%%%%%%%%%%% General arguments % Lines starting with % are ignored. qc2534.mtx ! Other matrices from: http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/ or NONE ! rhs ! http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices/index.html NONE ! Initial guess NONE ! Reference solution MM ! File format: MatrixMarket or Harwell-Boeing CSR ! Storage format: CSR COO JAD GRAPH ! PART (partition method): BLOCK GRAPH CG ! Iterative method: BiCGSTAB BiCGSTABL BiCG CG CGS FCG GCR RGMRES 2 ! ISTOPC 00500 ! ITMAX 1 ! ITRACE 30 ! IRST (restart for RGMRES and BiCGSTABL) 1.d-6 ! EPS %%%%%%%%%%% Main preconditioner choices %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ML-VCYCLE-FBGS-R-UMF ! Longer descriptive name for preconditioner (up to 20 chars) ML ! Preconditioner type: NONE JACOBI GS FBGS BJAC AS ML %%%%%%%%%%% First smoother (for all levels but coarsest) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FBGS ! Smoother type JACOBI FBGS GS BWGS BJAC AS. For 1-level, repeats previous. 1 ! Number of sweeps for smoother 0 ! Number of overlap layers for AS preconditioner HALO ! AS restriction operator: NONE HALO NONE ! AS prolongation operator: NONE SUM AVG ILU ! Subdomain solver for BJAC/AS: JACOBI GS BGS ILU ILUT MILU MUMPS SLU UMF 0 ! Fill level P for ILU(P) and ILU(T,P) 1.d-4 ! Threshold T for ILU(T,P) %%%%%%%%%%% Second smoother, always ignored for non-ML %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NONE ! Second (post) smoother, ignored if NONE 1 ! Number of sweeps for (post) smoother 0 ! Number of overlap layers for AS preconditioner HALO ! AS restriction operator: NONE HALO NONE ! AS prolongation operator: NONE SUM AVG ILU ! Subdomain solver for BJAC/AS: JACOBI GS BGS ILU ILUT MILU MUMPS SLU UMF 0 ! Fill level P for ILU(P) and ILU(T,P) 1.d-4 ! Threshold T for ILU(T,P) %%%%%%%%%%% Multilevel parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VCYCLE ! Type of multilevel CYCLE: VCYCLE WCYCLE KCYCLE MULT ADD 4 ! Number of outer sweeps for ML -3 ! Max Number of levels in a multilevel preconditioner; if <0, lib default -3 ! Target coarse matrix size; if <0, lib default SMOOTHED ! Type of aggregation: SMOOTHED UNSMOOTHED DEC ! Parallel aggregation: DEC, SYMDEC NATURAL ! Ordering of aggregation NATURAL DEGREE -1.5 ! Coarsening ratio, if < 0 use library default FILTER ! Filtering of matrix: FILTER NOFILTER -0.0100d0 ! Smoothed aggregation threshold, ignored if < 0 -2 ! Number of thresholds in vector, next line ignored if <= 0 0.05 0.025 ! Thresholds %%%%%%%%%%% Coarse level solver %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SLU ! Coarsest-level solver: MUMPS UMF SLU SLUDIST JACOBI GS BJAC SLU ! Coarsest-level subsolver for BJAC: ILU ILUT MILU UMF MUMPS SLU REPL ! Coarsest-level matrix distribution: DIST REPL 1 ! Coarsest-level fillin P for ILU(P) and ILU(T,P) 1.d-4 ! Coarsest-level threshold T for ILU(T,P) 1 ! Number of sweeps for JACOBI/GS/BJAC coarsest-level solver