subroutine mld_d_as_smoother_apply(alpha,sm,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans,sweeps,work,info) use psb_base_mod use mld_d_as_smoother, mld_protect_nam => mld_d_as_smoother_apply implicit none type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_data class(mld_d_as_smoother_type), intent(in) :: sm real(psb_dpk_),intent(inout) :: x(:) real(psb_dpk_),intent(inout) :: y(:) real(psb_dpk_),intent(in) :: alpha,beta character(len=1),intent(in) :: trans integer, intent(in) :: sweeps real(psb_dpk_),target, intent(inout) :: work(:) integer, intent(out) :: info integer :: n_row,n_col, nrow_d, i real(psb_dpk_), pointer :: ww(:), aux(:), tx(:),ty(:) integer :: ictxt,np,me, err_act,isz,int_err(5) character :: trans_ character(len=20) :: name='d_as_smoother_apply', ch_err call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = psb_success_ ictxt = desc_data%get_context() call psb_info (ictxt,me,np) trans_ = psb_toupper(trans) select case(trans_) case('N') case('T') case('C') case default call psb_errpush(psb_err_iarg_invalid_i_,name) goto 9999 end select if (.not.allocated(sm%sv)) then info = 1121 call psb_errpush(info,name) goto 9999 end if n_row = sm%desc_data%get_local_rows() n_col = sm%desc_data%get_local_cols() nrow_d = desc_data%get_local_rows() isz=max(n_row,N_COL) if ((6*isz) <= size(work)) then ww => work(1:isz) tx => work(isz+1:2*isz) ty => work(2*isz+1:3*isz) aux => work(3*isz+1:) else if ((4*isz) <= size(work)) then aux => work(1:) allocate(ww(isz),tx(isz),ty(isz),stat=info) if (info /= psb_success_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_request_,name,i_err=(/3*isz,0,0,0,0/),& & a_err='real(psb_dpk_)') goto 9999 end if else if ((3*isz) <= size(work)) then ww => work(1:isz) tx => work(isz+1:2*isz) ty => work(2*isz+1:3*isz) allocate(aux(4*isz),stat=info) if (info /= psb_success_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_request_,name,i_err=(/4*isz,0,0,0,0/),& & a_err='real(psb_dpk_)') goto 9999 end if else allocate(ww(isz),tx(isz),ty(isz),& &aux(4*isz),stat=info) if (info /= psb_success_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_request_,name,i_err=(/4*isz,0,0,0,0/),& & a_err='real(psb_dpk_)') goto 9999 end if endif if ((sm%novr == 0).and.(sweeps == 1)) then ! ! Shortcut: in this case it's just the same ! as Block Jacobi. ! call sm%sv%apply(alpha,x,beta,y,desc_data,trans_,aux,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,& & a_err='Error in sub_aply Jacobi Sweeps = 1') goto 9999 endif else tx(1:nrow_d) = x(1:nrow_d) tx(nrow_d+1:isz) = dzero if (sweeps == 1) then select case(trans_) case('N') ! ! Get the overlap entries of tx (tx == x) ! if (sm%restr == psb_halo_) then call psb_halo(tx,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,data=psb_comm_ext_) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_halo' goto 9999 end if else if (sm%restr /= psb_none_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_restr_') goto 9999 end if case('T','C') ! ! With transpose, we have to do it here ! select case (sm%prol) case(psb_none_) ! ! Do nothing case(psb_sum_) ! ! The transpose of sum is halo ! call psb_halo(tx,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,data=psb_comm_ext_) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_halo' goto 9999 end if case(psb_avg_) ! ! Tricky one: first we have to scale the overlap entries, ! which we can do by assignind mode=0, i.e. no communication ! (hence only scaling), then we do the halo ! call psb_ovrl(tx,sm%desc_data,info,& & update=psb_avg_,work=aux,mode=0) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_ovrl' goto 9999 end if call psb_halo(tx,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,data=psb_comm_ext_) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_halo' goto 9999 end if case default call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_prol_') goto 9999 end select case default info=psb_err_iarg_invalid_i_ int_err(1)=6 ch_err(2:2)=trans goto 9999 end select call sm%sv%apply(done,tx,dzero,ty,sm%desc_data,trans_,aux,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,& & a_err='Error in sub_aply Jacobi Sweeps = 1') goto 9999 endif select case(trans_) case('N') select case (sm%prol) case(psb_none_) ! ! Would work anyway, but since it is supposed to do nothing ... ! call psb_ovrl(ty,sm%desc_data,info,& ! & update=sm%prol,work=aux) case(psb_sum_,psb_avg_) ! ! Update the overlap of ty ! call psb_ovrl(ty,sm%desc_data,info,& & update=sm%prol,work=aux) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_ovrl' goto 9999 end if case default call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_prol_') goto 9999 end select case('T','C') ! ! With transpose, we have to do it here ! if (sm%restr == psb_halo_) then call psb_ovrl(ty,sm%desc_data,info,& & update=psb_sum_,work=aux) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_ovrl' goto 9999 end if else if (sm%restr /= psb_none_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_restr_') goto 9999 end if case default info=psb_err_iarg_invalid_i_ int_err(1)=6 ch_err(2:2)=trans goto 9999 end select else if (sweeps > 1) then ! ! ! Apply prec%iprcparm(mld_smoother_sweeps_) sweeps of a block-Jacobi solver ! to compute an approximate solution of a linear system. ! ! ty = dzero do i=1, sweeps select case(trans_) case('N') ! ! Get the overlap entries of tx (tx == x) ! if (sm%restr == psb_halo_) then call psb_halo(tx,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,data=psb_comm_ext_) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_halo' goto 9999 end if else if (sm%restr /= psb_none_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_restr_') goto 9999 end if case('T','C') ! ! With transpose, we have to do it here ! select case (sm%prol) case(psb_none_) ! ! Do nothing case(psb_sum_) ! ! The transpose of sum is halo ! call psb_halo(tx,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,data=psb_comm_ext_) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_halo' goto 9999 end if case(psb_avg_) ! ! Tricky one: first we have to scale the overlap entries, ! which we can do by assignind mode=0, i.e. no communication ! (hence only scaling), then we do the halo ! call psb_ovrl(tx,sm%desc_data,info,& & update=psb_avg_,work=aux,mode=0) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_ovrl' goto 9999 end if call psb_halo(tx,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,data=psb_comm_ext_) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_halo' goto 9999 end if case default call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_prol_') goto 9999 end select case default info=psb_err_iarg_invalid_i_ int_err(1)=6 ch_err(2:2)=trans goto 9999 end select ! ! Compute Y(j+1) = D^(-1)*(X-ND*Y(j)), where D and ND are the ! block diagonal part and the remaining part of the local matrix ! and Y(j) is the approximate solution at sweep j. ! ww(1:n_row) = tx(1:n_row) call psb_spmm(-done,sm%nd,ty,done,ww,sm%desc_data,info,work=aux,trans=trans_) if (info /= psb_success_) exit call sm%sv%apply(done,ww,dzero,ty,sm%desc_data,trans_,aux,info) if (info /= psb_success_) exit select case(trans_) case('N') select case (sm%prol) case(psb_none_) ! ! Would work anyway, but since it is supposed to do nothing ... ! call psb_ovrl(ty,sm%desc_data,info,& ! & update=sm%prol,work=aux) case(psb_sum_,psb_avg_) ! ! Update the overlap of ty ! call psb_ovrl(ty,sm%desc_data,info,& & update=sm%prol,work=aux) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_ovrl' goto 9999 end if case default call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_prol_') goto 9999 end select case('T','C') ! ! With transpose, we have to do it here ! if (sm%restr == psb_halo_) then call psb_ovrl(ty,sm%desc_data,info,& & update=psb_sum_,work=aux) if(info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_from_subroutine_ ch_err='psb_ovrl' goto 9999 end if else if (sm%restr /= psb_none_) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_internal_error_,name,a_err='Invalid mld_sub_restr_') goto 9999 end if case default info=psb_err_iarg_invalid_i_ int_err(1)=6 ch_err(2:2)=trans goto 9999 end select end do if (info /= psb_success_) then info=psb_err_internal_error_ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='subsolve with Jacobi sweeps > 1') goto 9999 end if else info = psb_err_iarg_neg_ call psb_errpush(info,name,& & i_err=(/2,sweeps,0,0,0/)) goto 9999 end if ! ! Compute y = beta*y + alpha*ty (ty == K^(-1)*tx) ! call psb_geaxpby(alpha,ty,beta,y,desc_data,info) end if if ((6*isz) <= size(work)) then else if ((4*isz) <= size(work)) then deallocate(ww,tx,ty) else if ((3*isz) <= size(work)) then deallocate(aux) else deallocate(ww,aux,tx,ty) endif call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 continue call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) then call psb_error() return end if return end subroutine mld_d_as_smoother_apply