7
4.78826s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/7
2.50971s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_vhMh2h' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 6/7
2.40039s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8275_8wtss9' and fill it up with 599182 sorted elements by Process 7/7
5.11765s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/7
5.12524s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/7
Starting the merge process for 7 files
22.3369s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/7
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.458805min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 8 nodes
0.0655965s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 524289 in Process 1/8
0.418038s => Time to read file from offset 524289 to 1048578 in Process 2/8
0.728233s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1572867 in Process 3/8
0.975611s => Time to read file from offset 1572867 to 2097156 in Process 4/8
1.11456s => Time to read file from offset 2097156 to 2621445 in Process 5/8
1.09784s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/8 memory
1.30075s => Time to read file from offset 2621445 to 3145734 in Process 6/8
1.41052s => Time to read file from offset 3145734 to 3670023 in Process 7/8
1.41652s => Time to read file from offset 3670023 to 4194312 in Process 8/8
1.08145s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/8 memory
1.10358s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/8 memory
0.855404s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_i42lP3' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 1/8
2.01944s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/8
1.08504s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/8 memory
1.08316s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/8 memory
0.876399s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_AMeX1h' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 2/8
2.37658s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/8
1.09685s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/8 memory
1.09035s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/8 memory
1.0844s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/8 memory
0.958049s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_JUl5rk' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 3/8
2.79108s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/8
2.47061s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_FrZcJN' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 6/8
2.68307s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_7Cz8rd' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 5/8
4.88148s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/8
2.79803s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_hItJqS' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 4/8
4.85941s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/8
4.86981s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/8
2.64161s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_xbg6h0' and fill it up with 524281 sorted elements by Process 8/8
5.14325s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/8
2.64839s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1072_xDtOUE' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 7/8
5.14995s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/8
Starting the merge process for 8 files
22.555s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/8
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.462973min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 9 nodes
0.0566665s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 466034 in Process 1/9
0.381205s => Time to read file from offset 466034 to 932068 in Process 2/9
0.663461s => Time to read file from offset 932068 to 1398102 in Process 3/9
0.891114s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 1864136 in Process 4/9
0.967646s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/9 memory
1.06397s => Time to read file from offset 1864136 to 2330170 in Process 5/9
1.23006s => Time to read file from offset 2330170 to 2796204 in Process 6/9
0.94885s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/9 memory
1.34097s => Time to read file from offset 3262238 to 3728272 in Process 8/9
1.38124s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3262238 in Process 7/9
1.62703s => Time to read file from offset 3728272 to 4194306 in Process 9/9
0.986875s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/9 memory
0.960249s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/9 memory
0.864655s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_xIAM9D' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 1/9
1.88978s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/9
0.960143s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/9 memory
0.960617s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/9 memory
0.868162s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_l4qUPG' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 2/9
2.19895s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/9
0.956921s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/9 memory
0.972117s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/9 memory
0.971241s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/9 memory
1.73929s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_vNGieW' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 3/9
3.39119s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/9
3.5066s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_tpDl0h' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 6/9
3.68652s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_0j1UJH' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 5/9
5.71131s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/9
5.69876s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/9
3.34478s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_hIHcNc' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 7/9
5.69883s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/9
3.83754s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_1GfWMr' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 4/9
5.68958s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/9
3.11283s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_bbENWa' and fill it up with 466032 sorted elements by Process 9/9
5.71184s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/9
3.38675s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1525_peQ1yw' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 8/9
5.68526s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/9
Starting the merge process for 9 files
25.5073s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/9
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 10 nodes
0.0519319s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 419431 in Process 1/10
0.339277s => Time to read file from offset 419431 to 838862 in Process 2/10
0.608255s => Time to read file from offset 838862 to 1258293 in Process 3/10
0.795331s => Time to read file from offset 1258293 to 1677724 in Process 4/10
0.969512s => Time to read file from offset 1677724 to 2097155 in Process 5/10
0.926632s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/10 memory
1.14428s => Time to read file from offset 2097155 to 2516586 in Process 6/10
0.852445s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/10 memory
1.23787s => Time to read file from offset 2516586 to 2936017 in Process 7/10
1.37064s => Time to read file from offset 2936017 to 3355448 in Process 8/10
1.46343s => Time to read file from offset 3355448 to 3774879 in Process 9/10
0.865045s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/10 memory
1.56705s => Time to read file from offset 3774879 to 4194310 in Process 10/10
0.861401s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/10 memory
0.755922s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_eA1CGp' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 1/10
1.73507s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/10
0.844756s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/10 memory
0.773883s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_YKe2Xg' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 2/10
1.96632s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/10
0.854706s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/10 memory
0.867037s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/10 memory
0.852657s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/10 memory
0.8539s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/10 memory
0.859944s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/10 memory
2.92102s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_fpz5Yn' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 5/10
4.73595s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/10
2.72558s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_H9TyhP' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 6/10
4.72532s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/10
3.24948s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_ZrEktw' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 3/10
4.72345s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/10
3.05797s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_B7I7wV' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 4/10
4.71541s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/10
3.45226s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_69oMjR' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 7/10
3.32208s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_3zbCu5' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 8/10
5.54608s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/10
3.25135s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_JWFPkI' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 9/10
3.13065s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6511_LHwDGu' and fill it up with 419425 sorted elements by Process 10/10
5.55833s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/10
5.55868s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/10
5.57069s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/10
Starting the merge process for 10 files
23.5599s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/10
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.486411min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 11 nodes
0.0466254s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 381301 in Process 1/11
0.300889s => Time to read file from offset 381301 to 762602 in Process 2/11
0.546199s => Time to read file from offset 762602 to 1143903 in Process 3/11
0.753256s => Time to read file from offset 1143903 to 1525204 in Process 4/11
0.76289s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/11 memory
0.884405s => Time to read file from offset 1525204 to 1906505 in Process 5/11
0.773676s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/11 memory
1.08851s => Time to read file from offset 1906505 to 2287806 in Process 6/11
1.21127s => Time to read file from offset 2287806 to 2669107 in Process 7/11
1.29292s => Time to read file from offset 2669107 to 3050408 in Process 8/11
0.768945s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/11 memory
1.37444s => Time to read file from offset 3050408 to 3431709 in Process 9/11
1.4086s => Time to read file from offset 3431709 to 3813010 in Process 10/11
1.50359s => Time to read file from offset 3813010 to 4194311 in Process 11/11
0.780809s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/11 memory
0.763805s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/11 memory
0.963401s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_lDS07f' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 1/11
1.77343s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/11
0.729723s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_RjGyAX' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 2/11
1.80503s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/11
0.780999s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/11 memory
0.776653s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/11 memory
0.768434s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/11 memory
0.776196s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/11 memory
0.78427s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/11 memory
0.771386s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/11 memory
2.09091s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_QgJlC7' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 3/11
3.407s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/11
2.28368s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_w4orwi' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 6/11
4.15391s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/11
2.5194s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_UAZT1T' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 5/11
4.16912s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/11
3.00239s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_hJP3bo' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 7/11
3.44654s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_JAOxTr' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 4/11
4.9813s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/11
4.99187s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/11
2.92246s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_qLSU4B' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 8/11
4.98454s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/11
2.9922s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_25KLVg' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 9/11
2.93451s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_gQtQm0' and fill it up with 381301 sorted elements by Process 10/11
2.85435s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun972_rbqz82' and fill it up with 381294 sorted elements by Process 11/11
5.13s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/11
5.14444s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/11
5.12898s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/11
Starting the merge process for 11 files
24.644s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/11
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.497437min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 12 nodes
0.0431753s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 349526 in Process 1/12
0.285812s => Time to read file from offset 349526 to 699052 in Process 2/12
0.496733s => Time to read file from offset 699052 to 1048578 in Process 3/12
0.697359s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1398104 in Process 4/12
0.723664s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/12 memory
0.840627s => Time to read file from offset 1398104 to 1747630 in Process 5/12
0.702213s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/12 memory
1.01318s => Time to read file from offset 1747630 to 2097156 in Process 6/12
1.14546s => Time to read file from offset 2097156 to 2446682 in Process 7/12
0.701122s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/12 memory
1.24948s => Time to read file from offset 2446682 to 2796208 in Process 8/12
1.32355s => Time to read file from offset 2796208 to 3145734 in Process 9/12
1.37763s => Time to read file from offset 3145734 to 3495260 in Process 10/12
0.652698s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_AvHkob' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 1/12
1.42035s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/12
0.701083s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/12 memory
1.41828s => Time to read file from offset 3495260 to 3844786 in Process 11/12
1.46867s => Time to read file from offset 3844786 to 4194312 in Process 12/12
0.703089s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/12 memory
0.648275s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_8JCuKQ' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 2/12
1.63714s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/12
0.69976s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/12 memory
0.699831s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/12 memory
0.705123s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/12 memory
0.712853s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/12 memory
0.702371s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/12 memory
0.711096s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/12 memory
0.703751s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/12 memory
1.26243s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_kDSUQM' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 3/12
2.46122s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/12
2.33356s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_VZbFTo' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 5/12
3.87813s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/12
2.45373s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_vqwRVX' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 4/12
3.85283s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/12
2.74815s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_aFQWxQ' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 6/12
4.4618s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/12
2.61565s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_DTYfeT' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 7/12
4.4616s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/12
2.87913s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_Ny2iAu' and fill it up with 349518 sorted elements by Process 12/12
5.05221s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/12
2.98337s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_D6VA8x' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 10/12
5.06399s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/12
2.93126s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_iSRzKL' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 11/12
5.06187s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/12
3.04136s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_2xfOjS' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 9/12
5.07847s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/12
3.09868s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2137_DM5af8' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 8/12
5.05393s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/12
Starting the merge process for 12 files
23.573s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/12
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.478423min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 13 nodes
0.0401206s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 322639 in Process 1/13
0.254746s => Time to read file from offset 322639 to 645278 in Process 2/13
0.45389s => Time to read file from offset 645278 to 967917 in Process 3/13
0.651334s => Time to read file from offset 967917 to 1290556 in Process 4/13
0.643651s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/13 memory
0.83043s => Time to read file from offset 1290556 to 1613195 in Process 5/13
0.651645s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/13 memory
0.957782s => Time to read file from offset 1613195 to 1935834 in Process 6/13
1.08342s => Time to read file from offset 1935834 to 2258473 in Process 7/13
0.651357s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/13 memory
1.19833s => Time to read file from offset 2258473 to 2581112 in Process 8/13
1.24219s => Time to read file from offset 2581112 to 2903751 in Process 9/13
0.65692s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/13 memory
1.35079s => Time to read file from offset 2903751 to 3226390 in Process 10/13
1.38262s => Time to read file from offset 3226390 to 3549029 in Process 11/13
1.39954s => Time to read file from offset 3549029 to 3871668 in Process 12/13
1.44809s => Time to read file from offset 3871668 to 4194307 in Process 13/13
0.653229s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/13 memory
0.926672s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_pTArQ7' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 1/13
1.61099s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/13
0.660053s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/13 memory
0.727648s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_OHz8CI' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 2/13
1.63473s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/13
0.652462s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/13 memory
0.650051s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/13 memory
0.649808s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/13 memory
0.645039s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/13 memory
0.637812s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/13 memory
0.657285s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/13 memory
0.643423s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/13 memory
2.01898s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_T90fto' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 3/13
3.12491s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/13
2.19645s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_lH4rgs' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 4/13
3.50623s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/13
2.40461s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_s9anGV' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 5/13
3.88975s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/13
2.26959s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_3lFsUl' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 6/13
3.88816s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/13
2.6783s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_ZTy8ID' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 8/13
4.52737s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/13
2.97716s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_09OSL1' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 12/13
3.30885s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_YkYyYv' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 7/13
5.04545s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/13
3.16706s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_V1Ejpl' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 9/13
3.05074s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_h4hpM0' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 10/13
5.04725s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/13
3.02712s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_yFfOtt' and fill it up with 322639 sorted elements by Process 11/13
5.04824s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/13
5.03474s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/13
2.95407s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4083_ma6c53' and fill it up with 322636 sorted elements by Process 13/13
5.04674s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/13
5.05974s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/13
Starting the merge process for 13 files
24.3447s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/13
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 14 nodes
0.0376374s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 299594 in Process 1/14
0.23684s => Time to read file from offset 299594 to 599188 in Process 2/14
0.42398s => Time to read file from offset 599188 to 898782 in Process 3/14
0.599435s => Time to read file from offset 898782 to 1198376 in Process 4/14
0.601549s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/14 memory
0.758664s => Time to read file from offset 1198376 to 1497970 in Process 5/14
0.60964s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/14 memory
0.908548s => Time to read file from offset 1497970 to 1797564 in Process 6/14
1.01053s => Time to read file from offset 1797564 to 2097158 in Process 7/14
0.594682s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/14 memory
1.15311s => Time to read file from offset 2097158 to 2396752 in Process 8/14
1.18596s => Time to read file from offset 2396752 to 2696346 in Process 9/14
0.574599s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_6xRVla' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 1/14
1.21495s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/14
0.604683s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/14 memory
1.27742s => Time to read file from offset 2696346 to 2995940 in Process 10/14
1.35434s => Time to read file from offset 2995940 to 3295534 in Process 11/14
0.596807s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/14 memory
1.39224s => Time to read file from offset 3295534 to 3595128 in Process 12/14
1.4303s => Time to read file from offset 3894722 to 4194316 in Process 14/14
1.44159s => Time to read file from offset 3595128 to 3894722 in Process 13/14
0.601672s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_uMTXiC' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 2/14
1.44888s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/14
0.613268s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/14 memory
0.593317s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/14 memory
0.597026s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/14 memory
0.592265s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/14 memory
0.803137s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_MUsEGV' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 3/14
1.82264s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/14
0.598461s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/14 memory
0.601017s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/14 memory
0.586376s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/14 memory
0.596402s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/14 memory
0.599854s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/14 memory
1.11569s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_5ToymZ' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 4/14
2.32049s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/14
0.973688s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_RwLL0n' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 5/14
2.32982s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/14
2.16921s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_IxKHEW' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 6/14
3.69176s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/14
1.9393s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_fNzTTX' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 9/14
3.71825s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/14
1.94542s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_IWNi5b' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 8/14
3.69626s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/14
2.09988s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_nZ5iM3' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 7/14
3.70438s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/14
2.61814s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_MPscyz' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 10/14
4.49481s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/14
2.54256s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_TPiymj' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 11/14
4.49906s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/14
2.57392s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_I4UGcB' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 12/14
4.55321s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/14
2.51666s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_FwAtrF' and fill it up with 299594 sorted elements by Process 13/14
4.55879s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/14
2.52582s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3623_KfNhjp' and fill it up with 299582 sorted elements by Process 14/14
4.55346s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/14
Starting the merge process for 14 files
23.5255s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/14
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.469285min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 15 nodes
0.0348217s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 279621 in Process 1/15
0.216361s => Time to read file from offset 279621 to 559242 in Process 2/15
0.394436s => Time to read file from offset 559242 to 838863 in Process 3/15
0.56368s => Time to read file from offset 838863 to 1118484 in Process 4/15
0.570475s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/15 memory
0.713889s => Time to read file from offset 1118484 to 1398105 in Process 5/15
0.571437s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/15 memory
0.856895s => Time to read file from offset 1398105 to 1677726 in Process 6/15
0.548934s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/15 memory
0.984612s => Time to read file from offset 1677726 to 1957347 in Process 7/15
1.06129s => Time to read file from offset 1957347 to 2236968 in Process 8/15
1.10416s => Time to read file from offset 2236968 to 2516589 in Process 9/15
0.563898s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/15 memory
1.24192s => Time to read file from offset 2516589 to 2796210 in Process 10/15
0.552462s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/15 memory
1.3252s => Time to read file from offset 2796210 to 3075831 in Process 11/15
1.35925s => Time to read file from offset 3075831 to 3355452 in Process 12/15
0.781108s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_u99X2f' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 1/15
1.38696s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/15
1.39704s => Time to read file from offset 3355452 to 3635073 in Process 13/15
0.624949s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_SLdmQo' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 2/15
1.41348s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/15
0.552629s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/15 memory
1.41934s => Time to read file from offset 3914694 to 4194315 in Process 15/15
1.44094s => Time to read file from offset 3635073 to 3914694 in Process 14/15
0.569134s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/15 memory
0.549256s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/15 memory
0.557555s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/15 memory
0.552299s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/15 memory
0.552146s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/15 memory
0.56356s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/15 memory
0.566117s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/15 memory
0.574051s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/15 memory
0.554913s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/15 memory
1.69366s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_pBMHJw' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 3/15
2.63769s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/15
1.53628s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_EN74hu' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 4/15
2.66455s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/15
1.88514s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_KISQVU' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 5/15
3.15215s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/15
2.03007s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_sCzdXq' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 6/15
3.44154s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/15
2.16276s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_ayyrQG' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 8/15
3.77397s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/15
3.01804s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_Fpwm08' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 12/15
4.94167s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/15
3.07095s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_FVH87l' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 11/15
4.949s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/15
3.38178s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_3Gf5Ez' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 7/15
4.93623s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/15
2.9891s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_xTK0ad' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 13/15
4.95311s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/15
2.94175s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_8uCo5V' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 14/15
4.93829s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/15
3.15772s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_sgGMI4' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 10/15
4.95261s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/15
3.30318s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_r2dInq' and fill it up with 279621 sorted elements by Process 9/15
4.96555s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/15
2.99372s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7107_QrGUsG' and fill it up with 279610 sorted elements by Process 15/15
4.9881s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/15
Starting the merge process for 15 files
24.4896s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/15
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.492689min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 16 nodes
0.0330189s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 262145 in Process 1/16
0.186716s => Time to read file from offset 262145 to 524290 in Process 2/16
0.342609s => Time to read file from offset 524290 to 786435 in Process 3/16
0.494212s => Time to read file from offset 786435 to 1048580 in Process 4/16
0.531432s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/16 memory
0.632513s => Time to read file from offset 1048580 to 1310725 in Process 5/16
0.522627s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/16 memory
0.516122s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/16 memory
0.868345s => Time to read file from offset 1572870 to 1835015 in Process 7/16
0.958917s => Time to read file from offset 2097160 to 2359305 in Process 9/16
0.976699s => Time to read file from offset 1835015 to 2097160 in Process 8/16
0.515271s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/16 memory
1.14326s => Time to read file from offset 2359305 to 2621450 in Process 10/16
0.513028s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/16 memory
1.1547s => Time to read file from offset 1310725 to 1572870 in Process 6/16
1.22421s => Time to read file from offset 2621450 to 2883595 in Process 11/16
0.72427s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_LbHGxA' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 1/16
1.28929s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/16
1.26602s => Time to read file from offset 2883595 to 3145740 in Process 12/16
0.567948s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_mmz5Wk' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 2/16
1.27798s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/16
1.30272s => Time to read file from offset 3145740 to 3407885 in Process 13/16
1.33594s => Time to read file from offset 3407885 to 3670030 in Process 14/16
1.34642s => Time to read file from offset 3670030 to 3932175 in Process 15/16
0.515139s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/16 memory
0.515736s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/16 memory
0.51905s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/16 memory
1.50351s => Time to read file from offset 3932175 to 4194320 in Process 16/16
0.521386s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/16 memory
0.514028s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/16 memory
0.524301s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/16 memory
0.511116s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/16 memory
0.523874s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/16 memory
0.515244s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/16 memory
0.520892s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/16 memory
0.546737s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/16 memory
1.22124s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_CC8Zk8' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 3/16
2.08065s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/16
1.50981s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_4cWBp4' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 4/16
2.52s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/16
1.70439s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_De58CE' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 5/16
2.85063s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/16
1.81685s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_P4eLfb' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 7/16
3.20107s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/16
1.79213s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_4TMLlZ' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 9/16
3.26749s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/16
2.75271s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_Kd0vGw' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 11/16
4.50191s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/16
2.82153s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_LcmVA0' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 6/16
4.49098s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/16
2.98319s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_FH8Kqf' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 8/16
4.47965s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/16
2.83603s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_dxJNOE' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 10/16
4.50138s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/16
2.93683s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_c5Dg2v' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 14/16
2.97215s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_ts7pTQ' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 13/16
4.79963s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/16
2.9182s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_91kICi' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 15/16
4.78642s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/16
2.72139s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_9o0Qiu' and fill it up with 262129 sorted elements by Process 16/16
4.77251s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/16
4.78892s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/16
3.05262s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2063_YsT5TD' and fill it up with 262145 sorted elements by Process 12/16
4.83043s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/16
Starting the merge process for 16 files
24.8598s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/16
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.496202min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 17 nodes
0.0309626s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 246724 in Process 1/17
0.195357s => Time to read file from offset 246724 to 493448 in Process 2/17
0.336507s => Time to read file from offset 493448 to 740172 in Process 3/17
0.480504s => Time to read file from offset 740172 to 986896 in Process 4/17
0.490363s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/17 memory
0.601599s => Time to read file from offset 986896 to 1233620 in Process 5/17
0.485488s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/17 memory
0.479362s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/17 memory
0.853555s => Time to read file from offset 1480344 to 1727068 in Process 7/17
0.934552s => Time to read file from offset 1727068 to 1973792 in Process 8/17
0.487533s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/17 memory
0.995464s => Time to read file from offset 1973792 to 2220516 in Process 9/17
0.515343s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_Xfs2CQ' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 1/17
1.03724s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/17
0.481138s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/17 memory
1.12456s => Time to read file from offset 2220516 to 2467240 in Process 10/17
1.13406s => Time to read file from offset 1233620 to 1480344 in Process 6/17
1.19039s => Time to read file from offset 2467240 to 2713964 in Process 11/17
0.518637s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_rsKNv7' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 2/17
1.20073s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/17
1.26017s => Time to read file from offset 2713964 to 2960688 in Process 12/17
1.3135s => Time to read file from offset 2960688 to 3207412 in Process 13/17
0.482222s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/17 memory
1.34393s => Time to read file from offset 3207412 to 3454136 in Process 14/17
1.34828s => Time to read file from offset 3454136 to 3700860 in Process 15/17
1.43575s => Time to read file from offset 3947584 to 4194308 in Process 17/17
0.487856s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/17 memory
0.482784s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/17 memory
0.484248s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/17 memory
0.484005s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/17 memory
0.486693s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/17 memory
1.6404s => Time to read file from offset 3700860 to 3947584 in Process 16/17
0.484574s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/17 memory
0.485447s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/17 memory
1.02058s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_KO8vBL' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 3/17
1.83714s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/17
0.482381s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/17 memory
0.48419s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/17 memory
0.491378s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/17 memory
0.484363s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/17 memory
1.38483s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_xqARsd' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 5/17
2.46825s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/17
1.48998s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_qjznYG' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 4/17
2.45872s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/17
1.47499s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_M3VioN' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 7/17
2.81172s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/17
1.77837s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_mBVuIM' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 8/17
1.75474s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_WbJZ0r' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 9/17
3.23371s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/17
3.20234s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/17
2.55305s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_SvCgSF' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 6/17
2.57995s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_2EmgBj' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 10/17
4.1896s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/17
4.17266s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/17
2.8651s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_0JhzNg' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 12/17
4.61074s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/17
2.45767s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_32ZjA2' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 16/17
4.58327s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/17
2.81908s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_ocRRfu' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 13/17
4.61869s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/17
2.78074s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_96N98b' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 14/17
2.7746s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_wXbLXN' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 15/17
4.60773s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/17
2.94323s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_AybkCW' and fill it up with 246724 sorted elements by Process 11/17
4.62181s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/17
4.60851s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/17
2.74025s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5452_ZOS6Jq' and fill it up with 246720 sorted elements by Process 17/17
4.66853s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/17
Starting the merge process for 17 files
25.4169s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/17
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.502532min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 18 nodes
0.029726s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 233017 in Process 1/18
0.168993s => Time to read file from offset 233017 to 466034 in Process 2/18
0.296844s => Time to read file from offset 466034 to 699051 in Process 3/18
0.422488s => Time to read file from offset 699051 to 932068 in Process 4/18
0.45652s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/18 memory
0.528402s => Time to read file from offset 932068 to 1165085 in Process 5/18
0.457621s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/18 memory
0.455242s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/18 memory
0.758082s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 1631119 in Process 7/18
0.837212s => Time to read file from offset 1631119 to 1864136 in Process 8/18
0.886329s => Time to read file from offset 1864136 to 2097153 in Process 9/18
0.458238s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/18 memory
0.455954s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/18 memory
0.997274s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 2330170 in Process 10/18
1.02799s => Time to read file from offset 1165085 to 1398102 in Process 6/18
1.0605s => Time to read file from offset 2330170 to 2563187 in Process 11/18
0.645665s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_O5H4nf' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 1/18
1.13318s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/18
0.529666s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_QLBdSV' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 2/18
1.15777s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/18
1.16995s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3029221 in Process 13/18
1.21046s => Time to read file from offset 3029221 to 3262238 in Process 14/18
0.469547s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/18 memory
1.24469s => Time to read file from offset 3262238 to 3495255 in Process 15/18
1.28394s => Time to read file from offset 3728272 to 3961289 in Process 17/18
0.455109s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/18 memory
0.453634s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/18 memory
0.467638s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/18 memory
1.48225s => Time to read file from offset 2563187 to 2796204 in Process 12/18
0.455376s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/18 memory
1.48526s => Time to read file from offset 3495255 to 3728272 in Process 16/18
0.454702s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/18 memory
0.456631s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/18 memory
0.89772s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_DgVuvl' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 3/18
1.65056s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/18
1.66045s => Time to read file from offset 3961289 to 4194306 in Process 18/18
0.451178s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/18 memory
0.453475s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/18 memory
0.465001s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/18 memory
0.45445s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/18 memory
0.460228s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/18 memory
1.21271s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_OWFMMg' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 4/18
2.09412s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/18
0.465357s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/18 memory
1.48792s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_eqlwXQ' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 5/18
2.47299s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/18
1.89848s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_1KayL3' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 9/18
3.23959s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/18
1.91385s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_ePKX2x' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 8/18
3.2073s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/18
2.02058s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_v4kJnh' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 7/18
3.2494s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/18
2.4463s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_TjUIBb' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 6/18
3.93061s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/18
2.31356s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_qTwL71' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 13/18
3.94083s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/18
2.47583s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_bBV3JQ' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 10/18
3.94146s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/18
2.42575s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_1Fywmm' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 11/18
3.94165s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/18
2.78554s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_RFZSd4' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 17/18
4.53535s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/18
2.8156s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_HcpQlo' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 15/18
4.51443s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/18
2.85183s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_AkPVoL' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 14/18
4.51416s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/18
2.39812s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_KgyNb5' and fill it up with 233015 sorted elements by Process 18/18
4.52474s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/18
2.59641s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_c2ZVTx' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 16/18
4.54255s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/18
2.62536s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8786_BJDVmP' and fill it up with 233017 sorted elements by Process 12/18
4.56269s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/18
Starting the merge process for 18 files
25.0044s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/18
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.494284min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 19 nodes
0.027983s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 220753 in Process 1/19
0.183354s => Time to read file from offset 220753 to 441506 in Process 2/19
0.282004s => Time to read file from offset 441506 to 662259 in Process 3/19
0.409293s => Time to read file from offset 662259 to 883012 in Process 4/19
0.43323s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/19 memory
0.515068s => Time to read file from offset 883012 to 1103765 in Process 5/19
0.431945s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/19 memory
0.427761s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/19 memory
0.744403s => Time to read file from offset 1324518 to 1545271 in Process 7/19
0.81905s => Time to read file from offset 1545271 to 1766024 in Process 8/19
0.858864s => Time to read file from offset 1766024 to 1986777 in Process 9/19
0.433051s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/19 memory
0.471708s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_q4eQCA' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 1/19
0.933508s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/19
0.434269s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/19 memory
0.988318s => Time to read file from offset 1986777 to 2207530 in Process 10/19
0.992262s => Time to read file from offset 1103765 to 1324518 in Process 6/19
1.05686s => Time to read file from offset 2207530 to 2428283 in Process 11/19
0.474697s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_1vCifW' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 2/19
1.09072s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/19
1.16976s => Time to read file from offset 2649036 to 2869789 in Process 13/19
0.428519s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/19 memory
1.2233s => Time to read file from offset 2869789 to 3090542 in Process 14/19
0.428675s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/19 memory
1.26412s => Time to read file from offset 3090542 to 3311295 in Process 15/19
0.43458s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/19 memory
1.33813s => Time to read file from offset 3532048 to 3752801 in Process 17/19
1.40019s => Time to read file from offset 2428283 to 2649036 in Process 12/19
1.41387s => Time to read file from offset 3973554 to 4194307 in Process 19/19
0.430062s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/19 memory
0.429133s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/19 memory
0.435853s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/19 memory
1.49196s => Time to read file from offset 3311295 to 3532048 in Process 16/19
0.844172s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_Iiw071' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 3/19
1.55466s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/19
0.439902s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/19 memory
1.61926s => Time to read file from offset 3752801 to 3973554 in Process 18/19
0.425437s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/19 memory
0.427229s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/19 memory
0.4288s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/19 memory
0.429748s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/19 memory
0.43366s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/19 memory
1.1077s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_LleZOV' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 4/19
1.9516s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/19
0.44405s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/19 memory
0.43588s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/19 memory
1.2021s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_EPoB0r' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 5/19
2.15214s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/19
1.22725s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_Vjc9m5' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 7/19
2.40087s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/19
1.52226s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_KzwJz8' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 8/19
2.77065s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/19
2.02643s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_P7kSRG' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 9/19
3.32061s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/19
2.03492s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_8M7nal' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 10/19
3.45395s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/19
1.84202s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_c7n9HH' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 13/19
3.45254s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/19
2.01745s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_L8PrxG' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 6/19
3.43959s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/19
2.68412s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_Gqc6Eg' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 14/19
4.334s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/19
2.503s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_EvHyko' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 12/19
4.33358s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/19
2.85054s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_l3kOK0' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 11/19
2.6377s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_7Dm3t1' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 15/19
4.32971s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/19
4.34486s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/19
2.56505s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_ddVf9n' and fill it up with 220750 sorted elements by Process 19/19
2.35078s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_7PBwGG' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 18/19
4.40666s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/19
2.44126s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_SH7345' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 16/19
4.37805s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/19
2.65997s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7470_U7ajCK' and fill it up with 220753 sorted elements by Process 17/19
4.42762s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/19
4.41415s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/19
Starting the merge process for 19 files
25.5807s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/19
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.501491min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/4194304_8byte.bin' of 4194304 elements (32Mb) using 20 nodes
0.0265632s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 209716 in Process 1/20
0.263492s => Time to read file from offset 419432 to 629148 in Process 3/20
0.363574s => Time to read file from offset 209716 to 419432 in Process 2/20
0.36639s => Time to read file from offset 629148 to 838864 in Process 4/20
0.418111s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/20 memory
0.460575s => Time to read file from offset 838864 to 1048580 in Process 5/20
0.647074s => Time to read file from offset 1258296 to 1468012 in Process 7/20
0.403605s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/20 memory
0.782816s => Time to read file from offset 1677728 to 1887444 in Process 9/20
0.405121s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/20 memory
0.406281s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/20 memory
0.76834s => Time to read file from offset 1468012 to 1677728 in Process 8/20
0.408552s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/20 memory
0.479478s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_FOwKnb' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 1/20
0.924847s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/20
0.914164s => Time to read file from offset 1887444 to 2097160 in Process 10/20
0.956238s => Time to read file from offset 1048580 to 1258296 in Process 6/20
0.973378s => Time to read file from offset 2097160 to 2306876 in Process 11/20
0.401375s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/20 memory
1.0821s => Time to read file from offset 2516592 to 2726308 in Process 13/20
1.15224s => Time to read file from offset 2726308 to 2936024 in Process 14/20
0.404413s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/20 memory
0.408313s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/20 memory
1.20793s => Time to read file from offset 2936024 to 3145740 in Process 15/20
0.401316s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/20 memory
1.34197s => Time to read file from offset 3355456 to 3565172 in Process 17/20
0.405122s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/20 memory
0.410113s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/20 memory
1.38454s => Time to read file from offset 3774888 to 3984604 in Process 19/20
1.4209s => Time to read file from offset 2306876 to 2516592 in Process 12/20
1.41514s => Time to read file from offset 3145740 to 3355456 in Process 16/20
0.78446s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_rOqreI' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 3/20
1.45231s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/20
0.417551s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/20 memory
1.5199s => Time to read file from offset 3565172 to 3774888 in Process 18/20
0.403591s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/20 memory
0.403291s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/20 memory
0.859252s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_7nN28W' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 2/20
1.62866s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/20
1.68033s => Time to read file from offset 3984604 to 4194320 in Process 20/20
0.418873s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/20 memory
0.414904s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/20 memory
0.405636s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/20 memory
0.406371s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/20 memory
0.412514s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/20 memory
0.409375s => Time to sort elements in Process 20/20 memory
1.37112s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_OSu2Op' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 4/20
2.14452s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/20
1.2847s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_DYRoSX' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 5/20
2.15474s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/20
1.11787s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_6Ys2vA' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 7/20
2.16702s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/20
1.5049s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_vAZ6Ie' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 9/20
2.6928s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/20
2.40846s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_NG2fTF' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 11/20
3.79264s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/20
2.47224s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_MDvDbP' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 10/20
3.78835s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/20
2.41917s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_Tudo1d' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 6/20
3.78166s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/20
2.59548s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_eVV6HB' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 8/20
3.77279s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/20
2.75694s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_iED7og' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 17/20
4.51867s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/20
2.70417s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_98CkPU' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 19/20
4.5045s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/20
3.00741s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_GQ5QQj' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 13/20
4.50778s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/20
3.12394s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_essS1O' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 14/20
4.68061s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/20
3.07134s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_Q6DAVy' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 15/20
4.68333s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/20
2.75804s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_j6WGpa' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 18/20
4.69157s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/20
2.55826s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_Lom9GU' and fill it up with 209700 sorted elements by Process 20/20
2.84055s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_RjtdpC' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 16/20
4.66275s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/20
4.64864s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 20/20
2.89182s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5509_QireWU' and fill it up with 209716 sorted elements by Process 12/20
4.71907s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/20
Starting the merge process for 20 files
25.4064s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/20
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/4194304_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.503745min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 1 nodes
4.50635s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 6291457 in Process 1/1
15.5409s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
8.43083s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6938_cOyaiT' and fill it up with 6291456 sorted elements by Process 1/1
28.4786s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
20.3677s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.815022min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 2 nodes
0.384829s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 3145729 in Process 1/2
2.17004s => Time to read file from offset 3145729 to 6291458 in Process 2/2
7.44988s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/2 memory
7.40339s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/2 memory
4.41144s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7564_cHpDU2' and fill it up with 3145729 sorted elements by Process 1/2
12.2468s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/2
4.64088s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7564_y8A2X9' and fill it up with 3145727 sorted elements by Process 2/2
14.2149s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/2
Starting the merge process for 2 files
24.9464s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/2
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.653381min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 3 nodes
0.254985s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2097153 in Process 1/3
1.52365s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 4194306 in Process 2/3
2.16254s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 6291459 in Process 3/3
4.82539s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/3 memory
4.8606s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/3 memory
4.8331s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/3 memory
2.97593s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4849_Z2x3Vo' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 1/3
8.05726s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/3
3.44097s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4849_XeauXD' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 2/3
9.82586s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/3
4.15725s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4849_ICTGV0' and fill it up with 2097150 sorted elements by Process 3/3
11.1535s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/3
Starting the merge process for 3 files
28.9871s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/3
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.669756min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 4 nodes
0.190015s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1572865 in Process 1/4
1.21005s => Time to read file from offset 1572865 to 3145730 in Process 2/4
1.81345s => Time to read file from offset 3145730 to 4718595 in Process 3/4
2.1388s => Time to read file from offset 4718595 to 6291460 in Process 4/4
3.54783s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/4 memory
3.51274s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/4 memory
3.52447s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/4 memory
3.51058s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/4 memory
2.38903s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2542_uGKFFF' and fill it up with 1572865 sorted elements by Process 1/4
6.12743s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/4
2.75173s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2542_WWFyYh' and fill it up with 1572865 sorted elements by Process 2/4
7.47518s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/4
4.93206s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2542_wb8oPG' and fill it up with 1572865 sorted elements by Process 3/4
4.60826s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2542_uFxbxv' and fill it up with 1572861 sorted elements by Process 4/4
10.2583s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/4
10.2714s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/4
Starting the merge process for 4 files
30.1499s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/4
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.674513min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 5 nodes
0.153225s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1258292 in Process 1/5
1.00406s => Time to read file from offset 1258292 to 2516584 in Process 2/5
1.57365s => Time to read file from offset 2516584 to 3774876 in Process 3/5
1.97369s => Time to read file from offset 3774876 to 5033168 in Process 4/5
2.16426s => Time to read file from offset 5033168 to 6291460 in Process 5/5
2.78993s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/5 memory
2.83926s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/5 memory
2.77221s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/5 memory
2.76927s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/5 memory
1.8256s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9615_vOQOsa' and fill it up with 1258292 sorted elements by Process 1/5
4.76928s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/5
2.81001s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/5 memory
5.50528s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9615_eBuLjk' and fill it up with 1258292 sorted elements by Process 2/5
9.34954s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/5
5.25424s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9615_gUmSZ7' and fill it up with 1258292 sorted elements by Process 4/5
9.9979s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/5
5.07199s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9615_ue3YWp' and fill it up with 1258288 sorted elements by Process 5/5
10.047s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/5
5.70134s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9615_iYttHu' and fill it up with 1258292 sorted elements by Process 3/5
10.0487s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/5
Starting the merge process for 5 files
36.4125s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/5
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.775215min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 6 nodes
0.127703s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1048577 in Process 1/6
0.847951s => Time to read file from offset 1048577 to 2097154 in Process 2/6
1.35468s => Time to read file from offset 2097154 to 3145731 in Process 3/6
1.79224s => Time to read file from offset 3145731 to 4194308 in Process 4/6
2.03954s => Time to read file from offset 4194308 to 5242885 in Process 5/6
2.13732s => Time to read file from offset 5242885 to 6291462 in Process 6/6
2.32498s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/6 memory
2.31224s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/6 memory
2.27041s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/6 memory
1.49741s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6592_5euMnA' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 1/6
3.95068s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/6
2.27204s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/6 memory
2.2894s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/6 memory
2.27771s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/6 memory
1.66045s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6592_7nMjlp' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 2/6
4.82127s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/6
3.01151s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6592_BZPV84' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 3/6
6.63722s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/6
4.6051s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6592_gRyiQT' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 4/6
4.35111s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6592_lpiTr6' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 5/6
8.68116s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/6
4.25406s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6592_nOGuGD' and fill it up with 1048571 sorted elements by Process 6/6
8.66978s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/6
8.67082s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/6
Starting the merge process for 6 files
31.7069s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/6
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.674074min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 7 nodes
0.110115s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 898780 in Process 1/7
0.734231s => Time to read file from offset 898780 to 1797560 in Process 2/7
1.2307s => Time to read file from offset 1797560 to 2696340 in Process 3/7
1.62321s => Time to read file from offset 2696340 to 3595120 in Process 4/7
1.86945s => Time to read file from offset 3595120 to 4493900 in Process 5/7
1.92566s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/7 memory
2.06046s => Time to read file from offset 4493900 to 5392680 in Process 6/7
2.13803s => Time to read file from offset 5392680 to 6291460 in Process 7/7
1.94864s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/7 memory
1.93257s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/7 memory
1.36487s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_nQosYc' and fill it up with 898780 sorted elements by Process 1/7
3.40127s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/7
1.92775s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/7 memory
1.92435s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/7 memory
1.93197s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/7 memory
1.40158s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_POGeHB' and fill it up with 898780 sorted elements by Process 2/7
4.08512s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/7
1.94672s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/7 memory
1.51492s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_98iHfK' and fill it up with 898780 sorted elements by Process 3/7
4.67917s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/7
3.01551s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_b7VwGq' and fill it up with 898780 sorted elements by Process 4/7
6.56762s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/7
4.10682s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_OZmvzz' and fill it up with 898780 sorted elements by Process 5/7
7.90131s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/7
3.89302s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_Afsq59' and fill it up with 898780 sorted elements by Process 6/7
7.88612s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/7
3.83323s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7433_3uTWDO' and fill it up with 898776 sorted elements by Process 7/7
7.91947s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/7
Starting the merge process for 7 files
36.842s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/7
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.747202min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 8 nodes
0.096539s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 786433 in Process 1/8
0.643714s => Time to read file from offset 786433 to 1572866 in Process 2/8
1.06743s => Time to read file from offset 1572866 to 2359299 in Process 3/8
1.46317s => Time to read file from offset 2359299 to 3145732 in Process 4/8
1.71205s => Time to read file from offset 3145732 to 3932165 in Process 5/8
1.71344s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/8 memory
1.9512s => Time to read file from offset 3932165 to 4718598 in Process 6/8
2.07966s => Time to read file from offset 4718598 to 5505031 in Process 7/8
1.69304s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/8 memory
2.33487s => Time to read file from offset 5505031 to 6291464 in Process 8/8
1.68176s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/8 memory
1.19973s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_lRaHnU' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 1/8
3.01027s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/8
1.68699s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/8 memory
1.67651s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/8 memory
1.27465s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_U10wzQ' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 2/8
3.61206s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/8
1.69679s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/8 memory
1.67084s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/8 memory
1.70693s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/8 memory
1.46552s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_zv8v7e' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 3/8
4.21539s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/8
2.89409s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_aabtN0' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 4/8
6.04501s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/8
2.72315s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_V74Hvm' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 5/8
6.11268s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/8
3.606s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_gWOgXo' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 7/8
7.35766s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/8
3.30652s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_TYphtj' and fill it up with 786425 sorted elements by Process 8/8
7.34919s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/8
3.72953s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5318_QPl5pP' and fill it up with 786433 sorted elements by Process 6/8
7.37908s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/8
Starting the merge process for 8 files
33.3578s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/8
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.680122min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 9 nodes
0.0854732s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 699051 in Process 1/9
0.56896s => Time to read file from offset 699051 to 1398102 in Process 2/9
0.977541s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 2097153 in Process 3/9
1.32376s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 2796204 in Process 4/9
1.47552s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/9 memory
1.59309s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3495255 in Process 5/9
1.8445s => Time to read file from offset 3495255 to 4194306 in Process 6/9
1.97177s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 4893357 in Process 7/9
1.46857s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/9 memory
2.11631s => Time to read file from offset 4893357 to 5592408 in Process 8/9
2.36084s => Time to read file from offset 5592408 to 6291459 in Process 9/9
1.49333s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/9 memory
1.08966s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_vJ8HZF' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 1/9
2.65128s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/9
1.46804s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/9 memory
1.48292s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/9 memory
1.1419s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_YF80cl' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 2/9
3.18015s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/9
1.47706s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/9 memory
1.49041s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/9 memory
1.48898s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/9 memory
1.21551s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_9ltHs3' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 3/9
3.68703s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/9
1.50089s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/9 memory
2.45837s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_ry1YHt' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 4/9
5.2509s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/9
2.69805s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_wfSjWU' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 5/9
5.7747s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/9
3.70805s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_wg7sWK' and fill it up with 699048 sorted elements by Process 9/9
7.57089s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/9
4.09622s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_L45No7' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 7/9
7.55906s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/9
4.23483s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_WOxmJk' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 6/9
7.55732s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/9
3.96817s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8046_a7aKGY' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 8/9
7.57419s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/9
Starting the merge process for 9 files
36.022s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/9
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.727875min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 10 nodes
0.077s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 629146 in Process 1/10
0.490366s => Time to read file from offset 629146 to 1258292 in Process 2/10
0.872748s => Time to read file from offset 1258292 to 1887438 in Process 3/10
1.20975s => Time to read file from offset 1887438 to 2516584 in Process 4/10
1.33503s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/10 memory
1.4583s => Time to read file from offset 2516584 to 3145730 in Process 5/10
1.72304s => Time to read file from offset 3145730 to 3774876 in Process 6/10
1.33007s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/10 memory
1.88761s => Time to read file from offset 3774876 to 4404022 in Process 7/10
1.94726s => Time to read file from offset 4404022 to 5033168 in Process 8/10
2.14167s => Time to read file from offset 5033168 to 5662314 in Process 9/10
1.31794s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/10 memory
2.37212s => Time to read file from offset 5662314 to 6291460 in Process 10/10
1.01627s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_IxPwhr' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 1/10
2.42904s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/10
1.32626s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/10 memory
1.30338s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/10 memory
1.0644s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_QK6UDZ' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 2/10
2.88556s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/10
1.32198s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/10 memory
1.31927s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/10 memory
1.321s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/10 memory
1.14499s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_cHBm9F' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 3/10
3.33638s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/10
1.3183s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/10 memory
1.32268s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/10 memory
2.47691s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_GKZYt5' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 4/10
5.01384s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/10
2.27455s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_km9DQA' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 5/10
5.03737s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/10
4.01281s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_XW8B4o' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 9/10
4.18207s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_UzRIiC' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 8/10
7.4512s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/10
7.47432s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/10
4.25449s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_2dXhgK' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 7/10
7.46252s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/10
4.41535s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_dFN7EU' and fill it up with 629146 sorted elements by Process 6/10
3.76571s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4175_GsuvLV' and fill it up with 629142 sorted elements by Process 10/10
7.46126s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/10
7.46236s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/10
Starting the merge process for 10 files
35.4417s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/10
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.716265min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 11 nodes
0.0712545s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 571951 in Process 1/11
0.459759s => Time to read file from offset 571951 to 1143902 in Process 2/11
0.827578s => Time to read file from offset 1143902 to 1715853 in Process 3/11
1.11946s => Time to read file from offset 1715853 to 2287804 in Process 4/11
1.19885s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/11 memory
1.35951s => Time to read file from offset 2287804 to 2859755 in Process 5/11
1.60353s => Time to read file from offset 2859755 to 3431706 in Process 6/11
1.19888s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/11 memory
1.82634s => Time to read file from offset 3431706 to 4003657 in Process 7/11
1.95621s => Time to read file from offset 4003657 to 4575608 in Process 8/11
2.02789s => Time to read file from offset 4575608 to 5147559 in Process 9/11
1.19138s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/11 memory
2.1085s => Time to read file from offset 5147559 to 5719510 in Process 10/11
0.959227s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_uoJ94l' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 1/11
2.22992s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/11
1.18927s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/11 memory
2.37457s => Time to read file from offset 5719510 to 6291461 in Process 11/11
1.18874s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/11 memory
1.03113s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_zpEAgO' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 2/11
2.69074s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/11
1.18519s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/11 memory
1.19915s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/11 memory
1.06616s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_ZZioHr' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 3/11
3.08581s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/11
1.20098s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/11 memory
1.21519s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/11 memory
1.20348s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/11 memory
1.18514s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/11 memory
1.97932s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_SoLAaH' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 4/11
4.28872s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/11
2.17532s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_ZELOcg' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 5/11
4.72426s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/11
4.72567s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_5kxOtq' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 6/11
7.51512s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/11
4.34665s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_GQT9F8' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 8/11
4.4897s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_xVyl0k' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 7/11
7.51607s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/11
4.19824s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_wOhvFC' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 10/11
7.51093s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/11
4.28379s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_7YNDUW' and fill it up with 571951 sorted elements by Process 9/11
7.5277s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/11
7.50538s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/11
3.98442s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2110_W6vMYm' and fill it up with 571946 sorted elements by Process 11/11
7.54612s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/11
Starting the merge process for 11 files
36.3425s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/11
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.732757min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 12 nodes
0.0643158s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 524289 in Process 1/12
0.415626s => Time to read file from offset 524289 to 1048578 in Process 2/12
0.758959s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1572867 in Process 3/12
1.0281s => Time to read file from offset 1572867 to 2097156 in Process 4/12
1.09562s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/12 memory
1.25345s => Time to read file from offset 2097156 to 2621445 in Process 5/12
1.08438s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/12 memory
1.51204s => Time to read file from offset 2621445 to 3145734 in Process 6/12
1.712s => Time to read file from offset 3145734 to 3670023 in Process 7/12
1.84654s => Time to read file from offset 3670023 to 4194312 in Process 8/12
1.10495s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/12 memory
1.98742s => Time to read file from offset 4194312 to 4718601 in Process 9/12
2.00975s => Time to read file from offset 4718601 to 5242890 in Process 10/12
0.868226s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_6WSG0d' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 1/12
2.02873s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/12
1.08567s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/12 memory
2.1744s => Time to read file from offset 5242890 to 5767179 in Process 11/12
2.28398s => Time to read file from offset 5767179 to 6291468 in Process 12/12
1.08463s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/12 memory
0.955516s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_OOFAKF' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 2/12
2.45649s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/12
1.09695s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/12 memory
1.08994s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/12 memory
0.965674s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_bwc3o0' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 3/12
2.83119s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/12
1.08635s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/12 memory
1.10018s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/12 memory
1.08322s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/12 memory
1.09987s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/12 memory
1.09486s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/12 memory
1.96194s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_5xPejg' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 4/12
4.07638s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/12
1.80373s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_t1wVnU' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 5/12
4.14267s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/12
4.72131s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_d64Cu0' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 6/12
4.05572s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_mdYZlY' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 11/12
7.33065s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/12
4.25588s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_8yFTaB' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 9/12
7.33185s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/12
3.93942s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_Xm6GFh' and fill it up with 524277 sorted elements by Process 12/12
4.53019s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_3cFxGW' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 7/12
7.33283s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/12
7.34477s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/12
4.38599s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_xEEuzE' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 8/12
7.31957s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/12
7.31988s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/12
4.29422s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9469_nFZxHb' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 10/12
7.38789s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/12
Starting the merge process for 12 files
34.7932s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/12
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.704175min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 13 nodes
0.0599154s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 483959 in Process 1/13
0.388155s => Time to read file from offset 483959 to 967918 in Process 2/13
0.696961s => Time to read file from offset 967918 to 1451877 in Process 3/13
0.973878s => Time to read file from offset 1451877 to 1935836 in Process 4/13
0.994557s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/13 memory
1.21286s => Time to read file from offset 1935836 to 2419795 in Process 5/13
1.0108s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/13 memory
1.42649s => Time to read file from offset 2419795 to 2903754 in Process 6/13
1.62655s => Time to read file from offset 2903754 to 3387713 in Process 7/13
0.992951s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/13 memory
1.79088s => Time to read file from offset 3387713 to 3871672 in Process 8/13
1.87946s => Time to read file from offset 3871672 to 4355631 in Process 9/13
0.832643s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_DCEdzh' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 1/13
1.88829s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/13
0.992702s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/13 memory
2.06435s => Time to read file from offset 4839590 to 5323549 in Process 11/13
2.06566s => Time to read file from offset 4355631 to 4839590 in Process 10/13
2.14185s => Time to read file from offset 5323549 to 5807508 in Process 12/13
0.993805s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/13 memory
0.873696s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_H7USRN' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 2/13
2.27366s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/13
2.34243s => Time to read file from offset 5807508 to 6291467 in Process 13/13
1.00207s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/13 memory
0.916451s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_xPIhJM' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 3/13
2.60714s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/13
1.01312s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/13 memory
0.997895s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/13 memory
0.998964s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/13 memory
0.990765s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/13 memory
1.00726s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/13 memory
1.09419s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_fjyCXQ' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 4/13
3.06145s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/13
1.00273s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/13 memory
1.00325s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/13 memory
2.42335s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_8Rc4Pr' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 5/13
4.63074s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/13
2.32585s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_cD4Xjw' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 6/13
4.75509s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/13
2.38984s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_zCPlQt' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 7/13
5.03018s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/13
4.26385s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_84mo0d' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 8/13
7.05328s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/13
3.71374s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_gYVMOr' and fill it up with 483948 sorted elements by Process 13/13
7.06011s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/13
4.1988s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_Ti9p62' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 9/13
3.90747s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_m9NkyO' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 12/13
4.00441s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_yRyQbK' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 10/13
7.06168s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/13
7.07806s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/13
7.05292s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/13
4.0215s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7185_oLNMIL' and fill it up with 483959 sorted elements by Process 11/13
7.09378s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/13
Starting the merge process for 13 files
36.1142s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/13
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.721303min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 14 nodes
0.0552059s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 449390 in Process 1/14
0.353403s => Time to read file from offset 449390 to 898780 in Process 2/14
0.644053s => Time to read file from offset 898780 to 1348170 in Process 3/14
0.906593s => Time to read file from offset 1348170 to 1797560 in Process 4/14
0.925578s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/14 memory
1.10277s => Time to read file from offset 1797560 to 2246950 in Process 5/14
0.924432s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/14 memory
1.34501s => Time to read file from offset 2246950 to 2696340 in Process 6/14
1.52065s => Time to read file from offset 2696340 to 3145730 in Process 7/14
0.920967s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/14 memory
1.7044s => Time to read file from offset 3145730 to 3595120 in Process 8/14
1.76402s => Time to read file from offset 3595120 to 4044510 in Process 9/14
0.917118s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/14 memory
1.95618s => Time to read file from offset 4044510 to 4493900 in Process 10/14
0.925363s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/14 memory
2.05054s => Time to read file from offset 4493900 to 4943290 in Process 11/14
2.10261s => Time to read file from offset 4943290 to 5392680 in Process 12/14
2.15158s => Time to read file from offset 5392680 to 5842070 in Process 13/14
2.14587s => Time to read file from offset 5842070 to 6291460 in Process 14/14
1.24998s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_6kZq5s' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 1/14
2.23133s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/14
0.982702s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_DxPLNT' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 2/14
2.2613s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/14
0.940756s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/14 memory
0.920752s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/14 memory
0.923759s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/14 memory
0.91293s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/14 memory
0.913435s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/14 memory
0.922155s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/14 memory
0.920995s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/14 memory
0.920879s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/14 memory
0.924394s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/14 memory
1.72956s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_SGgGhq' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 3/14
3.29526s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/14
3.05405s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_CeGWPu' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 4/14
4.87854s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/14
4.87974s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_Oh0dV8' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 5/14
4.60899s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_CXEqPf' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 6/14
6.89631s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/14
6.90949s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/14
4.33478s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_LuDfao' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 12/14
7.35903s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/14
4.29239s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_uInuw6' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 13/14
7.36549s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/14
4.9262s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_5BhNJh' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 7/14
7.36828s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/14
4.7032s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_WKUqlK' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 9/14
7.38081s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/14
4.7288s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_BdVSrP' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 8/14
7.35764s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/14
4.49573s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_Pl7KDn' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 10/14
7.36601s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/14
4.31807s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_O2ZcfH' and fill it up with 449386 sorted elements by Process 14/14
7.38901s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/14
4.4212s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5859_tOvRmJ' and fill it up with 449390 sorted elements by Process 11/14
7.39461s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/14
Starting the merge process for 14 files
37.1876s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/14
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 15 nodes
0.0519165s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 419431 in Process 1/15
0.326184s => Time to read file from offset 419431 to 838862 in Process 2/15
0.59864s => Time to read file from offset 838862 to 1258293 in Process 3/15
0.865278s => Time to read file from offset 1258293 to 1677724 in Process 4/15
0.868364s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/15 memory
1.07535s => Time to read file from offset 1677724 to 2097155 in Process 5/15
0.852041s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/15 memory
1.27822s => Time to read file from offset 2097155 to 2516586 in Process 6/15
0.864298s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/15 memory
1.47257s => Time to read file from offset 2516586 to 2936017 in Process 7/15
1.62597s => Time to read file from offset 2936017 to 3355448 in Process 8/15
0.738088s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_8OrceG' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 1/15
1.65919s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/15
1.67952s => Time to read file from offset 3355448 to 3774879 in Process 9/15
0.857023s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/15 memory
1.87686s => Time to read file from offset 3774879 to 4194310 in Process 10/15
0.843898s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/15 memory
0.747869s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_gz6yRU' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 2/15
1.92681s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/15
1.97455s => Time to read file from offset 4194310 to 4613741 in Process 11/15
2.03262s => Time to read file from offset 4613741 to 5033172 in Process 12/15
2.08929s => Time to read file from offset 5033172 to 5452603 in Process 13/15
0.853826s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/15 memory
2.15801s => Time to read file from offset 5452603 to 5872034 in Process 14/15
2.19487s => Time to read file from offset 5872034 to 6291465 in Process 15/15
0.866706s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/15 memory
0.955361s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_QX7eWa' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 3/15
2.41896s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/15
0.852301s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/15 memory
0.85569s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/15 memory
0.855789s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/15 memory
0.860898s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/15 memory
0.861059s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/15 memory
0.869341s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/15 memory
0.855924s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/15 memory
0.846881s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/15 memory
1.41838s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_Q6FZG2' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 4/15
3.1414s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/15
1.23386s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_QkxCgJ' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 5/15
3.15384s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/15
2.59911s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_WgGFcL' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 7/15
4.93911s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/15
2.45862s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_7uwegr' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 8/15
4.93761s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/15
2.66415s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_8b8W0j' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 9/15
5.20003s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/15
3.04356s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_ev7EHM' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 6/15
5.17717s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/15
3.81727s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_LLGx00' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 12/15
6.71157s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/15
3.89079s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_ks0YAZ' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 11/15
3.67336s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_uECTUs' and fill it up with 419422 sorted elements by Process 15/15
6.71582s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/15
3.76827s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_9KKZwX' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 13/15
6.72763s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/15
6.72695s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/15
3.69858s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_oJAfkk' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 14/15
6.71323s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/15
3.99456s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5146_An3eIX' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 10/15
6.72813s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/15
Starting the merge process for 15 files
37.6153s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/15
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.740342min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 16 nodes
0.0487577s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 393217 in Process 1/16
0.282486s => Time to read file from offset 393217 to 786434 in Process 2/16
0.518727s => Time to read file from offset 786434 to 1179651 in Process 3/16
0.744919s => Time to read file from offset 1179651 to 1572868 in Process 4/16
0.792525s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/16 memory
0.927267s => Time to read file from offset 1572868 to 1966085 in Process 5/16
0.805574s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/16 memory
1.29397s => Time to read file from offset 2359302 to 2752519 in Process 7/16
0.812187s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/16 memory
1.45926s => Time to read file from offset 2752519 to 3145736 in Process 8/16
1.50928s => Time to read file from offset 3145736 to 3538953 in Process 9/16
0.720661s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_fbScjM' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 1/16
1.56257s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/16
0.801342s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/16 memory
1.70885s => Time to read file from offset 3538953 to 3932170 in Process 10/16
0.794025s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/16 memory
1.81744s => Time to read file from offset 3932170 to 4325387 in Process 11/16
0.743799s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_MMnswT' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 2/16
1.83256s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/16
1.8751s => Time to read file from offset 4325387 to 4718604 in Process 12/16
1.89034s => Time to read file from offset 1966085 to 2359302 in Process 6/16
1.98101s => Time to read file from offset 5111821 to 5505038 in Process 14/16
1.99206s => Time to read file from offset 4718604 to 5111821 in Process 13/16
2.09558s => Time to read file from offset 5505038 to 5898255 in Process 15/16
0.807289s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/16 memory
0.800212s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/16 memory
0.825036s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/16 memory
0.805158s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/16 memory
0.800407s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/16 memory
0.805065s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/16 memory
0.79712s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/16 memory
2.71679s => Time to read file from offset 5898255 to 6291472 in Process 16/16
0.787634s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/16 memory
0.790313s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/16 memory
1.57431s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_aTFeJL' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 3/16
2.9059s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/16
0.813324s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/16 memory
1.39483s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_rYDygD' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 4/16
2.94181s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/16
1.55677s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_Ox7RGm' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 5/16
3.27963s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/16
0.794101s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/16 memory
2.16688s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_AS9dS3' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 8/16
4.45185s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/16
2.36189s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_BoirYm' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 7/16
4.4641s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/16
2.45997s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_atujh1' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 9/16
4.77011s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/16
2.89537s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_EWswCz' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 10/16
5.41008s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/16
4.1468s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_RuQ2kB' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 12/16
6.82776s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/16
4.13788s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_SdOdeo' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 6/16
6.82605s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/16
3.91608s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_VPgvz7' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 15/16
6.82576s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/16
4.21571s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_6JebC6' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 11/16
6.83424s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/16
4.09218s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_BDaOHT' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 14/16
6.86149s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/16
4.11134s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_KX3Dmt' and fill it up with 393217 sorted elements by Process 13/16
6.89441s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/16
3.35634s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4745_wL2OJL' and fill it up with 393201 sorted elements by Process 16/16
6.86802s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/16
Starting the merge process for 16 files
39.5682s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/16
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.775622min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 17 nodes
0.0458446s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 370086 in Process 1/17
0.279355s => Time to read file from offset 370086 to 740172 in Process 2/17
0.511958s => Time to read file from offset 740172 to 1110258 in Process 3/17
0.706414s => Time to read file from offset 1110258 to 1480344 in Process 4/17
0.753089s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/17 memory
0.912721s => Time to read file from offset 1480344 to 1850430 in Process 5/17
0.744267s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/17 memory
1.23408s => Time to read file from offset 2220516 to 2590602 in Process 7/17
0.743594s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/17 memory
1.40824s => Time to read file from offset 2590602 to 2960688 in Process 8/17
0.668838s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_EQfgWi' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 1/17
1.46908s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/17
0.753466s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/17 memory
1.54984s => Time to read file from offset 2960688 to 3330774 in Process 9/17
1.62032s => Time to read file from offset 1850430 to 2220516 in Process 6/17
0.747847s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/17 memory
1.68993s => Time to read file from offset 3330774 to 3700860 in Process 10/17
0.689348s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_Zz4tlU' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 2/17
1.71367s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/17
1.79775s => Time to read file from offset 3700860 to 4070946 in Process 11/17
1.86412s => Time to read file from offset 4070946 to 4441032 in Process 12/17
1.96902s => Time to read file from offset 4441032 to 4811118 in Process 13/17
0.746214s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/17 memory
1.98333s => Time to read file from offset 4811118 to 5181204 in Process 14/17
0.792438s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_IYxBMv' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 3/17
2.04867s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/17
2.06737s => Time to read file from offset 5181204 to 5551290 in Process 15/17
2.18804s => Time to read file from offset 5921376 to 6291462 in Process 17/17
0.75723s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/17 memory
0.756624s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/17 memory
0.749712s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/17 memory
0.748942s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/17 memory
2.40554s => Time to read file from offset 5551290 to 5921376 in Process 16/17
0.747687s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/17 memory
0.748168s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/17 memory
0.753054s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/17 memory
1.26539s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_pR5cdd' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 4/17
2.72611s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/17
0.746253s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/17 memory
1.08531s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_gpBpiQ' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 5/17
2.74702s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/17
0.742608s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/17 memory
0.754945s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/17 memory
1.02306s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_yvLENW' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 7/17
3.00405s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/17
0.745377s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/17 memory
1.17937s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_4vc7Bx' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 8/17
3.34551s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/17
3.36262s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_EoK0Wa' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 10/17
5.80218s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/17
3.50823s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_um1Tix' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 9/17
5.81537s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/17
3.42186s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_uaypQS' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 6/17
3.25713s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_VKcnTr' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 11/17
5.80328s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/17
5.79328s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/17
4.17036s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_bb8hRx' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 14/17
6.90109s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/17
3.9808s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_ObjwwZ' and fill it up with 370080 sorted elements by Process 17/17
6.92465s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/17
4.18724s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_d4ofnd' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 13/17
6.91095s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/17
4.28731s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_U8ZBE6' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 12/17
6.90034s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/17
3.71337s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_G8jn4y' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 16/17
6.86516s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/17
4.09236s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8426_30bg0R' and fill it up with 370086 sorted elements by Process 15/17
6.90304s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/17
Starting the merge process for 17 files
248.582s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/17
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 18 nodes
0.0434518s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 349526 in Process 1/18
0.256982s => Time to read file from offset 349526 to 699052 in Process 2/18
0.451428s => Time to read file from offset 699052 to 1048578 in Process 3/18
0.629366s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1398104 in Process 4/18
0.723621s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/18 memory
0.799291s => Time to read file from offset 1398104 to 1747630 in Process 5/18
0.701604s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/18 memory
1.11092s => Time to read file from offset 2097156 to 2446682 in Process 7/18
0.69709s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/18 memory
1.24427s => Time to read file from offset 2446682 to 2796208 in Process 8/18
1.32781s => Time to read file from offset 2796208 to 3145734 in Process 9/18
0.698584s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/18 memory
1.48397s => Time to read file from offset 3145734 to 3495260 in Process 10/18
0.699868s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/18 memory
1.56174s => Time to read file from offset 3495260 to 3844786 in Process 11/18
0.849883s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_neEorE' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 1/18
1.61753s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/18
0.691857s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_81nceF' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 2/18
1.65117s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/18
1.69741s => Time to read file from offset 1747630 to 2097156 in Process 6/18
1.74431s => Time to read file from offset 4194312 to 4543838 in Process 13/18
1.79354s => Time to read file from offset 4543838 to 4893364 in Process 14/18
0.700225s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/18 memory
1.88437s => Time to read file from offset 4893364 to 5242890 in Process 15/18
1.97148s => Time to read file from offset 5592416 to 5941942 in Process 17/18
0.703902s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/18 memory
0.711591s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/18 memory
0.702851s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/18 memory
2.22565s => Time to read file from offset 3844786 to 4194312 in Process 12/18
0.709715s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/18 memory
2.32874s => Time to read file from offset 5242890 to 5592416 in Process 16/18
0.70172s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/18 memory
0.70865s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/18 memory
0.709019s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/18 memory
0.703428s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/18 memory
2.63166s => Time to read file from offset 5941942 to 6291468 in Process 18/18
0.71574s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/18 memory
1.64246s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_WdPbUy' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 3/18
2.79166s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/18
0.711567s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/18 memory
0.700903s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/18 memory
0.70394s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/18 memory
2.1547s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_deEWeW' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 4/18
3.48361s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/18
2.03726s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_8gHZf2' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 5/18
3.53732s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/18
2.47235s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_gBLg2K' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 7/18
4.28488s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/18
2.93913s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_PJ7qDb' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 8/18
4.88799s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/18
2.88304s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_qEJlui' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 9/18
4.92312s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/18
3.09164s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_IxTpGT' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 10/18
3.00648s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_vAWA1m' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 11/18
5.27906s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/18
2.87068s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_lEQkZB' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 6/18
5.27048s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/18
5.28002s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/18
3.35184s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_lq6gbm' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 14/18
5.85513s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/18
3.26564s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_nVE4wH' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 15/18
5.85411s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/18
3.41265s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_KaCqsr' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 13/18
5.86702s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/18
3.27019s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_vgphwB' and fill it up with 349514 sorted elements by Process 18/18
6.60658s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/18
3.65052s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_B2vIdU' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 12/18
6.58845s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/18
3.92888s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_P7tjxP' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 17/18
3.53212s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun4025_jdDXij' and fill it up with 349526 sorted elements by Process 16/18
6.56293s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/18
6.61692s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/18
Starting the merge process for 18 files
38.7281s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/18
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.756945min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 19 nodes
0.0417832s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 331130 in Process 1/19
0.255605s => Time to read file from offset 331130 to 662260 in Process 2/19
0.423753s => Time to read file from offset 662260 to 993390 in Process 3/19
0.611279s => Time to read file from offset 993390 to 1324520 in Process 4/19
0.676393s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/19 memory
0.7625s => Time to read file from offset 1324520 to 1655650 in Process 5/19
0.661624s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/19 memory
0.666334s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/19 memory
1.09108s => Time to read file from offset 1986780 to 2317910 in Process 7/19
1.22986s => Time to read file from offset 2317910 to 2649040 in Process 8/19
0.666461s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/19 memory
1.31081s => Time to read file from offset 2649040 to 2980170 in Process 9/19
0.637199s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_k3VJQ9' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 1/19
1.35594s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/19
0.658565s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/19 memory
1.46637s => Time to read file from offset 2980170 to 3311300 in Process 10/19
1.48249s => Time to read file from offset 1655650 to 1986780 in Process 6/19
0.651097s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_ErpodF' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 2/19
1.56905s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/19
1.57217s => Time to read file from offset 3311300 to 3642430 in Process 11/19
0.663947s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/19 memory
1.76715s => Time to read file from offset 3973560 to 4304690 in Process 13/19
1.84184s => Time to read file from offset 4304690 to 4635820 in Process 14/19
0.664489s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/19 memory
1.91241s => Time to read file from offset 4635820 to 4966950 in Process 15/19
0.677215s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/19 memory
2.02551s => Time to read file from offset 5298080 to 5629210 in Process 17/19
2.08828s => Time to read file from offset 3642430 to 3973560 in Process 12/19
0.66213s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/19 memory
2.1607s => Time to read file from offset 5960340 to 6291470 in Process 19/19
0.670597s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/19 memory
0.689702s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/19 memory
2.30071s => Time to read file from offset 4966950 to 5298080 in Process 16/19
2.41324s => Time to read file from offset 5629210 to 5960340 in Process 18/19
1.33625s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_fhc3Tb' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 3/19
2.42698s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/19
0.662496s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/19 memory
0.659678s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/19 memory
0.661056s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/19 memory
0.66377s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/19 memory
0.664632s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/19 memory
0.674092s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/19 memory
1.605s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_JEgnyt' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 4/19
1.47409s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_Y7dwVA' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 5/19
2.89583s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/19
2.88344s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/19
0.66741s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/19 memory
0.664803s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/19 memory
2.11513s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_DlEjjv' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 7/19
3.87083s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/19
2.44014s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_DfFGxP' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 8/19
4.33594s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/19
2.38152s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_hEVmzS' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 9/19
4.37023s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/19
3.0311s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_q35XUa' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 6/19
5.18484s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/19
3.06323s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_dAYMUs' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 10/19
5.19243s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/19
4.24442s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_6Ytk74' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 14/19
4.32828s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_R2OEu6' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 13/19
6.75868s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/19
3.92251s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_6VSRAd' and fill it up with 331116 sorted elements by Process 19/19
6.75844s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/19
3.99536s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_HT6s9o' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 12/19
6.74921s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/19
4.07975s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_Z8GIJu' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 17/19
6.76974s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/19
4.17395s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_KN6Uvu' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 15/19
6.74812s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/19
3.74554s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_wN5KwP' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 16/19
6.71444s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/19
6.74745s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/19
4.52318s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_ZnRpUV' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 11/19
6.78576s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/19
3.9076s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2029_zmMM3d' and fill it up with 331130 sorted elements by Process 18/19
6.98634s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/19
Starting the merge process for 19 files
39.1203s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/19
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.770143min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/6291456_8byte.bin' of 6291456 elements (48Mb) using 20 nodes
0.039563s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 314573 in Process 1/20
0.218796s => Time to read file from offset 314573 to 629146 in Process 2/20
0.384087s => Time to read file from offset 629146 to 943719 in Process 3/20
0.555313s => Time to read file from offset 943719 to 1258292 in Process 4/20
0.625829s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/20 memory
0.691914s => Time to read file from offset 1258292 to 1572865 in Process 5/20
0.640514s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/20 memory
0.975541s => Time to read file from offset 1887438 to 2202011 in Process 7/20
0.63126s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/20 memory
1.1006s => Time to read file from offset 2202011 to 2516584 in Process 8/20
1.1615s => Time to read file from offset 2516584 to 2831157 in Process 9/20
0.630402s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/20 memory
1.31042s => Time to read file from offset 2831157 to 3145730 in Process 10/20
0.632547s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/20 memory
1.37551s => Time to read file from offset 1572865 to 1887438 in Process 6/20
1.39716s => Time to read file from offset 3145730 to 3460303 in Process 11/20
0.802634s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_UX7XaD' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 1/20
1.4686s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/20
0.672177s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_S3U7WI' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 2/20
1.53219s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/20
1.54491s => Time to read file from offset 3774876 to 4089449 in Process 13/20
0.629257s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/20 memory
1.61734s => Time to read file from offset 4089449 to 4404022 in Process 14/20
1.67522s => Time to read file from offset 4404022 to 4718595 in Process 15/20
0.634691s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/20 memory
0.624832s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/20 memory
1.8846s => Time to read file from offset 5662314 to 5976887 in Process 19/20
0.627196s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/20 memory
0.625469s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/20 memory
0.631366s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/20 memory
2.03868s => Time to read file from offset 3460303 to 3774876 in Process 12/20
2.08616s => Time to read file from offset 4718595 to 5033168 in Process 16/20
0.630448s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/20 memory
0.624291s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/20 memory
2.26796s => Time to read file from offset 5033168 to 5347741 in Process 17/20
0.630013s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/20 memory
2.34838s => Time to read file from offset 5347741 to 5662314 in Process 18/20
0.660962s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/20 memory
2.55894s => Time to read file from offset 5976887 to 6291460 in Process 20/20
1.59323s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_acKpKP' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 3/20
2.60945s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/20
0.636608s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/20 memory
0.625161s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/20 memory
0.629237s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/20 memory
0.634828s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/20 memory
0.632873s => Time to sort elements in Process 20/20 memory
2.61038s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_Aw24p8' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 4/20
3.79678s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/20
2.48193s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_VN63tk' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 5/20
3.80705s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/20
3.23975s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_AAVpa6' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 7/20
4.84525s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/20
3.09877s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_IUZveq' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 8/20
4.83474s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/20
3.28438s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_ke9YHH' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 13/20
5.46045s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/20
3.68505s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_EPzjqs' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 9/20
5.47233s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/20
3.4366s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_CJVwrJ' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 11/20
5.46575s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/20
4.12462s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_OxhivP' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 14/20
4.4359s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_5JOve6' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 10/20
6.37443s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/20
3.82557s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_ErY2IU' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 19/20
6.372s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/20
6.36778s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/20
4.36692s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_8rxKdL' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 6/20
6.36855s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/20
3.70531s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_Ehupud' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 12/20
6.38154s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/20
3.42225s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_gf41BW' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 18/20
4.08787s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_VbMzb3' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 15/20
6.39377s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/20
6.40715s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/20
3.52038s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_yHyL93' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 17/20
6.41827s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/20
3.99756s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_ztrsut' and fill it up with 314573 sorted elements by Process 16/20
3.49832s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7240_C0qkiq' and fill it up with 314569 sorted elements by Process 20/20
6.71088s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/20
6.69184s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 20/20
Starting the merge process for 20 files
39.2908s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/20
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/6291456_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.768551min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 1 nodes
1.01179s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 8388609 in Process 1/1
20.8059s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
11.0405s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9766_e0GpQq' and fill it up with 8388608 sorted elements by Process 1/1
32.8587s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
26.6443s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.992557min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 2 nodes
0.506568s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 4194305 in Process 1/2
2.87497s => Time to read file from offset 4194305 to 8388610 in Process 2/2
10.0739s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/2 memory
10.0713s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/2 memory
8.43154s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1945_FRw4YJ' and fill it up with 4194305 sorted elements by Process 1/2
19.0125s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/2
6.07607s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1945_0aDM8i' and fill it up with 4194303 sorted elements by Process 2/2
19.0229s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/2
Starting the merge process for 2 files
34.6936s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/2
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.896045min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 3 nodes
0.340194s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2796203 in Process 1/3
2.09544s => Time to read file from offset 2796203 to 5592406 in Process 2/3
2.86501s => Time to read file from offset 5592406 to 8388609 in Process 3/3
6.56463s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/3 memory
6.55322s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/3 memory
6.51128s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/3 memory
3.77572s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun659_4XGHrm' and fill it up with 2796203 sorted elements by Process 1/3
10.6812s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/3
4.40589s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun659_pThUPY' and fill it up with 2796203 sorted elements by Process 2/3
13.0551s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/3
5.43017s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun659_zsGt8i' and fill it up with 2796202 sorted elements by Process 3/3
14.8076s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/3
Starting the merge process for 3 files
37.3936s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/3
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.870804min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 4 nodes
0.253343s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2097153 in Process 1/4
0.254593s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 4194306 in Process 2/4
1.95143s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 6291459 in Process 3/4
2.37626s => Time to read file from offset 6291459 to 8388612 in Process 4/4
4.7914s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/4 memory
4.85679s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/4 memory
4.79562s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/4 memory
4.77854s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/4 memory
5.74394s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2950_zJ19LO' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 1/4
10.7893s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/4
5.69417s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2950_m2PsBX' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 2/4
10.8062s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/4
6.31514s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2950_iCAnow' and fill it up with 2097149 sorted elements by Process 4/4
6.73636s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2950_ldo7r6' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 3/4
13.4841s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/4
13.4715s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/4
Starting the merge process for 4 files
40.4171s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/4
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.899189min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 5 nodes
0.202921s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1677722 in Process 1/5
0.204358s => Time to read file from offset 1677722 to 3355444 in Process 2/5
1.25715s => Time to read file from offset 3355444 to 5033166 in Process 3/5
2.15148s => Time to read file from offset 5033166 to 6710888 in Process 4/5
2.38679s => Time to read file from offset 6710888 to 8388610 in Process 5/5
3.76226s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/5 memory
3.80743s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/5 memory
3.78668s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/5 memory
3.79012s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/5 memory
3.78808s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/5 memory
5.21652s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3208_kmCm8h' and fill it up with 1677722 sorted elements by Process 1/5
9.22739s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/5
5.25038s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3208_9NXVw0' and fill it up with 1677722 sorted elements by Process 2/5
9.21765s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/5
5.58407s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3208_jWwcF3' and fill it up with 1677720 sorted elements by Process 5/5
6.71693s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3208_WU485T' and fill it up with 1677722 sorted elements by Process 3/5
11.7614s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/5
11.761s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/5
5.83674s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3208_bQoXa7' and fill it up with 1677722 sorted elements by Process 4/5
11.779s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/5
Starting the merge process for 5 files
43.0488s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/5
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.914875min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 6 nodes
0.169392s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1398102 in Process 1/6
0.169974s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 4194306 in Process 3/6
0.170998s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 2796204 in Process 2/6
1.21808s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 5592408 in Process 4/6
1.91969s => Time to read file from offset 5592408 to 6990510 in Process 5/6
2.09344s => Time to read file from offset 6990510 to 8388612 in Process 6/6
3.13697s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/6 memory
3.1472s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/6 memory
3.15577s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/6 memory
3.1031s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/6 memory
3.14928s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/6 memory
3.09246s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/6 memory
3.71962s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3606_sIpy1J' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 1/6
7.03676s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/6
5.2798s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3606_S780SF' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 3/6
8.58737s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/6
8.2563s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3606_5yq8z4' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 2/6
11.5838s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/6
6.52374s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3606_mYd2wS' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 5/6
7.25859s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3606_NACaAE' and fill it up with 1398102 sorted elements by Process 4/6
11.5804s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/6
6.38855s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3606_KGX18I' and fill it up with 1398098 sorted elements by Process 6/6
11.5753s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/6
11.5943s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/6
Starting the merge process for 6 files
42.9334s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/6
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.909648min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 7 nodes
0.145727s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1198373 in Process 1/7
0.145844s => Time to read file from offset 1198373 to 2396746 in Process 2/7
0.146629s => Time to read file from offset 2396746 to 3595119 in Process 3/7
0.145827s => Time to read file from offset 3595119 to 4793492 in Process 4/7
0.688175s => Time to read file from offset 4793492 to 5991865 in Process 5/7
1.38256s => Time to read file from offset 5991865 to 7190238 in Process 6/7
1.57915s => Time to read file from offset 7190238 to 8388611 in Process 7/7
2.60569s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/7 memory
2.63074s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/7 memory
2.64436s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/7 memory
2.65464s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/7 memory
2.66449s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/7 memory
2.66598s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/7 memory
2.59529s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/7 memory
4.62916s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_pyhE9l' and fill it up with 1198373 sorted elements by Process 1/7
7.38173s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/7
8.7315s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_ocqUaq' and fill it up with 1198373 sorted elements by Process 2/7
11.5223s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/7
8.18119s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_mJ4vSz' and fill it up with 1198373 sorted elements by Process 5/7
8.74749s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_WjOaim' and fill it up with 1198373 sorted elements by Process 4/7
11.5248s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/7
11.5354s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/7
8.72437s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_p5RCQs' and fill it up with 1198373 sorted elements by Process 3/7
11.5263s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/7
7.37725s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_UoRYbX' and fill it up with 1198370 sorted elements by Process 7/7
11.5527s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/7
7.51227s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun288_Shgrxp' and fill it up with 1198373 sorted elements by Process 6/7
11.5615s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/7
Starting the merge process for 7 files
44.4255s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/7
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.934228min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 8 nodes
0.127427s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1048577 in Process 1/8
0.128579s => Time to read file from offset 4194308 to 5242885 in Process 5/8
0.127028s => Time to read file from offset 1048577 to 2097154 in Process 2/8
0.12789s => Time to read file from offset 2097154 to 3145731 in Process 3/8
0.129236s => Time to read file from offset 5242885 to 6291462 in Process 6/8
0.128906s => Time to read file from offset 3145731 to 4194308 in Process 4/8
0.399503s => Time to read file from offset 6291462 to 7340039 in Process 7/8
0.628028s => Time to read file from offset 7340039 to 8388616 in Process 8/8
2.26967s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/8 memory
2.28738s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/8 memory
2.27215s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/8 memory
2.28928s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/8 memory
2.31256s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/8 memory
2.35584s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/8 memory
2.2927s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/8 memory
2.27138s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/8 memory
6.86253s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_qTxAAf' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 3/8
9.26072s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/8
9.55522s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_hPDIZ2' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 1/8
12.0397s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/8
9.58968s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_udzlBN' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 2/8
9.61779s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_1mg8sU' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 4/8
12.0195s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/8
9.62256s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_gSwDbc' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 5/8
9.33593s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_LVx6CG' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 7/8
12.0288s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/8
9.61046s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_pd4hl4' and fill it up with 1048577 sorted elements by Process 6/8
12.0296s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/8
12.0398s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/8
12.0299s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/8
9.19709s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9861_us0gMs' and fill it up with 1048569 sorted elements by Process 8/8
12.0971s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/8
Starting the merge process for 8 files
45.8263s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/8
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.966673min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 9 nodes
0.113709s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 932068 in Process 1/9
0.114676s => Time to read file from offset 3728272 to 4660340 in Process 5/9
0.113361s => Time to read file from offset 7456544 to 8388612 in Process 9/9
0.113262s => Time to read file from offset 1864136 to 2796204 in Process 3/9
0.113339s => Time to read file from offset 932068 to 1864136 in Process 2/9
0.114037s => Time to read file from offset 4660340 to 5592408 in Process 6/9
0.114584s => Time to read file from offset 5592408 to 6524476 in Process 7/9
0.11401s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3728272 in Process 4/9
0.113887s => Time to read file from offset 6524476 to 7456544 in Process 8/9
2.01055s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/9 memory
2.01506s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/9 memory
2.01009s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/9 memory
2.02361s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/9 memory
2.01745s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/9 memory
2.0102s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/9 memory
2.01599s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/9 memory
2.03283s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/9 memory
2.03455s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/9 memory
7.1131s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_exaU8P' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 5/9
9.24349s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/9
7.12568s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_ZnEVjF' and fill it up with 932064 sorted elements by Process 9/9
9.25028s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/9
9.44206s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_YmOUvV' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 1/9
9.42929s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_Zokm8v' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 4/9
11.5599s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/9
9.43434s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_XmbJEc' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 8/9
11.5591s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/9
9.43896s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_p4PyRZ' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 3/9
11.5704s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/9
9.41984s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_qZeUen' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 7/9
11.5699s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/9
9.4469s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_rkMc1p' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 2/9
11.571s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/9
11.5817s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/9
9.45463s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9910_P9WH0F' and fill it up with 932068 sorted elements by Process 6/9
11.6024s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/9
Starting the merge process for 9 files
47.9921s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/9
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 10 nodes
0.101837s => Time to read file from offset 3355444 to 4194305 in Process 5/10
0.102887s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 838861 in Process 1/10
0.102942s => Time to read file from offset 6710888 to 7549749 in Process 9/10
0.101439s => Time to read file from offset 4194305 to 5033166 in Process 6/10
0.10214s => Time to read file from offset 838861 to 1677722 in Process 2/10
0.102322s => Time to read file from offset 5033166 to 5872027 in Process 7/10
0.101693s => Time to read file from offset 1677722 to 2516583 in Process 3/10
0.102994s => Time to read file from offset 7549749 to 8388610 in Process 10/10
0.101839s => Time to read file from offset 5872027 to 6710888 in Process 8/10
0.102639s => Time to read file from offset 2516583 to 3355444 in Process 4/10
1.79125s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/10 memory
1.79522s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/10 memory
1.79216s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/10 memory
1.79426s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/10 memory
1.79493s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/10 memory
1.7968s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/10 memory
1.80945s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/10 memory
1.81544s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/10 memory
1.83393s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/10 memory
1.8266s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/10 memory
9.06736s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_OS0ogj' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 9/10
10.9622s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/10
9.05333s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_Sg39Na' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 4/10
9.06555s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_uQZrkV' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 7/10
9.04229s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_EwHeiK' and fill it up with 838859 sorted elements by Process 10/10
10.9614s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/10
10.9534s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/10
9.05665s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_FmQndN' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 8/10
10.9541s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/10
10.9636s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/10
9.07611s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_4ewW1o' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 5/10
10.9739s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/10
9.06741s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_CZBpKI' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 3/10
10.9619s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/10
9.07019s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_g8T7eO' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 1/10
11.0078s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/10
9.49387s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_o3VJUf' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 2/10
11.4061s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/10
9.51529s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5507_KIqEHf' and fill it up with 838861 sorted elements by Process 6/10
11.4447s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/10
Starting the merge process for 10 files
46.901s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/10
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.973525min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 11 nodes
0.0925357s => Time to read file from offset 3050404 to 3813005 in Process 5/11
0.0934218s => Time to read file from offset 6100808 to 6863409 in Process 9/11
0.0944075s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 762601 in Process 1/11
0.0929513s => Time to read file from offset 4575606 to 5338207 in Process 7/11
0.0931158s => Time to read file from offset 3813005 to 4575606 in Process 6/11
0.0934124s => Time to read file from offset 1525202 to 2287803 in Process 3/11
0.0930507s => Time to read file from offset 6863409 to 7626010 in Process 10/11
0.0922824s => Time to read file from offset 762601 to 1525202 in Process 2/11
0.0933947s => Time to read file from offset 7626010 to 8388611 in Process 11/11
0.0925711s => Time to read file from offset 2287803 to 3050404 in Process 4/11
0.0930671s => Time to read file from offset 5338207 to 6100808 in Process 8/11
1.61121s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/11 memory
1.62825s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/11 memory
1.62136s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/11 memory
1.62998s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/11 memory
1.62435s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/11 memory
1.6346s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/11 memory
1.62604s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/11 memory
1.63752s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/11 memory
1.64s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/11 memory
1.65853s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/11 memory
1.65323s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/11 memory
6.04362s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_HIMXe4' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 5/11
7.74802s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/11
8.56711s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_ekXEFS' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 1/11
10.3206s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/11
8.59956s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_8lnJwS' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 9/11
8.58424s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_rx22OM' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 4/11
10.3035s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/11
8.59612s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_7znLwQ' and fill it up with 762598 sorted elements by Process 11/11
10.3115s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/11
8.58525s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_N8xDSs' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 8/11
10.3033s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/11
10.3219s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/11
8.56582s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_4Y6LSh' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 2/11
10.312s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/11
8.58545s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_yULYmp' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 3/11
10.3142s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/11
9.07532s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_4Ub6Nu' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 10/11
10.8066s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/11
9.40309s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_mzQzTR' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 6/11
11.1269s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/11
9.39391s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7912_VqJVTt' and fill it up with 762601 sorted elements by Process 7/11
11.1283s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/11
Starting the merge process for 11 files
48.8784s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/11
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 12 nodes
0.0850095s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3495255 in Process 5/12
0.0848929s => Time to read file from offset 5592408 to 6291459 in Process 9/12
0.0859177s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 699051 in Process 1/12
0.085356s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 4893357 in Process 7/12
0.0851674s => Time to read file from offset 3495255 to 4194306 in Process 6/12
0.0851682s => Time to read file from offset 6291459 to 6990510 in Process 10/12
0.0855987s => Time to read file from offset 6990510 to 7689561 in Process 11/12
0.0848805s => Time to read file from offset 699051 to 1398102 in Process 2/12
0.085517s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 2097153 in Process 3/12
0.0848104s => Time to read file from offset 4893357 to 5592408 in Process 8/12
0.0854214s => Time to read file from offset 7689561 to 8388612 in Process 12/12
0.0851934s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 2796204 in Process 4/12
1.47645s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/12 memory
1.46887s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/12 memory
1.48356s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/12 memory
1.47569s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/12 memory
1.47604s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/12 memory
1.46867s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/12 memory
1.48904s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/12 memory
1.4897s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/12 memory
1.49197s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/12 memory
1.50473s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/12 memory
1.4887s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/12 memory
1.49186s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/12 memory
5.12558s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_nyLzIV' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 1/12
6.68929s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/12
7.37785s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_kmRBdx' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 9/12
8.96813s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/12
7.40268s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_2lD69n' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 2/12
8.95709s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/12
7.40562s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_qJBJ3K' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 5/12
8.97483s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/12
7.3946s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_YSdEh5' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 7/12
7.38992s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_yzwHg5' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 3/12
8.96803s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/12
8.97049s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/12
9.13947s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_o37frv' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 11/12
10.7017s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/12
9.11602s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_XOHMf7' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 8/12
10.6941s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/12
9.12596s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_30FrX4' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 10/12
10.7014s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/12
9.16694s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_ZOkTWr' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 4/12
10.7215s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/12
9.17186s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_zRv1Sw' and fill it up with 699051 sorted elements by Process 6/12
10.7333s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/12
9.14769s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9422_nrOmcj' and fill it up with 699047 sorted elements by Process 12/12
10.7224s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/12
Starting the merge process for 12 files
46.3806s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/12
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.953014min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 13 nodes
0.0788474s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 645278 in Process 1/13
0.0784561s => Time to read file from offset 5162224 to 5807502 in Process 9/13
0.0784041s => Time to read file from offset 645278 to 1290556 in Process 2/13
0.0787407s => Time to read file from offset 1290556 to 1935834 in Process 3/13
0.0789829s => Time to read file from offset 6452780 to 7098058 in Process 11/13
0.0786395s => Time to read file from offset 5807502 to 6452780 in Process 10/13
0.0790507s => Time to read file from offset 7743336 to 8388614 in Process 13/13
0.0786317s => Time to read file from offset 3871668 to 4516946 in Process 7/13
0.0785765s => Time to read file from offset 2581112 to 3226390 in Process 5/13
0.0782645s => Time to read file from offset 3226390 to 3871668 in Process 6/13
0.0789622s => Time to read file from offset 1935834 to 2581112 in Process 4/13
0.0793331s => Time to read file from offset 7098058 to 7743336 in Process 12/13
0.0784667s => Time to read file from offset 4516946 to 5162224 in Process 8/13
1.35764s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/13 memory
1.35146s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/13 memory
1.35477s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/13 memory
1.35564s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/13 memory
1.35668s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/13 memory
1.35399s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/13 memory
1.34726s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/13 memory
1.36821s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/13 memory
1.35874s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/13 memory
1.36375s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/13 memory
1.35599s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/13 memory
1.37482s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/13 memory
1.3778s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/13 memory
7.38904s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_7BWz5E' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 5/13
8.81975s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/13
7.3832s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_gJxuji' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 2/13
8.82111s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/13
7.37531s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_Oufw5Y' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 3/13
8.82964s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/13
8.48635s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_lcuZoX' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 12/13
9.91391s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/13
8.48766s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_ws8A5m' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 11/13
8.48848s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_p62C2z' and fill it up with 645272 sorted elements by Process 13/13
9.92317s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/13
9.92491s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/13
8.49735s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_lXacZ6' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 9/13
9.93415s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/13
8.9638s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_46BjiY' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 8/13
10.4209s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/13
9.27129s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_BZH612' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 1/13
10.7198s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/13
9.27387s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_h6gzEo' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 6/13
9.26497s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_8T3s76' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 4/13
10.7006s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/13
10.7076s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/13
9.34454s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_QWNQ5J' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 10/13
10.7885s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/13
9.35323s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5856_Bgnr4P' and fill it up with 645278 sorted elements by Process 7/13
10.7882s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/13
Starting the merge process for 13 files
49.1431s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/13
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 14 nodes
0.0738407s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 599187 in Process 1/14
0.0727666s => Time to read file from offset 4793496 to 5392683 in Process 9/14
0.0731501s => Time to read file from offset 1198374 to 1797561 in Process 3/14
0.0730826s => Time to read file from offset 7190244 to 7789431 in Process 13/14
0.0731898s => Time to read file from offset 5392683 to 5991870 in Process 10/14
0.07323s => Time to read file from offset 3595122 to 4194309 in Process 7/14
0.0730889s => Time to read file from offset 5991870 to 6591057 in Process 11/14
0.074186s => Time to read file from offset 599187 to 1198374 in Process 2/14
0.0733898s => Time to read file from offset 2396748 to 2995935 in Process 5/14
0.0732799s => Time to read file from offset 2995935 to 3595122 in Process 6/14
0.0726733s => Time to read file from offset 4194309 to 4793496 in Process 8/14
0.0730857s => Time to read file from offset 1797561 to 2396748 in Process 4/14
0.0736799s => Time to read file from offset 7789431 to 8388618 in Process 14/14
0.0733872s => Time to read file from offset 6591057 to 7190244 in Process 12/14
1.2388s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/14 memory
1.25442s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/14 memory
1.24621s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/14 memory
1.24964s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/14 memory
1.26092s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/14 memory
1.2539s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/14 memory
1.25618s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/14 memory
1.25693s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/14 memory
1.25076s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/14 memory
1.25308s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/14 memory
1.25746s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/14 memory
1.25854s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/14 memory
1.27433s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/14 memory
1.26612s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/14 memory
4.7541s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_db51Dg' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 1/14
6.08284s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/14
7.5619s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_CChNuJ' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 3/14
8.88615s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/14
7.54485s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_eHGvzc' and fill it up with 599177 sorted elements by Process 14/14
8.87661s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/14
7.57572s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_5a0lvk' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 13/14
8.88825s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/14
7.57929s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_gmYH4n' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 11/14
8.89926s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/14
7.57444s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_Oih9sT' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 9/14
8.90895s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/14
7.57652s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_Gd75zr' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 10/14
7.55889s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_BeM0Xr' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 7/14
8.90756s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/14
8.90796s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/14
8.04138s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_luqeyv' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 2/14
9.37318s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/14
9.08344s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_pEn31I' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 4/14
9.0894s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_kZqNgc' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 6/14
9.07486s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_3apQxF' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 12/14
9.09757s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_WXlfah' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 5/14
10.4256s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/14
10.4166s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/14
10.417s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/14
10.4158s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/14
9.12619s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1148_KXFPPD' and fill it up with 599187 sorted elements by Process 8/14
10.4503s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/14
Starting the merge process for 14 files
47.3622s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/14
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 15 nodes
0.067703s => Time to read file from offset 4473928 to 5033169 in Process 9/15
0.0696579s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 559241 in Process 1/15
0.068218s => Time to read file from offset 5592410 to 6151651 in Process 11/15
0.0681247s => Time to read file from offset 1118482 to 1677723 in Process 3/15
0.0682498s => Time to read file from offset 5033169 to 5592410 in Process 10/15
0.0685399s => Time to read file from offset 6710892 to 7270133 in Process 13/15
0.0687333s => Time to read file from offset 559241 to 1118482 in Process 2/15
0.0681407s => Time to read file from offset 2236964 to 2796205 in Process 5/15
0.0678363s => Time to read file from offset 3914687 to 4473928 in Process 8/15
0.0687929s => Time to read file from offset 6151651 to 6710892 in Process 12/15
0.0682251s => Time to read file from offset 2796205 to 3355446 in Process 6/15
0.069064s => Time to read file from offset 7270133 to 7829374 in Process 14/15
0.0692142s => Time to read file from offset 7829374 to 8388615 in Process 15/15
0.0680433s => Time to read file from offset 3355446 to 3914687 in Process 7/15
0.0684806s => Time to read file from offset 1677723 to 2236964 in Process 4/15
1.15256s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/15 memory
1.15557s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/15 memory
1.16625s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/15 memory
1.15755s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/15 memory
1.16521s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/15 memory
1.15603s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/15 memory
1.17031s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/15 memory
1.16391s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/15 memory
1.1645s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/15 memory
1.16266s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/15 memory
1.16549s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/15 memory
1.17083s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/15 memory
1.19254s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/15 memory
1.18151s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/15 memory
1.20433s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/15 memory
6.65468s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_eoS54q' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 1/15
6.63358s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_tiGXDl' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 3/15
6.6843s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_xODeB3' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 5/15
7.90563s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/15
7.91874s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/15
7.90754s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/15
6.78794s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_Mp2M6U' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 6/15
8.02072s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/15
8.40378s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_xMI87y' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 11/15
9.62823s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/15
8.39126s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_FY06JE' and fill it up with 559234 sorted elements by Process 15/15
9.6172s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/15
8.40051s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_5QTpAs' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 2/15
9.62751s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/15
8.36753s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_nDnUdp' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 12/15
9.61843s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/15
9.07592s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_opZjUx' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 9/15
10.3106s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/15
9.04945s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_FH1107' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 7/15
10.2892s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/15
9.05672s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_q6SpsX' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 14/15
10.2909s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/15
9.05685s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_i4Grkh' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 8/15
10.2909s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/15
9.29208s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_vjD1y6' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 10/15
10.5262s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/15
9.2867s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_EdTS07' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 13/15
10.5262s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/15
9.28261s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun8669_tuBeXj' and fill it up with 559241 sorted elements by Process 4/15
10.5144s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/15
Starting the merge process for 15 files
49.2101s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/15
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
0.996851min => FULL EXECUTION TIME
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 16 nodes
0.0647396s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 524289 in Process 1/16
0.0721147s => Time to read file from offset 4194312 to 4718601 in Process 9/16
0.0639165s => Time to read file from offset 4718601 to 5242890 in Process 10/16
0.0663592s => Time to read file from offset 5242890 to 5767179 in Process 11/16
0.0675386s => Time to read file from offset 524289 to 1048578 in Process 2/16
0.0712271s => Time to read file from offset 6291468 to 6815757 in Process 13/16
0.0715316s => Time to read file from offset 1048578 to 1572867 in Process 3/16
0.0727114s => Time to read file from offset 2097156 to 2621445 in Process 5/16
0.0643026s => Time to read file from offset 7340046 to 7864335 in Process 15/16
0.0640895s => Time to read file from offset 5767179 to 6291468 in Process 12/16
0.064345s => Time to read file from offset 2621445 to 3145734 in Process 6/16
0.0649368s => Time to read file from offset 3145734 to 3670023 in Process 7/16
0.0636994s => Time to read file from offset 6815757 to 7340046 in Process 14/16
0.07013s => Time to read file from offset 1572867 to 2097156 in Process 4/16
0.0638116s => Time to read file from offset 3670023 to 4194312 in Process 8/16
0.0642219s => Time to read file from offset 7864335 to 8388624 in Process 16/16
1.08283s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/16 memory
1.08181s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/16 memory
1.09976s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/16 memory
1.08089s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/16 memory
1.08398s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/16 memory
1.0857s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/16 memory
1.0914s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/16 memory
1.09968s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/16 memory
1.0971s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/16 memory
1.08855s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/16 memory
1.08228s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/16 memory
1.0853s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/16 memory
1.08651s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/16 memory
1.0964s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/16 memory
1.09686s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/16 memory
1.10542s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/16 memory
6.97718s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_4tx1qQ' and fill it up with 524273 sorted elements by Process 16/16
8.12435s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/16
6.97079s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_DMNByJ' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 14/16
8.13196s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/16
6.97653s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_S3M442' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 4/16
8.13386s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/16
6.99189s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_h0NsvK' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 1/16
8.15688s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/16
6.99989s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_tbvx8T' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 10/16
8.14723s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/16
8.66623s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_g6i8IV' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 12/16
8.67544s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_vU0Evy' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 2/16
9.82543s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/16
9.8175s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/16
8.70296s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_nuWtzH' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 7/16
9.85706s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/16
9.20762s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_ms42HB' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 6/16
10.3691s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/16
9.20165s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_qUZnN6' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 3/16
10.3795s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/16
9.21622s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_Ax621Q' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 13/16
10.3797s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/16
9.21544s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_zeWmga' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 11/16
10.3798s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/16
9.22438s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_X3eXuo' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 15/16
10.3702s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/16
9.57177s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_GYYFKd' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 9/16
10.7442s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/16
9.56648s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_iQOksS' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 8/16
10.7163s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/16
9.57761s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7936_PKFxwI' and fill it up with 524289 sorted elements by Process 5/16
10.7349s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/16
Starting the merge process for 16 files
49.8796s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/16
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 17 nodes
0.0598747s => Time to read file from offset 3947584 to 4441032 in Process 9/17
0.0613525s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 493448 in Process 1/17
0.0610749s => Time to read file from offset 7895168 to 8388616 in Process 17/17
0.0601077s => Time to read file from offset 4441032 to 4934480 in Process 10/17
0.0602815s => Time to read file from offset 4934480 to 5427928 in Process 11/17
0.0606183s => Time to read file from offset 5921376 to 6414824 in Process 13/17
0.0607674s => Time to read file from offset 1973792 to 2467240 in Process 5/17
0.0605167s => Time to read file from offset 493448 to 986896 in Process 2/17
0.0600904s => Time to read file from offset 986896 to 1480344 in Process 3/17
0.0603895s => Time to read file from offset 6414824 to 6908272 in Process 14/17
0.0599251s => Time to read file from offset 2960688 to 3454136 in Process 7/17
0.0604321s => Time to read file from offset 1480344 to 1973792 in Process 4/17
0.0604491s => Time to read file from offset 6908272 to 7401720 in Process 15/17
0.060467s => Time to read file from offset 2467240 to 2960688 in Process 6/17
0.0608339s => Time to read file from offset 5427928 to 5921376 in Process 12/17
0.0598176s => Time to read file from offset 3454136 to 3947584 in Process 8/17
0.0606405s => Time to read file from offset 7401720 to 7895168 in Process 16/17
1.01281s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/17 memory
1.02082s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/17 memory
1.02619s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/17 memory
1.01759s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/17 memory
1.00923s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/17 memory
1.01815s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/17 memory
1.02017s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/17 memory
1.01497s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/17 memory
1.00626s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/17 memory
1.02575s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/17 memory
1.01823s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/17 memory
1.03107s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/17 memory
1.02249s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/17 memory
1.02345s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/17 memory
1.05317s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/17 memory
1.02209s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/17 memory
1.03696s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/17 memory
4.40602s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_EiMFXd' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 1/17
5.49411s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/17
4.95244s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_r7miHN' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 3/17
6.03891s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/17
8.1506s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_ZuwvmD' and fill it up with 493440 sorted elements by Process 17/17
9.23315s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/17
8.12059s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_leNJlu' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 16/17
9.20396s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/17
8.14599s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_bl3dRm' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 5/17
9.225s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/17
8.14623s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_VRymgt' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 14/17
9.22225s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/17
8.15202s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_J2mdFe' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 7/17
9.22183s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/17
8.15875s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_WPQ0ct' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 10/17
9.23233s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/17
8.15288s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_MGtfpv' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 11/17
9.23283s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/17
8.1362s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_NHVIsD' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 12/17
9.22049s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/17
8.41859s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_htfiKw' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 8/17
9.48532s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/17
8.41587s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_rreQIz' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 4/17
9.4952s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/17
8.42377s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_hSddGF' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 13/17
9.50524s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/17
9.24203s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_JOC26e' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 6/17
9.25896s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_W53cIv' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 2/17
10.3512s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/17
9.24765s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_dbitGM' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 9/17
10.3614s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/17
10.3409s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/17
9.28673s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun3837_jfPPWc' and fill it up with 493448 sorted elements by Process 15/17
10.3713s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/17
Starting the merge process for 17 files
51.9506s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/17
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 18 nodes
0.057154s => Time to read file from offset 3728272 to 4194306 in Process 9/18
0.056984s => Time to read file from offset 7456544 to 7922578 in Process 17/18
0.0588196s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 466034 in Process 1/18
0.0571927s => Time to read file from offset 5592408 to 6058442 in Process 13/18
0.0567525s => Time to read file from offset 466034 to 932068 in Process 2/18
0.056878s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 4660340 in Process 10/18
0.0569264s => Time to read file from offset 932068 to 1398102 in Process 3/18
0.0577294s => Time to read file from offset 1864136 to 2330170 in Process 5/18
0.0574368s => Time to read file from offset 7922578 to 8388612 in Process 18/18
0.0568465s => Time to read file from offset 4660340 to 5126374 in Process 11/18
0.0570514s => Time to read file from offset 6524476 to 6990510 in Process 15/18
0.0567778s => Time to read file from offset 2330170 to 2796204 in Process 6/18
0.057238s => Time to read file from offset 5126374 to 5592408 in Process 12/18
0.0572013s => Time to read file from offset 6058442 to 6524476 in Process 14/18
0.0574019s => Time to read file from offset 1398102 to 1864136 in Process 4/18
0.0575559s => Time to read file from offset 2796204 to 3262238 in Process 7/18
0.0574838s => Time to read file from offset 6990510 to 7456544 in Process 16/18
0.0570065s => Time to read file from offset 3262238 to 3728272 in Process 8/18
0.947859s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/18 memory
0.950388s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/18 memory
0.952227s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/18 memory
0.952384s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/18 memory
0.965639s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/18 memory
0.96494s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/18 memory
0.956247s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/18 memory
0.960182s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/18 memory
0.952134s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/18 memory
0.971856s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/18 memory
0.957864s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/18 memory
0.960951s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/18 memory
0.961175s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/18 memory
0.963663s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/18 memory
0.956291s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/18 memory
0.982806s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/18 memory
0.972663s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/18 memory
0.967068s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/18 memory
5.37591s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_xkE9Li' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 10/18
6.3865s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/18
7.21189s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_LOOmIM' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 1/18
8.24381s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/18
7.21915s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_VJSVue' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 5/18
8.23404s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/18
7.22858s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_pTGTUv' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 2/18
8.23382s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/18
7.21461s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_bBUxSc' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 14/18
8.22459s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/18
7.22409s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_9WGg9K' and fill it up with 466030 sorted elements by Process 18/18
8.23547s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/18
8.34314s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_1TJHWj' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 12/18
8.34424s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_6kOUue' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 6/18
9.36262s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/18
8.35931s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_eqdc1q' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 9/18
9.38276s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/18
9.36218s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/18
8.83167s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_9hBKOd' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 11/18
9.84934s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/18
8.83801s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_t6GSjz' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 17/18
9.86061s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/18
8.82511s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_r9ZtCe' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 4/18
9.84205s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/18
8.84412s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_P3JTSk' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 13/18
9.85233s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/18
8.81145s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_M02wIY' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 7/18
9.84232s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/18
9.33629s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_m1Qaxg' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 8/18
10.3503s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/18
9.32635s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_CjVS97' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 16/18
10.3518s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/18
9.3407s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_AgGYwT' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 15/18
10.3623s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/18
9.37814s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun6730_nW890F' and fill it up with 466034 sorted elements by Process 3/18
10.4185s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/18
Starting the merge process for 18 files
53.2074s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/18
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 19 nodes
0.0538833s => Time to read file from offset 3532048 to 3973554 in Process 9/19
0.0539145s => Time to read file from offset 7064096 to 7505602 in Process 17/19
0.0556481s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 441506 in Process 1/19
0.054013s => Time to read file from offset 3973554 to 4415060 in Process 10/19
0.0539899s => Time to read file from offset 7505602 to 7947108 in Process 18/19
0.054126s => Time to read file from offset 441506 to 883012 in Process 2/19
0.0543295s => Time to read file from offset 883012 to 1324518 in Process 3/19
0.0538187s => Time to read file from offset 5298072 to 5739578 in Process 13/19
0.0538067s => Time to read file from offset 4415060 to 4856566 in Process 11/19
0.0540404s => Time to read file from offset 1766024 to 2207530 in Process 5/19
0.0540865s => Time to read file from offset 7947108 to 8388614 in Process 19/19
0.0540797s => Time to read file from offset 6181084 to 6622590 in Process 15/19
0.0542277s => Time to read file from offset 4856566 to 5298072 in Process 12/19
0.0541234s => Time to read file from offset 5739578 to 6181084 in Process 14/19
0.0540726s => Time to read file from offset 1324518 to 1766024 in Process 4/19
0.0541562s => Time to read file from offset 2649036 to 3090542 in Process 7/19
0.0539314s => Time to read file from offset 2207530 to 2649036 in Process 6/19
0.0538479s => Time to read file from offset 6622590 to 7064096 in Process 16/19
0.053867s => Time to read file from offset 3090542 to 3532048 in Process 8/19
0.898884s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/19 memory
0.905303s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/19 memory
0.893644s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/19 memory
0.909448s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/19 memory
0.900102s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/19 memory
0.900611s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/19 memory
0.902648s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/19 memory
0.906541s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/19 memory
0.905782s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/19 memory
0.89657s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/19 memory
0.905878s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/19 memory
0.896698s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/19 memory
0.917639s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/19 memory
0.907976s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/19 memory
0.911824s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/19 memory
0.907391s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/19 memory
0.918341s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/19 memory
0.924078s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/19 memory
0.930544s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/19 memory
7.07998s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_poXdlh' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 1/19
8.03564s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/19
7.07028s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_LcOL9t' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 2/19
8.02518s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/19
7.0627s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_VkZuJP' and fill it up with 441500 sorted elements by Process 19/19
8.02332s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/19
7.06849s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_ZqrJL9' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 13/19
8.0256s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/19
7.05393s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_dFx3o4' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 8/19
8.00515s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/19
8.05556s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_fjagA6' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 6/19
9.04071s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/19
8.07031s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_JsAA6N' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 16/19
9.03219s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/19
8.09875s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_NPAq66' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 9/19
9.06301s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/19
8.80599s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_EXIqMU' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 11/19
9.76625s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/19
8.79503s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_bRRnXU' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 10/19
9.76736s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/19
8.791s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_5cDuKD' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 15/19
9.75755s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/19
8.82006s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_cBS6Md' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 17/19
9.77997s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/19
8.82989s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_N8nWjQ' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 14/19
9.79348s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/19
9.49199s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_efxZvz' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 18/19
10.4541s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/19
9.47062s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_kEUWVU' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 12/19
10.4439s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/19
9.50358s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_un4tLY' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 5/19
10.4519s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/19
9.51371s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_Pyu58D' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 7/19
9.54825s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_bYWq3s' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 3/19
10.5039s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/19
10.4934s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/19
9.54225s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9854_TJar21' and fill it up with 441506 sorted elements by Process 4/19
10.4936s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/19
Starting the merge process for 19 files
53.8148s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/19
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/8388608_8byte.bin' of 8388608 elements (64Mb) using 20 nodes
0.0515207s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 419431 in Process 1/20
0.0514736s => Time to read file from offset 6710896 to 7130327 in Process 17/20
0.0511299s => Time to read file from offset 3355448 to 3774879 in Process 9/20
0.0511325s => Time to read file from offset 3774879 to 4194310 in Process 10/20
0.05139s => Time to read file from offset 838862 to 1258293 in Process 3/20
0.0509845s => Time to read file from offset 419431 to 838862 in Process 2/20
0.051433s => Time to read file from offset 7549758 to 7969189 in Process 19/20
0.0513241s => Time to read file from offset 7130327 to 7549758 in Process 18/20
0.0515816s => Time to read file from offset 4194310 to 4613741 in Process 11/20
0.0517555s => Time to read file from offset 5033172 to 5452603 in Process 13/20
0.0511868s => Time to read file from offset 1677724 to 2097155 in Process 5/20
0.0516561s => Time to read file from offset 2097155 to 2516586 in Process 6/20
0.05157s => Time to read file from offset 2516586 to 2936017 in Process 7/20
0.0512557s => Time to read file from offset 1258293 to 1677724 in Process 4/20
0.0518268s => Time to read file from offset 5872034 to 6291465 in Process 15/20
0.0524512s => Time to read file from offset 5452603 to 5872034 in Process 14/20
0.0513271s => Time to read file from offset 4613741 to 5033172 in Process 12/20
0.0521058s => Time to read file from offset 7969189 to 8388620 in Process 20/20
0.0514567s => Time to read file from offset 2936017 to 3355448 in Process 8/20
0.0513227s => Time to read file from offset 6291465 to 6710896 in Process 16/20
0.853768s => Time to sort elements in Process 9/20 memory
0.84497s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/20 memory
0.849127s => Time to sort elements in Process 19/20 memory
0.853519s => Time to sort elements in Process 10/20 memory
0.863714s => Time to sort elements in Process 17/20 memory
0.856718s => Time to sort elements in Process 18/20 memory
0.846205s => Time to sort elements in Process 20/20 memory
0.857074s => Time to sort elements in Process 11/20 memory
0.84822s => Time to sort elements in Process 15/20 memory
0.872947s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/20 memory
0.8546s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/20 memory
0.864656s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/20 memory
0.856465s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/20 memory
0.866211s => Time to sort elements in Process 13/20 memory
0.858563s => Time to sort elements in Process 12/20 memory
0.849592s => Time to sort elements in Process 8/20 memory
0.861778s => Time to sort elements in Process 14/20 memory
0.865192s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/20 memory
0.86141s => Time to sort elements in Process 16/20 memory
0.881241s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/20 memory
6.82684s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_7hz1zW' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 17/20
7.74269s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 17/20
6.81698s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_r1tdtV' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 6/20
7.7239s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/20
6.8316s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_BdpjWy' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 19/20
7.73283s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 19/20
8.16368s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_Lvn5sG' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 4/20
9.0721s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/20
8.17247s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_J215Ph' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 18/20
9.08111s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 18/20
8.18582s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_6xdezS' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 9/20
8.16099s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_xSVOII' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 12/20
9.07157s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 12/20
8.16572s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_ZcScH9' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 3/20
9.08244s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/20
9.09222s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 9/20
9.24341s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_pAx0lI' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 10/20
9.22724s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_M1JLAI' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 8/20
10.1292s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 8/20
9.23836s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_RPaViq' and fill it up with 419419 sorted elements by Process 20/20
10.1374s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 20/20
10.1498s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 10/20
9.25444s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_zgHNLK' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 5/20
9.2438s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_C7Jlmi' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 15/20
9.2271s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_BcKMXj' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 7/20
10.1445s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/20
10.1521s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/20
10.1453s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 15/20
9.22118s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_jpgeGt' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 16/20
10.1349s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 16/20
9.26162s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_TKXJIF' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 2/20
10.1945s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/20
9.49134s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_vz9zjZ' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 1/20
10.4164s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/20
9.4823s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_Cy3fca' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 14/20
9.49672s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_RaGo1C' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 11/20
10.406s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 11/20
10.398s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 14/20
9.51996s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun2027_5UTivU' and fill it up with 419431 sorted elements by Process 13/20
10.4386s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 13/20
Starting the merge process for 20 files
49.9882s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/20
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/8388608_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 1 nodes
7.37249s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 10485761 in Process 1/1
26.4793s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/1 memory
13.6817s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5736_PrZ841' and fill it up with 10485760 sorted elements by Process 1/1
47.5341s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/1
Starting the merge process for 1 files
35.7591s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/1
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 2 nodes
0.655769s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 5242881 in Process 1/2
3.67944s => Time to read file from offset 5242881 to 10485762 in Process 2/2
12.8083s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/2 memory
12.8684s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/2 memory
7.06739s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun287_XGKa7G' and fill it up with 5242881 sorted elements by Process 1/2
20.532s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/2
7.52236s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun287_GuNGbq' and fill it up with 5242879 sorted elements by Process 2/2
24.0708s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/2
Starting the merge process for 2 files
43.2724s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/2
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 3 nodes
0.422615s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 3495254 in Process 1/3
2.61021s => Time to read file from offset 3495254 to 6990508 in Process 2/3
3.6906s => Time to read file from offset 6990508 to 10485762 in Process 3/3
8.30064s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/3 memory
8.28348s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/3 memory
8.26794s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/3 memory
4.81289s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1336_P6JZn7' and fill it up with 3495254 sorted elements by Process 1/3
13.5367s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/3
5.30024s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1336_B4hFWk' and fill it up with 3495254 sorted elements by Process 2/3
16.1945s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/3
6.49654s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1336_BNL895' and fill it up with 3495252 sorted elements by Process 3/3
18.4557s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/3
Starting the merge process for 3 files
48.1319s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/3
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 4 nodes
0.321573s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2621441 in Process 1/4
2.02081s => Time to read file from offset 2621441 to 5242882 in Process 2/4
3.08959s => Time to read file from offset 5242882 to 7864323 in Process 3/4
3.6698s => Time to read file from offset 7864323 to 10485764 in Process 4/4
6.04302s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/4 memory
6.12141s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/4 memory
6.08331s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/4 memory
6.05978s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/4 memory
3.62212s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5306_ODRVLx' and fill it up with 2621441 sorted elements by Process 1/4
9.98731s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/4
4.3404s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5306_pL8G4c' and fill it up with 2621441 sorted elements by Process 2/4
12.4832s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/4
7.72588s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5306_K3iafX' and fill it up with 2621441 sorted elements by Process 3/4
7.1569s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun5306_l28mrn' and fill it up with 2621437 sorted elements by Process 4/4
16.8871s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/4
16.8997s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/4
Starting the merge process for 4 files
50.2872s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/4
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 5 nodes
0.255423s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 2097153 in Process 1/5
1.63118s => Time to read file from offset 2097153 to 4194306 in Process 2/5
2.64209s => Time to read file from offset 4194306 to 6291459 in Process 3/5
3.29487s => Time to read file from offset 6291459 to 8388612 in Process 4/5
3.64011s => Time to read file from offset 8388612 to 10485765 in Process 5/5
4.79587s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/5 memory
4.88058s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/5 memory
4.8005s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/5 memory
2.95171s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7178_iLeLd5' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 1/5
8.00357s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/5
4.77705s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/5 memory
4.82747s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/5 memory
3.40241s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7178_iRPOSc' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 2/5
9.91484s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/5
7.26009s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7178_UpeTy7' and fill it up with 2097148 sorted elements by Process 5/5
15.7283s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/5
8.28385s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7178_tFaPOJ' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 3/5
15.7272s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/5
7.64613s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun7178_gLWHC5' and fill it up with 2097153 sorted elements by Process 4/5
15.7188s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/5
Starting the merge process for 5 files
55.5548s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/5
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 6 nodes
0.213744s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1747627 in Process 1/6
1.38661s => Time to read file from offset 1747627 to 3495254 in Process 2/6
2.27626s => Time to read file from offset 3495254 to 5242881 in Process 3/6
2.94847s => Time to read file from offset 5242881 to 6990508 in Process 4/6
3.37247s => Time to read file from offset 6990508 to 8738135 in Process 5/6
3.6435s => Time to read file from offset 8738135 to 10485762 in Process 6/6
3.96738s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/6 memory
3.95307s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/6 memory
4.02758s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/6 memory
2.64736s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1575_CWwm0J' and fill it up with 1747627 sorted elements by Process 1/6
6.82973s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/6
3.92816s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/6 memory
3.94048s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/6 memory
3.9097s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/6 memory
2.72314s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1575_JY0YJs' and fill it up with 1747627 sorted elements by Process 2/6
8.06366s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/6
6.81536s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1575_p9MfPU' and fill it up with 1747625 sorted elements by Process 6/6
7.47954s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1575_9eNuiO' and fill it up with 1747627 sorted elements by Process 4/6
14.3568s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/6
8.07546s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1575_4WAu3x' and fill it up with 1747627 sorted elements by Process 3/6
14.3801s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/6
7.06749s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun1575_FBA0fR' and fill it up with 1747627 sorted elements by Process 5/6
14.3812s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/6
14.3693s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/6
Starting the merge process for 6 files
52.9151s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/6
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Sorting file '/mnt/raid/testlists/10485760_8byte.bin' of 10485760 elements (80Mb) using 7 nodes
0.181258s => Time to read file from offset 0 to 1497966 in Process 1/7
1.19772s => Time to read file from offset 1497966 to 2995932 in Process 2/7
2.00938s => Time to read file from offset 2995932 to 4493898 in Process 3/7
2.64653s => Time to read file from offset 4493898 to 5991864 in Process 4/7
3.0958s => Time to read file from offset 5991864 to 7489830 in Process 5/7
3.43887s => Time to read file from offset 7489830 to 8987796 in Process 6/7
3.36211s => Time to sort elements in Process 1/7 memory
3.64447s => Time to read file from offset 8987796 to 10485762 in Process 7/7
3.35948s => Time to sort elements in Process 2/7 memory
3.34407s => Time to sort elements in Process 3/7 memory
2.10713s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_HPihms' and fill it up with 1497966 sorted elements by Process 1/7
5.65131s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 1/7
3.32241s => Time to sort elements in Process 4/7 memory
3.31413s => Time to sort elements in Process 5/7 memory
2.19216s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_d5s9NR' and fill it up with 1497966 sorted elements by Process 2/7
6.75002s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 2/7
3.3918s => Time to sort elements in Process 6/7 memory
3.32905s => Time to sort elements in Process 7/7 memory
2.44001s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_LCuaRp' and fill it up with 1497966 sorted elements by Process 3/7
7.79485s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 3/7
7.23602s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_Zr3EHF' and fill it up with 1497966 sorted elements by Process 5/7
13.6466s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 5/7
7.6639s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_lUamqt' and fill it up with 1497966 sorted elements by Process 4/7
6.80253s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_kemXKA' and fill it up with 1497966 sorted elements by Process 6/7
13.6339s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 6/7
6.65576s => Time to write '/mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun9642_EqhxYP' and fill it up with 1497964 sorted elements by Process 7/7
13.6302s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 7/7
13.6344s => Time function sortRuns() in Process 4/7
Starting the merge process for 7 files
55.8103s => Time function kMerge() in Process 1/7
Sorted file '/mnt/raid/tmp/10485760_8byte.bin.buf.sort'
To visualize binary files in bash can be used:
od -t d8 -A n binaryfile.bin #For in use format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=little binaryfile.bin #For little-endian format
od -t d8 -A n --endian=big binaryfile.bin #For big-endian format

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
