#include "MatchBoxPC.h" //#define DEBUG_HANG_ void processMatchedVerticesAndSendMessagesD( MilanLongInt NLVer, vector &UChunkBeingProcessed, vector &U, vector &privateU, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *myCard, MilanLongInt *msgInd, MilanLongInt *NumMessagesBundled, MilanLongInt *SPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *PCounter, vector &Counter, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, vector &GMate, MilanLongInt *Mate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, vector &privateQLocalVtx, vector &privateQGhostVtx, vector &privateQMsgType, vector &privateQOwner, MPI_Comm comm, MilanLongInt *msgActual, vector &Message) { MilanLongInt initialSize = QLocalVtx.size(); MilanLongInt adj1, adj2, adj11, adj12, k, k1, v = -1, w = -1, ghostOwner; int option; MilanLongInt mateVal; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << "=========================************===============================" << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef COUNT_LOCAL_VERTEX MilanLongInt localVertices = 0; #endif //#pragma omp parallel private(k, w, v, k1, adj1, adj2, adj11, adj12, ghostOwner, option) \ firstprivate(Message, privateU, StartIndex, EndIndex, privateQLocalVtx, privateQGhostVtx,\ privateQMsgType, privateQOwner, UChunkBeingProcessed) default(shared) \ num_threads(NUM_THREAD) \ reduction(+ \ : msgInd[:1], PCounter \ [:numProcs], myCard \ [:1], NumMessagesBundled \ [:1], msgActual \ [:1]) { while (!U.empty()) { extractUChunk(UChunkBeingProcessed, U, privateU); for (MilanLongInt u : UChunkBeingProcessed) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")u: " << u; fflush(stdout); #endif if ((u >= StartIndex) && (u <= EndIndex)) { // Process Only the Local Vertices #ifdef COUNT_LOCAL_VERTEX localVertices++; #endif // Get the Adjacency list for u adj1 = verLocPtr[u - StartIndex]; // Pointer adj2 = verLocPtr[u - StartIndex + 1]; for (k = adj1; k < adj2; k++) { option = -1; v = verLocInd[k]; if ((v >= StartIndex) && (v <= EndIndex)) { // If Local Vertex: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")v: " << v << " c(v)= " << candidateMate[v - StartIndex] << " Mate[v]: " << Mate[v]; fflush(stdout); #endif #pragma omp atomic read mateVal = Mate[v - StartIndex]; // If the current vertex is pointing to a matched vertex and is not matched if (mateVal < 0) { #pragma omp critical { #pragma omp atomic read mateVal = Mate[v - StartIndex]; // If the current vertex is pointing to a matched vertex and is not matched if (mateVal < 0) { if (candidateMate[v - StartIndex] == u) { // Start: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) w = computeCandidateMateD(verLocPtr[v - StartIndex], verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1], edgeLocWeight, 0, verLocInd, StartIndex, EndIndex, GMate, Mate, Ghost2LocalMap); candidateMate[v - StartIndex] = w; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")" << v << " Points to: " << w; fflush(stdout); #endif // If found a dominating edge: if (w >= 0) { if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // A ghost #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a request message:"; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); #endif option = 2; if (candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[w]] == v) { option = 1; Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is a local vertex GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[w]] = v; // w is a ghost vertex } // End of if CandidateMate[w] = v } // End of if a Ghost Vertex else { // w is a local vertex if (candidateMate[w - StartIndex] == v) { option = 3; Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is a local vertex Mate[w - StartIndex] = v; // w is a local vertex #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") "; fflush(stdout); #endif } // End of if(CandidateMate(w) = v } // End of Else } // End of if(w >=0) else option = 4; // End of Else: w == -1 // End: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) } // End of If (candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u } } // End of task } // mateval < 0 } // End of if ( (v >= StartIndex) && (v <= EndIndex) ) //If Local Vertex: else { // Neighbor is a ghost vertex #pragma omp critical { if (candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[v]] == u) candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[v]] = -1; if (v != Mate[u - StartIndex]) option = 5; // u is local } // End of critical } // End of Else //A Ghost Vertex switch (option) { case -1: // No things to do break; case 1: // Found a dominating edge, it is a ghost and candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[w]] == v privateU.push_back(v); privateU.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") "; fflush(stdout); #endif // Decrement the counter: PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[w]], SPtr); case 2: // Found a dominating edge, it is a ghost ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); // Build the Message Packet: // Message[0] = v; // LOCAL // Message[1] = w; // GHOST // Message[2] = REQUEST; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) // MPI_Bsend(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgActual)++; (*msgInd)++; privateQLocalVtx.push_back(v); privateQGhostVtx.push_back(w); privateQMsgType.push_back(REQUEST); privateQOwner.push_back(ghostOwner); break; case 3: privateU.push_back(v); privateU.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; break; case 4: // Could not find a dominating vertex adj11 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex]; adj12 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1]; for (k1 = adj11; k1 < adj12; k1++) { w = verLocInd[k1]; if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // A ghost #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a failure message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); // Build the Message Packet: // Message[0] = v; // LOCAL // Message[1] = w; // GHOST // Message[2] = FAILURE; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) // MPI_Bsend(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgActual)++; (*msgInd)++; privateQLocalVtx.push_back(v); privateQGhostVtx.push_back(w); privateQMsgType.push_back(FAILURE); privateQOwner.push_back(ghostOwner); } // End of if(GHOST) } // End of for loop break; case 5: default: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a success message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << v << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(v, verDistance, myRank, numProcs) << "\n"; fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(v, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); // Build the Message Packet: // Message[0] = u; // LOCAL // Message[1] = v; // GHOST // Message[2] = SUCCESS; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) // MPI_Bsend(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgActual)++; (*msgInd)++; privateQLocalVtx.push_back(u); privateQGhostVtx.push_back(v); privateQMsgType.push_back(SUCCESS); privateQOwner.push_back(ghostOwner); break; } // End of switch } // End of inner for } } // End of outer for queuesTransfer(U, privateU, QLocalVtx, QGhostVtx, QMsgType, QOwner, privateQLocalVtx, privateQGhostVtx, privateQMsgType, privateQOwner); } // End of while ( !U.empty() ) #ifdef COUNT_LOCAL_VERTEX printf("Count local vertexes: %ld for thread %d of processor %d\n", localVertices, mp_get_thread_num(), myRank); #endif } // End of parallel region // Send the messages #ifdef DEBUG_HANG_ cout << myRank<<" Sending: "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); //cout << myRank<<" Sending to "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); } #ifdef DEBUG_HANG_ cout << myRank<<" Done sending messages"< &UChunkBeingProcessed, vector &U, vector &privateU, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *myCard, MilanLongInt *msgInd, MilanLongInt *NumMessagesBundled, MilanLongInt *SPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *PCounter, vector &Counter, MilanInt myRank, MilanInt numProcs, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, vector &GMate, MilanLongInt *Mate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, MilanFloat *edgeLocWeight, vector &QLocalVtx, vector &QGhostVtx, vector &QMsgType, vector &QOwner, vector &privateQLocalVtx, vector &privateQGhostVtx, vector &privateQMsgType, vector &privateQOwner, MPI_Comm comm, MilanLongInt *msgActual, vector &Message) { MilanLongInt initialSize = QLocalVtx.size(); MilanLongInt adj1, adj2, adj11, adj12, k, k1, v = -1, w = -1, ghostOwner; int option; MilanLongInt mateVal; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << "=========================************===============================" << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef COUNT_LOCAL_VERTEX MilanLongInt localVertices = 0; #endif #pragma omp parallel private(k, w, v, k1, adj1, adj2, adj11, adj12, ghostOwner, option) \ firstprivate(Message, privateU, StartIndex, EndIndex, privateQLocalVtx, privateQGhostVtx,\ privateQMsgType, privateQOwner, UChunkBeingProcessed) default(shared) \ num_threads(NUM_THREAD) \ reduction(+ \ : msgInd[:1], PCounter \ [:numProcs], myCard \ [:1], NumMessagesBundled \ [:1], msgActual \ [:1]) { while (!U.empty()) { extractUChunk(UChunkBeingProcessed, U, privateU); for (MilanLongInt u : UChunkBeingProcessed) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")u: " << u; fflush(stdout); #endif if ((u >= StartIndex) && (u <= EndIndex)) { // Process Only the Local Vertices #ifdef COUNT_LOCAL_VERTEX localVertices++; #endif // Get the Adjacency list for u adj1 = verLocPtr[u - StartIndex]; // Pointer adj2 = verLocPtr[u - StartIndex + 1]; for (k = adj1; k < adj2; k++) { option = -1; v = verLocInd[k]; if ((v >= StartIndex) && (v <= EndIndex)) { // If Local Vertex: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")v: " << v << " c(v)= " << candidateMate[v - StartIndex] << " Mate[v]: " << Mate[v]; fflush(stdout); #endif #pragma omp atomic read mateVal = Mate[v - StartIndex]; // If the current vertex is pointing to a matched vertex and is not matched if (mateVal < 0) { #pragma omp critical { #pragma omp atomic read mateVal = Mate[v - StartIndex]; // If the current vertex is pointing to a matched vertex and is not matched if (mateVal < 0) { if (candidateMate[v - StartIndex] == u) { // Start: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) w = computeCandidateMateS(verLocPtr[v - StartIndex], verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1], edgeLocWeight, 0, verLocInd, StartIndex, EndIndex, GMate, Mate, Ghost2LocalMap); candidateMate[v - StartIndex] = w; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")" << v << " Points to: " << w; fflush(stdout); #endif // If found a dominating edge: if (w >= 0) { if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // A ghost #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a request message:"; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); #endif option = 2; if (candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[w]] == v) { option = 1; Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is a local vertex GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[w]] = v; // w is a ghost vertex } // End of if CandidateMate[w] = v } // End of if a Ghost Vertex else { // w is a local vertex if (candidateMate[w - StartIndex] == v) { option = 3; Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is a local vertex Mate[w - StartIndex] = v; // w is a local vertex #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") "; fflush(stdout); #endif } // End of if(CandidateMate(w) = v } // End of Else } // End of if(w >=0) else option = 4; // End of Else: w == -1 // End: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) } // End of If (candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u } } // End of task } // mateval < 0 } // End of if ( (v >= StartIndex) && (v <= EndIndex) ) //If Local Vertex: else { // Neighbor is a ghost vertex #pragma omp critical { if (candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[v]] == u) candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[v]] = -1; if (v != Mate[u - StartIndex]) option = 5; // u is local } // End of critical } // End of Else //A Ghost Vertex switch (option) { case -1: // No things to do break; case 1: // Found a dominating edge, it is a ghost and candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[w]] == v privateU.push_back(v); privateU.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") "; fflush(stdout); #endif // Decrement the counter: PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[w]], SPtr); case 2: // Found a dominating edge, it is a ghost ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); // Build the Message Packet: // Message[0] = v; // LOCAL // Message[1] = w; // GHOST // Message[2] = REQUEST; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) // MPI_Bsend(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgActual)++; (*msgInd)++; privateQLocalVtx.push_back(v); privateQGhostVtx.push_back(w); privateQMsgType.push_back(REQUEST); privateQOwner.push_back(ghostOwner); break; case 3: privateU.push_back(v); privateU.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; break; case 4: // Could not find a dominating vertex adj11 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex]; adj12 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1]; for (k1 = adj11; k1 < adj12; k1++) { w = verLocInd[k1]; if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // A ghost #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a failure message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); // Build the Message Packet: // Message[0] = v; // LOCAL // Message[1] = w; // GHOST // Message[2] = FAILURE; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) // MPI_Bsend(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgActual)++; (*msgInd)++; privateQLocalVtx.push_back(v); privateQGhostVtx.push_back(w); privateQMsgType.push_back(FAILURE); privateQOwner.push_back(ghostOwner); } // End of if(GHOST) } // End of for loop break; case 5: default: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a success message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << v << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(v, verDistance, myRank, numProcs) << "\n"; fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(v, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); // Build the Message Packet: // Message[0] = u; // LOCAL // Message[1] = v; // GHOST // Message[2] = SUCCESS; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) // MPI_Bsend(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgActual)++; (*msgInd)++; privateQLocalVtx.push_back(u); privateQGhostVtx.push_back(v); privateQMsgType.push_back(SUCCESS); privateQOwner.push_back(ghostOwner); break; } // End of switch } // End of inner for } } // End of outer for queuesTransfer(U, privateU, QLocalVtx, QGhostVtx, QMsgType, QOwner, privateQLocalVtx, privateQGhostVtx, privateQMsgType, privateQOwner); } // End of while ( !U.empty() ) #ifdef COUNT_LOCAL_VERTEX printf("Count local vertexes: %ld for thread %d of processor %d\n", localVertices, mp_get_thread_num(), myRank); #endif } // End of parallel region // Send the messages #ifdef DEBUG_HANG_ cout << myRank<<" Sending: "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); //cout << myRank<<" Sending to "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); } #ifdef DEBUG_HANG_ cout << myRank<<" Done sending messages"<