You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

54 lines
1.3 KiB

program pingpong
use psb_base_mod
implicit none
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: icontxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: iam, np, ip, jp, idummy
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: nmax=2**16
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,j,k,n
real(psb_dpk_) :: v(nmax)
real(psb_dpk_) :: t0, t1, t2, mbs, bytes
call psb_init(icontxt)
call psb_info(icontxt,iam,np)
! have all processes check in
if ((iam >= 0).and.(iam < np)) then
if (iam == 0) then
do ip = 1, np-1
call psb_rcv(icontxt,idummy,ip)
write(*,*) 'Hello, world: all ',np, &
& ' processes checked in!'
ip = 0
call psb_snd(icontxt,idummy,ip)
end if
n = 1
call psb_barrier(icontxt)
if (iam == 0) then
do i=1, 16
ip = 1
t0 = psb_wtime()
call psb_snd(icontxt,v(1:n),ip)
call psb_rcv(icontxt,v(1:n),ip)
t1 = psb_wtime()
bytes = done*n*psb_sizeof_dp
mbs = 2.d0*(bytes/(t1-t0))*1.d-6
write(*,*) 'pingpong: ',n,bytes,mbs
n = n * 2
end do
else if (iam == 1) then
do i=1, 16
ip = 0
call psb_rcv(icontxt,v(1:n),ip)
call psb_snd(icontxt,v(1:n),ip)
n = n * 2
end do
end if
call psb_barrier(icontxt)
call psb_exit(icontxt)
end program pingpong