diff --git a/docs/amg4psblas_1.0-guide.pdf b/docs/amg4psblas_1.2-guide.pdf similarity index 93% rename from docs/amg4psblas_1.0-guide.pdf rename to docs/amg4psblas_1.2-guide.pdf index 372b3db2..e741019b 100644 Binary files a/docs/amg4psblas_1.0-guide.pdf and b/docs/amg4psblas_1.2-guide.pdf differ diff --git a/docs/html/index.html b/docs/html/index.html index b5db3f13..1d079559 100644 --- a/docs/html/index.html +++ b/docs/html/index.html @@ -45,122 +45,62 @@ class="newline" />
- Pasqua D’Ambra, IAC-CNR, IT;
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+ representations, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 37 (3), 2015,
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+ 71, (2016), no. 3, 693–711.
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+ K. Madsen, J. Wasniewski, editors, Proceedings of PARA 04 Workshop on
+ State of the Art in Scientific Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
+ Springer, 2005, 593–602.
+ [7] A. Buttari, P. D’Ambra, D. di Serafino, S. Filippone, 2LEV-D2P4: a
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+ applications, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communications and
+ Computing, 18 (3) 2007, 223–239.
+ [8] X. C. Cai, M. Sarkis, A Restricted Additive Schwarz Preconditioner for
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+ [9] U.. V. Catalyurek, F. Dobrian, A. Gebremedhin, M. Halappanavar,
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+ coloring, in PCO’11 New Trends in Parallel Computing and Optimization,
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+ [10] P. D’Ambra, S. Filippone,
+ D. di Serafino, On the Development of PSBLAS-based Parallel Two-level
+ Schwarz Preconditioners, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Elsevier Science,
+ 57 (11-12), 2007, 1181-1196.
+ [11] P. D’Ambra, D. di Serafino, S. Filippone, MLD2P4: a Package of
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+ Fortran 95, ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 37(3), 2010, art. 30.
+ [12] P. D’Ambra and P. S. Vassilevski, Adaptive AMG with coarsening based
+ on compatible weighted matching, Computing and Visualization in Science,
+ 16, (2013) 59–76.
+ [13] P. D’Ambra, S. Filippone and P. S. Vassilevski, BootCMatch: a software
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+ Transactions on Mathematical Software, 44, (2018) 39:1–39:25.
+ [14] P. D’Ambra, F. Durastante, S. Filippone, AMG preconditioners for
+ Linear Solvers towards Extreme Scale, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
+ 43, no. 5 (2021): S679-S703.
+ [15] P. D’Ambra, F. Durastante, S. Filippone, S. Massei, S. Thomas
+ Optimal Polynomial Smoothers for Parallel AMG, 2024, arXiv:2407.09848.
+ [16] T. A. Davis, Algorithm 832: UMFPACK
+ - an Unsymmetric-pattern Multifrontal Method with a Column Pre-ordering
+ Strategy, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 30, 2004, 196–199.
+ (See also http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~davis/)
+ [17] J. W. Demmel, S. C. Eisenstat, J. R. Gilbert,
+ X. S. Li, J. W. H. Liu, A supernodal approach to sparse partial pivoting,
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+ [19] J. J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, S. Hammarling, R. J. Hanson, An
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+ Clusters, in Proc. of ParCo 2001, Parallel Computing, Advances and Current
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+ [22] S. Filippone, A. Buttari, Object-Oriented Techniques for Sparse Matrix
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- Fabio Durastante, University of Pisa and IAC-CNR, IT;
- Salvatore Filippone, University of Rome Tor-Vergata and IAC-CNR, IT;
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@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ class="cmr-12">) provides parallel Algebraic MultiGrid (AMG) preconditioners (se
e.g., [5, 33]), to be used in the iterative solution of linear systems,
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ class="cmr-12">multigrid cycles include the V-, W-, and a version of a Krylov-ty
class="cmr-12">(K-cycle) [5, 29]; they can be combined with Jacobi, hybrid forward/backward
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class="cmr-8">1
class="cmr-12">version [14].
@@ -154,22 +154,22 @@ class="cmr-12">strategies, based on aggregation, are available:
class="cmr-12">a decoupled version of the smoothed aggregation procedure proposed in [4,
35], and already included in the previous versions of the package [7, 11];
@@ -184,17 +184,17 @@ class="cmr-12">a coupled, parallel implementation of the Coarsening based on Com
class="cmr-12">Weighted Matching introduced in [12, 13] and described in detail in [14];
@@ -233,11 +233,11 @@ class="cmr-12">multilevel preconditioners in the context of the PSBLAS (Parallel
class="cmr-12">computational framework [23, 22]. PSBLAS provides basic linear algebra operators
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ class="cmr-12">smoothers and solvers for building new versions of the preconditi
Section 6).
, while details on the configuration and installation
of the package are given in Section 3. The basics for building and applying the
preconditioners with the Krylov solvers implemented in PSBLAS are
class="cmr-12">in Section 4, where the Fortran codes of a few sample programs are also shown.
A reference guide for the user interface routines is provided in Section 5.
Information on the extension of the package through the addition
smoothers and solvers is reported in Section 6. The error handling mechanism
used by the package is briefly described in Section 7. The copyright terms
concerning the distribution and modification of AMG4PSBLAS are re
Appendix A.
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index 554b6fa9..225a3eab 100644
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+++ b/docs/html/userhtmlse2.html
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class="cmr-12">Code Distribution
AMG4PSBLAS is available from the web site
where contact points for further information can be also found.
The software is available under a modified BSD license, as specified in Appendix A;
The library defines a version string with the constant
src="userhtml1x.png" alt="amg_version_string_
" class="math-display" > whose current value is
- Pasqua D’Ambra, IAC-CNR, IT;
+ Fabio Durastante, University of Pisa and IAC-CNR, IT;
+ Salvatore Filippone, University of Rome Tor-Vergata and IAC-CNR, IT;
+ When use the library, please cite the following:
up] Contributors
whose current value is 1.0.
+ author = {D’Ambra, Pasqua and Durastante, Fabio and Filippone, Salvatore},
+ title = {{{AMG Preconditioners for Linear Solvers towards Extreme Scale}},
+ journal = {arXiv e-preprints},
+ eprint = {2006.16147v3},
+ archivePrefix = {arXiv},
+ year={2021}
+ }
+ author = {D’Ambra, Pasqua and Durastante, Fabio and Filippone, Salvatore},
+ title = {{PSCToolkit} {W}eb page},
+ url = {https://psctoolkit.github.io/},
+ howpublished = {\url{https://psctoolkit.github.io/}},
+ year = {2021}
+ }