@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmSerial_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* _cfg){ //serial impleme
if ( allocAccDense(&acc,B->N) ) goto _free;
if (!(AB = allocSpMatrix(A->M,B->N))) goto _free;
for( idx_t r=0; r<A->M; r++ ){
for (ulong c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++) //row-by-row formul
for (idx_t c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++) //row-by-row formul
CAT(scSparseRowMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[c], B, A->JA[c]-OFF_F, &acc);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmSerial_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* _cfg){ //serial impleme
////////Sp3MM as 2 x SpMM
spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
DEBUG printf("spmm\trows of A,\tfull B\tM=%lu x N=%lu\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("spmm\trows of A,\tfull B\tM=%d x N=%d\n",A->M,B->N);
///thread aux
ACC_DENSE *accVects = NULL,*acc;
SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL;
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (AB->M,AB,cfg);
AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) private(acc)
for (ulong r=0; r<A->M; r++){ //row-by-row formulation
for (idx_t r=0; r<A->M; r++){ //row-by-row formulation
//iterate over nz entry index c inside current row r
acc = accVects + omp_get_thread_num();
/* direct use of sparse scalar vector multiplication
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
bRowLen = B->IRP[ca+1] - B->IRP[ca];
for (ulong c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++) //row-by-row formul
for (idx_t c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++) //row-by-row formul
CAT(scSparseRowMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[c], B, A->JA[c]-OFF_F, acc);
//trasform accumulated dense vector to a CSR row
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
idx_t CAT(spmmRowByRowCalculateSize_,OFF_F)(spmat* A, spmat*B, CONFIG* cfg, void** accumul, void **rows_sizes, void** tmp_matrix){
DEBUG printf("spmm\trows of A,\tfull B\tM=%lu x N=%lu\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("spmm\trows of A,\tfull B\tM=%d x N=%d\n",A->M,B->N);
///thread aux
ACC_DENSE *accVects = NULL,*acc;
SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL;
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ idx_t CAT(spmmRowByRowCalculateSize_,OFF_F)(spmat* A, spmat*B, CONFIG* cfg, void
((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (AB->M,AB,cfg);
AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) private(acc)
for (ulong r=0; r<A->M; r++){ //row-by-row formulation
for (idx_t r=0; r<A->M; r++){ //row-by-row formulation
//iterate over nz entry index c inside current row r
acc = accVects + omp_get_thread_num();
/* direct use of sparse scalar vector multiplication
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ idx_t CAT(spmmRowByRowCalculateSize_,OFF_F)(spmat* A, spmat*B, CONFIG* cfg, void
bRowLen = B->IRP[ca+1] - B->IRP[ca];
for (ulong c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++) //row-by-row formul
for (idx_t c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++) //row-by-row formul
CAT(scSparseRowMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[c], B, A->JA[c]-OFF_F, acc);
//trasform accumulated dense vector to a CSR row
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ idx_t CAT(spmmRowByRowCalculateSize_,OFF_F)(spmat* A, spmat*B, CONFIG* cfg, void
if(outAccumul) freeSpMMAcc(outAccumul);
void CAT(spmmRowByRowPopulate_,OFF_F)(void** accumul, void** rows_sizes, void** tmp_matrix, double** AS, idx_t** JA, idx_t** IRP){
void CAT(spmmRowByRowPopulate_,OFF_F)(void** accumul, void** rows_sizes, void** tmp_matrix, double* AS, idx_t* JA, idx_t* IRP){
SPMM_ACC* outAccumul= *accumul;
idx_t* rowsSizes = *rows_sizes;
spmat *AB = *tmp_matrix;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ void CAT(spmmRowByRowPopulate_,OFF_F)(void** accumul, void** rows_sizes, void**
spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow1DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A,\tfull B\tM=%lu x N=%lu\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A,\tfull B\tM=%d x N=%d\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("ompParallelizationGrid:\t%dx%d\n",cfg->gridRows,cfg->gridCols);
///thread aux
ACC_DENSE *accVects = NULL,*acc;
@ -243,10 +243,10 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow1DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
//perform Gustavson over rows blocks -> M / @cfg->gridRows
ulong rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows;
idx_t rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows;
((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (cfg->gridRows,AB,cfg);
AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime();
ulong b,startRow,block; //omp for aux vars
idx_t b,startRow,block; //omp for aux vars
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) private(acc,startRow,block)
for (b=0; b < cfg->gridRows; b++){
block = UNIF_REMINDER_DISTRI(b,rowBlock,rowBlockRem);
@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow1DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
printf("block %lu\t%lu:%lu(%lu)\n",b,startRow,startRow+block-1,block);
printf("block %d\t%d:%d(%d)\n",b,startRow,startRow+block-1,block);
//row-by-row formulation in the given row block
for (ulong r=startRow; r<startRow+block; r++){
for (idx_t r=startRow; r<startRow+block; r++){
//iterate over nz entry index c inside current row r
for (ulong c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++)
for (idx_t c=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; c<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; c++)
CAT(scSparseRowMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[c], B, A->JA[c]-OFF_F, acc);
//trasform accumulated dense vector to a CSR row
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow1DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A ,\tcolBlocks of B\tM=%luxN=%lu\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A ,\tcolBlocks of B\tM=%dxN=%d\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("ompParallelizationGrid:\t%dx%d\n",cfg->gridRows,cfg->gridCols);
idx_t* bColOffsets = NULL; //B group columns starting offset for each row
ACC_DENSE *accVectors=NULL,*accV;
@ -305,10 +305,10 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
idx_t* rowsPartsSizes=NULL;
if (!AB) goto _err;
//2D indexing aux vars
ulong gridSize=cfg->gridRows*cfg->gridCols, aSubRowsN=A->M*cfg->gridCols;
ulong _rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, _rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows;
ulong _colBlock = AB->N/cfg->gridCols, _colBlockRem = AB->N%cfg->gridCols;
ulong startRow,startCol,rowBlock,colBlock; //data division aux variables
idx_t gridSize=cfg->gridRows*cfg->gridCols, aSubRowsN=A->M*cfg->gridCols;
idx_t _rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, _rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows;
idx_t _colBlock = AB->N/cfg->gridCols, _colBlockRem = AB->N%cfg->gridCols;
idx_t startRow,startCol,rowBlock,colBlock; //data division aux variables
////get bColOffsets for B column groups
if (!(bColOffsets = CAT(colsOffsetsPartitioningUnifRanges_,OFF_F)(B,cfg->gridCols)))
goto _err;
@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (gridSize,AB,cfg);
AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime();
ulong tileID,t_i,t_j; //for aux vars
ulong bPartLen,bPartID,bPartOffset;//B partition acces aux vars
idx_t tileID,t_i,t_j; //for aux vars
idx_t bPartLen,bPartID,bPartOffset;//B partition acces aux vars
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
@ -364,15 +364,15 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
colBlock = UNIF_REMINDER_DISTRI(t_j,_colBlock,_colBlockRem);
printf("rowBlock [%lu\t%lu:%lu(%lu)]\t",t_i,startRow,startRow+rowBlock-1,rowBlock);
printf("colBlock [%lu\t%lu:%lu(%lu)]\n",t_j,startCol,startCol+colBlock-1,colBlock);
printf("rowBlock [%d\t%d:%d(%d)]\t",t_i,startRow,startRow+rowBlock-1,rowBlock);
printf("colBlock [%d\t%d:%d(%d)]\n",t_j,startCol,startCol+colBlock-1,colBlock);
///AB[t_i][t_j] block compute
for (ulong r=startRow; r<startRow+rowBlock; r++){
for (idx_t r=startRow; r<startRow+rowBlock; r++){
//iterate over nz col index j inside current row r
//row-by-row restricted to colsubset of B to get AB[r][:colBlock:]
for (ulong j=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F,c; j<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; j++){
for (idx_t j=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F,c; j<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; j++){
//get start of B[A->JA[j]][:colBlock:]
c = A->JA[j]-OFF_F; // col of nnz in A[r][:] <-> target B row
bPartID = IDX2D(c,t_j,cfg->gridCols);
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocks_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocksAllocated_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){
DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A,\tcolBlocks (allcd) of B\tM=%luxN=%lu\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A,\tcolBlocks (allcd) of B\tM=%dxN=%d\n",A->M,B->N);
DEBUG printf("ompParallelizationGrid:\t%dx%d\n",cfg->gridRows,cfg->gridCols);
spmat *AB = NULL, *colPartsB = NULL, *colPart;
idx_t* rowsPartsSizes=NULL;
@ -423,14 +423,14 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocksAllocated_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg)
SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL;
ACC_DENSE *accVectors=NULL,*accV;
SPACC* accRowPart;
ulong startRow,startCol,rowBlock,colBlock; //data division aux variables
idx_t startRow,startCol,rowBlock,colBlock; //data division aux variables
//2D indexing aux vars
idx_t gridSize=cfg->gridRows*cfg->gridCols, aSubRowsN=A->M*cfg->gridCols;
idx_t* bColOffsets = NULL;
if (!(AB = allocSpMatrix(A->M,B->N))) goto _err;
ulong _rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, _rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows;
ulong _colBlock = AB->N/cfg->gridCols, _colBlockRem = AB->N%cfg->gridCols;
idx_t _rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, _rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows;
idx_t _colBlock = AB->N/cfg->gridCols, _colBlockRem = AB->N%cfg->gridCols;
////B cols partition in CSRs
//if (!(colPartsB = CAT(colsPartitioningUnifRanges_,OFF_F)(B,cfg->gridCols))) goto _err;
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocksAllocated_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg)
((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (gridSize,AB,cfg);
AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime();
ulong tileID,t_i,t_j; //for aux vars
idx_t tileID,t_i,t_j; //for aux vars
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) \
for (tileID = 0; tileID < gridSize; tileID++){
@ -484,17 +484,17 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocksAllocated_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg)
printf("rowBlock [%lu\t%lu:%lu(%lu)]\t",
printf("rowBlock [%d\t%d:%d(%d)]\t",
printf("colBlock [%lu\t%lu:%lu(%lu)]\n",
printf("colBlock [%d\t%d:%d(%d)]\n",
///AB[t_i][t_j] block compute
for (ulong r=startRow; r<startRow+rowBlock; r++){
for (idx_t r=startRow; r<startRow+rowBlock; r++){
//iterate over nz col index j inside current row r
//row-by-row restricted to colsubset of B to get AB[r][:colBlock:]
for (ulong j=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F,c,bRowStart,bRowLen; j<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; j++){
for (idx_t j=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F,c,bRowStart,bRowLen; j<A->IRP[r+1]-OFF_F; j++){
//get start of B[A->JA[j]][:colBlock:]
c = A->JA[j]-OFF_F; // column of nnz entry in A[r][:] <-> target B row
bRowStart = colPart->IRP[c];
@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocksAllocated_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg)
if (colPartsB){
for (ulong i=0; i<cfg->gridCols; i++)
for (idx_t i=0; i<cfg->gridCols; i++)
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ spmat* CAT(sp3mmRowByRowPair_,OFF_F)(spmat* R,spmat* AC,spmat* P,
alloc dense aux vector, reusable over 3 product
TODO arrays sovrallocati per poter essere riusati nelle 2 SpMM
ulong auxVectSize = MAX(R->N,AC->N);
idx_t auxVectSize = MAX(R->N,AC->N);
auxVectSize = MAX(auxVectSize,P->N);
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ spmat* CAT(sp3mmRowByRowPair_,OFF_F)(spmat* R,spmat* AC,spmat* P,
spmat* CAT(sp3mmRowByRowMerged_,OFF_F)(spmat* R,spmat* AC,spmat* P,CONFIG* cfg,
ulong* rowSizes = NULL;
idx_t* rowSizes = NULL;
SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL;
ACC_DENSE *accVectorsR_AC=NULL,*accVectorsRAC_P=NULL,*accRAC,*accRACP;
@ -619,11 +619,11 @@ spmat* CAT(sp3mmRowByRowMerged_,OFF_F)(spmat* R,spmat* AC,spmat* P,CONFIG* cfg,
goto _err;
ulong c;
idx_t c;
((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (R->M,R,cfg);
AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) private(accRAC,accRACP,c)
for (ulong r=0; r<R->M; r++){ //row-by-row formulation
for (idx_t r=0; r<R->M; r++){ //row-by-row formulation
//iterate over nz entry index c inside current row r
accRAC = accVectorsR_AC + omp_get_thread_num();
accRACP = accVectorsRAC_P + omp_get_thread_num();