# Shortest Sum of Squares [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/81a0a939-33f9-4c41-80e1-ca42b7b3fc58/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/shortest-sum-of-squares/deploys) This is a simple web application that shows a precomputed list of the shortest sum of squares for a given number. The list is generated in Julia and then exported as a text file. The web application is built using Vite and SolidJS. ## Motivation The printers in our department have a bug where they will print n^2 copies of a document if you ask for n copies. This solves the problem in a very convoluted way. I also wanted to try out Vite with SolidJS for once. ## Usage ### Setup ```bash bun install ``` ### Development ```bash bun dev ``` ### Build ```bash bun run build ```