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Subroutine hierarchy_build

call p%hierarchy_build(a,desc_a,info)

This routine builds the hierarchy of matrices and restriction/prolongation operators for the multi-level preconditioner p, according to the requirements made by the user through the routines init and set.


a type(psb_xspmat_type), intent(in).
  The sparse matrix structure containing the local part of the matrix to be preconditioned. Note that x must be chosen according to the real/complex, single/double precision version of MLD2P4 under use. See the PSBLAS User's Guide for details [17].
desc_a type(psb_desc_type), intent(in).
  The communication descriptor of a. See the PSBLAS User's Guide for details [17].
info integer, intent(out).
  Error code. If no error, 0 is returned. See Section 8 for details.