dnl $Id$ dnl dnl Michele Martone's proposal for a transition towards the GNU build system for the PSBLAS library dnl dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl dnl usage : aclocal -I config/ && autoconf && ./configure && make dnl then : VAR=VAL ./configure dnl In some configurations (AIX) the next line is needed: dnl MPIFC=mpxlf95 ./configure dnl then : ./configure VAR=VAL dnl then : ./configure --help=short dnl then : ./configure --help dnl the PSBLAS modules get this task difficult to accomplish! dnl SEE : --module-path --include-path dnl NOTE : There is no cross compilation support. dnl NOTE : missing ifort and kl* library handling.. dnl NOTE : odd configurations like ifc + gcc still await in the mist of the unknown ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # This script is used by the PSBLAS to determine the compilers, linkers, and # libraries to build its libraries executable code. # Its behaviour is driven on the compiler it finds or it is dictated to work # with. # ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # NOTE: the literal for version (the second argument to AC_INIT should be a literal!) AC_INIT([MLD2P4],1.0, salvatore.filippone@uniroma2.it) # VERSION is the file containing the PSBLAS version code # FIXME mld2p4_cv_version="`cat VERSION`" # A sample source file AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([mlprec/mld_prec_type.f90]) # Our custom M4 macros are in the 'config' directory AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([config]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the $PACKAGE_NAME $mld2p4_cv_version configure Script. This creates Make.inc, but if you read carefully the documentation, you can make your own by hand for your needs. ./configure --with-psblas=/path/to/psblas See ./configure --help=short fore more info. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]) ############################################################################### # FLAGS and LIBS user customization ############################################################################### dnl NOTE : no spaces before the comma, and no brackets before the second argument! PAC_ARG_WITH_PSBLAS PSBLAS_DIR="$pac_cv_psblas_dir"; AC_MSG_CHECKING([for PSBLAS build dir]) case $PSBLAS_DIR in /*) ;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR([The PSBLAS build dir must be an absolute pathname which must be specified --with-psblas=/path/to/psblas]) esac if test ! -d "$PSBLAS_DIR" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find PSBLAS build dir $PSBLAS_DIR!]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$PSBLAS_DIR]) pac_cv_status_file="$PSBLAS_DIR/config.status" if test ! -f "$pac_cv_status_file" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find configure output in $PSBLAS_DIR. You must first run the configure script in $PSBLAS_DIR $pac_cv_status_file.]) fi dnl. $pac_cv_status_file dnl AC_MSG_NOTICE([Loaded $pac_cv_status_file $FC $MPIFC $BLACS_LIBS]) dnl AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE dnl Specify required version of autoconf. AC_PREREQ(2.59) ############################################################################### # Compilers detection: FC,F77,CC should be set, if found. ############################################################################### AC_PROG_CC([xlc pgcc icc gcc ]) dnl AC_PROG_CXX if test "X$CC" == "X" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Problem : No C compiler specified nor found!]) fi PAC_ARG_WITH_LIBS PAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(clibs,CLIBS) PAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(flibs,FLIBS) PAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(library-path,LIBRARYPATH) PAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(include-path,INCLUDEPATH) PAC_ARG_WITH_FLAGS(module-path,MODULE_PATH) ############################################################################### # BLAS library presence checks ############################################################################### # Note : The libmkl.a (Intel Math Kernel Library) library could be used, too. # It is sufficient to specify it as -lmkl in the CLIBS or FLIBS or LIBS # and specify its path adjusting -L/path in CFLAGS. # Right now it is a matter of user's taste when linking custom applications. # But PSBLAS examples could take advantage of these libraries, too. ############################################################################### # BLACS library presence checks ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # METIS, SuperLU, SuperLU_Dist UMFPack libraries presence checks ############################################################################### # Note : also SuperLUStat,superlu_gridexit,.. # Note : SuperLU_Dist produces superlu.a by default.. # Note : THESE WERE NOT TESTED dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING([SuperLU_Dist]) dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(superlu,[superlu_malloc_dist],mld2p4_cv_have_superludist=yes,mld2p4_cv_have_superludist=no) dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([$mld2p4_cv_have_superludist]) dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING([SuperLU]) dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(superlu,[superlu_malloc],mld2p4_cv_have_superlu=yes,mld2p4_cv_have_superlu=no) dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([$mld2p4_cv_have_superlu]) PAC_CHECK_UMFPACK if test "x$mld2p4_cv_have_umfpack" == "xyes" ; then UMF_FLAGS="-DHave_UMF_ $UMF_INCLUDES" else UMF_FLAGS="" fi PAC_CHECK_SUPERLU if test "x$mld2p4_cv_have_superlu" == "xyes" ; then SLU_FLAGS="-DHave_SLU_ $SLU_INCLUDES" else SLU_FLAGS="" fi PAC_CHECK_SUPERLUDIST if test "x$mld2p4_cv_have_superludist" == "xyes" ; then SLUDIST_FLAGS="-DHave_SLUDist_ $SLUDIST_INCLUDES" else SLUDIST_FLAGS="" fi # Note : We would like to detect PSBLAS, but this is complicated by the # module symbols mangling rules, which are compiler specific ! # # Moreover, the PSBLAS doesn't have an installer, currently. ############################################################################### # Variable substitutions : the Make.inc.in will have these @VARIABLES@ # substituted. AC_SUBST(PSBLAS_DIR) AC_SUBST(SLU_FLAGS) AC_SUBST(SLU_LIBS) AC_SUBST(UMF_FLAGS) AC_SUBST(UMF_LIBS) AC_SUBST(SLUDIST_FLAGS) AC_SUBST(SLUDIST_LIBS) ############################################################################### # the following files will be created by Automake AC_CONFIG_FILES([Make.inc]) AC_OUTPUT() #AC_OUTPUT(Make.inc Makefile) ############################################################################### dnl Please note that brackets around variable identifiers are absolutely needed for compatibility.. AC_MSG_NOTICE([ ${PACKAGE_NAME} ${mld2p4_cv_version} has been configured as follows: PSBLAS library : ${PSBLAS_DIR} SuperLU detected : ${mld2p4_cv_have_superlu} SuperLU_Dist detected : ${mld2p4_cv_have_superludist} UMFPack detected : ${mld2p4_cv_have_umfpack} If you are satisfied, run 'make' to build ${PACKAGE_NAME} and its documentation; otherwise type ./configure --help=short for a complete list of configure options specific to ${PACKAGE_NAME}. dnl To install the program and its documentation, run 'make install' if you are root, dnl or run 'su -c "make install"' if you are not root. ]) ###############################################################################