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module EulerNewton
using LinearAlgebra
using TypedPolynomials
export en_step
# Euler-Newton predictor-corrector
function en_step(H, x, t, step_size)
# Predictor step
vars = variables(H(1))
# Jacobian of H evaluated at (x,t)
JH = [jh(vars=>x) for jh in differentiate(H(t), vars)]
# ∂H/∂t = γG-F = H(1)-H(0) for our homotopy; it doesn't depend on t
δH_δt = [dh(vars=>x) for dh in H(1)-H(0)]
Δx = JH \ -δH_δt
xh = x + Δx * step_size
# Corrector step
JHh=differentiate(H(t-step_size), vars)
for _ in 1:5
JH = [jh(vars=>xh) for jh in JHh]
Δx = JH \ -[h(vars=>xh) for h in H(t-step_size)]
xh = xh + Δx
return xh