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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00060000000000000000"></A><A NAME="sec:background"></A>
Multi-level Domain Decomposition Background

<I>Domain Decomposition</I> (DD) preconditioners, coupled with Krylov iterative
solvers, are widely used in the parallel solution of large and sparse linear systems.
These preconditioners are based on the divide and conquer technique: the matrix
to be preconditioned is divided into submatrices, a ``local'' linear system
involving each submatrix is (approximately) solved, and the local solutions are used
to build a preconditioner for the whole original matrix. This process
often corresponds to dividing a physical domain associated to the original matrix
into subdomains, e.g. in a PDE discretization, to (approximately) solving the
subproblems corresponding to the subdomains and to building an approximate
solution of the original problem from the local solutions 

<I>Additive Schwarz</I> preconditioners are DD preconditioners using overlapping
submatrices, i.e. with some common rows, to couple the local information
related to the submatrices (see, e.g., [<A
The main motivation for choosing Additive Schwarz preconditioners is their
intrinsic parallelism. A drawback of these
preconditioners is that the number of iterations of the preconditioned solvers
generally grows with the number of submatrices. This may be a serious limitation
on parallel computers, since the number of submatrices usually matches the number
of available processors. Optimal convergence rates, i.e. iteration numbers
independent of the number of submatrices, can be obtained by correcting the
preconditioner through a suitable approximation of the original linear system
in a coarse space, which globally couples the information related to the single

<I>Two-level Schwarz</I> preconditioners are obtained
by combining basic (one-level) Schwarz preconditioners with a coarse-level
correction. In this context, the one-level preconditioner is often
called `smoother'. Different two-level preconditioners are obtained by varying the
choice of the smoother and of the coarse-level correction, and the
way they are combined [<A
 HREF="node27.html#dd2_96">23</A>]. The same reasoning can be applied starting
from the coarse-level system, i.e. a coarse-space correction can be built
from this system, thus obtaining <I>multi-level</I> preconditioners.

It is worth noting that optimal preconditioners do not necessarily correspond
to minimum execution times. Indeed, to obtain effective multi-level preconditioners
a tradeoff between optimality of convergence and the cost of building and applying
the coarse-space corrections must be achieved. The choice of the number of levels,
i.e. of the coarse-space corrections, also affects the effectiveness of the
preconditioners. One more goal is to get convergence rates as less sensitive
as possible to variations in the matrix coefficients.

Two main approaches can be used to build coarse-space corrections. The geometric approach
applies coarsening strategies based on the knowledge of some physical grid associated
to the matrix and requires the user to define grid transfer operators from the fine
to the coarse levels and vice versa. This may result difficult for complex geometries;
furthermore, suitable one-level preconditioners may be required to get efficient
interplay between fine and coarse levels, e.g. when matrices with highly varying coefficients
are considered. The algebraic approach builds coarse-space corrections using only matrix
information. It performs a fully automatic coarsening and enforces the interplay between
the fine and coarse levels by suitably choosing the coarse space and the coarse-to-fine
interpolation [<A

MLD2P4 uses a pure algebraic approach for building the sequence of coarse matrices
starting from the original matrix. The algebraic approach is based on the <I>smoothed 
aggregation</I> algorithm [<A
 HREF="node27.html#VANEK_MANDEL_BREZINA">27</A>]. A decoupled version
of this algorithm is implemented, where the smoothed aggregation is applied locally
to each submatrix [<A
 HREF="node27.html#TUMINARO_TONG">26</A>]. In the next two subsections we provide
a brief description of the multi-level Schwarz preconditioners and of the smoothed
aggregation technique as implemented in MLD2P4. For further details the reader
is referred to [<A

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