# Introduzione alle Generics in Go - DevFest GDG Repo con tutti gli esempi e le slides della presentazione. **Descrizione.** In questo talk introdurremo le generics del Go 1.18 e vedremo alcuni _pattern_ ed _anti-pattern_ del loro utilizzo. - [Scarica il PDF con le slides](https://github.com/aziis98/talk-intro-go-generics/raw/build/slides.pdf)  
  ## Setup These slides are made using _Marp_ ```bash $ npm install ``` ## Usage To preview and build the slides use ```bash # Show slides preview $ npm run preview # Build slides $ npm run build:html $ npm run build:pdf ``` ## Go There is a Makefile with various utilities for running, build and decompiling the Go examples. ```bash # Show usage $ make # Run/build/decomp examples $ make run- $ make compile- $ make compile-noinline- $ make decomp- $ make decomp-noinline- ``` --- # Extra: Per chi non sa cosa sono le interfacce leggere prima questo ```go type Circle struct { Radius float64 } type Rectangle struct { Width, Height float64 } type Shape interface { Area() float64 Perimeter() float64 } func (c Circle) Area() float64 { return c.Radius * c.Radius * math.Pi } func (c Circle) Perimeter() float64 { return 2 * c.Radius * math.Pi } func (c Circle) Curvature() float64 { return 1 / c.Radius } func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 { return r.Width * r.Height } func (r Rectangle) Perimeter() float64 { return 2 * r.Radius * math.Pi } func (r Rectangle) CornerCount() int { if (r.Width == 0 && r.Height == 0) { return 0 } if (r.Width == 0 || r.Height == 0) { return 2 } return 4 } func AreaOverPerimeter(s Shape) float64 { return s.Area() / s.Perimeter() } // c1 := Circle{ Radius: 5.0 } c1 := Circle{ 5.0 } // r1 := Rectangle{ Width: 2.0, Height: 3.0 } r1 := Rectangle{ 2.0, 3.0 } AreaOverPerimeter(c1) AreaOverPerimeter(r1) ```