diff --git a/docs/userguide.pdf b/docs/userguide.pdf index 615cce00..7280759f 100644 --- a/docs/userguide.pdf +++ b/docs/userguide.pdf @@ -216,19 +216,19 @@ endobj (psb\137halo) endobj 149 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.43) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.44) >> endobj 152 0 obj (psb\137ovrl) endobj 153 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.46) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.48) >> endobj 156 0 obj (psb\137gather) endobj 157 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.49) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.51) >> endobj 160 0 obj (psb\137scatter) @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ endobj (6 Data management routines) endobj 165 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.52) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.54) >> endobj 168 0 obj (psb\137cdall) @@ -273,264 +273,270 @@ endobj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.67) >> endobj 188 0 obj -(psb\137spall) +(psb\137cdbldext) endobj 189 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.70) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.69) >> endobj 192 0 obj -(psb\137spins) +(psb\137spall) endobj 193 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.73) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.72) >> endobj 196 0 obj -(psb\137spasb) +(psb\137spins) endobj 197 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.76) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.75) >> endobj 200 0 obj -(psb\137spfree) +(psb\137spasb) endobj 201 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.78) >> endobj 204 0 obj -(psb\137sprn) +(psb\137spfree) endobj 205 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.81) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.80) >> endobj 208 0 obj -(psb\137geall) +(psb\137sprn) endobj 209 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.83) >> endobj 212 0 obj -(psb\137geins) +(psb\137geall) endobj 213 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.86) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.85) >> endobj 216 0 obj -(psb\137geasb) +(psb\137geins) endobj 217 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.88) >> endobj 220 0 obj -(psb\137gefree) +(psb\137geasb) endobj 221 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.90) >> endobj 224 0 obj -(psb\137gelp) +(psb\137gefree) endobj 225 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.92) >> endobj 228 0 obj -(psb\137glob\137to\137loc) +(psb\137gelp) endobj 229 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.95) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.94) >> endobj 232 0 obj -(psb\137loc\137to\137glob) +(psb\137glob\137to\137loc) endobj 233 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.97) >> endobj 236 0 obj -(psb\137get\137boundary) +(psb\137loc\137to\137glob) endobj 237 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.100) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.99) >> endobj 240 0 obj -(psb\137get\137overlap) +(psb\137get\137boundary) endobj 241 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.102) >> endobj 244 0 obj -(7 Parallel environment routines) +(psb\137get\137overlap) endobj 245 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.103) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >> endobj 248 0 obj -(psb\137init) +(7 Parallel environment routines) endobj 249 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.106) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.105) >> endobj 252 0 obj -(psb\137info) +(psb\137init) endobj 253 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.109) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.108) >> endobj 256 0 obj -(psb\137exit) +(psb\137info) endobj 257 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.112) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.111) >> endobj 260 0 obj -(psb\137get\137mpicomm) +(psb\137exit) endobj 261 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.114) >> endobj 264 0 obj -(psb\137get\137rank) +(psb\137get\137mpicomm) endobj 265 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.116) >> endobj 268 0 obj -(psb\137wtime) +(psb\137get\137rank) endobj 269 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.118) >> endobj 272 0 obj -(psb\137barrier) +(psb\137wtime) endobj 273 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.120) >> endobj 276 0 obj -(psb\137abort) +(psb\137barrier) endobj 277 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.122) >> endobj 280 0 obj -(psb\137bcast) +(psb\137abort) endobj 281 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.124) >> endobj 284 0 obj -(psb\137sum) +(psb\137bcast) endobj 285 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.127) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.126) >> endobj 288 0 obj -(psb\137amx) +(psb\137sum) endobj 289 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.130) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.129) >> endobj 292 0 obj -(psb\137amn) +(psb\137amx) endobj 293 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.133) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.132) >> endobj 296 0 obj -(psb\137snd) +(psb\137amn) endobj 297 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.135) >> endobj 300 0 obj -(psb\137rcv) +(psb\137snd) endobj 301 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.137) >> endobj 304 0 obj -(8 Error handling) +(psb\137rcv) endobj 305 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.137) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8) >> endobj 308 0 obj -(psb\137errpush) +(8 Error handling) endobj 309 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.139) >> endobj 312 0 obj -(psb\137error) +(psb\137errpush) endobj 313 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.141) >> endobj 316 0 obj -(psb\137set\137errverbosity) +(psb\137error) endobj 317 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.143) >> endobj 320 0 obj -(psb\137set\137erraction) +(psb\137set\137errverbosity) endobj 321 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.145) >> endobj 324 0 obj -(psb\137errcomm) +(psb\137set\137erraction) endobj 325 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.147) >> endobj 328 0 obj -(9 Utilities) +(psb\137errcomm) endobj 329 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9) >> endobj 332 0 obj -(10 Preconditioner routines) +(9 Utilities) endobj 333 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.147) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10) >> endobj 336 0 obj -(psb\137precset) +(10 Preconditioner routines) endobj 337 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.150) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.149) >> endobj 340 0 obj -(psb\137precbld) +(psb\137precset) endobj 341 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section*.152) >> endobj 344 0 obj -(psb\137precaply) +(psb\137precbld) endobj 345 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.155) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.154) >> endobj 348 0 obj -(psb\137prec\137descr) +(psb\137precaply) endobj 349 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.156) >> endobj 352 0 obj -(11 Iterative Methods) +(psb\137prec\137descr) endobj 353 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.157) >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11) >> endobj 356 0 obj -(psb\137krylov ) +(11 Iterative Methods) endobj 357 0 obj -<< /S /GoTo /D [358 0 R /Fit ] >> +<< /S /GoTo /D (section*.158) >> +endobj +360 0 obj +(psb\137krylov ) +endobj +361 0 obj +<< /S /GoTo /D [362 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj -360 0 obj << +364 0 obj << /Length 1178 >> stream @@ -576,7 +582,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -350.8992 -402.6932 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 355.8805 402.6932 Td[(b)32(y)-383(Sal)-1(v)64(ator)1(e)-384(Fili)-1(pp)-32(on)1(e)]TJ 12.8891 -18.5969 Td[(and)-383(A)-1(lfredo)-383(Butt)-1(ar)1(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -131.2795 -25.2387 Td[(\134T)83(or)-333(V)83(ergata")-333(Un)1(iv)28(e)-1(r)1(s)-1(it)28(y)-333(of)-333(Rome)-1(.)-444(Jan)28(u)1(ary)-333(17,)-333(2007)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 355.8805 402.6932 Td[(b)32(y)-383(Sal)-1(v)64(ator)1(e)-384(Fili)-1(pp)-32(on)1(e)]TJ 12.8891 -18.5969 Td[(and)-383(A)-1(lfredo)-383(Butt)-1(ar)1(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -131.2795 -25.2387 Td[(\134T)83(or)-333(V)83(ergata")-333(Un)1(iv)28(e)-1(r)1(s)-1(it)28(y)-333(of)-333(Rome)-1(.)-444(Jan)28(u)1(ary)-333(24,)-333(2007)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -584,27 +590,27 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -358 0 obj << +362 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 360 0 R -/Resources 359 0 R +/Contents 364 0 R +/Resources 363 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 375 0 R +/Parent 379 0 R >> endobj -361 0 obj << -/D [358 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +365 0 obj << +/D [362 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -362 0 obj << -/D [358 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +366 0 obj << +/D [362 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj 6 0 obj << -/D [358 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +/D [362 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj -359 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F20 368 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R >> +363 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F20 372 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -378 0 obj << +382 0 obj << /Length 31887 >> stream @@ -676,7 +682,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -438.6251 -637.0263 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 438.6251 637.0263 Td[(4)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 438.6251 637.0263 Td[(5)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 637.0263 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1786,7 +1792,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -215.9246 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 215.9246 Td[(39)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 215.9246 Td[(40)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 215.9246 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1819,7 +1825,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -203.715 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 203.715 Td[(41)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 203.715 Td[(44)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 203.715 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1852,7 +1858,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -191.5055 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 191.5055 Td[(43)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 191.5055 Td[(46)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 191.5055 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1866,7 +1872,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -250.7747 -169.1637 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 432.1495 169.1637 Td[(45)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 432.1495 169.1637 Td[(48)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 114.8394 156.9542 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG @@ -1897,7 +1903,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -156.9542 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 156.9542 Td[(46)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 156.9542 Td[(49)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 156.9542 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1930,7 +1936,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -144.7447 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 144.7447 Td[(48)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 144.7447 Td[(51)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 144.7447 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1963,7 +1969,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -132.5351 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 132.5351 Td[(49)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 132.5351 Td[(52)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 132.5351 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -1996,7 +2002,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -433.6438 -120.3256 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 120.3256 Td[(50)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 433.6438 120.3256 Td[(53)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 120.3256 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2010,327 +2016,327 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -377 0 obj << +381 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 378 0 R -/Resources 376 0 R +/Contents 382 0 R +/Resources 380 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 375 0 R -/Annots [ 381 0 R 382 0 R 383 0 R 384 0 R 385 0 R 386 0 R 387 0 R 388 0 R 389 0 R 390 0 R 391 0 R 392 0 R 393 0 R 394 0 R 395 0 R 396 0 R 397 0 R 398 0 R 399 0 R 400 0 R 401 0 R 402 0 R 403 0 R 404 0 R 405 0 R 406 0 R 407 0 R 408 0 R 409 0 R 410 0 R 411 0 R 412 0 R 413 0 R 414 0 R 415 0 R 416 0 R 417 0 R 418 0 R 419 0 R 420 0 R 421 0 R 422 0 R 423 0 R ] +/Parent 379 0 R +/Annots [ 385 0 R 386 0 R 387 0 R 388 0 R 389 0 R 390 0 R 391 0 R 392 0 R 393 0 R 394 0 R 395 0 R 396 0 R 397 0 R 398 0 R 399 0 R 400 0 R 401 0 R 402 0 R 403 0 R 404 0 R 405 0 R 406 0 R 407 0 R 408 0 R 409 0 R 410 0 R 411 0 R 412 0 R 413 0 R 414 0 R 415 0 R 416 0 R 417 0 R 418 0 R 419 0 R 420 0 R 421 0 R 422 0 R 423 0 R 424 0 R 425 0 R 426 0 R 427 0 R ] >> endobj -381 0 obj << +385 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [98.8991 682.7908 179.0012 691.7018] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >> >> endobj -382 0 obj << +386 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [98.8991 660.4491 202.863 669.3601] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2) >> >> endobj -383 0 obj << +387 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 648.2395 225.8677 657.1506] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >> >> endobj -384 0 obj << +388 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 634.0928 210.6746 644.941] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2) >> >> endobj -385 0 obj << +389 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 621.8833 232.122 632.7315] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.3) >> >> endobj -386 0 obj << +390 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 609.6738 227.7773 620.522] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4) >> >> endobj -387 0 obj << +391 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [98.8991 589.2692 196.3402 598.0972] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3) >> >> endobj -388 0 obj << +392 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 575.1225 249.529 585.9707] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1) >> >> endobj -389 0 obj << +393 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 564.8501 248.2283 573.7611] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.1) >> >> endobj -390 0 obj << +394 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 550.7034 265.7183 561.5516] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2) >> >> endobj -391 0 obj << +395 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 540.4311 248.2283 549.3421] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.2.1) >> >> endobj -392 0 obj << +396 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 528.2215 268.0153 537.1325] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3) >> >> endobj -393 0 obj << +397 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 514.0748 268.9008 524.8123] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.4) >> >> endobj -394 0 obj << +398 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 501.8653 231.2752 512.7135] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.2) >> >> endobj -395 0 obj << +399 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 489.6557 227.6499 500.504] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.4) >> >> endobj -396 0 obj << +400 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 477.4462 237.0868 488.2944] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.6) >> >> endobj -397 0 obj << +401 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 465.2367 215.9825 476.0849] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.8) >> >> endobj -398 0 obj << +402 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 453.0272 212.5232 463.8754] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.10) >> >> endobj -399 0 obj << +403 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 440.8176 208.898 451.6658] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.12) >> >> endobj -400 0 obj << +404 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [136.7572 428.6081 219.9952 439.4563] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.14) >> >> endobj -401 0 obj << +405 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [98.8991 406.2663 235.0283 417.1145] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4) >> >> endobj -402 0 obj << +406 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 394.0568 170.1211 404.905] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.17) >> >> endobj -403 0 obj << +407 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 381.8473 158.2212 392.6955] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.19) >> >> endobj -404 0 obj << +408 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 369.6377 162.1509 380.4859] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.21) >> >> endobj -405 0 obj << +409 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 357.4282 167.3537 368.2764] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.23) >> >> endobj -406 0 obj << +410 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 345.2187 171.2834 356.0669] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.25) >> >> endobj -407 0 obj << +411 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 333.0091 166.5788 343.8573] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.27) >> >> endobj -408 0 obj << +412 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 320.7996 170.5085 331.6478] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.29) >> >> endobj -409 0 obj << +413 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 308.5901 166.5511 319.4383] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.31) >> >> endobj -410 0 obj << +414 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 296.3805 170.4808 307.2288] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.33) >> >> endobj -411 0 obj << +415 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 284.171 164.3925 295.0192] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.35) >> >> endobj -412 0 obj << +416 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 271.9615 160.4905 282.8097] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.37) >> >> endobj -413 0 obj << +417 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 259.752 156.118 270.6002] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.39) >> >> endobj -414 0 obj << +418 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [98.8991 239.3474 239.3247 248.2584] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5) >> >> endobj -415 0 obj << +419 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 225.2007 152.6864 236.0489] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.41) >> >> endobj -416 0 obj << +420 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 212.9911 151.0537 223.8393] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.43) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.44) >> >> endobj -417 0 obj << +421 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 200.7816 162.1233 211.6298] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.46) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.48) >> >> endobj -418 0 obj << +422 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 188.5721 163.839 199.4203] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.49) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.51) >> >> endobj -419 0 obj << +423 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [98.8991 166.2303 251.7709 177.0785] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6) >> >> endobj -420 0 obj << +424 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 154.0208 154.9003 164.869] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.52) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.54) >> >> endobj -421 0 obj << +425 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 141.8112 156.6161 152.6594] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.57) >> >> endobj -422 0 obj << +426 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 129.6017 158.83 140.4499] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.60) >> >> endobj -423 0 obj << +427 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [113.8431 117.3922 159.3282 128.2404] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.63) >> >> endobj -379 0 obj << -/D [377 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +383 0 obj << +/D [381 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -380 0 obj << -/D [377 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 696.0806 null] +384 0 obj << +/D [381 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 696.0806 null] >> endobj -376 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R >> +380 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -426 0 obj << -/Length 34288 +430 0 obj << +/Length 35097 >> stream 1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm @@ -2366,7 +2372,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 706.1289 Td[(51)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 706.1289 Td[(54)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2387,19 +2393,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -694.1737 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 694.1737 Td[(spall)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 694.1737 Td[(cdbl)1(dext)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 204.2154 694.1737 cm +1 0 0 1 221.5947 694.1737 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -204.2154 -694.1737 cm +1 0 0 1 -221.5947 -694.1737 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 694.1737 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 694.1737 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 694.1737 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -694.1737 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 694.1737 Td[(52)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 694.1737 Td[(55)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 694.1737 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2420,19 +2426,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -682.2185 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 682.2185 Td[(spin)1(s)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 682.2185 Td[(spall)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.9312 682.2185 cm +1 0 0 1 204.2154 682.2185 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -205.9312 -682.2185 cm +1 0 0 1 -204.2154 -682.2185 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 682.2185 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 682.2185 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 682.2185 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -682.2185 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 682.2185 Td[(53)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 682.2185 Td[(56)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 682.2185 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2453,11 +2459,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -670.2634 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 670.2634 Td[(spasb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 670.2634 Td[(spin)1(s)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 208.1451 670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 205.9312 670.2634 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -208.1451 -670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 -205.9312 -670.2634 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 670.2634 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET @@ -2465,7 +2471,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -670.2634 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 670.2634 Td[(55)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 670.2634 Td[(57)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 670.2634 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2486,11 +2492,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -658.3082 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 658.3082 Td[(spfr)1(e)-1(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 658.3082 Td[(spasb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 209.5011 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 208.1451 658.3082 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -209.5011 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -208.1451 -658.3082 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 658.3082 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET @@ -2498,7 +2504,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -658.3082 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 658.3082 Td[(57)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 658.3082 Td[(59)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 658.3082 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2519,19 +2525,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -646.353 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 646.353 Td[(sprn)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 646.353 Td[(spfr)1(e)-1(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 203.1361 646.353 cm +1 0 0 1 209.5011 646.353 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -203.1361 -646.353 cm +1 0 0 1 -209.5011 -646.353 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 646.353 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 646.353 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 646.353 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -646.353 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 646.353 Td[(58)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 646.353 Td[(61)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 646.353 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2552,11 +2558,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -634.3978 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 634.3978 Td[(geall)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 634.3978 Td[(sprn)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 204.1601 634.3978 cm +1 0 0 1 203.1361 634.3978 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -204.1601 -634.3978 cm +1 0 0 1 -203.1361 -634.3978 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 634.3978 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -2564,7 +2570,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -634.3978 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 634.3978 Td[(59)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 634.3978 Td[(62)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 634.3978 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2585,19 +2591,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -622.4427 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 622.4427 Td[(geins)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 622.4427 Td[(geall)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.8758 622.4427 cm +1 0 0 1 204.1601 622.4427 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -205.8758 -622.4427 cm +1 0 0 1 -204.1601 -622.4427 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 622.4427 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 622.4427 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 622.4427 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -622.4427 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 622.4427 Td[(60)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 622.4427 Td[(63)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 622.4427 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2618,11 +2624,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -610.4875 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 610.4875 Td[(geas)-1(b)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 610.4875 Td[(geins)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 208.0898 610.4875 cm +1 0 0 1 205.8758 610.4875 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -208.0898 -610.4875 cm +1 0 0 1 -205.8758 -610.4875 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 610.4875 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET @@ -2630,7 +2636,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -610.4875 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 610.4875 Td[(62)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 610.4875 Td[(64)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 610.4875 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2651,11 +2657,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -598.5323 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 598.5323 Td[(gefree)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 598.5323 Td[(geas)-1(b)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 209.4458 598.5323 cm +1 0 0 1 208.0898 598.5323 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -209.4458 -598.5323 cm +1 0 0 1 -208.0898 -598.5323 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 598.5323 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET @@ -2663,7 +2669,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -598.5323 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 598.5323 Td[(63)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 598.5323 Td[(66)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 598.5323 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2684,19 +2690,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -586.5772 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 586.5772 Td[(gelp)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 586.5772 Td[(gefree)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 201.9461 586.5772 cm +1 0 0 1 209.4458 586.5772 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -201.9461 -586.5772 cm +1 0 0 1 -209.4458 -586.5772 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 586.5772 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 586.5772 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 586.5772 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -586.5772 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 586.5772 Td[(64)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 586.5772 Td[(67)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 586.5772 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2717,45 +2723,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -574.622 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 574.622 Td[(glob)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 203.0974 574.622 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -2.9888 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -203.0974 -574.622 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.0862 574.622 Td[(to)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 215.5396 574.622 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -2.9888 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -215.5396 -574.622 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 218.5284 574.622 Td[(lo)-28(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 574.622 Td[(gelp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 230.9818 574.622 cm +1 0 0 1 201.9461 574.622 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -230.9818 -574.622 cm +1 0 0 1 -201.9461 -574.622 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 238.4301 574.622 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 574.622 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 574.622 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -574.622 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 574.622 Td[(65)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 574.622 Td[(68)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 574.622 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2776,9 +2756,9 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -562.6668 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 562.6668 Td[(lo)-28(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 562.6668 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 197.2858 562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 203.0974 562.6668 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -2787,11 +2767,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -197.2858 -562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 -203.0974 -562.6668 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 200.2746 562.6668 Td[(to)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.0862 562.6668 Td[(to)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 209.7281 562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 215.5396 562.6668 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -2800,9 +2780,9 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -209.7281 -562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 -215.5396 -562.6668 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 212.7169 562.6668 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 218.5284 562.6668 Td[(lo)-28(c)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 230.9818 562.6668 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2814,7 +2794,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -562.6668 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 562.6668 Td[(67)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 562.6668 Td[(69)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 562.6668 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2835,9 +2815,22 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -550.7117 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 550.7117 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 550.7117 Td[(lo)-28(c)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 197.2858 550.7117 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -197.2858 -550.7117 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 200.2746 550.7117 Td[(to)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.116 550.7117 cm +1 0 0 1 209.7281 550.7117 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -2846,21 +2839,21 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -198.116 -550.7117 cm +1 0 0 1 -209.7281 -550.7117 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 550.7117 Td[(b)-27(oun)1(dary)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 212.7169 550.7117 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 242.6436 550.7117 cm +1 0 0 1 230.9818 550.7117 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -242.6436 -550.7117 cm +1 0 0 1 -230.9818 -550.7117 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 246.1787 550.7117 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 238.4301 550.7117 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 550.7117 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -550.7117 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 550.7117 Td[(68)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 550.7117 Td[(71)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 550.7117 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -2894,41 +2887,42 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -198.116 -538.7565 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 538.7565 Td[(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 538.7565 Td[(b)-27(oun)1(dary)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 232.4042 538.7565 cm +1 0 0 1 242.6436 538.7565 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -232.4042 -538.7565 cm +1 0 0 1 -242.6436 -538.7565 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 238.4301 538.7565 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 246.1787 538.7565 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 538.7565 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -538.7565 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 538.7565 Td[(69)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 538.7565 Td[(72)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 538.7565 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9178 cm +1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9552 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -516.8387 cm +1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -526.8013 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 516.8387 Td[(7)-925(P)32(arall)-1(el)-384(en)32(viron)1(m)-1(en)32(t)-383(routi)-1(n)1(e)-1(s)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 526.8013 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 314.6808 516.8387 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -314.6808 -516.8387 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 516.8387 Td[(70)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 165.6488 504.8835 cm -0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 181.2459 526.8013 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -526.8013 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 504.8835 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 526.8013 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.2459 504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 198.116 526.8013 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -2937,29 +2931,41 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 -198.116 -526.8013 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 504.8835 Td[(in)1(it)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 526.8013 Td[(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 199.1787 504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 232.4042 526.8013 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -199.1787 -504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 -232.4042 -526.8013 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 504.8835 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 238.4301 526.8013 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 484.4533 504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 484.4533 526.8013 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -526.8013 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 504.8835 Td[(71)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 526.8013 Td[(73)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 504.8835 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 526.8013 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9552 cm +1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9178 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -492.9283 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -504.8835 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 492.9283 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 504.8835 Td[(7)-925(P)32(arall)-1(el)-384(en)32(viron)1(m)-1(en)32(t)-383(routi)-1(n)1(e)-1(s)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 314.6808 504.8835 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -314.6808 -504.8835 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 504.8835 Td[(74)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 165.6488 492.9283 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -492.9283 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 492.9283 Td[(psb)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 181.2459 492.9283 cm q @@ -2972,11 +2978,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -492.9283 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 492.9283 Td[(in)1(fo)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 492.9283 Td[(in)1(it)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 200.5625 492.9283 cm +1 0 0 1 199.1787 492.9283 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -200.5625 -492.9283 cm +1 0 0 1 -199.1787 -492.9283 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 492.9283 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -2984,7 +2990,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -492.9283 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 492.9283 Td[(72)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 492.9283 Td[(75)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 492.9283 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3005,11 +3011,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -480.9732 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 480.9732 Td[(exit)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 480.9732 Td[(in)1(fo)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 200.5624 480.9732 cm +1 0 0 1 200.5625 480.9732 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -200.5624 -480.9732 cm +1 0 0 1 -200.5625 -480.9732 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 480.9732 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -3017,7 +3023,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -480.9732 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 480.9732 Td[(73)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 480.9732 Td[(76)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 480.9732 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3038,32 +3044,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -469.018 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 469.018 Td[(get)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 198.116 469.018 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -2.9888 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -198.116 -469.018 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 469.018 Td[(mpicomm)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 469.018 Td[(exit)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 243.7229 469.018 cm +1 0 0 1 200.5624 469.018 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -243.7229 -469.018 cm +1 0 0 1 -200.5624 -469.018 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 253.9274 469.018 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 469.018 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 469.018 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -469.018 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 469.018 Td[(74)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 469.018 Td[(77)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 469.018 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3097,19 +3090,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -198.116 -457.0628 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 457.0628 Td[(ran)1(k)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 457.0628 Td[(mpicomm)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 220.7811 457.0628 cm +1 0 0 1 243.7229 457.0628 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -220.7811 -457.0628 cm +1 0 0 1 -243.7229 -457.0628 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 457.0628 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 253.9274 457.0628 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 457.0628 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -457.0628 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 457.0628 Td[(75)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 457.0628 Td[(78)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 457.0628 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3130,19 +3123,32 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -445.1077 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 445.1077 Td[(wtime)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 445.1077 Td[(get)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 198.116 445.1077 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -198.116 -445.1077 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.1048 445.1077 Td[(ran)1(k)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 210.8018 445.1077 cm +1 0 0 1 220.7811 445.1077 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -210.8018 -445.1077 cm +1 0 0 1 -220.7811 -445.1077 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 445.1077 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 445.1077 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 445.1077 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -445.1077 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 445.1077 Td[(76)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 445.1077 Td[(79)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 445.1077 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3163,19 +3169,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -433.1525 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 433.1525 Td[(bar)1(rier)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 433.1525 Td[(wtime)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 213.6522 433.1525 cm +1 0 0 1 210.8018 433.1525 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -213.6522 -433.1525 cm +1 0 0 1 -210.8018 -433.1525 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 433.1525 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 433.1525 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 433.1525 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -433.1525 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 433.1525 Td[(77)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 433.1525 Td[(80)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 433.1525 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3196,19 +3202,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -421.1973 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 421.1973 Td[(ab)-27(ort)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 421.1973 Td[(bar)1(rier)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 207.7854 421.1973 cm +1 0 0 1 213.6522 421.1973 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -207.7854 -421.1973 cm +1 0 0 1 -213.6522 -421.1973 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 421.1973 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 421.1973 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 421.1973 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -421.1973 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 421.1973 Td[(78)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 421.1973 Td[(81)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 421.1973 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3229,11 +3235,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -409.2422 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 409.2422 Td[(b)-27(c)-1(ast)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 409.2422 Td[(ab)-27(ort)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 207.2596 409.2422 cm +1 0 0 1 207.7854 409.2422 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -207.2596 -409.2422 cm +1 0 0 1 -207.7854 -409.2422 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 409.2422 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET @@ -3241,7 +3247,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -409.2422 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 409.2422 Td[(79)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 409.2422 Td[(82)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 409.2422 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3262,19 +3268,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -397.287 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 397.287 Td[(sum)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 397.287 Td[(b)-27(c)-1(ast)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 202.0015 397.287 cm +1 0 0 1 207.2596 397.287 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -202.0015 -397.287 cm +1 0 0 1 -207.2596 -397.287 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 397.287 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 397.287 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 397.287 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -397.287 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 397.287 Td[(80)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 397.287 Td[(83)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 397.287 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3295,11 +3301,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -385.3318 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 385.3318 Td[(amx)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 385.3318 Td[(sum)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 202.7764 385.3318 cm +1 0 0 1 202.0015 385.3318 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -202.7764 -385.3318 cm +1 0 0 1 -202.0015 -385.3318 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 385.3318 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -3307,7 +3313,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -385.3318 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 385.3318 Td[(81)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 385.3318 Td[(84)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 385.3318 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3328,11 +3334,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -373.3767 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 373.3767 Td[(amn)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 373.3767 Td[(amx)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 203.0531 373.3767 cm +1 0 0 1 202.7764 373.3767 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -203.0531 -373.3767 cm +1 0 0 1 -202.7764 -373.3767 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 373.3767 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -3340,7 +3346,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -373.3767 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 373.3767 Td[(82)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 373.3767 Td[(85)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 373.3767 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3361,11 +3367,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -361.4215 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 361.4215 Td[(snd)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 361.4215 Td[(amn)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 199.2341 361.4215 cm +1 0 0 1 203.0531 361.4215 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -199.2341 -361.4215 cm +1 0 0 1 -203.0531 -361.4215 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 361.4215 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -3373,7 +3379,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -361.4215 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 361.4215 Td[(83)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 361.4215 Td[(86)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 361.4215 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3394,11 +3400,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -349.4663 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 349.4663 Td[(rcv)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 349.4663 Td[(snd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 197.8227 349.4663 cm +1 0 0 1 199.2341 349.4663 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -197.8227 -349.4663 cm +1 0 0 1 -199.2341 -349.4663 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 349.4663 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -3406,29 +3412,17 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -349.4663 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 349.4663 Td[(84)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 349.4663 Td[(87)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 349.4663 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9178 cm -0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -327.5485 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 327.5485 Td[(8)-925(Er)1(ror)-383(hand)1(l)-1(ing)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 240.0016 327.5485 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -240.0016 -327.5485 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 327.5485 Td[(85)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 165.6488 315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9552 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -337.5111 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 315.5933 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 337.5112 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.2459 315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 181.2459 337.5112 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -3437,25 +3431,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -337.5112 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 315.5933 Td[(errp)1(ush)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 337.5112 Td[(rcv)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 217.0008 315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 197.8227 337.5112 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -217.0008 -315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 -197.8227 -337.5112 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 315.5933 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 207.4357 337.5112 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 484.4533 315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 484.4533 337.5112 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -337.5112 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 315.5933 Td[(87)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 337.5112 Td[(88)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 315.5933 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 337.5112 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9551 cm +1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9179 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -315.5933 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 315.5933 Td[(8)-925(Er)1(ror)-383(hand)1(l)-1(ing)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 240.0016 315.5933 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -240.0016 -315.5933 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 315.5933 Td[(89)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 165.6488 303.6382 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG 1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -303.6382 cm BT @@ -3472,19 +3478,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -303.6382 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 303.6382 Td[(error)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 303.6382 Td[(errp)1(ush)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.35 303.6382 cm +1 0 0 1 217.0008 303.6382 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -205.35 -303.6382 cm +1 0 0 1 -217.0008 -303.6382 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 303.6382 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 303.6382 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 303.6382 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -303.6382 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 303.6382 Td[(88)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 303.6382 Td[(91)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 303.6382 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3505,32 +3511,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -291.683 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 291.683 Td[(se)-1(t)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 197.0644 291.683 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -2.9888 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -197.0644 -291.683 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 200.0532 291.683 Td[(errv)28(erb)-27(os)-1(i)1(t)27(y)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 291.683 Td[(error)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 251.9421 291.683 cm +1 0 0 1 205.35 291.683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -251.9421 -291.683 cm +1 0 0 1 -205.35 -291.683 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 261.676 291.683 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.1843 291.683 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 291.683 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -291.683 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 291.683 Td[(89)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 291.683 Td[(92)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 291.683 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3564,19 +3557,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -197.0644 -279.7278 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 200.0532 279.7278 Td[(erraction)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 200.0532 279.7278 Td[(errv)28(erb)-27(os)-1(i)1(t)27(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 238.8522 279.7278 cm +1 0 0 1 251.9421 279.7278 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -238.8522 -279.7278 cm +1 0 0 1 -251.9421 -279.7278 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 246.1787 279.7278 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 261.676 279.7278 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 279.7278 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -279.7278 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 279.7278 Td[(90)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 279.7278 Td[(93)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 279.7278 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3597,53 +3590,42 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -267.7726 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 267.7726 Td[(errcom)-1(m)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 267.7726 Td[(se)-1(t)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 197.0644 267.7726 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -197.0644 -267.7726 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 200.0532 267.7726 Td[(erraction)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 222.4803 267.7726 cm +1 0 0 1 238.8522 267.7726 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -222.4803 -267.7726 cm +1 0 0 1 -238.8522 -267.7726 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 267.7726 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 246.1787 267.7726 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 267.7726 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -267.7726 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 267.7726 Td[(91)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 267.7726 Td[(94)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 267.7726 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9178 cm -0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -245.8548 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 245.8548 Td[(9)-925(Util)-1(iti)-1(es)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 205.8741 245.8548 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -205.8741 -245.8548 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 245.8548 Td[(92)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 150.7048 223.937 cm -0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -223.937 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 223.937 Td[(10)-350(Preconditi)-1(oner)-383(r)1(outi)-1(nes)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 284.2881 223.937 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -284.2881 -223.937 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 223.937 Td[(93)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 165.6488 211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9551 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -255.8175 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 211.9818 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 255.8175 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.2459 211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 181.2459 255.8175 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -3652,25 +3634,49 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -255.8175 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 211.9818 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(cs)-1(et)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 255.8175 Td[(errcom)-1(m)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 214.7592 211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 222.4803 255.8175 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -214.7592 -211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 -222.4803 -255.8175 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 211.9818 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 255.8175 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 484.4533 211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 484.4533 255.8175 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -255.8175 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 211.9818 Td[(94)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 255.8175 Td[(95)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 211.9818 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 255.8175 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9551 cm +1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9178 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -233.8997 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 233.8997 Td[(9)-925(Util)-1(iti)-1(es)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 205.8741 233.8997 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -205.8741 -233.8997 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 233.8997 Td[(96)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 150.7048 211.9818 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -211.9818 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 211.9818 Td[(10)-350(Preconditi)-1(oner)-383(r)1(outi)-1(nes)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 284.2881 211.9818 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -284.2881 -211.9818 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 211.9818 Td[(97)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 165.6488 200.0267 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG 1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -200.0267 cm BT @@ -3687,11 +3693,11 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -200.0267 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 200.0267 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(cbl)1(d)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 200.0267 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(cs)-1(et)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 216.3643 200.0267 cm +1 0 0 1 214.7592 200.0267 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -216.3643 -200.0267 cm +1 0 0 1 -214.7592 -200.0267 cm BT /F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 200.0267 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET @@ -3699,7 +3705,7 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -200.0267 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 200.0267 Td[(95)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 200.0267 Td[(98)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 200.0267 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3720,19 +3726,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -188.0715 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 188.0715 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(capl)1(y)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 188.0715 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(cbl)1(d)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 221.0689 188.0715 cm +1 0 0 1 216.3643 188.0715 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -221.0689 -188.0715 cm +1 0 0 1 -216.3643 -188.0715 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 188.0715 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 188.0715 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 484.4533 188.0715 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -188.0715 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 188.0715 Td[(96)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 188.0715 Td[(99)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 188.0715 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -3753,9 +3759,42 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -176.1163 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 176.1163 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 176.1163 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(capl)1(y)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 221.0689 176.1163 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -221.0689 -176.1163 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.6815 176.1163 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 479.4719 176.1163 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -479.4719 -176.1163 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 479.4719 176.1163 Td[(100)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 494.4159 176.1163 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -328.7671 -11.9551 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -164.1612 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 164.1612 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 181.2459 164.1612 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -164.1612 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 164.1612 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 203.125 176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 203.125 164.1612 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -3764,43 +3803,43 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -203.125 -176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 -203.125 -164.1612 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.1138 176.1163 Td[(desc)-1(r)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.1138 164.1612 Td[(desc)-1(r)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 228.3361 176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 228.3361 164.1612 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -228.3361 -176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 -228.3361 -164.1612 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 238.4301 176.1163 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 238.4301 164.1612 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 484.4533 176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 479.4719 164.1612 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 -479.4719 -164.1612 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 176.1163 Td[(97)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 479.4719 164.1612 Td[(101)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 176.1163 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 164.1612 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -21.9178 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -154.1985 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -142.2434 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 154.1985 Td[(11)-350(Iterati)-1(v)32(e)-383(Metho)-32(ds)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 142.2434 Td[(11)-350(Iterati)-1(v)32(e)-383(Metho)-32(ds)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 256.3028 154.1985 cm +1 0 0 1 256.3028 142.2434 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -256.3028 -154.1985 cm +1 0 0 1 -256.3028 -142.2434 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 482.959 154.1985 Td[(98)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 477.2305 142.2434 Td[(102)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 165.6488 142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 165.6488 130.2882 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 -165.6488 -130.2882 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 142.2433 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 130.2882 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.2459 142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 181.2459 130.2882 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -3809,25 +3848,25 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.2459 -130.2882 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 142.2433 Td[(kr)1(ylo)28(v)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 184.2347 130.2882 Td[(kr)1(ylo)28(v)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 214.7039 142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 214.7039 130.2882 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -214.7039 -142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 -214.7039 -130.2882 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 142.2433 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 222.9329 130.2882 Td[(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)-499(.)-500(.)-500(.)-500(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 484.4533 142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 479.4719 130.2882 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -484.4533 -142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 -479.4719 -130.2882 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 484.4533 142.2433 Td[(99)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 479.4719 130.2882 Td[(103)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 142.2433 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 130.2882 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -51.8056 cm +1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -39.8505 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -90.4377 cm BT @@ -3837,330 +3876,337 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -425 0 obj << +429 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 426 0 R -/Resources 424 0 R +/Contents 430 0 R +/Resources 428 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 375 0 R -/Annots [ 428 0 R 429 0 R 430 0 R 431 0 R 432 0 R 433 0 R 434 0 R 435 0 R 436 0 R 437 0 R 438 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 445 0 R 446 0 R 447 0 R 448 0 R 449 0 R 450 0 R 451 0 R 452 0 R 453 0 R 454 0 R 455 0 R 456 0 R 457 0 R 458 0 R 459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R ] +/Parent 379 0 R +/Annots [ 432 0 R 433 0 R 434 0 R 435 0 R 436 0 R 437 0 R 438 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 445 0 R 446 0 R 447 0 R 448 0 R 449 0 R 450 0 R 451 0 R 452 0 R 453 0 R 454 0 R 455 0 R 456 0 R 457 0 R 458 0 R 459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R 472 0 R 473 0 R 474 0 R 475 0 R 476 0 R ] >> endobj -428 0 obj << +432 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [164.6526 703.1954 210.9955 714.0436] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.65) >> >> endobj -429 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 691.2402 205.2117 702.0885] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.67) >> ->> endobj -430 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 679.2851 206.9275 690.1333] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.70) >> ->> endobj -431 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 667.3299 209.1414 678.1781] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.73) >> ->> endobj -432 0 obj << -/Type /Annot -/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 655.3747 210.4974 666.2229] -/Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.76) >> ->> endobj 433 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 643.4196 204.1324 654.2678] +/Rect [164.6526 691.2402 222.591 702.0885] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.78) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.67) >> >> endobj 434 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 631.4644 205.1563 642.3126] +/Rect [164.6526 679.2851 205.2117 690.1333] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.81) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.69) >> >> endobj 435 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 619.5092 206.8721 630.3574] +/Rect [164.6526 667.3299 206.9275 678.1781] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.83) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.72) >> >> endobj 436 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 607.5541 209.086 618.4023] +/Rect [164.6526 655.3747 209.1414 666.2229] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.86) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.75) >> >> endobj 437 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 595.5989 210.442 606.4471] +/Rect [164.6526 643.4196 210.4974 654.2678] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.88) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.78) >> >> endobj 438 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 583.6437 202.9424 594.4919] +/Rect [164.6526 631.4644 204.1324 642.3126] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.90) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.80) >> >> endobj 439 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 571.6886 231.978 582.5368] +/Rect [164.6526 619.5092 205.1563 630.3574] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.92) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.83) >> >> endobj 440 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 559.7334 231.978 570.5816] +/Rect [164.6526 607.5541 206.8721 618.4023] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.95) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.85) >> >> endobj 441 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 547.7782 243.6399 558.6264] +/Rect [164.6526 595.5989 209.086 606.4471] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.97) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.88) >> >> endobj 442 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 535.8231 233.4005 546.6713] +/Rect [164.6526 583.6437 210.442 594.4919] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.100) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.90) >> >> endobj 443 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [149.7086 515.8424 315.6771 524.7534] +/Rect [164.6526 571.6886 202.9424 582.5368] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.92) >> >> endobj 444 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 501.9501 200.175 512.7983] +/Rect [164.6526 559.7334 231.978 570.5816] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.103) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.94) >> >> endobj 445 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 489.9949 201.5587 500.8431] +/Rect [164.6526 547.7782 231.978 558.6264] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.106) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.97) >> >> endobj 446 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 478.0397 201.5587 488.8879] +/Rect [164.6526 535.8231 243.6399 546.6713] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.109) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.99) >> >> endobj 447 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 466.0846 244.7192 476.9328] +/Rect [164.6526 523.8679 233.4005 534.7161] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.112) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.102) >> >> endobj 448 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 454.1294 221.7774 464.9776] +/Rect [149.7086 503.8872 315.6771 512.7983] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.114) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >> >> endobj 449 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 442.1742 211.7981 453.0224] +/Rect [164.6526 489.9949 200.175 500.8431] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.116) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.105) >> >> endobj 450 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 430.2191 214.6485 441.0673] +/Rect [164.6526 478.0397 201.5587 488.8879] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.118) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.108) >> >> endobj 451 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 418.2639 208.7816 429.1121] +/Rect [164.6526 466.0846 201.5587 476.9328] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.120) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.111) >> >> endobj 452 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 406.3087 208.2558 417.1569] +/Rect [164.6526 454.1294 244.7192 464.9776] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.122) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.114) >> >> endobj 453 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 394.3536 202.9977 405.2018] +/Rect [164.6526 442.1742 221.7774 453.0224] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.124) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.116) >> >> endobj 454 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 382.3984 203.7726 393.2466] +/Rect [164.6526 430.2191 211.7981 441.0673] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.127) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.118) >> >> endobj 455 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 370.4432 204.0494 381.2914] +/Rect [164.6526 418.2639 214.6485 429.1121] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.130) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.120) >> >> endobj 456 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 358.4881 200.2303 369.3363] +/Rect [164.6526 406.3087 208.7816 417.1569] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.133) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.122) >> >> endobj 457 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 346.5329 198.819 357.3811] +/Rect [164.6526 394.3536 208.2558 405.2018] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.135) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.124) >> >> endobj 458 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [149.7086 324.6151 240.9978 335.4633] +/Rect [164.6526 382.3984 202.9977 393.2466] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.126) >> >> endobj 459 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 312.6599 217.9971 323.5081] +/Rect [164.6526 370.4432 203.7726 381.2914] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.137) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.129) >> >> endobj 460 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 300.7047 206.3463 311.5529] +/Rect [164.6526 358.4881 204.0494 369.3363] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.139) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.132) >> >> endobj 461 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 288.7496 252.9383 299.5978] +/Rect [164.6526 346.5329 200.2303 357.3811] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.141) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.135) >> >> endobj 462 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 276.7944 239.8485 287.6426] +/Rect [164.6526 334.5777 198.819 345.4259] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.143) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.137) >> >> endobj 463 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 264.8392 223.4765 275.6874] +/Rect [149.7086 312.6599 240.9978 323.5081] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.145) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.8) >> >> endobj 464 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [149.7086 244.8586 206.8704 253.7696] +/Rect [164.6526 300.7047 217.9971 311.5529] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.139) >> >> endobj 465 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [149.7086 222.9408 285.2843 231.8518] +/Rect [164.6526 288.7496 206.3463 299.5978] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.10) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.141) >> >> endobj 466 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 209.0484 215.7554 219.8966] +/Rect [164.6526 276.7944 252.9383 287.6426] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.147) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.143) >> >> endobj 467 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 197.0932 217.3606 207.9414] +/Rect [164.6526 264.8392 239.8485 275.6874] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.150) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.145) >> >> endobj 468 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 185.1381 222.0652 195.9863] +/Rect [164.6526 252.8841 223.4765 263.7323] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.152) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.147) >> >> endobj 469 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [164.6526 173.1829 229.3323 184.0311] +/Rect [149.7086 232.9034 206.8704 241.8144] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (section*.155) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.9) >> >> endobj 470 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [149.7086 153.2023 257.2991 162.1133] +/Rect [149.7086 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180.6233 561.789] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.metcalf) >> >> endobj -476 0 obj << +481 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[0 1 0] /Rect [256.6963 541.4209 268.6515 549.8338] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.machiels) >> >> endobj -477 0 obj << +482 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[0 1 0] /Rect [131.853 409.914 143.8082 418.3269] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.sblas97) >> >> endobj -478 0 obj << +483 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[0 1 0] /Rect [148.4793 409.914 160.4345 418.3269] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.sblas02) >> >> endobj -479 0 obj << +484 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[0 1 0] /Rect [141.6002 397.9589 148.574 406.3718] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.BLAS1) >> >> endobj -480 0 obj << +485 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[0 1 0] /Rect [152.6698 397.9589 159.6437 406.3718] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.BLAS2) >> >> endobj -481 0 obj << +486 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[0 1 0] /Rect [163.7394 397.9589 170.7133 406.3718] @@ -4324,13 +4370,13 @@ endobj /A << /S /GoTo /D (cite.BLAS3) >> >> endobj 10 0 obj << -/D [473 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +/D [478 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj -472 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R >> +477 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -495 0 obj << +500 0 obj << /Length 11758 >> stream @@ -4429,63 +4475,63 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -494 0 obj << +499 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 495 0 R -/Resources 493 0 R +/Contents 500 0 R +/Resources 498 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 375 0 R -/Annots [ 500 0 R 501 0 R 502 0 R 506 0 R 507 0 R ] +/Parent 379 0 R +/Annots [ 505 0 R 506 0 R 507 0 R 511 0 R 512 0 R ] >> endobj -500 0 obj << +505 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [308.6924 584.1419 315.6663 594.9901] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.1) >> >> endobj -501 0 obj << +506 0 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Td[(A)-321(halo)-321(p)-27(oin)28(t)-321(for)-321(a)-321(giv)28(en)-321(domain)-321(i)1(s)-322(a)-321(p)-28(oin)29(t)-322(b)-27(elongi)1(ng)-321(to)-322(an)1(other)-321(domain)]TJ -6.7038 -11.9552 Td[(suc)27(h)-346(that)-346(there)-347(is)-347(a)-347(b)-27(oun)1(dary)-346(p)-28(oi)1(n)28(t)-347(whi)1(c)27(h)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 188.3186 0 Td[(dep)51(ends)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 37.8802 0 Td[(on)-346(it.)-485(Wh)1(e)-1(n)1(e)-1(v)28(er)-347(p)-27(er-)]TJ -226.1988 -11.9551 Td[(for)1(m)-1(i)1(ng)-281(a)-280(c)-1(ompu)1(tation)1(al)-281(ste)-1(p)1(,)-291(suc)27(h)-280(as)-281(a)-281(matri)1(x-)-1(v)28(ector)-281(p)1(ro)-28(d)1(uct,)-291(the)-281(v)56(alu)1(e)-1(s)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(ass)-1(o)-28(ciated)-346(with)-346(h)1(alo)-346(p)-28(oin)29(ts)-347(are)-346(re)-1(q)1(ues)-1(ted)-346(fr)1(om)-347(oth)1(e)-1(r)-346(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(ns.)-483(A)-347(b)-27(oun)1(d-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(ary)-321(p)-28(oin)29(t)-322(of)-322(a)-322(giv)28(en)-322(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(n)-322(is)-322(a)-322(halo)-322(p)-27(oin)29(t)-322(for)-322(\050at)-321(le)-1(ast\051)-322(an)1(other)-322(domain)1(;)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(th)1(e)-1(refor)1(e)-384(th)1(e)-384(c)-1(ar)1(din)1(alit)28(y)-383(of)-383(th)1(e)-384(b)-27(ound)1(ary)-383(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-384(set)-384(d)1(e)-1(n)1(ote)-1(s)-383(the)-384(amou)1(n)28(t)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(of)-333(d)1(ata)-334(se)-1(n)29(t)-334(t)1(o)-334(oth)1(e)-1(r)-333(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(ns.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 182.3153 630.5991 Td[(A)-321(halo)-321(p)-27(oin)28(t)-321(for)-321(a)-321(giv)28(en)-321(domain)-321(i)1(s)-322(a)-321(p)-28(oin)29(t)-322(b)-27(elongi)1(ng)-321(to)-322(an)1(other)-321(domain)]TJ -6.7038 -11.9551 Td[(suc)27(h)-346(that)-346(there)-347(is)-347(a)-347(b)-27(oun)1(dary)-346(p)-28(oi)1(n)28(t)-347(whi)1(c)27(h)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 188.3186 0 Td[(dep)51(ends)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 37.8802 0 Td[(on)-346(it.)-485(Wh)1(e)-1(n)1(e)-1(v)28(er)-347(p)-27(er-)]TJ -226.1988 -11.9552 Td[(for)1(m)-1(i)1(ng)-281(a)-280(c)-1(ompu)1(tation)1(al)-281(ste)-1(p)1(,)-291(suc)27(h)-280(as)-281(a)-281(matri)1(x-)-1(v)28(ector)-281(p)1(ro)-28(d)1(uct,)-291(the)-281(v)56(alu)1(e)-1(s)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(ass)-1(o)-28(ciated)-346(with)-346(h)1(alo)-346(p)-28(oin)29(ts)-347(are)-346(re)-1(q)1(ues)-1(ted)-346(fr)1(om)-347(oth)1(e)-1(r)-346(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(ns.)-483(A)-347(b)-27(oun)1(d-)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(ary)-321(p)-28(oin)29(t)-322(of)-322(a)-322(giv)28(en)-322(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(n)-322(is)-322(a)-322(halo)-322(p)-27(oin)29(t)-322(for)-322(\050at)-321(le)-1(ast\051)-322(an)1(other)-322(domain)1(;)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-1(refor)1(e)-384(th)1(e)-384(c)-1(ar)1(din)1(alit)28(y)-383(of)-383(th)1(e)-384(b)-27(ound)1(ary)-383(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-384(set)-384(d)1(e)-1(n)1(ote)-1(s)-383(the)-384(amou)1(n)28(t)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(of)-333(d)1(ata)-334(se)-1(n)29(t)-334(t)1(o)-334(oth)1(e)-1(r)-333(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(ns.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 535.2806 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 539.036 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -535.2806 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -539.036 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 535.2806 Td[(Ov)32(erlap.)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 539.036 Td[(Ov)32(erlap.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 193.3088 535.2806 cm +1 0 0 1 193.3088 539.036 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -193.3088 -535.2806 cm +1 0 0 1 -193.3088 -539.036 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 198.2901 535.2806 Td[(An)-339(o)28(v)28(erlap)-338(p)-28(oi)1(n)28(t)-339(is)-339(a)-339(b)-28(ou)1(nd)1(ary)-339(p)-27(oin)28(t)-339(ass)-1(i)1(gned)-339(to)-339(m)28(ulti)1(ple)-339(domains.)]TJ -22.6786 -11.9552 Td[(An)28(y)-296(op)-28(erati)1(on)-297(th)1(at)-297(in)29(v)28(olv)28(e)-1(s)-297(an)-296(o)28(v)28(e)-1(rl)1(ap)-297(p)-27(oin)28(t)-296(has)-297(to)-297(b)-27(e)-297(repli)1(c)-1(ated)-296(for)-296(e)-1(ac)27(h)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(ass)-1(ign)1(m)-1(en)28(t.)]TJ -24.9066 -20.7943 Td[(Ov)28(erlap)-328(p)-27(oin)29(ts)-329(do)-328(not)-328(u)1(s)-1(u)1(ally)-328(e)-1(x)1(is)-1(t)-328(in)-327(the)-329(b)1(as)-1(i)1(c)-329(data)-328(di)1(s)-1(tr)1(ibu)1(tion,)-329(b)1(ut)-328(th)1(e)-1(y)-328(are)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(a)-422(fea)-1(t)1(ure)-423(of)-422(Domain)-422(Decom)-1(p)-27(os)-1(i)1(tion)-422(Sc)28(h)28(w)27(ar)1(z)-423(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(rs)-422(w)-1(h)1(ic)27(h)-422(w)28(e)-423(are)-423(in)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s)-333(of)-333(inclu)1(din)1(g)-334(i)1(n)-333(our)-333(d)1(is)-1(tr)1(ibu)1(tion)-333([)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 198.2901 539.036 Td[(An)-339(o)28(v)28(erlap)-338(p)-28(oi)1(n)28(t)-339(is)-339(a)-339(b)-28(ou)1(nd)1(ary)-339(p)-27(oin)28(t)-339(ass)-1(i)1(gned)-339(to)-339(m)28(ulti)1(ple)-339(domains.)]TJ -22.6786 -11.9552 Td[(An)28(y)-296(op)-28(erati)1(on)-297(th)1(at)-297(in)29(v)28(olv)28(e)-1(s)-297(an)-296(o)28(v)28(e)-1(rl)1(ap)-297(p)-27(oin)28(t)-296(has)-297(to)-297(b)-27(e)-297(repli)1(c)-1(ated)-296(for)-296(e)-1(ac)27(h)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(ass)-1(ign)1(m)-1(en)28(t.)]TJ -24.9066 -19.739 Td[(Ov)28(erlap)-328(p)-27(oin)29(ts)-329(do)-328(not)-328(u)1(s)-1(u)1(ally)-328(e)-1(x)1(is)-1(t)-328(in)-327(the)-329(b)1(as)-1(i)1(c)-329(data)-328(di)1(s)-1(tr)1(ibu)1(tion,)-329(b)1(ut)-328(th)1(e)-1(y)-328(are)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(a)-422(fea)-1(t)1(ure)-423(of)-422(Domain)-422(Decom)-1(p)-27(os)-1(i)1(tion)-422(Sc)28(h)28(w)27(ar)1(z)-423(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(rs)-422(w)-1(h)1(ic)27(h)-422(w)28(e)-423(are)-423(in)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s)-333(of)-333(inclu)1(din)1(g)-334(i)1(n)-333(our)-333(d)1(is)-1(tr)1(ibu)1(tion)-333([)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 343.5653 466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 343.5653 471.4764 cm 0 1 0 rg 0 1 0 RG -1 0 0 1 -343.5653 -466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 -343.5653 -471.4764 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 343.5653 466.6657 Td[(6)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 343.5653 471.4764 Td[(6)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 348.5467 466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 348.5467 471.4764 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -348.5467 -466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 -348.5467 -471.4764 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 348.5467 466.6657 Td[(,)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 348.5467 471.4764 Td[(,)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 354.635 466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 354.635 471.4764 cm 0 1 0 rg 0 1 0 RG -1 0 0 1 -354.635 -466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 -354.635 -471.4764 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 354.635 466.6657 Td[(11)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 354.635 471.4764 Td[(11)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 364.5976 466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 364.5976 471.4764 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -364.5976 -466.6657 cm +1 0 0 1 -364.5976 -471.4764 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 364.5976 466.6657 Td[(].)]TJ -198.9488 -12.2449 Td[(W)84(e)-314(denote)-314(th)1(e)-314(s)-1(ets)-314(of)-313(in)28(ternal)1(,)-318(b)-27(oun)1(dar)1(y)-314(an)1(d)-313(halo)-313(p)-28(oi)1(n)28(ts)-314(for)-313(a)-313(giv)28(e)-1(n)-313(sub)-27(do-)]TJ -14.9439 -11.9551 Td[(main)-338(b)28(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 38.8411 0 Td[(I)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.1602 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 6.1492 0 Td[(B)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.2161 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 19.4206 0 Td[(H)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.5097 0 Td[(.)-459(E)1(ac)27(h)-338(sub)-27(domain)-338(i)1(s)-339(as)-1(sign)1(e)-1(d)-338(to)-338(on)1(e)-339(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(;)-340(e)-1(ac)28(h)-338(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(ess)]TJ -89.297 -11.9552 Td[(usual)1(ly)-280(o)28(wns)-281(on)1(e)-281(sub)-27(domain)1(,)-291(alth)1(ough)-279(the)-280(use)-1(r)-280(ma)28(y)-280(c)27(h)1(o)-28(os)-1(e)-280(to)-280(as)-1(sign)-280(more)-280(than)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(one)-294(s)-1(u)1(b)-28(d)1(omain)-294(to)-294(a)-294(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s.)-431(If)-294(eac)27(h)-294(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 192.2965 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.363 0 Td[(o)28(wns)-295(on)1(e)-295(sub)-27(domain)1(,)-302(the)-294(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(r)]TJ -198.6595 -11.9551 Td[(of)-296(ro)28(ws)-297(in)-296(th)1(e)-297(lo)-28(cal)-297(spar)1(s)-1(e)-297(matr)1(ix)-296(is)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 156.2156 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.2469 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 9.2282 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.3109 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(,)-304(an)1(d)-296(the)-297(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-296(of)-296(lo)-28(cal)-297(colu)1(m)-1(n)1(s)]TJ -196.5949 -11.9552 Td[(\050i.)1(e)-1(.)-514(those)-358(f)1(or)-357(wh)1(ic)27(h)-356(there)-357(exists)-357(at)-357(leas)-1(t)-356(one)-357(non)1(-)-1(ze)-1(r)1(o)-357(en)28(try)-356(in)-356(the)-357(lo)-28(cal)-357(r)1(o)27(ws\051)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(is)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.018 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4943 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.9812 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.311 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.9813 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(jH)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 11.181 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 364.5976 471.4764 Td[(].)]TJ -198.9488 -11.9552 Td[(W)84(e)-314(denote)-314(th)1(e)-314(s)-1(ets)-314(of)-313(in)28(ternal)1(,)-318(b)-27(oun)1(dar)1(y)-314(an)1(d)-313(halo)-313(p)-28(oi)1(n)28(ts)-314(for)-313(a)-313(giv)28(e)-1(n)-313(sub)-27(do-)]TJ -14.9439 -11.9551 Td[(main)-338(b)28(y)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 38.8411 0 Td[(I)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.1602 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 6.1492 0 Td[(B)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.2161 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 19.4206 0 Td[(H)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.5097 0 Td[(.)-459(E)1(ac)27(h)-338(sub)-27(domain)-338(i)1(s)-339(as)-1(sign)1(e)-1(d)-338(to)-338(on)1(e)-339(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(;)-340(e)-1(ac)28(h)-338(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(ess)]TJ -89.297 -11.9552 Td[(usual)1(ly)-280(o)28(wns)-281(on)1(e)-281(sub)-27(domain)1(,)-291(alth)1(ough)-279(the)-280(use)-1(r)-280(ma)28(y)-280(c)27(h)1(o)-28(os)-1(e)-280(to)-280(as)-1(sign)-280(more)-280(than)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(one)-294(s)-1(u)1(b)-28(d)1(omain)-294(to)-294(a)-294(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s.)-431(If)-294(eac)27(h)-294(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 192.2965 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.363 0 Td[(o)28(wns)-295(on)1(e)-295(sub)-27(domain)1(,)-302(the)-294(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(r)]TJ -198.6595 -11.9551 Td[(of)-296(ro)28(ws)-297(in)-296(th)1(e)-297(lo)-28(cal)-297(spar)1(s)-1(e)-297(matr)1(ix)-296(is)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 156.2156 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.2469 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 9.2282 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.3109 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(,)-304(an)1(d)-296(the)-297(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-296(of)-296(lo)-28(cal)-297(colu)1(m)-1(n)1(s)]TJ -196.5949 -11.9552 Td[(\050i.)1(e)-1(.)-514(those)-358(f)1(or)-357(wh)1(ic)27(h)-356(there)-357(exists)-357(at)-357(leas)-1(t)-356(one)-357(non)1(-)-1(ze)-1(r)1(o)-357(en)28(try)-356(in)-356(the)-357(lo)-28(cal)-357(r)1(o)27(ws\051)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(is)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.018 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4943 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.9812 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.311 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.9813 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(jH)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 11.181 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 367.6647 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 373.4376 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 97.5748 0 cm +1 0 0 1 66.7754 0 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 4.9814 0 cm +1 0 0 1 4.9813 0 cm q 0 -1 1 0 0 0 cm - q 0.45 0 0 0.45 0 0 cm + q 0.65 0 0 0.65 0 0 cm q 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm /Im2 Do Q Q Q -1 0 0 1 6.6868 -151.1389 cm +1 0 0 1 37.4863 -205.938 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -259.9479 -216.5258 cm +1 0 0 1 -259.9479 -167.4996 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 259.9479 216.5258 Td[(Figu)1(re)-334(2:)-444(P)28(oi)1(n)28(t)-333(c)-1(lass\014cation.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 259.9479 167.4996 Td[(Figu)1(re)-334(2:)-444(P)28(oi)1(n)28(t)-333(c)-1(lass\014cation.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 385.173 216.5258 cm +1 0 0 1 385.173 167.4996 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -234.4681 -1.9372 cm +1 0 0 1 -234.4681 -1.9371 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -214.5886 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -165.5625 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6488 192.5896 Td[(This)-267(class)-1(i\014)1(c)-1(at)1(ion)-266(of)-267(mes)-1(h)-266(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-267(gui)1(des)-267(the)-267(namin)1(g)-267(sc)27(heme)-268(t)1(hat)-267(w)28(e)-267(adop)1(te)-1(d)]TJ -14.9439 -11.9552 Td[(in)-473(the)-474(lib)1(rary)-473(in)28(ternal)1(s)-475(an)1(d)-474(in)-473(the)-474(data)-474(stru)1(c)-1(tu)1(res)-1(.)-866(W)84(e)-475(expl)1(ic)-1(i)1(tly)-474(n)1(ote)-475(th)1(at)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(\134Halo")-333(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-334(ar)1(e)-334(also)-334(of)1(te)-1(n)-333(called)-333(\134gh)1(os)-1(t")-333(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-334(i)1(n)-333(the)-334(l)1(iteratur)1(e)-1(.)]TJ/F18 11.9552 Tf 0 -29.4252 Td[(2.)-1(2)-1125(Li)-1(brar)-1(y)-375(con)31(te)-1(n)32(t)-1(s)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.9285 Td[(The)-334(P)1(SBLAS)-333(li)1(brar)1(y)-333(c)-1(on)1(s)-1(ists)-334(of)-333(v)56(ari)1(ous)-334(class)-1(es)-334(of)-333(subr)1(outi)1(nes)-1(:)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 165.6489 144.236 Td[(This)-267(class)-1(i\014)1(c)-1(at)1(ion)-266(of)-267(mes)-1(h)-266(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-267(gui)1(des)-267(the)-267(namin)1(g)-267(sc)27(heme)-268(t)1(hat)-267(w)28(e)-267(adop)1(te)-1(d)]TJ -14.944 -11.9552 Td[(in)-473(the)-474(lib)1(rary)-473(in)28(ternal)1(s)-475(an)1(d)-474(in)-473(the)-474(data)-474(stru)1(c)-1(tu)1(res)-1(.)-866(W)84(e)-475(expl)1(ic)-1(i)1(tly)-474(n)1(ote)-475(th)1(at)]TJ 0 -11.9552 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-141.7385 -650.5936 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 685.7303 Td[(Sp)1(arse)-334(matrix)-333(b)28(y)-333(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-333(pro)-27(du)1(c)-1(t;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 650.5936 Td[(Sp)1(arse)-334(matrix)-333(b)28(y)-333(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-333(pro)-27(du)1(c)-1(t;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 669.5535 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 635.555 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -669.5535 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -635.555 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 669.5535 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 635.555 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 669.5535 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 635.555 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -669.5535 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -635.555 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 669.5535 Td[(Sp)1(arse)-334(tri)1(angu)1(lar)-333(s)-1(y)1(s)-1(tem)-1(s)-333(s)-1(olu)1(tion)-333(f)1(or)-333(blo)-27(c)27(k)-333(diagon)1(al)-333(m)-1(at)1(rice)-1(s;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 635.555 Td[(Sp)1(arse)-334(tri)1(angu)1(lar)-333(s)-1(y)1(s)-1(tem)-1(s)-333(s)-1(olu)1(tion)-333(f)1(or)-333(blo)-27(c)27(k)-333(diagon)1(al)-333(m)-1(at)1(rice)-1(s;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 653.3767 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 620.5163 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -653.3767 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -620.5163 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 653.3767 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 620.5163 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 653.3767 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 620.5163 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -653.3767 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -620.5163 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 653.3767 Td[(V)83(ec)-1(t)1(or)-333(and)-333(matrix)-333(n)1(orms)-1(;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 620.5163 Td[(V)83(ec)-1(t)1(or)-333(and)-333(matrix)-333(n)1(orms)-1(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 637.1998 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 605.4777 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -637.1998 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -605.4777 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 637.1998 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 605.4777 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 637.1998 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 605.4777 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -637.1998 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -605.4777 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 637.1998 Td[(Dense)-334(matrix)-333(sums)-1(;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 605.4777 Td[(Dense)-334(matrix)-333(sums)-1(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 621.023 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 590.439 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -621.023 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -590.439 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 621.023 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 590.439 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 621.023 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 590.439 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -621.023 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -590.439 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 621.023 Td[(Dot)-333(pr)1(o)-28(du)1(c)-1(ts.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 590.439 Td[(Dot)-333(pr)1(o)-28(du)1(c)-1(ts.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 600.6245 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 571.4153 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -600.6245 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -571.4153 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 600.6245 Td[(Comm)32(unic)-1(ation)-384(r)1(outi)-1(nes)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 571.4153 Td[(Comm)32(unic)-1(ation)-384(r)1(outi)-1(nes)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 223.3844 600.6245 cm +1 0 0 1 223.3844 571.4153 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -223.3844 -600.6245 cm +1 0 0 1 -223.3844 -571.4153 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 228.3657 600.6245 Td[(han)1(dl)1(ing)-333(hal)1(o)-334(an)1(d)-333(o)28(v)28(e)-1(rl)1(ap)-333(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)1(s)-1(;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 228.3657 571.4153 Td[(han)1(dl)1(ing)-333(hal)1(o)-334(an)1(d)-333(o)28(v)28(e)-1(rl)1(ap)-333(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)1(s)-1(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 580.226 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 552.3916 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -580.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -552.3916 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 580.226 Td[(Data)-384(managemen)32(t)-384(and)-383(auxil)-1(iary)-383(routines)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 552.3916 Td[(Data)-384(managemen)32(t)-384(and)-383(auxil)-1(iary)-383(routines)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 305.631 580.226 cm +1 0 0 1 305.631 552.3916 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -305.631 -580.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -305.631 -552.3916 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 310.6123 580.226 Td[(in)1(c)-1(lu)1(di)1(ng:)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 310.6123 552.3916 Td[(in)1(c)-1(lu)1(di)1(ng:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 559.8275 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 533.3679 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -559.8275 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -533.3679 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 559.8275 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 533.3679 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 559.8275 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 533.3679 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -559.8275 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -533.3679 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 559.8275 Td[(P)28(ar)1(allel)-334(en)28(vi)1(ronmen)28(t)-333(m)-1(an)1(age)-1(me)-1(n)29(t)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 533.3679 Td[(P)28(ar)1(allel)-334(en)28(vi)1(ronmen)28(t)-333(m)-1(an)1(age)-1(me)-1(n)29(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 543.6507 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 518.3292 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -543.6507 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -518.3292 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 543.6507 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 518.3292 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 543.6507 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 518.3292 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -543.6507 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -518.3292 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 543.6507 Td[(Com)-1(m)28(un)1(ication)-333(desc)-1(ri)1(ptors)-333(allo)-28(cation)1(;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 518.3292 Td[(Com)-1(m)28(un)1(ication)-333(desc)-1(ri)1(ptors)-333(allo)-28(cation)1(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 527.4738 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 503.2906 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -527.4738 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -503.2906 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 527.4738 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 503.2906 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 527.4738 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 503.2906 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -527.4738 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -503.2906 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 527.4738 Td[(Dense)-334(and)-333(spar)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-333(allo)-28(cation)1(;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 503.2906 Td[(Dense)-334(and)-333(spar)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-333(allo)-28(cation)1(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 511.297 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 488.2519 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -511.297 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -488.2519 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 511.297 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 488.2519 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 511.297 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 488.2519 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -511.297 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -488.2519 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 511.297 Td[(Dense)-334(and)-333(spar)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-333(bu)1(ild)-333(an)1(d)-333(up)-27(date;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 488.2519 Td[(Dense)-334(and)-333(spar)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-333(bu)1(ild)-333(an)1(d)-333(up)-27(date;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 495.1201 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 473.2132 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -495.1201 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -473.2132 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 495.1201 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 136.7572 473.2132 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 495.1201 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 473.2132 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -495.1201 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -473.2132 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 495.1201 Td[(Sp)1(arse)-334(matrix)-333(an)1(d)-333(data)-333(di)1(s)-1(tr)1(ibu)1(tion)-333(p)1(re)-1(p)1(ro)-28(ces)-1(sing.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 473.2132 Td[(Sp)1(arse)-334(matrix)-333(an)1(d)-333(data)-333(di)1(s)-1(tr)1(ibu)1(tion)-333(p)1(re)-1(p)1(ro)-28(ces)-1(sing.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 474.7216 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 454.1895 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -474.7216 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -454.1895 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 474.7216 Td[(Preconditi)-1(oner)-383(r)1(outi)-1(nes)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 454.1895 Td[(Preconditi)-1(oner)-383(r)1(outi)-1(nes)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 218.5346 474.7216 cm +1 0 0 1 218.5346 454.1895 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -123.6205 -20.3985 cm +1 0 0 1 -123.6205 -19.0237 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -454.3231 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -435.1658 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 454.3231 Td[(Iterati)-1(v)32(e)-383(me)-1(tho)-32(d)1(s)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 435.1658 Td[(Iterati)-1(v)32(e)-383(me)-1(tho)-32(d)1(s)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 189.2211 454.3231 cm +1 0 0 1 189.2211 435.1658 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -189.2211 -454.3231 cm +1 0 0 1 -189.2211 -435.1658 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 194.2024 454.3231 Td[(a)-333(s)-1(u)1(bse)-1(t)-333(of)-333(Kr)1(ylo)28(v)-333(s)-1(u)1(bspace)-334(iterativ)28(e)-333(m)-1(etho)-27(ds)]TJ -94.307 -20.2802 Td[(The)-392(f)1(ollo)28(wing)-391(namin)1(g)-392(sc)27(h)1(e)-1(me)-392(h)1(as)-392(b)-28(ee)-1(n)-391(ad)1(opted)-391(for)-391(al)1(l)-392(t)1(he)-392(sym)27(b)-27(ols)-392(i)1(n)28(te)-1(r)1(nall)1(y)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(de\014n)1(e)-1(d)-332(in)-333(the)-333(PS)1(B)-1(LAS)-333(soft)28(w)28(are)-334(p)1(ac)27(k)56(age)-1(:)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 194.2024 435.1658 Td[(a)-333(s)-1(u)1(bse)-1(t)-333(of)-333(Kr)1(ylo)28(v)-333(s)-1(u)1(bspace)-334(iterativ)28(e)-333(m)-1(etho)-27(ds)]TJ -94.307 -18.1222 Td[(The)-392(f)1(ollo)28(wing)-391(namin)1(g)-392(sc)27(h)1(e)-1(me)-392(h)1(as)-392(b)-28(ee)-1(n)-391(ad)1(opted)-391(for)-391(al)1(l)-392(t)1(he)-392(sym)27(b)-27(ols)-392(i)1(n)28(te)-1(r)1(nall)1(y)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(de\014n)1(e)-1(d)-332(in)-333(the)-333(PS)1(B)-1(LAS)-333(soft)28(w)28(are)-334(p)1(ac)27(k)56(age)-1(:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 401.8076 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 386.9664 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -401.8076 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -386.9664 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 401.8076 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 386.9664 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 401.8076 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 386.9664 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -401.8076 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -386.9664 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 401.8076 Td[(all)-275(t)1(he)-275(s)-1(ym)28(b)-27(ols)-276(\050i)1(.e)-1(.)-424(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tin)1(e)-276(n)1(am)-1(es,)-287(d)1(ata)-275(t)28(yp)-27(e)-1(s...\051)-425(ar)1(e)-276(p)1(re\014xed)-275(b)29(y)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 297.8831 0 Td[(psb_)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 386.9664 Td[(all)-275(t)1(he)-275(s)-1(ym)28(b)-27(ols)-276(\050i)1(.e)-1(.)-424(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tin)1(e)-276(n)1(am)-1(es,)-287(d)1(ata)-275(t)28(yp)-27(e)-1(s...\051)-425(ar)1(e)-276(p)1(re\014xed)-275(b)29(y)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 297.8831 0 Td[(psb_)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 381.4091 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 367.9426 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -381.4091 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -367.9426 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 381.4091 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 367.9426 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 381.4091 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 367.9426 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -381.4091 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -367.9426 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 381.4091 Td[(all)-333(th)1(e)-334(data)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)-334(n)1(am)-1(es)-334(are)-334(su\016xed)-333(b)28(y)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 173.3779 0 Td[(_type)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 367.9426 Td[(all)-333(th)1(e)-334(data)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)-334(n)1(am)-1(es)-334(are)-334(su\016xed)-333(b)28(y)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 173.3779 0 Td[(_type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 361.0105 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 348.9189 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -361.0105 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -348.9189 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 361.0105 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 348.9189 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 361.0105 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 348.9189 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -361.0105 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -348.9189 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 361.0105 Td[(all)-333(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(on)1(s)-1(t)1(an)28(t)-333(v)55(al)1(ues)-334(are)-334(su\016xed)-333(b)28(y)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 167.6217 0 Td[(_)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 348.9189 Td[(all)-333(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(on)1(s)-1(t)1(an)28(t)-333(v)55(al)1(ues)-334(are)-334(su\016xed)-333(b)28(y)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 167.6217 0 Td[(_)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 340.612 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 329.8952 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -340.612 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -329.8952 cm BT -/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 340.612 Td[(\017)]TJ +/F14 9.9626 Tf 114.8394 329.8952 Td[(\017)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 340.612 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 329.8952 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -340.612 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -329.8952 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 340.612 Td[(all)-473(the)-473(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tin)1(e)-474(name)-1(s)-474(f)1(ollo)28(w)-474(th)1(e)-474(ru)1(le)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 186.5005 0 Td[(psb_xxname)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 57.0206 0 Td[(where)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 30.205 0 Td[(xx)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 15.1778 0 Td[(can)-473(b)-28(e)]TJ -288.9039 -11.9551 Td[(either:)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 329.8952 Td[(all)-473(the)-473(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tin)1(e)-474(name)-1(s)-474(f)1(ollo)28(w)-474(th)1(e)-474(ru)1(le)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 186.5005 0 Td[(psb_xxname)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 57.0206 0 Td[(where)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 30.205 0 Td[(xx)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 15.1778 0 Td[(can)-473(b)-28(e)]TJ -288.9039 -11.9552 Td[(either:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 308.2584 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 298.9163 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -308.2584 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -298.9163 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 136.01 308.2584 Td[({)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 136.01 298.9163 Td[({)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 308.2584 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 298.9163 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -308.2584 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -298.9163 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 308.2584 Td[(ge)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(:)-444(the)-333(routi)1(ne)-334(i)1(s)-334(related)-333(to)-334(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-333(data,)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 298.9163 Td[(ge)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(:)-444(the)-333(routi)1(ne)-334(i)1(s)-334(related)-333(to)-334(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-333(data,)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 292.0815 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 283.8777 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -292.0815 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -283.8777 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 136.01 292.0815 Td[({)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 136.01 283.8777 Td[({)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 292.0815 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 283.8777 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -292.0815 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -283.8777 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 292.0815 Td[(sp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(:)-444(the)-333(routi)1(ne)-334(i)1(s)-334(related)-333(to)-334(spar)1(s)-1(e)-334(d)1(ata,)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 283.8777 Td[(sp)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(:)-444(the)-333(routi)1(ne)-334(i)1(s)-334(related)-333(to)-334(spar)1(s)-1(e)-334(d)1(ata,)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.802 275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 124.802 268.839 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.802 -275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.802 -268.839 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 136.01 275.9047 Td[({)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 136.01 268.839 Td[({)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 141.7385 275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7385 268.839 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7385 -268.839 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 275.9047 Td[(cd)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(:)-444(the)-333(routi)1(ne)-334(i)1(s)-334(related)-333(to)-334(comm)27(un)1(ication)-333(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)-333(\050see)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 146.7198 268.839 Td[(cd)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(:)-444(the)-333(routi)1(ne)-334(i)1(s)-334(related)-333(to)-334(comm)27(un)1(ication)-333(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)-333(\050see)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 407.3539 275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 407.3539 268.839 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -407.3539 -275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 -407.3539 -268.839 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 407.3539 275.9047 Td[(3)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 407.3539 268.839 Td[(3)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 412.3352 275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 412.3352 268.839 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -412.3352 -275.9047 cm +1 0 0 1 -412.3352 -268.839 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 412.3352 275.9047 Td[(\051.)]TJ -287.5332 -20.3985 Td[(F)84(or)-276(example)-276(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 72.3296 0 Td[(psb_geins)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 47.073 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 5.628 0 Td[(psb_spins)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.8186 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 18.7964 0 Td[(psb_cdins)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.8186 0 Td[(p)-27(e)-1(r)1(form)-276(t)1(he)-276(s)-1(ame)]TJ -243.4642 -11.9552 Td[(action)-342(\050s)-1(ee)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 412.3352 268.839 Td[(\051.)]TJ -287.5332 -19.0237 Td[(F)84(or)-276(example)-276(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 72.3296 0 Td[(psb_geins)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 47.073 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 5.628 0 Td[(psb_spins)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.8186 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 18.7964 0 Td[(psb_cdins)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.8186 0 Td[(p)-27(e)-1(r)1(form)-276(t)1(he)-276(s)-1(ame)]TJ -243.4642 -11.9552 Td[(action)-342(\050s)-1(ee)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 174.8595 243.551 cm +1 0 0 1 174.8595 237.8601 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -174.8595 -243.551 cm +1 0 0 1 -174.8595 -237.8601 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.8595 243.551 Td[(6)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.8595 237.8601 Td[(6)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.8409 243.551 cm +1 0 0 1 179.8409 237.8601 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -179.8409 -243.551 cm +1 0 0 1 -179.8409 -237.8601 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 179.8409 243.551 Td[(\051)-343(on)-342(dense)-343(m)-1(atr)1(ice)-1(s,)-345(s)-1(p)1(arse)-344(matri)1(c)-1(es)-344(an)1(d)-342(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)-342(de-)]TJ -55.0389 -11.9552 Td[(sc)-1(ri)1(ptor)1(s)-358(r)1(e)-1(sp)-28(ec)-1(t)1(iv)28(e)-1(l)1(y)83(.)-515(In)29(te)-1(r)1(face)-358(o)28(v)28(erload)1(ing)-357(al)1(lo)28(w)-1(s)-357(th)1(e)-358(u)1(s)-1(age)-357(of)-356(the)-357(sam)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(subr)1(outi)1(ne)-334(in)29(te)-1(r)1(face)-1(s)-334(f)1(or)-333(b)-28(ot)1(h)-333(real)-334(an)1(d)-333(com)-1(p)1(le)-1(x)-333(d)1(ata.)]TJ -24.9066 -20.2802 Td[(In)-320(th)1(e)-321(desc)-1(ri)1(ption)-319(of)-320(the)-320(s)-1(u)1(br)1(outin)1(e)-1(s,)-323(ar)1(gume)-1(n)28(t)1(s)-321(or)-320(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(t)-320(en)28(tri)1(e)-1(s)-321(ar)1(e)-321(clas)-1(si-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(\014ed)-333(as:)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 179.8409 237.8601 Td[(\051)-343(on)-342(dense)-343(m)-1(atr)1(ice)-1(s,)-345(s)-1(p)1(arse)-344(matri)1(c)-1(es)-344(an)1(d)-342(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)-342(de-)]TJ -55.0389 -11.9552 Td[(sc)-1(ri)1(ptor)1(s)-358(r)1(e)-1(sp)-28(ec)-1(t)1(iv)28(e)-1(l)1(y)83(.)-515(In)29(te)-1(r)1(face)-358(o)28(v)28(erload)1(ing)-357(al)1(lo)28(w)-1(s)-357(th)1(e)-358(u)1(s)-1(age)-357(of)-356(the)-357(sam)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(subr)1(outi)1(ne)-334(in)29(te)-1(r)1(face)-1(s)-334(f)1(or)-333(b)-28(ot)1(h)-333(real)-334(an)1(d)-333(com)-1(p)1(le)-1(x)-333(d)1(ata.)]TJ -24.9066 -18.1222 Td[(In)-320(th)1(e)-321(desc)-1(ri)1(ption)-319(of)-320(the)-320(s)-1(u)1(br)1(outin)1(e)-1(s,)-323(ar)1(gume)-1(n)28(t)1(s)-321(or)-320(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(t)-320(en)28(tri)1(e)-1(s)-321(ar)1(e)-321(clas)-1(si-)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(\014ed)-333(as:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 167.1251 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 165.7503 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -167.1251 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -165.7503 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 167.1251 Td[(global)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 165.7503 Td[(global)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 129.6517 167.1251 cm +1 0 0 1 129.6517 165.7503 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -129.6517 -167.1251 cm +1 0 0 1 -129.6517 -165.7503 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 134.633 167.1251 Td[(F)84(or)-228(inp)1(ut)-228(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts,)-249(the)-228(v)55(al)1(ue)-229(m)28(ust)-228(b)-28(e)-229(t)1(he)-229(same)-229(on)-228(all)-228(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-229(p)1(artici-)]TJ -9.831 -11.9552 Td[(pat)1(ing)-252(in)-252(the)-253(sub)1(routi)1(ne)-253(call;)-279(for)-252(out)1(put)-252(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts)-253(th)1(e)-253(v)55(al)1(ue)-253(is)-253(gu)1(aran)28(tee)-1(d)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(to)-333(b)-28(e)-333(the)-334(same)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 134.633 165.7503 Td[(F)84(or)-228(inp)1(ut)-228(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts,)-249(the)-228(v)55(al)1(ue)-229(m)28(ust)-228(b)-28(e)-229(t)1(he)-229(same)-229(on)-228(all)-228(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-229(p)1(artici-)]TJ -9.831 -11.9552 Td[(pat)1(ing)-252(in)-252(the)-253(sub)1(routi)1(ne)-253(call;)-279(for)-252(out)1(put)-252(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts)-253(th)1(e)-253(v)55(al)1(ue)-253(is)-253(gu)1(aran)28(tee)-1(d)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(to)-333(b)-28(e)-333(the)-334(same)-1(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 94.9141 122.8163 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -5175,36 +5167,39 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -553 0 obj << +555 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 554 0 R -/Resources 552 0 R +/Contents 556 0 R +/Resources 554 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 542 0 R -/Annots [ 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578 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 685.5349 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 579 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.5113 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj 580 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 588.4296 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 685.5349 null] >> endobj 581 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 563.6247 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.5113 null] >> endobj 582 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 526.8646 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 588.4296 null] >> endobj 583 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 502.0596 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 563.6247 null] >> endobj 584 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 477.2547 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 526.8646 null] >> endobj 585 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 449.5141 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 502.0596 null] >> endobj 586 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 419.1788 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 477.2547 null] >> endobj 587 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 388.5669 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 449.5141 null] >> endobj 588 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 369.9101 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 419.1788 null] >> endobj 589 0 obj << -/D [574 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 351.53 null] +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 388.5669 null] >> endobj -573 0 obj << -/Font << /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +590 0 obj << +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 369.9101 null] +>> endobj +591 0 obj << +/D [576 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 351.53 null] +>> endobj +575 0 obj << +/Font << /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -592 0 obj << +594 0 obj << /Length 3003 >> stream @@ -5636,24 +5631,24 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -591 0 obj << +593 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 592 0 R -/Resources 590 0 R +/Contents 594 0 R +/Resources 592 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 542 0 R +/Parent 547 0 R >> endobj -593 0 obj << -/D [591 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +595 0 obj << +/D [593 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj 30 0 obj << -/D [591 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 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[595 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 220.6215 null] +/D [597 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 329.2067 null] >> endobj 608 0 obj << -/D [595 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 205.4304 null] +/D [597 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 235.8127 null] >> endobj 609 0 obj << -/D [595 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 190.2393 null] +/D [597 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 220.6215 null] >> endobj 610 0 obj << -/D [595 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 175.0481 null] +/D [597 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 205.4304 null] >> endobj -594 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F29 371 0 R >> +611 0 obj << +/D [597 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 190.2393 null] +>> endobj +612 0 obj << +/D [597 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 175.0481 null] +>> endobj +596 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -613 0 obj << -/Length 10176 +615 0 obj << +/Length 10201 >> stream 1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm @@ -6162,7 +6157,7 @@ Q 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -161.2497 -480.0052 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 166.231 480.0052 Td[(type)-525(psb_desc_type)]TJ 15.6911 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(matrix_data\050:\051,)-525(halo_index\050:\051)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(overlap_elem\050:\051,)-525(overlap_index\050:\051)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(loc_to_glob\050:\051,)-525(glob_to_loc\050:\051)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(hashv\050:\051,)-525(glb_lc\050:,:\051)]TJ -15.6911 -11.9552 Td[(end)-525(type)-525(psb_desc_type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 166.231 480.0052 Td[(type)-525(psb_desc_type)]TJ 15.6911 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(matrix_data\050:\051,)-525(halo_index\050:\051,)-525(ext_index\050:\051)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(overlap_elem\050:\051,)-525(overlap_index\050:\051)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(loc_to_glob\050:\051,)-525(glob_to_loc\050:\051)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(hashv\050:\051,)-525(glb_lc\050:,:\051)]TJ -15.6911 -11.9552 Td[(end)-525(type)-525(psb_desc_type)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 486.8599 410.0453 cm q @@ -6396,33 +6391,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -612 0 obj << +614 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 613 0 R -/Resources 611 0 R +/Contents 615 0 R +/Resources 613 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 618 0 R ->> endobj -614 0 obj << -/D [612 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] ->> endobj -615 0 obj << -/D [612 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 698.1831 null] +/Parent 620 0 R >> endobj 616 0 obj << -/D [612 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 682.2222 null] +/D [614 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj 617 0 obj << -/D [612 0 R /XYZ 198.2214 393.7619 null] +/D [614 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 698.1831 null] +>> endobj +618 0 obj << +/D [614 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 682.2222 null] +>> endobj +619 0 obj << +/D [614 0 R /XYZ 198.2214 393.7619 null] >> endobj 42 0 obj << -/D [612 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 232.5032 null] +/D [614 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 232.5032 null] >> endobj -611 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +613 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -621 0 obj << +623 0 obj << /Length 11273 >> stream @@ -6718,35 +6713,35 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -620 0 obj << +622 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 621 0 R -/Resources 619 0 R +/Contents 623 0 R +/Resources 621 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 618 0 R -/Annots [ 624 0 R ] +/Parent 620 0 R +/Annots [ 626 0 R ] >> endobj -624 0 obj << +626 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [266.6315 160.3699 273.6053 171.2181] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.4) >> >> endobj -622 0 obj << -/D [620 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +624 0 obj << +/D [622 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 46 0 obj << -/D [620 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +/D [622 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj -623 0 obj << -/D [620 0 R /XYZ 119.6419 687.7395 null] +625 0 obj << +/D [622 0 R /XYZ 119.6419 687.7395 null] >> endobj -619 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F29 371 0 R >> +621 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -628 0 obj << +630 0 obj << /Length 11954 >> stream @@ -7153,40 +7148,40 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -627 0 obj << +629 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 628 0 R -/Resources 626 0 R +/Contents 630 0 R +/Resources 628 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 618 0 R ->> endobj -629 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] ->> endobj -625 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 206.3709 569.5632 null] ->> endobj -630 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 535.9359 null] +/Parent 620 0 R >> endobj 631 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 485.6721 null] +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +>> endobj +627 0 obj << +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 206.3709 569.5632 null] >> endobj 632 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 434.6101 null] +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 535.9359 null] >> endobj 633 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 418.765 null] +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 485.6721 null] +>> endobj +634 0 obj << +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 434.6101 null] +>> endobj +635 0 obj << +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 418.765 null] >> endobj 50 0 obj << -/D [627 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 240.0087 null] +/D [629 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 240.0087 null] >> endobj -626 0 obj << -/Font << /F32 505 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F29 371 0 R >> +628 0 obj << +/Font << /F32 510 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -636 0 obj << -/Length 9403 +638 0 obj << +/Length 8907 >> stream 1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm @@ -7238,9 +7233,9 @@ Q 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -175.1314 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.1128 706.1289 Td[(Up)-27(date)-398(s)-1(tr)1(ate)-1(gy)-398(b)1(as)-1(ed)-398(on)-398(ad)1(di)1(tional)-398(p)-27(erm)27(u)1(tation)-397(data)-398(\050se)-1(e)]TJ -55.3108 -11.9552 Td[(to)-28(ol)1(s)-334(rou)1(tine)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tion\051.)]TJ/F18 11.9552 Tf -24.9066 -29.1152 Td[(3.)-1(3)-1125(Pre)-1(condi)-1(ti)-1(one)-1(r)-375(data)-375(st)-1(ruct)-1(ure)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -18.8197 Td[(Ou)1(r)-383(base)-384(l)1(ibr)1(ary)-383(o\013e)-1(r)1(s)-384(sup)1(p)-28(or)1(t)-383(for)-383(simple)-383(w)27(ell)-383(k)1(no)28(wn)-383(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r)1(s)-384(lik)28(e)-383(Di-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(agonal)-333(S)1(c)-1(al)1(ing)-333(or)-333(Blo)-28(c)27(k)-333(Jacobi)-333(with)-333(i)1(ncom)-1(p)1(le)-1(t)1(e)-334(factorization)-333(ILU\0500\051)1(.)]TJ 14.9439 -12.1864 Td[(A)-275(p)1(rec)-1(on)1(diti)1(oner)-275(i)1(s)-276(h)1(e)-1(l)1(d)-275(i)1(n)-275(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 133.5909 0 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.1128 706.1289 Td[(Up)-27(date)-398(s)-1(tr)1(ate)-1(gy)-398(b)1(as)-1(ed)-398(on)-398(ad)1(di)1(tional)-398(p)-27(erm)27(u)1(tation)-397(data)-398(\050se)-1(e)]TJ -55.3108 -11.9552 Td[(to)-28(ol)1(s)-334(rou)1(tine)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tion\051.)]TJ/F18 11.9552 Tf -24.9066 -31.7337 Td[(3.)-1(3)-1125(Pre)-1(condi)-1(ti)-1(one)-1(r)-375(data)-375(st)-1(ruct)-1(ure)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -19.7382 Td[(Ou)1(r)-383(base)-384(l)1(ibr)1(ary)-383(o\013e)-1(r)1(s)-384(sup)1(p)-28(or)1(t)-383(for)-383(simple)-383(w)27(ell)-383(k)1(no)28(wn)-383(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r)1(s)-384(lik)28(e)-383(Di-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(agonal)-333(S)1(c)-1(al)1(ing)-333(or)-333(Blo)-28(c)27(k)-333(Jacobi)-333(with)-333(i)1(ncom)-1(p)1(le)-1(t)1(e)-334(factorization)-333(ILU\0500\051)1(.)]TJ 14.9439 -12.6799 Td[(A)-427(preco)-1(n)1(di)1(tioner)-427(is)-428(h)1(e)-1(ld)-427(i)1(n)-428(t)1(he)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 142.7232 0 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 264.7489 622.0972 cm +1 0 0 1 273.8811 618.0666 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7249,11 +7244,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -264.7489 -622.0972 cm +1 0 0 1 -273.8811 -618.0666 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 267.8871 622.0972 Td[(prec)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 277.0194 618.0666 Td[(prec)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 289.4361 622.0972 cm +1 0 0 1 298.5683 618.0666 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7262,25 +7257,25 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -289.4361 -622.0972 cm +1 0 0 1 -298.5683 -618.0666 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 292.5743 622.0972 Td[(type)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.658 0 Td[(dat)1(a)-275(s)-1(t)1(ructur)1(e)-275(w)-1(h)1(ic)27(h)-274(d)1(e)-1(p)-27(e)-1(n)1(ds)]TJ -216.3369 -11.9552 Td[(on)-280(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 29.9399 0 Td[(psb_base_prec)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 70.7878 0 Td[(rep)-27(orted)-280(in)-280(\014gu)1(re)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 301.7066 618.0666 Td[(type)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 25.18 0 Td[(dat)1(a)-428(stru)1(c)-1(tu)1(re)-428(rep)-27(orted)-427(in)]TJ -226.9912 -11.9551 Td[(\014gu)1(re)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 278.5481 610.142 cm +1 0 0 1 127.8715 606.1115 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -278.5481 -610.142 cm +1 0 0 1 -127.8715 -606.1115 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 278.5481 610.142 Td[(5)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 127.8715 606.1115 Td[(5)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 283.5294 610.142 cm +1 0 0 1 132.8529 606.1115 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -283.5294 -610.142 cm +1 0 0 1 -132.8529 -606.1115 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 283.5294 610.142 Td[(.)-427(Th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 26.9707 0 Td[(psb_base_prec)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 70.7878 0 Td[(dat)1(a)-281(t)28(yp)-27(e)-281(ma)28(y)]TJ -281.3925 -11.9552 Td[(con)28(tain)-287(a)-288(simple)-288(p)1(rec)-1(on)1(diti)1(onin)1(g)-288(matrix)-287(with)-287(the)-288(ass)-1(o)-27(c)-1(iated)-287(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-287(d)1(e)-1(-)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(sc)-1(ri)1(ptor)-396(whi)1(c)27(h)-396(ma)27(y)-396(b)-27(e)-397(d)1(i\013)-1(eren)28(t)-396(than)-396(t)1(he)-397(sys)-1(t)1(e)-1(m)-397(comm)27(un)1(ication)-396(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)-396(in)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-429(cas)-1(e)-428(of)-427(par)1(allel)-428(p)1(re)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r)1(s)-429(l)1(ik)28(e)-428(the)-428(Add)1(itiv)28(e)-428(S)1(c)27(h)28(w)28(arz)-428(one.)-728(Th)1(e)-1(n)-427(the)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 0 -11.9552 Td[(psb_prec_type)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 71.5367 0 Td[(ma)27(y)-355(con)28(tain)-355(more)-356(th)1(an)-356(on)1(e)-356(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(ing)-355(m)-1(at)1(rix)-355(lik)28(e)-356(in)-355(th)1(e)]TJ -71.5367 -11.9551 Td[(cas)-1(e)-265(of)-263(T)-1(w)28(o-Le)-1(v)28(el)-264(\050in)-264(general)-264(Mu)1(lti-Le)-1(v)28(el\051)-264(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r)1(s)-1(.)-421(The)-265(u)1(s)-1(er)-264(can)-264(c)27(h)1(o)-28(os)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-300(t)28(yp)-27(e)-300(of)-298(precondi)1(tioner)-299(to)-299(b)-27(e)-300(u)1(s)-1(ed)-299(b)29(y)-299(m)-1(eans)-299(of)-299(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 234.4084 0 Td[(psb_precset)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 60.5133 0 Td[(subr)1(outi)1(ne;)]TJ -294.9217 -11.9552 Td[(once)-323(th)1(e)-323(t)28(yp)-28(e)-323(of)-322(p)1(rec)-1(on)1(diti)1(onin)1(g)-323(metho)-28(d)-322(is)-322(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci\014)1(e)-1(d)1(,)-325(alon)1(g)-323(with)-322(all)-322(th)1(e)-323(par)1(am)-1(-)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(ete)-1(r)1(s)-366(t)1(hat)-365(c)28(haracterize)-365(it,)-372(the)-365(p)1(re)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r)-364(dat)1(a)-365(s)-1(t)1(ructur)1(e)-365(c)-1(an)-364(b)-27(e)-366(b)1(ui)1(lt)-365(u)1(s)-1(in)1(g)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 17.5961 0 Td[(psb_precbld)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 61.2928 0 Td[(subr)1(outi)1(ne.)-577(Th)1(is)-378(dat)1(a)-378(stru)1(c)-1(tu)1(re)-378(w)28(an)28(ts)-378(t)1(o)-378(b)-27(e)-378(\015)1(e)-1(xi)1(ble)-377(e)-1(n)1(ough)]TJ -78.8889 -11.9552 Td[(to)-364(easily)-363(allo)28(w)-364(the)-364(imp)1(le)-1(men)28(tation)-363(of)-363(new)-364(kin)1(d)-363(of)-364(p)1(rec)-1(on)1(diti)1(oners)-1(.)-535(The)-364(v)56(alu)1(e)-1(s)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(con)28(tain)1(e)-1(d)-248(in)-248(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 71.3538 0 Td[(iprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 44.3183 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 18.5266 0 Td[(dprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 44.3183 0 Td[(de\014n)1(e)-249(tha)-248(t)28(yp)-27(e)-249(of)-248(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r)-248(alon)1(g)]TJ -178.517 -11.9552 Td[(with)-330(all)-330(the)-331(p)1(arame)-1(ters)-331(related)-331(t)1(o)-331(it;)-331(th)28(u)1(s)-1(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 187.9025 0 Td[(iprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.1371 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 19.3453 0 Td[(dprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.1371 0 Td[(de\014n)1(e)-331(ho)28(w)]TJ -297.522 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-334(other)-333(rec)-1(or)1(ds)-334(h)1(a)28(v)28(e)-334(to)-333(b)-28(e)-334(i)1(n)28(te)-1(r)1(pr)1(e)-1(ted.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 132.8529 606.1115 Td[(.)-527(The)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 28.7718 0 Td[(psb_prec_type)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 71.5897 0 Td[(dat)1(a)-361(t)28(yp)-28(e)-361(ma)28(y)-361(c)-1(on)29(tain)-360(a)-361(s)-1(imp)1(le)-362(p)1(rec)-1(on)1(dit)1(ionin)1(g)]TJ -133.319 -11.9552 Td[(matrix)-395(with)-395(th)1(e)-396(as)-1(so)-28(ciated)-396(comm)27(u)1(nication)-395(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)1(.The)-396(v)56(alu)1(e)-1(s)-396(con)28(tain)1(e)-1(d)-395(in)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 16.6367 0 Td[(iprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 44.6424 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 18.8507 0 Td[(dprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 44.6424 0 Td[(de\014n)1(e)-282(t)1(ha)-281(t)28(yp)-27(e)-282(of)-280(precondi)1(tioner)-281(alon)1(g)-281(with)-281(al)1(l)-281(the)]TJ -124.7722 -11.9551 Td[(par)1(am)-1(eters)-421(r)1(e)-1(lated)-420(to)-420(it;)-463(th)28(us,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 139.3967 0 Td[(iprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 46.0303 0 Td[(and)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 20.2386 0 Td[(dprcparm)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 46.0304 0 Td[(de\014n)1(e)-421(h)1(o)27(w)-420(the)-420(other)]TJ -251.696 -11.9552 Td[(rec)-1(or)1(ds)-347(h)1(a)28(v)28(e)-347(to)-347(b)-27(e)-347(in)28(terp)1(rete)-1(d)1(.)-484(Thi)1(s)-347(data)-346(s)-1(tr)1(uctur)1(e)-347(is)-347(th)1(e)-347(basis)-347(of)-346(ore)-347(com)-1(p)1(lex)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(ing)-333(strategie)-1(s,)-333(whic)28(h)-333(are)-334(th)1(e)-334(sub)-55(ject)-334(of)-333(f)1(ur)1(ther)-333(res)-1(earc)27(h)1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 440.37 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 530.9938 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 2.3008 -75.3673 cm +1 0 0 1 2.3008 -75.3674 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 4.9813 65.0062 cm @@ -7304,11 +7299,11 @@ Q 1 0 0 1 3.3873 117.5592 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -110.5648 -422.0388 cm +1 0 0 1 -110.5648 -512.6625 cm BT -/F48 8.9664 Tf 124.9607 411.0799 Td[(type)-525(psb_dprec_type)]TJ 9.4146 -10.9589 Td[(type\050psb_dspmat_type\051,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(av\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(real\050kind\0501.d0\051\051,)-525(allocatable)-3150(::)-525(d\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(type\050psb_desc_type\051)-8400(::)-525(desc_data)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-7875(::)-525(iprcparm\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(real\050kind\0501.d0\051\051,)-525(allocatable)-3150(::)-525(dprcparm\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-7875(::)-525(perm\050:\051,)-1050(invperm\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(integer)-12075(::)-525(prec,)-525(base_prec)]TJ -9.4146 -10.9589 Td[(end)-525(type)-525(psb_dprec_type)]TJ +/F48 8.9664 Tf 124.9607 501.7036 Td[(type)-525(psb_dprec_type)]TJ 9.4146 -10.9589 Td[(type\050psb_dspmat_type\051,)-525(allocatable)-525(::)-525(av\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(real\050kind\0501.d0\051\051,)-525(allocatable)-3150(::)-525(d\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(type\050psb_desc_type\051)-8400(::)-525(desc_data)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-7875(::)-525(iprcparm\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(real\050kind\0501.d0\051\051,)-525(allocatable)-3150(::)-525(dprcparm\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(integer,)-525(allocatable)-7875(::)-525(perm\050:\051,)-1050(invperm\050:\051)]TJ 0 -10.9589 Td[(integer)-12075(::)-525(prec,)-525(base_prec)]TJ -9.4146 -10.9589 Td[(end)-525(type)-525(psb_dprec_type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 435.9259 304.4796 cm +1 0 0 1 435.9259 395.1034 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7326,28 +7321,28 @@ q 329.1469 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 4.6866 -27.84 cm +1 0 0 1 4.6866 -27.8401 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -111.8641 -276.2411 cm +1 0 0 1 -111.8641 -366.8648 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 111.8641 276.2411 Td[(Figu)1(re)-334(5:)-444(The)-333(PS)1(B)-1(LAS)-333(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ned)-333(data)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)-334(th)1(at)-334(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(a)-333(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 111.8641 366.8648 Td[(Figu)1(re)-334(5:)-444(The)-333(PS)1(B)-1(LAS)-333(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ned)-333(data)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)-334(th)1(at)-334(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(a)-333(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 431.6378 276.2411 cm +1 0 0 1 431.6378 366.8648 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -331.7424 -1.9372 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -274.3039 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -364.9276 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 234.7082 Td[(3.)-1(4)-1125(D)-1(ata)-375(str)-1(uctur)-1(e)-375(quer)-1(y)-374(r)-1(out)-1(ine)-1(s)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 321.7264 Td[(3.)-1(4)-1125(D)-1(ata)-375(str)-1(uctur)-1(e)-375(quer)-1(y)-374(r)-1(out)-1(ine)-1(s)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 285.3232 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -285.3232 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 199.7171 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 285.3232 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 120.9514 199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 120.9514 285.3232 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7356,11 +7351,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -285.3232 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 199.7171 Td[(cd)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 285.3232 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 139.2428 199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 139.2428 285.3232 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7369,11 +7364,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -139.2428 -199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 -139.2428 -285.3232 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 143.2777 199.7171 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 143.2777 285.3232 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 162.1765 199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 162.1765 285.3232 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7382,11 +7377,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -162.1765 -199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 -162.1765 -285.3232 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 166.2114 199.7171 Td[(l)-1(o)-31(cal)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 166.2114 285.3232 Td[(l)-1(o)-31(cal)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 194.1043 199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 194.1043 285.3232 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7395,11 +7390,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -194.1043 -199.7171 cm +1 0 0 1 -194.1043 -285.3232 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 198.1392 199.7171 Td[(ro)30(ws|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(l)-1(o)-32(ca)1(l)-376(ro)30(ws)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -98.2438 -33.2299 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 98.9788 -22.02 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 198.1392 285.3232 Td[(ro)30(ws|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(l)-1(o)-32(ca)1(l)-376(ro)30(ws)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -98.2438 -35.1355 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 98.9788 -22.445 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 238.2986 144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 238.2986 227.7427 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7408,11 +7403,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -238.2986 -144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 -238.2986 -227.7427 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 241.2874 144.4672 Td[(cd)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 241.2874 227.7427 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 251.8478 144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 251.8478 227.7427 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7421,11 +7416,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -251.8478 -144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 -251.8478 -227.7427 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 254.8366 144.4672 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 254.8366 227.7427 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 268.7179 144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 268.7179 227.7427 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7434,11 +7429,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -268.7179 -144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 -268.7179 -227.7427 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 271.7067 144.4672 Td[(lo)-28(cal)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 271.7067 227.7427 Td[(lo)-28(cal)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 292.5066 144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 292.5066 227.7427 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7447,19 +7442,77 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -292.5066 -144.4672 cm +1 0 0 1 -292.5066 -227.7427 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 295.4954 227.7427 Td[(ro)28(ws)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 26.9268 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3311 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 94.9141 203.1076 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -203.1076 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 203.1076 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 147.4806 203.1076 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -22.8244 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -180.2832 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 180.2832 Td[(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 121.1226 180.2832 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -121.1226 -180.2832 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 126.1039 180.2832 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 295.717 144.4177 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -144.4177 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 144.4177 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 312.0356 144.4177 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.1382 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -144.4177 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 144.4177 Td[(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 336.7228 144.4177 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.1382 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -144.4177 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 144.4177 Td[(type)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 360.7824 144.4177 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -144.4177 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 295.4954 144.4672 Td[(ro)28(ws)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 26.9268 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3311 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 144.4177 Td[(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 94.9141 120.3256 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -120.3256 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 120.3256 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 120.3256 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 120.3256 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 120.3256 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -47.5852 -29.8879 cm +1 0 0 1 -54.5383 -29.8879 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT @@ -7469,48 +7522,55 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -635 0 obj << +637 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 636 0 R -/Resources 634 0 R +/Contents 638 0 R +/Resources 636 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 618 0 R -/Annots [ 639 0 R ] +/Parent 620 0 R +/Annots [ 641 0 R 647 0 R ] >> endobj -639 0 obj << +641 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [277.5518 606.9318 284.5257 618.0568] +/Rect [126.8753 602.9013 133.8492 614.0262] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.5) >> >> endobj -637 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +647 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [294.7207 141.2075 361.7786 152.3325] +/Subtype /Link +/A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> +>> endobj +639 0 obj << +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 54 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 676.7467 null] +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 674.6218 null] >> endobj -638 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 248.4302 622.0972 null] +640 0 obj << +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 257.5625 618.0666 null] >> endobj -643 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 155.4784 288.1963 null] +645 0 obj << +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 155.4784 378.82 null] >> endobj 58 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 246.95 null] +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 334.4617 null] >> endobj 62 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 182.3266 null] +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 266.5206 null] >> endobj -644 0 obj << -/D [635 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 153.6328 null] +646 0 obj << +/D [637 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 236.9083 null] >> endobj -634 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F18 365 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F48 642 0 R /F19 484 0 R >> +636 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F18 369 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F48 644 0 R /F19 489 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -647 0 obj << -/Length 11526 +650 0 obj << +/Length 10757 >> stream 1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm @@ -7521,118 +7581,60 @@ stream 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -706.1289 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 171.9321 706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 224.1097 706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -171.9321 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.9134 706.1289 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 706.1289 Td[(The)-460(n)28(um)28(b)-28(er)-460(of)-460(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-460(r)1(o)27(ws,)-492(i.e.)-825(th)1(e)-461(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)-460(of)-459(ro)28(ws)-461(o)28(w)-1(n)1(e)-1(d)]TJ -53.4796 -11.9552 Td[(b)28(y)-401(th)1(e)-402(cur)1(ren)28(t)-401(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s;)-435(as)-401(e)-1(xp)1(lain)1(e)-1(d)-400(in)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 352.2268 694.1737 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 -352.2268 -694.1737 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 670.2634 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 352.2268 694.1737 Td[(1)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 357.2082 694.1737 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -357.2082 -694.1737 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 357.2082 694.1737 Td[(,)-418(it)-401(i)1(s)-402(equal)-401(to)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 68.0806 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.4314 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.4127 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.311 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(.)-648(Th)1(e)]TJ -292.4257 -11.9552 Td[(retur)1(ned)-333(v)56(alue)-333(is)-334(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014c)-334(to)-333(the)-333(c)-1(all)1(ing)-333(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 145.7235 628.59 cm +0 g 0 G +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -628.59 cm +BT +/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 628.59 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 171.7609 628.59 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -3.1382 0.1992 l +4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -628.59 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 670.2634 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 628.59 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 387.5322 670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 190.0523 628.59 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -3.1382 0.1992 l +4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 -190.0523 -628.59 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 670.2634 Td[(type)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 194.0872 628.59 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 411.5918 670.2634 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -670.2634 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 670.2634 Td[(.)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 648.888 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -648.888 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 648.888 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 648.888 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.7083 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -629.1797 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 629.1797 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 224.1097 629.1797 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -629.1797 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 629.1797 Td[(The)-460(n)28(um)28(b)-28(er)-460(of)-460(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-460(r)1(o)27(ws,)-492(i.e.)-825(th)1(e)-461(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)-460(of)-459(ro)28(ws)-461(o)28(w)-1(n)1(e)-1(d)]TJ -53.4796 -11.9551 Td[(b)28(y)-401(th)1(e)-402(cur)1(ren)28(t)-401(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s;)-435(as)-401(e)-1(xp)1(lain)1(e)-1(d)-400(in)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 352.2268 617.2246 cm -0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -352.2268 -617.2246 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 352.2268 617.2246 Td[(1)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 357.2082 617.2246 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -357.2082 -617.2246 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 357.2082 617.2246 Td[(,)-418(it)-401(i)1(s)-402(equal)-401(to)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 68.0806 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.4314 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.4127 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.311 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(.)-648(Th)1(e)]TJ -292.4257 -11.9552 Td[(retur)1(ned)-333(v)56(alue)-333(is)-334(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014c)-334(to)-333(the)-333(c)-1(all)1(ing)-333(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(.)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 555.9906 cm -0 g 0 G -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -555.9906 cm -BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 555.9906 Td[(psb)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 171.7609 555.9906 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.0349 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -555.9906 cm -BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 555.9906 Td[(cd)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 190.0523 555.9906 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.0349 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -190.0523 -555.9906 cm -BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 194.0872 555.9906 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 212.986 555.9906 cm +1 0 0 1 212.986 628.59 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7641,11 +7643,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -212.986 -555.9906 cm +1 0 0 1 -212.986 -628.59 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 217.0209 555.9906 Td[(lo)-32(cal)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 217.0209 628.59 Td[(lo)-32(cal)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 244.9138 555.9906 cm +1 0 0 1 244.9138 628.59 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7654,11 +7656,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -244.9138 -555.9906 cm +1 0 0 1 -244.9138 -628.59 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 248.9487 555.9906 Td[(col)-1(s|Get)-376(n)31(um)31(b)-31(er)-376(of)-375(l)-1(o)-31(cal)-376(col)-1(s)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -98.2438 -31.9031 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 100.5285 -21.8209 Td[(nc)-333(=)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 248.9487 628.59 Td[(col)-1(s|Get)-376(n)31(um)31(b)-31(er)-376(of)-375(l)-1(o)-31(cal)-376(col)-1(s)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -98.2438 -33.923 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 100.5285 -22.1746 Td[(nc)-333(=)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 291.1836 502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 291.1836 572.4924 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7667,11 +7669,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -291.1836 -502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 -291.1836 -572.4924 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 294.1724 502.2666 Td[(cd)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 294.1724 572.4924 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 304.7328 502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 304.7328 572.4924 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7680,11 +7682,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -304.7328 -502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 -304.7328 -572.4924 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 307.7217 502.2666 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 307.7217 572.4924 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 321.6029 502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 321.6029 572.4924 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7693,11 +7695,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -321.6029 -502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 -321.6029 -572.4924 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 324.5918 502.2666 Td[(lo)-28(cal)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 324.5918 572.4924 Td[(lo)-28(cal)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 345.3916 502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 345.3916 572.4924 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7706,37 +7708,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -345.3916 -502.2666 cm +1 0 0 1 -345.3916 -572.4924 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 348.3804 502.2666 Td[(cols)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 23.3015 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3312 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 348.3804 572.4924 Td[(cols)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 23.3015 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3312 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 478.3562 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 548.1713 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -478.3562 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -548.1713 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 478.3562 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 548.1713 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.2901 478.3562 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 548.1713 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.7082 cm +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -21.5683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -458.648 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -526.603 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 458.648 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 526.603 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 171.9321 458.648 cm +1 0 0 1 171.9321 526.603 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -171.9321 -458.648 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.9321 -526.603 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.9134 458.648 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.9134 526.603 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 490.7375 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -490.7375 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 422.7825 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 490.7375 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 490.7375 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7745,11 +7747,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -490.7375 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 422.7825 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 490.7375 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 387.5322 422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 490.7375 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7758,56 +7760,56 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -490.7375 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 422.7825 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 490.7375 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 411.5918 422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 411.5918 490.7375 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -422.7825 cm +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -490.7375 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 422.7825 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 490.7375 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 401.4071 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 467.5874 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -401.4071 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -467.5874 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 401.4071 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 467.5874 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 401.4071 cm +1 0 0 1 205.2431 467.5874 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.7083 cm +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -21.5683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -381.6988 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -446.0191 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 381.6988 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 446.0191 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 224.1097 381.6988 cm +1 0 0 1 224.1097 446.0191 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -381.6988 cm +1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -446.0191 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 381.6988 Td[(The)-361(n)29(um)27(b)-27(er)-361(of)-360(l)1(o)-28(c)-1(al)-360(cols)-1(,)-367(i)1(.e)-1(.)-525(the)-361(n)29(um)27(b)-27(er)-360(of)-361(i)1(nd)1(ic)-1(es)-361(used)-361(b)29(y)]TJ -53.4796 -11.9551 Td[(th)1(e)-422(cur)1(re)-1(n)29(t)-421(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s,)-443(i)1(nclud)1(ing)-421(b)-27(oth)-420(lo)-28(cal)-421(and)-420(hal)1(o)-421(ind)1(ice)-1(s;)-465(as)-421(e)-1(x)1(plain)1(e)-1(d)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(in)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 446.0191 Td[(The)-361(n)29(um)27(b)-27(er)-361(of)-360(l)1(o)-28(c)-1(al)-360(cols)-1(,)-367(i)1(.e)-1(.)-525(the)-361(n)29(um)27(b)-27(er)-360(of)-361(i)1(nd)1(ic)-1(es)-361(used)-361(b)29(y)]TJ -53.4796 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-422(cur)1(re)-1(n)29(t)-421(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s,)-443(i)1(nclud)1(ing)-421(b)-27(oth)-420(lo)-28(cal)-421(and)-420(hal)1(o)-421(ind)1(ice)-1(s;)-465(as)-421(e)-1(x)1(plain)1(e)-1(d)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(in)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 187.3364 357.7885 cm +1 0 0 1 187.3364 422.1088 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -187.3364 -357.7885 cm +1 0 0 1 -187.3364 -422.1088 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 187.3364 357.7885 Td[(1)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 187.3364 422.1088 Td[(1)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 192.3177 357.7885 cm +1 0 0 1 192.3177 422.1088 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -192.3177 -357.7885 cm +1 0 0 1 -192.3177 -422.1088 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 192.3177 357.7885 Td[(,)-346(it)-343(is)-344(equal)-343(to)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 65.0705 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0492 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.0305 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.311 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0492 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.0305 0 Td[(jH)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 11.181 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(.)-475(The)-344(r)1(e)-1(tu)1(rn)1(e)-1(d)-343(v)56(alue)-344(i)1(s)-344(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci\014)1(c)-344(to)-344(th)1(e)]TJ -153.3382 -11.9552 Td[(callin)1(g)-334(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 192.3177 422.1088 Td[(,)-346(it)-343(is)-344(equal)-343(to)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 65.0705 0 Td[(jI)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 8.1922 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0492 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.0305 0 Td[(jB)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 9.311 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0492 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.0305 0 Td[(jH)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 11.181 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(j)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 2.7674 0 Td[(.)-475(The)-344(r)1(e)-1(tu)1(rn)1(e)-1(d)-343(v)56(alue)-344(i)1(s)-344(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci\014)1(c)-344(to)-344(th)1(e)]TJ -153.3382 -11.9552 Td[(callin)1(g)-334(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 356.525 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -356.525 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 296.5545 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 356.525 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 171.7609 296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 171.7609 356.525 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7816,11 +7818,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -356.525 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 296.5545 Td[(cd)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 356.525 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 190.0523 296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 190.0523 356.525 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7829,11 +7831,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -190.0523 -296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 -190.0523 -356.525 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 194.0872 296.5545 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 194.0872 356.525 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 212.986 296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 212.986 356.525 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7842,11 +7844,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -212.986 -296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 -212.986 -356.525 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 217.0209 296.5545 Td[(gl)-1(obal)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 217.0209 356.525 Td[(gl)-1(obal)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 252.7594 296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 252.7594 356.525 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7855,11 +7857,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -252.7594 -296.5545 cm +1 0 0 1 -252.7594 -356.525 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 256.7943 296.5545 Td[(ro)30(ws|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(g)-1(lo)-1(bal)-375(r)-1(o)31(ws)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -106.0894 -31.903 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 96.073 -21.821 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 256.7943 356.525 Td[(ro)30(ws|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(g)-1(lo)-1(bal)-375(r)-1(o)31(ws)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -106.0894 -33.923 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 96.073 -22.1746 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 286.2023 242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 286.2023 300.4274 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7868,11 +7870,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -286.2023 -242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 -286.2023 -300.4274 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 289.1911 242.8305 Td[(cd)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 289.1911 300.4274 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 299.7515 242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 299.7515 300.4274 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7881,11 +7883,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -299.7515 -242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 -299.7515 -300.4274 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 302.7403 242.8305 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 302.7403 300.4274 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 316.6216 242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 316.6216 300.4274 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7894,11 +7896,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -316.6216 -242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 -316.6216 -300.4274 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 319.6104 242.8305 Td[(glob)1(al)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 319.6104 300.4274 Td[(glob)1(al)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.2218 242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 346.2218 300.4274 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7907,37 +7909,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -346.2218 -242.8305 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.2218 -300.4274 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 349.2106 242.8305 Td[(ro)28(ws)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 26.9268 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3312 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 349.2106 300.4274 Td[(ro)28(ws)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 26.9268 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3312 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 218.9202 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 276.1063 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -218.9202 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -276.1063 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 218.9202 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 276.1063 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.2901 218.9202 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 276.1063 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.7083 cm +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -21.5683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -199.2119 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -254.538 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 199.2119 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 254.538 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 171.9321 199.2119 cm +1 0 0 1 171.9321 254.538 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -171.9321 -199.2119 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.9321 -254.538 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.9134 199.2119 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.9134 254.538 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 218.6725 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -218.6725 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 163.3464 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 218.6725 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 218.6725 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7946,11 +7948,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -218.6725 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 163.3464 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 218.6725 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 387.5322 163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 218.6725 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -7959,35 +7961,81 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -218.6725 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 163.3464 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 218.6725 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 411.5918 163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 411.5918 218.6725 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -163.3464 cm +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -218.6725 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 163.3464 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 218.6725 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 141.9711 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 195.5224 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -141.9711 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -195.5224 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 141.9711 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 195.5224 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 141.9711 cm +1 0 0 1 205.2431 195.5224 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.7083 cm +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -21.5683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -122.2628 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -173.9541 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 173.9541 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 224.1097 173.9541 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -173.9541 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 122.2628 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 173.9541 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-334(r)1(o)28(w)-1(s)-333(in)-333(the)-333(m)-1(es)-1(h)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 224.1097 122.2628 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 120.3256 cm +0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -122.2628 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -120.3256 cm +BT +/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 120.3256 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 171.7609 120.3256 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.0349 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -120.3256 cm +BT +/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 120.3256 Td[(cd)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 190.0523 120.3256 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.0349 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -190.0523 -120.3256 cm +BT +/F18 11.9552 Tf 194.0872 120.3256 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 212.986 120.3256 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.0349 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -212.986 -120.3256 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 122.2628 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-334(r)1(o)28(w)-1(s)-333(in)-333(the)-333(m)-1(es)-1(h)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 217.0209 120.3256 Td[(con)31(t)-1(ex|Get)-376(com)-1(m)31(uni)-1(ca)1(t)-1(io)-1(n)-375(con)31(t)-1(ext)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -7999,123 +8047,74 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -646 0 obj << +649 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 647 0 R -/Resources 645 0 R +/Contents 650 0 R +/Resources 648 0 R 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/F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -658 0 obj << -/Length 8455 +660 0 obj << +/Length 9580 >> stream 1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -58.1372 cm -0 g 0 G -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -682.8609 cm -BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 682.8609 Td[(psb)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 120.9514 682.8609 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.0349 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -682.8609 cm -BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 682.8609 Td[(cd)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 139.2428 682.8609 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.0349 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -139.2428 -682.8609 cm -BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 143.2777 682.8609 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 162.1765 682.8609 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -4.0349 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -162.1765 -682.8609 cm +1 0 0 1 -443.6065 -740.9981 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 166.2114 682.8609 Td[(con)31(t)-1(ex|Get)-376(com)-1(m)31(uni)-1(ca)1(t)-1(io)-1(n)-375(con)31(t)-1(ext)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -66.316 -33.6403 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 99.3053 -22.1116 Td[(ictxt)-333(=)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 706.1289 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 99.3053 -21.821 Td[(ictxt)-333(=)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 249.3904 627.109 cm +1 0 0 1 249.3904 684.3079 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8124,11 +8123,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -249.3904 -627.109 cm +1 0 0 1 -249.3904 -684.3079 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 252.3792 627.109 Td[(cd)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 252.3792 684.3079 Td[(cd)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 262.9396 627.109 cm +1 0 0 1 262.9396 684.3079 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8137,11 +8136,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -262.9396 -627.109 cm +1 0 0 1 -262.9396 -684.3079 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 265.9284 627.109 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 265.9284 684.3079 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 279.8097 627.109 cm +1 0 0 1 279.8097 684.3079 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8150,37 +8149,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -279.8097 -627.109 cm +1 0 0 1 -279.8097 -684.3079 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 282.7985 627.109 Td[(con)28(te)-1(x)1(t)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 39.2972 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3311 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 282.7985 684.3079 Td[(con)28(te)-1(x)1(t)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 39.2972 0 Td[(desc)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 18.3311 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 602.8611 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 660.3976 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -602.8611 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -660.3976 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 602.8611 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 660.3976 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 602.8611 cm +1 0 0 1 147.4806 660.3976 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -21.2755 cm +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -18.8313 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -581.5856 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -641.5663 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 581.5856 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 641.5663 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.1226 581.5856 cm +1 0 0 1 121.1226 641.5663 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -121.1226 -581.5856 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.1226 -641.5663 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 126.1039 581.5856 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 126.1039 641.5663 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -1.3019 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 605.7008 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -605.7008 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 545.7201 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 605.7008 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 312.0356 605.7008 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8189,11 +8188,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -605.7008 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 545.7201 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 605.7008 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 336.7228 605.7008 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8202,44 +8201,44 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -605.7008 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 545.7201 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 605.7008 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 360.7824 605.7008 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -545.7201 cm +1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -605.7008 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 545.7201 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 605.7008 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 522.7897 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 586.5181 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -522.7897 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -586.5181 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 522.7897 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 586.5181 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 154.4337 522.7897 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 586.5181 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -21.2754 cm +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -18.8313 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -501.5143 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -567.6868 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 501.5143 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 567.6868 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 173.3003 501.5143 cm +1 0 0 1 173.3003 567.6868 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -173.3003 -501.5143 cm +1 0 0 1 -173.3003 -567.6868 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 178.2816 501.5143 Td[(The)-334(comm)27(u)1(nication)-333(con)28(text.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 178.2816 567.6868 Td[(The)-334(comm)27(u)1(nication)-333(con)28(text.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 520.5397 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -520.5397 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 448.567 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 520.5397 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 120.9514 448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 120.9514 520.5397 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8248,11 +8247,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -520.5397 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 448.567 Td[(sp)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 520.5397 Td[(sp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 138.5704 448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 138.5704 520.5397 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8261,11 +8260,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -138.5704 -448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 -138.5704 -520.5397 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 142.6053 448.567 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 142.6053 520.5397 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 161.5041 448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 161.5041 520.5397 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8274,11 +8273,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -161.5041 -448.567 cm +1 0 0 1 -161.5041 -520.5397 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 165.539 448.567 Td[(nro)30(ws|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(r)-1(o)31(w)-1(s)-374(i)-1(n)-375(a)-375(s)1(par)-1(se)-375(mat)-1(ri)-1(x)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -65.6436 -33.6403 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 114.9743 -22.1116 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 165.539 520.5397 Td[(nro)30(ws|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(r)-1(o)31(w)-1(s)-374(i)-1(n)-375(a)-375(s)1(par)-1(se)-375(mat)-1(ri)-1(x)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -65.6436 -30.149 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 114.9743 -21.8209 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 254.2942 392.8151 cm +1 0 0 1 254.2942 468.5698 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8287,11 +8286,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -254.2942 -392.8151 cm +1 0 0 1 -254.2942 -468.5698 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 257.283 392.8151 Td[(sp)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 257.283 468.5698 Td[(sp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 267.3452 392.8151 cm +1 0 0 1 267.3452 468.5698 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8300,11 +8299,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -267.3452 -392.8151 cm +1 0 0 1 -267.3452 -468.5698 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 270.3341 392.8151 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 270.3341 468.5698 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 284.2153 392.8151 cm +1 0 0 1 284.2153 468.5698 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8313,37 +8312,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -284.2153 -392.8151 cm +1 0 0 1 -284.2153 -468.5698 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 287.2042 392.8151 Td[(nr)1(o)28(w)-1(s)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 32.4616 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.092 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 287.2042 468.5698 Td[(nr)1(o)28(w)-1(s)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 32.4616 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.092 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 368.5672 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 444.6594 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -368.5672 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -444.6594 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 368.5672 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 444.6594 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 368.5672 cm +1 0 0 1 147.4806 444.6594 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -21.2754 cm +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -18.8312 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -347.2918 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -425.8282 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 347.2918 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 425.8282 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 105.4647 347.2918 cm +1 0 0 1 105.4647 425.8282 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -105.4647 -347.2918 cm +1 0 0 1 -105.4647 -425.8282 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.4461 347.2918 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ 14.3559 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -27.9508 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -25.1834 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.4461 425.8282 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ 14.3559 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -27.9508 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -25.1834 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 389.9627 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -389.9627 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 311.4263 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 389.9627 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 312.0356 389.9627 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8352,11 +8351,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -389.9627 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 311.4263 Td[(spmat)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 389.9627 Td[(spmat)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 341.9531 311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 341.9531 389.9627 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8365,44 +8364,44 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -341.9531 -311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 -341.9531 -389.9627 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 345.0913 311.4263 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 345.0913 389.9627 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 366.0127 311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 366.0127 389.9627 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -366.0127 -311.4263 cm +1 0 0 1 -366.0127 -389.9627 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 366.0127 311.4263 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 366.0127 389.9627 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 288.4958 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 370.7799 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -288.4958 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -370.7799 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 288.4958 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 370.7799 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 154.4337 288.4958 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 370.7799 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -21.2754 cm +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -18.8312 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -267.2204 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -351.9487 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 267.2204 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 351.9487 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 173.3003 267.2204 cm +1 0 0 1 173.3003 351.9487 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -173.3003 -267.2204 cm +1 0 0 1 -173.3003 -351.9487 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 178.2816 267.2204 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(ro)28(ws)-334(of)-333(sparse)-334(matrix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 164.9373 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 178.2816 351.9487 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(ro)28(ws)-334(of)-333(sparse)-334(matrix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 164.9373 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 304.8015 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -304.8015 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 214.2731 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 99.8954 304.8015 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 120.9514 214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 120.9514 304.8015 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8411,11 +8410,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 -120.9514 -304.8015 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 214.2731 Td[(sp)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 124.9863 304.8015 Td[(sp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 138.5704 214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 138.5704 304.8015 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8424,11 +8423,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -138.5704 -214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 -138.5704 -304.8015 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 142.6053 214.2731 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 142.6053 304.8015 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 161.5041 214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 161.5041 304.8015 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8437,11 +8436,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -161.5041 -214.2731 cm +1 0 0 1 -161.5041 -304.8015 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 165.539 214.2731 Td[(ncol)-1(s|Get)-376(n)31(um)31(b)-31(er)-376(of)-375(co)-1(lum)-1(ns)-374(i)-1(n)-375(a)-375(s)1(par)-1(se)]TJ -65.6436 -13.9477 Td[(mat)-1(ri)-1(x)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf 0 -33.6403 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 116.787 -22.1116 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 165.539 304.8015 Td[(ncol)-1(s|Get)-376(n)31(um)31(b)-31(er)-376(of)-375(co)-1(lum)-1(ns)-374(i)-1(n)-375(a)-375(s)1(par)-1(se)]TJ -65.6436 -13.9477 Td[(mat)-1(ri)-1(x)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf 0 -30.149 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 116.787 -21.8209 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 256.1068 144.5735 cm +1 0 0 1 256.1068 238.8839 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8450,11 +8449,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -256.1068 -144.5735 cm +1 0 0 1 -256.1068 -238.8839 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 259.0956 144.5735 Td[(sp)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 259.0956 238.8839 Td[(sp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 269.1579 144.5735 cm +1 0 0 1 269.1579 238.8839 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8463,11 +8462,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -269.1579 -144.5735 cm +1 0 0 1 -269.1579 -238.8839 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 272.1467 144.5735 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 272.1467 238.8839 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 286.028 144.5735 cm +1 0 0 1 286.028 238.8839 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8476,19 +8475,89 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -286.028 -144.5735 cm +1 0 0 1 -286.028 -238.8839 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 289.0168 144.5735 Td[(ncols)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 28.8364 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0919 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 289.0168 238.8839 Td[(ncols)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 28.8364 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0919 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 120.3256 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 214.9736 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -120.3256 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -214.9736 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 214.9736 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 147.4806 214.9736 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -18.8313 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -196.1423 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 196.1423 Td[(a)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 105.4647 196.1423 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -105.4647 -196.1423 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.4461 196.1423 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ 14.3559 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -27.9508 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -25.1834 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 295.717 160.2768 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -160.2768 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 160.2768 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 312.0356 160.2768 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.1382 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -160.2768 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 160.2768 Td[(spmat)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 341.9531 160.2768 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.1382 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -341.9531 -160.2768 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 345.0913 160.2768 Td[(type)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 366.0127 160.2768 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -366.0127 -160.2768 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 366.0127 160.2768 Td[(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 94.9141 141.0941 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -141.0941 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 141.0941 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 154.4337 141.0941 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -18.8313 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -122.2628 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 120.3256 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 122.2628 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 120.3256 cm +1 0 0 1 173.3003 122.2628 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -47.5852 -29.8879 cm +1 0 0 1 -173.3003 -122.2628 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 178.2816 122.2628 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(c)-1(ol)1(umns)-334(of)-332(s)-1(par)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 180.6839 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT @@ -8498,139 +8567,89 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -657 0 obj << +659 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 658 0 R -/Resources 656 0 R +/Contents 660 0 R +/Resources 658 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 618 0 R -/Annots [ 661 0 R 663 0 R ] +/Parent 620 0 R +/Annots [ 663 0 R 665 0 R 667 0 R ] >> endobj -661 0 obj << +663 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 542.5099 361.7786 553.6349] +/Rect [294.7207 602.4906 361.7786 613.6156] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -663 0 obj << +665 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 308.2161 367.009 319.341] +/Rect [294.7207 386.7525 367.009 397.8774] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -659 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +667 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [294.7207 157.0666 367.009 168.1916] +/Subtype /Link +/A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> +>> endobj +661 0 obj << +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 74 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 665.1662 null] +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj -660 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 636.2746 null] +662 0 obj << +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 693.4736 null] >> endobj 78 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 430.8724 null] +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 505.9988 null] >> endobj -662 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 401.9807 null] +664 0 obj << +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 477.7354 null] >> endobj 82 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 184.9554 null] +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 278.6376 null] >> endobj -664 0 obj << -/D [657 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 153.7391 null] +666 0 obj << +/D [659 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 248.0495 null] >> endobj -656 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +658 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -667 0 obj << -/Length 6349 +670 0 obj << +/Length 4564 >> stream 1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -34.8692 cm +1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -56.787 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -706.1289 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(a)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 156.2742 706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.2742 -706.1289 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.2555 706.1289 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ 14.356 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -27.9508 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -25.1834 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 670.2634 cm -0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -670.2634 cm -BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 670.2634 Td[(psb)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 670.2634 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -3.1382 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -684.2111 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 670.2634 Td[(spmat)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 684.211 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 392.7626 670.2634 cm +1 0 0 1 171.7609 684.211 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -3.1382 0.1992 l +4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -392.7626 -670.2634 cm -BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 395.9008 670.2634 Td[(type)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 416.8222 670.2634 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -416.8222 -670.2634 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 416.8222 670.2634 Td[(.)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 648.3455 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -648.3455 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 648.3455 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 648.3455 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9252 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -628.4203 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 628.4203 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 224.1097 628.4203 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -628.4203 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 628.4203 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(c)-1(ol)1(umns)-334(of)-332(s)-1(p)1(a)-1(r)1(s)-1(e)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 180.6838 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2304 0 Td[(.)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 578.614 cm -0 g 0 G -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -684.211 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 150.7049 578.614 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 684.211 Td[(sp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 171.7609 578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 189.3798 684.211 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8639,11 +8658,11 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -171.7609 -578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 -189.3798 -684.211 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 175.7958 578.614 Td[(sp)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 193.4147 684.211 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 189.3798 578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 212.3135 684.211 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8652,24 +8671,24 @@ q 4.0349 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -189.3798 -578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 -212.3135 -684.211 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 193.4147 578.614 Td[(ge)-1(t)]TJ +/F18 11.9552 Tf 216.3484 684.211 Td[(nnzer)-1(os|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(no)-1(nzer)-1(o)-375(el)-1(em)-1(en)31(ts)-375(i)-1(n)-375(a)]TJ -65.6435 -13.9477 Td[(sparse)-375(m)-1(atr)-1(ix)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf 0 -32.337 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 111.2383 -21.8209 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 212.3135 578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 301.3676 616.1054 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -4.0349 0.1992 l +2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -212.3135 -578.614 cm +1 0 0 1 -301.3676 -616.1054 cm BT -/F18 11.9552 Tf 216.3484 578.614 Td[(nnzer)-1(os|Ge)-1(t)-375(n)31(um)31(b)-31(e)-1(r)-375(o)-1(f)-374(no)-1(nzer)-1(o)-375(el)-1(em)-1(en)31(ts)-375(i)-1(n)-375(a)]TJ -65.6435 -13.9477 Td[(sparse)-375(m)-1(atr)-1(ix)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf 0 -32.337 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 111.2383 -21.821 Td[(nr)-333(=)-333(p)1(s)-1(b)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 304.3564 616.1054 Td[(sp)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 301.3676 510.5084 cm +1 0 0 1 314.4187 616.1054 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8678,11 +8697,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -301.3676 -510.5084 cm +1 0 0 1 -314.4187 -616.1054 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 304.3564 510.5084 Td[(sp)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.4075 616.1054 Td[(get)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 314.4187 510.5084 cm +1 0 0 1 331.2888 616.1054 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8691,50 +8710,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -314.4187 -510.5084 cm +1 0 0 1 -331.2888 -616.1054 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.4075 510.5084 Td[(get)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 334.2776 616.1054 Td[(nn)1(z)-1(eros)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 39.9337 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0919 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 331.2888 510.5084 cm -q -[]0 d -0 J -0.3985 w -0 0.1992 m -2.9888 0.1992 l -S -Q -1 0 0 1 -331.2888 -510.5084 cm -BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 334.2776 510.5084 Td[(nn)1(z)-1(eros)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 39.9337 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.0919 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 486.598 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 592.195 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -486.598 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -592.195 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 486.598 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 592.195 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.2901 486.598 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 592.195 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9252 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -466.6727 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -572.2698 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 466.6727 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 572.2698 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 156.2742 466.6727 cm +1 0 0 1 156.2742 572.2698 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.2742 -466.6727 cm +1 0 0 1 -156.2742 -572.2698 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.2555 466.6727 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ 14.356 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -27.9508 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -25.1834 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.2555 572.2698 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ 14.356 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -27.9508 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -25.1834 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 536.4043 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -536.4043 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 430.8072 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 536.4043 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 536.4043 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8743,11 +8749,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -536.4043 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 430.8072 Td[(spmat)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 536.4043 Td[(spmat)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 392.7626 430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 392.7626 536.4043 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -8756,47 +8762,47 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -392.7626 -430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 -392.7626 -536.4043 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 395.9008 430.8072 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 395.9008 536.4043 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 416.8222 430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 416.8222 536.4043 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -416.8222 -430.8072 cm +1 0 0 1 -416.8222 -536.4043 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 416.8222 430.8072 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 416.8222 536.4043 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 408.8894 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 514.4864 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -408.8894 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -514.4864 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 408.8894 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 514.4864 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 408.8894 cm +1 0 0 1 205.2431 514.4864 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9252 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -388.9641 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -494.5612 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 388.9641 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 494.5612 Td[(F)96(unction)-384(v)64(alue)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 224.1097 388.9641 cm +1 0 0 1 224.1097 494.5612 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -388.9641 cm +1 0 0 1 -224.1097 -494.5612 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 388.9641 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(non)1(z)-1(ero)-333(e)-1(l)1(e)-1(me)-1(n)29(ts)-334(s)-1(t)1(ore)-1(d)-332(in)-333(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 249.9796 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(.)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf -333.5961 -25.8959 Td[(Notes)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 229.0911 494.5612 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(non)1(z)-1(ero)-333(e)-1(l)1(e)-1(me)-1(n)29(ts)-334(s)-1(t)1(ore)-1(d)-332(in)-333(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(matrix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 249.9796 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(.)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf -333.5961 -25.8959 Td[(Notes)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 344.6789 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 450.2759 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -344.6789 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -450.2759 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 344.6789 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 450.2759 Td[(1.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 170.6302 344.6789 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 450.2759 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -344.6789 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -450.2759 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 344.6789 Td[(The)-462(fun)1(c)-1(t)1(ion)-462(v)56(alue)-462(is)-463(sp)-27(e)-1(ci\014c)-462(to)-462(the)-463(storage)-462(format)-462(of)-462(matri)1(x)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 283.9187 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(;)-526(s)-1(ome)]TJ -289.149 -11.9552 Td[(storage)-466(f)1(ormats)-466(em)-1(p)1(lo)28(y)-465(padd)1(in)1(g,)-499(t)1(h)28(us)-465(the)-466(r)1(e)-1(tu)1(rn)1(e)-1(d)-465(v)56(alu)1(e)-466(for)-465(th)1(e)-466(sam)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(matrix)-333(ma)28(y)-333(b)-28(e)-334(d)1(i\013e)-1(r)1(e)-1(n)28(t)-333(f)1(or)-333(di\013e)-1(r)1(e)-1(n)29(t)-334(storage)-333(c)27(hoi)1(c)-1(es)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 450.2759 Td[(The)-462(fun)1(c)-1(t)1(ion)-462(v)56(alue)-462(is)-463(sp)-27(e)-1(ci\014c)-462(to)-462(the)-463(storage)-462(format)-462(of)-462(matri)1(x)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 283.9187 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2303 0 Td[(;)-526(s)-1(ome)]TJ -289.149 -11.9552 Td[(storage)-466(f)1(ormats)-466(em)-1(p)1(lo)28(y)-465(padd)1(in)1(g,)-499(t)1(h)28(us)-465(the)-466(r)1(e)-1(tu)1(rn)1(e)-1(d)-465(v)56(alu)1(e)-466(for)-465(th)1(e)-466(sam)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(matrix)-333(ma)28(y)-333(b)-28(e)-334(d)1(i\013e)-1(r)1(e)-1(n)28(t)-333(f)1(or)-333(di\013e)-1(r)1(e)-1(n)29(t)-334(storage)-333(c)27(hoi)1(c)-1(es)-1(.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -8808,48 +8814,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -666 0 obj << +669 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 667 0 R -/Resources 665 0 R +/Contents 670 0 R +/Resources 668 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 674 0 R -/Annots [ 669 0 R 671 0 R ] +/Parent 676 0 R +/Annots [ 673 0 R ] >> endobj -669 0 obj << +673 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [345.5302 667.0532 417.8184 678.1781] +/Rect [345.5302 533.1941 417.8184 544.319] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj 671 0 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0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [253.8183 240.9356 260.7922 251.7838] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.2) >> >> endobj -703 0 obj << +705 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 183.5375 412.5881 194.6625] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -704 0 obj << +706 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [432.8971 117.3922 439.871 128.2404] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.2) >> >> endobj -698 0 obj << -/D [696 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +700 0 obj << +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj 98 0 obj << -/D [696 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 657.3183 null] +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 657.3183 null] >> endobj -699 0 obj << -/D [696 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 518.1379 null] +701 0 obj << +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 518.1379 null] >> endobj -700 0 obj << -/D [696 0 R /XYZ 318.4508 428.9601 null] +702 0 obj << +/D [698 0 R /XYZ 318.4508 428.9601 null] >> endobj -695 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R 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150.7049 656.979 null] +/D [712 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 656.979 null] >> endobj -713 0 obj << -/D [710 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 531.428 null] +715 0 obj << +/D [712 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 531.428 null] >> endobj -714 0 obj << -/D [710 0 R /XYZ 318.4508 442.1513 null] +716 0 obj << +/D [712 0 R /XYZ 318.4508 442.1513 null] >> endobj -709 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F10 527 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +711 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F10 532 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -722 0 obj << +724 0 obj << /Length 827 >> stream @@ -10098,21 +10097,21 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -721 0 obj << +723 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 722 0 R -/Resources 720 0 R +/Contents 724 0 R +/Resources 722 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 719 0 R +/Parent 721 0 R >> endobj -723 0 obj << -/D [721 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +725 0 obj << +/D [723 0 R /XYZ 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obj << +740 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [162.8262 378.3941 169.8 387.3051] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.5) >> >> endobj -739 0 obj << +741 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 320.3894 361.7786 331.5143] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -735 0 obj << -/D [733 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +737 0 obj << +/D [735 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 110 0 obj << -/D [733 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +/D [735 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -736 0 obj << -/D [733 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 580.9235 null] +738 0 obj << +/D [735 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 580.9235 null] >> endobj -737 0 obj << -/D [733 0 R /XYZ 267.6413 492.411 null] +739 0 obj << +/D [735 0 R /XYZ 267.6413 492.411 null] >> endobj -732 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F10 527 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +734 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R 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0 0] /Rect [162.8262 299.5994 169.8 308.5104] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.7) >> >> endobj -755 0 obj << +757 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 242.6673 361.7786 253.7923] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -751 0 obj << -/D [749 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +753 0 obj << +/D [751 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 118 0 obj << -/D [749 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 663.8912 null] +/D [751 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 663.8912 null] >> endobj -752 0 obj << -/D [749 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 496.2292 null] +754 0 obj << +/D [751 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 496.2292 null] >> endobj -753 0 obj << -/D [749 0 R /XYZ 267.6413 408.7894 null] +755 0 obj << +/D [751 0 R /XYZ 267.6413 408.7894 null] >> endobj -748 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F10 527 0 R /F7 510 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +750 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F10 532 0 R /F7 515 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 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444.8523 678.1781] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.11) >> >> endobj -801 0 obj << +803 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [213.6356 599.584 225.5908 610.4322] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.11) >> >> endobj -802 0 obj << +804 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 543.5164 412.5881 554.6414] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -803 0 obj << +805 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [397.1986 503.9426 404.1725 514.7908] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (equation.1) >> >> endobj -804 0 obj << +806 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [396.2023 488.0024 403.1762 498.8506] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (equation.2) >> >> endobj -805 0 obj << +807 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [396.5068 472.0622 403.4806 482.9104] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (equation.3) >> >> endobj -806 0 obj << +808 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] 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0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] +/D [833 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] >> endobj -830 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R >> +832 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -837 0 obj << +839 0 obj << /Length 8240 >> stream @@ -14239,53 +14238,53 @@ ET 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -836 0 obj << +838 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 837 0 R -/Resources 835 0 R +/Contents 839 0 R +/Resources 837 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 823 0 R -/Annots [ 841 0 R 842 0 R 843 0 R ] +/Parent 825 0 R +/Annots [ 843 0 R 844 0 R 845 0 R ] >> endobj -841 0 obj << +843 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [310.744 307.7575 322.6992 318.6057] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.13) >> >> endobj -842 0 obj << +844 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 251.9958 361.7786 263.1207] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -843 0 obj << +845 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 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Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(submatr)1(ix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 131.092 0 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 574.9695 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 574.9695 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -574.9695 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -574.9695 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 574.9695 Td[(Q)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 574.9695 Td[(Q)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 107.7714 574.9695 cm +1 0 0 1 158.5809 574.9695 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -107.7714 -574.9695 cm +1 0 0 1 -158.5809 -574.9695 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.7527 574.9695 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(o)28(v)28(erlap)-333(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator;)-333(it)-333(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(com)-1(p)-27(osition)-333(of)-333(t)28(w)28(o)-333(op)-28(erator)1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 271.8422 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.3961 -1.4944 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.1405 1.4944 Td[(and)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 19.3718 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.2761 -3.6154 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 163.5622 574.9695 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(o)28(v)28(erlap)-333(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator;)-333(it)-333(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(com)-1(p)-27(osition)-333(of)-333(t)28(w)28(o)-333(op)-28(erator)1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 271.8422 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.3961 -1.4944 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 8.1405 1.4944 Td[(and)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 19.3718 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.2761 -3.6154 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 555.6466 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 555.6466 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 74.1629 -21.0212 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -14434,11 +14590,11 @@ q 185.4227 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -179.0396 -555.2481 cm +1 0 0 1 -229.8491 -555.2481 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 185.0172 546.8795 Td[(x)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 118.3066 0 Td[(Subr)1(outi)-1(ne)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 235.8267 546.8795 Td[(x)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 118.3066 0 Td[(Subr)1(outi)-1(ne)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.0396 542.8944 cm +1 0 0 1 229.8491 542.8944 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14447,11 +14603,11 @@ q 185.4227 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -179.0396 -542.8944 cm +1 0 0 1 -229.8491 -542.8944 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.0172 534.5258 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Real)-3103(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 235.8267 534.5258 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Real)-3103(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 318.9209 534.5258 cm +1 0 0 1 369.7303 534.5258 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14460,11 +14616,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -318.9209 -534.5258 cm +1 0 0 1 -369.7303 -534.5258 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 321.9097 534.5258 Td[(o)28(vrl)]TJ -136.8925 -11.9552 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Complex)-1200(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 372.7191 534.5258 Td[(o)28(vrl)]TJ -136.8924 -11.9552 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Complex)-1200(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 318.9209 522.5706 cm +1 0 0 1 369.7303 522.5706 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14473,11 +14629,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -318.9209 -522.5706 cm +1 0 0 1 -369.7303 -522.5706 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 321.9097 522.5706 Td[(o)28(vrl)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 372.7191 522.5706 Td[(o)28(vrl)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.0396 518.5856 cm +1 0 0 1 229.8491 518.5856 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14488,19 +14644,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 46.5372 -27.8401 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -225.5768 -490.7455 cm +1 0 0 1 -276.3863 -490.7455 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 225.5768 490.7455 Td[(T)83(ab)1(le)-334(14:)-444(Data)-333(t)28(yp)-28(es)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 276.3863 490.7455 Td[(T)83(ab)1(le)-334(14:)-444(Data)-333(t)28(yp)-28(es)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 317.9251 490.7455 cm +1 0 0 1 368.7346 490.7455 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -218.0297 -1.9372 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -488.8083 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -488.8083 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 447.0554 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 108.7025 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 447.0554 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 108.7025 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 242.4598 425.2345 cm +1 0 0 1 293.2693 425.2345 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14509,11 +14665,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -242.4598 -425.2345 cm +1 0 0 1 -293.2693 -425.2345 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 245.4487 425.2345 Td[(o)28(vrl)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 23.8273 0 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 296.2581 425.2345 Td[(o)28(vrl)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 23.8274 0 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 299.4593 425.2345 cm +1 0 0 1 350.2688 425.2345 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14522,11 +14678,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -299.4593 -425.2345 cm +1 0 0 1 -350.2688 -425.2345 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 302.5145 425.2345 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -195.6799 -23.9103 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 353.324 425.2345 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -195.6799 -23.9103 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.2117 401.3242 cm +1 0 0 1 220.0212 401.3242 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14535,11 +14691,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -169.2117 -401.3242 cm +1 0 0 1 -220.0212 -401.3242 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 172.2005 401.3242 Td[(o)28(vrl)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 23.8274 0 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 223.01 401.3242 Td[(o)28(vrl)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 23.8274 0 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 226.2111 401.3242 cm +1 0 0 1 277.0206 401.3242 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14548,11 +14704,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -226.2111 -401.3242 cm +1 0 0 1 -277.0206 -401.3242 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 229.2663 401.3242 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(u)1(p)51(da)-1(te=)1(up)51(dat)-1(e)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 280.0758 401.3242 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(u)1(p)51(da)-1(te=)1(up)51(dat)-1(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 328.6618 401.3242 cm +1 0 0 1 379.4713 401.3242 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14561,49 +14717,49 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -328.6618 -401.3242 cm +1 0 0 1 -379.4713 -401.3242 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 331.717 401.3242 Td[(typ)51(e,)-357(w)-1(or)1(k=w)-1(or)1(k)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 72.5607 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 382.5265 401.3242 Td[(typ)51(e,)-357(w)-1(or)1(k=w)-1(or)1(k)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 72.5607 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 377.4138 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 377.4138 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -377.4138 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -377.4138 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 377.4138 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 377.4138 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 377.4138 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 377.4138 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.0788 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -358.335 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -358.335 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 358.335 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 358.335 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 105.9421 358.335 cm +1 0 0 1 156.7516 358.335 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -105.9421 -358.335 cm +1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -358.335 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.9235 358.335 Td[(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(m)-1(at)1(rix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 88.9167 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -80.7321 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-289(as:)-423(a)-289(ran)1(k)-290(on)1(e)-290(or)-290(t)28(w)28(o)-290(arr)1(a)28(y)-290(con)28(tain)1(ing)-289(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(rs)-290(of)-289(t)28(yp)-27(e)-290(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 358.335 Td[(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(m)-1(at)1(rix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 88.9168 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -80.7321 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-289(as:)-423(a)-289(ran)1(k)-290(on)1(e)-290(or)-290(t)28(w)28(o)-290(arr)1(a)28(y)-290(con)28(tain)1(ing)-289(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(rs)-290(of)-289(t)28(yp)-27(e)-290(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 163.8224 310.5144 cm +1 0 0 1 214.6319 310.5144 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -163.8224 -310.5144 cm +1 0 0 1 -214.6319 -310.5144 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 163.8224 310.5144 Td[(14)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 214.6319 310.5144 Td[(14)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 173.7851 310.5144 cm +1 0 0 1 224.5946 310.5144 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -173.7851 -310.5144 cm +1 0 0 1 -224.5946 -310.5144 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 173.7851 310.5144 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 224.5946 310.5144 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 291.4356 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 291.4356 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -291.4356 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -291.4356 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 291.4356 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 291.4356 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.81 291.4356 cm +1 0 0 1 172.6195 291.4356 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14612,23 +14768,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.81 -291.4356 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -291.4356 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 291.4356 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 291.4356 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.8165 291.4356 cm +1 0 0 1 181.6259 291.4356 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -291.4356 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -291.4356 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 291.4356 Td[(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(data)-333(structu)1(re)-1(s)-333(for)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(ons.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 291.4356 Td[(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(data)-333(structu)1(re)-1(s)-333(for)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(ons.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 255.5701 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -255.5701 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 255.5701 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 255.5701 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 255.5701 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14637,11 +14793,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -255.5701 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 255.5701 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 255.5701 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 255.5701 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14650,35 +14806,35 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -255.5701 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 255.5701 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 255.5701 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 411.5918 255.5701 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -255.5701 cm +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -255.5701 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 255.5701 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 255.5701 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 236.4913 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 236.4913 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -236.4913 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -236.4913 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 236.4913 Td[(up)-32(date)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 236.4913 Td[(up)-32(date)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 134.5846 236.4913 cm +1 0 0 1 185.394 236.4913 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -134.5846 -236.4913 cm +1 0 0 1 -185.394 -236.4913 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 139.5659 236.4913 Td[(Up)-27(date)-334(op)-27(erator.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 190.3753 236.4913 Td[(Up)-27(date)-334(op)-27(erator.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 205.4574 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 205.4574 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -205.4574 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -205.4574 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 124.802 205.4574 Td[(up)-32(date)-383(=)-384(psb)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 205.4574 Td[(up)-32(date)-383(=)-384(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 193.9766 205.4574 cm +1 0 0 1 244.7861 205.4574 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14687,11 +14843,11 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -193.9766 -205.4574 cm +1 0 0 1 -244.7861 -205.4574 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.4138 205.4574 Td[(none)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 248.2232 205.4574 Td[(none)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 221.8107 205.4574 cm +1 0 0 1 272.6202 205.4574 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14702,17 +14858,17 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 3.4371 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -225.2478 -205.4574 cm +1 0 0 1 -276.0573 -205.4574 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 230.2291 205.4574 Td[(Do)-333(noth)1(ing;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 281.0386 205.4574 Td[(Do)-333(noth)1(ing;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 190.3636 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 190.3636 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -190.3636 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -190.3636 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 124.802 190.3636 Td[(up)-32(date)-383(=)-384(psb)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 190.3636 Td[(up)-32(date)-383(=)-384(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 193.9766 190.3636 cm +1 0 0 1 244.7861 190.3636 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14721,11 +14877,11 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -193.9766 -190.3636 cm +1 0 0 1 -244.7861 -190.3636 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.4138 190.3636 Td[(add)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 248.2232 190.3636 Td[(add)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 216.4004 190.3636 cm +1 0 0 1 267.2099 190.3636 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14734,19 +14890,19 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 3.4372 0 cm +1 0 0 1 3.4371 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -219.8376 -190.3636 cm +1 0 0 1 -270.647 -190.3636 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 224.8189 190.3636 Td[(Su)1(m)-334(o)28(v)28(erlap)-333(en)28(tri)1(e)-1(s,)-333(i.e.)-445(ap)1(ply)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 136.5438 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7798 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.2761 -3.6154 Td[(;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 275.6283 190.3636 Td[(Su)1(m)-334(o)28(v)28(erlap)-333(en)28(tri)1(e)-1(s,)-333(i.e.)-445(ap)1(ply)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 136.5438 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.2761 -3.6154 Td[(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 175.2699 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 175.2699 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -175.2699 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -175.2699 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 124.802 175.2699 Td[(up)-32(date)-383(=)-384(psb)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 175.2699 Td[(up)-32(date)-383(=)-384(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 193.9766 175.2699 cm +1 0 0 1 244.7861 175.2699 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14755,11 +14911,11 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -193.9766 -175.2699 cm +1 0 0 1 -244.7861 -175.2699 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.4138 175.2699 Td[(a)32(vg)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 248.2232 175.2699 Td[(a)32(vg)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 215.1274 175.2699 cm +1 0 0 1 265.9369 175.2699 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14768,13 +14924,13 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 3.4372 0 cm +1 0 0 1 3.4371 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -218.5646 -175.2699 cm +1 0 0 1 -269.374 -175.2699 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 223.5459 175.2699 Td[(Av)28(erage)-334(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)-333(en)28(tri)1(e)-1(s,)-333(i.e)-1(.)-444(ap)1(ply)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 152.3456 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.3962 -1.4944 Td[(a)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 4.8195 1.4944 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.2761 -3.6154 Td[(;)]TJ -276.3612 -19.0788 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(Defau)1(lt:)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 39.4356 0 Td[(up)-1(date)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 274.3553 175.2699 Td[(Av)28(erage)-334(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)-333(en)28(tri)1(e)-1(s,)-333(i.e)-1(.)-444(ap)1(ply)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 152.3457 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.3961 -1.4944 Td[(a)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 4.8196 1.4944 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7798 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 6.2762 -3.6154 Td[(;)]TJ -276.3612 -19.0788 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(Defau)1(lt:)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 39.4355 0 Td[(up)-1(date)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 194.239 144.236 cm +1 0 0 1 245.0484 144.236 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14783,11 +14939,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -194.239 -144.236 cm +1 0 0 1 -245.0484 -144.236 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 197.2278 144.236 Td[(ty)-36(pe)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 21.2582 0 Td[(=)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 248.0373 144.236 Td[(ty)-36(pe)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 21.2582 0 Td[(=)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 243.5579 144.236 cm +1 0 0 1 294.3674 144.236 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14796,11 +14952,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -243.5579 -144.236 cm +1 0 0 1 -294.3674 -144.236 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 246.5467 144.236 Td[(av)-35(g)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 297.3562 144.236 Td[(av)-35(g)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 262.7065 144.236 cm +1 0 0 1 313.5159 144.236 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -14809,218 +14965,420 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -262.7065 -144.236 cm +1 0 0 1 -313.5159 -144.236 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 132.2808 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(in)28(tege)-1(r)-333(v)56(ariab)1(le.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 132.2808 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(in)28(tege)-1(r)-333(v)56(ariab)1(le.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(39)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(40)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -850 0 obj << +868 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 851 0 R -/Resources 849 0 R +/Contents 869 0 R +/Resources 867 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 823 0 R -/Annots [ 855 0 R 856 0 R ] +/Parent 875 0 R +/Annots [ 873 0 R 874 0 R ] >> endobj -855 0 obj << +873 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [162.8262 309.5181 174.7814 318.4292] +/Rect [213.6356 309.5181 225.5908 318.4292] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.14) >> >> endobj -856 0 obj << +874 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 252.3599 361.7786 263.4849] +/Rect [345.5302 252.3599 412.5881 263.4849] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -852 0 obj << -/D [850 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +870 0 obj << +/D [868 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj 150 0 obj << -/D [850 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 662.9866 null] +/D [868 0 R 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706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -175.1547 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.3453 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.136 706.1289 Td[(th)1(e)-334(w)27(or)1(k)-333(arra)28(y)84(.)]TJ -4.5245 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(one)-334(d)1(ime)-1(n)1(s)-1(ion)1(al)-333(arra)28(y)-333(of)-333(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(ame)-334(t)28(yp)-27(e)-334(of)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 252.6087 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 129.3266 706.1289 Td[(th)1(e)-334(w)27(or)1(k)-333(arra)28(y)84(.)]TJ -4.5246 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(one)-334(d)1(ime)-1(nsion)1(al)-333(arra)28(y)-333(of)-333(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(ame)-334(t)28(yp)-27(e)-334(of)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 252.6088 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 650.3381 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -650.3381 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 650.3381 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 650.3381 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 650.3381 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -630.4128 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 630.4128 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 630.4128 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 156.7516 630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 105.9421 630.4128 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 -105.9421 -630.4128 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 630.4128 Td[(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(res)-1(u)1(lt)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 116.6738 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -108.4891 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-474(as:)-727(an)-474(arr)1(a)27(y)-474(of)-474(ran)1(k)-475(on)1(e)-475(or)-474(t)27(w)28(o)-475(con)28(tai)1(nin)1(g)-475(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)1(s)-475(of)-474(t)27(y)1(p)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014ed)-333(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.9235 630.4128 Td[(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(res)-1(u)1(lt)-333(m)-1(atr)1(ix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 116.6738 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -108.4891 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-474(as:)-727(an)-474(arr)1(a)27(y)-474(of)-474(ran)1(k)-475(on)1(e)-475(or)-474(t)27(w)28(o)-475(con)28(tai)1(nin)1(g)-475(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)1(s)-475(of)-474(t)27(y)1(p)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014ed)-333(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 254.8146 582.5921 cm +1 0 0 1 204.0051 582.5921 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -254.8146 -582.5921 cm +1 0 0 1 -204.0051 -582.5921 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 254.8146 582.5921 Td[(14)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 204.0051 582.5921 Td[(14)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 264.7773 582.5921 cm +1 0 0 1 213.9678 582.5921 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -264.7773 -582.5921 cm +1 0 0 1 -213.9678 -582.5921 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 264.7773 582.5921 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 213.9678 582.5921 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 562.6668 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -562.6668 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 562.6668 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 562.6668 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.4816 562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 118.6721 562.6668 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -562.6668 cm +1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -562.6668 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 562.6668 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9458 Td[(Us)1(ag)-1(e)-375(no)-1(tes)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 562.6668 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9458 Td[(Us)1(ag)-1(e)-375(no)-1(tes)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 472.0346 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 472.0346 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -472.0346 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -472.0346 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 472.0346 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 472.0346 Td[(1.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 170.6302 472.0346 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 472.0346 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -472.0346 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -472.0346 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 472.0346 Td[(If)-316(th)1(e)-1(r)1(e)-317(is)-317(n)1(o)-316(o)28(v)28(e)-1(rl)1(ap)-316(in)-316(th)1(e)-317(d)1(ata)-316(distrib)1(uti)1(on)-316(as)-1(so)-28(ciated)-316(with)-316(th)1(e)-317(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(ip-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(tor,)-333(n)1(o)-334(op)-27(eration)1(s)-334(are)-333(p)-28(erfor)1(m)-1(ed;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 472.0346 Td[(If)-316(th)1(e)-1(r)1(e)-317(is)-317(n)1(o)-316(o)28(v)28(e)-1(rl)1(ap)-316(in)-316(th)1(e)-317(d)1(ata)-316(distrib)1(uti)1(on)-316(as)-1(so)-28(ciated)-316(with)-316(th)1(e)-317(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(ip-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(tor,)-333(n)1(o)-334(op)-27(eration)1(s)-334(are)-333(p)-28(erfor)1(m)-1(ed;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 440.1541 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 440.1541 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -440.1541 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -440.1541 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 440.1541 Td[(2.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 440.1541 Td[(2.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 170.6302 440.1541 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 440.1541 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -440.1541 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -440.1541 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 440.1541 Td[(The)-351(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 61.0072 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.7698 -3.6154 Td[(p)-27(e)-1(r)1(forms)-351(the)-351(r)1(e)-1(d)1(uction)-350(s)-1(u)1(m)-351(of)-351(o)28(v)28(erlap)-350(ele)-1(men)28(ts)-1(;)-359(i)1(t)-351(is)-351(a)]TJ -78.5569 -11.9552 Td[(\134pr)1(olongat)1(ion")-365(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 108.9228 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.914 -3.6154 Td[(th)1(at)-366(r)1(e)-1(p)1(licate)-1(s)-365(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)-365(ele)-1(men)28(ts)-1(,)-372(ac)-1(coun)28(ti)1(ng)]TJ -126.6167 -11.9551 Td[(for)-333(t)1(he)-334(p)1(h)28(ysic)-1(al)-333(r)1(e)-1(p)1(lication)-333(of)-333(d)1(ata;)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 440.1541 Td[(The)-351(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 61.0072 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.7698 -3.6154 Td[(p)-27(e)-1(r)1(forms)-351(the)-351(r)1(e)-1(d)1(uction)-350(s)-1(u)1(m)-351(of)-351(o)28(v)28(erlap)-350(ele)-1(men)28(ts)-1(;)-359(i)1(t)-351(is)-351(a)]TJ -78.5569 -11.9552 Td[(\134pr)1(olongat)1(ion")-365(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 108.9228 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 7.7799 3.6154 Td[(T)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.914 -3.6154 Td[(th)1(at)-366(r)1(e)-1(p)1(licate)-1(s)-365(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)-365(ele)-1(men)28(ts)-1(,)-372(ac)-1(coun)28(ti)1(ng)]TJ -126.6167 -11.9551 Td[(for)-333(t)1(he)-334(p)1(h)28(ysic)-1(al)-333(r)1(e)-1(p)1(lication)-333(of)-333(d)1(ata;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 396.3185 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 396.3185 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -396.3185 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -396.3185 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 396.3185 Td[(3.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 396.3185 Td[(3.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 170.6302 396.3185 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 396.3185 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -396.3185 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -396.3185 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 396.3185 Td[(The)-256(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 59.1104 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.3961 -1.4944 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.3649 1.4944 Td[(p)-27(e)-1(r)1(forms)-256(a)-255(s)-1(calin)1(g)-256(on)-255(th)1(e)-256(o)27(v)28(erl)1(ap)-256(elem)-1(en)28(ts)-256(b)29(y)-256(th)1(e)-256(amoun)28(t)]TJ -72.8714 -11.9552 Td[(of)-289(repli)1(c)-1(ati)1(on;)-304(th)28(u)1(s)-1(,)-298(when)-289(c)-1(om)28(bi)1(ned)-290(wit)1(h)-290(t)1(he)-290(redu)1(c)-1(ti)1(on)-290(op)-27(erator,)-298(i)1(t)-290(impl)1(e)-1(-)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(me)-1(n)28(t)1(s)-334(the)-333(a)27(v)28(erage)-334(of)-332(re)-1(p)1(licate)-1(d)-332(e)-1(leme)-1(n)28(ts)-333(o)27(v)28(er)-333(all)-333(of)-333(th)1(e)-1(i)1(r)-333(instance)-1(s.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 396.3185 Td[(The)-256(op)-27(e)-1(r)1(ator)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 59.1104 0 Td[(P)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.3961 -1.4944 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.3649 1.4944 Td[(p)-27(e)-1(r)1(forms)-256(a)-255(s)-1(calin)1(g)-256(on)-255(th)1(e)-256(o)27(v)28(erl)1(ap)-256(elem)-1(en)28(ts)-256(b)29(y)-256(th)1(e)-256(amoun)28(t)]TJ -72.8714 -11.9552 Td[(of)-289(repli)1(c)-1(ati)1(on;)-304(th)28(u)1(s)-1(,)-298(when)-289(c)-1(om)28(bi)1(ned)-290(wit)1(h)-290(t)1(he)-290(redu)1(c)-1(ti)1(on)-290(op)-27(erator,)-298(i)1(t)-290(impl)1(e)-1(-)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(me)-1(n)28(t)1(s)-334(the)-333(a)27(v)28(erage)-334(of)-332(re)-1(p)1(licate)-1(d)-332(e)-1(leme)-1(n)28(ts)-333(o)27(v)28(er)-333(all)-333(of)-333(th)1(e)-1(i)1(r)-333(instance)-1(s.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -42.9085 Td[(Exam)-1(ple)-375(o)-1(f)-375(us)1(e)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 0 -21.8209 Td[(Consider)-320(the)-321(d)1(isc)-1(r)1(e)-1(tization)-320(mes)-1(h)-320(d)1(e)-1(p)1(ic)-1(ted)-320(in)-320(\014)1(g.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 312.8632 307.6787 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -312.8632 -307.6787 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 312.8632 307.6787 Td[(7)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 317.8445 307.6787 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -317.8445 -307.6787 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(40)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.8445 307.6787 Td[(,)-323(p)1(artiti)1(oned)-320(am)-1(on)1(g)-321(t)28(w)28(o)-321(p)1(ro-)]TJ -217.9491 -11.9551 Td[(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-259(as)-259(sho)28(wn)-258(b)28(y)-258(th)1(e)-259(d)1(as)-1(h)1(e)-1(d)-258(l)1(ines)-1(,)-273(with)-257(an)-258(o)27(v)28(erl)1(ap)-258(of)-258(1)-258(e)-1(xt)1(ra)-258(la)28(y)28(e)-1(r)-258(with)-257(re)-1(sp)-27(e)-1(ct)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(to)-280(th)1(e)-280(par)1(tition)-279(of)-279(\014g.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 196.0493 283.7684 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -196.0493 -283.7684 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 196.0493 283.7684 Td[(6)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 201.0307 283.7684 cm 0 g 0 G -endstream +1 0 0 1 -201.0307 -283.7684 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 201.0307 283.7684 Td[(;)-297(the)-280(dat)1(a)-280(distri)1(bu)1(tion)-279(is)-280(s)-1(u)1(c)27(h)-279(that)-279(e)-1(ac)28(h)-280(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-280(w)-1(i)1(ll)-280(o)28(wn)]TJ -101.1353 -11.9552 Td[(40)-264(en)28(tr)1(ie)-1(s)-264(in)-263(th)1(e)-264(ind)1(e)-1(x)-263(s)-1(p)1(ac)-1(e,)-278(with)-263(an)-263(o)28(v)28(e)-1(r)1(lap)-263(of)-264(16)-263(e)-1(n)28(t)1(ries)-265(p)1(lace)-1(d)-263(at)-264(l)1(o)-28(c)-1(al)-263(in)1(dice)-1(s)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(25)-327(t)1(hrou)1(gh)-326(40;)-329(th)1(e)-328(h)1(alo)-326(w)-1(i)1(ll)-327(r)1(un)-326(fr)1(om)-327(lo)-28(cal)-326(ind)1(e)-1(x)-326(41)-327(th)1(rou)1(gh)-327(l)1(o)-28(c)-1(al)-326(in)1(dex)-327(48.)1(.)-442(I)-1(f)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-335(0)-333(as)-1(sign)1(s)-335(an)-333(in)1(itial)-333(v)56(alue)-334(of)-333(1)-334(to)-334(i)1(ts)-334(e)-1(n)28(t)1(ries)-335(i)1(n)-334(t)1(he)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 251.219 0 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.0186 0 Td[(v)28(ec)-1(tor)1(,)-334(and)-333(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)]TJ -260.2376 -11.9552 Td[(1)-364(ass)-1(ign)1(s)-365(a)-363(v)55(al)1(ue)-364(of)-364(2,)-371(then)-364(af)1(te)-1(r)-363(a)-364(c)-1(al)1(l)-364(to)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 186.5488 0 Td[(psb_ovrl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.4685 0 Td[(with)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 22.9976 0 Td[(psb_avg_)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 45.4684 0 Td[(and)-363(a)-364(call)]TJ -300.4833 -11.9551 Td[(to)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 12.2021 0 Td[(psb_halo_)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 50.4195 0 Td[(th)1(e)-337(con)28(ten)28(ts)-336(of)-336(th)1(e)-337(l)1(o)-28(c)-1(al)-335(v)28(e)-1(ctors)-336(will)-336(b)-27(e)-336(the)-336(fol)1(lo)28(w)-1(i)1(ng)-336(\050sho)28(wing)-335(a)]TJ -62.6216 -11.9552 Td[(tran)1(s)-1(i)1(tion)-333(among)-333(the)-333(t)28(w)27(o)-333(s)-1(u)1(b)-28(d)1(om)-1(ai)1(ns\051)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(41)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +0 g 0 G +endstream endobj -858 0 obj << +878 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 859 0 R -/Resources 857 0 R +/Contents 879 0 R +/Resources 877 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 866 0 R -/Annots [ 861 0 R ] +/Parent 875 0 R +/Annots [ 881 0 R 887 0 R 888 0 R ] >> endobj -861 0 obj << +881 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [253.8183 579.6587 265.7735 590.5069] +/Rect [203.0089 579.6587 214.9641 590.5069] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.14) >> >> endobj -860 0 obj << -/D [858 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +887 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [311.8669 304.7453 318.8408 315.5935] +/Subtype /Link +/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.7) >> >> endobj -862 0 obj << -/D [858 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 481.2002 null] +888 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [195.0531 280.835 202.0269 291.6832] +/Subtype /Link +/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.6) >> >> endobj -863 0 obj << -/D [858 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 485.1853 null] +880 0 obj << +/D [878 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -864 0 obj << -/D [858 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 454.1572 null] +882 0 obj << +/D [878 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 481.2002 null] >> endobj -865 0 obj << -/D [858 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 410.3215 null] +883 0 obj << +/D [878 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 485.1853 null] >> endobj -857 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F18 365 0 R /F10 527 0 R >> +884 0 obj << +/D [878 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 454.1572 null] +>> endobj +885 0 obj << +/D [878 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 410.3215 null] +>> endobj +886 0 obj << +/D [878 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 316.8444 null] +>> endobj +877 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F18 369 0 R /F10 532 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -869 0 obj << -/Length 11388 +892 0 obj << +/Length 4245 +>> +stream +1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -343.7111 -81.1959 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 60.4571 -238.6049 cm +0 g 0 G +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -211.162 -421.1973 cm +BT +/F33 7.9701 Tf 260.9214 653.1771 Td[(Pro)-29(c)-1(ess)-354(0)-8987(Pro)-29(c)-1(ess)-354(1)]TJ -33.3818 -9.4645 Td[(I)-1500(G)1(LOB\050I\051)-1500(X\050I\051)-5180(I)-1500(G)1(LOB\050I\051)-1500(X\050I\051)]TJ -1.1845 -9.4645 Td[(1)-5254(1)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(1)-4722(3)-1(3)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(2)-5254(2)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(2)-4722(3)-1(4)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(3)-5254(3)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(3)-4722(3)-1(5)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(4)-5254(4)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(4)-4722(3)-1(6)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(5)-5254(5)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(5)-4722(3)-1(7)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(6)-5254(6)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(6)-4722(3)-1(8)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(7)-5254(7)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(7)-4722(3)-1(9)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(8)-5254(8)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(8)-4722(4)-1(0)-2147(1.)-1(5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(9)-5254(9)-2147(1.)-1(0)-5031(9)-4722(4)-1(1)-2147(2.)-1(0)]TJ -4.2342 -9.4645 Td[(10)-4723(10)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(10)-4723(42)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(11)-4723(11)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(11)-4723(43)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(12)-4723(12)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(12)-4723(44)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(13)-4723(13)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(13)-4723(45)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(14)-4723(14)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(14)-4723(46)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(15)-4723(15)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(15)-4723(47)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(16)-4723(16)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(16)-4723(48)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(17)-4723(17)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(17)-4723(49)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(18)-4723(18)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(18)-4723(50)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(19)-4723(19)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(19)-4723(51)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(20)-4723(20)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(20)-4723(52)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(21)-4723(21)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(21)-4723(53)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(22)-4723(22)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(22)-4723(54)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(23)-4723(23)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(23)-4723(55)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(24)-4723(24)-2147(1)-1(.0)-4500(24)-4723(56)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(25)-4723(25)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(25)-4723(57)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(26)-4723(26)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(26)-4723(58)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(27)-4723(27)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(27)-4723(59)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(28)-4723(28)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(28)-4723(60)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(29)-4723(29)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(29)-4723(61)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(30)-4723(30)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(30)-4723(62)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(31)-4723(31)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(31)-4723(63)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(32)-4723(32)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(32)-4723(64)-2147(2)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(33)-4723(33)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(33)-4723(25)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(34)-4723(34)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(34)-4723(26)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(35)-4723(35)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(35)-4723(27)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(36)-4723(36)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(36)-4723(28)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(37)-4723(37)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(37)-4723(29)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(38)-4723(38)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(38)-4723(30)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(39)-4723(39)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(39)-4723(31)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(40)-4723(40)-2147(1)-1(.5)-4500(40)-4723(32)-2147(1)-1(.5)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(41)-4723(41)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(41)-4723(17)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(42)-4723(42)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(42)-4723(18)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(43)-4723(43)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(43)-4723(19)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(44)-4723(44)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(44)-4723(20)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(45)-4723(45)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(45)-4723(21)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(46)-4723(46)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(46)-4723(22)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(47)-4723(47)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(47)-4723(23)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ 0 -9.4645 Td[(48)-4723(48)-2147(2)-1(.0)-4500(48)-4723(24)-2147(1)-1(.0)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 150.7049 176.6149 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 0 -86.1772 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(42)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 494.416 90.4377 cm +0 g 0 G +endstream +endobj +891 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 892 0 R +/Resources 890 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] +/Parent 875 0 R +>> endobj +893 0 obj << +/D [891 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +>> 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9.9626 Tf 121.4026 576.9715 Td[(x)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 172.2121 576.9715 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 127.0966 576.9715 cm +1 0 0 1 177.906 576.9715 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -127.0966 -576.9715 cm +1 0 0 1 -177.906 -576.9715 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 132.0779 576.9715 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(glob)1(al)-333(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 103.9161 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 182.8873 576.9715 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(glob)1(al)-333(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 103.9161 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 253.9744 576.9715 cm +1 0 0 1 304.7839 576.9715 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15093,17 +15451,17 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -253.9744 -576.9715 cm +1 0 0 1 -304.7839 -576.9715 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 256.9633 576.9715 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(m)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 7.0696 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 3.9712 0 Td[(;j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 10.3565 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.9904 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(n)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 4.9248 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 307.7727 576.9715 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(m)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 7.0696 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 3.9712 0 Td[(;j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 10.3565 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.9904 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(n)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 4.9248 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 557.4271 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 557.4271 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -557.4271 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -557.4271 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 557.4271 Td[(l)-20(oc)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 557.4271 Td[(l)-20(oc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 112.892 557.4271 cm +1 0 0 1 163.7014 557.4271 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15112,29 +15470,29 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -112.892 -557.4271 cm +1 0 0 1 -163.7014 -557.4271 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 116.3291 557.4271 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 167.1386 557.4271 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 125.3399 557.4271 cm +1 0 0 1 176.1493 557.4271 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -125.3399 -557.4271 cm +1 0 0 1 -176.1493 -557.4271 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 130.3212 557.4271 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)-27(ortion)-332(of)-333(global)-333(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-334(matri)1(x)-333(on)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 234.7036 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 181.1307 557.4271 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)-27(ortion)-332(of)-333(global)-333(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-334(matri)1(x)-333(on)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 234.7036 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 537.8827 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 537.8827 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -537.8827 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -537.8827 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 537.8827 Td[(co)1(l)-21(l)-20(e)1(ct)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 537.8827 Td[(co)1(l)-21(l)-20(e)1(ct)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 127.9212 537.8827 cm +1 0 0 1 178.7306 537.8827 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -127.9212 -537.8827 cm +1 0 0 1 -178.7306 -537.8827 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 132.9025 537.8827 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(collec)-1(t)-333(f)1(unction)1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 183.712 537.8827 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(collec)-1(t)-333(f)1(unction)1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 519.1001 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 519.1001 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 74.1629 -21.0212 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -15148,11 +15506,11 @@ q 185.4227 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -179.0396 -518.7016 cm +1 0 0 1 -229.8491 -518.7016 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 185.0172 510.333 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(;)-166(y)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 109.2958 0 Td[(Subr)1(outi)-1(ne)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 235.8267 510.333 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(;)-166(y)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 109.2959 0 Td[(Subr)1(outi)-1(ne)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.0396 506.3479 cm +1 0 0 1 229.8491 506.3479 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15161,11 +15519,11 @@ q 185.4227 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -179.0396 -506.3479 cm +1 0 0 1 -229.8491 -506.3479 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.0172 497.9794 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Real)-3103(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 235.8267 497.9794 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Real)-3103(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 318.9209 497.9794 cm +1 0 0 1 369.7303 497.9794 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15174,11 +15532,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -318.9209 -497.9794 cm +1 0 0 1 -369.7303 -497.9794 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 321.9097 497.9794 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)]TJ -136.8925 -11.9552 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Complex)-1200(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 372.7191 497.9794 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)]TJ -136.8924 -11.9552 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Complex)-1200(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 318.9209 486.0242 cm +1 0 0 1 369.7303 486.0242 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15187,11 +15545,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -318.9209 -486.0242 cm +1 0 0 1 -369.7303 -486.0242 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 321.9097 486.0242 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 372.7191 486.0242 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.0396 482.0391 cm +1 0 0 1 229.8491 482.0391 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15202,19 +15560,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 46.5372 -27.84 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -225.5768 -454.1991 cm +1 0 0 1 -276.3863 -454.1991 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 225.5768 454.1991 Td[(T)83(ab)1(le)-334(15:)-444(Data)-333(t)28(yp)-28(es)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 276.3863 454.1991 Td[(T)83(ab)1(le)-334(15:)-444(Data)-333(t)28(yp)-28(es)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 317.9251 454.1991 cm +1 0 0 1 368.7346 454.1991 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -218.0297 -1.9372 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -452.2619 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -452.2619 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 407.9057 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2666 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 407.9057 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2666 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 139.024 386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 189.8335 386.0848 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15223,11 +15581,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -139.024 -386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 -189.8335 -386.0848 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 142.0128 386.0848 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 34.897 0 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 192.8223 386.0848 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 34.897 0 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 194.3243 386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 245.1338 386.0848 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15236,11 +15594,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -194.3243 -386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 -245.1338 -386.0848 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 197.3795 386.0848 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 248.189 386.0848 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 220.9432 386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 271.7527 386.0848 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15249,11 +15607,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -220.9432 -386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 -271.7527 -386.0848 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 223.9984 386.0848 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 274.8079 386.0848 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 254.1817 386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 304.9911 386.0848 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15262,11 +15620,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -254.1817 -386.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 -304.9911 -386.0848 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 257.2369 386.0848 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(j)1(globx,)-357(ilo)51(cx)1(,)-358(jl)1(o)51(cx,)-357(k)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 177.2286 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -334.5701 -29.8879 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 39.4216 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 308.0463 386.0848 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(j)1(globx,)-357(ilo)51(cx)1(,)-358(jl)1(o)51(cx,)-357(k)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 177.2287 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -334.5701 -29.8879 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 39.4216 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 173.179 334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 223.9884 334.376 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15275,11 +15633,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -173.179 -334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 -223.9884 -334.376 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.1678 334.376 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 34.897 0 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 226.9773 334.376 Td[(gath)1(e)-1(r)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 34.897 0 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 228.4793 334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 279.2888 334.376 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15288,11 +15646,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -228.4793 -334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 -279.2888 -334.376 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 231.5345 334.376 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 282.344 334.376 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 255.0982 334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 305.9077 334.376 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15301,11 +15659,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -255.0982 -334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 -305.9077 -334.376 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 258.1534 334.376 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 308.9629 334.376 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 288.3367 334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 339.1461 334.376 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15314,25 +15672,25 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -288.3367 -334.376 cm +1 0 0 1 -339.1461 -334.376 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 291.3919 334.376 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(i)1(lo)51(cx)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 108.9186 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 342.2014 334.376 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(i)1(lo)51(cx)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 108.9186 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 310.4656 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 310.4656 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -310.4656 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -310.4656 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 310.4656 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 310.4656 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 310.4656 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 310.4656 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.5444 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -290.9212 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -290.9212 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 290.9213 Td[(lo)-32(c)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 290.9213 Td[(lo)-32(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 114.904 290.9213 cm +1 0 0 1 165.7135 290.9213 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15341,17 +15699,17 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -114.904 -290.9213 cm +1 0 0 1 -165.7135 -290.9213 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 118.3411 290.9213 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 169.1506 290.9213 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 124.3879 290.9213 cm +1 0 0 1 175.1973 290.9213 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -124.3879 -290.9213 cm +1 0 0 1 -175.1973 -290.9213 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 129.3692 290.9213 Td[(th)1(e)-334(lo)-28(cal)-333(p)-28(or)1(tion)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(matrix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 176.1177 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.1786 290.9213 Td[(th)1(e)-334(lo)-28(cal)-333(p)-28(or)1(tion)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(matrix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 176.1177 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 323.4674 290.9213 cm +1 0 0 1 374.2768 290.9213 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15360,29 +15718,29 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -323.4674 -290.9213 cm +1 0 0 1 -374.2768 -290.9213 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 326.4562 290.9213 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -207.3481 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-472(as:)-722(a)-473(ran)1(k)-472(one)-473(or)-472(t)28(w)28(o)-473(arr)1(a)28(y)-473(con)28(tain)1(in)1(g)-473(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)1(s)-473(of)-472(the)-472(t)27(y)1(p)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(in)1(dicated)-333(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 377.2656 290.9213 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -207.348 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-472(as:)-722(a)-473(ran)1(k)-472(one)-473(or)-472(t)28(w)28(o)-473(arr)1(a)28(y)-473(con)28(tain)1(in)1(g)-473(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)1(s)-473(of)-472(the)-472(t)27(y)1(p)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(in)1(dicated)-333(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 206.9939 243.1006 cm +1 0 0 1 257.8034 243.1006 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -206.9939 -243.1006 cm +1 0 0 1 -257.8034 -243.1006 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.9939 243.1006 Td[(15)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 257.8034 243.1006 Td[(15)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 216.9566 243.1006 cm +1 0 0 1 267.7661 243.1006 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -216.9566 -243.1006 cm +1 0 0 1 -267.7661 -243.1006 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 216.9566 243.1006 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 267.7661 243.1006 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 223.5562 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 223.5562 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -223.5562 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -223.5562 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 223.5562 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 223.5562 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.81 223.5562 cm +1 0 0 1 172.6195 223.5562 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15391,23 +15749,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.81 -223.5562 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -223.5562 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 223.5562 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 223.5562 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.8165 223.5562 cm +1 0 0 1 181.6259 223.5562 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -223.5562 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -223.5562 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 223.5562 Td[(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(data)-333(structu)1(re)-1(s)-333(for)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(ons.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 223.5562 Td[(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(data)-333(structu)1(re)-1(s)-333(for)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(ons.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 187.6907 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -187.6907 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 187.6907 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 187.6907 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 187.6907 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15416,11 +15774,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -187.6907 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 187.6907 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 187.6907 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 187.6907 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15429,100 +15787,100 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -187.6907 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 187.6907 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 187.6907 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 411.5918 187.6907 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -187.6907 cm +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -187.6907 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 187.6907 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 187.6907 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 168.1463 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -168.1463 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 168.1463 Td[(ro)-32(ot)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 168.1463 Td[(ro)-32(ot)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 120.8445 168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 171.654 168.1463 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -120.8445 -168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.654 -168.1463 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 125.8258 168.1463 Td[(The)-291(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)-291(that)-291(h)1(old)1(s)-292(th)1(e)-292(glob)1(al)-291(c)-1(op)29(y)83(.)-430(If)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 182.5223 0 Td[(r)-28(oo)1(t)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 20.7946 0 Td[(=)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(1)-291(all)-291(th)1(e)-292(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(sse)-1(s)-291(w)-1(i)1(ll)]TJ -222.6055 -11.9552 Td[(ha)28(v)28(e)-334(a)-333(cop)28(y)-333(of)-333(the)-333(global)-333(v)28(ec)-1(tor)1(.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 142.0786 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8936 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(np)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.2063 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(1,)-333(defau)1(lt)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 44.5552 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7488 0 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.6353 168.1463 Td[(The)-291(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)-291(that)-291(h)1(old)1(s)-292(th)1(e)-292(glob)1(al)-291(c)-1(op)29(y)83(.)-430(If)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 182.5222 0 Td[(r)-28(oo)1(t)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 20.7947 0 Td[(=)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(1)-291(all)-291(th)1(e)-292(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(sse)-1(s)-291(w)-1(i)1(ll)]TJ -222.6055 -11.9552 Td[(ha)28(v)28(e)-334(a)-333(cop)28(y)-333(of)-333(the)-333(global)-333(v)28(ec)-1(tor)1(.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 142.0785 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7488 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8936 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(np)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.2063 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(1,)-333(defau)1(lt)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 44.5552 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7488 0 Td[(1.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(41)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(44)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -868 0 obj << +904 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 869 0 R -/Resources 867 0 R +/Contents 905 0 R +/Resources 903 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 866 0 R -/Annots [ 874 0 R 875 0 R ] +/Parent 875 0 R +/Annots [ 910 0 R 911 0 R ] >> endobj -874 0 obj << +910 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [205.9977 242.1043 217.9529 251.0153] +/Rect [256.8071 242.1043 268.7623 251.0153] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.15) >> >> endobj -875 0 obj << +911 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 184.4805 361.7786 195.6054] +/Rect [345.5302 184.4805 412.5881 195.6054] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -870 0 obj << -/D [868 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +906 0 obj << 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0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -34.8692 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -706.1289 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(igl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 706.1289 Td[(igl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 180.6203 706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 129.8108 706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -180.6203 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -129.8108 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.6016 706.1289 Td[(Ro)28(w)-364(in)1(dex)-364(to)-363(de\014n)1(e)-364(a)-364(sub)1(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-363(in)-363(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 134.7922 706.1289 Td[(Ro)28(w)-364(in)1(dex)-364(to)-363(de\014n)1(e)-364(a)-364(sub)1(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-363(in)-363(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 364.2558 706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 313.4463 706.1289 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15531,11 +15889,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -364.2558 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -313.4463 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 367.2446 706.1289 Td[(x)-363(in)28(to)-363(whic)27(h)-363(gat)1(her)-364(th)1(e)-364(lo)-28(cal)]TJ -191.6331 -11.9552 Td[(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-334(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 149.8272 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8935 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(matr)-28(i)1(x)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 316.4352 706.1289 Td[(x)-363(in)28(to)-363(whic)28(h)-364(gat)1(her)-364(th)1(e)-364(lo)-28(cal)]TJ -191.6332 -11.9552 Td[(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-334(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 149.8273 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8936 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(matr)-28(i)1(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 390.4709 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 339.6614 658.3082 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15544,11 +15902,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -390.4709 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -339.6614 -658.3082 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 393.4597 658.3082 Td[(data)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 19.3153 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 342.6502 658.3082 Td[(data)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 19.3153 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 431.2052 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 380.3957 658.3082 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15557,11 +15915,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -431.2052 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -380.3957 -658.3082 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 434.194 658.3082 Td[(m)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 383.3845 658.3082 Td[(m)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.5391 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 392.7296 658.3082 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15570,23 +15928,23 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -443.5391 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -392.7296 -658.3082 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 446.5279 658.3082 Td[(\051.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 395.7184 658.3082 Td[(\051.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 638.3829 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -638.3829 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 638.3829 Td[(jgl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 638.3829 Td[(jgl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 180.9385 638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 130.1291 638.3829 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -180.9385 -638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 -130.1291 -638.3829 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.9199 638.3829 Td[(Column)-440(in)1(dex)-440(to)-441(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-441(a)-440(sub)1(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-440(in)-440(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.1104 638.3829 Td[(Column)-440(in)1(dex)-440(to)-441(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-441(a)-440(sub)1(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-440(in)-440(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 385.0165 638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 334.2071 638.3829 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15595,23 +15953,23 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -385.0165 -638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 -334.2071 -638.3829 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 388.0054 638.3829 Td[(x)-440(in)28(to)-440(whic)28(h)-440(gather)-440(the)]TJ -212.3939 -11.9552 Td[(lo)-28(cal)-333(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 337.1959 638.3829 Td[(x)-440(in)28(to)-440(whic)28(h)-440(gather)-440(the)]TJ -212.3939 -11.9552 Td[(lo)-28(cal)-333(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 570.637 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -570.637 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 570.637 Td[(il)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 570.637 Td[(il)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 174.2553 570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 123.4458 570.637 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -174.2553 -570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 -123.4458 -570.637 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 179.2366 570.637 Td[(Ro)28(w)-410(ind)1(e)-1(x)-410(t)1(o)-410(de\014n)1(e)-411(a)-410(sub)1(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-410(i)1(n)-410(lo)-27(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 128.4272 570.637 Td[(Ro)28(w)-410(ind)1(e)-1(x)-410(t)1(o)-410(de\014n)1(e)-411(a)-410(sub)1(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-410(i)1(n)-410(lo)-27(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 355.3148 570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 304.5054 570.637 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15620,11 +15978,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -355.3148 -570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 -304.5054 -570.637 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 358.3037 570.637 Td[(x)-410(th)1(at)-410(has)-410(to)-410(b)-27(e)-410(gathered)-410(in)29(to)]TJ -182.6922 -11.9552 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 307.4942 570.637 Td[(x)-410(th)1(at)-410(has)-410(to)-410(b)-27(e)-410(gathered)-410(in)29(to)]TJ -182.6922 -11.9552 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 194.4741 558.6818 cm +1 0 0 1 143.6647 558.6818 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15633,23 +15991,23 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -194.4741 -558.6818 cm +1 0 0 1 -143.6647 -558.6818 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 197.4629 558.6818 Td[(x.)]TJ -21.8514 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.6535 558.6818 Td[(x.)]TJ -21.8515 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 502.891 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -502.891 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 502.891 Td[(jl)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 502.891 Td[(jl)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 174.5736 502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 123.7641 502.891 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -174.5736 -502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 -123.7641 -502.891 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 179.5549 502.891 Td[(Column)1(s)-424(ind)1(e)-1(x)-423(to)-424(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-424(a)-423(s)-1(u)1(bmatrix)-423(in)-423(lo)-28(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 128.7454 502.891 Td[(Column)1(s)-424(ind)1(e)-1(x)-423(to)-424(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-424(a)-423(s)-1(u)1(bmatrix)-423(in)-423(lo)-28(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 375.5987 502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 324.7893 502.891 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15658,11 +16016,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -375.5987 -502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 -324.7893 -502.891 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 378.5876 502.891 Td[(x)-423(that)-423(has)-424(to)-423(b)-28(e)-424(gath)1(e)-1(r)1(e)-1(d)]TJ -202.9761 -11.9552 Td[(in)28(t)1(o)-334(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 327.7781 502.891 Td[(x)-423(that)-423(has)-424(to)-423(b)-28(e)-424(gath)1(e)-1(r)1(e)-1(d)]TJ -202.9761 -11.9552 Td[(in)28(t)1(o)-334(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 214.6762 490.9358 cm +1 0 0 1 163.8667 490.9358 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15671,37 +16029,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -214.6762 -490.9358 cm +1 0 0 1 -163.8667 -490.9358 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 217.665 490.9358 Td[(x.)]TJ -42.0535 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 166.8555 490.9358 Td[(x.)]TJ -42.0535 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 435.145 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -435.145 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 435.145 Td[(k)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 435.145 Td[(k)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 156.7516 435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 105.9421 435.145 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 -105.9421 -435.145 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 435.145 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(c)-1(ol)1(umns)-334(t)1(o)-334(gath)1(e)-1(r)1(.)]TJ 13.8786 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.9235 435.145 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(c)-1(ol)1(umns)-334(t)1(o)-334(gath)1(e)-1(r)1(.)]TJ 13.8785 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 379.3543 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 379.3543 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -379.3543 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -379.3543 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 379.3543 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 379.3543 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 379.3543 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 379.3543 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -359.429 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 359.429 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 359.429 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.3967 359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 121.5872 359.429 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15710,68 +16068,68 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -172.3967 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.5872 -359.429 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.8338 359.429 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.0244 359.429 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.8806 359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 131.0711 359.429 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -181.8806 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -131.0711 -359.429 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.8619 359.429 Td[(The)-334(ar)1(ra)28(y)-333(where)-334(th)1(e)-334(lo)-28(cal)-333(part)1(s)-334(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-333(b)-27(e)-334(gathered.)]TJ -11.2504 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(rank)-333(on)1(e)-334(or)-333(t)28(w)27(o)-333(arr)1(a)27(y)84(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 136.0524 359.429 Td[(The)-334(ar)1(ra)28(y)-333(where)-334(th)1(e)-334(lo)-28(cal)-333(part)1(s)-334(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-333(b)-27(e)-334(gathered.)]TJ -11.2504 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(rank)-333(on)1(e)-334(or)-333(t)28(w)27(o)-333(arr)1(a)27(y)84(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 303.6382 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 303.6382 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -303.6382 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -303.6382 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 303.6382 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 303.6382 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.4816 303.6382 cm +1 0 0 1 118.6721 303.6382 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -303.6382 cm +1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -303.6382 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 303.6382 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 303.6382 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(42)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(45)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -877 0 obj << +913 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 878 0 R -/Resources 876 0 R +/Contents 914 0 R +/Resources 912 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 866 0 R +/Parent 875 0 R >> endobj -879 0 obj << -/D [877 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +915 0 obj << +/D [913 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -876 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F11 499 0 R >> +912 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F11 504 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -882 0 obj << -/Length 10758 +918 0 obj << +/Length 10781 >> stream -1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -61.1067 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -679.8914 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -679.8914 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 679.8914 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 679.8914 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 125.1626 679.8914 cm +1 0 0 1 175.972 679.8914 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15780,11 +16138,11 @@ q 4.8419 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -679.8914 cm +1 0 0 1 -175.972 -679.8914 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 679.8914 Td[(scatt)-1(er|Scat)-1(te)-1(r)-375(Gl)-1(obal)-376(Dense)-375(Mat)-1(ri)-1(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -30.1091 -30.114 Td[(Thes)-1(e)-315(s)-1(u)1(br)1(outin)1(e)-1(s)-315(s)-1(catters)-315(the)-315(p)-28(or)1(tions)-315(of)-315(gl)1(obal)-315(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-315(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-315(o)28(wned)-315(b)28(y)-314(a)-316(p)1(ro-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(ce)-1(ss)-334(to)-333(all)-333(the)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(se)-1(s)-333(in)-333(the)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(se)-1(s)-333(grid)1(.)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 117.3627 -24.1059 Td[(l)-20(oc)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 180.8139 679.8914 Td[(scatt)-1(er|Scat)-1(te)-1(r)-375(Gl)-1(obal)-376(Dense)-375(Mat)-1(ri)-1(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -30.109 -30.114 Td[(Thes)-1(e)-315(s)-1(u)1(br)1(outin)1(e)-1(s)-315(s)-1(catters)-315(the)-315(p)-28(or)1(tions)-315(of)-315(gl)1(obal)-315(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-315(m)-1(atr)1(ix)-315(o)28(wned)-315(b)28(y)-314(a)-316(p)1(ro-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(ce)-1(ss)-334(to)-333(all)-333(the)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(se)-1(s)-333(in)-333(the)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(se)-1(s)-333(grid)1(.)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 117.3626 -24.1059 Td[(l)-20(oc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 230.165 613.7162 cm +1 0 0 1 280.9745 613.7162 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15793,11 +16151,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -230.165 -613.7162 cm +1 0 0 1 -280.9745 -613.7162 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 233.1538 613.7162 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 6.0842 1.4944 Td[(\040)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 12.73 0 Td[(sca)1(tter)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 30.8531 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 283.9633 613.7162 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 6.0842 1.4944 Td[(\040)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 12.73 0 Td[(sca)1(tter)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 30.8531 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 310.3699 613.7162 cm +1 0 0 1 361.1793 613.7162 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15806,17 +16164,17 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -310.3699 -613.7162 cm +1 0 0 1 -361.1793 -613.7162 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 313.3587 613.7162 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(\051)]TJ -222.4741 -22.0851 Td[(where:)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 364.1682 613.7162 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(\051)]TJ -222.474 -22.0851 Td[(where:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 571.4549 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -571.4549 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 571.4549 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 571.4549 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 117.9655 571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 168.775 571.4549 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15825,17 +16183,17 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -117.9655 -571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 -168.775 -571.4549 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 121.4026 571.4549 Td[(x)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 172.2121 571.4549 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 127.0966 571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 177.906 571.4549 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -127.0966 -571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 -177.906 -571.4549 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 132.0779 571.4549 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(glob)1(al)-333(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 103.9161 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 182.8873 571.4549 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(glob)1(al)-333(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 103.9161 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 253.9744 571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 304.7839 571.4549 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15844,17 +16202,17 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -253.9744 -571.4549 cm +1 0 0 1 -304.7839 -571.4549 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 256.9633 571.4549 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(m)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 7.0696 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 3.9712 0 Td[(;j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 10.3565 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.9904 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(n)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 4.9248 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 307.7727 571.4549 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(iy)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.1094 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(m)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 7.0696 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 3.9712 0 Td[(;j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 10.3565 0 Td[(:)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 2.2554 0 Td[(j)-58(y)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 7.9904 0 Td[(+)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 6.116 0 Td[(n)]TJ/F13 6.9738 Tf 4.9248 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F7 6.9738 Tf 6.2267 0 Td[(1)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 551.195 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 551.195 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -551.195 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -551.195 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 551.195 Td[(l)-20(oc)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 551.195 Td[(l)-20(oc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 112.892 551.195 cm +1 0 0 1 163.7014 551.195 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15863,29 +16221,29 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -112.892 -551.195 cm +1 0 0 1 -163.7014 -551.195 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 116.3291 551.195 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 167.1386 551.195 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 125.3399 551.195 cm +1 0 0 1 176.1493 551.195 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -125.3399 -551.195 cm +1 0 0 1 -176.1493 -551.195 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 130.3212 551.195 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)-27(ortion)-332(of)-333(global)-333(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-334(matri)1(x)-333(on)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 234.7036 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 181.1307 551.195 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)-27(ortion)-332(of)-333(global)-333(d)1(e)-1(n)1(s)-1(e)-334(matri)1(x)-333(on)-333(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 234.7036 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 530.9351 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 530.9351 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -530.9351 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -530.9351 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 530.9351 Td[(sca)1(tter)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 530.9351 Td[(sca)1(tter)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.7485 530.9351 cm +1 0 0 1 181.558 530.9351 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.7485 -530.9351 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.558 -530.9351 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7298 530.9351 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(sc)-1(att)1(e)-1(r)-333(f)1(unction)1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.5393 530.9351 Td[(is)-334(t)1(he)-334(sc)-1(att)1(e)-1(r)-333(f)1(unction)1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 510.6752 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 510.6752 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 74.1629 -21.0212 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -15899,11 +16257,11 @@ q 185.4227 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -179.0396 -510.2767 cm +1 0 0 1 -229.8491 -510.2767 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 185.0172 501.9081 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.3169 1.4944 Td[(;)-166(y)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 109.2958 0 Td[(Subr)1(outi)-1(ne)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 235.8267 501.9081 Td[(x)]TJ/F10 6.9738 Tf 5.6939 -1.4944 Td[(i)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.3168 1.4944 Td[(;)-166(y)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 109.2959 0 Td[(Subr)1(outi)-1(ne)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.0396 497.923 cm +1 0 0 1 229.8491 497.923 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15912,11 +16270,11 @@ q 185.4227 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -179.0396 -497.923 cm +1 0 0 1 -229.8491 -497.923 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.0172 489.5544 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Real)-3103(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 235.8267 489.5544 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Real)-3103(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 318.9209 489.5544 cm +1 0 0 1 369.7303 489.5544 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15925,11 +16283,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -318.9209 -489.5544 cm +1 0 0 1 -369.7303 -489.5544 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 321.9097 489.5544 Td[(sc)-1(atter)]TJ -136.8925 -11.9551 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Complex)-1200(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 372.7191 489.5544 Td[(sc)-1(atter)]TJ -136.8924 -11.9551 Td[(Long)-333(P)1(re)-1(cision)-333(Complex)-1200(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 318.9209 477.5993 cm +1 0 0 1 369.7303 477.5993 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15938,11 +16296,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -318.9209 -477.5993 cm +1 0 0 1 -369.7303 -477.5993 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 321.9097 477.5993 Td[(sc)-1(atter)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 372.7191 477.5993 Td[(sc)-1(atter)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 179.0396 473.6142 cm +1 0 0 1 229.8491 473.6142 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15953,19 +16311,19 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 46.5372 -27.84 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -225.5768 -445.7742 cm +1 0 0 1 -276.3863 -445.7742 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 225.5768 445.7742 Td[(T)83(ab)1(le)-334(16:)-444(Data)-333(t)28(yp)-28(es)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 276.3863 445.7742 Td[(T)83(ab)1(le)-334(16:)-444(Data)-333(t)28(yp)-28(es)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 317.9251 445.7742 cm +1 0 0 1 368.7346 445.7742 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -218.0297 -1.9372 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -443.837 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -443.837 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 398.4085 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.4087 -21.893 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 398.4085 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.4087 -21.893 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 138.1661 376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 188.9756 376.5155 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15974,11 +16332,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -138.1661 -376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 -188.9756 -376.5155 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 141.1549 376.5155 Td[(sc)-1(atter)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 36.6127 0 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 191.9644 376.5155 Td[(sc)-1(atter)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 36.6127 0 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 195.1822 376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 245.9917 376.5155 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -15987,11 +16345,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -195.1822 -376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 -245.9917 -376.5155 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 198.2374 376.5155 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 249.0469 376.5155 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 221.8011 376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 272.6106 376.5155 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16000,11 +16358,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -221.8011 -376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 -272.6106 -376.5155 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 224.8563 376.5155 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 275.6658 376.5155 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 255.0395 376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 305.849 376.5155 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16013,11 +16371,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -255.0395 -376.5155 cm +1 0 0 1 -305.849 -376.5155 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 258.0948 376.5155 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(j)1(globx,)-357(ilo)51(cx)1(,)-358(jl)1(o)51(cx,)-357(k)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 177.2286 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -335.428 -29.9716 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 38.5638 -21.893 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 308.9042 376.5155 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(j)1(globx,)-357(ilo)51(cx)1(,)-358(jl)1(o)51(cx,)-357(k)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 177.2287 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -335.428 -29.9716 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 38.5638 -21.893 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.3211 324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 223.1306 324.651 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16026,11 +16384,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -172.3211 -324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 -223.1306 -324.651 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.3099 324.651 Td[(sc)-1(atter)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 36.6128 0 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 226.1194 324.651 Td[(sc)-1(atter)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 36.6127 0 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 229.3372 324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 280.1467 324.651 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16039,11 +16397,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -229.3372 -324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 -280.1467 -324.651 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 232.3924 324.651 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 283.2019 324.651 Td[(x,)-357(lo)51(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 255.9561 324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 306.7656 324.651 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16052,11 +16410,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -255.9561 -324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 -306.7656 -324.651 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 259.0113 324.651 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 309.8208 324.651 Td[(x,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 289.1946 324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 340.004 324.651 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16065,25 +16423,25 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -289.1946 -324.651 cm +1 0 0 1 -340.004 -324.651 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 292.2498 324.651 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(i)1(lo)51(cx)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 108.9186 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 343.0592 324.651 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,)-358(r)52(o)51(ot)-1(,)-357(igl)1(obx,)-358(i)1(lo)51(cx)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 108.9186 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 300.657 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 300.657 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -300.657 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -300.657 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 300.657 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 300.657 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 300.657 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 300.657 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -20.2599 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -280.3971 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -280.3971 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 280.3971 Td[(glob)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 280.3971 Td[(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.5872 280.3971 cm +1 0 0 1 172.3967 280.3971 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16092,23 +16450,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.5872 -280.3971 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.3967 -280.3971 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.0244 280.3971 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.8338 280.3971 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 131.0711 280.3971 cm +1 0 0 1 181.8806 280.3971 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -131.0711 -280.3971 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.8806 -280.3971 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 136.0524 280.3971 Td[(The)-334(ar)1(ra)28(y)-333(that)-333(m)28(ust)-334(b)-27(e)-334(sc)-1(attered)-333(in)28(t)1(o)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)1(ie)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ -11.2504 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(rank)-333(on)1(e)-334(or)-333(t)28(w)27(o)-333(arr)1(a)27(y)84(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.8619 280.3971 Td[(The)-334(ar)1(ra)28(y)-333(that)-333(m)28(ust)-334(b)-27(e)-334(sc)-1(attered)-333(in)28(t)1(o)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)1(ie)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ -11.2504 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(rank)-333(on)1(e)-334(or)-333(t)28(w)27(o)-333(arr)1(a)27(y)84(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 224.2717 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 224.2717 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -224.2717 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -224.2717 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 224.2717 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 224.2717 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.81 224.2717 cm +1 0 0 1 172.6195 224.2717 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16117,23 +16475,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.81 -224.2717 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -224.2717 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 224.2717 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 224.2717 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.8165 224.2717 cm +1 0 0 1 181.6259 224.2717 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -224.2717 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -224.2717 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 224.2717 Td[(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(data)-333(structu)1(re)-1(s)-333(for)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(ons.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 224.2717 Td[(con)28(tain)1(s)-334(data)-333(structu)1(re)-1(s)-333(for)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(ons.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 188.4062 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -188.4062 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 188.4062 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 188.4062 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 188.4062 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16142,11 +16500,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -188.4062 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 188.4062 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 188.4062 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 188.4062 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16155,93 +16513,93 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -188.4062 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 188.4062 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 188.4062 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 411.5918 188.4062 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -188.4062 cm +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -188.4062 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 188.4062 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 188.4062 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 168.1463 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -168.1463 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 168.1463 Td[(ro)-32(ot)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 168.1463 Td[(ro)-32(ot)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 120.8445 168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 171.654 168.1463 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -120.8445 -168.1463 cm +1 0 0 1 -171.654 -168.1463 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 125.8258 168.1463 Td[(The)-420(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-420(that)-419(hold)1(s)-420(the)-420(glob)1(al)-420(cop)28(y)84(.)-704(If)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 194.2099 0 Td[(r)-28(oo)1(t)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 22.2279 0 Td[(=)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.9494 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(1)-420(al)1(l)-420(th)1(e)-420(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(se)-1(s)]TJ -237.1597 -11.9552 Td[(ha)28(v)28(e)-334(a)-333(cop)28(y)-333(of)-333(the)-333(global)-333(v)28(ec)-1(tor)1(.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 142.0786 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8936 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(np)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.2063 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(1,)-333(defau)1(lt)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 44.5552 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7488 0 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 176.6353 168.1463 Td[(The)-420(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-420(that)-419(hold)1(s)-420(the)-420(glob)1(al)-420(cop)28(y)84(.)-704(If)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 194.2098 0 Td[(r)-28(oo)1(t)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 22.228 0 Td[(=)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.9494 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(1)-420(al)1(l)-420(th)1(e)-420(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(se)-1(s)]TJ -237.1597 -11.9552 Td[(ha)28(v)28(e)-334(a)-333(cop)28(y)-333(of)-333(the)-333(global)-333(v)28(ec)-1(tor)1(.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 142.0785 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7488 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 7.7487 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8936 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(np)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 13.2063 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(1,)-333(defau)1(lt)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 44.5552 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.7488 0 Td[(1.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(43)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(46)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -881 0 obj << +917 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 882 0 R -/Resources 880 0 R +/Contents 918 0 R +/Resources 916 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 866 0 R -/Annots [ 887 0 R ] +/Parent 924 0 R +/Annots [ 923 0 R ] >> endobj -887 0 obj << +923 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 185.196 361.7786 196.321] +/Rect [345.5302 185.196 412.5881 196.321] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -883 0 obj << -/D [881 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +919 0 obj << +/D [917 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj 158 0 obj << -/D [881 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.0266 null] +/D [917 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.0266 null] >> endobj -884 0 obj << -/D [881 0 R /XYZ 270.132 457.7293 null] +920 0 obj << +/D [917 0 R /XYZ 320.9415 457.7293 null] >> endobj -885 0 obj << -/D [881 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 385.6812 null] +921 0 obj << +/D [917 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 385.6812 null] >> endobj -886 0 obj << -/D [881 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 333.8166 null] +922 0 obj << +/D [917 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 333.8166 null] >> endobj -880 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F10 527 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F7 510 0 R /F13 779 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +916 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F10 532 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F7 515 0 R /F13 781 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -890 0 obj << -/Length 7997 +927 0 obj << +/Length 7973 >> stream -1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -34.8692 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -706.1289 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(igl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 706.1289 Td[(igl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 180.6203 706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 129.8108 706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -180.6203 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -129.8108 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.6016 706.1289 Td[(Ro)28(w)-303(ind)1(e)-1(x)-302(to)-303(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-303(a)-302(s)-1(u)1(bmatrix)-302(in)-302(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 134.7922 706.1289 Td[(Ro)28(w)-303(ind)1(e)-1(x)-302(to)-303(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-303(a)-302(s)-1(u)1(bmatrix)-302(in)-302(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.0109 706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 309.2015 706.1289 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16250,11 +16608,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -360.0109 -706.1289 cm +1 0 0 1 -309.2015 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 362.9997 706.1289 Td[(x)-302(that)-302(has)-303(to)-303(b)-27(e)-303(sc)-1(attered)-302(in)28(to)]TJ -187.3882 -11.9552 Td[(lo)-28(cal)-333(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-334(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 149.8272 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8935 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(matr)-28(i)1(x)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 312.1903 706.1289 Td[(x)-302(that)-302(has)-303(to)-303(b)-27(e)-303(sc)-1(attered)-302(in)28(to)]TJ -187.3883 -11.9552 Td[(lo)-28(cal)-333(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-334(1)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 149.8273 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(ix)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.8936 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.516 0 Td[(matr)-28(i)1(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 390.4709 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 339.6614 658.3082 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16263,11 +16621,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -390.4709 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -339.6614 -658.3082 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 393.4597 658.3082 Td[(data)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 19.3153 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 342.6502 658.3082 Td[(data)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 19.3153 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 431.2052 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 380.3957 658.3082 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16276,11 +16634,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -431.2052 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -380.3957 -658.3082 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 434.194 658.3082 Td[(m)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 383.3845 658.3082 Td[(m)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.5391 658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 392.7296 658.3082 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16289,23 +16647,23 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -443.5391 -658.3082 cm +1 0 0 1 -392.7296 -658.3082 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 446.5279 658.3082 Td[(\051.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 395.7184 658.3082 Td[(\051.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 638.3829 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -638.3829 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 638.3829 Td[(jgl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 638.3829 Td[(jgl)-1(ob)32(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 180.9385 638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 130.1291 638.3829 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -180.9385 -638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 -130.1291 -638.3829 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 185.9199 638.3829 Td[(Column)-340(i)1(ndex)-340(to)-340(de\014n)1(e)-341(a)-340(s)-1(u)1(bmatrix)-340(i)1(n)-340(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.1104 638.3829 Td[(Column)-340(i)1(ndex)-340(to)-340(de\014n)1(e)-341(a)-340(s)-1(u)1(bmatrix)-340(i)1(n)-340(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 378.034 638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 327.2246 638.3829 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16314,23 +16672,23 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -378.034 -638.3829 cm +1 0 0 1 -327.2246 -638.3829 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 381.0229 638.3829 Td[(x)-340(th)1(at)-341(h)1(as)-341(to)-340(b)-27(e)-341(s)-1(cattered)]TJ -205.4114 -11.9552 Td[(in)28(t)1(o)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)1(ie)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 330.2134 638.3829 Td[(x)-340(th)1(at)-341(h)1(as)-341(to)-340(b)-27(e)-341(s)-1(cattered)]TJ -205.4114 -11.9552 Td[(in)28(t)1(o)-334(lo)-27(c)-1(al)-333(p)1(ie)-1(ce)-1(s.)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 570.637 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -570.637 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 570.637 Td[(il)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 570.637 Td[(il)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 174.2553 570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 123.4458 570.637 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -174.2553 -570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 -123.4458 -570.637 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 179.2366 570.637 Td[(Ro)28(w)-452(i)1(nd)1(e)-1(x)-451(to)-451(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-451(a)-451(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)-451(in)-451(l)1(o)-28(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 128.4272 570.637 Td[(Ro)28(w)-452(i)1(nd)1(e)-1(x)-451(to)-451(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-451(a)-451(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)-451(in)-451(l)1(o)-28(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 358.1814 570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 307.3719 570.637 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16339,11 +16697,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -358.1814 -570.637 cm +1 0 0 1 -307.3719 -570.637 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 361.1702 570.637 Td[(x)-451(in)29(to)-451(whic)28(h)-451(s)-1(catter)-451(th)1(e)-452(lo)-27(c)-1(al)]TJ -185.5587 -11.9552 Td[(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-334(of)-333(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 310.3607 570.637 Td[(x)-451(in)29(to)-451(whic)27(h)-450(s)-1(catter)-451(th)1(e)-452(lo)-27(c)-1(al)]TJ -185.5587 -11.9552 Td[(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-334(of)-333(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 230.7271 558.6818 cm +1 0 0 1 179.9176 558.6818 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16352,23 +16710,23 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -230.7271 -558.6818 cm +1 0 0 1 -179.9176 -558.6818 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 233.7159 558.6818 Td[(x.)]TJ -58.1044 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 182.9065 558.6818 Td[(x.)]TJ -58.1045 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 502.891 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -502.891 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 502.891 Td[(jl)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 502.891 Td[(jl)-1(o)-32(cx)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 174.5736 502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 123.7641 502.891 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -174.5736 -502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 -123.7641 -502.891 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 179.5549 502.891 Td[(Column)1(s)-290(ind)1(e)-1(x)-289(to)-289(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-290(a)-289(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)-289(in)-289(lo)-28(c)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 128.7454 502.891 Td[(Column)1(s)-290(ind)1(e)-1(x)-289(to)-289(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(ne)-290(a)-289(s)-1(u)1(bmatri)1(x)-289(in)-289(lo)-28(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 366.2357 502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 315.4262 502.891 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16377,11 +16735,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -366.2357 -502.891 cm +1 0 0 1 -315.4262 -502.891 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 369.2245 502.891 Td[(x)-289(in)28(to)-289(whi)1(c)27(h)-289(sc)-1(atter)-289(the)-289(lo)-28(cal)]TJ -193.613 -11.9552 Td[(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-334(of)-333(glob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 318.4151 502.891 Td[(x)-289(in)28(to)-289(whi)1(c)27(h)-289(sc)-1(atter)-289(the)-289(lo)-28(cal)]TJ -193.6131 -11.9552 Td[(pi)1(e)-1(ce)-334(of)-333(glob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 230.7271 490.9358 cm +1 0 0 1 179.9176 490.9358 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16390,37 +16748,37 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -230.7271 -490.9358 cm +1 0 0 1 -179.9176 -490.9358 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 233.7159 490.9358 Td[(x.)]TJ -58.1044 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 182.9065 490.9358 Td[(x.)]TJ -58.1045 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6113 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 435.145 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -435.145 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 435.145 Td[(k)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 435.145 Td[(k)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 156.7516 435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 105.9421 435.145 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -435.145 cm +1 0 0 1 -105.9421 -435.145 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 435.145 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(c)-1(ol)1(umns)-334(t)1(o)-334(sc)-1(atter.)]TJ 13.8786 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.9235 435.145 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(c)-1(ol)1(umns)-334(t)1(o)-334(sc)-1(atter.)]TJ 13.8785 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(ar)1(iabl)1(e)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 379.3543 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 379.3543 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -379.3543 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -379.3543 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 379.3543 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 379.3543 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 379.3543 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 379.3543 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -359.429 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 359.429 Td[(lo)-32(c)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 359.429 Td[(lo)-32(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 165.7135 359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 114.904 359.429 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16429,17 +16787,17 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -165.7135 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -114.904 -359.429 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 169.1506 359.429 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 118.3411 359.429 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 175.1973 359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 124.3879 359.429 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -175.1973 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -124.3879 -359.429 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.1786 359.429 Td[(th)1(e)-334(lo)-28(cal)-333(p)-28(or)1(tion)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(matrix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 176.1177 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 129.3692 359.429 Td[(th)1(e)-334(lo)-28(cal)-333(p)-28(or)1(tion)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-333(dense)-334(matrix)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 176.1177 0 Td[(g)-36(l)-20(ob)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 374.2768 359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 323.4674 359.429 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16448,121 +16806,121 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -374.2768 -359.429 cm +1 0 0 1 -323.4674 -359.429 cm BT -/F11 9.9626 Tf 377.2656 359.429 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -207.348 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-472(as:)-722(a)-473(ran)1(k)-472(one)-473(or)-472(t)28(w)28(o)-473(arr)1(a)28(y)-473(con)28(tain)1(in)1(g)-473(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)1(s)-473(of)-472(the)-472(t)27(y)1(p)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(in)1(dicated)-333(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ +/F11 9.9626 Tf 326.4562 359.429 Td[(x)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.6939 0 Td[(.)]TJ -207.3481 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-472(as:)-722(a)-473(ran)1(k)-472(one)-473(or)-472(t)28(w)28(o)-473(arr)1(a)28(y)-473(con)28(tain)1(in)1(g)-473(n)28(u)1(m)27(b)-27(e)-1(r)1(s)-473(of)-472(the)-472(t)27(y)1(p)-28(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(in)1(dicated)-333(in)-333(T)83(ab)1(le)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 257.8034 311.6083 cm +1 0 0 1 206.9939 311.6083 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -257.8034 -311.6083 cm +1 0 0 1 -206.9939 -311.6083 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 257.8034 311.6083 Td[(16)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.9939 311.6083 Td[(16)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 267.7661 311.6083 cm +1 0 0 1 216.9566 311.6083 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -267.7661 -311.6083 cm +1 0 0 1 -216.9566 -311.6083 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 267.7661 311.6083 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 216.9566 311.6083 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 291.683 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 291.683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -291.683 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -291.683 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 291.683 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 291.683 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.4816 291.683 cm +1 0 0 1 118.6721 291.683 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -291.683 cm +1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -291.683 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 291.683 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 291.683 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(44)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(47)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -889 0 obj << +926 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 890 0 R -/Resources 888 0 R +/Contents 927 0 R +/Resources 925 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 866 0 R -/Annots [ 892 0 R ] +/Parent 924 0 R +/Annots [ 929 0 R ] >> endobj -892 0 obj << +929 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [256.8071 310.612 268.7623 319.5231] +/Rect [205.9977 310.612 217.9529 319.5231] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.16) >> >> endobj -891 0 obj << -/D [889 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +928 0 obj << +/D [926 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -888 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F11 499 0 R >> +925 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F11 504 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -895 0 obj << -/Length 366 +932 0 obj << +/Length 369 >> stream -1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -443.6065 -740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 -494.416 -740.9981 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 706.1289 Td[(6)-1125(D)-1(ata)-375(m)-1(a)1(nag)-1(em)-1(en)31(t)-375(r)-1(out)-1(ines)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(6)-1125(D)-1(ata)-375(m)-1(a)1(nag)-1(em)-1(en)31(t)-375(r)-1(out)-1(ines)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(45)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(48)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -894 0 obj << +931 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 895 0 R -/Resources 893 0 R +/Contents 932 0 R +/Resources 930 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 866 0 R +/Parent 924 0 R >> endobj -896 0 obj << -/D [894 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +933 0 obj << +/D [931 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj 162 0 obj << -/D [894 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +/D [931 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] >> endobj -893 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R >> +930 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -899 0 obj << -/Length 8208 +936 0 obj << +/Length 8235 >> stream -1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -59.1763 cm +1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -63.1398 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -681.8218 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -677.8583 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 681.8218 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 677.8583 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 175.972 681.8218 cm +1 0 0 1 125.1626 677.8583 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16571,11 +16929,11 @@ q 4.8419 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -175.972 -681.8218 cm +1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -677.8583 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 180.8139 681.8218 Td[(cdall)-1(|A)1(l)-1(lo)-32(cat)-1(es)-375(a)-374(co)-1(mm)30(unicat)-1(io)-1(n)]TJ -30.109 -17.9327 Td[(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ 0 -34.1728 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.8762 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 677.8583 Td[(cdall)-1(|A)1(l)-1(lo)-32(cat)-1(es)-375(a)-374(co)-1(mm)30(unicat)-1(io)-1(n)]TJ -30.1091 -17.9327 Td[(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ 0 -38.0541 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.8763 -22.3306 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 234.4431 607.8954 cm +1 0 0 1 183.6336 599.5409 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16584,11 +16942,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -234.4431 -607.8954 cm +1 0 0 1 -183.6336 -599.5409 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 237.4319 607.8954 Td[(cdall)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 27.6741 0 Td[(ic)51(ontxt,)-358(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6224 599.5409 Td[(cdall)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 27.6741 0 Td[(ic)51(ontxt,)-358(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 319.7307 607.8954 cm +1 0 0 1 268.9212 599.5409 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16597,11 +16955,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -319.7307 -607.8954 cm +1 0 0 1 -268.9212 -599.5409 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 322.7859 607.8954 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,mg=)1(mg,p)51(arts=)1(p)51(arts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 117.8794 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -289.9605 -29.8879 Td[(Syn)31(tax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 59.1692 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 271.9764 599.5409 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,mg=)1(mg,p)51(arts=)1(p)51(arts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 117.8794 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -230.7913 -23.9103 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 243.736 556.1865 cm +1 0 0 1 192.9265 575.6306 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16610,11 +16968,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -243.736 -556.1865 cm +1 0 0 1 -192.9265 -575.6306 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 246.7248 556.1865 Td[(cdall)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 27.674 0 Td[(ic)51(ontxt,)-358(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 195.9153 575.6306 Td[(cdall)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 27.6741 0 Td[(ic)51(ontxt,)-358(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 329.0236 556.1865 cm +1 0 0 1 278.2141 575.6306 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16623,11 +16981,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -329.0236 -556.1865 cm +1 0 0 1 -278.2141 -575.6306 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 332.0788 556.1865 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,vg=vg,)1(\015ag=\015ag)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 99.2936 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -280.6675 -29.8879 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 82.083 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 281.2693 575.6306 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,vg=vg,)1(\015ag=\015ag)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 99.2937 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -198.5845 -23.9104 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 266.6499 504.4777 cm +1 0 0 1 215.8404 551.7202 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16636,11 +16994,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -266.6499 -504.4777 cm +1 0 0 1 -215.8404 -551.7202 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 269.6387 504.4777 Td[(cdall)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 27.674 0 Td[(ic)51(ontxt,)-358(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 218.8292 551.7202 Td[(cdall)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 27.6741 0 Td[(ic)51(ontxt,)-358(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 351.9375 504.4777 cm +1 0 0 1 301.128 551.7202 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16649,149 +17007,143 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -351.9375 -504.4777 cm +1 0 0 1 -301.128 -551.7202 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 354.9927 504.4777 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,vl)1(=vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 53.4658 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -257.7536 -23.9103 Td[(This)-316(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tin)1(e)-317(ini)1(tializes)-317(the)-316(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)-316(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)-316(asso)-28(c)-1(i)1(ate)-1(d)-316(with)-316(an)-315(in-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(dex)-320(s)-1(p)1(ac)-1(e.)-440(Exactly)-320(one)-320(of)-321(t)1(he)-321(opt)1(ional)-320(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 218.7965 0 Td[(parts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 26.1517 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 5.9863 0 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 5.9862 0 Td[(vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.654 0 Td[(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-320(b)-27(e)-321(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci-)]TJ -281.0354 -11.9552 Td[(\014ed,)-333(th)1(e)-1(r)1(e)-1(b)29(y)-334(c)28(ho)-28(osin)1(g)-334(th)1(e)-334(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014c)-334(in)1(itial)1(iz)-1(at)1(ion)-333(s)-1(t)1(rategy:)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 304.1832 551.7202 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo,vl)1(=vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 53.4659 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -257.7537 -24.5022 Td[(This)-316(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tin)1(e)-317(ini)1(tializes)-317(the)-316(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)-316(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)-316(asso)-28(c)-1(i)1(ate)-1(d)-316(with)-316(an)-315(in-)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(dex)-320(s)-1(p)1(ac)-1(e.)-440(Exactly)-320(one)-320(of)-321(t)1(he)-321(opt)1(ional)-320(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 218.7966 0 Td[(parts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 26.1517 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 5.9862 0 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 5.9862 0 Td[(vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.654 0 Td[(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-320(b)-27(e)-321(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci-)]TJ -281.0354 -11.9552 Td[(\014ed,)-333(th)1(e)-1(r)1(e)-1(b)29(y)-334(c)28(ho)-28(osin)1(g)-334(th)1(e)-334(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014c)-334(in)1(itial)1(iz)-1(at)1(ion)-333(s)-1(t)1(rategy:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 438.3276 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 481.6066 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -438.3276 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -481.6066 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 438.3276 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 481.6066 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 202.109 438.3276 cm +1 0 0 1 151.2996 481.6066 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -56.3855 -19.1274 cm +1 0 0 1 -56.3855 -22.2929 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -419.2002 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -459.3137 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 419.2002 Td[(ic)-1(on)33(t)-1(xt)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 459.3137 Td[(ic)-1(on)33(t)-1(xt)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 185.7123 419.2002 cm +1 0 0 1 134.9028 459.3137 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -185.7123 -419.2002 cm +1 0 0 1 -134.9028 -459.3137 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 190.6936 419.2002 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(c)-1(on)28(text.)]TJ -15.0821 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 139.8841 459.3137 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(c)-1(on)28(text.)]TJ -15.0821 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 364.2074 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 401.1552 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -364.2074 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -401.1552 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 364.2074 Td[(vg)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 401.1552 Td[(vg)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 162.4801 364.2074 cm +1 0 0 1 111.6706 401.1552 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -162.4801 -364.2074 cm +1 0 0 1 -111.6706 -401.1552 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 167.4614 364.2074 Td[(Data)-463(al)1(lo)-28(cation:)-703(eac)27(h)-462(ind)1(e)-1(x)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 130.0165 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 8.3501 0 Td[(2)-493(f)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 16.541 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 6.6418 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(mg)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.14 0 Td[(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.5926 0 Td[(is)-463(allo)-27(c)-1(ated)-463(to)-462(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 104.4282 0 Td[(v)-36(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.2959 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4322 0 Td[(\051.)]TJ -312.1626 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)84(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 116.6519 401.1552 Td[(Data)-463(al)1(lo)-28(cation:)-703(eac)27(h)-462(ind)1(e)-1(x)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 130.0165 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 8.3502 0 Td[(2)-493(f)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 16.541 0 Td[(1)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 6.6417 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(mg)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 27.1401 0 Td[(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.5926 0 Td[(is)-463(allo)-27(c)-1(ated)-463(to)-462(pro)-27(c)-1(es)-1(s)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 104.4282 0 Td[(v)-36(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.2959 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8743 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(\051.)]TJ -312.1627 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)84(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 309.2145 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 342.9968 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -309.2145 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -342.9968 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 309.2145 Td[(\015ag)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 342.9968 Td[(\015ag)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 168.3677 309.2145 cm +1 0 0 1 117.5582 342.9968 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -168.3677 -309.2145 cm +1 0 0 1 -117.5582 -342.9968 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 173.349 309.2145 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(s)-333(w)-1(h)1(e)-1(t)1(her)-333(e)-1(n)28(tr)1(ies)-334(in)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 121.9318 0 Td[(v)-36(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.6167 0 Td[(are)-333(z)-1(ero-)-334(or)-333(on)1(e)-1(-based.)-444(Scop)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 131.0366 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -294.0789 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue)-334(0)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 135.4091 0 Td[(;)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.4278 0 Td[(1,)-333(defau)1(lt)-333(0.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 122.5395 342.9968 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(s)-333(w)-1(h)1(e)-1(t)1(her)-333(e)-1(n)28(tr)1(ies)-334(in)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 121.9318 0 Td[(v)-36(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.6168 0 Td[(are)-333(z)-1(ero-)-334(or)-333(on)1(e)-1(-based.)-444(Scop)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 131.0365 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -294.0789 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue)-334(0)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 135.4091 0 Td[(;)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 4.4278 0 Td[(1,)-333(defau)1(lt)-333(0.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 266.1768 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 296.7935 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -266.1768 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -296.7935 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 266.1768 Td[(mg)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 296.7935 Td[(mg)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 165.9808 266.1768 cm +1 0 0 1 115.1714 296.7935 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -165.9808 -266.1768 cm +1 0 0 1 -115.1714 -296.7935 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 170.9621 266.1768 Td[(th)1(e)-334(\050glob)1(al\051)-333(n)28(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(ro)28(ws)-334(of)-333(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(oblem.)]TJ 4.6494 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue.)-445(It)-333(is)-334(r)1(e)-1(q)1(uir)1(e)-1(d)-333(if)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 203.3212 0 Td[(parts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.4726 0 Td[(is)-334(sp)-27(e)-1(ci\014ed.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 120.1527 296.7935 Td[(th)1(e)-334(\050glob)1(al\051)-333(n)28(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(ro)28(ws)-334(of)-333(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(oblem.)]TJ 4.6493 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue.)-445(It)-333(is)-334(r)1(e)-1(q)1(uir)1(e)-1(d)-333(if)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 203.3212 0 Td[(parts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.4726 0 Td[(is)-334(sp)-27(e)-1(ci\014ed.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 211.184 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 238.635 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -211.184 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -238.635 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 211.184 Td[(parts)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 238.635 Td[(parts)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 176.3322 211.184 cm +1 0 0 1 125.5227 238.635 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -176.3322 -211.184 cm +1 0 0 1 -125.5227 -238.635 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 181.3135 211.184 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(u)1(br)1(outin)1(e)-334(th)1(at)-334(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(nes)-334(the)-333(part)1(ition)1(ing)-333(s)-1(c)28(hem)-1(e.)]TJ -5.702 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tine.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 130.5041 238.635 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(u)1(br)1(outin)1(e)-334(th)1(at)-334(d)1(e)-1(\014)1(nes)-334(the)-333(part)1(ition)1(ing)-333(s)-1(c)28(hem)-1(e.)]TJ -5.7021 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(u)1(brou)1(tine.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 156.1911 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 180.4766 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -156.1911 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -180.4766 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 156.1911 Td[(vl)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 180.4766 Td[(vl)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 159.9341 156.1911 cm +1 0 0 1 109.1246 180.4766 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -159.9341 -156.1911 cm +1 0 0 1 -109.1246 -180.4766 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 164.9154 156.1911 Td[(Data)-408(all)1(o)-28(c)-1(at)1(ion:)-593(the)-408(s)-1(et)-408(of)-408(gl)1(obal)-408(i)1(ndi)1(c)-1(es)-409(b)-27(elongin)1(g)-408(to)-408(th)1(e)-409(callin)1(g)-408(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(ess)-1(.)]TJ 10.6961 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)84(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 114.1059 180.4766 Td[(Data)-408(all)1(o)-28(c)-1(at)1(ion:)-593(the)-408(s)-1(et)-408(of)-408(gl)1(obal)-408(i)1(ndi)1(c)-1(es)-409(b)-27(elongin)1(g)-408(to)-408(th)1(e)-409(callin)1(g)-408(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(ess)-1(.)]TJ 10.6961 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 40.5768 0 Td[(.)]TJ -65.7602 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)84(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 120.3256 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -120.3256 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(46)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 120.3256 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 120.3256 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -54.5383 -29.8879 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(49)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -898 0 obj << +935 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 899 0 R -/Resources 897 0 R +/Contents 936 0 R +/Resources 934 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 904 0 R +/Parent 924 0 R >> endobj -900 0 obj << -/D [898 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +937 0 obj << +/D [935 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 166 0 obj << -/D [898 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 644.8595 null] ->> endobj -901 0 obj << -/D [898 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 617.061 null] ->> endobj -902 0 obj << -/D [898 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 565.3522 null] +/D [935 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 637.6067 null] >> endobj -903 0 obj << -/D [898 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 513.6433 null] +938 0 obj << +/D [935 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 608.7065 null] >> endobj -897 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R >> +934 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -907 0 obj << -/Length 7990 +941 0 obj << +/Length 11058 >> stream -1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -34.8692 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -706.1289 cm -BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 706.1289 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 154.4337 706.1289 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -686.2036 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -706.1289 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 686.2036 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 706.1289 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.81 686.2036 cm +1 0 0 1 172.6195 706.1289 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16800,23 +17152,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.81 -686.2036 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -706.1289 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 686.2036 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 706.1289 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.8165 686.2036 cm +1 0 0 1 181.6259 706.1289 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -686.2036 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -706.1289 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 686.2036 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 706.1289 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 670.2634 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -670.2634 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 650.3381 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 670.2634 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 670.2634 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16825,11 +17177,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -670.2634 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 650.3381 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 670.2634 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 670.2634 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16838,145 +17190,225 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -670.2634 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 670.2634 Td[(type)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 411.5918 670.2634 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -670.2634 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 670.2634 Td[(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 145.7235 650.9537 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -650.9537 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 650.9537 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 169.4816 650.9537 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -650.9537 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 650.9537 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.6809 Td[(Not)-1(es)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 150.7049 560.5864 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -560.5864 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 560.5864 Td[(1.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 170.6302 560.5864 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -560.5864 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 560.5864 Td[(Ex)1(ac)-1(tl)1(y)-400(one)-401(of)-400(t)1(he)-401(op)1(tion)1(al)-400(argume)-1(n)29(ts)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 174.693 0 Td[(parts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 26.1517 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 6.9215 0 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 6.9215 0 Td[(vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 14.4481 0 Td[(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-400(b)-27(e)-401(sp)-28(eci\014ed,)]TJ -239.5965 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-1(reb)28(y)-333(c)27(h)1(o)-28(osing)-333(th)1(e)-334(ini)1(tialization)-333(strategy)-333(as)-334(f)1(ollo)28(ws)-1(:)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 170.6302 529.3216 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -529.3216 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 529.3216 Td[(parts)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 201.2388 529.3216 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -201.2388 -529.3216 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 206.2202 529.3216 Td[(In)-337(thi)1(s)-338(c)-1(ase)-338(w)27(e)-338(h)1(a)28(v)28(e)-338(a)-338(sub)1(rou)1(tine)-338(sp)-27(e)-1(cify)1(ing)-337(the)-338(mapp)1(in)1(g)-338(b)-27(e)-1(t)28(w)28(e)-1(en)]TJ -8.6909 -11.9552 Td[(glob)1(al)-225(in)1(dice)-1(s)-225(and)-224(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(es)-1(s/lo)-28(cal)-225(in)1(dex)-225(p)1(airs.)-408(I)-1(f)-224(thi)1(s)-226(op)1(tional)-224(argumen)28(t)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(is)-317(sp)-27(e)-1(ci\014ed,)-319(then)-316(it)-316(is)-317(mand)1(atory)-316(to)-316(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(if)1(y)-316(the)-317(ar)1(gume)-1(n)29(t)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 251.5624 0 Td[(mg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.6127 0 Td[(as)-317(w)28(e)-1(l)1(l.)]TJ -265.1751 -11.9551 Td[(The)-334(sub)1(rou)1(tine)-333(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-333(c)-1(on)1(for)1(m)-334(to)-333(the)-334(f)1(ollo)28(win)1(g)-334(in)29(te)-1(r)1(face)-1(:)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 192.548 476.1389 cm +0 g 0 G +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -192.548 -476.1389 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 207.99 476.1389 Td[(interface)]TJ 15.691 -11.9552 Td[(subroutine)-525(psb_parts\050glob_index,mg,np,pv,nv\051)]TJ 10.4607 -11.9551 Td[(integer,)-525(intent)-525(\050in\051)-1050(::)-525(glob_index,np,mg)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(integer,)-525(intent)-525(\050out\051)-525(::)-525(nv,)-525(pv\050*\051)]TJ -10.4607 -11.9552 Td[(end)-525(subroutine)-525(psb_parts)]TJ -15.691 -11.9551 Td[(end)-525(interface)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -10.4607 -17.3172 Td[(The)-334(i)1(np)1(ut)-333(argu)1(m)-1(en)28(ts)-334(ar)1(e)-1(:)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 192.548 383.7212 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -192.548 -383.7212 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.5293 383.7212 Td[(glob)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 219.2211 383.7212 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.4371 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -219.2211 -383.7212 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 650.3381 Td[(type)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 222.6583 383.7212 Td[(index)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 249.8686 383.7212 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -650.3381 cm +1 0 0 1 -249.8686 -383.7212 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 650.3381 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 254.8499 383.7212 Td[(The)-334(gl)1(obal)-333(in)1(dex)-333(to)-334(b)-27(e)-334(mapp)-27(e)-1(d)1(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 192.548 370.0814 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 -192.548 -370.0814 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 630.4128 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.5293 370.0814 Td[(np)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 118.6721 630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 210.2593 370.0814 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -630.4128 cm +1 0 0 1 -210.2593 -370.0814 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 630.4128 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9459 Td[(Not)-1(es)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 215.2406 370.0814 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(pr)1(o)-28(c)-1(ess)-1(es)-334(in)-333(th)1(e)-334(mappi)1(ng;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 539.7805 cm +1 0 0 1 192.548 356.4415 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -539.7805 cm +1 0 0 1 -192.548 -356.4415 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 539.7805 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.5293 356.4415 Td[(mg)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 539.7805 cm +1 0 0 1 212.8053 356.4415 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -539.7805 cm +1 0 0 1 -212.8053 -356.4415 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 539.7805 Td[(Ex)1(ac)-1(tl)1(y)-400(one)-401(of)-400(t)1(he)-401(op)1(tion)1(al)-400(argume)-1(n)29(ts)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 174.693 0 Td[(parts)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 26.1517 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 6.9216 0 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4606 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 6.9215 0 Td[(vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 14.4481 0 Td[(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-400(b)-27(e)-401(sp)-28(eci\014ed,)]TJ -239.5965 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-1(reb)28(y)-333(c)27(h)1(o)-28(osing)-333(th)1(e)-334(ini)1(tialization)-333(strategy)-333(as)-334(f)1(ollo)28(ws)-1(:)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 217.7866 356.4415 Td[(The)-334(t)1(otal)-333(n)28(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(glob)1(al)-334(r)1(o)28(w)-1(s)-333(in)-333(the)-333(m)-1(ap)1(pin)1(g;)]TJ -20.2573 -15.3247 Td[(The)-334(ou)1(tpu)1(t)-333(argumen)28(ts)-334(ar)1(e)-1(:)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 507.9001 cm +1 0 0 1 192.548 325.7922 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -507.9001 cm +1 0 0 1 -192.548 -325.7922 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 124.802 507.9001 Td[(parts)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.5293 325.7922 Td[(n)32(v)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.4294 507.9001 cm +1 0 0 1 209.6228 325.7922 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.4294 -507.9001 cm +1 0 0 1 -209.6228 -325.7922 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 155.4107 507.9001 Td[(In)-355(th)1(is)-356(cas)-1(e)-356(w)28(e)-356(h)1(a)27(v)28(e)-355(a)-356(sub)1(rout)1(ine)-356(t)1(hat)-355(tak)28(e)-1(s)-355(as)-356(in)1(put)-355(a)-355(in)1(de)-1(x)-355(an)1(d)]TJ -8.6909 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-391(total)-390(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-390(of)-389(ind)1(ic)-1(es)-390(in)-390(th)1(e)-391(space)-1(,)-404(an)1(d)-390(p)1(ro)-28(d)1(uce)-1(s)-390(in)-390(ou)1(tpu)1(t)-390(a)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(v)28(ec)-1(tor)-395(con)28(tain)1(ing)-395(th)1(e)-396(se)-1(t)-395(of)-395(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-396(\050u)1(s)-1(u)1(ally)-395(with)-395(j)1(ust)-395(one)-396(en)28(tr)1(y\051)]TJ 0 -11.9551 Td[(to)-334(w)-1(h)1(ic)27(h)-333(the)-335(in)1(dex)-334(s)-1(h)1(ould)-334(b)-27(e)-335(ass)-1(i)1(gned.)-447(I)-1(f)-334(t)1(his)-335(ar)1(gume)-1(n)29(t)-335(i)1(s)-335(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci\014)1(e)-1(d)1(,)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(th)1(e)-1(n)-333(it)-333(is)-333(m)-1(an)1(dator)1(y)-333(to)-334(also)-333(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(cif)1(y)-333(the)-334(ar)1(gume)-1(n)29(t)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 220.2302 0 Td[(mg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4606 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 214.6041 325.7922 Td[(The)-334(n)29(um)28(b)-28(er)-333(of)-333(e)-1(n)29(tries)-334(in)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 111.6371 0 Td[(pv)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(;)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 444.1392 cm +1 0 0 1 192.548 312.1523 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -444.1392 cm +1 0 0 1 -192.548 -312.1523 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 124.802 444.1392 Td[(vg)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 197.5293 312.1523 Td[(p)32(v)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 136.5773 444.1392 cm +1 0 0 1 209.6228 312.1523 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -136.5773 -444.1392 cm +1 0 0 1 -209.6228 -312.1523 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 141.5586 444.1392 Td[(In)-272(thi)1(s)-273(c)-1(ase)-273(the)-273(ass)-1(o)-28(ciati)1(on)-273(b)-27(et)28(w)27(ee)-1(n)-272(an)-272(in)1(dex)-273(an)1(d)-272(a)-273(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-273(is)-273(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)]TJ 5.1612 -11.9552 Td[(via)-346(an)-346(in)29(te)-1(ger)-346(v)28(e)-1(ctor;)-352(the)-347(size)-347(of)-346(th)1(e)-347(ind)1(e)-1(x)-346(space)-347(is)-347(equ)1(al)-346(to)-347(th)1(e)-347(siz)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(of)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 11.633 0 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4606 0 Td[(,)-369(and)-361(e)-1(ac)28(h)-362(in)1(dex)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 75.9377 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.0397 0 Td[(is)-362(as)-1(signed)-362(to)-362(th)1(e)-363(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 114.9239 0 Td[(v)-36(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.2959 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8743 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(\051.)-530(T)-1(h)1(e)-363(v)28(ec)-1(tor)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf -237.5974 -11.9551 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.3926 0 Td[(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-294(b)-27(e)-295(id)1(e)-1(n)29(tical)-295(on)-293(all)-294(c)-1(al)1(ling)-294(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-1(;)-307(i)1(ts)-295(en)28(tries)-295(ma)28(y)-294(ha)28(v)28(e)-295(th)1(e)]TJ -13.3925 -11.9552 Td[(ran)1(ge)-1(s)-333(\0500)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 41.594 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(n)-1(p)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 26.4897 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(1\051)-333(or)-333(\0501)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 34.8969 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(n)-1(p)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.2758 0 Td[(\051)-333(ac)-1(cord)1(ing)-333(to)-333(the)-333(v)55(al)1(ue)-334(of)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 118.4726 0 Td[(flag)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 20.9214 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 214.6041 312.1523 Td[(A)-495(v)28(ector)-495(con)28(tain)1(in)28(t)-494(the)-495(in)1(dice)-1(s)-495(of)-494(the)-495(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-495(to)-495(whi)1(c)27(h)-494(the)]TJ 1.5553 -11.9552 Td[(glob)1(al)-468(ind)1(e)-1(x)-467(s)-1(h)1(ould)-467(b)-28(e)-468(as)-1(sigend;)-535(eac)27(h)-468(en)28(tr)1(y)-468(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-468(satisfy)-468(0)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 270.5078 0 Td[(\024)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf -270.5078 -11.9552 Td[(pv)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.199 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4322 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 8.6032 0 Td[(<)-474(n)-1(p)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.4699 0 Td[(;)-510(if)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 18.163 0 Td[(nv)-510(>)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.3728 0 Td[(1)-451(w)27(e)-452(h)1(a)27(v)28(e)-452(an)-451(i)1(nd)1(e)-1(x)-451(as)-1(sign)1(e)-1(d)-451(to)-451(m)27(u)1(ltip)1(le)]TJ -96.1145 -11.9551 Td[(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-1(,)-333(i.)1(e)-1(.)-444(w)28(e)-334(ha)28(v)28(e)-334(an)-333(o)28(v)28(erlap)-333(among)-333(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(u)1(b)-28(d)1(omains.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 380.3783 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 260.9621 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -380.3783 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -260.9621 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 124.802 380.3783 Td[(vl)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 260.9621 Td[(vg)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 134.0313 380.3783 cm +1 0 0 1 187.3867 260.9621 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -134.0313 -380.3783 cm +1 0 0 1 -187.3867 -260.9621 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 139.0126 380.3783 Td[(In)-303(th)1(is)-304(cas)-1(e)-304(w)28(e)-304(ar)1(e)-304(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(if)1(yin)1(g)-304(th)1(e)-304(li)1(s)-1(t)-303(of)-303(in)1(dice)-1(s)-303(as)-1(signed)-303(to)-303(th)1(e)-304(c)-1(u)1(rren)28(t)]TJ 7.7072 -11.9552 Td[(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(;)-334(th)28(u)1(s)-1(,)-334(t)1(he)-334(global)-334(p)1(rob)1(le)-1(m)-334(siz)-1(e)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 166.3655 0 Td[(mg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 17.1841 0 Td[(is)-334(giv)28(en)-334(b)28(y)-334(t)1(he)-334(s)-1(u)1(m)-335(of)-333(the)]TJ -183.5496 -11.9552 Td[(siz)-1(es)-393(of)-393(th)1(e)-393(ind)1(ivid)1(ual)-392(v)28(e)-1(ctors)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 134.8831 0 Td[(vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 14.3738 0 Td[(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014ed)-393(on)-392(the)-393(callin)1(g)-393(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-1(.)]TJ -149.2569 -11.9551 Td[(The)-362(sub)1(routi)1(ne)-362(will)-361(c)27(h)1(e)-1(c)28(k)-362(th)1(at)-362(eac)27(h)-361(e)-1(n)29(try)-361(in)-361(the)-362(glob)1(al)-361(ind)1(e)-1(x)-361(s)-1(p)1(ac)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(\0501)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(mg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 27.1401 0 Td[(\051)-333(is)-334(sp)-28(eci\014ed)-333(e)-1(x)1(ac)-1(tl)1(y)-334(on)1(c)-1(e.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 192.368 260.9621 Td[(In)-272(thi)1(s)-273(c)-1(ase)-273(the)-273(ass)-1(o)-28(ciati)1(on)-273(b)-27(et)28(w)27(ee)-1(n)-272(an)-272(in)1(dex)-273(an)1(d)-272(a)-273(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-273(is)-273(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)]TJ 5.1613 -11.9551 Td[(via)-346(an)-346(in)29(te)-1(ger)-346(v)28(e)-1(ctor;)-352(the)-347(size)-347(of)-346(th)1(e)-347(ind)1(e)-1(x)-346(space)-347(is)-347(equ)1(al)-346(to)-347(th)1(e)-347(siz)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(of)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 11.6329 0 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.4607 0 Td[(,)-369(and)-361(e)-1(ac)28(h)-362(in)1(dex)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 75.9377 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 7.0397 0 Td[(is)-362(as)-1(signed)-362(to)-362(th)1(e)-363(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 114.9239 0 Td[(v)-36(g)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.2958 0 Td[(\050)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 3.8744 0 Td[(i)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 3.4323 0 Td[(\051.)-530(T)-1(h)1(e)-363(v)28(ec)-1(tor)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf -237.5974 -11.9552 Td[(vg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 13.3925 0 Td[(m)27(u)1(s)-1(t)-294(b)-27(e)-295(id)1(e)-1(n)29(tical)-295(on)-293(all)-294(c)-1(al)1(ling)-294(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-1(;)-307(i)1(ts)-295(en)28(tries)-295(ma)28(y)-294(ha)28(v)28(e)-295(th)1(e)]TJ -13.3925 -11.9551 Td[(ran)1(ge)-1(s)-333(\0500)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 41.5941 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(n)-1(p)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 26.4896 0 Td[(\000)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 9.9626 0 Td[(1\051)-333(or)-333(\0501)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 34.897 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(n)-1(p)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 24.2758 0 Td[(\051)-333(ac)-1(cord)1(ing)-333(to)-333(the)-333(v)55(al)1(ue)-334(of)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 118.4726 0 Td[(flag)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 20.9214 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 312.6323 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 197.8168 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -312.6323 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -197.8168 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 312.6323 Td[(2.)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 197.8168 Td[(vl)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 312.6323 cm +1 0 0 1 184.8407 197.8168 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -312.6323 cm +1 0 0 1 -184.8407 -197.8168 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 312.6323 Td[(On)-333(exit)-333(f)1(rom)-334(th)1(is)-334(r)1(outin)1(e)-334(the)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(is)-334(i)1(n)-333(the)-334(b)1(ui)1(ld)-333(s)-1(t)1(ate)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 189.822 197.8168 Td[(In)-303(th)1(is)-304(cas)-1(e)-304(w)28(e)-304(ar)1(e)-304(s)-1(p)-27(ec)-1(if)1(yin)1(g)-304(th)1(e)-304(li)1(s)-1(t)-303(of)-303(in)1(dice)-1(s)-303(as)-1(signed)-303(to)-303(th)1(e)-304(c)-1(u)1(rren)28(t)]TJ 7.7073 -11.9552 Td[(pr)1(o)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(;)-334(th)28(u)1(s)-1(,)-334(t)1(he)-334(global)-334(p)1(rob)1(le)-1(m)-334(siz)-1(e)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 166.3655 0 Td[(mg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 17.1841 0 Td[(is)-334(giv)28(en)-334(b)28(y)-334(t)1(he)-334(s)-1(u)1(m)-335(of)-333(the)]TJ -183.5496 -11.9551 Td[(siz)-1(es)-393(of)-393(th)1(e)-393(ind)1(ivid)1(ual)-392(v)28(e)-1(ctors)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 134.8831 0 Td[(vl)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 14.3738 0 Td[(sp)-28(ec)-1(i)1(\014ed)-393(on)-392(the)-393(callin)1(g)-393(p)1(ro)-28(ce)-1(ss)-1(es)-1(.)]TJ -149.2569 -11.9552 Td[(The)-362(sub)1(routi)1(ne)-362(will)-361(c)27(h)1(e)-1(c)28(k)-362(th)1(at)-362(eac)27(h)-361(e)-1(n)29(try)-361(in)-361(the)-362(gl)1(o)-1(b)1(al)-361(ind)1(e)-1(x)-361(s)-1(p)1(ac)-1(e)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(\0501)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(:)-166(:)-167(:)-166(mg)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 27.1401 0 Td[(\051)-333(is)-334(sp)-28(eci\014ed)-333(e)-1(x)1(ac)-1(tl)1(y)-334(on)1(c)-1(e.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 130.6865 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -130.6865 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(47)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 130.6865 Td[(2.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 130.6865 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -130.6865 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 130.6865 Td[(On)-333(exit)-333(f)1(rom)-334(th)1(is)-334(r)1(outin)1(e)-334(the)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(is)-334(i)1(n)-333(the)-334(b)1(ui)1(ld)-333(s)-1(t)1(ate)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(50)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -906 0 obj << +940 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 907 0 R -/Resources 905 0 R +/Contents 941 0 R +/Resources 939 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 904 0 R -/Annots [ 909 0 R ] +/Parent 924 0 R +/Annots [ 943 0 R ] >> endobj -909 0 obj << +943 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 647.1279 361.7786 658.2528] +/Rect [345.5302 667.0532 412.5881 678.1781] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -908 0 obj << -/D [906 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +942 0 obj << +/D [940 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -910 0 obj << -/D [906 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 551.7357 null] +944 0 obj << +/D [940 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 572.5416 null] >> endobj -911 0 obj << -/D [906 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 555.7207 null] +945 0 obj << +/D [940 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 576.2188 null] >> endobj -912 0 obj << -/D [906 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 326.0819 null] +946 0 obj << +/D [940 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 143.8282 null] >> endobj -905 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F18 365 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R >> +939 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F18 369 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F11 504 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -915 0 obj << -/Length 6280 +949 0 obj << +/Length 6242 >> stream -1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -60.7721 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 175.972 680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 125.1626 680.226 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16985,11 +17417,11 @@ q 4.8419 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -175.972 -680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 180.8139 680.226 Td[(cdins|C)-1(om)-1(m)31(unicat)-1(io)-1(n)-375(descri)-1(pto)-1(r)-375(i)-1(nsert)]TJ -30.109 -17.9328 Td[(ro)-1(uti)-1(ne)]TJ 0 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 88.6279 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 680.226 Td[(cdins|C)-1(om)-1(m)31(unicat)-1(io)-1(n)-375(descri)-1(pto)-1(r)-375(i)-1(nsert)]TJ -30.1091 -17.9328 Td[(ro)-1(uti)-1(ne)]TJ 0 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 88.6279 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 273.1947 604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 222.3852 604.7037 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -16998,11 +17430,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -273.1947 -604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 -222.3852 -604.7037 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 276.1835 604.7037 Td[(cdin)1(s)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 29.3898 0 Td[(nz,)-358(i)1(a,)-358(j)1(a)-1(,)-357(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 225.3741 604.7037 Td[(cdin)1(s)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 29.3898 0 Td[(nz,)-358(i)1(a,)-358(j)1(a)-1(,)-357(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 370.3433 604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 319.5339 604.7037 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17011,69 +17443,69 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -370.3433 -604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 -319.5339 -604.7037 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 373.3986 604.7037 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 322.5891 604.7037 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 580.7934 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 580.7934 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -580.7934 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -580.7934 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 580.7934 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 580.7934 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.2901 580.7934 cm +1 0 0 1 147.4806 580.7934 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -560.8681 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 560.8681 Td[(nz)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 560.8681 Td[(nz)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 162.1618 560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 111.3524 560.8681 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -162.1618 -560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 -111.3524 -560.8681 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 167.1432 560.8681 Td[(th)1(e)-334(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(r)-333(of)-333(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-333(b)-28(ein)1(g)-334(in)1(s)-1(erted.)]TJ 8.4683 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -55.4517 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -71.5095 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 116.3337 560.8681 Td[(th)1(e)-334(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(r)-333(of)-333(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-333(b)-28(eing)-333(in)1(s)-1(erted.)]TJ 8.4683 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.073 0 Td[(.)]TJ -55.4517 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6113 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8982 0 Td[(.)]TJ -71.5095 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 505.0773 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 505.0773 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -505.0773 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -505.0773 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 505.0773 Td[(ia)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 505.0773 Td[(ia)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 159.4567 505.0773 cm +1 0 0 1 108.6472 505.0773 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -159.4567 -505.0773 cm +1 0 0 1 -108.6472 -505.0773 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 164.438 505.0773 Td[(th)1(e)-334(ro)28(w)-334(i)1(ndi)1(c)-1(es)-334(of)-333(th)1(e)-334(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-334(b)-27(e)-1(i)1(ng)-333(inserted.)]TJ 11.1735 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -55.4517 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -71.5095 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)-333(of)-333(length)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 172.5477 0 Td[(nz)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 11.0512 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 113.6285 505.0773 Td[(th)1(e)-334(ro)28(w)-334(i)1(ndi)1(c)-1(es)-334(of)-333(th)1(e)-334(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-334(b)-27(e)-1(i)1(ng)-333(inserted.)]TJ 11.1735 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.073 0 Td[(.)]TJ -55.4517 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -71.5095 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)-333(of)-333(length)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 172.5477 0 Td[(nz)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 11.0512 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 449.2865 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 449.2865 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -449.2865 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -449.2865 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 449.2865 Td[(ja)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 449.2865 Td[(ja)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 159.7749 449.2865 cm +1 0 0 1 108.9655 449.2865 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -159.7749 -449.2865 cm +1 0 0 1 -108.9655 -449.2865 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 164.7563 449.2865 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(ol)1(umn)-333(ind)1(ice)-1(s)-334(of)-332(the)-334(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-333(b)-28(ein)1(g)-334(in)1(s)-1(erted.)]TJ 10.8552 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -55.4517 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -71.5095 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)-333(of)-333(length)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 172.5477 0 Td[(nz)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 11.0512 0 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 113.9468 449.2865 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(ol)1(umn)-333(ind)1(ice)-1(s)-334(of)-332(the)-334(p)-27(oin)28(ts)-333(b)-28(ein)1(g)-334(in)1(s)-1(erted.)]TJ 10.8552 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.073 0 Td[(.)]TJ -55.4517 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -71.5095 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(arra)28(y)-333(of)-333(length)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 172.5477 0 Td[(nz)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 11.0512 0 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 391.5032 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 391.5032 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -391.5032 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -391.5032 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 391.5032 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 391.5032 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 391.5032 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 391.5032 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -371.5779 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -371.5779 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 371.5779 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 371.5779 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.6195 371.5779 cm +1 0 0 1 121.81 371.5779 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17082,23 +17514,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -371.5779 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.81 -371.5779 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 371.5779 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 371.5779 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.6259 371.5779 cm +1 0 0 1 130.8165 371.5779 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -371.5779 cm +1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -371.5779 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 371.5779 Td[(th)1(e)-334(up)-27(dated)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(on)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 371.5779 Td[(th)1(e)-334(up)-27(dated)-333(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(at)1(ion)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 335.7124 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -335.7124 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 335.7124 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 335.7124 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 312.0356 335.7124 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17107,11 +17539,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -335.7124 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 335.7124 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 335.7124 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 387.5322 335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 336.7228 335.7124 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17120,100 +17552,100 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -335.7124 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 335.7124 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 335.7124 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 411.5918 335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 360.7824 335.7124 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -335.7124 cm +1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -335.7124 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 335.7124 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 335.7124 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 315.7871 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 315.7871 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -315.7871 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -315.7871 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 315.7871 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 315.7871 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.4816 315.7871 cm +1 0 0 1 118.6721 315.7871 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -315.7871 cm +1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -315.7871 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 315.7871 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9458 Td[(Not)-1(es)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 315.7871 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9458 Td[(Not)-1(es)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 225.1548 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 225.1548 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -225.1548 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -225.1548 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 225.1548 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 225.1548 Td[(1.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 170.6302 225.1548 cm +1 0 0 1 119.8207 225.1548 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -225.1548 cm +1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -225.1548 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 225.1548 Td[(This)-333(rout)1(ine)-334(ma)28(y)-333(only)-333(b)-27(e)-334(called)-333(if)-333(th)1(e)-334(des)-1(cri)1(ptor)-333(is)-333(in)-333(the)-333(bu)1(ild)-333(state)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 225.1548 Td[(This)-333(rout)1(ine)-334(ma)28(y)-333(only)-333(b)-27(e)-334(called)-333(if)-333(th)1(e)-334(des)-1(cri)1(ptor)-333(is)-333(in)-333(the)-333(bu)1(ild)-333(state)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(48)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(51)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -914 0 obj << +948 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 915 0 R -/Resources 913 0 R +/Contents 949 0 R +/Resources 947 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 904 0 R -/Annots [ 918 0 R ] +/Parent 924 0 R +/Annots [ 952 0 R ] >> endobj -918 0 obj << +952 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [345.5302 332.5022 412.5881 343.6272] +/Rect [294.7207 332.5022 361.7786 343.6272] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -916 0 obj << -/D [914 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +950 0 obj << +/D [948 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 170 0 obj << -/D [914 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 644.4574 null] +/D [948 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] >> endobj -917 0 obj << -/D [914 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] +951 0 obj << +/D [948 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] >> endobj -919 0 obj << -/D [914 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 237.11 null] +953 0 obj << +/D [948 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 237.11 null] >> endobj -920 0 obj << -/D [914 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 241.0951 null] +954 0 obj << +/D [948 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 241.0951 null] >> endobj -913 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +947 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -923 0 obj << -/Length 3929 +957 0 obj << +/Length 3954 >> stream -1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -60.7721 cm 0 g 0 G 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 125.1626 680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 175.972 680.226 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17222,11 +17654,11 @@ q 4.8419 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -175.972 -680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 680.226 Td[(cdasb|Co)-1(mm)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(de)-1(s)1(cr)-1(ipt)-1(or)-376(as)1(sem)30(bly)]TJ -30.1091 -17.9328 Td[(ro)-1(uti)-1(ne)]TJ 0 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.4349 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 180.8139 680.226 Td[(cdasb|Co)-1(mm)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(de)-1(s)1(cr)-1(ipt)-1(or)-376(as)1(sem)30(bly)]TJ -30.109 -17.9328 Td[(ro)-1(uti)-1(ne)]TJ 0 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.4348 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 244.1922 604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 295.0017 604.7037 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17235,11 +17667,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -244.1922 -604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.0017 -604.7037 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 247.181 604.7037 Td[(cdasb)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 31.6038 0 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 297.9905 604.7037 Td[(cdasb)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 31.6037 0 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 297.7269 604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 348.5364 604.7037 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17248,25 +17680,25 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -297.7269 -604.7037 cm +1 0 0 1 -348.5364 -604.7037 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 300.7821 604.7037 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5152 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 351.5916 604.7037 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 580.7934 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 580.7934 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -580.7934 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -580.7934 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 580.7934 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 580.7934 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 580.7934 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 580.7934 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -560.8681 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 560.8681 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 560.8681 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.81 560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 172.6195 560.8681 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17275,23 +17707,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.81 -560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -560.8681 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 560.8681 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 560.8681 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.8165 560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 181.6259 560.8681 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -560.8681 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -560.8681 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 560.8681 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 560.8681 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 346.5264 525.0026 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -525.0026 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 525.0026 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 525.0026 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 362.8451 525.0026 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17300,11 +17732,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -525.0026 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 525.0026 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 525.0026 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 387.5322 525.0026 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17313,108 +17745,108 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -525.0026 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 525.0026 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 525.0026 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 411.5918 525.0026 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -525.0026 cm +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -525.0026 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 525.0026 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 525.0026 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 503.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 503.0848 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -503.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -503.0848 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 503.0848 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 503.0848 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 154.4337 503.0848 cm +1 0 0 1 205.2431 503.0848 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -483.1595 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -483.1595 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 483.1595 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 483.1595 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 118.6721 483.1595 cm +1 0 0 1 169.4816 483.1595 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -483.1595 cm +1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -483.1595 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 483.1595 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9459 Td[(Not)-1(es)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 483.1595 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -24.9066 -32.9459 Td[(Not)-1(es)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 392.5272 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 392.5272 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -392.5272 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -392.5272 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 112.072 392.5272 Td[(1.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 162.8814 392.5272 Td[(1.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 119.8207 392.5272 cm +1 0 0 1 170.6302 392.5272 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -119.8207 -392.5272 cm +1 0 0 1 -170.6302 -392.5272 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 124.802 392.5272 Td[(On)-333(exit)-333(f)1(rom)-334(th)1(is)-334(r)1(outin)1(e)-334(the)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(is)-334(i)1(n)-333(the)-334(asse)-1(m)28(bled)-333(s)-1(t)1(ate)-1(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 175.6115 392.5272 Td[(On)-333(exit)-333(f)1(rom)-334(th)1(is)-334(r)1(outin)1(e)-334(the)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(is)-334(i)1(n)-333(the)-334(asse)-1(m)28(bled)-333(s)-1(t)1(ate)-1(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(49)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(52)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -922 0 obj << +956 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 923 0 R -/Resources 921 0 R +/Contents 957 0 R +/Resources 955 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 904 0 R -/Annots [ 926 0 R ] +/Parent 963 0 R +/Annots [ 960 0 R ] >> endobj -926 0 obj << +960 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 521.7924 361.7786 532.9173] +/Rect [345.5302 521.7924 412.5881 532.9173] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -924 0 obj << -/D [922 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +958 0 obj << 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-680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 175.972 680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 125.1626 680.226 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17423,11 +17855,11 @@ q 4.8419 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -175.972 -680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 180.8139 680.226 Td[(cdcp)31(y|Copi)-1(es)-375(a)-375(com)-1(m)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ -30.109 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 89.0031 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 680.226 Td[(cdcp)31(y)1(|C)-1(opi)-1(es)-375(a)-375(com)-1(m)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ -30.1091 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 89.0032 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 273.57 622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 222.7605 622.6364 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17436,11 +17868,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -273.57 -622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 -222.7605 -622.6364 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 276.5588 622.6364 Td[(cdcp)28(y)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 32.1019 0 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 225.7493 622.6364 Td[(cdcp)28(y)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 32.1019 0 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 327.6028 622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 276.7933 622.6364 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17449,11 +17881,11 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -327.6028 -622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 -276.7933 -622.6364 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 330.658 622.6364 Td[(out,)-357(d)-1(es)1(c)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 279.8486 622.6364 Td[(out,)-357(d)-1(es)1(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 369.9681 622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 319.1586 622.6364 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17462,25 +17894,25 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -369.9681 -622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 -319.1586 -622.6364 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 373.0233 622.6364 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 322.2138 622.6364 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5152 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 598.7261 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 598.7261 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -598.7261 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -598.7261 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 598.7261 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 598.7261 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.2901 598.7261 cm +1 0 0 1 147.4806 598.7261 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -578.8008 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 578.8008 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 578.8008 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.6195 578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 121.81 578.8008 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17489,23 +17921,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.81 -578.8008 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 578.8008 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 578.8008 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.6259 578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 130.8165 578.8008 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -578.8008 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 578.8008 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 578.8008 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 542.9353 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -542.9353 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 542.9353 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 542.9353 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 312.0356 542.9353 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17514,11 +17946,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -542.9353 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 542.9353 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 542.9353 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 387.5322 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 336.7228 542.9353 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17527,31 +17959,31 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -542.9353 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 542.9353 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 542.9353 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 411.5918 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 360.7824 542.9353 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -542.9353 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 542.9353 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 542.9353 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 521.0175 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 521.0175 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -521.0175 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -521.0175 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 521.0175 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 521.0175 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 521.0175 cm +1 0 0 1 154.4337 521.0175 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -501.0922 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 501.0922 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 501.0922 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.6195 501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 121.81 501.0922 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17560,23 +17992,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.81 -501.0922 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 501.0922 Td[(out)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 501.0922 Td[(out)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 192.6055 501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7961 501.0922 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -192.6055 -501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7961 -501.0922 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 197.5869 501.0922 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(c)-1(op)28(y)84(.)]TJ -21.9754 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7774 501.0922 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(c)-1(op)28(y)84(.)]TJ -21.9754 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 346.5264 465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 465.2267 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -465.2267 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 465.2267 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 465.2267 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 362.8451 465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 312.0356 465.2267 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17585,11 +18017,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -465.2267 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 465.2267 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 465.2267 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 387.5322 465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 336.7228 465.2267 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17598,75 +18030,258 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -465.2267 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 465.2267 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 465.2267 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 411.5918 465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 360.7824 465.2267 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -465.2267 cm +1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -465.2267 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 465.2267 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 465.2267 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 445.3014 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 445.3014 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -445.3014 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -445.3014 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 445.3014 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 445.3014 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.4816 445.3014 cm +1 0 0 1 118.6721 445.3014 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -445.3014 cm +1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -445.3014 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 445.3014 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 445.3014 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(50)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(53)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -930 0 obj << +965 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 931 0 R -/Resources 929 0 R +/Contents 966 0 R +/Resources 964 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 904 0 R -/Annots [ 934 0 R 935 0 R ] +/Parent 963 0 R +/Annots [ 969 0 R 970 0 R ] >> endobj -934 0 obj << +969 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [345.5302 539.7251 412.5881 550.8501] +/Rect [294.7207 539.7251 361.7786 550.8501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -935 0 obj << +970 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [345.5302 462.0165 412.5881 473.1415] +/Rect [294.7207 462.0165 361.7786 473.1415] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -932 0 obj << -/D [930 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +967 0 obj << +/D [965 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj 178 0 obj << -/D [930 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +/D [965 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -933 0 obj << -/D [930 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +968 0 obj << +/D [965 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -929 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +964 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -938 0 obj << -/Length 3505 +973 0 obj << +/Length 3526 +>> +stream +1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 343.7111 0 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -348.6924 -60.7721 cm +0 g 0 G +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -680.226 cm +BT +/F18 14.3462 Tf 150.7049 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 175.972 680.226 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.8419 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -175.972 -680.226 cm +BT +/F18 14.3462 Tf 180.8139 680.226 Td[(cdfre)-1(e|F)94(r)-1(ees)-375(a)-375(co)-1(mm)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ -30.109 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 109.7568 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 294.3237 622.6364 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -294.3237 -622.6364 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 297.3125 622.6364 Td[(cdfr)1(e)-1(e)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 32.9598 0 Td[(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 349.2144 622.6364 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.0552 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -349.2144 -622.6364 cm +BT +/F19 9.9626 Tf 352.2696 622.6364 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5151 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 145.7235 598.7261 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -598.7261 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 598.7261 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 198.2901 598.7261 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -578.8008 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 578.8008 Td[(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 172.6195 578.8008 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.4371 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -578.8008 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 578.8008 Td[(a)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 181.6259 578.8008 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -578.8008 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 578.8008 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(to)-334(b)-27(e)-334(f)1(ree)-1(d)1(.)]TJ -10.9957 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 346.5264 542.9353 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -346.5264 -542.9353 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 346.5264 542.9353 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 362.8451 542.9353 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.1382 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -362.8451 -542.9353 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 365.9833 542.9353 Td[(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 387.5322 542.9353 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.1382 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -387.5322 -542.9353 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 390.6705 542.9353 Td[(type)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 411.5918 542.9353 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -411.5918 -542.9353 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 411.5918 542.9353 Td[(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 145.7235 521.0175 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -521.0175 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 521.0175 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 205.2431 521.0175 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -501.0922 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 501.0922 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 169.4816 501.0922 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -501.0922 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 501.0922 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(54)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm +0 g 0 G +endstream +endobj +972 0 obj << +/Type /Page +/Contents 973 0 R +/Resources 971 0 R +/MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] +/Parent 963 0 R +/Annots [ 976 0 R ] +>> endobj +976 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [345.5302 539.7251 412.5881 550.8501] +/Subtype /Link +/A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> +>> endobj +974 0 obj << +/D [972 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +>> endobj +182 0 obj << +/D [972 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +>> endobj +975 0 obj << +/D [972 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +>> endobj +971 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> +/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] +>> endobj +979 0 obj << +/Length 7969 >> stream 1 0 0 1 99.8954 740.9981 cm @@ -17678,62 +18293,182 @@ stream 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -680.226 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F18 14.3462 Tf 99.8954 680.226 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 125.1626 680.226 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +4.8419 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -680.226 cm +BT +/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 680.226 Td[(cdblde)-1(xt|Buil)-1(d)-375(an)-375(exte)-1(nded)]TJ -30.1091 -17.9328 Td[(com)-1(m)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ 0 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 58.3156 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 192.0729 604.7037 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +2.9888 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -192.0729 -604.7037 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 195.0617 604.7037 Td[(cdbl)1(dext)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 44.5553 0 Td[(a,desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 266.7063 604.7037 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.0552 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -266.7063 -604.7037 cm +BT +/F19 9.9626 Tf 269.7615 604.7037 Td[(a,nl,)1(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 308.0532 604.7037 cm +q +[]0 d +0 J +0.3985 w +0 0.1992 m +3.0552 0.1992 l +S +Q +1 0 0 1 -308.0532 -604.7037 cm +BT +/F19 9.9626 Tf 311.1084 604.7037 Td[(out,)-357(info,)-358(ex)1(t)-1(y)1(p)51(e)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 70.3081 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -281.5211 -23.9103 Td[(This)-462(sub)1(rou)1(tine)-462(b)1(ui)1(lds)-462(an)-461(exte)-1(n)1(ded)-461(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-461(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(ipt)1(or,)-494(b)1(as)-1(ed)-461(on)-461(the)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(in)1(pu)1(t)-390(d)1(e)-1(sc)-1(r)1(iptor)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 74.2872 0 Td[(desc_a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 35.2614 0 Td[(and)-389(on)-388(the)-390(ste)-1(n)1(c)-1(i)1(l)-389(s)-1(p)-27(e)-1(ci\014ed)-389(th)1(rough)-389(t)1(he)-390(in)1(pu)1(t)-390(spar)1(s)-1(e)]TJ -109.5486 -11.9552 Td[(matrix)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 32.4063 0 Td[(a)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 5.2304 0 Td[(.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 94.9141 536.9577 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -536.9577 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 536.9577 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 147.4806 536.9577 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9252 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -517.0325 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 517.0325 Td[(a)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 105.4647 517.0325 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -105.4647 -517.0325 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 110.4461 517.0325 Td[(A)-333(s)-1(p)1(arse)-334(m)-1(at)1(rix)-333(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 101.1763 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -109.8935 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(t)28(yp)-27(e.)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 94.9141 473.1968 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -473.1968 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 473.1968 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 125.1626 680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 121.81 473.1968 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -4.8419 0.1992 l +3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -125.1626 -680.226 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.81 -473.1968 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 473.1968 Td[(a)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 130.8165 473.1968 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -473.1968 cm BT -/F18 14.3462 Tf 130.0045 680.226 Td[(cdfre)-1(e|F)94(r)-1(ees)-375(a)-375(co)-1(mm)31(uni)-1(cati)-1(on)-375(descr)-1(ipt)-1(or)]TJ -30.1091 -35.7686 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 109.7569 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 473.1968 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9551 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 243.5142 622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 437.3313 cm +0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -437.3313 cm +BT +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 437.3313 Td[(psb)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 312.0356 437.3313 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -2.9888 0.1992 l +3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -243.5142 -622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -437.3313 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 246.503 622.6364 Td[(cdfr)1(e)-1(e)-333(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 32.9598 0 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 437.3313 Td[(spmat)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 298.4049 622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 341.9531 437.3313 cm q []0 d 0 J 0.3985 w 0 0.1992 m -3.0552 0.1992 l +3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -298.4049 -622.6364 cm +1 0 0 1 -341.9531 -437.3313 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 301.4601 622.6364 Td[(a,)-358(i)1(nfo)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 28.5152 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 345.0913 437.3313 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 598.7261 cm +1 0 0 1 366.0127 437.3313 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -598.7261 cm +1 0 0 1 -366.0127 -437.3313 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 598.7261 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 366.0127 437.3313 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 147.4806 598.7261 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 417.4061 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -417.4061 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 417.4061 Td[(nl)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 109.4429 417.4061 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 -109.4429 -417.4061 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 578.8008 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 114.4242 417.4061 Td[(th)1(e)-334(n)28(um)28(b)-27(e)-1(r)-333(of)-333(la)28(y)28(ers)-334(d)1(e)-1(sired.)]TJ 10.3778 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(an)-333(in)28(t)1(e)-1(ger)-333(v)55(al)1(ue)]TJ/F11 9.9626 Tf 130.4278 0 Td[(nl)]TJ/F14 9.9626 Tf 11.9159 0 Td[(\025)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 10.5161 0 Td[(0.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 121.81 578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 361.6153 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -361.6153 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 361.6153 Td[(ext)32(yp)-32(e)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 133.3116 361.6153 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -133.3116 -361.6153 cm +BT +/F8 9.9626 Tf 138.2929 361.6153 Td[(th)1(e)-334(kin)1(d)-333(of)-333(e)-1(stension)-333(requ)1(ired.)]TJ -13.4909 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(global)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 29.7563 0 Td[(.)]TJ -57.7071 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 44.3958 0 Td[(.)]TJ -69.5792 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-418(as)-1(:)-616(an)-419(in)29(te)-1(ger)-419(v)56(alue)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 135.566 0 Td[(psb_ovt_xhal_)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 67.9944 0 Td[(,)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 7.1587 0 Td[(psb_ovt_asov_)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 67.9945 0 Td[(,)-441(d)1(e)-1(f)1(aul)1(t:)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf -278.7136 -11.9552 Td[(psb_ovt_xhal_)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 94.9141 291.8768 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -291.8768 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 291.8768 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 154.4337 291.8768 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm +0 g 0 G +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -271.9515 cm +BT +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 271.9515 Td[(desc)]TJ +ET +1 0 0 1 121.81 271.9515 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17742,23 +18477,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -121.81 -578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 -121.81 -271.9515 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 578.8008 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 125.2471 271.9515 Td[(out)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 130.8165 578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 141.7961 271.9515 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -130.8165 -578.8008 cm +1 0 0 1 -141.7961 -271.9515 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 135.7978 578.8008 Td[(th)1(e)-334(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-332(des)-1(crip)1(tor)-333(to)-334(b)-27(e)-334(f)1(ree)-1(d)1(.)]TJ -10.9958 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.7774 271.9515 Td[(th)1(e)-334(e)-1(x)1(te)-1(n)1(ded)-333(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(ni)1(c)-1(ation)-333(d)1(e)-1(scrip)1(tor.)]TJ -21.9754 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 27.9508 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 23.0731 0 Td[(.)]TJ -51.0239 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 25.1834 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 41.8983 0 Td[(.)]TJ -67.0817 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(s)-1(tr)1(uctured)-333(dat)1(a)-334(of)-333(t)28(yp)-27(e)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 295.717 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 295.717 236.086 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -295.717 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -295.717 -236.086 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 542.9353 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 295.717 236.086 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 312.0356 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 312.0356 236.086 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17767,11 +18502,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -312.0356 -236.086 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 542.9353 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 315.1738 236.086 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 336.7228 542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 336.7228 236.086 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -17780,75 +18515,74 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -542.9353 cm -BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 542.9353 Td[(type)]TJ -ET -1 0 0 1 360.7824 542.9353 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -542.9353 cm +1 0 0 1 -336.7228 -236.086 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 542.9353 Td[(.)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 339.861 236.086 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 94.9141 521.0175 cm +1 0 0 1 360.7824 236.086 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -521.0175 cm +1 0 0 1 -360.7824 -236.086 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 521.0175 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 360.7824 236.086 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 154.4337 521.0175 cm +1 0 0 1 94.9141 216.1607 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm -0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 -94.9141 -216.1607 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 501.0922 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 99.8954 216.1607 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 118.6721 501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 118.6721 216.1607 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -501.0922 cm +1 0 0 1 -118.6721 -216.1607 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 501.0922 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 123.6534 216.1607 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3787 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3787 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 99.8954 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(51)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(55)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -937 0 obj << +978 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 938 0 R -/Resources 936 0 R +/Contents 979 0 R +/Resources 977 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 904 0 R -/Annots [ 941 0 R ] +/Parent 963 0 R +/Annots [ 982 0 R 983 0 R ] >> endobj -941 0 obj << +982 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [294.7207 539.7251 361.7786 550.8501] +/Rect [294.7207 434.1211 367.009 445.2461] +/Subtype /Link +/A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> +>> endobj +983 0 obj << +/Type /Annot +/Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] +/Rect [294.7207 232.8758 361.7786 244.0008] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -939 0 obj << -/D [937 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +980 0 obj << +/D [978 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -182 0 obj << -/D [937 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +186 0 obj << +/D [978 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 641.6678 null] >> endobj -940 0 obj << -/D [937 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +981 0 obj << +/D [978 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] >> endobj -936 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +977 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -944 0 obj << +986 0 obj << /Length 7319 >> stream @@ -18095,60 +18829,60 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(52)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(56)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -943 0 obj << +985 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 944 0 R -/Resources 942 0 R +/Contents 986 0 R +/Resources 984 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 953 0 R -/Annots [ 947 0 R 948 0 R ] +/Parent 963 0 R +/Annots [ 989 0 R 990 0 R ] >> endobj -947 0 obj << +989 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 539.7251 412.5881 550.8501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -948 0 obj << +990 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 394.2706 417.8184 405.3955] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -945 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +987 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -186 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +190 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] >> endobj -946 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +988 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] >> endobj -949 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 298.8784 null] +991 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 298.8784 null] >> endobj -950 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 302.8634 null] +992 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 302.8634 null] >> endobj -951 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 281.001 null] +993 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 281.001 null] >> endobj -952 0 obj << -/D [943 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 261.0757 null] +994 0 obj << +/D [985 0 R /XYZ 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0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 187.229 367.009 198.354] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -961 0 obj << +1002 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [261.1521 129.0706 328.21 140.1955] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -957 0 obj << -/D [955 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +998 0 obj << +/D [996 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -190 0 obj << -/D [955 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 637.6067 null] +194 0 obj << +/D [996 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 637.6067 null] >> endobj -958 0 obj << -/D [955 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 608.7065 null] +999 0 obj << +/D [996 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 608.7065 null] >> endobj -954 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +995 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -964 0 obj << +1005 0 obj << /Length 3867 >> stream @@ -18578,45 +19312,45 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(54)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(58)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -963 0 obj << +1004 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 964 0 R -/Resources 962 0 R +/Contents 1005 0 R +/Resources 1003 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 953 0 R +/Parent 1013 0 R >> endobj -965 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1006 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -966 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 627.4517 null] +1007 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 627.4517 null] >> endobj -967 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.4368 null] +1008 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.4368 null] >> endobj -968 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 599.5564 null] +1009 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 599.5564 null] >> endobj -969 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 565.7387 null] +1010 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 565.7387 null] >> endobj -970 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 521.9031 null] +1011 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 521.9031 null] >> endobj -971 0 obj << -/D [963 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 478.0675 null] +1012 0 obj << +/D [1004 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 478.0675 null] >> endobj -962 0 obj << -/Font << /F29 371 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F18 365 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1003 0 obj << +/Font << /F29 375 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F18 369 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -974 0 obj << +1016 0 obj << /Length 8240 >> stream @@ -18875,57 +19609,57 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(55)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(59)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -973 0 obj << +1015 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 974 0 R -/Resources 972 0 R +/Contents 1016 0 R +/Resources 1014 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 953 0 R -/Annots [ 977 0 R 978 0 R ] +/Parent 1013 0 R +/Annots [ 1019 0 R 1020 0 R ] >> endobj -977 0 obj << +1019 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 533.0958 361.7786 544.2208] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -978 0 obj << +1020 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 266.8806 367.009 278.0055] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -975 0 obj << -/D [973 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1017 0 obj << +/D [1015 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -194 0 obj << -/D [973 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 656.2859 null] +198 0 obj << +/D [1015 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 656.2859 null] >> endobj -976 0 obj << -/D [973 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 627.5883 null] +1018 0 obj << +/D [1015 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 627.5883 null] >> endobj -979 0 obj << -/D [973 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 166.5768 null] +1021 0 obj << +/D [1015 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 166.5768 null] >> endobj -980 0 obj << -/D [973 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 171.045 null] +1022 0 obj << +/D [1015 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 171.045 null] >> endobj -981 0 obj << -/D [973 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 135.0181 null] +1023 0 obj << +/D [1015 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 135.0181 null] >> endobj -972 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1014 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -984 0 obj << +1026 0 obj << /Length 2360 >> stream @@ -18973,36 +19707,36 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(56)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(60)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.416 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -983 0 obj << +1025 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 984 0 R -/Resources 982 0 R +/Contents 1026 0 R +/Resources 1024 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 953 0 R +/Parent 1013 0 R >> endobj -985 0 obj << -/D [983 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1027 0 obj << +/D [1025 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -986 0 obj << -/D [983 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] +1028 0 obj << +/D [1025 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] >> endobj -987 0 obj << -/D [983 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 676.2963 null] +1029 0 obj << +/D [1025 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 676.2963 null] >> endobj -988 0 obj << -/D [983 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 632.4607 null] +1030 0 obj << +/D [1025 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 632.4607 null] >> endobj -982 0 obj << -/Font << /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1024 0 obj << +/Font << /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -991 0 obj << +1033 0 obj << /Length 4625 >> stream @@ -19201,48 +19935,48 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(57)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(61)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -990 0 obj << +1032 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 991 0 R -/Resources 989 0 R +/Contents 1033 0 R +/Resources 1031 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 953 0 R -/Annots [ 994 0 R 995 0 R ] +/Parent 1013 0 R +/Annots [ 1036 0 R 1037 0 R ] >> endobj -994 0 obj << +1036 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 539.7251 367.009 550.8501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -995 0 obj << +1037 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 483.9343 361.7786 495.0593] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -992 0 obj << -/D [990 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1034 0 obj << +/D [1032 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -198 0 obj << -/D [990 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +202 0 obj << +/D [1032 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -993 0 obj << -/D [990 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1035 0 obj << +/D [1032 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -989 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1031 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -998 0 obj << +1040 0 obj << /Length 5851 >> stream @@ -19465,54 +20199,54 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(58)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(62)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -997 0 obj << +1039 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 998 0 R -/Resources 996 0 R +/Contents 1040 0 R +/Resources 1038 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1005 0 R -/Annots [ 1001 0 R 1002 0 R ] +/Parent 1013 0 R +/Annots [ 1043 0 R 1044 0 R ] >> endobj -1001 0 obj << +1043 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 521.7924 417.8184 532.9173] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -1002 0 obj << +1044 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 466.0016 412.5881 477.1265] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -999 0 obj << -/D [997 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1041 0 obj << +/D [1039 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -202 0 obj << -/D [997 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 641.6678 null] +206 0 obj << +/D [1039 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 641.6678 null] >> endobj -1000 0 obj << -/D [997 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] +1042 0 obj << +/D [1039 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1003 0 obj << -/D [997 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 292.9008 null] +1045 0 obj << +/D [1039 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 292.9008 null] >> endobj -1004 0 obj << -/D [997 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 296.8859 null] +1046 0 obj << +/D [1039 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 296.8859 null] >> endobj -996 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1038 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1008 0 obj << +1049 0 obj << /Length 5130 >> stream @@ -19685,41 +20419,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(59)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(63)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1007 0 obj << +1048 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1008 0 R -/Resources 1006 0 R +/Contents 1049 0 R +/Resources 1047 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1005 0 R -/Annots [ 1011 0 R ] +/Parent 1013 0 R +/Annots [ 1052 0 R ] >> endobj -1011 0 obj << +1052 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [261.1521 539.7251 328.21 550.8501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1009 0 obj << -/D [1007 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1050 0 obj << +/D [1048 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -206 0 obj << -/D [1007 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +210 0 obj << +/D [1048 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1010 0 obj << -/D [1007 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1051 0 obj << +/D [1048 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1006 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F11 499 0 R >> +1047 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F11 504 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1014 0 obj << +1055 0 obj << /Length 7951 >> stream @@ -19928,41 +20662,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(60)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(64)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1013 0 obj << +1054 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1014 0 R -/Resources 1012 0 R +/Contents 1055 0 R +/Resources 1053 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1005 0 R -/Annots [ 1017 0 R ] +/Parent 1059 0 R +/Annots [ 1058 0 R ] >> endobj -1017 0 obj << +1058 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 342.6201 412.5881 353.7451] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1015 0 obj << -/D [1013 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1056 0 obj << +/D [1054 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -210 0 obj << -/D [1013 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 654.8587 null] +214 0 obj << +/D [1054 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 654.8587 null] >> endobj -1016 0 obj << -/D [1013 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 625.7739 null] +1057 0 obj << +/D [1054 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 625.7739 null] >> endobj -1012 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1053 0 obj << +/Font << 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677.8322 null] +1066 0 obj << +/D [1061 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 677.8322 null] >> endobj -1018 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R >> +1060 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1027 0 obj << +1069 0 obj << /Length 4251 >> stream @@ -20192,41 +20926,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(62)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(66)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1026 0 obj << +1068 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1027 0 R -/Resources 1025 0 R +/Contents 1069 0 R +/Resources 1067 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1005 0 R -/Annots [ 1030 0 R ] +/Parent 1059 0 R +/Annots [ 1072 0 R ] >> endobj -1030 0 obj << +1072 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [311.9616 539.7251 379.0195 550.8501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1028 0 obj << -/D [1026 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1070 0 obj << +/D [1068 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -214 0 obj << -/D [1026 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +218 0 obj << +/D [1068 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1029 0 obj << -/D [1026 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +1071 0 obj << +/D [1068 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1025 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1067 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1033 0 obj << +1075 0 obj << /Length 4213 >> stream @@ -20387,41 +21121,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(63)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(67)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1032 0 obj << +1074 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1033 0 R -/Resources 1031 0 R +/Contents 1075 0 R +/Resources 1073 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1005 0 R -/Annots [ 1036 0 R ] +/Parent 1059 0 R +/Annots [ 1078 0 R ] >> endobj -1036 0 obj << +1078 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [261.1521 460.024 328.21 471.149] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1034 0 obj << -/D [1032 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1076 0 obj << +/D [1074 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -218 0 obj << -/D [1032 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +222 0 obj << +/D [1074 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1035 0 obj << -/D [1032 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1077 0 obj << +/D [1074 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1031 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1073 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1039 0 obj << +1081 0 obj << /Length 6002 >> stream @@ -20606,41 +21340,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(64)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(68)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1038 0 obj << +1080 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1039 0 R -/Resources 1037 0 R +/Contents 1081 0 R +/Resources 1079 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1043 0 R -/Annots [ 1042 0 R ] +/Parent 1059 0 R +/Annots [ 1084 0 R ] >> endobj -1042 0 obj << +1084 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [311.9616 318.5545 379.0195 329.6795] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1040 0 obj << -/D [1038 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1082 0 obj << +/D [1080 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -222 0 obj << -/D [1038 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 644.4574 null] +226 0 obj << +/D [1080 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 644.4574 null] >> endobj -1041 0 obj << -/D [1038 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] +1083 0 obj << +/D [1080 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1037 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F10 527 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1079 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R 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99.8954 640.7226 null] >> endobj -1048 0 obj << -/D [1045 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 609.1215 null] +1089 0 obj << +/D [1086 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 609.1215 null] >> endobj -1044 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F11 499 0 R >> +1085 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F11 504 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1052 0 obj << +1093 0 obj << /Length 1375 >> stream @@ -21027,36 +21761,36 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(66)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(70)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1051 0 obj << +1092 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1052 0 R -/Resources 1050 0 R +/Contents 1093 0 R +/Resources 1091 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1043 0 R +/Parent 1098 0 R >> endobj -1053 0 obj << -/D [1051 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1094 0 obj << +/D [1092 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -1054 0 obj << -/D [1051 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 696.2631 null] +1095 0 obj << +/D [1092 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 696.2631 null] >> endobj -1055 0 obj << -/D [1051 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 700.2482 null] +1096 0 obj << +/D [1092 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 700.2482 null] >> endobj -1056 0 obj << -/D [1051 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 666.4305 null] +1097 0 obj << +/D [1092 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 666.4305 null] >> endobj -1050 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1091 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1059 0 obj << +1101 0 obj << /Length 8375 >> stream @@ -21357,41 +22091,41 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(67)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(71)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1058 0 obj << +1100 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1059 0 R -/Resources 1057 0 R +/Contents 1101 0 R +/Resources 1099 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1043 0 R -/Annots [ 1062 0 R ] +/Parent 1098 0 R +/Annots [ 1104 0 R ] >> endobj -1062 0 obj << +1104 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 430.1361 361.7786 441.261] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1060 0 obj << -/D [1058 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1102 0 obj << +/D [1100 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -230 0 obj << -/D [1058 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] +234 0 obj << +/D [1100 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] >> endobj -1061 0 obj << -/D [1058 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] +1103 0 obj << +/D [1100 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1057 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F11 499 0 R >> +1099 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F11 504 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1065 0 obj << +1107 0 obj << /Length 5697 >> stream @@ -21576,50 +22310,50 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(68)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(72)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1064 0 obj << +1106 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1065 0 R -/Resources 1063 0 R +/Contents 1107 0 R +/Resources 1105 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1043 0 R -/Annots [ 1068 0 R ] +/Parent 1098 0 R +/Annots [ 1110 0 R ] >> endobj -1068 0 obj << +1110 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [345.5302 521.7924 412.5881 532.9173] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1066 0 obj << -/D [1064 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1108 0 obj << +/D [1106 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -234 0 obj << -/D [1064 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 644.4574 null] +238 0 obj << +/D [1106 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 644.4574 null] >> endobj -1067 0 obj << -/D [1064 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] +1109 0 obj << +/D [1106 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1069 0 obj << -/D [1064 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 324.7812 null] +1111 0 obj << +/D [1106 0 R /XYZ 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0 R ] >> endobj -1077 0 obj << +1119 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 539.7251 361.7786 550.8501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1075 0 obj << -/D [1073 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1117 0 obj << +/D [1115 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -238 0 obj << -/D [1073 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +242 0 obj << +/D [1115 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1076 0 obj << -/D [1073 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1118 0 obj << +/D [1115 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1078 0 obj << -/D [1073 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 342.714 null] +1120 0 obj << +/D [1115 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 342.714 null] >> endobj -1079 0 obj << -/D [1073 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 346.6991 null] +1121 0 obj << +/D [1115 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 346.6991 null] >> endobj -1080 0 obj << -/D [1073 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 314.8186 null] +1122 0 obj << +/D [1115 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 314.8186 null] >> endobj -1072 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 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+23034,42 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(73)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(77)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1103 0 obj << +1145 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1104 0 R -/Resources 1102 0 R +/Contents 1146 0 R +/Resources 1144 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1085 0 R +/Parent 1143 0 R >> endobj -1105 0 obj << -/D [1103 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1147 0 obj << +/D [1145 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -254 0 obj << -/D [1103 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] +258 0 obj << +/D [1145 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] >> endobj -1106 0 obj << -/D [1103 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] +1148 0 obj << +/D [1145 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1107 0 obj << -/D [1103 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 370.6094 null] +1149 0 obj << +/D [1145 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 370.6094 null] >> endobj -1108 0 obj << -/D [1103 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 374.5944 null] +1150 0 obj << +/D [1145 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 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null] >> endobj -258 0 obj << -/D [1111 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +262 0 obj << +/D [1153 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1114 0 obj << -/D [1111 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +1156 0 obj << +/D [1153 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1110 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R >> +1152 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1117 0 obj << +1159 0 obj << /Length 4194 >> stream @@ -22595,33 +23329,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(75)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(79)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1116 0 obj << +1158 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1117 0 R -/Resources 1115 0 R +/Contents 1159 0 R +/Resources 1157 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1085 0 R +/Parent 1143 0 R >> endobj -1118 0 obj << -/D [1116 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1160 0 obj << +/D [1158 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -262 0 obj << -/D [1116 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +266 0 obj << +/D [1158 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1119 0 obj << -/D [1116 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1161 0 obj << +/D [1158 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1115 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F14 530 0 R >> +1157 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F14 535 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1122 0 obj << +1164 0 obj << /Length 1945 >> stream @@ -22686,33 +23420,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(76)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(80)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1121 0 obj << +1163 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1122 0 R -/Resources 1120 0 R +/Contents 1164 0 R +/Resources 1162 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1125 0 R +/Parent 1143 0 R 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+1195 0 obj << +/D [1191 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 243.0876 null] >> endobj -1154 0 obj << -/D [1149 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 247.0727 null] +1196 0 obj << +/D [1191 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 247.0727 null] >> endobj -1148 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1190 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1157 0 obj << +1199 0 obj << /Length 6435 >> stream @@ -23456,39 +24190,39 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(82)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(86)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1156 0 obj << +1198 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1157 0 R -/Resources 1155 0 R +/Contents 1199 0 R +/Resources 1197 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1162 0 R +/Parent 1177 0 R >> endobj -1158 0 obj << -/D [1156 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1200 0 obj << +/D [1198 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -290 0 obj << -/D [1156 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +294 0 obj << +/D [1198 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1159 0 obj << -/D [1156 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +1201 0 obj << +/D [1198 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1160 0 obj << -/D [1156 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 231.1324 null] +1202 0 obj << +/D [1198 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 231.1324 null] >> endobj -1161 0 obj << -/D [1156 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 235.1175 null] +1203 0 obj << +/D [1198 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 235.1175 null] >> endobj -1155 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1197 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1165 0 obj << +1206 0 obj << /Length 6045 >> stream @@ -23597,33 +24331,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(83)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(87)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1164 0 obj << +1205 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1165 0 R -/Resources 1163 0 R +/Contents 1206 0 R +/Resources 1204 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1162 0 R +/Parent 1177 0 R >> endobj -1166 0 obj << -/D [1164 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1207 0 obj << +/D [1205 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -294 0 obj << -/D [1164 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +298 0 obj << +/D [1205 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1167 0 obj << -/D [1164 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1208 0 obj << +/D [1205 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1163 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R >> +1204 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1170 0 obj << +1211 0 obj << /Length 6101 >> stream @@ -23732,33 +24466,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(84)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(88)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1169 0 obj << +1210 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1170 0 R -/Resources 1168 0 R +/Contents 1211 0 R +/Resources 1209 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1162 0 R +/Parent 1214 0 R >> endobj -1171 0 obj << -/D [1169 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1212 0 obj << +/D [1210 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -298 0 obj << -/D [1169 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +302 0 obj << +/D [1210 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1172 0 obj << -/D [1169 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +1213 0 obj << +/D [1210 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1168 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F14 530 0 R >> +1209 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F14 535 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1175 0 obj << +1217 0 obj << /Length 7568 >> stream @@ -23774,7 +24508,7 @@ ET 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG 1 0 0 1 -146.4729 -504.9804 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.4729 504.9804 Td[(6)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.4729 504.9804 Td[(8)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 151.4543 504.9804 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -23786,7 +24520,7 @@ ET 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG 1 0 0 1 -146.9437 -373.4736 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.9437 373.4736 Td[(7)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 146.9437 373.4736 Td[(9)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 151.9251 373.4736 cm 0 g 0 G @@ -23798,45 +24532,45 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(85)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(89)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1174 0 obj << +1216 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1175 0 R -/Resources 1173 0 R +/Contents 1217 0 R +/Resources 1215 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1162 0 R -/Annots [ 1177 0 R 1178 0 R ] +/Parent 1214 0 R +/Annots [ 1219 0 R 1220 0 R ] >> endobj -1177 0 obj << +1219 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [145.4767 501.7702 152.4505 512.8952] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.6) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.8) >> >> endobj -1178 0 obj << +1220 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [145.9475 370.5401 152.9213 381.3883] /Subtype /Link -/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.7) >> +/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.9) >> >> endobj -1176 0 obj << -/D [1174 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1218 0 obj << +/D [1216 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -302 0 obj << -/D [1174 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +306 0 obj << +/D [1216 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj -1173 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1215 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1183 0 obj << +1225 0 obj << /Length 4635 >> stream @@ -23894,7 +24628,7 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -428.1214 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 400.2814 Td[(Figu)1(re)-330(6:)-442(The)-330(l)1(a)27(y)28(ou)1(t)-330(of)-329(a)-329(generic)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 147.4447 0 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 400.2814 Td[(Figu)1(re)-330(8:)-442(The)-330(l)1(a)27(y)28(ou)1(t)-330(of)-329(a)-329(generic)]TJ/F32 9.9626 Tf 147.4447 0 Td[(psb)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 314.4683 400.2814 cm q @@ -23961,7 +24695,7 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -186.9584 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 159.1184 Td[(Figu)1(re)-422(7:)-622(A)-422(sam)-1(p)1(le)-422(PSBLAS)1(-)-1(2.0)-422(err)1(or)-422(me)-1(ss)-1(age.)-710(Pro)-28(ces)-1(s)-422(0)-422(dete)-1(cted)-422(an)-422(err)1(or)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(condi)1(tion)-333(in)1(s)-1(i)1(de)-334(th)1(e)-334(psb)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 150.7048 159.1184 Td[(Figu)1(re)-422(9:)-622(A)-422(sam)-1(p)1(le)-422(PSBLAS)1(-)-1(2.0)-422(err)1(or)-422(me)-1(ss)-1(age.)-710(Pro)-28(ces)-1(s)-422(0)-422(dete)-1(cted)-422(an)-422(err)1(or)]TJ 0 -11.9552 Td[(condi)1(tion)-333(in)1(s)-1(i)1(de)-334(th)1(e)-334(psb)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 255.4677 147.1632 cm q @@ -23982,33 +24716,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7048 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.579 90.4377 Td[(86)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.579 90.4377 Td[(90)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1182 0 obj << +1224 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1183 0 R -/Resources 1181 0 R +/Contents 1225 0 R +/Resources 1223 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1162 0 R +/Parent 1214 0 R >> endobj -1184 0 obj << -/D [1182 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1226 0 obj << +/D [1224 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -1179 0 obj << -/D [1182 0 R /XYZ 194.2611 412.2365 null] +1221 0 obj << +/D [1224 0 R /XYZ 194.2611 412.2365 null] >> endobj -1180 0 obj << -/D [1182 0 R /XYZ 196.97 171.0735 null] +1222 0 obj << +/D [1224 0 R /XYZ 196.97 171.0735 null] >> endobj -1181 0 obj << -/Font << /F48 642 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1223 0 obj << +/Font << /F48 644 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1187 0 obj << +1229 0 obj << /Length 4926 >> stream @@ -24213,33 +24947,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(87)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(91)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1186 0 obj << +1228 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1187 0 R -/Resources 1185 0 R +/Contents 1229 0 R +/Resources 1227 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1162 0 R +/Parent 1214 0 R >> endobj -1188 0 obj << -/D [1186 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1230 0 obj << +/D [1228 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -306 0 obj << -/D [1186 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] +310 0 obj << +/D [1228 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 644.4574 null] >> endobj -1189 0 obj << -/D [1186 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] +1231 0 obj << +/D [1228 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1185 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R >> +1227 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1192 0 obj << 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R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1203 0 obj << +1244 0 obj << /Length 2450 >> stream @@ -24564,33 +25298,33 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(90)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(94)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1202 0 obj << +1243 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1203 0 R -/Resources 1201 0 R +/Contents 1244 0 R +/Resources 1242 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1195 0 R +/Parent 1247 0 R >> endobj -1204 0 obj << -/D [1202 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1245 0 obj << +/D [1243 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -318 0 obj << -/D [1202 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 641.6678 null] +322 0 obj << +/D [1243 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 641.6678 null] >> endobj -1205 0 obj << -/D [1202 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] +1246 0 obj << +/D [1243 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 613.8693 null] >> endobj -1201 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R >> +1242 0 obj << +/Font << 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R >> +1248 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1213 0 obj << +1255 0 obj << /Length 325 >> stream @@ -24709,30 +25443,30 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(92)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(96)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1212 0 obj << +1254 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1213 0 R -/Resources 1211 0 R +/Contents 1255 0 R +/Resources 1253 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1195 0 R +/Parent 1247 0 R >> endobj -1214 0 obj << -/D [1212 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1256 0 obj << +/D [1254 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -326 0 obj << -/D [1212 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] +330 0 obj << +/D [1254 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 716.0915 null] >> endobj -1211 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R >> +1253 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1217 0 obj << +1259 0 obj << /Length 1519 >> stream @@ -24772,30 +25506,30 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(93)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(97)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1216 0 obj << +1258 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1217 0 R -/Resources 1215 0 R +/Contents 1259 0 R +/Resources 1257 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1195 0 R +/Parent 1247 0 R >> endobj -1218 0 obj << -/D [1216 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1260 0 obj << +/D [1258 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -330 0 obj << -/D [1216 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] +334 0 obj << +/D [1258 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 716.0915 null] >> endobj -1215 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F14 530 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1257 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F14 535 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1221 0 obj << +1263 0 obj << /Length 6728 >> stream @@ -24995,54 +25729,54 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(94)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(98)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1220 0 obj << +1262 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1221 0 R -/Resources 1219 0 R +/Contents 1263 0 R +/Resources 1261 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1228 0 R -/Annots [ 1224 0 R 1226 0 R ] +/Parent 1247 0 R +/Annots [ 1266 0 R 1268 0 R ] >> endobj -1224 0 obj << +1266 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [363.2969 551.6803 430.3548 562.8053] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (precdata) >> >> endobj -1226 0 obj << +1268 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [179.0984 388.0648 185.5603 398.1669] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (Hfootnote.2) >> >> endobj -1222 0 obj << -/D [1220 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] +1264 0 obj << +/D [1262 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] >> endobj -334 0 obj << -/D [1220 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] +338 0 obj << +/D [1262 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1223 0 obj << -/D [1220 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] +1265 0 obj << +/D [1262 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1225 0 obj << -/D [1220 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 410.6468 null] +1267 0 obj << +/D [1262 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 410.6468 null] >> endobj -1227 0 obj << -/D [1220 0 R /XYZ 165.9479 129.7901 null] +1269 0 obj << +/D [1262 0 R /XYZ 165.9479 129.7901 null] >> endobj -1219 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R /F11 499 0 R /F7 510 0 R /F34 513 0 R /F33 517 0 R >> +1261 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R /F11 504 0 R /F7 515 0 R /F34 518 0 R /F33 522 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1231 0 obj << +1272 0 obj << /Length 6272 >> stream @@ -25299,56 +26033,56 @@ ET 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -99.8954 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(95)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 266.7696 90.4377 Td[(99)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1230 0 obj << +1271 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1231 0 R -/Resources 1229 0 R +/Contents 1272 0 R +/Resources 1270 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1228 0 R -/Annots [ 1234 0 R 1235 0 R 1236 0 R ] +/Parent 1247 0 R +/Annots [ 1275 0 R 1276 0 R 1277 0 R ] >> endobj -1234 0 obj << +1275 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [317.8562 551.6803 390.1445 562.8053] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -1235 0 obj << +1276 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [371.4885 507.8447 438.5464 518.9696] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1236 0 obj << +1277 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [318.5757 386.3005 385.6336 397.4254] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (precdata) >> >> endobj -1232 0 obj << -/D [1230 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1273 0 obj << +/D [1271 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -338 0 obj << -/D [1230 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] +342 0 obj << +/D [1271 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 659.6006 null] >> endobj -1233 0 obj << -/D [1230 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] +1274 0 obj << +/D [1271 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 631.8021 null] >> endobj -1229 0 obj << -/Font << /F18 365 0 R /F8 374 0 R /F19 484 0 R /F29 371 0 R /F32 505 0 R >> +1270 0 obj << +/Font << /F18 369 0 R /F8 378 0 R /F19 489 0 R /F29 375 0 R /F32 510 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj -1239 0 obj << -/Length 7490 +1280 0 obj << +/Length 7428 >> stream 1 0 0 1 150.7049 740.9981 cm @@ -25399,9 +26133,9 @@ S Q 1 0 0 1 -350.3767 -604.7037 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 353.432 604.7037 Td[(a,i)1(n)-1(f)1(o,tr)51(ans,work)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 73.3245 0 Td[(\051)]TJ/F18 14.3462 Tf -276.0516 -29.8879 Td[(Syn)32(t)-1(ax)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 79.5065 -21.8209 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 353.432 604.7037 Td[(a,i)1(n)-1(f)1(o,tr)51(ans,work)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 73.3245 0 Td[(\051)]TJ -196.5451 -23.9103 Td[(call)-333(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 264.0734 552.9948 cm +1 0 0 1 264.0734 580.7934 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25410,11 +26144,11 @@ q 2.9888 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -264.0734 -552.9948 cm +1 0 0 1 -264.0734 -580.7934 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 267.0622 552.9948 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(capl)1(y)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 44.0294 0 Td[(pr)51(e)51(c,)1(x,desc)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 267.0622 580.7934 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(capl)1(y)-334(\050)]TJ/F19 9.9626 Tf 44.0294 0 Td[(pr)51(e)51(c,)1(x,desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 358.2056 552.9948 cm +1 0 0 1 358.2056 580.7934 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25423,37 +26157,37 @@ q 3.0552 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -358.2056 -552.9948 cm +1 0 0 1 -358.2056 -580.7934 cm BT -/F19 9.9626 Tf 361.2609 552.9948 Td[(a,i)1(n)-1(f)1(o,tr)51(ans)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.7741 0 Td[(\051)]TJ +/F19 9.9626 Tf 361.2609 580.7934 Td[(a,i)1(n)-1(f)1(o,tr)51(ans)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf 49.7741 0 Td[(\051)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 529.0845 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 556.883 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -529.0845 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -556.883 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 529.0845 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 556.883 Td[(On)-383(En)32(tr)1(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 198.2901 529.0845 cm +1 0 0 1 198.2901 556.883 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -52.5665 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -509.1592 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7236 -536.9577 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 509.1592 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(c)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 536.9577 Td[(pr)1(e)-1(c)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.1314 509.1592 cm +1 0 0 1 172.1314 536.9577 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -172.1314 -509.1592 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.1314 -536.9577 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 177.1127 509.1592 Td[(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r.)-444(S)1(c)-1(op)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 119.3305 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -120.8317 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(prec)-1(on)1(di)1(tioner)-333(data)-333(structu)1(re)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 177.1127 536.9577 Td[(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(e)-1(cond)1(ition)1(e)-1(r.)-444(S)1(c)-1(op)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 119.3305 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -120.8317 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(prec)-1(on)1(di)1(tioner)-333(data)-333(structu)1(re)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 373.1488 485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 373.1488 513.0474 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -373.1488 -485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 -373.1488 -513.0474 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 373.1488 485.2489 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 373.1488 513.0474 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 389.4675 485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 389.4675 513.0474 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25462,11 +26196,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -389.4675 -485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 -389.4675 -513.0474 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 392.6057 485.2489 Td[(prec)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 392.6057 513.0474 Td[(prec)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 414.1547 485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 414.1547 513.0474 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25475,35 +26209,35 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -414.1547 -485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 -414.1547 -513.0474 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 417.2929 485.2489 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 417.2929 513.0474 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 438.2143 485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 438.2143 513.0474 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -438.2143 -485.2489 cm +1 0 0 1 -438.2143 -513.0474 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 438.2143 485.2489 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 438.2143 513.0474 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 465.3236 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 493.1221 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -465.3236 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -493.1221 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 465.3236 Td[(x)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 493.1221 Td[(x)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 156.7516 465.3236 cm +1 0 0 1 156.7516 493.1221 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -465.3236 cm +1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -493.1221 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 465.3236 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(ou)1(rce)-334(v)28(e)-1(ctor.)-444(S)1(c)-1(op)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 113.851 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -99.9724 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(require)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(doub)1(le)-334(p)1(rec)-1(ision)-333(ar)1(ra)28(y)83(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 493.1221 Td[(th)1(e)-334(s)-1(ou)1(rce)-334(v)28(e)-1(ctor.)-444(S)1(c)-1(op)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 113.851 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -99.9724 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(require)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(doub)1(le)-334(p)1(rec)-1(ision)-333(ar)1(ra)28(y)83(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 421.488 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 449.2865 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -421.488 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -449.2865 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 421.488 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 449.2865 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 172.6195 421.488 cm +1 0 0 1 172.6195 449.2865 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25512,23 +26246,23 @@ q 3.4371 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -421.488 cm +1 0 0 1 -172.6195 -449.2865 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 421.488 Td[(a)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 176.0566 449.2865 Td[(a)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 181.6259 421.488 cm +1 0 0 1 181.6259 449.2865 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -421.488 cm +1 0 0 1 -181.6259 -449.2865 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 421.488 Td[(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(oblem)-334(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(on)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)-444(S)1(c)-1(op)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 208.2473 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -219.243 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)-333(d)1(ata)-334(stru)1(c)-1(t)1(ure)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 186.6072 449.2865 Td[(th)1(e)-334(pr)1(oblem)-334(com)-1(m)28(un)1(ic)-1(ati)1(on)-333(des)-1(crip)1(tor.)-444(S)1(c)-1(op)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 208.2473 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -219.243 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(c)-1(omm)27(u)1(nication)-333(d)1(ata)-334(stru)1(c)-1(t)1(ure)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 376.6912 397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 376.6912 425.3762 cm 0 0 1 rg 0 0 1 RG -1 0 0 1 -376.6912 -397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 -376.6912 -425.3762 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 376.6912 397.5777 Td[(psb)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 376.6912 425.3762 Td[(psb)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 393.0098 397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 393.0098 425.3762 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25537,11 +26271,11 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -393.0098 -397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 -393.0098 -425.3762 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 396.148 397.5777 Td[(desc)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 396.148 425.3762 Td[(desc)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 417.697 397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 417.697 425.3762 cm q []0 d 0 J @@ -25550,122 +26284,119 @@ q 3.1382 0.1992 l S Q -1 0 0 1 -417.697 -397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 -417.697 -425.3762 cm BT -/F32 9.9626 Tf 420.8352 397.5777 Td[(type)]TJ +/F32 9.9626 Tf 420.8352 425.3762 Td[(type)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 441.7566 397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 441.7566 425.3762 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -441.7566 -397.5777 cm +1 0 0 1 -441.7566 -425.3762 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 441.7566 397.5777 Td[(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 441.7566 425.3762 Td[(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 377.6524 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 405.4509 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -377.6524 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -405.4509 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 377.6524 Td[(trans)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 405.4509 Td[(trans)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 176.3322 377.6524 cm +1 0 0 1 176.3322 405.4509 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -176.3322 -377.6524 cm +1 0 0 1 -176.3322 -405.4509 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 181.3135 377.6524 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ -5.702 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(c)27(har)1(ac)-1(ter.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 181.3135 405.4509 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ -5.702 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9551 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(c)27(har)1(ac)-1(ter.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 333.8168 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 361.6153 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -333.8168 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -361.6153 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 333.8168 Td[(w)32(or)1(k)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 361.6153 Td[(w)32(or)1(k)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 175.1547 333.8168 cm +1 0 0 1 175.1547 361.6153 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -175.1547 -333.8168 cm +1 0 0 1 -175.1547 -361.6153 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.136 333.8168 Td[(an)-333(op)1(tional)-333(w)28(ork)-333(space)-334(Scop)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 135.9626 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -140.4871 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(doub)1(le)-334(p)1(rec)-1(ision)-333(ar)1(ra)28(y)83(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 180.136 361.6153 Td[(an)-333(op)1(tional)-333(w)28(ork)-333(space)-334(Scop)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 135.9626 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -140.4871 -11.9552 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(opti)-1(on)1(al)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(doub)1(le)-334(p)1(rec)-1(ision)-333(ar)1(ra)28(y)83(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 287.9886 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 315.7871 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -287.9886 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -315.7871 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 287.9886 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 315.7871 Td[(On)-383(R)-1(etur)1(n)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 205.2431 287.9886 cm +1 0 0 1 205.2431 315.7871 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -59.5196 -19.9253 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -268.0633 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -295.8618 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 268.0633 Td[(y)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 295.8618 Td[(y)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 156.7516 268.0633 cm +1 0 0 1 156.7516 295.8618 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -268.0633 cm +1 0 0 1 -156.7516 -295.8618 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 268.0633 Td[(th)1(e)-334(des)-1(ti)1(nation)-332(v)28(e)-1(ctor.)-444(Scop)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 134.8557 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -120.9771 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(doub)1(le)-334(p)1(rec)-1(ision)-333(ar)1(ra)28(y)83(.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 161.7329 295.8618 Td[(th)1(e)-334(des)-1(ti)1(nation)-332(v)28(e)-1(ctor.)-444(Scop)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 134.8557 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -120.9771 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(Sp)-27(ec)-1(i\014)1(e)-1(d)-332(as)-1(:)-444(a)-333(doub)1(le)-334(p)1(rec)-1(ision)-333(ar)1(ra)28(y)83(.)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 145.7235 224.2277 cm +1 0 0 1 145.7235 252.0262 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -224.2277 cm +1 0 0 1 -145.7235 -252.0262 cm BT -/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 224.2277 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ +/F29 9.9626 Tf 150.7049 252.0262 Td[(inf)-1(o)]TJ ET -1 0 0 1 169.4816 224.2277 cm +1 0 0 1 169.4816 252.0262 cm 0 g 0 G -1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -224.2277 cm +1 0 0 1 -169.4816 -252.0262 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 224.2277 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 174.4629 252.0262 Td[(Er)1(ror)-333(co)-28(de.)]TJ 1.1486 -11.9552 Td[(Scop)-27(e)-1(:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 32.3786 0 Td[(lo)-32(ca)-1(l)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -32.3786 -11.9551 Td[(T)28(yp)-28(e:)]TJ/F29 9.9626 Tf 29.6112 0 Td[(required)]TJ/F8 9.9626 Tf -29.6112 -11.9552 Td[(An)-333(in)29(te)-1(ger)-333(v)56(alue;)-333(0)-334(means)-334(n)1(o)-334(error)-333(h)1(as)-334(b)-27(e)-1(en)-333(detec)-1(ted.)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 150.7049 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G 1 0 0 1 -150.7049 -90.4377 cm BT -/F8 9.9626 Tf 317.5791 90.4377 Td[(96)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 315.0884 90.4377 Td[(100)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 494.4159 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1238 0 obj << +1279 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1239 0 R -/Resources 1237 0 R +/Contents 1280 0 R +/Resources 1278 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1228 0 R -/Annots [ 1243 0 R 1244 0 R ] +/Parent 1285 0 R +/Annots [ 1283 0 R 1284 0 R ] >> endobj -1243 0 obj << +1283 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [372.1526 482.0387 439.2105 493.1637] +/Rect [372.1526 509.8372 439.2105 520.9622] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (precdata) >> >> endobj -1244 0 obj << +1284 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] -/Rect [375.6949 394.3675 442.7528 405.4924] +/Rect [375.6949 422.166 442.7528 433.2909] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (descdata) >> >> endobj -1240 0 obj << -/D [1238 0 R /XYZ 150.7049 740.9981 null] ->> endobj -342 0 obj << -/D [1238 0 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Td[(99)]TJ +/F8 9.9626 Tf 264.2789 90.4377 Td[(103)]TJ ET 1 0 0 1 443.6065 90.4377 cm 0 g 0 G endstream endobj -1256 0 obj << +1297 0 obj << /Type /Page -/Contents 1257 0 R -/Resources 1255 0 R +/Contents 1298 0 R +/Resources 1296 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.2756 841.8898] -/Parent 1228 0 R -/Annots [ 1260 0 R 1261 0 R ] +/Parent 1285 0 R +/Annots [ 1301 0 R 1302 0 R ] >> endobj -1260 0 obj << +1301 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 230.7065 367.009 241.8314] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (spdata) >> >> endobj -1261 0 obj << +1302 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border[0 0 0]/H/I/C[1 0 0] /Rect [294.7207 173.9109 361.7786 185.0359] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (precdata) >> >> endobj -1258 0 obj << -/D [1256 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] +1299 0 obj << +/D [1297 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 740.9981 null] >> endobj -354 0 obj << -/D [1256 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 657.8772 null] +358 0 obj << +/D [1297 0 R /XYZ 99.8954 657.8772 null] >> endobj -1259 0 obj << -/D [1256 0 R /XYZ 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0 0.001 0 0] readonly def @@ -28721,384 +29607,403 @@ _ cleartomark endstream endobj -365 0 obj << +369 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 -/Encoding 1317 0 R +/Encoding 1360 0 R /FirstChar 12 /LastChar 124 -/Widths 1318 0 R -/BaseFont /MSTMUO+CMBX12 -/FontDescriptor 363 0 R +/Widths 1361 0 R +/BaseFont /XVNUXX+CMBX12 +/FontDescriptor 367 0 R >> endobj -363 0 obj << +367 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 686 /Descent -194 -/FontName /MSTMUO+CMBX12 +/FontName /XVNUXX+CMBX12 /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 109 /XHeight 444 /FontBBox [-53 -251 1139 750] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/fi/quoteright/hyphen/period/zero/one/two/three/four/five/six/seven/eight/nine/A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/K/L/M/N/O/P/R/S/T/U/V/W/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/k/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z/emdash) -/FontFile 364 0 R +/FontFile 368 0 R >> endobj -1318 0 obj +1361 0 obj [625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 312 0 0 0 0 0 375 312 0 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 850 800 812 862 738 707 884 880 419 0 881 676 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+/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 279 0 R /Next 287 0 R >> endobj 279 0 obj << /Title 280 0 R /A 277 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 275 0 R /Next 283 0 R >> endobj 275 0 obj << /Title 276 0 R /A 273 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 271 0 R /Next 279 0 R >> endobj 271 0 obj << /Title 272 0 R /A 269 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 267 0 R /Next 275 0 R >> endobj 267 0 obj << /Title 268 0 R /A 265 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 263 0 R /Next 271 0 R >> endobj 263 0 obj << /Title 264 0 R /A 261 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 259 0 R /Next 267 0 R >> endobj 259 0 obj << /Title 260 0 R /A 257 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 255 0 R /Next 263 0 R >> endobj 255 0 obj << /Title 256 0 R /A 253 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Prev 251 0 R /Next 259 0 R >> endobj 251 0 obj << /Title 252 0 R /A 249 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R -/Prev 247 0 R +/Parent 247 0 R /Next 255 0 R >> endobj 247 0 obj << /Title 248 0 R /A 245 0 R -/Parent 243 0 R -/Next 251 0 R +/Parent 7 0 R +/Prev 163 0 R +/Next 307 0 R +/First 251 0 R +/Last 303 0 R +/Count -14 >> endobj 243 0 obj << /Title 244 0 R /A 241 0 R -/Parent 7 0 R -/Prev 163 0 R -/Next 303 0 R -/First 247 0 R -/Last 299 0 R -/Count -14 +/Parent 163 0 R +/Prev 239 0 R >> endobj 239 0 obj << /Title 240 0 R /A 237 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Prev 235 0 R +/Next 243 0 R >> endobj 235 0 obj << /Title 236 0 R @@ -29230,10 +30135,10 @@ endobj /A 161 0 R /Parent 7 0 R /Prev 143 0 R -/Next 243 0 R +/Next 247 0 R /First 167 0 R -/Last 239 0 R -/Count -19 +/Last 243 0 R +/Count -20 >> endobj 159 0 obj << /Title 160 0 R @@ -29510,1372 +30415,1416 @@ endobj 7 0 obj << /Title 8 0 R /A 5 0 R -/Parent 1323 0 R +/Parent 1367 0 R /First 11 0 R -/Last 351 0 R +/Last 355 0 R /Count -11 >> endobj -1324 0 obj << -/Names [(Doc-Start) 362 0 R (Hfootnote.1) 514 0 R (Hfootnote.2) 1227 0 R (Item.1) 565 0 R (Item.10) 578 0 R (Item.11) 579 0 R (Item.12) 580 0 R (Item.13) 581 0 R (Item.14) 582 0 R (Item.15) 583 0 R (Item.16) 584 0 R (Item.17) 585 0 R (Item.18) 586 0 R (Item.19) 587 0 R (Item.2) 566 0 R (Item.20) 588 0 R (Item.21) 589 0 R (Item.22) 601 0 R (Item.23) 602 0 R (Item.24) 603 0 R (Item.25) 604 0 R (Item.26) 605 0 R (Item.27) 606 0 R (Item.28) 607 0 R (Item.29) 608 0 R (Item.3) 567 0 R (Item.30) 609 0 R (Item.31) 610 0 R (Item.32) 615 0 R (Item.33) 616 0 R (Item.34) 630 0 R (Item.35) 631 0 R (Item.36) 632 0 R (Item.37) 633 0 R (Item.38) 673 0 R (Item.39) 863 0 R (Item.4) 568 0 R (Item.40) 864 0 R (Item.41) 865 0 R (Item.42) 911 0 R (Item.43) 912 0 R (Item.44) 920 0 R (Item.45) 928 0 R (Item.46) 950 0 R (Item.47) 951 0 R (Item.48) 952 0 R (Item.49) 967 0 R (Item.5) 569 0 R (Item.50) 968 0 R (Item.51) 969 0 R (Item.52) 970 0 R (Item.53) 971 0 R (Item.54) 980 0 R (Item.55) 981 0 R (Item.56) 986 0 R (Item.57) 987 0 R (Item.58) 988 0 R (Item.59) 1004 0 R (Item.6) 570 0 R (Item.60) 1023 0 R (Item.61) 1024 0 R (Item.62) 1055 0 R (Item.63) 1056 0 R (Item.64) 1070 0 R (Item.65) 1071 0 R (Item.66) 1079 0 R (Item.67) 1080 0 R (Item.68) 1092 0 R (Item.69) 1093 0 R (Item.7) 571 0 R (Item.70) 1100 0 R (Item.71) 1101 0 R (Item.72) 1108 0 R (Item.73) 1109 0 R (Item.74) 1147 0 R (Item.75) 1154 0 R (Item.76) 1161 0 R (Item.8) 572 0 R (Item.9) 577 0 R (cite.APNUM06) 551 0 R (cite.BLACS) 519 0 R (cite.BLAS1) 489 0 R (cite.BLAS2) 490 0 R (cite.BLAS3) 491 0 R (cite.CAI_SAAD) 1275 0 R (cite.CAI_SARKIS) 1276 0 R (cite.CAI_WIDLUND) 1277 0 R (cite.DD1) 1278 0 R (cite.DD2) 1287 0 R (cite.DOUGLAS) 1273 0 R (cite.KIVA3PSBLAS) 1286 0 R (cite.METIS) 520 0 R (cite.MPI1) 1288 0 R (cite.PARA04) 550 0 R (cite.PARA04FOREST) 1274 0 R (cite.PSBLAS) 1285 0 R (cite.SUPERLU) 1284 0 R (cite.UMFPACK) 1279 0 R (cite.machiels) 486 0 R (cite.metcalf) 485 0 R (cite.sblas02) 488 0 R (cite.sblas97) 487 0 R (descdata) 598 0 R (equation.1) 788 0 R (equation.2) 789 0 R (equation.3) 790 0 R (figure.1) 518 0 R (figure.2) 541 0 R (figure.3) 617 0 R (figure.4) 625 0 R (figure.5) 643 0 R (figure.6) 1179 0 R (figure.7) 1180 0 R (page.1) 361 0 R (page.10) 614 0 R (page.100) 1265 0 R (page.101) 1271 0 R (page.102) 1283 0 R (page.11) 622 0 R (page.12) 629 0 R (page.13) 637 0 R (page.14) 648 0 R (page.15) 659 0 R (page.16) 668 0 R (page.17) 678 0 R (page.18) 682 0 R (page.19) 693 0 R (page.2) 496 0 R (page.20) 698 0 R (page.21) 708 0 R (page.22) 712 0 R (page.23) 723 0 R (page.24) 727 0 R (page.25) 735 0 R (page.26) 743 0 R (page.27) 751 0 R (page.28) 759 0 R (page.29) 768 0 R (page.3) 524 0 R (page.30) 776 0 R (page.31) 787 0 R (page.32) 799 0 R (page.33) 810 0 R (page.34) 817 0 R (page.35) 827 0 R (page.36) 833 0 R (page.37) 838 0 R (page.38) 847 0 R (page.39) 852 0 R (page.4) 538 0 R (page.40) 860 0 R (page.41) 870 0 R (page.42) 879 0 R (page.43) 883 0 R (page.44) 891 0 R (page.45) 896 0 R (page.46) 900 0 R (page.47) 908 0 R (page.48) 916 0 R (page.49) 924 0 R (page.5) 555 0 R (page.50) 932 0 R (page.51) 939 0 R (page.52) 945 0 R (page.53) 957 0 R (page.54) 965 0 R (page.55) 975 0 R 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310 0 R (section*.14) 86 0 R (section*.140) 1194 0 R (section*.141) 314 0 R (section*.142) 1200 0 R (section*.143) 318 0 R (section*.144) 1205 0 R (section*.145) 322 0 R (section*.146) 1210 0 R (section*.147) 334 0 R (section*.148) 1223 0 R (section*.149) 1225 0 R (section*.15) 670 0 R (section*.150) 338 0 R (section*.151) 1233 0 R (section*.152) 342 0 R (section*.153) 1241 0 R (section*.154) 1242 0 R (section*.155) 346 0 R (section*.156) 1249 0 R (section*.157) 354 0 R (section*.158) 1259 0 R (section*.159) 1272 0 R (section*.16) 672 0 R (section*.17) 94 0 R (section*.18) 683 0 R (section*.19) 98 0 R (section*.2) 62 0 R (section*.20) 699 0 R (section*.21) 102 0 R (section*.22) 713 0 R (section*.23) 106 0 R (section*.24) 728 0 R (section*.25) 110 0 R (section*.26) 736 0 R (section*.27) 114 0 R (section*.28) 744 0 R (section*.29) 118 0 R (section*.3) 644 0 R (section*.30) 752 0 R (section*.31) 122 0 R (section*.32) 761 0 R (section*.33) 126 0 R (section*.34) 769 0 R (section*.35) 130 0 R (section*.36) 781 0 R (section*.37) 134 0 R (section*.38) 792 0 R (section*.39) 138 0 R (section*.4) 66 0 R (section*.40) 811 0 R (section*.41) 146 0 R (section*.42) 840 0 R (section*.43) 150 0 R (section*.44) 854 0 R (section*.45) 862 0 R (section*.46) 154 0 R (section*.47) 872 0 R (section*.48) 873 0 R (section*.49) 158 0 R (section*.5) 651 0 R (section*.50) 885 0 R (section*.51) 886 0 R (section*.52) 166 0 R (section*.53) 901 0 R (section*.54) 902 0 R (section*.55) 903 0 R (section*.56) 910 0 R (section*.57) 170 0 R (section*.58) 917 0 R (section*.59) 919 0 R (section*.6) 70 0 R (section*.60) 174 0 R (section*.61) 925 0 R (section*.62) 927 0 R (section*.63) 178 0 R (section*.64) 933 0 R (section*.65) 182 0 R (section*.66) 940 0 R (section*.67) 186 0 R (section*.68) 946 0 R (section*.69) 949 0 R (section*.7) 654 0 R (section*.70) 190 0 R (section*.71) 958 0 R (section*.72) 966 0 R (section*.73) 194 0 R (section*.74) 976 0 R (section*.75) 979 0 R (section*.76) 198 0 R (section*.77) 993 0 R (section*.78) 202 0 R (section*.79) 1000 0 R (section*.8) 74 0 R (section*.80) 1003 0 R (section*.81) 206 0 R (section*.82) 1010 0 R (section*.83) 210 0 R (section*.84) 1016 0 R (section*.85) 1022 0 R (section*.86) 214 0 R (section*.87) 1029 0 R (section*.88) 218 0 R (section*.89) 1035 0 R (section*.9) 660 0 R (section*.90) 222 0 R (section*.91) 1041 0 R (section*.92) 226 0 R (section*.93) 1048 0 R (section*.94) 1054 0 R (section*.95) 230 0 R (section*.96) 1061 0 R (section*.97) 234 0 R (section*.98) 1067 0 R (section*.99) 1069 0 R (section.1) 10 0 R (section.10) 330 0 R (section.11) 350 0 R (section.2) 14 0 R (section.3) 34 0 R (section.4) 90 0 R (section.5) 142 0 R (section.6) 162 0 R (section.7) 242 0 R (section.8) 302 0 R (section.9) 326 0 R (spdata) 623 0 R (subsection.2.1) 18 0 R (subsection.2.2) 22 0 R (subsection.2.3) 26 0 R (subsection.2.4) 30 0 R (subsection.3.1) 38 0 R (subsection.3.2) 46 0 R (subsection.3.3) 54 0 R (subsection.3.4) 58 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.1) 42 0 R (subsubsection.3.2.1) 50 0 R (table.1) 684 0 R (table.10) 780 0 R (table.11) 791 0 R (table.12) 812 0 R (table.13) 839 0 R (table.14) 853 0 R (table.15) 871 0 R (table.16) 884 0 R (table.2) 700 0 R (table.3) 714 0 R (table.4) 729 0 R (table.5) 737 0 R (table.6) 745 0 R (table.7) 753 0 R (table.8) 760 0 R (table.9) 770 0 R (title.0) 6 0 R] +1368 0 obj << +/Names [(Doc-Start) 366 0 R (Hfootnote.1) 519 0 R (Hfootnote.2) 1269 0 R (Item.1) 567 0 R (Item.10) 580 0 R (Item.11) 581 0 R (Item.12) 582 0 R (Item.13) 583 0 R (Item.14) 584 0 R (Item.15) 585 0 R (Item.16) 586 0 R (Item.17) 587 0 R (Item.18) 588 0 R (Item.19) 589 0 R (Item.2) 568 0 R (Item.20) 590 0 R (Item.21) 591 0 R (Item.22) 603 0 R (Item.23) 604 0 R (Item.24) 605 0 R (Item.25) 606 0 R (Item.26) 607 0 R (Item.27) 608 0 R (Item.28) 609 0 R (Item.29) 610 0 R (Item.3) 569 0 R (Item.30) 611 0 R (Item.31) 612 0 R (Item.32) 617 0 R (Item.33) 618 0 R (Item.34) 632 0 R (Item.35) 633 0 R (Item.36) 634 0 R (Item.37) 635 0 R (Item.38) 675 0 R (Item.39) 883 0 R (Item.4) 570 0 R (Item.40) 884 0 R (Item.41) 885 0 R (Item.42) 945 0 R (Item.43) 946 0 R (Item.44) 954 0 R (Item.45) 962 0 R (Item.46) 992 0 R (Item.47) 993 0 R (Item.48) 994 0 R (Item.49) 1008 0 R (Item.5) 571 0 R (Item.50) 1009 0 R (Item.51) 1010 0 R (Item.52) 1011 0 R (Item.53) 1012 0 R (Item.54) 1022 0 R (Item.55) 1023 0 R (Item.56) 1028 0 R (Item.57) 1029 0 R (Item.58) 1030 0 R (Item.59) 1046 0 R (Item.6) 572 0 R (Item.60) 1065 0 R (Item.61) 1066 0 R (Item.62) 1096 0 R (Item.63) 1097 0 R (Item.64) 1112 0 R (Item.65) 1113 0 R (Item.66) 1121 0 R (Item.67) 1122 0 R (Item.68) 1133 0 R (Item.69) 1134 0 R (Item.7) 573 0 R (Item.70) 1141 0 R (Item.71) 1142 0 R (Item.72) 1150 0 R (Item.73) 1151 0 R (Item.74) 1189 0 R (Item.75) 1196 0 R (Item.76) 1203 0 R (Item.8) 574 0 R (Item.9) 579 0 R (cite.APNUM06) 553 0 R (cite.BLACS) 524 0 R (cite.BLAS1) 494 0 R (cite.BLAS2) 495 0 R (cite.BLAS3) 496 0 R (cite.CAI_SAAD) 1315 0 R (cite.CAI_SARKIS) 1316 0 R (cite.CAI_WIDLUND) 1317 0 R (cite.DD1) 1318 0 R (cite.DD2) 1327 0 R (cite.DOUGLAS) 1313 0 R (cite.KIVA3PSBLAS) 1326 0 R (cite.METIS) 525 0 R (cite.MPI1) 1328 0 R (cite.PARA04) 552 0 R (cite.PARA04FOREST) 1314 0 R (cite.PSBLAS) 1325 0 R (cite.SUPERLU) 1324 0 R (cite.UMFPACK) 1319 0 R (cite.machiels) 491 0 R (cite.metcalf) 490 0 R (cite.sblas02) 493 0 R (cite.sblas97) 492 0 R (descdata) 600 0 R (equation.1) 790 0 R (equation.2) 791 0 R (equation.3) 792 0 R (figure.1) 523 0 R (figure.2) 546 0 R (figure.3) 619 0 R (figure.4) 627 0 R (figure.5) 645 0 R (figure.6) 852 0 R (figure.7) 889 0 R (figure.8) 1221 0 R (figure.9) 1222 0 R (page.1) 365 0 R (page.10) 616 0 R (page.100) 1281 0 R (page.101) 1289 0 R (page.102) 1295 0 R (page.103) 1299 0 R (page.104) 1306 0 R (page.105) 1311 0 R (page.106) 1323 0 R (page.11) 624 0 R (page.12) 631 0 R (page.13) 639 0 R (page.14) 651 0 R (page.15) 661 0 R (page.16) 671 0 R (page.17) 680 0 R (page.18) 684 0 R (page.19) 695 0 R (page.2) 501 0 R (page.20) 700 0 R (page.21) 710 0 R 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(section*.113) 1149 0 R (section*.114) 262 0 R (section*.115) 1156 0 R (section*.116) 266 0 R (section*.117) 1161 0 R (section*.118) 270 0 R (section*.119) 1166 0 R (section*.12) 82 0 R (section*.120) 274 0 R (section*.121) 1171 0 R (section*.122) 278 0 R (section*.123) 1176 0 R (section*.124) 282 0 R (section*.125) 1182 0 R (section*.126) 286 0 R (section*.127) 1187 0 R (section*.128) 1188 0 R (section*.129) 290 0 R (section*.13) 666 0 R (section*.130) 1194 0 R (section*.131) 1195 0 R (section*.132) 294 0 R (section*.133) 1201 0 R (section*.134) 1202 0 R (section*.135) 298 0 R (section*.136) 1208 0 R (section*.137) 302 0 R (section*.138) 1213 0 R (section*.139) 310 0 R (section*.14) 86 0 R (section*.140) 1231 0 R (section*.141) 314 0 R (section*.142) 1236 0 R (section*.143) 318 0 R (section*.144) 1241 0 R (section*.145) 322 0 R (section*.146) 1246 0 R (section*.147) 326 0 R (section*.148) 1252 0 R (section*.149) 338 0 R (section*.15) 672 0 R (section*.150) 1265 0 R (section*.151) 1267 0 R (section*.152) 342 0 R (section*.153) 1274 0 R (section*.154) 346 0 R (section*.155) 1282 0 R (section*.156) 350 0 R (section*.157) 1290 0 R (section*.158) 358 0 R (section*.159) 1300 0 R (section*.16) 674 0 R (section*.160) 1312 0 R (section*.17) 94 0 R (section*.18) 685 0 R (section*.19) 98 0 R (section*.2) 62 0 R (section*.20) 701 0 R (section*.21) 102 0 R (section*.22) 715 0 R (section*.23) 106 0 R (section*.24) 730 0 R (section*.25) 110 0 R (section*.26) 738 0 R (section*.27) 114 0 R (section*.28) 746 0 R (section*.29) 118 0 R (section*.3) 646 0 R (section*.30) 754 0 R (section*.31) 122 0 R (section*.32) 763 0 R (section*.33) 126 0 R (section*.34) 771 0 R (section*.35) 130 0 R (section*.36) 783 0 R (section*.37) 134 0 R (section*.38) 794 0 R (section*.39) 138 0 R (section*.4) 66 0 R (section*.40) 813 0 R (section*.41) 146 0 R (section*.42) 842 0 R (section*.43) 853 0 R (section*.44) 150 0 R (section*.45) 872 0 R (section*.46) 882 0 R (section*.47) 886 0 R (section*.48) 154 0 R (section*.49) 908 0 R (section*.5) 653 0 R (section*.50) 909 0 R (section*.51) 158 0 R (section*.52) 921 0 R (section*.53) 922 0 R (section*.54) 166 0 R (section*.55) 938 0 R (section*.56) 944 0 R (section*.57) 170 0 R (section*.58) 951 0 R (section*.59) 953 0 R (section*.6) 70 0 R (section*.60) 174 0 R (section*.61) 959 0 R (section*.62) 961 0 R (section*.63) 178 0 R (section*.64) 968 0 R (section*.65) 182 0 R (section*.66) 975 0 R (section*.67) 186 0 R (section*.68) 981 0 R (section*.69) 190 0 R (section*.7) 656 0 R (section*.70) 988 0 R (section*.71) 991 0 R (section*.72) 194 0 R (section*.73) 999 0 R (section*.74) 1007 0 R (section*.75) 198 0 R (section*.76) 1018 0 R (section*.77) 1021 0 R (section*.78) 202 0 R (section*.79) 1035 0 R (section*.8) 74 0 R (section*.80) 206 0 R (section*.81) 1042 0 R (section*.82) 1045 0 R (section*.83) 210 0 R (section*.84) 1051 0 R (section*.85) 214 0 R (section*.86) 1057 0 R (section*.87) 1064 0 R (section*.88) 218 0 R (section*.89) 1071 0 R (section*.9) 662 0 R (section*.90) 222 0 R (section*.91) 1077 0 R (section*.92) 226 0 R (section*.93) 1083 0 R (section*.94) 230 0 R (section*.95) 1089 0 R (section*.96) 1095 0 R (section*.97) 234 0 R (section*.98) 1103 0 R (section*.99) 238 0 R (section.1) 10 0 R (section.10) 334 0 R (section.11) 354 0 R (section.2) 14 0 R (section.3) 34 0 R (section.4) 90 0 R (section.5) 142 0 R (section.6) 162 0 R (section.7) 246 0 R (section.8) 306 0 R (section.9) 330 0 R (spdata) 625 0 R (subsection.2.1) 18 0 R (subsection.2.2) 22 0 R (subsection.2.3) 26 0 R (subsection.2.4) 30 0 R (subsection.3.1) 38 0 R (subsection.3.2) 46 0 R (subsection.3.3) 54 0 R (subsection.3.4) 58 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.1) 42 0 R (subsubsection.3.2.1) 50 0 R (table.1) 686 0 R (table.10) 782 0 R (table.11) 793 0 R (table.12) 814 0 R (table.13) 841 0 R (table.14) 871 0 R (table.15) 907 0 R (table.16) 920 0 R (table.2) 702 0 R (table.3) 716 0 R (table.4) 731 0 R (table.5) 739 0 R (table.6) 747 0 R (table.7) 755 0 R (table.8) 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