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< h3 class = "sectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 5 < / span > < a
id="x10-720005">< / a > Communication routines< / h3 >
<!-- l. 7 --> < p class = "noindent" > The routines in this chapter implement various global communication operators on
vectors associated with a discretization mesh. For auxiliary communication routines
not tied to a discretization space see  < a
href="userhtmlse6.html#x11-770006">6<!-- tex4ht:ref: sec:toolsrout --> < / a > .
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 5.1 < / span > < a
id="x10-730005.1">< / a > psb_halo — Halo Data Communication< / h4 >
<!-- l. 14 --> < p class = "noindent" > These subroutines gathers the values of the halo elements:
< div class = "par-math-display" >
< img
src="userhtml25x.png" alt="x ← x
" class="par-math-display" >< / div >
<!-- l. 17 --> < p class = "nopar" > where:
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 20 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 20 --> < p class = "noindent" > is a global dense submatrix.< / dd > < / dl >
< div class = "table" >
<!-- l. 23 --> < p class = "indent" > < a
id="x10-73001r17">< / a > < hr class = "float" > < div class = "float"
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 24 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "tabular" > < table id = "TBL-17" class = "tabular"
>< colgroup id = "TBL-17-1g" > < col
id="TBL-17-1">< col
id="TBL-17-2">< / colgroup > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-1-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-1-1"
class="td11">< span
class="zplmr7m-">α < / span > , < span
class="zplmr7m-">x < / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-1-2"
class="td11">< span
class="pplb7t-">Subroutine< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-2-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-2-1"
class="td11">Integer < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-2-2"
class="td11">psb_halo < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-3-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-3-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-3-2"
class="td11">psb_halo < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-4-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-4-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-4-2"
class="td11">psb_halo < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-5-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-5-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-5-2"
class="td11">psb_halo < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-6-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-6-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-6-2"
class="td11">psb_halo < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-17-7-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-17-7-1"
class="td11"> < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div >
< br / > < div class = "caption"
>< span class = "id" > Table  17: < / span > < span
class="content">Data types< / span > < / div > <!-- tex4ht:label?: x10 - 73001r17 -->
< / div > < hr class = "endfloat" / >
< / div >
<!-- l. 40 --> < p class = "noindent" > < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_halo< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code > < br
class="newline" />< code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_halo< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > work< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > data< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 44 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 44 --> < p class = "noindent" > Synchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 45 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 45 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 46 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 46 --> < p class = "noindent" > global dense matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">inout< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one or two array or an object of type
< a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a >   containing numbers of type specified in Table  < a
href="#x10-73001r17">17<!-- tex4ht:ref: tab:f90halo --> < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 53 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">desc< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 53 --> < p class = "noindent" > contains data structures for communications.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#descdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_desc< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 58 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">work< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 58 --> < p class = "noindent" > the work array. < br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">inout< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one array of the same type of < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 63 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">data< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 63 --> < p class = "noindent" > index list selector.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">optional < / span > < br
class="newline" />Specified
as: an integer. Values:< code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_comm_halo_< / span > < / code > ,< code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_comm_mov_< / span > < / code > , < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_comm_ext_< / span > < / code > ,
default: < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_comm_halo_< / span > < / code > . Chooses the index list on which to base the
data exchange.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 71 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 71 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 72 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 72 --> < p class = "noindent" > global dense result matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">inout< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Returned as: a rank one or two array containing numbers of type
specified in Table  < a
href="#x10-73001r17">17<!-- tex4ht:ref: tab:f90halo --> < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 79 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">info< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 79 --> < p class = "noindent" > the local portion of result submatrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">y< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">out< / span > .< br
class="newline" />An integer value that contains an error code.< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 85 --> < p class = "noindent" > < hr class = "figure" > < div class = "figure"
>< a
id="x10-73002r3">< / a >
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 86 --> < p class = "noindent" >
<!-- l. 88 --> < p class = "noindent" > < img
src="try8x8.png" alt="PIC"
width="32" height="32" >< / div >
< br / > < div class = "caption"
>< span class = "id" > Figure  3: < / span > < span
class="content">Sample discretization mesh.< / span > < / div > <!-- tex4ht:label?: x10 - 73002r3 -->
<!-- l. 94 --> < p class = "indent" > < / div > < hr class = "endfigure" >
<!-- l. 96 --> < p class = "noindent" > < span
class="pplb7t-x-x-120">Usage Example < / span > Consider the discretization mesh depicted in fig.  < a
href="#x10-73002r3">3<!-- tex4ht:ref: fig:try8x8 --> < / a > , partitioned
among two processes as shown by the dashed line; the data distribution is such that
each process will own 32 entries in the index space, with a halo made of 8 entries
placed at local indices 33 through 40. If process 0 assigns an initial value of 1
to its entries in the < span
class="zplmr7m-">x < / span > vector, and process 1 assigns a value of 2, then after
a call to < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_halo< / span > < / code > the contents of the local vectors will be the following:
< div class = "table" >
<!-- l. 106 --> < p class = "indent" > < hr class = "float" > < div class = "float"
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 106 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "tabular" > < table id = "TBL-18" class = "tabular"
>< colgroup id = "TBL-18-1g" > < col
id="TBL-18-1">< col
id="TBL-18-2">< col
id="TBL-18-3">< col
id="TBL-18-4">< col
id="TBL-18-5">< col
id="TBL-18-6">< / colgroup > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-1-">< td colspan = "3" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-1-1"
class="td11"> < div class = "multicolumn" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">Process 0< / span > < / div > < / td > < td colspan = "3" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-1-4"
class="td01"> < div class = "multicolumn" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">Process 1< / span > < / div > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-2-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-2-1"
11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">I< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-2-2"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">GLOB(I)< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-2-3"
class="td10">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">X(I)< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-2-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">I< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-2-5"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">GLOB(I)< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-2-6"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">X(I)< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-3-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-3-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-3-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-3-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-3-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-3-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-3-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-4-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-4-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-4-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-4-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-4-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-4-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-4-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-5-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-5-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">3< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-5-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">3< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-5-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-5-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">3< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-5-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-5-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-6-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-6-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">4< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-6-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">4< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-6-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-6-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">4< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-6-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-6-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-7-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-7-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-7-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-7-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-7-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-7-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-7-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-8-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-8-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">6< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-8-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">6< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-8-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-8-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">6< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-8-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-8-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-9-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-9-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">7< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-9-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">7< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-9-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-9-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">7< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-9-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-9-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-10-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-10-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">8< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-10-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">8< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-10-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-10-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">8< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-10-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-10-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-11-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-11-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">9< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-11-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">9< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-11-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-11-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">9< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-11-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">41< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-11-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-12-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-12-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">10< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-12-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">10< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-12-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-12-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">10< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-12-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">42< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-12-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-13-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-13-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">11< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-13-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">11< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-13-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-13-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">11< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-13-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">43< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-13-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-14-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-14-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">12< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-14-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">12< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-14-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-14-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">12< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-14-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">44< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-14-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-15-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-15-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">13< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-15-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">13< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-15-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-15-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">13< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-15-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">45< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-15-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-16-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-16-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">14< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-16-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">14< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-16-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-16-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">14< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-16-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">46< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-16-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-17-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-17-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">15< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-17-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">15< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-17-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-17-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">15< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-17-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">47< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-17-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-18-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-18-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">16< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-18-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">16< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-18-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-18-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">16< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-18-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">48< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-18-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-19-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-19-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-19-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-19-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-19-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-19-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">49< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-19-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-20-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-20-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-20-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-20-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-20-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-20-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">50< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-20-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-21-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-21-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-21-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-21-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-21-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-21-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">51< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-21-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-22-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-22-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-22-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-22-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-22-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-22-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">52< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-22-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-23-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-23-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-23-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-23-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-23-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-23-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">53< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-23-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-24-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-24-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-24-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-24-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-24-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-24-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">54< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-24-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-25-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-25-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-25-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-25-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-25-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-25-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">55< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-25-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-26-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-26-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-26-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-26-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-26-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-26-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">56< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-26-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-27-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-27-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-27-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-27-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-27-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-27-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">57< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-27-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-28-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-28-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-28-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-28-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-28-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-28-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">58< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-28-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-29-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-29-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-29-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-29-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-29-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-29-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">59< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-29-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-30-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-30-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-30-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-30-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-30-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-30-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">60< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-30-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-31-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-31-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-31-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-31-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-31-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-31-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">61< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-31-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-32-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-32-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-32-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-32-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-32-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-32-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">62< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-32-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-33-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-33-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-33-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-33-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-33-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-33-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">63< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-33-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-34-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-34-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-34-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-34-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-34-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-34-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">64< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-34-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-35-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-35-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-35-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-35-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-35-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-35-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-35-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-36-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-36-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-36-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-36-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-36-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-36-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-36-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-37-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-37-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-37-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-37-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-37-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-37-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-37-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-38-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-38-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-38-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-38-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-38-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-38-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-38-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-39-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-39-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-39-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-39-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-39-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-39-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-39-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-40-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-40-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-40-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-40-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-40-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-40-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-40-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-41-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-41-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-41-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-41-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-41-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-41-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-41-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-42-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-42-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-42-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-42-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-42-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-42-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-42-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-90">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-18-43-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-18-43-1"
class="td11"> < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div >
< / div > < hr class = "endfloat" / >
< / div >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 5.2 < / span > < a
id="x10-740005.2">< / a > psb_ovrl — Overlap Update< / h4 >
<!-- l. 164 --> < p class = "noindent" > These subroutines applies an overlap operator to the input vector:
< div class = "par-math-display" >
< img
src="userhtml26x.png" alt="x ← Qx
" class="par-math-display" >< / div >
<!-- l. 166 --> < p class = "nopar" > where:
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 169 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 169 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the global dense submatrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 170 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">Q< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 170 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the overlap operator; it is the composition of two operators < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">a< / span > < / sub > and < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sup > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">T< / span > < / sup > .< / dd > < / dl >
< div class = "table" >
<!-- l. 174 --> < p class = "indent" > < a
id="x10-74001r18">< / a > < hr class = "float" > < div class = "float"
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 175 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "tabular" > < table id = "TBL-19" class = "tabular"
>< colgroup id = "TBL-19-1g" > < col
id="TBL-19-1">< col
id="TBL-19-2">< / colgroup > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-19-1-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-1-1"
class="td11">< span
class="zplmr7m-">x < / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-1-2"
class="td11">< span
class="pplb7t-">Subroutine< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-19-2-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-2-1"
11">Short Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-2-2"
class="td11">psb_ovrl < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-19-3-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-3-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-3-2"
class="td11">psb_ovrl < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-19-4-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-4-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-4-2"
class="td11">psb_ovrl < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-19-5-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-5-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-5-2"
class="td11">psb_ovrl < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-19-6-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-19-6-1"
class="td11"> < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div >
< br / > < div class = "caption"
>< span class = "id" > Table  18: < / span > < span
class="content">Data types< / span > < / div > <!-- tex4ht:label?: x10 - 74001r18 -->
< / div > < hr class = "endfloat" / >
< / div >
<!-- l. 190 --> < p class = "noindent" > < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_ovrl< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code > < br
class="newline" />< code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_ovrl< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > update< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > =< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > update_type< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > work< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > =< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > work< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 194 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 194 --> < p class = "noindent" > Synchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 195 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 195 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 196 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 196 --> < p class = "noindent" > global dense matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">inout< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one or two array or an object of type
< a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a >   containing numbers of type specified in Table  < a
href="#x10-74001r18">18<!-- tex4ht:ref: tab:f90ovrl --> < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 203 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">desc< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 203 --> < p class = "noindent" > contains data structures for communications.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#descdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_desc< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 208 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">update< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 208 --> < p class = "noindent" > Update operator. < br
class="newline" />
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 210 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">update = psb< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_none< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 210 --> < p class = "noindent" > Do nothing;
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 211 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">update = psb< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_add< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 211 --> < p class = "noindent" > Sum overlap entries, i.e. apply < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sup > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">T< / span > < / sup > ;
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 212 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">update = psb< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_avg< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 212 --> < p class = "noindent" > Average overlap entries, i.e. apply < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">a< / span > < / sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sup > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">T< / span > < / sup > ;< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 215 --> < p class = "noindent" > Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Default: < span
class="zplmr7m-">update< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">type < / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-">= < / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-">psb< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">avg< / span > _< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Specified as: a integer variable.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 220 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">work< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 220 --> < p class = "noindent" > the work array. < br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">inout< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a one dimensional array of the same type of < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 226 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 226 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 227 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 227 --> < p class = "noindent" > global dense result matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">inout< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an array of rank one or two containing numbers of type specified
in Table  < a
href="#x10-74001r18">18<!-- tex4ht:ref: tab:f90ovrl --> < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 234 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">info< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 234 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">out< / span > .< br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 242 --> < p class = "noindent" > < span
class="pplb7t-x-x-120">Notes< / span >
< ol class = "enumerate1" >
< li
class="enumerate" id="x10-74003x1">
<!-- l. 244 --> < p class = "noindent" > If there is no overlap in the data distribution associated with the
descriptor, no operations are performed;
< / li >
< li
class="enumerate" id="x10-74005x2">
<!-- l. 246 --> < p class = "noindent" > The operator < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sup > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">T< / span > < / sup > performs the reduction sum of overlap elements; it is a
“ prolongation” operator < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sup > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">T< / span > < / sup > that replicates overlap elements, accounting
for the physical replication of data;
< / li >
< li
class="enumerate" id="x10-74007x3">
<!-- l. 250 --> < p class = "noindent" > The operator < span
class="zplmr7m-">P< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">a< / span > < / sub > performs a scaling on the overlap elements by the
amount of replication; thus, when combined with the reduction operator,
it implements the average of replicated elements over all of their
instances.< / li > < / ol >
<!-- l. 261 --> < p class = "indent" > < hr class = "figure" > < div class = "figure"
< a
id="x10-74008r4">< / a >
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 262 --> < p class = "noindent" >
<!-- l. 264 --> < p class = "noindent" > < img
src="try8x8_ov.png" alt="PIC"
width="46" height="46" >< / div >
< br / > < div class = "caption"
>< span class = "id" > Figure  4: < / span > < span
class="content">Sample discretization mesh.< / span > < / div > <!-- tex4ht:label?: x10 - 74008r4 -->
<!-- l. 270 --> < p class = "indent" > < / div > < hr class = "endfigure" >
<!-- l. 271 --> < p class = "noindent" > < span
class="pplb7t-x-x-120">Example of use < / span > Consider the discretization mesh depicted in fig.  < a
href="#x10-74008r4">4<!-- tex4ht:ref: fig:try8x8_ov --> < / a > , partitioned
among two processes as shown by the dashed lines, with an overlap of 1 extra
layer with respect to the partition of fig.  < a
href="#x10-73002r3">3<!-- tex4ht:ref: fig:try8x8 --> < / a > ; the data distribution is such that
each process will own 40 entries in the index space, with an overlap of 16
entries placed at local indices 25 through 40; the halo will run from local
index 41 through local index 48.. If process 0 assigns an initial value of 1 to
its entries in the < span
class="zplmr7m-">x < / span > vector, and process 1 assigns a value of 2, then after a
call to < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_ovrl< / span > < / code > with < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_avg_< / span > < / code > and a call to < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_halo_< / span > < / code > the contents of the
local vectors will be the following (showing a transition among the two
< div class = "table" >
<!-- l. 285 --> < p class = "indent" > < hr class = "float" > < div class = "float"
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 285 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "tabular" > < table id = "TBL-20" class = "tabular"
>< colgroup id = "TBL-20-1g" > < col
id="TBL-20-1">< col
id="TBL-20-2">< col
id="TBL-20-3">< col
id="TBL-20-4">< col
id="TBL-20-5">< col
id="TBL-20-6">< / colgroup > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-1-">< td colspan = "3" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-1-1"
class="td11"> < div class = "multicolumn" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">Process 0< / span > < / div > < / td > < td colspan = "3" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-1-4"
class="td01"> < div class = "multicolumn" style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">Process 1< / span > < / div > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-2-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-2-1"
11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">I< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-2-2"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">GLOB(I)< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-2-3"
class="td10">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">X(I)< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-2-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">I< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-2-5"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">GLOB(I)< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-2-6"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">X(I)< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-3-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-3-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-3-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-3-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-3-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-3-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-3-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-4-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-4-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-4-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-4-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-4-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-4-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-4-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-5-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-5-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">3< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-5-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">3< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-5-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-5-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">3< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-5-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-5-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-6-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-6-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">4< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-6-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">4< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-6-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-6-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">4< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-6-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-6-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-7-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-7-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-7-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-7-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-7-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-7-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-7-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-8-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-8-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">6< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-8-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">6< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-8-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-8-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">6< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-8-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-8-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-9-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-9-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">7< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-9-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">7< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-9-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-9-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">7< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-9-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-9-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-10-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-10-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">8< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-10-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">8< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-10-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-10-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">8< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-10-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-10-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-11-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-11-1"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">9< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-11-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">9< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-11-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-11-4"
class="td01"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">9< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-11-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">41< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-11-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-12-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-12-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">10< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-12-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">10< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-12-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-12-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">10< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-12-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">42< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-12-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-13-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-13-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">11< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-13-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">11< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-13-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-13-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">11< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-13-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">43< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-13-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-14-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-14-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">12< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-14-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">12< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-14-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-14-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">12< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-14-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">44< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-14-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-15-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-15-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">13< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-15-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">13< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-15-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-15-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">13< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-15-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">45< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-15-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-16-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-16-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">14< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-16-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">14< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-16-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-16-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">14< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-16-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">46< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-16-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-17-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-17-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">15< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-17-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">15< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-17-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-17-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">15< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-17-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">47< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-17-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-18-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-18-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">16< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-18-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">16< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-18-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-18-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">16< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-18-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">48< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-18-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-19-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-19-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-19-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-19-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-19-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-19-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">49< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-19-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-20-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-20-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-20-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-20-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-20-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-20-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">50< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-20-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-21-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-21-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-21-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-21-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-21-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-21-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">51< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-21-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-22-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-22-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-22-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-22-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-22-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-22-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">52< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-22-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-23-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-23-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-23-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-23-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-23-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-23-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">53< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-23-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-24-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-24-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-24-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-24-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-24-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-24-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">54< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-24-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-25-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-25-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-25-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-25-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-25-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-25-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">55< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-25-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-26-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-26-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-26-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-26-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-26-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-26-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">56< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-26-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-27-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-27-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-27-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-27-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-27-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-27-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">57< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-27-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-28-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-28-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-28-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-28-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-28-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-28-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">58< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-28-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-29-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-29-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-29-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-29-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-29-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-29-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">59< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-29-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-30-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-30-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-30-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-30-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-30-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-30-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">60< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-30-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-31-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-31-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-31-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-31-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-31-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-31-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">61< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-31-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-32-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-32-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-32-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-32-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-32-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-32-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">62< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-32-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-33-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-33-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-33-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-33-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-33-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-33-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">63< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-33-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-34-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-34-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-34-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-34-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-34-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-34-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">64< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-34-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-35-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-35-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-35-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-35-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-35-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">33< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-35-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">25< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-35-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-36-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-36-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-36-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-36-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-36-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">34< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-36-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">26< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-36-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-37-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-37-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-37-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-37-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-37-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">35< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-37-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">27< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-37-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-38-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-38-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-38-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-38-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-38-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">36< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-38-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">28< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-38-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-39-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-39-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-39-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-39-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-39-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">37< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-39-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">29< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-39-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-40-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-40-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-40-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-40-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-40-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">38< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-40-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">30< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-40-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-41-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-41-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-41-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-41-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-41-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">39< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-41-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">31< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-41-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-42-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-42-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-42-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-42-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-42-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">40< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-42-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">32< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-42-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.5< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-43-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-43-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">41< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-43-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">41< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-43-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-43-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">41< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-43-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">17< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-43-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-44-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-44-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">42< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-44-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">42< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-44-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-44-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">42< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-44-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">18< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-44-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-45-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-45-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">43< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-45-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">43< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-45-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-45-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">43< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-45-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">19< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-45-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-46-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-46-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">44< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-46-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">44< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-46-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-46-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">44< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-46-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">20< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-46-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-47-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-47-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">45< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-47-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">45< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-47-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-47-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">45< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-47-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">21< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-47-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-48-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-48-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">46< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-48-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">46< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-48-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-48-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">46< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-48-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">22< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-48-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-49-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-49-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">47< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-49-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">47< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-49-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-49-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">47< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-49-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">23< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-49-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-50-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-50-1"
class="td11">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">48< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-50-2"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">48< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-50-3"
class="td10"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">2.0< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-50-4"
class="td01">< span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">48< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-50-5"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">24< / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-50-6"
class="td11"> < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-80">1.0< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-20-51-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:right;" id = "TBL-20-51-1"
class="td11"> < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div >
< / div > < hr class = "endfloat" / >
< / div >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 5.3 < / span > < a
id="x10-750005.3">< / a > psb_gather — Gather Global Dense Matrix< / h4 >
<!-- l. 353 --> < p class = "noindent" > These subroutines collect the portions of global dense matrix distributed over all
process into one single array stored on one process.
< div class = "par-math-display" >
< img
src="userhtml27x.png" alt="glob-x ← collect(loc xi)
" class="par-math-display" >< / div >
<!-- l. 357 --> < p class = "nopar" > where:
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 360 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">glob< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 360 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the global submatrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">glob< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < sub > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-76">1< / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-x-x-76">:< / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">m< / span > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-76">,1< / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-x-x-76">:< / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">n< / span > < / sub >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 361 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">loc< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">i< / span > < / sub > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 361 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the local portion of global dense matrix on process < span
class="zplmr7m-">i< / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 363 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">collect< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 363 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the collect function.< / dd > < / dl >
< div class = "table" >
<!-- l. 366 --> < p class = "indent" > < a
id="x10-75001r19">< / a > < hr class = "float" > < div class = "float"
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 367 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "tabular" > < table id = "TBL-21" class = "tabular"
>< colgroup id = "TBL-21-1g" > < col
id="TBL-21-1">< col
id="TBL-21-2">< / colgroup > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-1-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-1-1"
class="td11">< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">i< / span > < / sub > , < span
class="zplmr7m-">y < / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-1-2"
class="td11">< span
class="pplb7t-">Subroutine< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-2-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-2-1"
class="td11">Integer < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-2-2"
class="td11">psb_gather < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-3-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-3-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-3-2"
class="td11">psb_gather < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-4-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-4-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-4-2"
class="td11">psb_gather < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-5-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-5-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-5-2"
class="td11">psb_gather < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-6-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-6-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-6-2"
class="td11">psb_gather < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-21-7-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-21-7-1"
class="td11"> < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div >
< br / > < div class = "caption"
>< span class = "id" > Table  19: < / span > < span
class="content">Data types< / span > < / div > <!-- tex4ht:label?: x10 - 75001r19 -->
< / div > < hr class = "endfloat" / >
< / div >
<!-- l. 383 --> < p class = "noindent" > < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_gather< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > glob_x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > loc_x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > root< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code >
< code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_gather< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > glob_x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > loc_x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > root< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 388 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 388 --> < p class = "noindent" > Synchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 389 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 389 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 390 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">loc< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 390 --> < p class = "noindent" > the local portion of global dense matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">glob< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > . < br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one or two array or an object of type
< a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a >   indicated in Table  < a
href="#x10-75001r19">19<!-- tex4ht:ref: tab:gather --> < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 397 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">desc< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 397 --> < p class = "noindent" > contains data structures for communications.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#descdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_desc< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 402 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">root< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 402 --> < p class = "noindent" > The process that holds the global copy. If < span
class="zplmr7m-">root < / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-">= < / span > < span
class="zplmr7y-">-< / span > 1 all the processes will
have a copy of the global vector.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer variable < span
class="zplmr7y-">-< / span > 1 < span
class="zplmr7y-">≤ < / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-">root < / span > < span
class="zplmr7y-">≤ < / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-">np< / span > < span
class="zplmr7y-">- < / span > 1, default < span
class="zplmr7y-">-< / span > 1.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 432 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 432 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 433 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">glob< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 433 --> < p class = "noindent" > The array where the local parts must be gathered.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">out< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one or two array with the < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > ALLOCATABLE< / span > < / code > attribute.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 438 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">info< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 438 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">out< / span > .< br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 5.4 < / span > < a
id="x10-760005.4">< / a > psb_scatter — Scatter Global Dense Matrix< / h4 >
<!-- l. 453 --> < p class = "noindent" > These subroutines scatters the portions of global dense matrix owned by a process to
all the processes in the processes grid.
< div class = "par-math-display" >
< img
src="userhtml28x.png" alt="loc-xi ← scatter(glob-x)
" class="par-math-display" >< / div >
<!-- l. 456 --> < p class = "nopar" > where:
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 459 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">glob< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 459 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the global matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">glob< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < sub > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-76">1< / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-x-x-76">:< / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">m< / span > < span
class="pplr7t-x-x-76">,1< / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-x-x-76">:< / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">n< / span > < / sub >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 460 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">loc< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">i< / span > < / sub > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 460 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the local portion of global dense matrix on process < span
class="zplmr7m-">i< / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 462 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="zplmr7m-">scatter< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 462 --> < p class = "noindent" > is the scatter function.< / dd > < / dl >
< div class = "table" >
<!-- l. 465 --> < p class = "indent" > < a
id="x10-76001r20">< / a > < hr class = "float" > < div class = "float"
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 466 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "tabular" > < table id = "TBL-22" class = "tabular"
>< colgroup id = "TBL-22-1g" > < col
id="TBL-22-1">< col
id="TBL-22-2">< / colgroup > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-1-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-1-1"
class="td11">< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > < sub > < span
class="zplmr7m-x-x-76">i< / span > < / sub > , < span
class="zplmr7m-">y < / span > < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-1-2"
class="td11">< span
class="pplb7t-">Subroutine< / span > < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-2-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-2-1"
class="td11">Integer < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-2-2"
class="td11">psb_scatter < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-3-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-3-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-3-2"
class="td11">psb_scatter < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-4-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-4-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Real < / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-4-2"
class="td11">psb_scatter < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-5-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-5-1"
class="td11">Short Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-5-2"
class="td11">psb_scatter < / td >
< / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-6-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-6-1"
class="td11">Long Precision Complex< / td > < td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-6-2"
class="td11">psb_scatter < / td >
< / tr > < tr
class="hline">< td > < hr > < / td > < td > < hr > < / td > < / tr > < tr
style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-22-7-">< td style = "white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id = "TBL-22-7-1"
class="td11"> < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / div > < / div >
< br / > < div class = "caption"
>< span class = "id" > Table  20: < / span > < span
class="content">Data types< / span > < / div > <!-- tex4ht:label?: x10 - 76001r20 -->
< / div > < hr class = "endfloat" / >
< / div >
<!-- l. 482 --> < p class = "indent" > < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > call< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_scatter< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > (< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > glob_x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > loc_x< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > desc_a< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > info< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > root< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > ,< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > mold< / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > )< / span > < / code >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 485 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 485 --> < p class = "noindent" > Synchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 486 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 486 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 487 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">glob< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 487 --> < p class = "noindent" > The array that must be scattered into local pieces.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one or two array.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 492 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">desc< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 492 --> < p class = "noindent" > contains data structures for communications.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#descdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_desc< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 497 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">root< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 497 --> < p class = "noindent" > The process that holds the global copy. If < span
class="zplmr7m-">root < / span > < span
class="zplmr7t-">= < / span > < span
class="zplmr7y-">-< / span > 1 all the processes have
a copy of the global vector.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">global < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer variable < span
class="zplmr7y-">-< / span > 1 < span
class="zplmr7y-">≤ < / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-">root < / span > < span
class="zplmr7y-">≤ < / span > < span
class="zplmr7m-">np< / span > < span
class="zplmr7y-">- < / span > 1, default < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > psb_root_< / span > < / code > ,
i.e. process 0.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 504 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">mold< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 504 --> < p class = "noindent" > The desired dynamic type for the internal vector storage.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">in< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an object of a class derived from < a
id="vbasedata">< / a > < span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_base< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > ;
this is only allowed when loc_x is of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 534 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 534 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 535 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">loc< / span > < span
class="pplb7t-">_x< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 535 --> < p class = "noindent" > the local portion of global dense matrix < span
class="zplmr7m-">glob< / span > _< span
class="zplmr7m-">x< / span > . < br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">out< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a rank one or two ALLOCATABLE array or an object of type
< a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a >   containing numbers of the type indicated in Table  < a
href="#x10-76001r20">20<!-- tex4ht:ref: tab:scatter --> < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 542 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">info< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 542 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Scope: < span
class="pplb7t-">local < / span > < br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />Intent: < span
class="pplb7t-">out< / span > .< br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 1 --> < div class = "crosslinks" > < p class = "noindent" > [< a
href="userhtmlse9.html" >next< / a > ] [< a
href="userhtmlse4.html" >prev< / a > ] [< a
href="userhtmlse4.html#tailuserhtmlse4.html" >prev-tail< / a > ] [< a
href="userhtmlse5.html" >front< / a > ] [< a
href="userhtml.html#userhtmlse8.html" >up< / a > ] < / p > < / div >
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