# Program for compiling MPI cpp programs CC = mpicxx CXX = mpicxx # Extra flags to give to the processor compiler CFLAGS = -g #TODO -Wall -Werror -Wextra # SRC = main.cpp OBJ = $(SRC:.cpp=.o) NAME = merge_sort_enhanced # SBATCH parameters JOBNAME = Distributed_Sorting PARTITION = production TIME = 12:00:00 MEM = 3G NODELIST = steffe[9,12-20] CPUS_PER_TASK = 1 NTASKS_PER_NODE = 1 OUTPUT = ./%x.%j.out ERROR = ./e%x.%j.err # .PHONY: all run detail clean fclean re .o: .cpp $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ all: $(NAME) $(NAME): $(OBJ) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ run: $(NAME) ## Se modifico il Makefile con i parametri di sbatch ricreo anche il launcher.sh # @if ! [ -f launcher.sh ]; then \ @echo "#!/bin/bash" > launcher.sh; \ echo "## sbatch is the command line interpreter for Slurm" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## specify the name of the job in the queueing system" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --job-name=$(JOBNAME)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## specify the partition for the resource allocation. if not specified, slurm is allowed to take the default(the one with a star *)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --partition=$(PARTITION)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## format for time is days-hours:minutes:seconds, is used as time limit for the execution duration" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --time=$(TIME)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## specify the real memory required per node. suffix can be K-M-G-T but if not present is MegaBytes by default" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --mem=$(MEM)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## format for hosts as a range(steffe[1-4,10-15,20]), to specify hosts needed to satisfy resource requirements" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --nodelist=$(NODELIST)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## to specify the number of processors per task, default is one" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$(CPUS_PER_TASK)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## to specify the number of tasks to be invoked on each node" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$(NTASKS_PER_NODE)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "## to specify the file of utput and error" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --output $(OUTPUT)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "#SBATCH --error $(ERROR)" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "" >> launcher.sh; \ echo "mpirun $(NAME) $(ARGS)" >> launcher.sh; \ chmod +x launcher.sh; \ echo "The 'launcher.sh' script has been created and is ready to run."; \ # else \ # chmod +x launcher.sh; \ # fi @echo; sbatch launcher.sh @echo " To see job list you can use 'squeue'." @echo " To cancel a job you can use 'scancel jobid'." detail: @echo "Compiler flags and options that mpicxx would use for compiling an MPI program: " @mpicxx --showme:compile @echo @echo "Linker flags and options that mpicxx would use for linking an MPI program: " @mpicxx --showme:link clean: ## Sembra non funzionare read # read -p "rm: remove all files \"./$(JOBNAME).*.out\" and \"./e$(JOBNAME).*.err\"? (y/n)" choice # @if [ "$$choice" = "y" ]; then \ @echo rm -f ./$(JOBNAME).*.out @for file in ./$(JOBNAME).*.out; do \ rm -f "$$file"; \ done @echo rm -f ./e$(JOBNAME).*.err @for file in ./e$(JOBNAME).*.err; do \ rm -f "$$file"; \ done # fi rm -f *~ $(OBJ) fclean: clean rm -f ./launcher.sh; rm -f ./nohup.out rm -f /mnt/raid/tmp/SortedRun* rm -f /mnt/raid/tmp/*.sort rm -f $(NAME) re: fclean all # mpicxx *.c # mpirun/mpiexec ... //will run X copies of the program in the current run-time environment, scheduling(by default) in a round-robin fashion by CPU slot. # SLIDE 5 Durastante # The Script # #!/bin/bash # #SBATCH --job-name=dascegliere # #SBATCH --mem=size[unis] # #SBATCH -n 10 # #SBATCH --time=12:00:00 # #SBATCH --nodelist=lista # #SBATCH --partition=ports # #ecc.. # mpirun ...