@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ subroutine psb_ld_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ subroutine psb_ld_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
@ -423,12 +423,6 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
logical, parameter :: do_timings=.true.
integer(psb_ipk_), save :: idx_phase1=-1, idx_a2av=-1, idx_phase2=-1, idx_phase3=-1, &
& idx_refine1=-1, idx_refine2=-1, idx_refine3=-1
integer(psb_ipk_), save :: iters=0
real(psb_dpk_) :: t0, t1
if(psb_get_errstatus() /= 0) return
@ -447,22 +441,6 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_phase1==-1)) &
& idx_phase1 = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: phase1 ")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_phase2==-1)) &
& idx_phase2 = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: phase2 ")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_phase3==-1)) &
& idx_phase3 = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: phase3 ")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_a2av==-1)) &
& idx_a2av = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: a2av ")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_refine1==-1)) &
& idx_refine1 = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: refine1 ")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_refine2==-1)) &
& idx_refine2 = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: refine2 ")
if ((do_timings).and.(idx_refine3==-1)) &
& idx_refine3 = psb_get_timer_idx("D_GLB_TRANS: refine3 ")
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_phase1)
if (present(desc_c)) then
p_desc_c => desc_c
@ -508,7 +486,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
do k=1, nzl
j = acoo%ja(k)
if (j > hlstart) then
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
sdsz(proc+1) = sdsz(proc+1) +1
end if
end do
@ -562,8 +540,6 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_phase1)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_phase2)
! Now, transpose the matrix, then split between itself
@ -586,7 +562,7 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
acoo%ja(nzd) = acoo%ja(k)
acoo%val(nzd) = acoo%val(k)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%fnd_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
call p_desc_c%indxmap%qry_halo_owner(j,proc,info)
tsdx(proc+1) = tsdx(proc+1) +1
iasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ia(k)
jasnd(tsdx(proc+1)) = acoo%ja(k)
@ -606,9 +582,6 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
nzl = acoo%get_nzeros()
call acoo%ensure_size(nzl+iszr)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_phase2)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_a2av)
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
@ -637,8 +610,6 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
goto 9999
end select
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_a2av)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_phase3)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@ -653,11 +624,9 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
! Extend the appropriate descriptor; started as R but on
! transpose it now describes C
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_refine1)
call desc_r%clone(desc_rx,info)
call psb_cd_reinit(desc_rx,info)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_refine1)
! Take out non-local rows
@ -665,16 +634,8 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
lszr = iszr
call psb_coo_clean_negidx_inner(lszr,iarcv(1:iszr),jarcv(1:iszr),&
& acoo%val(nzl+1:nzl+iszr),nzt,info)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_refine2)
call desc_rx%g2lip_ins(jarcv(1:nzt),info)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_refine2)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_refine3)
!t0 = psb_wtime()
call psb_cdasb(desc_rx,info)
!t1 = psb_wtime()
!iters = iters +1
!if (me == 0) write(0,*) 'Glob_transpose cdasb(desc_rx):',iters,(t1-t0),' ',desc_rx%get_fmt()
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_refine3)
acoo%ia(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = iarcv(1:nzt)
acoo%ja(nzl+1:nzl+nzt) = jarcv(1:nzt)
nzl = nzl + nzt
@ -723,7 +684,6 @@ subroutine psb_d_coo_glob_transpose(ain,desc_r,info,atrans,desc_c,desc_rx)
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,&
& iarcv,jarcv,stat=info)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_phase3)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'