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import configparser
from colorama import Fore, Style
from import Mininet
from mininet.topo import Topo
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.cli import CLI
from import TCLink
from mininet.log import setLogLevel
from copy import copy #TODO verify/temporaneo
class MyRouter (Node):
def config(self, **params):
super(MyRouter, self).config(**params)
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1') #Enable forwarding on the router
def terminate(self):
self.cmd('sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0') #Disable forwarding on the router
super(MyRouter, self).terminate
def build_topology(config_file):
topo = Topo()
elementsH = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
elementsR = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
elementsS = {} # Dictionary to store nodes
h1 = topo.addHost('h1', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
h2 = topo.addHost('h2', ip='', defaultRoute='via')
r1 = topo.addNode('r1', cls=MyRouter, ip='')
topo.addLink(h1, r1, intfName2='R23', params2={'ip' : ''})
topo.addLink(h2, r1, intfName2='R22', params2={'ip' : ''})
# with open(config_file, 'r') as file:
# for line in file:
# line = line.strip()
# if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
# continue
# parts = line.split(" ") #Parse the topology file using spaces
# if parts[0] == 'host': #Parse hosts
# host_name = parts[1]
# host_ip = parts[2]
# host_nexthop = 'via ' + parts[3]
# host = topo.addHost(host_name, ip=host_ip, defaultRoute=host_nexthop)
# host_c = copy(host)
# elementsH[host_name] = (host_c)
# elif parts[0] == 'router': #Parse routers
# router_name = parts[1]
# router_ip = parts[2]
# router = topo.addNode(router_name, cls=MyRouter, ip=router_ip)
# router_c = copy(router)
# elementsR[router_name] = (router_c)
# elif parts[0] == 'switch': #Parse switches
# switch_name = parts[1]
# switch = topo.addSwitch(switch_name)
# switch_c = copy(switch)
# elementsS[switch_name] = (switch_c)
# elif parts[0] == 'linkSH': #Parse links switches to hosts
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# # topo.addLink(node1, node2)
# elif parts[0] == 'linkSS': #Parse links switches to switches
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# # topo.addLink(node1, node2)
# elif parts[0] == 'linkHR': #Parse links hosts to routers
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# intf_name2 = parts[3]
# n2_ip = parts[4]
# topo.addLink(elementsH.get(node1), elementsR.get(node2), intfName2=intf_name2, params2={'ip' : n2_ip})
# elif parts[0] == 'linkRR': #Parse links routers to routers
# node1 = parts[1]
# node2 = parts[2]
# intf_name1 = parts[3]
# intf_name2 = parts[4]
# ip1 = parts[5]
# ip2 = parts[6]
# # topo.addLink(node1, node2, intfName1=intf_name1, intfName2=intf_name2, params1={'ip' : ip1}, params2={'ip' : ip2})
# # elif parts[0] == 'route': #Parse routing tables
# # name = parts[1]
# # for node in topo.nodes():
# # if node == name:
# # (node).cmd('ip route add via dev r1-eth2')
# # break
return topo
def run_topology(config_file):
setLogLevel('info') #Different logging levels are 'info' 'warning' 'error' 'debug'
topo = build_topology(config_file)
net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink)
net.start() #Starting the network
# net.addLink(h1, r1, intfName2='R23', params2={'ip' : ''})
# net.addLink(h2, r1, intfName2='R22', params2={'ip' : ''})
# with open(config_file, 'r') as file: #Search in the configuration file for routing table
# for line in file:
# line = line.strip()
# if line.startswith('#'): #Skip comment
# continue
# parts = line.split(" ")
# if parts[0] == 'route': #Parse routing tables
# name = parts[1]
# pck_src = parts[2]
# pck_nexthop = parts[3]
# interf = parts[4]
# cmd = 'ip route add ' + pck_src + ' via ' + pck_nexthop + ' dev ' + interf
# (net.getNodeByName(name)).cmd(cmd)
if net.pingAll():
print(Fore.RED + "Network has issues" + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Fore.GREEN + "Network working properly" + Style.RESET_ALL)
net.stop() #Stopping the network
if __name__ == '__main__':