import { dirname, resolve } from 'path' import express from 'express' import { createServer as createViteServer } from 'vite' import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) async function createServer(customHtmlRoutes) { const app = express() // In middleware mode, if you want to use Vite's own HTML serving logic // use `'html'` as the `middlewareMode` (ref const vite = await createViteServer({ server: { middlewareMode: 'html' }, }) for (const [route, file] of Object.entries(customHtmlRoutes)) { app.get(route, (req, res) => { const filePath = resolve(__dirname, file) console.log(`Custom Route: %s`, req.url) return res.sendFile(filePath) }) } app.use(vite.middlewares) app.listen(3000) } createServer({ // Useful for developing with dynamic routes '/': './index.html', })