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< head > < title > Utilities< / title >
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< h3 class = "sectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9 < / span > < a
id="x14-1280009">< / a > Utilities< / h3 >
<!-- l. 4 --> < p class = "noindent" > We have some utilities available for input and output of sparse matrices; the
interfaces to these routines are available in the module < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">psb_util_mod< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9.1 < / span > < a
id="x14-1290009.1">< / a > hb_read — Read a sparse matrix from a file in the Harwell– Boeing
format< / h4 >
<!-- l. 16 -->
< pre class = "lstlisting" id = "listing-159" > < span class = "label" > < a
id="x14-129001r1">< / a > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">call< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">hb_read< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">(< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">a< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iret< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iunit< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">filename< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">b< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mtitle< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">)< / span > < / span > < / pre >
<!-- l. 20 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 21 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 21 --> < p class = "noindent" > Asynchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 22 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 22 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 23 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">filename< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 23 --> < p class = "noindent" > The name of the file to be read.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > , in
which case the default input unit 5 (i.e. standard input in Unix jargon) is
used. Default: < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 28 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iunit< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 28 --> < p class = "noindent" > The Fortran file unit number.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 33 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 34 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 34 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 35 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 35 --> < p class = "noindent" > the sparse matrix read from file.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#spdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_Tspmat< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 38 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">b< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 38 --> < p class = "noindent" > Rigth hand side(s).< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">Optional < / span > < br
class="newline" />An array of type real or complex, rank 2 and having the ALLOCATABLE
attribute; will be allocated and filled in if the input file contains a right
hand side, otherwise will be left in the UNALLOCATED state.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 43 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">mtitle< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 43 --> < p class = "noindent" > Matrix title.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">Optional < / span > < br
class="newline" />A charachter variable of length 72 holding a copy of the matrix title as
specified by the Harwell-Boeing format and contained in the input file.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 48 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iret< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 48 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9.2 < / span > < a
id="x14-1300009.2">< / a > hb_write — Write a sparse matrix to a file in the Harwell– Boeing
format< / h4 >
<!-- l. 59 -->
< pre class = "lstlisting" id = "listing-160" > < span class = "label" > < a
id="x14-130001r1">< / a > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">call< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">hb_write< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">(< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">a< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iret< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iunit< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">filename< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">key< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">rhs< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mtitle< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">)< / span > < / span > < / pre >
<!-- l. 65 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 66 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 66 --> < p class = "noindent" > Asynchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 67 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 67 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 68 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 68 --> < p class = "noindent" > the sparse matrix to be written.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#spdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_Tspmat< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 71 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">b< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 71 --> < p class = "noindent" > Rigth hand side.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">Optional < / span > < br
class="newline" />An array of type real or complex, rank 1 and having the ALLOCATABLE
attribute; will be allocated and filled in if the input file contains a right
hand side.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 76 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">filename< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 76 --> < p class = "noindent" > The name of the file to be written to.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > , in
which case the default output unit 6 (i.e. standard output in Unix jargon)
is used. Default: < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 81 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iunit< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 81 --> < p class = "noindent" > The Fortran file unit number.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 84 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">key< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 84 --> < p class = "noindent" > Matrix key.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">Optional < / span > < br
class="newline" />A charachter variable of length 8 holding the matrix key as specified by
the Harwell-Boeing format and to be written to file.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 89 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">mtitle< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 89 --> < p class = "noindent" > Matrix title.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">Optional < / span > < br
class="newline" />A charachter variable of length 72 holding the matrix title as specified by
the Harwell-Boeing format and to be written to file.< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 96 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 97 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 97 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 98 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iret< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 98 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9.3 < / span > < a
id="x14-1310009.3">< / a > mm_mat_read — Read a sparse matrix from a file in the MatrixMarket
format< / h4 >
<!-- l. 111 -->
< pre class = "lstlisting" id = "listing-161" > < span class = "label" > < a
id="x14-131001r1">< / a > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">call< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mm_mat_read< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">(< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">a< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iret< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iunit< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">filename< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">)< / span > < / span > < / pre >
<!-- l. 115 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 116 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 116 --> < p class = "noindent" > Asynchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 117 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 117 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 118 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">filename< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 118 --> < p class = "noindent" > The name of the file to be read.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > , in
which case the default input unit 5 (i.e. standard input in Unix jargon) is
used. Default: < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 123 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iunit< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 123 --> < p class = "noindent" > The Fortran file unit number.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 128 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 129 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 129 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 130 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 130 --> < p class = "noindent" > the sparse matrix read from file.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#spdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_Tspmat< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 133 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iret< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 133 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9.4 < / span > < a
id="x14-1320009.4">< / a > mm_array_read — Read a dense array from a file in the MatrixMarket
format< / h4 >
<!-- l. 142 -->
< pre class = "lstlisting" id = "listing-162" > < span class = "label" > < a
id="x14-132001r1">< / a > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">call< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mm_array_read< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">(< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">b< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iret< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iunit< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">filename< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">)< / span > < / span > < / pre >
<!-- l. 146 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 147 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 147 --> < p class = "noindent" > Asynchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 148 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 148 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 149 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">filename< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 149 --> < p class = "noindent" > The name of the file to be read.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > , in
which case the default input unit 5 (i.e. standard input in Unix jargon) is
used. Default: < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 154 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iunit< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 154 --> < p class = "noindent" > The Fortran file unit number.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 159 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 160 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 160 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 161 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">b< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 161 --> < p class = "noindent" > Rigth hand side(s).< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An array of type real or complex, rank 1 or 2 and having the
ALLOCATABLE attribute, or an object of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > , of type
real or complex.< br
class="newline" />Will be allocated and filled in if the input file contains a right hand side,
otherwise will be left in the UNALLOCATED state. < br
class="newline" />
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 168 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iret< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 168 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9.5 < / span > < a
id="x14-1330009.5">< / a > mm_mat_write — Write a sparse matrix to a file in the MatrixMarket
format< / h4 >
<!-- l. 179 -->
< pre class = "lstlisting" id = "listing-163" > < span class = "label" > < a
id="x14-133001r1">< / a > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">call< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mm_mat_write< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">(< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">a< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mtitle< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iret< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iunit< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">filename< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">)< / span > < / span > < / pre >
<!-- l. 182 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 183 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 183 --> < p class = "noindent" > Asynchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 184 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 184 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 185 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">a< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 185 --> < p class = "noindent" > the sparse matrix to be written.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">required< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a structured data of type < a
href="userhtmlse3.html#spdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_Tspmat< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 188 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">mtitle< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 188 --> < p class = "noindent" > Matrix title.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />A charachter variable holding a descriptive title for the matrix to be
written to file.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 192 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">filename< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 192 --> < p class = "noindent" > The name of the file to be written to.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > , in
which case the default output unit 6 (i.e. standard output in Unix jargon)
is used. Default: < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 197 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iunit< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 197 --> < p class = "noindent" > The Fortran file unit number.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 202 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 203 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 203 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 204 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iret< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 204 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 209 --> < p class = "noindent" > < span
class="pplb7t-x-x-120">Notes< / span >
<!-- l. 211 --> < p class = "indent" > If this function is called on a matrix < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > a< / span > < / code > on a distributed communicator only the
local part is written in output. To get a single MatrixMarket file with the whole
matrix when appropriate, e.g. for debugging purposes, one could < span
class="pplri7t-">gather < / span > the whole
matrix on a single rank and then write it. Consider the following example for a
< span
class="pplri7t-">double < / span > precision matrix
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 227 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "minipage" > < pre class = "verbatim" id = "verbatim-93" >
type(psb_ldspmat_type)  ::  aglobal
call  psb_gather(aglobal,a,desc_a,info)
if  (iam  ==  psb_root_)  then
call  mm_mat_write(aglobal,mtitle,info,filename)
end  if
call  psb_spfree(aglobal,  desc_a,  info)
< / pre >
<!-- l. 237 --> < p class = "nopar" > < / div > < / div >
<!-- l. 241 --> < p class = "noindent" > To simplify this procedure in < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">C< / span > < / span > < / span > , there is a utility function
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 247 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "minipage" > < pre class = "verbatim" id = "verbatim-94" >
psb_i_t  psb_c_< s,d,c,z> global_mat_write(ah,cdh);
< / pre >
<!-- l. 251 --> < p class = "nopar" > < / div > < / div >
<!-- l. 255 --> < p class = "noindent" > that produces exactly this result.
< h4 class = "subsectionHead" > < span class = "titlemark" > 9.6 < / span > < a
id="x14-1340009.6">< / a > mm_array_write — Write a dense array from a file in the MatrixMarket
format< / h4 >
<!-- l. 261 -->
< pre class = "lstlisting" id = "listing-165" > < span class = "label" > < a
id="x14-134001r1">< / a > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">call< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">mm_array_write< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">(< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">b< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">vtitle< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iret< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">iunit< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">,< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">filename< / span > < / span > < span style = "color:#000000" > < span
class="cmtt-10">)< / span > < / span > < / pre >
<!-- l. 265 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 266 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">Type:< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 266 --> < p class = "noindent" > Asynchronous.
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 267 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Entry< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 267 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 268 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">b< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 268 --> < p class = "noindent" > Rigth hand side(s).< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An array of type real or complex, rank 1 or 2, or an object of type
< a
href="userhtmlse3.html#vdata">< span
class="cmtt-10">psb< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_T< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_vect< / span > < span
class="cmtt-10">_type< / span > < / a > , of type real or complex; its contents will be written to
disk.< br
class="newline" />
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 273 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">filename< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 273 --> < p class = "noindent" > The name of the file to be written.< br
class="newline" />
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 274 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">vtitle< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 274 --> < p class = "noindent" > Matrix title.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />A charachter variable holding a descriptive title for the vector to be
written to file. Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: a character variable containing a valid file name, or < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > , in
which case the default input unit 5 (i.e. standard input in Unix jargon) is
used. Default: < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 282 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iunit< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 282 --> < p class = "noindent" > The Fortran file unit number.< br
class="newline" />Type:< span
class="pplb7t-">optional< / span > .< br
class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value. Only meaningful if filename is not < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">-< / span > < / span > < / span > .< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 287 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< dl class = "description" > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 288 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">On Return< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 288 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< / dd > < dt class = "description" >
<!-- l. 289 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< span
class="pplb7t-">iret< / span > < / dt > < dd
<!-- l. 289 --> < p class = "noindent" > Error code.< br
class="newline" />Type: < span
class="pplb7t-">required < / span > < br
class="newline" />An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.< / dd > < / dl >
<!-- l. 294 --> < p class = "noindent" > < span
class="pplb7t-x-x-120">Notes< / span >
<!-- l. 296 --> < p class = "indent" > If this function is called on a vector < code class = "lstinline" > < span style = "color:#000000" > v< / span > < / code > on a distributed communicator only the
local part is written in output. To get a single MatrixMarket file with the whole
vector when appropriate, e.g. for debugging purposes, one could < span
class="pplri7t-">gather < / span > the whole
vector on a single rank and then write it. Consider the following example for a < span
class="pplri7t-">double< / span >
precision vector
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 312 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "minipage" > < pre class = "verbatim" id = "verbatim-95" >
real(psb_dpk_),  allocatable  ::  vglobal(:)
call  psb_gather(vglobal,v,desc,info)
if  (iam  ==  psb_root_)  then
call  mm_array_write(vglobal,vtitle,info,filename)
end  if
call  deallocate(vglobal,  stat=info)
< / pre >
<!-- l. 322 --> < p class = "nopar" > < / div > < / div >
<!-- l. 326 --> < p class = "noindent" > To simplify this procedure in < span class = "obeylines-h" > < span class = "verb" > < span
class="cmtt-10">C< / span > < / span > < / span > , there is a utility function
< div class = "center"
<!-- l. 332 --> < p class = "noindent" >
< div class = "minipage" > < pre class = "verbatim" id = "verbatim-96" >
psb_i_t  psb_c_< s,d,c,z> global_vec_write(vh,cdh);
< / pre >
<!-- l. 336 --> < p class = "nopar" > < / div > < / div >
<!-- l. 340 --> < p class = "noindent" > that produces exactly this result.
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href="userhtmlse8.html" >prev< / a > ] [< a
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