Tests in Mininet Env

edoardocoli 2 years ago
parent 0109446686
commit 7d24a53db9

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import Controller, OVSSwitch
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
class CustomController( Controller ):
"Open vSwitch controller"
def __init__( self, name, **kwargs ):
kwargs.setdefault( 'command', self.isAvailable() or
'ovs-controller' )
Controller.__init__( self, name, **kwargs )
# class CustomController(Controller):
# def _handle_ConnectionUp(self, event):
# # Handle new connection
# dpid_str = dpid_to_str(event.dpid)
# log.info("Switch %s connected", dpid_str)
# self.connection = event.connection
# event.connection.addListeners(self)
# def _handle_PacketIn(self, event):
# # Handle incoming packet
# packet = event.parsed
# if packet.type == ethernet.IP_TYPE:
# ip_packet = packet.payload
# src_ip = ip_packet.srcip
# dst_ip = ip_packet.dstip
# log.info("Source IP: %s, Destination IP: %s", src_ip, dst_ip)
# # Call the parent handler to continue processing other events
# super(CustomController, self)._handle_PacketIn(event)
def create_topology():
net = Mininet(controller=Controller, switch=OVSSwitch)
# Create network nodes
h1 = net.addHost('h1')
h2 = net.addHost('h2')
s1 = net.addSwitch('s1', cls=OVSSwitch)
# Create links
net.addLink(h1, s1)
net.addLink(h2, s1)
# Start the network
# Create a custom controller instance
controller = net.addController('c1', controller=CustomController)
# Connect the switch to the controller
# Enter command line mode
# Stop the network
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import configparser
import sys
from colorama import Fore, Style
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
class MyRouter (Node):
@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ def build_topology(config_file):
node2 = parts[2]
topo.addLink(elements.get(node1), elements.get(node2))
elif parts[0] == 'SN_link': #Parse general links switches to nodes
switch = parts[1]
node = parts[2]
bandwidth = int(parts[3])
topo.addLink(elements.get(switch), elements.get(node), bw=bandwidth)
if parts[0] == 'host': #Parse hosts
host_name = parts[1]
host_ip = parts[2]
@ -71,19 +77,22 @@ def build_topology(config_file):
topo.addLink(elements.get(host), elements.get(router), intfName1=host_intfName, intfName2=router_intfName, params2={'ip' : router_intfIP})
elif parts[0] == 'linkRS': #Parse links routers to switches
node1 = parts[1]
node2 = parts[2]
# topo.addLink TODO
switch = parts[1]
router = parts[2]
router_intfName = parts[3]
router_intfIP = parts[4]
topo.addLink(elements.get(switch), elements.get(router), intfName2=router_intfName, params2={'ip' : router_intfIP})
elif parts[0] == 'linkSS': #Parse links switches to switches
node1 = parts[1]
node2 = parts[2]
# topo.addLink TODO
switch1 = parts[1]
switch2 = parts[2]
topo.addLink(elements.get(switch1), elements.get(switch2))
elif parts[0] == 'linkSH': #Parse links switches to hosts
node1 = parts[1]
node2 = parts[2]
# topo.addLink TODO
switch = parts[1]
host = parts[2]
host_intfName = parts[3]
topo.addLink(elements.get(switch), elements.get(host), intfName2=host_intfName)
return topo
@ -119,4 +128,12 @@ def run_topology(config_file):
net.stop() #Stopping the network
if __name__ == '__main__':
if '-f' in sys.argv:
file_index = sys.argv.index('-f') + 1
config_file = sys.argv[file_index]
except IndexError:
print("Error: No configuration file provided after -f flag.")

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class MyTCPAgent:
# Implement TCP data transfer simulation
# Placeholder logic: Simulating data transfer
time.sleep(0.1) # Simulating data transfer delay
# time.sleep(0.1) # Simulating data transfer delay
# Simulate congestion control by waiting for a fixed amount of time
@ -136,19 +136,14 @@ class WindowPredictionAgent:
max_q_value = max(self.q_table[curr_state].values()) # Get the maximum Q-value for the current state
self.q_table[prev_state][prev_action] += self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * max_q_value - self.q_table[prev_state][prev_action])
# Create the Mininet network with custom topology
def create_network():
topo = MyTopology()
net = Mininet(topo=topo)
return net
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create the Mininet network
net = create_network()
topo = MyTopology()
net = Mininet(topo=topo)
# Instantiate TCP and RL agents
tcp_agent = MyTCPAgent()
@ -161,7 +156,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Perform data transfer with RL-based tunnel selection and window prediction
start_time = time.time()
while True:
if time.time() - start_time > 10: # End packet exchange after <X> seconds
@ -172,14 +166,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
tcp_agent.handle_data_transfer(tunnel, window_size)
# Update RL agents based on rewards
reward = 0.5 # Actual reward value
reward = -0.5 # Actual reward value
# window_agent.update_policy(reward)
# Stop the Mininet network
# Plot Transmission Round versus Congestion Window Size
# Plot Transmission Round and Congestion Window Size
plt.plot(tcp_agent.transmission_rounds, tcp_agent.congestion_window_sizes)
plt.xlabel('Transmission Round')
plt.ylabel('Congestion Window Size')

@ -1,109 +1,84 @@
import heapq
import random
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import OVSSwitch, Controller
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.cli import CLI
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.node import Controller
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from mininet.cli import CLI
from pox.lib import of
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create empty lists to store the timestamp and latency values
timestamps = []
latencies = []
class PacketCopyController(Controller):
def __init__(self, name, target_host, **kwargs):
Controller.__init__(self, name, **kwargs)
self.target_host = target_host
def _handle_PacketIn(self, event):
packet = event.parsed
self.packet_out(event.port, packet)
# Measure latency and store timestamp and latency values
latency = time.time() - event.created
def packet_out(self, out_port, packet):
msg = of.ofp_packet_out()
msg.data = packet.pack()
action = of.ofp_action_output(port=out_port)
def packet_out_to_host(self, packet):
host = self.net.get(self.target_host)
if host:
class MyRouter (Node):
def config(self, **params):
super(MyRouter, self).config(**params)
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') #Enable forwarding on the router
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0') #Disable forwarding on the router
super(MyRouter, self).terminate
def create_topology():
net = Topo()
# Create the SD-WAN sites
site1 = net.addHost('site1')
site2 = net.addHost('site2')
site3 = net.addHost('site3')
# Create the virtual SD-WAN devices
sdwan1 = net.addHost('sdwan1')
sdwan2 = net.addHost('sdwan2')
# Create switches
switch1 = net.addSwitch('s1')
# Connect the hosts and switches
net.addLink(site1, switch1, bw=10, delay='10ms')
net.addLink(site2, switch1, bw=5, delay='20ms')
net.addLink(site3, switch1, bw=8, delay='15ms')
net.addLink(sdwan1, switch1, bw=100, delay='1ms')
net.addLink(sdwan2, switch1, bw=100, delay='1ms')
return net
def dynamic_path_selection(net, link_qos): # Function to select the best path based on real-time conditions using Dijkstra algorithm with QoS metrics
# Add a random factor to the QoS metric
random_range = 4
for link in link_qos:
link_qos[link] += random.randint(-random_range, random_range)
# Perform Dijkstra algorithm to find the best path based on QoS metrics
def dijkstra(source):
distance = {node: float('inf') for node in net}
distance[source] = 0
queue = [(0, source)]
while queue:
dist, node = heapq.heappop(queue)
if dist > distance[node]:
for neighbor, _, link_info in net[node].connectionsTo(net):
qos = link_qos.get(link_info[0].intf1.name)
new_dist = dist + qos
if new_dist < distance[neighbor]:
distance[neighbor] = new_dist
heapq.heappush(queue, (new_dist, neighbor))
return distance
# Run Dijkstra algorithm from each site to determine the best path
site1_distance = dijkstra('site1')
site2_distance = dijkstra('site2')
site3_distance = dijkstra('site3')
sdwan1_distance = dijkstra('sdwan1')
sdwan2_distance = dijkstra('sdwan2')
# Select the best path based on minimum total QoS distance
best_path = min(site1_distance, site2_distance, site3_distance, sdwan1_distance, sdwan2_distance,
key=lambda x: sum(x.values()))
print("Best path based on QoS metrics:")
for node, distance in best_path.items():
print(f"Node: {node}, Total QoS Distance: {distance}")
def run_topology():
setLogLevel('info') #Different logging levels are 'info' 'warning' 'error' 'debug'
topo = create_topology()
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink)
# net.addController('c0', controller=Controller) #non serve metterlo esplicitamente
net.start() #Starting the network
# Define QoS metrics for each link (example values)
link_qos = {
'site1-eth0': 8, # QoS value for link site1 -> switch1
'site2-eth0': 6, # QoS value for link site2 -> switch1
'site3-eth0': 9, # QoS value for link site3 -> switch1
'sdwan1-eth0': 10, # QoS value for link sdwan1 -> switch1
'sdwan2-eth0': 7 # QoS value for link sdwan2 -> switch1
# Add a random factor to the QoS metric
random_range = 4
for link in link_qos:
link_qos[link] += random.randint(-random_range, random_range)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Creazione della rete Mininet
net = Mininet(controller=PacketCopyController)
# Creazione degli host e degli switch
h1 = net.addHost('h1')
h2 = net.addHost('h2')
h3 = net.addHost('h3')
s1 = net.addSwitch('s1')
# Creazione dei collegamenti
net.addLink(h1, s1)
net.addLink(h2, s1)
net.addLink(h3, s1)
# Create the plot
plt.ylabel('Latency (seconds)')
plt.title('Network Latency')
# Avvio della rete e assegnazione del controller
# Add the POX controller
controller = net.addController(name='controller', target_host='h3', controller=PacketCopyController, ip='', port=6633)
# controller = net.controllers[0]
# controller.net = net
# Start the plot animation
while True:
# Update the plot with new latency data
plt.plot(timestamps, latencies, 'b-')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
dynamic_path_selection(net, link_qos)
net.stop() #Stopping the network
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -1,47 +1,61 @@
######### Set Network Nodes #########
## N_host name ##
## N_switch name ##
## host name intfIP/mask defRoute ##
## N_router name ##
## router name intfIP/mask ##
## N_switch name ##
# host H4
# host H3
# host H2
# router R1
# router R2
N_host h1
N_host h2
N_host h3
N_router r1
N_router r2
N_switch s1
N_switch s2
N_router r3
# N_host h1
# N_host h2
# N_router r1
# N_router r2
# N_switch s1
# N_switch s2
## The interface details defined inside ##
## the node during its creation must be ##
## reused in the links before new ##
## used in the links before new ##
## interfaces can be defined for the node.##
############################################# Set Network Links ############################################
## NN_link node1, node2 ##
## SN_link switch, node, bandwidth(Mbps) ##
## linkRR router1, router1_intfName, router1_intfIP/mask, router2, router2_intfName, router2_intfIP/mask ##
## linkRH host, host_intfName, router, router_intfName, router_intfIP/mask ##
## linkRS TODO ##
## linkSS TODO ##
## linkSH TODO ##
## linkRS switch, router, router_intfName, router_intfIP/mask ##
## linkSS switch1, switch2 ##
## linkSH switch, host, host_intfName ##
# linkRR R1 R13 R2 R21
# linkRH H3 H31 R2 R22
# linkRH H4 H41 R2 R23
# linkRH H2 H21 R1 R11
NN_link h1 r1
NN_link h2 r2
NN_link h3 r3
NN_link r1 r2
NN_link r2 r3
NN_link s1 s2
NN_link r1 s1
NN_link r2 s2
NN_link h1 s1
NN_link h2 s2
# NN_link r1 s1
# NN_link r2 s2
# NN_link r1 r2
# NN_link h1 s1
# NN_link h2 s2
################## Route Table ################
## N_route TODO ##
## route name final_destIP/mask nextHop intf ##
# route R1 R13

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
######### Set Network Nodes #########
N_host steffe0
N_host steffe1
N_host steffe2
N_host steffe3
N_host steffe4
N_host steffe5
N_host steffe6
N_host steffe7
N_host steffe8
N_host steffe9
N_host steffe10
N_host steffe11
N_host steffe12
N_host steffe13
N_host steffe14
N_host steffe15
N_host steffe16
N_host steffe17
N_host steffe18
N_host steffe19
N_host steffe20
N_switch s0
############################################ Set Network Links ############################################
SN_link s0 steffe0 1000
SN_link s0 steffe1 1000
SN_link s0 steffe2 1000
SN_link s0 steffe3 1000
SN_link s0 steffe4 1000
SN_link s0 steffe5 1000
SN_link s0 steffe6 1000
SN_link s0 steffe7 1000
SN_link s0 steffe8 1000
SN_link s0 steffe9 1000
SN_link s0 steffe10 1000
SN_link s0 steffe11 1000
SN_link s0 steffe12 1000
SN_link s0 steffe13 1000
SN_link s0 steffe14 1000
SN_link s0 steffe15 1000
SN_link s0 steffe16 1000
SN_link s0 steffe17 1000
SN_link s0 steffe18 1000
SN_link s0 steffe19 1000
SN_link s0 steffe20 1000

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ pip3 install mininet
pip3 install ryu
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install pillow
pip3 install pox
pip3 install matplotlib
sudo apt-get install mininet
