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The code reported in Figure 2 shows how to set and apply the default multi-level preconditioner available in the real double precision version of MLD2P4 (see Table 1). This preconditioner is chosen by simply specifying 'ML' as second argument of mld_precinit (a call to mld_precset is not needed) and is applied with the BiCGSTAB solver provided by PSBLAS. As previously observed, the modules psb_base_mod, mld_prec_mod and psb_krylov_mod must be used by the example program.

The part of the code concerning the reading and assembling of the sparse matrix and the right-hand side vector, performed through the PSBLAS routines for sparse matrix and vector management, is not reported here for brevity; the statements concerning the deallocation of the PSBLAS data structure are neglected too. The complete code can be found in the example program file mld_dexample_ml.f90, in the directory examples/fileread of the MLD2P4 tree (see Section 3.5). For details on the use of the PSBLAS routines, see the PSBLAS User's Guide [16].

The setup and application of the default multi-level preconditioners for the real single precision and the complex, single and double precision, versions are obtained with straightforward modifications of the previous example (see Section 6 for details). If these versions are installed, the corresponding Fortran 95 codes are available in examples/fileread/.

Figure 2: Setup and application of the default multi-level Schwarz preconditioner.
  use psb_base_mod
  use mld_prec_mod
  use psb_krylov_mod
... ...
! sparse matrix
  type(psb_dspmat_type) :: A
! sparse matrix descriptor
  type(psb_desc_type)   :: desc_A
! preconditioner
  type(mld_dprec_type)  :: P
! right-hand side and solution vectors
  type(psb_d_vect_type) :: b, x
... ...
! initialize the parallel environment
  call psb_init(ictxt)
  call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
... ...
! read and assemble the matrix A and the right-hand side b 
! using PSBLAS routines for sparse matrix / vector management 
... ...
! initialize the default multi-level preconditioner, i.e. hybrid
! Schwarz, using RAS (with overlap 1 and ILU(0) on the blocks) 
! as pre- and post-smoother and 4 block-Jacobi sweeps 
! (with UMFPACK LU on the blocks) as distributed coarse-level 
! solver.
  call mld_precinit(P,'ML',info)
! build the preconditioner
  call mld_hierarchy_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)
  call mld_smoothers_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)

! set the solver parameters and the initial guess
  ... ...
! solve Ax=b with preconditioned BiCGSTAB
  call psb_krylov('BICGSTAB',A,P,b,x,tol,desc_A,info)
  ... ...
! deallocate the preconditioner
  call mld_precfree(P,info)
! deallocate other data structures
  ... ...
! exit the parallel environment
  call psb_exit(ictxt)

Different versions of multi-level preconditioners can be obtained by changing the default values of the preconditioner parameters. The code reported in Figure 3 shows how to set a three-level hybrid Schwarz preconditioner, which uses block Jacobi with ILU(0) on the local blocks as post-smoother, has a coarsest matrix replicated on the processors, and solves the coarsest-level system with the LU factorization from UMFPACK [9]. Figure 4 shows how to set a three-level preconditioner similar to the one of 3, but the coarsest-level systems is solved with the multifrontal factorization from MUMPS [9]. Note that MUMPS can be used on both replicated and distributed coarsest level matrices, as a global and local solver respectively. The number of levels is specified by using mld_precinit; the other preconditioner parameters are set by calling mld_precset. Note that the type of multilevel framework (i.e. multiplicative among the levels with post-smoothing only) is not specified since it is the default set by mld_precinit.

Figure 5 shows how to set a three-level additive Schwarz preconditioner, which uses RAS, with overlap 1 and ILU(0) on the blocks, as pre- and post-smoother, and applies five block-Jacobi sweeps, with the UMFPACK LU factorization on the blocks, as distributed coarsest-level solver. Again, mld_precset is used only to set non-default values of the parameters (see Tables 2-6). In both cases, the construction and the application of the preconditioner are carried out as for the default multi-level preconditioner. The code fragments shown in in Figures 3 4-5 are included in the example program file mld_dexample_ml.f90 too.

Finally, Figure 6 shows the setup of a one-level additive Schwarz preconditioner, i.e. RAS with overlap 2. The corresponding example program is available in mld_dexample_1lev.f90.

For all the previous preconditioners, example programs where the sparse matrix and the right-hand side are generated by discretizing a PDE with Dirichlet boundary conditions are also available in the directory examples/pdegen.

Figure 3: Setup of a hybrid three-level Schwarz preconditioner.
... ...
! set a three-level hybrid Schwarz preconditioner, which uses 
! block Jacobi (with ILU(0) on the blocks) as post-smoother,
! a coarsest matrix replicated on the processors, and the 
! LU factorization from UMFPACK as coarse-level solver
  call mld_precinit(P,'ML',info)
  call mld_precset(P,'COARSE_MAT','REPL',info)
  call mld_precset(P,'COARSE_SOLVE','UMF',info)
  call mld_hierarchy_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)

  call mld_smoothers_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)
... ...

Figure 4: Setup of a hybrid three-level Schwarz preconditioner.
... ...
! set a three-level hybrid Schwarz preconditioner, which uses
! block Jacobi (with ILU(0) on the blocks) as post-smoother,
! a coarsest matrix replicated on the processors, and the
! multifrontal solver in MUMPS as coarse-level solver

  call mld_precinit(P,'ML',info,nlev=3)
  call mld_precset(P,mld_smoother_type_,'BJAC',info)
  call mld_precset(P,mld_coarse_mat_,'REPL',info)
  call mld_precset(P,mld_coarse_solve_,'MUMPS',info)
  call mld_hierarchy_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)
  call mld_smoothers_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)
... ...

Figure 5: Setup of an additive three-level Schwarz preconditioner.
... ...
! set a three-level additive Schwarz preconditioner, which uses 
! RAS (with overlap 1 and ILU(0) on the blocks) as pre- and 
! post-smoother, and 5 block-Jacobi sweeps (with UMFPACK LU
! on the blocks) as distributed coarsest-level solver
  call mld_precinit(P,'ML',info,nlev=3)
  call mld_precset(P,'ML_TYPE','ADD',info)
  call mld_precset(P,'COARSE_SWEEPS',5,info)
  call mld_hierarchy_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)
  call mld_smoothers_bld(A,desc_A,P,info)
... ...

Figure 6: Setup of a one-level Schwarz preconditioner.
... ...
! set RAS with overlap 2 and ILU(0) on the local blocks
  call mld_precinit(P,'AS',info)
  call mld_precset(P,'SUB_OVR',2,info)
  call mld_precbld(A,desc_A,P,info)
... ...

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