diff --git a/samples/cuda/Makefile b/samples/cuda/Makefile index 4594d805..8cd0fe45 100644 --- a/samples/cuda/Makefile +++ b/samples/cuda/Makefile @@ -4,12 +4,8 @@ include $(AMGINCDIR)/Make.inc.amg4psblas AMGMODDIR=$(AMGDIR)/modules AMGLIBDIR=$(AMGDIR)/lib AMG_LIBS=-L$(AMGLIBDIR) -lpsb_krylov -lamg_prec -lpsb_prec -# To compile these example you need to have also installed PSBLAS-EXT, SPGPU and -# CUDA. Please refer to the documentation of AMG4PSBLAS and PSBLAX-EXT for the -# full details. -# This define the variables : PSBGPULDLIBS, LIBRSB_INCLUDES, and CUDA_INCLUDES -#PSBEXT_DIR= #< FILL-ME > -#include $(PSBEXT_DIR)/include/Make.inc.ext +# This code will include the appropriate defines and libraries +# if you have compiled the main PSBLAS library with CUDA support include $(PSBLASDIR)/include/Make.inc.psblas PSBLIBDIR=$(PSBLASDIR)/lib/ FINCLUDES=$(FMFLAG). $(FMFLAG)$(AMGMODDIR) $(FMFLAG)$(AMGINCDIR) \ @@ -17,6 +13,7 @@ $(PSBLAS_INCLUDES) $(FIFLAG). AMG_LIB=-L$(AMGLIBDIR) -lamg_prec PSBLAS_LIB= -L$(PSBLIBDIR) -lpsb_linsolve -lpsb_prec -lpsb_util -lpsb_ext \ -lpsb_base +FDEFINES=$(AMGFDEFINES) $(FCUDEFINES) LINKOPT=-lstdc++