You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
972 B

subprojects = $(patsubst examples/%, %, $(wildcard examples/*))
.PHONY: usage
@printf "Found the following subprojects:\n"
@for project in $(subprojects); do printf " - %s\n" $$project; done
@printf "\n"
@printf "Available rules\n"
@printf " - run-<name>: Will run the program\n"
@printf " - compile-<name>: Will compile the program\n"
@printf " - compile-noinline-<name>: Will compile the program without inlining\n"
@printf " - decomp-<name>: Will run lensm on the project\n"
@printf " - decomp-noinline-<name>: Will run lensm on the project without inlining\n"
@printf "\n"
run-%: FORCE
go run -v ./examples/$*
compile-%: FORCE
go build -v -o "./bin/$*" ./examples/$*
compile-noinline-%: FORCE
go build -v -o "./bin/$*@no-inline" -gcflags=-l ./examples/$*
decomp-%: compile-% FORCE
lensm -text-size 16 -filter main "./bin/$*"
decomp-noinline-%: compile-noinline-% FORCE
lensm -text-size 16 -filter main "./bin/$*@no-inline"