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Subroutine set

call p%set(what,val,info [,ilev, ilmax, pos])

This routine sets the parameters defining the preconditioner p. More precisely, the parameter identified by what is assigned the value contained in val.


what character(len=*).
  The parameter to be set. It can be specified by a predefined constant, or through its name; the string is case-insensitive. See also Tables 2-8.
val integer or character(len=*) or real(psb_spk_) or real(psb_dpk_), intent(in).
  The value of the parameter to be set. The list of allowed values and the corresponding data types is given in Tables 2-8. When the value is of type character(len=*), it is also treated as case insensitive.
info integer, intent(out).
  Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 8 for details.
ilev integer, optional, intent(in).
  For the multi-level preconditioner, the level at which the preconditioner parameter has to be set. The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e., level 1 is the finest level. If ilev is not present, the parameter identified by what is set at all the appropriate levels (see Tables 2-8).
ilmax integer, optional, intent(in).
  For the multi-level preconditioner, when both ilev and ilmax are present, the settings are applied at all levels ilev:ilmax. When ilev is present but ilmax is not, then the default is ilmax=ilev. The levels are numbered in increasing order starting from the finest one, i.e., level 1 is the finest level.
pos charater(len=*), optional, intent(in).
  Whether the other arguments apply only to the pre-smoother ('PRE') or to the post-smoother ('POST'). If pos is not present, the other arguments are applied to both smoothers. If the preconditioner is one-level or the parameter identified by what does not concern the smoothers, pos is ignored.

For compatibility with the previous versions of MLD2P4, this routine can be also invoked as follows:

call mld_precset(p,what,val,info)

However, in this case the optional arguments ilev, ilmax, and pos cannot be used.

A variety of preconditioners can be obtained by a suitable setting of the preconditioner parameters. These parameters can be logically divided into four groups, i.e., parameters defining

  1. the type of multi-level cycle and how many cycles must be applied;
  2. the aggregation algorithm;
  3. the coarse-space correction at the coarsest level (for multi-level preconditioners only);
  4. the smoother of the multi-level preconditioners, or the one-level preconditioner.

A list of the parameters that can be set, along with their allowed and default values, is given in Tables 2-8. For a description of the meaning of the parameters, please refer also to Section 4.

Remark 2. A smoother is usually obtained by combining two objects: a smoother (SMOOTHER_TYPE) and a local solver (SUB_SOLVE), as specified in Tables 7-8. For example, the block-Jacobi smoother using ILU(0) on the blocks is obtained by combining the block-Jacobi smoother object with the ILU(0) solver object. Similarly, the hybrid Gauss-Seidel smoother (see Note in Table 7) is obtained by combining the block-Jacobi smoother object with a single sweep of the Gauss-Seidel solver object, while the point-Jacobi smoother is the result of combining the block-Jacobi smoother object with a single sweep of the pointwise-Jacobi solver object. However, for simplicity, shortcuts are provided to set point-Jacobi, hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, and hybrid backward Gauss-Seidel, i.e., the previous smoothers can be defined by setting only SMOOTHER_TYPE to appropriate values (see Tables 7), i.e., without setting SUB_SOLVE too.

The smoother and solver objects are arranged in a hierarchical manner. When specifying a smoother object, its parameters, including the local solver, are set to their default values, and when a solver object is specified, its defaults are also set, overriding in both cases any previous settings even if explicitly specified. Therefore if the user sets a smoother, and wishes to use a solver different from the default one, the call to set the solver must come after the call to set the smoother.

Similar considerations apply to the point-Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and block-Jacobi coarsest-level solvers, and shortcuts are available in this case too (see Table 5).

Remark 3. In general, a coarsest-level solver cannot be used with both the replicated and distributed coarsest-matrix layout; therefore, setting the solver after the layout may change the layout. Similarly, setting the layout after the solver may change the solver.

More precisely, UMFPACK and SuperLU require the coarsest-level matrix to be replicated, while SuperLU_Dist requires it to be distributed. In these cases, setting the coarsest-level solver implies that the layout is redefined according to the solver, ovverriding any previous settings. MUMPS, point-Jacobi, hybrid Gauss-Seidel and block-Jacobi can be applied to replicated and distributed matrices, thus their choice does not modify any previously specified layout. It is worth noting that, when the matrix is replicated, the point-Jacobi, hybrid Gauss-Seidel and block-Jacobi solvers reduce to the corresponding local solver objects (see Remark 2). For the point-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel solvers, these objects correspond to a single point-Jacobi sweep and a single Gauss-Seidel sweep, respectively, which are very poor solvers.

On the other hand, the distributed layout can be used with any solver but UMFPACK and SuperLU; therefore, if any of these two solvers has already been selected, the coarsest-level solver is changed to block-Jacobi, with the previously chosen solver applied to the local blocks. Likewise, the replicated layout can be used with any solver but SuperLu_Dist; therefore, if SuperLu_Dist has been previously set, the coarsest-level solver is changed to the default sequential solver.

Table 2: Parameters defining the multi-level cycle and the number of cycles to be applied.
ML_CYCLE character(len=*) 'VCYCLE'





'VCYCLE' Multi-level cycle: V-cycle, W-cycle, K-cycle, hybrid Multiplicative Schwarz, and Additive Schwarz.

Note that hybrid Multiplicative Schwarz is equivalent to V-cycle and is included for compatibility with previous versions of MLD2P4.

OUTER_SWEEPS integer Any integer

number $\ge 1$

1 Number of multi-level cycles.

Table 3: Parameters defining the aggregation algorithm.
MIN_COARSE_SIZE integer Any number

$> 0$

$\lfloor 40 \sqrt[3]{n} \rfloor$, where $n$ is the dimension of the matrix at the finest level Coarse size threshold. The aggregation stops if the global number of variables of the computed coarsest matrix is lower than or equal to this threshold (see Note).
MIN_CR_RATIO real Any number

$> 1$

1.5 Minimum coarsening ratio. The aggregation stops if the ratio between the matrix dimensions at two consecutive levels is lower than or equal to this threshold (see Note).
MAX_LEVS integer Any integer

number $> 1$

20 Maximum number of levels. The aggregation stops if the number of levels reaches this value (see Note).
PAR_AGGR character(len=*) 'DEC', 'SYMDEC' 'DEC' Parallel aggregation algorithm.

Currently, only the decoupled aggregation (DEC) is available; the SYMDEC option applies decoupled aggregation to the sparsity pattern of $A+A^T$.

AGGR_TYPE character(len=*) 'VMB' 'VMB' Type of aggregation algorithm: currently, the scalar aggregation algorithm by Vanek, Mandel and Brezina is implemented [29].
AGGR_PROL character(len=*) 'SMOOTHED', 'UNSMOOTHED' 'SMOOTHED' Prolongator used by the aggregation algorithm: smoothed or unsmoothed (i.e., tentative prolongator).
Note. The aggregation algorithm stops when at least one of the following criteria is met: the coarse size threshold, the
maximum coarsening ratio, or the maximum number of levels is reached. Therefore, the actual number of levels may be
smaller than the specified maximum number of levels.

Table 4: Parameters defining the aggregation algorithm (continued).
AGGR_ORD character(len=*) 'NATURAL'


'NATURAL' Initial ordering of indices for the aggregation algorithm: either natural ordering or sorted by descending degrees of the nodes in the matrix graph.
AGGR_THRESH real(kind_parameter) Any real

number $\in [0, 1]$

0.05 The threshold $\theta$ in the aggregation algorithm (see Note).
AGGR_OMEGA_ALG character(len=*) 'EIG_EST'


'EIG_EST' How the damping parameter $\omega$ in the smoothed aggregation is obtained: either via an estimate of the spectral radius of $D^{-1}A$, where $A$ is the matrix at the current level and $D$ is the diagonal matrix with the same diagonal entires as $A$, or explicily specified by the user.
AGGR_EIG character(len=*) 'A_NORMI' 'A_NORMI' How to estimate the spectral radius of $D^{-1}A$. Currently only the infinity norm estimate is available.
AGGR_OMEGA_VAL real(kind_parameter) Any real

number $> 0$

$4/(3\rho(D^{-1}A))$ Damping parameter $\omega$ in the smoothed aggregation algorithm. It must be set by the user if USER_CHOICE was specified for mld_aggr_omega_alg_, otherwise it is computed by the library, using the selected estimate of the spectral radius $\rho(D^{-1}A)$ of $D^{-1}A$.
AGGR_FILTER character(len=*) 'FILTER'


'NOFILTER' Matrix used in computing the smoothed prolongator: filtered or unfiltered.
Note. Different thresholds at different levels, such as those used in [29, Section 5.1], can be easily set by invoking the rou-
tine set with the parameter ilev.

Table 5: Parameters defining the coarse-space correction at the coarsest level.
COARSE_MAT character(len=*) 'DIST'


'REPL' Coarsest matrix layout: distributed among the processes or replicated on each of them.
COARSE_SOLVE character(len=*) 'MUMPS'







See Note. Solver used at the coarsest level: sequential LU from MUMPS, UMFPACK, or SuperLU (plus triangular solve); distributed LU from MUMPS or SuperLU_Dist (plus triangular solve); point-Jacobi, hybrid Gauss-Seidel or block-Jacobi.

Note that UMF and SLU require the coarsest matrix to be replicated, SLUDIST, JACOBI, GS and BJAC require it to be distributed, MUMPS can be used with either a replicated or a distributed matrix. When any of the previous solvers is specified, the matrix layout is set to a default value which allows the use value UMFPACK and SuperLU_Dist are available only in double precision.

COARSE_SUBSOLVE character(len=*) 'ILU'






See Note. Solver for the diagonal blocks of the coarse matrix, in case the block Jacobi solver is chosen as coarsest-level solver: ILU($p$), ILU($p,t$), MILU($p$), LU from MUMPS, SuperLU or UMFPACK (plus triangular solve). Note that UMFPACK and SuperLU_Dist are available only in double precision.
Note. Defaults for COARSE_SOLVE and COARSE_SUBSOLVE are chosen in the following order:
single precision version - MUMPS if installed, then SLU if installed, ILU otherwise;
double precision version - UMF if installed, then MUMPS if installed, then SLU if installed, ILU otherwise.

Table 6: Parameters defining the coarse-space correction at the coarsest level (continued).
COARSE_SWEEPS integer Any integer

number $> 0$

10 Number of sweeps when JACOBI, GS or BJAC is chosen as coarsest-level solver.
COARSE_FILLIN integer Any integer

number $\ge 0$

0 Fill-in level $p$ of the ILU factorizations.
COARSE_ILUTHRS real(kind_parameter) Any real

number $\ge 0$

0 Drop tolerance $t$ in the ILU($p,t$) factorization.

Table 7: Parameters defining the smoother or the details of the one-level preconditioner.
SMOOTHER_TYPE character(len=*) 'JACOBI'





'FBGS' Type of smoother used in the multi-level preconditioner: point-Jacobi, hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, hybrid backward Gauss-Seidel, block-Jacobi, and Additive Schwarz.

It is ignored by one-level preconditioners.

SUB_SOLVE character(len=*) 'JACOBI'









GS and BGS for pre- and post-smoothers of multi-level preconditioners, respectively

ILU for block-Jacobi and Additive Schwarz one-level preconditioners

The local solver to be used with the smoother or one-level preconditioner (see Remark 2, page 24): point-Jacobi, hybrid (forward) Gauss-Seidel, hybrid backward Gauss-Seidel, ILU($p$), ILU($p,t$), MILU($p$), LU from MUMPS, SuperLU or UMFPACK (plus triangular solve). See Note for details on hybrid Gauss-Seidel.
SMOOTHER_SWEEPS integer Any integer

number $\ge 0$

1 Number of sweeps of the smoother or one-level preconditioner. In the multi-level case, no pre-smother or post-smoother is used if this parameter is set to 0 together with pos='PRE' or pos='POST, respectively.
SUB_OVR integer Any integer

number $\ge 0$

1 Number of overlap layers, for Additive Schwarz only.

Table 8: Parameters defining the smoother or the details of the one-level preconditioner (continued).
SUB_RESTR character(len=*) 'HALO'


'HALO' Type of restriction operator, for Additive Schwarz only: HALO for taking into account the overlap, NONE for neglecting it.

Note that HALO must be chosen for the classical Addditive Schwarz smoother and its RAS variant.

SUB_PROL character(len=*) 'SUM'


'NONE' Type of prolongation operator, for Additive Schwarz only: SUM for adding the contributions from the overlap, NONE for neglecting them.

Note that SUM must be chosen for the classical Additive Schwarz smoother, and NONE for its RAS variant.

SUB_FILLIN integer Any integer

number $\ge 0$

0 Fill-in level $p$ of the incomplete LU factorizations.
SUB_ILUTHRS real(kind_parameter) Any real number $\ge 0$ 0 Drop tolerance $t$ in the ILU($p,t$) factorization.

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