edoardocoli 2 years ago
parent d9ac469a41
commit 64c96749d6

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import configparser
from colorama import Fore, Style
from colorama import Fore, Style
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import Node
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ def build_topology(config_file):
if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
parts = line.split(" ") #Parse the topology file using spaces
if parts[0] == 'host': #Parse hosts
parts = line.split(" ") #Parse the topology file using spaces
if parts[0] == 'host': #Parse hosts
host_name = parts[1]
host_ip = parts[2]
host_nexthop = 'via ' + parts[3]
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ def run_topology(config_file):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
parts = line.split(" ")
if parts[0] == 'route': #Parse routing tables
name = parts[1]
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ def run_topology(config_file):
print(Fore.RED + "Network has issues" + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.GREEN + "Network working properly" + Style.RESET_ALL)
# CLI(net)
net.stop() #Stopping the network
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
import mininet
import time, socket, random
import numpy as np
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.link import TCLink
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define custom topology
class MyTopology(Topo):
def build(self):
# Create switches
s1 = self.addSwitch('s1')
s2 = self.addSwitch('s2')
# Create hosts
h1 = self.addHost('h1')
h2 = self.addHost('h2')
# Add links
self.addLink(h1, s1, cls=TCLink, delay='10ms', bw=1)
self.addLink(s1, s2, cls=TCLink, delay='50ms', bw=0.5)
self.addLink(s2, h2, cls=TCLink, delay='10ms', bw=1)
# Define TCP agent
class MyTCPAgent:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize TCP agent
self.transmission_rounds = []
self.congestion_window_sizes = []
def handle_connection(self):
print("TCP connection establishment")
# Implement TCP connection establishment
# Example TCP connection establishment using a socket
# self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# self.sock.connect(('localhost', 19191))
# Example TCP connection establishment simulation
time.sleep(1) # Simulating connection establishment delay
def handle_data_transfer(self, tunnel, window_size):
print("Performing data transfer with tunnel:", tunnel, "and window size:", window_size)
# Implement TCP data transfer with the given tunnel and window size using socket programming
# Implement TCP data transfer simulation
# Placeholder logic: Simulating data transfer
time.sleep(0.1) # Simulating data transfer delay
# Simulate congestion control by waiting for a fixed amount of time
# Record transmission round and final congestion window size
self.transmission_rounds.append(len(self.transmission_rounds) + 1)
# Define RL agent for tunnel selection
class TunnelSelectionAgent:
def __init__(self, tunnels):
# Initialize your RL agent for tunnel selection
self.rewards = []
self.selected_tunnels = []
self.tunnels = tunnels
self.current_tunnel = 0
def select_tunnel(self):
# Implement tunnel selection based on RL policy
# Placeholder logic: Select a tunnel randomly or based on some criteria
selected_tunnel = self.tunnels[self.current_tunnel]
self.current_tunnel = (self.current_tunnel + 1) % len(self.tunnels)
return selected_tunnel
def update_policy(self, reward):
# Implement RL policy update based on rewards
# Define RL agent for window prediction
class WindowPredictionAgent:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize the RL agent for window prediction
self.window_sizes = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] # Possible window sizes
self.alpha = 0.1 # Learning rate
self.gamma = 0.9 # Discount factor
self.q_table = {} # Q-table to store state-action values
def predict_window_size(self):
# Get the current state (e.g., network conditions)
state = self.get_state()
# Check if the state is in the Q-table
if state not in self.q_table:
# Initialize Q-values for all possible actions in the current state
self.q_table[state] = {window_size: 0 for window_size in self.window_sizes}
# Choose the action (window size) based on epsilon-greedy policy
if random.random() < 0.2: # Exploration (20% of the time)
action = random.choice(self.window_sizes)
else: # Exploitation (80% of the time)
action = self.get_best_action(state)
return action
def get_state(self):
# Implement the logic to determine the current state based on network conditions
# For example, you can consider factors such as round-trip time, packet loss rate, or congestion signals
# Placeholder logic: Return a random state
return random.randint(1, 10)
def get_best_action(self, state):
# Find the action (window size) with the highest Q-value for the given state
best_action = max(self.q_table[state], key=self.q_table[state].get)
return best_action
def update_policy(self, reward):
# Update the Q-value based on the reward received after taking an action
# Get the previous state and action
prev_state = self.get_state() # Replace with the actual previous state
prev_action = self.predict_window_size() # Replace with the actual previous action
# Get the current state
curr_state = self.get_state()
# Check if the current state is in the Q-table
if curr_state not in self.q_table:
# Initialize Q-values for all possible actions in the current state
self.q_table[curr_state] = {window_size: 0 for window_size in self.window_sizes}
# Update the Q-value using the Q-learning update rule
max_q_value = max(self.q_table[curr_state].values()) # Get the maximum Q-value for the current state
self.q_table[prev_state][prev_action] += self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * max_q_value - self.q_table[prev_state][prev_action])
# Create the Mininet network with custom topology
def create_network():
topo = MyTopology()
net = Mininet(topo=topo)
return net
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create the Mininet network
net = create_network()
# Instantiate TCP and RL agents
tcp_agent = MyTCPAgent()
tunnels = ['myPrivate1']
tunnel_agent = TunnelSelectionAgent(tunnels)
window_agent = WindowPredictionAgent()
# Perform TCP connection establishment
# Perform data transfer with RL-based tunnel selection and window prediction
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if time.time() - start_time > 10: # End packet exchange after <X> seconds
tunnel = tunnel_agent.select_tunnel()
window_size = window_agent.predict_window_size()
# Perform data transfer
tcp_agent.handle_data_transfer(tunnel, window_size)
# Update RL agents based on rewards
reward = 0.5 # Actual reward value
# window_agent.update_policy(reward)
# Stop the Mininet network
# Plot Transmission Round versus Congestion Window Size
plt.plot(tcp_agent.transmission_rounds, tcp_agent.congestion_window_sizes)
plt.xlabel('Transmission Round')
plt.ylabel('Congestion Window Size')
plt.title('TCP+RL Window Prediction')

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
import heapq
import random
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import OVSSwitch, Controller
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
class MyRouter (Node):
def config(self, **params):
super(MyRouter, self).config(**params)
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') #Enable forwarding on the router
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0') #Disable forwarding on the router
super(MyRouter, self).terminate
def create_topology():
net = Topo()
# Create the SD-WAN sites
site1 = net.addHost('site1')
site2 = net.addHost('site2')
site3 = net.addHost('site3')
# Create the virtual SD-WAN devices
sdwan1 = net.addHost('sdwan1')
sdwan2 = net.addHost('sdwan2')
# Create switches
switch1 = net.addSwitch('s1')
# Connect the hosts and switches
net.addLink(site1, switch1, bw=10, delay='10ms')
net.addLink(site2, switch1, bw=5, delay='20ms')
net.addLink(site3, switch1, bw=8, delay='15ms')
net.addLink(sdwan1, switch1, bw=100, delay='1ms')
net.addLink(sdwan2, switch1, bw=100, delay='1ms')
return net
def dynamic_path_selection(net, link_qos): # Function to select the best path based on real-time conditions using Dijkstra algorithm with QoS metrics
# Add a random factor to the QoS metric
random_range = 4
for link in link_qos:
link_qos[link] += random.randint(-random_range, random_range)
# Perform Dijkstra algorithm to find the best path based on QoS metrics
def dijkstra(source):
distance = {node: float('inf') for node in net}
distance[source] = 0
queue = [(0, source)]
while queue:
dist, node = heapq.heappop(queue)
if dist > distance[node]:
for neighbor, _, link_info in net[node].connectionsTo(net):
qos = link_qos.get(link_info[0].intf1.name)
new_dist = dist + qos
if new_dist < distance[neighbor]:
distance[neighbor] = new_dist
heapq.heappush(queue, (new_dist, neighbor))
return distance
# Run Dijkstra algorithm from each site to determine the best path
site1_distance = dijkstra('site1')
site2_distance = dijkstra('site2')
site3_distance = dijkstra('site3')
sdwan1_distance = dijkstra('sdwan1')
sdwan2_distance = dijkstra('sdwan2')
# Select the best path based on minimum total QoS distance
best_path = min(site1_distance, site2_distance, site3_distance, sdwan1_distance, sdwan2_distance,
key=lambda x: sum(x.values()))
print("Best path based on QoS metrics:")
for node, distance in best_path.items():
print(f"Node: {node}, Total QoS Distance: {distance}")
def run_topology():
setLogLevel('info') #Different logging levels are 'info' 'warning' 'error' 'debug'
topo = create_topology()
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink)
# net.addController('c0', controller=Controller) #non serve metterlo esplicitamente
net.start() #Starting the network
# Define QoS metrics for each link (example values)
link_qos = {
'site1-eth0': 8, # QoS value for link site1 -> switch1
'site2-eth0': 6, # QoS value for link site2 -> switch1
'site3-eth0': 9, # QoS value for link site3 -> switch1
'sdwan1-eth0': 10, # QoS value for link sdwan1 -> switch1
'sdwan2-eth0': 7 # QoS value for link sdwan2 -> switch1
# Add a random factor to the QoS metric
random_range = 4
for link in link_qos:
link_qos[link] += random.randint(-random_range, random_range)
dynamic_path_selection(net, link_qos)
net.stop() #Stopping the network
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
import configparser
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.link import TCLink
@ -14,65 +12,66 @@ class MyRouter (Node):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0') #Disable forwarding on the router
super(MyRouter, self).terminate
# def build_topology(config_file):
# topo = Topo()
# # Create a host with the desired interface and IP
# hh = topo.addHost('h1', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
# hh.setDefaultRoute = ''
# topo.addHost('h2', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
# # Create a router with an interface and default route
# topo.addNode('r1', cls=MyRouter, ip='')
# # Add a link between the host and router
# topo.addLink('h1', 'r1')
# topo.addLink('h2', 'r1')
# return topo
class MyTopo (Topo):
def build( self, *args, **params ):
host = self.addHost('h1', ip='')
self.addNode('r1', cls=MyRouter)
self.addLink('h1', 'h2')
# self.addLink('h1', 'r1', intfName1='H11', intfName2='R11', params1={'ip' : ''}, params2={'ip' : ''})
# self.addLink('h2', 'r1', intfName1='H21', intfName2='R12', params1={'ip' : ''}, params2={'ip' : ''})
def run_topology(config_file):
setLogLevel('info') #Different logging levels are 'info' 'warning' 'error' 'debug'
net = Mininet(link=TCLink)
# Create a host with the desired interface and IP
host = net.addHost('h1', ip='')
host3 = net.addHost('h4', ip='')
# Set the default route on the host
host4 = net.addHost('h3', ip='')
# Create a router with two interfaces and default routes
router = net.addHost('router', cls=MyRouter)
router2 = net.addHost('r2', cls=MyRouter)
# Add interfaces to the router
net.addLink(router, host, intfName1='r33', intfName2='h31', params1={'ip': ''}, params2={'ip': ''})
# net.addLink(router2, host3, intfName1='r33', intfName2='h31', params1={'ip': ''}, params2={'ip': ''})
# net.addLink(router, intfName1='r21', params1={'ip': ''})
# Set the default routes on the router
router.cmd('ip route add default via dev r33')
router.cmd('ip route add default via dev r21')
# router2.cmd('ip route add default via dev r33')
# router2.cmd('ip route add default via dev r21')
net.start() #Starting the network
# (net.getNodeByName('h1')).cmd('ip route add via')
# (net.getNodeByName('h2')).cmd('ip route add via')
# (net.getNodeByName('r1')).cmd('ip route add via')
net.stop() #Stopping the network
if __name__ == '__main__':
# def build_topology(config_file):
# topo = Topo()
# # Create a host with the desired interface and IP
# hh = topo.addHost('h1', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
# hh.setDefaultRoute = ''
# topo.addHost('h2', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
# # Create a router with an interface and default route
# topo.addNode('r1', cls=MyRouter, ip='')
# # Add a link between the host and router
# topo.addLink('h1', 'r1')
# topo.addLink('h2', 'r1')
# return topo
# class MyTopo (Topo):
# def build( self, *args, **params ):
# host = self.addHost('h1', ip='')
# host.setDefaultRoute('via')
# self.addHost('h2')
# self.addNode('r1', cls=MyRouter)
# self.addLink('h1', 'h2')
# # self.addLink('h1', 'r1', intfName1='H11', intfName2='R11', params1={'ip' : ''}, params2={'ip' : ''})
# # self.addLink('h2', 'r1', intfName1='H21', intfName2='R12', params1={'ip' : ''}, params2={'ip' : ''})

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
import mininet
import time, socket, random
import numpy as np
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.link import TCLink
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define custom topology
class MyTopology(Topo):
def build(self):
# Create switches
s1 = self.addSwitch('s1')
s2 = self.addSwitch('s2')
# Create hosts
h1 = self.addHost('h1')
h2 = self.addHost('h2')
# Add links
self.addLink(h1, s1, cls=TCLink, delay='10ms', bw=1)
self.addLink(s1, s2, cls=TCLink, delay='50ms', bw=0.5)
self.addLink(s2, h2, cls=TCLink, delay='10ms', bw=1)
# Define TCP agent
class MyTCPAgent:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize TCP agent
self.transmission_rounds = []
self.congestion_window_sizes = []
def handle_connection(self):
print("TCP connection establishment")
# Implement TCP connection establishment
# Example TCP connection establishment using a socket
# self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# self.sock.connect(('localhost', 19191))
# Example TCP connection establishment simulation
time.sleep(1) # Simulating connection establishment delay
def handle_data_transfer(self, tunnel, window_size):
print("Performing data transfer with tunnel:", tunnel, "and window size:", window_size)
# Implement TCP data transfer with the given tunnel and window size using socket programming
# Implement TCP data transfer simulation
# Placeholder logic: Simulating data transfer
time.sleep(0.1) # Simulating data transfer delay
# Simulate congestion control by waiting for a fixed amount of time
# Record transmission round and final congestion window size
self.transmission_rounds.append(len(self.transmission_rounds) + 1)
# Define RL agent for tunnel selection
class TunnelSelectionAgent:
def __init__(self, tunnels):
# Initialize your RL agent for tunnel selection
self.rewards = []
self.selected_tunnels = []
self.tunnels = tunnels
self.current_tunnel = 0
def select_tunnel(self):
# Implement tunnel selection based on RL policy
# Placeholder logic: Select a tunnel randomly or based on some criteria
selected_tunnel = self.tunnels[self.current_tunnel]
self.current_tunnel = (self.current_tunnel + 1) % len(self.tunnels)
return selected_tunnel
def update_policy(self, reward):
# Implement RL policy update based on rewards
# Define RL agent for window prediction
class WindowPredictionAgent:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize the RL agent for window prediction
self.window_sizes = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] # Possible window sizes
self.alpha = 0.1 # Learning rate
self.gamma = 0.9 # Discount factor
self.q_table = {} # Q-table to store state-action values
def predict_window_size(self):
# Get the current state (e.g., network conditions)
state = self.get_state()
# Check if the state is in the Q-table
if state not in self.q_table:
# Initialize Q-values for all possible actions in the current state
self.q_table[state] = {window_size: 0 for window_size in self.window_sizes}
# Choose the action (window size) based on epsilon-greedy policy
if random.random() < 0.2: # Exploration (20% of the time)
action = random.choice(self.window_sizes)
else: # Exploitation (80% of the time)
action = self.get_best_action(state)
return action
def get_state(self):
# Implement the logic to determine the current state based on network conditions
# For example, you can consider factors such as round-trip time, packet loss rate, or congestion signals
# Placeholder logic: Return a random state
return random.randint(1, 10)
def get_best_action(self, state):
# Find the action (window size) with the highest Q-value for the given state
best_action = max(self.q_table[state], key=self.q_table[state].get)
return best_action
def update_policy(self, reward):
# Update the Q-value based on the reward received after taking an action
# Get the previous state and action
prev_state = self.get_state() # Replace with the actual previous state
prev_action = self.predict_window_size() # Replace with the actual previous action
# Get the current state
curr_state = self.get_state()
# Check if the current state is in the Q-table
if curr_state not in self.q_table:
# Initialize Q-values for all possible actions in the current state
self.q_table[curr_state] = {window_size: 0 for window_size in self.window_sizes}
# Update the Q-value using the Q-learning update rule
max_q_value = max(self.q_table[curr_state].values()) # Get the maximum Q-value for the current state
self.q_table[prev_state][prev_action] += self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * max_q_value - self.q_table[prev_state][prev_action])
# Create the Mininet network with custom topology
def create_network():
topo = MyTopology()
net = Mininet(topo=topo)
return net
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create the Mininet network
net = create_network()
# Instantiate TCP and RL agents
tcp_agent = MyTCPAgent()
tunnels = ['myPrivate1']
tunnel_agent = TunnelSelectionAgent(tunnels)
window_agent = WindowPredictionAgent()
# Perform TCP connection establishment
# Perform data transfer with RL-based tunnel selection and window prediction
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if time.time() - start_time > 10: # End packet exchange after <X> seconds
tunnel = tunnel_agent.select_tunnel()
window_size = window_agent.predict_window_size()
# Perform data transfer
tcp_agent.handle_data_transfer(tunnel, window_size)
# Update RL agents based on rewards
reward = 0.5 # Actual reward value
# window_agent.update_policy(reward)
# Stop the Mininet network
# Plot Transmission Round versus Congestion Window Size
plt.plot(tcp_agent.transmission_rounds, tcp_agent.congestion_window_sizes)
plt.xlabel('Transmission Round')
plt.ylabel('Congestion Window Size')
plt.title('TCP+RL Window Prediction')

@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ pip3 install configparser
pip3 install colorama
pip3 install mininet
pip3 install ryu
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip install pillow
pip3 install matplotlib
sudo apt-get install mininet
# Vedo i dettagli con
