BICGSTAB ! Iterative method: BiCGSTAB BiCG CGS RGMRES BiCGSTABL CG CSR ! Storage format CSR COO JAD 080 ! IDIM; domain size is idim**3 2 ! ISTOPC 2000 ! ITMAX 1 ! ITRACE 30 ! IRST (restart for RGMRES and BiCGSTABL) 1.d-6 ! EPS NL-MUL-RAS-BJAC4-ILU ! Descriptive name for preconditioner (up to 40 chars) ML ! Preconditioner NONE JACOBI BJAC AS ML 2 ! Number of overlap layers for AS preconditioner at finest level HALO ! Restriction operator NONE HALO NONE ! Prolongation operator NONE SUM AVG ILU ! Subdomain solver DSCALE ILU MILU ILUT UMF SLU 0 ! Level-set N for ILU(N), and P for ILUT 1.d-4 ! Threshold T for ILU(T,P) 1 ! Smoother/Jacobi sweeps AS ! Smoother type JACOBI BJAC AS; ignored for non-ML 3 ! Number of levels in a multilevel preconditioner SMOOTHED ! Kind of aggregation: SMOOTHED, NONSMOOTHED, MINENERGY DEC ! Type of aggregation DEC SYMDEC GLB MULT ! Type of multilevel correction: ADD MULT TWOSIDE ! Side of correction PRE POST TWOSIDE (ignored for ADD) DIST ! Coarse level: matrix distribution DIST REPL BJAC ! Coarse level: solver JACOBI BJAC UMF SLU SLUDIST SLU ! Coarse level: subsolver DSCALE ILU UMF SLU SLUDIST 1 ! Coarse level: Level-set N for ILU(N) 1.d-4 ! Coarse level: Threshold T for ILU(T,P) 4 ! Coarse level: Number of Jacobi sweeps -0.10d0 ! Smoother Aggregation Threshold: >= 0.0 default if <0 200 ! Coarse size limit to determine levels. If <0, then use NL