@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ subroutine psi_dswapdata_vect(flag,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
goto 9999
end if
call psi_swapdata(ictxt,icomm,flag,beta,y,d_idx,totxch,idxs,idxr,work,info)
call psi_swapdata(ictxt,icomm,flag,beta,y,d_idx,totxch,idxs,idxr,desc_a%sendtypes,desc_a%recvtypes,work,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) goto 9999
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ subroutine psi_dswapdata_vect(flag,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
end subroutine psi_dswapdata_vect
subroutine psi_dswapidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx,totxch,totsnd,totrcv,work,info)
subroutine psi_dswapidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx,totxch,totsnd,totrcv,sendtypes,recvtypes,work,info)
use psi_mod, psb_protect_name => psi_dswapidx_vect
use psb_error_mod
@ -1111,6 +1111,7 @@ subroutine psi_dswapidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx,totxch,totsnd,totrcv,
real(psb_dpk_) :: beta
real(psb_dpk_), target :: work(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idx(:),totxch,totsnd, totrcv
integer, allocatable,optional, intent(in) :: sendtypes(:),recvtypes(:)
! locals
integer(psb_mpik_) :: ictxt, icomm, np, me,&
@ -1131,8 +1132,8 @@ subroutine psi_dswapidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx,totxch,totsnd,totrcv,
character(len=20) :: name
!integer, dimension(totxch) :: sendtypes,recvtypes
integer, allocatable, save :: sendtypes(:),recvtypes(:)
integer, allocatable :: blens(:), new_idx(:)
!integer, allocatable :: sendtypes(:),recvtypes(:)
!integer, allocatable :: blens(:), new_idx(:)
@ -1221,54 +1222,54 @@ subroutine psi_dswapidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx,totxch,totsnd,totrcv,
!We've to set the derivate datatypes
pnti = 1
snd_pt = 1
if(.not.allocated(sendtypes)) then
allocate(sendtypes(totxch), stat=info)
do i=1, totxch
nerv = idx(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
nesd = idx(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
idx_pt = 1+pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_
do j=1,nesd
blens(j) = 1
end do
call MPI_TYPE_INDEXED(nesd,blens,(idx(idx_pt:idx_pt+nesd-1)-1),&
& mpi_double_precision,sendtypes(i),info)
call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(sendtypes(i),info)
snd_pt = snd_pt + nesd
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
end do
end if
! pnti = 1
! snd_pt = 1
! if(.not.allocated(sendtypes)) then
! allocate(sendtypes(totxch), stat=info)
! do i=1, totxch
! nerv = idx(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
! nesd = idx(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
! idx_pt = 1+pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_
! allocate(blens(nesd),stat=info)
! do j=1,nesd
! blens(j) = 1
! end do
! call MPI_TYPE_INDEXED(nesd,blens,(idx(idx_pt:idx_pt+nesd-1)-1),&
! & mpi_double_precision,sendtypes(i),info)
! call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(sendtypes(i),info)
! deallocate(blens,stat=info)
! snd_pt = snd_pt + nesd
! pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
! end do
! end if
pnti = 1
snd_pt = 1
rcv_pt = 1
if(.not.allocated(recvtypes)) then
allocate(recvtypes(totxch), stat=info)
do i=1, totxch
proc_to_comm = idx(pnti+psb_proc_id_)
nerv = idx(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
nesd = idx(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
do j=1, nerv
blens(j) = 1
end do
call MPI_TYPE_INDEXED(nerv,blens,(idx(idx_pt:idx_pt+nerv-1)-1),&
& mpi_double_precision,recvtypes(i),info)
call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(recvtypes(i),info)
rcv_pt = rcv_pt + nerv
snd_pt = snd_pt + nesd
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
end do
end if
! pnti = 1
! snd_pt = 1
! rcv_pt = 1
!if(.not.allocated(recvtypes)) then
! allocate(recvtypes(totxch), stat=info)
! do i=1, totxch
! proc_to_comm = idx(pnti+psb_proc_id_)
! nerv = idx(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
! nesd = idx(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
! idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
! allocate(blens(nerv),stat=info)
! do j=1, nerv
! blens(j) = 1
! end do
! call MPI_TYPE_INDEXED(nerv,blens,(idx(idx_pt:idx_pt+nerv-1)-1),&
! & mpi_double_precision,recvtypes(i),info)
! call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(recvtypes(i),info)
! deallocate(blens,stat=info)
! rcv_pt = rcv_pt + nerv
! snd_pt = snd_pt + nesd
! pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
! end do
! end if
if (beta/=0 .and. do_send) then