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19 years ago
BICGSTAB iterative method to use
CSR Matrix format
2 IPART: Partition method: 0: BLOCK 1: BLK2 2:GRAPH
00100 ITMAX
2 ISTOPC 1: NBE Infty 2: |r|2/|b|2
10 IRST Restart parameter for GMRES and BiCGSTAB(L)
0 RENUM: 0: none 1: global indices (2: GPS band reduction)
1 NTRY for each comb. print out best timings
1 6 13 NPRECS 0:none 1:diagsc 2:BJC 3:ASM 4:ASH 5:RAS 6:RASH
14 2 5 10 11 14 15 61 55 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 12 9 0 1 2 5 3
2 Number of overlaps to try (only when iprec>2)
2 1 0 1 2 4
1.D-6 EPS
0.38d0 OMEGA for smoothed preconditioners (10 & 11)
-1 GLBSMTH -1 no 1 yes for smoothed preconditioners (10 & 11)
1 MATOP 0 no store 1 store
4 Jacobi sweeps for precs. 14 & 64
2 Number of matrices
kivap004.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
nos4.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
kivap004.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
kivap001.mtx none
kivap007.mtx none
kivap004.mtx none
180x180_2659.mtx none
thm200x120.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
kivap001.mtx none
kivap004.mtx none
kivap007.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
kivap007.mtx none
126150.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
kivap001.mtx none
sherman3.mtx none
matpress.mtx none
kivap004.mtx none
a_sparse_gps.mtx none
mx2000.mtx mx2000.rhs
sylbes.mtx sylbes.rhs
mx200.mtx mx200.rhs
sylbes.mtx sylbes.rhs
mx2000.mtx mx2000.rhs