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<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[1]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XPARA04FOREST"></a>G. Bella, S. Filippone, A. De Maio and M. Testa, <span
class="pplri7t-">A Simulation Model</span>
class="pplri7t-">for Forest Fires</span>, in J. Dongarra, K. Madsen, J. Wasniewski, editors,
Proceedings of PARA 04 Workshop on State of the Art in Scientific
Computing, pp. 546–553, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[2]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="X2007d"></a>A. Buttari, D. di Serafino, P. D’Ambra, S. Filippone, 2LEV-D2P4:
a package of high-performance preconditioners, Applicable Algebra in
Engineering, Communications and Computing, Volume 18, Number 3,
May, 2007, pp. 223-239
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[3]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="X2007c"></a>P. D’Ambra, S. Filippone, D. Di Serafino On the Development of
PSBLAS-based Parallel Two-level Schwarz Preconditioners Applied
Numerical Mathematics, Elsevier Science, Volume 57, Issues 11-12,
November-December 2007, Pages 1181-1196.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[4]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XBLAS2"></a>Dongarra, J. J., DuCroz, J., Hammarling, S. and Hanson, R., An
Extended Set of Fortran Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, ACM Trans.
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<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[5]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XBLAS3"></a>Dongarra, J., DuCroz, J., Hammarling, S. and Duff, I., A Set of level
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1–17, 1990.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[6]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XBLACS"></a>J. J. Dongarra and R. C. Whaley, <span
class="pplri7t-">A User’s Guide to the BLACS</span>
class="pplri7t-"> 1.1</span>, Lapack Working Note 94, Tech. Rep. UT-CS-95-281, University of
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[7]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="Xsblas97"></a>I. Duff, M. Marrone, G. Radicati and C. Vittoli, <span
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class="pplri7t-">Algebra Subprograms for Sparse Matrices: a User Level Interface</span>, ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software, 23(3), pp. 379–401, 1997.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[8]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="Xsblas02"></a>I. Duff, M. Heroux and R. Pozo, <span
class="pplri7t-">An Overview of the Sparse Basic Linear</span>
class="pplri7t-">Algebra Subprograms: the New Standard from the BLAS Technical Forum</span>, ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software, 28(2), pp. 239–267, 2002.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[9]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XPSBLAS"></a>S. Filippone and M. Colajanni, <span
class="pplri7t-">PSBLAS: A Library for Parallel</span>
class="pplri7t-">Linear Algebra Computation on Sparse Matrices</span>, ACM Transactions on
Mathematical Software, 26(4), pp. 527–550, 2000.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[10]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XSparse03"></a>S. Filippone and A. Buttari, <span
class="pplri7t-">Object-Oriented Techniques for Sparse</span>
class="pplri7t-">Matrix Computations in Fortran 2003</span>, ACM Transactions on Mathematical
Software, 38(4), 2012.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[11]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XKIVA3PSBLAS"></a>S. Filippone, P. D’Ambra, M. Colajanni, <span
class="pplri7t-">Using a Parallel Library of</span>
class="pplri7t-">Sparse Linear Algebra in a Fluid Dynamics Applications Code on Linux</span>
class="pplri7t-">Clusters</span>, in G. Joubert, A. Murli, F. Peters, M. Vanneschi, editors,
Parallel Computing - Advances & Current Issues, pp. 441–448, Imperial
College Press, 2002.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[12]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XDesignPatterns"></a> Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R., and Vlissides, J. 1995. <span
class="pplri7t-">Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software</span>. Addison-Wesley.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[13]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XMETIS"></a>Karypis, G. and Kumar, V., <span
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of Minnesota, Department of Computer Science, 1995. Internet Address:
<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[14]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XBLAS1"></a>Lawson, C., Hanson, R., Kincaid, D. and Krogh, F., Basic Linear
Algebra Subprograms for Fortran usage, ACM Trans. Math. Softw. vol. 5,
38–329, 1979.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[15]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="Xmachiels"></a>Machiels, L. and Deville, M. <span
class="pplri7t-">Fortran 90: An entry to object-oriented</span>
class="pplri7t-">programming for the solution of partial differential equations. </span>ACM Trans.
Math. Softw. vol. 23, 32–49.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[16]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="Xmetcalf"></a>Metcalf, M., Reid, J. and Cohen, M. <span
class="pplri7t-">Fortran 95/2003 explained. </span>Oxford
University Press, 2004.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[17]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XMRC:11"></a>Metcalf, M., Reid, J. and Cohen, M. <span
class="pplri7t-">Modern Fortran explained. </span>Oxford
University Press, 2011.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[18]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XRouXiaXu:11"></a>Rouson, D.W.I., Xia, J., Xu, X.: Scientific Software Design: The
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<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[19]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XMPI1"></a>M. Snir, S. Otto, S. Huss-Lederman, D. Walker and J. Dongarra,
class="pplri7t-">MPI: The Complete Reference. Volume 1 - The MPI Core</span>, second edition, MIT
Press, 1998.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[20]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XDesPat:11"></a>D. Barbieri, V. Cardellini,
S. Filippone and D. Rouson <span
class="pplri7t-">Design Patterns for Scientific Computations</span>
class="pplri7t-">on Sparse Matrices</span>, HPSS 2011, Algorithms and Programming Tools for
Next-Generation High-Performance Scientific Software, Bordeaux, Sep.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[21]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XCaFiRo:2014"></a> Cardellini, V., Filippone, S., and Rouson, D. 2014, Design patterns
for sparse-matrix computations on hybrid CPU/GPU platforms, <span
class="pplri7t-">Programming</span> <span
class="pplri7t-">22,</span> 1, 1–19.
<p class="bibitem" ><span class="biblabel">
[22]<span class="bibsp">   </span></span><a
id="XOurTechRep"></a>D. Barbieri, V. Cardellini, A. Fanfarillo, S. Filippone, Three storage
formats for sparse matrices on GPGPUs, Tech. Rep. DICII RR-15.6,
Universit<69> di Roma Tor Vergata (February 2015).
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