#include "MatchBoxPC.h" //#define DEBUG_HANG_ #if !defined(SERIAL_MPI) void processMessagesD( MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, vector &GMate, vector &Counter, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *myCard, MilanLongInt *msgInd, MilanLongInt *msgActual, MilanReal *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt k, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanInt numProcs, MilanInt myRank, MPI_Comm comm, vector &Message, MilanLongInt numGhostEdges, MilanLongInt u, MilanLongInt v, MilanLongInt *S, vector &U) { //#define PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ MilanInt Sender; MPI_Status computeStatus; MilanLongInt bundleSize, w; MilanLongInt adj11, adj12, k1; MilanLongInt ghostOwner; int error_codeC; error_codeC = MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN); char error_message[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING]; int message_length; MilanLongInt message_type = 0; // Buffer to receive bundled messages // Maximum messages that can be received from any processor is // twice the edge cut: REQUEST; REQUEST+(FAILURE/SUCCESS) vector ReceiveBuffer; try { ReceiveBuffer.reserve(numGhostEdges * 2 * 3); // Three integers per cross edge } catch (length_error) { cout << "Error in function algoDistEdgeApproxDominatingEdgesMessageBundling: \n"; cout << "Not enough memory to allocate the internal variables \n"; exit(1); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << "=========================************===============================" << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")About to begin Message processing phase ... *S=" << *S << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << "=========================************===============================" << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif // BLOCKING RECEIVE: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << " Waiting for blocking receive..." << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif //cout << myRank<<" Receiving ..."; error_codeC = MPI_Recv(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), MPI_ANY_SOURCE, ComputeTag, comm, &computeStatus); if (error_codeC != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPI_Error_string(error_codeC, error_message, &message_length); cout << "\n*Error in call to MPI_Receive on Slave: " << error_message << "\n"; fflush(stdout); } Sender = computeStatus.MPI_SOURCE; //cout << " ...from "<(), Sender, BundleTag, comm, &computeStatus); if (error_codeC != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPI_Error_string(error_codeC, error_message, &message_length); cout << "\n*Error in call to MPI_Receive on processor " << myRank << " Error: " << error_message << "\n"; fflush(stdout); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message Bundle After: " << endl; for (int i = 0; i < bundleSize; i++) cout << ReceiveBuffer[i] << ","; cout << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif } else { // Just a single message: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Received regular message from Process " << Sender << " u= " << Message[0] << " v= " << Message[1] << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif // Add the current message to Queue: bundleSize = 3; //#of integers in the message // Build the Message Buffer: if (!ReceiveBuffer.empty()) ReceiveBuffer.clear(); // Empty it out first ReceiveBuffer.resize(bundleSize, -1); // Initialize ReceiveBuffer[0] = Message[0]; // u ReceiveBuffer[1] = Message[1]; // v ReceiveBuffer[2] = Message[2]; // message_type } #ifdef DEBUG_GHOST_ if ((v < StartIndex) || (v > EndIndex)) { cout << "\n(" << myRank << ") From ReceiveBuffer: This should not happen: u= " << u << " v= " << v << " Type= " << message_type << " StartIndex " << StartIndex << " EndIndex " << EndIndex << endl; fflush(stdout); } #endif #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Processing message: u= " << u << " v= " << v << " Type= " << message_type << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif // Most of the time bundleSize == 3, thus, it's not worth parallelizing thi loop for (MilanLongInt bundleCounter = 3; bundleCounter < bundleSize + 3; bundleCounter += 3) { u = ReceiveBuffer[bundleCounter - 3]; // GHOST v = ReceiveBuffer[bundleCounter - 2]; // LOCAL message_type = ReceiveBuffer[bundleCounter - 1]; // TYPE // CASE I: REQUEST if (message_type == REQUEST) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message type is REQUEST" << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_GHOST_ if ((v < 0) || (v < StartIndex) || ((v - StartIndex) > NLVer)) { cout << "\n(" << myRank << ") case 1 Bad address " << v << " " << StartIndex << " " << v - StartIndex << " " << NLVer << endl; fflush(stdout); } #endif if (Mate[v - StartIndex] == -1) { // Process only if not already matched (v is local) candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = v; // Set CandidateMate for the ghost if (candidateMate[v - StartIndex] == u) { GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = v; // u is ghost Mate[v - StartIndex] = u; // v is local U.push_back(v); U.push_back(u); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << u << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[u]], S); } // End of if ( candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u )e } // End of if ( Mate[v] == -1 ) } // End of REQUEST else { // CASE II: SUCCESS if (message_type == SUCCESS) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message type is SUCCESS" << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = EndIndex + 1; // Set a Dummy Mate to make sure that we do not (u is a ghost) process it again PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[u]], S); #ifdef DEBUG_GHOST_ if ((v < 0) || (v < StartIndex) || ((v - StartIndex) > NLVer)) { cout << "\n(" << myRank << ") case 2 Bad address " << v << " " << StartIndex << " " << v - StartIndex << " " << NLVer << endl; fflush(stdout); } #endif if (Mate[v - StartIndex] == -1) { // Process only if not already matched ( v is local) if (candidateMate[v - StartIndex] == u) { // Start: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) w = computeCandidateMateD(verLocPtr[v - StartIndex], verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1], edgeLocWeight, k,verLocInd, StartIndex, EndIndex, GMate, Mate, Ghost2LocalMap); candidateMate[v - StartIndex] = w; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")" << v << " Points to: " << w << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif // If found a dominating edge: if (w >= 0) { if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // w is a ghost // Build the Message Packet: Message[0] = v; // LOCAL Message[1] = w; // GHOST Message[2] = REQUEST; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a request message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs) << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); //assert(ghostOwner != -1); //assert(ghostOwner != myRank); //cout << myRank<<" Sending to "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgInd)++; (*msgActual)++; if (candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[w]] == v) { Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is local GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[w]] = v; // w is ghost U.push_back(v); U.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[w]], S); } // End of if CandidateMate[w] = v } // End of if a Ghost Vertex else { // w is a local vertex if (candidateMate[w - StartIndex] == v) { Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is local Mate[w - StartIndex] = v; // w is local // Q.push_back(u); U.push_back(v); U.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif } // End of if(CandidateMate(w) = v } // End of Else } // End of if(w >=0) else { // No dominant edge found adj11 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex]; adj12 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1]; for (k1 = adj11; k1 < adj12; k1++) { w = verLocInd[k1]; if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // A ghost // Build the Message Packet: Message[0] = v; // LOCAL Message[1] = w; // GHOST Message[2] = FAILURE; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a failure message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs) << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); //assert(ghostOwner != -1); //assert(ghostOwner != myRank); //cout << myRank<<" Sending to "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgInd)++; (*msgActual)++; } // End of if(GHOST) } // End of for loop } // End of Else: w == -1 // End: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) } // End of if ( candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u ) } // End of if ( Mate[v] == -1 ) } // End of if ( message_type == SUCCESS ) else { // CASE III: FAILURE #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message type is FAILURE" << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = EndIndex + 1; // Set a Dummy Mate to make sure that we do not (u is a ghost) process this anymore PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[u]], S); // Decrease the counter } // End of else: CASE III } // End of else: CASE I } return; } void processMessagesS( MilanLongInt NLVer, MilanLongInt *Mate, MilanLongInt *candidateMate, map &Ghost2LocalMap, vector &GMate, vector &Counter, MilanLongInt StartIndex, MilanLongInt EndIndex, MilanLongInt *myCard, MilanLongInt *msgInd, MilanLongInt *msgActual, MilanFloat *edgeLocWeight, MilanLongInt *verDistance, MilanLongInt *verLocPtr, MilanLongInt k, MilanLongInt *verLocInd, MilanInt numProcs, MilanInt myRank, MPI_Comm comm, vector &Message, MilanLongInt numGhostEdges, MilanLongInt u, MilanLongInt v, MilanLongInt *S, vector &U) { //#define PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ MilanInt Sender; MPI_Status computeStatus; MilanLongInt bundleSize, w; MilanLongInt adj11, adj12, k1; MilanLongInt ghostOwner; int error_codeC; error_codeC = MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN); char error_message[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING]; int message_length; MilanLongInt message_type = 0; // Buffer to receive bundled messages // Maximum messages that can be received from any processor is // twice the edge cut: REQUEST; REQUEST+(FAILURE/SUCCESS) vector ReceiveBuffer; try { ReceiveBuffer.reserve(numGhostEdges * 2 * 3); // Three integers per cross edge } catch (length_error) { cout << "Error in function algoDistEdgeApproxDominatingEdgesMessageBundling: \n"; cout << "Not enough memory to allocate the internal variables \n"; exit(1); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << "=========================************===============================" << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")About to begin Message processing phase ... *S=" << *S << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << "=========================************===============================" << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif // BLOCKING RECEIVE: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << " Waiting for blocking receive..." << endl; fflush(stdout); fflush(stdout); #endif //cout << myRank<<" Receiving ..."; error_codeC = MPI_Recv(&Message[0], 3, TypeMap(), MPI_ANY_SOURCE, ComputeTag, comm, &computeStatus); if (error_codeC != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPI_Error_string(error_codeC, error_message, &message_length); cout << "\n*Error in call to MPI_Receive on Slave: " << error_message << "\n"; fflush(stdout); } Sender = computeStatus.MPI_SOURCE; //cout << " ...from "<(), Sender, BundleTag, comm, &computeStatus); if (error_codeC != MPI_SUCCESS) { MPI_Error_string(error_codeC, error_message, &message_length); cout << "\n*Error in call to MPI_Receive on processor " << myRank << " Error: " << error_message << "\n"; fflush(stdout); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message Bundle After: " << endl; for (int i = 0; i < bundleSize; i++) cout << ReceiveBuffer[i] << ","; cout << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif } else { // Just a single message: #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Received regular message from Process " << Sender << " u= " << Message[0] << " v= " << Message[1] << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif // Add the current message to Queue: bundleSize = 3; //#of integers in the message // Build the Message Buffer: if (!ReceiveBuffer.empty()) ReceiveBuffer.clear(); // Empty it out first ReceiveBuffer.resize(bundleSize, -1); // Initialize ReceiveBuffer[0] = Message[0]; // u ReceiveBuffer[1] = Message[1]; // v ReceiveBuffer[2] = Message[2]; // message_type } #ifdef DEBUG_GHOST_ if ((v < StartIndex) || (v > EndIndex)) { cout << "\n(" << myRank << ") From ReceiveBuffer: This should not happen: u= " << u << " v= " << v << " Type= " << message_type << " StartIndex " << StartIndex << " EndIndex " << EndIndex << endl; fflush(stdout); } #endif #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Processing message: u= " << u << " v= " << v << " Type= " << message_type << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif // Most of the time bundleSize == 3, thus, it's not worth parallelizing thi loop for (MilanLongInt bundleCounter = 3; bundleCounter < bundleSize + 3; bundleCounter += 3) { u = ReceiveBuffer[bundleCounter - 3]; // GHOST v = ReceiveBuffer[bundleCounter - 2]; // LOCAL message_type = ReceiveBuffer[bundleCounter - 1]; // TYPE // CASE I: REQUEST if (message_type == REQUEST) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message type is REQUEST" << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_GHOST_ if ((v < 0) || (v < StartIndex) || ((v - StartIndex) > NLVer)) { cout << "\n(" << myRank << ") case 1 Bad address " << v << " " << StartIndex << " " << v - StartIndex << " " << NLVer << endl; fflush(stdout); } #endif if (Mate[v - StartIndex] == -1) { // Process only if not already matched (v is local) candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = v; // Set CandidateMate for the ghost if (candidateMate[v - StartIndex] == u) { GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = v; // u is ghost Mate[v - StartIndex] = u; // v is local U.push_back(v); U.push_back(u); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << u << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[u]], S); } // End of if ( candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u )e } // End of if ( Mate[v] == -1 ) } // End of REQUEST else { // CASE II: SUCCESS if (message_type == SUCCESS) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message type is SUCCESS" << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = EndIndex + 1; // Set a Dummy Mate to make sure that we do not (u is a ghost) process it again PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[u]], S); #ifdef DEBUG_GHOST_ if ((v < 0) || (v < StartIndex) || ((v - StartIndex) > NLVer)) { cout << "\n(" << myRank << ") case 2 Bad address " << v << " " << StartIndex << " " << v - StartIndex << " " << NLVer << endl; fflush(stdout); } #endif if (Mate[v - StartIndex] == -1) { // Process only if not already matched ( v is local) if (candidateMate[v - StartIndex] == u) { // Start: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) w = computeCandidateMateS(verLocPtr[v - StartIndex], verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1], edgeLocWeight, k,verLocInd, StartIndex, EndIndex, GMate, Mate, Ghost2LocalMap); candidateMate[v - StartIndex] = w; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")" << v << " Points to: " << w << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif // If found a dominating edge: if (w >= 0) { if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // w is a ghost // Build the Message Packet: Message[0] = v; // LOCAL Message[1] = w; // GHOST Message[2] = REQUEST; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a request message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs) << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); //assert(ghostOwner != -1); //assert(ghostOwner != myRank); //cout << myRank<<" Sending to "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgInd)++; (*msgActual)++; if (candidateMate[NLVer + Ghost2LocalMap[w]] == v) { Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is local GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[w]] = v; // w is ghost U.push_back(v); U.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[w]], S); } // End of if CandidateMate[w] = v } // End of if a Ghost Vertex else { // w is a local vertex if (candidateMate[w - StartIndex] == v) { Mate[v - StartIndex] = w; // v is local Mate[w - StartIndex] = v; // w is local // Q.push_back(u); U.push_back(v); U.push_back(w); (*myCard)++; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")MATCH: (" << v << "," << w << ") " << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif } // End of if(CandidateMate(w) = v } // End of Else } // End of if(w >=0) else { // No dominant edge found adj11 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex]; adj12 = verLocPtr[v - StartIndex + 1]; for (k1 = adj11; k1 < adj12; k1++) { w = verLocInd[k1]; if ((w < StartIndex) || (w > EndIndex)) { // A ghost // Build the Message Packet: Message[0] = v; // LOCAL Message[1] = w; // GHOST Message[2] = FAILURE; // TYPE // Send a Request (Asynchronous) #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Sending a failure message: "; cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Ghost is " << w << " Owner is: " << findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs) << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif ghostOwner = findOwnerOfGhost(w, verDistance, myRank, numProcs); //assert(ghostOwner != -1); //assert(ghostOwner != myRank); //cout << myRank<<" Sending to "<(), ghostOwner, ComputeTag, comm); (*msgInd)++; (*msgActual)++; } // End of if(GHOST) } // End of for loop } // End of Else: w == -1 // End: PARALLEL_PROCESS_EXPOSED_VERTEX_B(v) } // End of if ( candidateMate[v-StartIndex] == u ) } // End of if ( Mate[v] == -1 ) } // End of if ( message_type == SUCCESS ) else { // CASE III: FAILURE #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO_ cout << "\n(" << myRank << ")Message type is FAILURE" << endl; fflush(stdout); #endif GMate[Ghost2LocalMap[u]] = EndIndex + 1; // Set a Dummy Mate to make sure that we do not (u is a ghost) process this anymore PROCESS_CROSS_EDGE(&Counter[Ghost2LocalMap[u]], S); // Decrease the counter } // End of else: CASE III } // End of else: CASE I } return; } #endif