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Design principles for this directory.
1. What is a sparse matrix?
It is an object which does have some properties (number of rows,
number of columns, whether it is a triangle, and in that case
upper/lower, unit/nonunit), a state (null, build, assembled,
update), a type (real/complex, single/double), and a storage
Thus we have a three-level inheritance chain:
i. The base object, defining the methods to set/query the various
properties, and allocate and a free. Some of the property
getters/setters, allocate and free depend on the storage
format, so at this level they will just throw an error.
ii. The X_base_object, where X=s,d,c,z thus defining the
type. At this level we define the computational interfaces to
MV and SV, since they require the type of the vectors/scalars
involved (should also add NRMI here!!!!), but again they will
be empty shells. We also define the interface to CSINS,
required to build the object, and TO_COO,FROM_COO (see
iii. The X_YYY_object where the real implementation of the
2. What is a sparse matrix (take 2)?
The above structure by itself does not allow a sparse matrix to
switch among different storage formats during its life. To do this,
we define all of the above to be INNER objects, encapsulated in an
OUTER object which is what the rest of the library sees, as
type :: psbn_d_sparse_mat
class(psbn_d_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
end type psbn_d_sparse_mat
type(psbn_d_sparse_mat) :: a
In this way we can have an outer object whose type is stable
both statically (at compile time) and at runtime, while at runtime
the type of the inner object switches from COO to CSR to whatever as
needed. All of the methods are simply thrown onto the corresponding
methods of the (allocatable, polymorphic) component A%A as needed
(provided the component is allocated, that is).
This is what is called a STATE design pattern (different from the
internal state we discussed above).
As an example, consider the allocate/build/assembly cycle:
the outer code would do the following:
1. Allocate(psbn_d_coo_sparse_mat :: a%a)
2. During the build loop a call to A%CSINS() gets translated into
3. At assembly time the code would do the following
subroutine psb_spasb(a,....)
type(psbn_d_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
class(psbn_d_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: temp
select case (TYPE)
allocate(psbn_d_csr_sparse_mat :: temp, stat=info)
end select
call temp%from_coo(a%a)
call a%a%free()
call move_alloc(temp,a%a)
4. Note in the above that to_coo, from_coo are defined so that every
conceivable storage representation provides just 2 conversion
routines, avoiding quadratic explosion. But since all have to
provide them, the to_coo/from_coo is defined in d_base_mat_mod
together with d_coo_sparse_mat, which enjoys the "eldest child"
status with respect to all the other types derived from
d_base_sparse_mat (its "siblings").
5. How does a user add a new storage format? Very simple. After
deriving the class and implementing all the necessary methods,
the user declares in the program a dummy variable of the new
inner type
type(X_YYY_sparse_mat) :: reftype
then calls
call psb_spasb(a,....,mold=reftype)
In psb_spasb we have
class(psbn_d_base_sparse_mat), intent(in), optional :: mold
if (present(mold)) then
end select
call temp%from_coo(a%a)
call a%a%free()
call move_alloc(temp,a%a)
AND IT'S DONE! Nothing else in the library requires the explicit
knowledge of type of MOLD.