// *********************************************************************** // // MatchboxP: A C++ library for approximate weighted matching // Mahantesh Halappanavar (hala@pnnl.gov) // Pacific Northwest National Laboratory // // *********************************************************************** // // Copyright (2021) Battelle Memorial Institute // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions // are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, // BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; // LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER // CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT // LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN // ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ************************************************************************ /* Feature: Message Aggregation: Request messages from the Initialization phase are aggregated and only one message per processor is sent. Data structures for message aggregation are similar to the data structures for storing compressed matrices/graphs - Pointers + actual messages. Assumption: processor indices are numbered from zero to P-1. */ /* Special feature: Mate is proportional to the size of local number of verices */ #ifndef _matchboxpC_H_ #define _matchboxpC_H_ // Turn on a lot of debugging information with this switch: //#define PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ #include #include #include #include #include #include "omp.h" #include "primitiveDataTypeDefinitions.h" #include "dataStrStaticQueue.h" using namespace std; #define NUM_THREAD 4 #define UCHUNK 5 const MilanLongInt REQUEST = 1; const MilanLongInt SUCCESS = 2; const MilanLongInt FAILURE = 3; const MilanLongInt SIZEINFO = 4; const int ComputeTag = 7; // Predefined tag const int BundleTag = 9; // Predefined tag // MPI type map template MPI_Datatype TypeMap(); template <> inline MPI_Datatype TypeMap() { return MPI_LONG_LONG; } template <> inline MPI_Datatype TypeMap() { return MPI_INT; } template <> inline MPI_Datatype TypeMap() { return MPI_DOUBLE; } template <> inline MPI_Datatype TypeMap() { return MPI_FLOAT; } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if !defined(SERIAL_MPI) #define MilanMpiLongInt MPI_LONG_LONG #ifndef _primitiveDataType_Definition_ #define _primitiveDataType_Definition_ // Regular integer: #ifndef INTEGER_H #define INTEGER_H typedef int32_t MilanInt; #endif // Regular long integer: #ifndef LONG_INT_H #define LONG_INT_H #ifdef BIT64 typedef int64_t MilanLongInt; typedef MPI_LONG MilanMpiLongInt; #else typedef int32_t MilanLongInt; typedef MPI_INT MilanMpiLongInt; #endif #endif // Regular boolean #ifndef BOOL_H #define BOOL_H typedef bool MilanBool; #endif // Regular double and absolute value computation: #ifndef REAL_H #define REAL_H typedef double MilanReal; typedef MPI_DOUBLE MilanMpiReal; inline MilanReal MilanAbs(MilanReal value) { return fabs(value); } #endif // Regular float and absolute value computation: #ifndef FLOAT_H #define FLOAT_H typedef float MilanFloat; typedef MPI_FLOAT MilanMpiFloat; inline MilanFloat MilanAbsFloat(MilanFloat value) { return fabs(value); } #endif //// Define the limits: #ifndef LIMITS_H #define LIMITS_H // Integer Maximum and Minimum: // #define MilanIntMax INT_MAX // #define MilanIntMin INT_MIN #define MilanIntMax INT32_MAX #define MilanIntMin INT32_MIN #ifdef BIT64 #define MilanLongIntMax INT64_MAX #define MilanLongIntMin -INT64_MAX #else #define MilanLongIntMax INT32_MAX #define MilanLongIntMin -INT32_MAX #endif #endif // +INFINITY const double PLUS_INFINITY = numeric_limits::infinity(); const double MINUS_INFINITY = -PLUS_INFINITY; //#define MilanRealMax LDBL_MAX #define MilanRealMax PLUS_INFINITY #define MilanRealMin MINUS_INFINITY #endif // Function of find the owner of a ghost vertex using binary search: MilanInt findOwnerOfGhost(MilanLongInt vtxIndex, MilanLongInt *mVerDistance, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs); MilanLongInt firstComputeCandidateMate(MilanLongInt adj1, MilanLongInt adj2, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight); void queuesTransfer(staticQueue &U, staticQueue &privateU, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, staticQueue &privateQLocalVtx, staticQueue &privateQGhostVtx, staticQueue &privateQMsgType, staticQueue &privateQOwner); bool isAlreadyMatched(MilanLongInt node, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, vector &GMate, MilanLongInt *Mate, map &Ghost2LocalMap); MilanLongInt computeCandidateMate(MilanLongInt adj1, MilanLongInt adj2, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt k, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, vector &GMate, MilanLongInt *Mate, map &Ghost2LocalMap); void initialize(MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt NLEdge, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *numGhostEdgesPtr, MilanLongInt *numGhostVerticesPtr, MilanLongInt *S, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, map &Ghost2LocalMap, vector &Counter, vector &verGhostPtr, vector &verGhostInd, vector &tempCounter, vector &GMate, vector &Message, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, MilanLongInt *&candidateMate, staticQueue &U, staticQueue &privateU, staticQueue &privateQLocalVtx, staticQueue &privateQGhostVtx, staticQueue &privateQMsgType, staticQueue &privateQOwner); void clean(MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanInt myRank, MilanLongInt MessageIndex, vector &SRequest, vector &SStatus, MilanInt BufferSize, MilanLongInt *Buffer, MilanLongInt msgActual, MilanLongInt *msgActualSent, MilanLongInt msgInd, MilanLongInt *msgIndSent, MilanLongInt NumMessagesBundled, MilanReal *msgPercent); void PARALLEL_COMPUTE_CANDIDATE_MATE_B(MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanInt myRank, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *candidateMate); void PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *Mate, vector &GMate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *myCardPtr, MilanLongInt *msgIndPtr, MilanLongInt *NumMessagesBundledPtr, MilanLongInt *SPtr, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *PCounter, vector &Counter, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, staticQueue &U, staticQueue &privateU, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, staticQueue &privateQLocalVtx, staticQueue &privateQGhostVtx, staticQueue &privateQMsgType, staticQueue &privateQOwner); void PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(MilanLongInt *edge, MilanLongInt *SPtr); void processMatchedVertices( MilanLongInt NLVer, vector &UChunkBeingProcessed, staticQueue &U, staticQueue &privateU, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *myCardPtr, MilanLongInt *msgIndPtr, MilanLongInt *NumMessagesBundledPtr, MilanLongInt *SPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *PCounter, vector &Counter, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, vector &GMate, MilanLongInt *Mate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, staticQueue &privateQLocalVtx, staticQueue &privateQGhostVtx, staticQueue &privateQMsgType, staticQueue &privateQOwner); void sendBundledMessages(MilanLongInt *numGhostEdgesPtr, MilanInt *BufferSizePtr, MilanLongInt *Buffer, vector &PCumulative, vector &PMessageBundle, vector &PSizeInfoMessages, MilanLongInt *PCounter, MilanLongInt NumMessagesBundled, MilanLongInt *msgActualPtr, MilanLongInt *MessageIndexPtr, MilanInt numProcs, MilanInt myRank, MPI_Comm comm, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, vector &SRequest, vector &SStatus); void processMessages( MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, vector &GMate, vector &Counter, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *myCardPtr, MilanLongInt *msgIndPtr, MilanLongInt *msgActualPtr, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt k, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanInt numProcs, MilanInt myRank, MPI_Comm comm, vector &Message, MilanLongInt numGhostEdges, MilanLongInt u, MilanLongInt v, MilanLongInt *SPtr, staticQueue &U); void extractUChunk( vector &UChunkBeingProcessed, staticQueue &U, staticQueue &privateU); void dalgoDistEdgeApproxDomEdgesLinearSearchMesgBndlSmallMateCMP( MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt NLEdge, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MPI_Comm comm, MilanLongInt *msgIndSent, MilanLongInt *msgActualSent, MilanReal *msgPercent, MilanReal *ph0_time, MilanReal *ph1_time, MilanReal *ph2_time, MilanLongInt *ph1_card, MilanLongInt *ph2_card); void dalgoDistEdgeApproxDomEdgesLinearSearchMesgBndlSmallMateC( MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt NLEdge, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MPI_Comm comm, MilanLongInt *msgIndSent, MilanLongInt *msgActualSent, MilanReal *msgPercent, MilanReal *ph0_time, MilanReal *ph1_time, MilanReal *ph2_time, MilanLongInt *ph1_card, MilanLongInt *ph2_card); void salgoDistEdgeApproxDomEdgesLinearSearchMesgBndlSmallMateC( MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt NLEdge, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanFloat *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MPI_Comm comm, MilanLongInt *msgIndSent, MilanLongInt *msgActualSent, MilanReal *msgPercent, MilanReal *ph0_time, MilanReal *ph1_time, MilanReal *ph2_time, MilanLongInt *ph1_card, MilanLongInt *ph2_card); void dMatchBoxPC(MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt NLEdge, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MilanInt icomm, MilanLongInt *msgIndSent, MilanLongInt *msgActualSent, MilanReal *msgPercent, MilanReal *ph0_time, MilanReal *ph1_time, MilanReal *ph2_time, MilanLongInt *ph1_card, MilanLongInt *ph2_card); void sMatchBoxPC(MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt NLEdge, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanFloat *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MilanInt icomm, MilanLongInt *msgIndSent, MilanLongInt *msgActualSent, MilanReal *msgPercent, MilanReal *ph0_time, MilanReal *ph1_time, MilanReal *ph2_time, MilanLongInt *ph1_card, MilanLongInt *ph2_card); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif