fixed error in unpacking and packing. Added macros to help with debugging

Soren Rasmussen 6 years ago
parent 23c2bcf1fe
commit ba6dce549c

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
! debug out-of-bound
#define DBG_OOB
! debug personal
! #define DBG_PER
! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5
! (C) Copyright 2006-2018
@ -106,6 +111,7 @@ subroutine psi_dswapdata_vect(flag,beta,y,desc_a,work,info,data)
#ifdef MPI_H
include 'mpif.h'
#include "scorep/"
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: flag
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
@ -222,7 +228,7 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
& proc_to_comm, p2ptag, p2pstat(mpi_status_size), iret
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: prcid(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nesd, nerv,&
& err_act, i, ii, ri, si, idx_pt, totsnd_, totrcv_,&
& err_act, i, j, ii, ri, si, idx_pt, totsnd_, totrcv_,&
& snd_pt, rcv_pt, pnti, n, ierr
logical :: swap_mpi, swap_sync, swap_send, swap_recv,&
& albf,do_send,do_recv, swap_persistent, do_persistent
@ -231,8 +237,13 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
real :: start_t, finish_t
logical :: weight
!character :: mpistring(16384)
real(psb_dpk_) :: tmp
! score-p declaration
! SCOREP_USER_REGION_DEFINE( MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init_region )
@ -241,7 +252,7 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
icomm = iicomm
call psb_info(ictxt,me,np)
! print *, me, ": psi_dswapdata.F90:psi_dswap_vidx_vect" ! artless
if (np == -1) then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
@ -263,29 +274,28 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
call idx%sync()
! check do_persistent twice, here and calling psi_dswapdata_vect, redudent but needed for now
! TODO check do_persistent twice, here and calling psi_dswapdata_vect,
! redudent but needed for now
if (do_persistent) then
! if not allocated, allocate buffers and create request
if (.not. allocated(y%p)) then
end if
if (.not. allocated(y%p%sndbuf)) then
allocate(y%p%sndbuf(totsnd), y%p%rcvbuf(totrcv))
allocate(y%p%rcv_count, y%p%snd_count)
si = 1 ! sndbuf index
#ifdef DBG_OOB ! debug out-of-bound
y%p%sndbuf = 0
y%p%rcvbuf = me + 10
! get number of neighbors and graph so we know who to communicate with
call MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors_count(icomm, y%p%rcv_count, &
y%p%snd_count, weight, ierr) ! should weight go into psb_d_persis_vect_type??
allocate(y%p%rcv_from(y%p%rcv_count), y%p%rcv_ws(y%p%rcv_count))
allocate(y%p%snd_to(y%p%snd_count), y%p%snd_ws(y%p%snd_count))
call MPI_Dist_graph_neighbors(icomm, y%p%rcv_count, y%p%rcv_from, &
y%p%rcv_ws, y%p%snd_count, y%p%snd_to, y%p%snd_ws, ierr)
! artless
allocate(y%p%snd_counts(y%p%snd_count), y%p%rcv_counts(y%p%rcv_count), &
y%p%snd_displs(y%p%snd_count), y%p%rcv_displs(y%p%rcv_count))
@ -294,6 +304,8 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
si = 1 ! sndbuf index
ri = 1
pnti = 1
snd_pt = 1
rcv_pt = 1
@ -301,15 +313,16 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
proc_to_comm = idx%v(pnti+psb_proc_id_)
nerv = idx%v(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
nesd = idx%v(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_ !
idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
snd_pt = 1+pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_
rcv_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
! array of snd/rcv counts and displacements needed for request creation
do ii=1, y%p%snd_count
if (y%p%rcv_from(ii) == proc_to_comm) then
y%p%rcv_counts(ii) = nerv
y%p%rcv_displs(ii) = si - 1
y%p%rcv_displs(ii) = ri - 1
end if
if (y%p%snd_to(ii) == proc_to_comm) then
y%p%snd_counts(ii) = nesd
@ -322,113 +335,141 @@ subroutine psi_dswap_vidx_vect(iictxt,iicomm,flag,beta,y,idx, &
y%p%sndbuf(si) = y%v(idx%v(ii+snd_pt))
si = si + 1
end do
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
ri = ri + nerv
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
end do
! code for this in ~/src/psblas/psblas3/base/internals/psi_desc_impl.f90
#ifdef DBG_PER
print *, me, ":totxch=", totxch,"totsnd", totsnd, "totrcv", totrcv
print *, me, ": rcv_count = ", y%p%rcv_count, "snd_count = ", y%p%snd_count
print *, me, ": y%p%rcv_from =", y%p%rcv_from, "y%p%snd_to =", y%p%snd_to
print *, me, ":y%p%snd_counts", y%p%snd_counts, "y%p%snd_displs = ",y%p%snd_displs, &
"y%p%rcv_counts", y%p%rcv_counts, "y%p%rcv_displs",y%p%rcv_displs
! print *, me, ":y%p%sndbuf", y%p%sndbuf
y%p%init_request = -1
! SCOREP_USER_REGION_BEGIN(MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init_region, &
! "MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init", SCOREP_USER_REGION_TYPE_FUNCTION)
! SCOREP_USER_REGION_BEGIN(artless_test, &
call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
call cpu_time(start_t)
call MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init(y%p%sndbuf, y%p%snd_counts, y%p%snd_displs, &
MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, y%p%rcvbuf, y%p%rcv_counts, y%p%rcv_displs, &
! MPI_REAL, y%p%rcvbuf, y%p%rcv_counts, y%p%rcv_displs, &
y%p%init_request, ierr)
! SCOREP_USER_REGION_END(artless_test)
! SCOREP_USER_REGION_END(MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init_region)
call cpu_time(finish_t)
y%p%comm_create_time = finish_t - start_t
! print *,"cpu time of MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init is", finish_t - start_t
if (ierr .ne. 0) then
print *, "ERROR: MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallvinit ierr = ", ierr
goto 9999
end if
! print *, me, ":y%p%init_request = ", y%p%init_request
! deallocate(y%p%snd_counts, y%p%rcv_counts, y%p%snd_displs, y%p%rcv_displs)
! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
! write(*,'(I2 A)', advance='no') me, ": sndbuf = "
! print '(104 F4.0)', y%p%sndbuf
! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
#ifdef DBG_PER
print* ,me, ": end MPIX_Neighbor_alltoallv_init"
else ! send and recv buffers exist, need to pack send buffer
! pnti = 1
! snd_pt = 1
! rcv_pt = 1
! do i=1, totxch
! proc_to_comm = idx%v(pnti+psb_proc_id_)
! nerv = idx%v(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
! nesd = idx%v(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
! idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_ !
! snd_pt = 1+pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_
! rcv_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
! do ii=1, snd_count
! if (y%p%rcv_from(ii) == proc_to_comm) then
! y%p%rcv_counts(ii) = nerv
! y%p%rcv_displs(ii) = si - 1
! end if
! if (y%p%snd_to(ii) == proc_to_comm) then
! y%p%snd_counts(ii) = nesd
! y%p%snd_displs(ii) = si - 1
! end if
! end do
! ! pack sndbuf
! do ii=0,nesd-1
! y%p%sndbuf(si) = y%v(idx%v(ii+snd_pt))
! si = si + 1
! end do
! pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
! end do
print *, "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
end if
si = 1 ! sndbuf index
pnti = 1
snd_pt = 1
rcv_pt = 1
do i=1, totxch
proc_to_comm = idx%v(pnti+psb_proc_id_)
nerv = idx%v(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
nesd = idx%v(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
snd_pt = 1+pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_
rcv_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
! start communication
! pack sndbuf
do ii=0,nesd-1
y%p%sndbuf(si) = y%v(idx%v(ii+snd_pt))
si = si + 1
end do
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
end do
end if ! end packing phase
! --- start communication
#ifdef DBG_PER
if (.not. allocated(y%p%init_request)) then
print *, "error: y%p%init_request should be allocated"
goto 9999
end if
call MPI_Start(y%p%init_request, ierr)
#ifdef DBG_PER
if (ierr .ne. 0) then
print *, "ERROR: rank ",me,"has MPI_Start status(MPI_ERROR) = ", &
status(MPI_ERROR), "and ierr = ", ierr
goto 9999
end if
call MPI_Wait(y%p%init_request, status, ierr)
#ifdef DBG_PER
if (ierr .ne. 0) then
print *, "ERROR: rank ",me,"has MPI_Wait status(MPI_ERROR) = ", &
status(MPI_ERROR), "and ierr = ", ierr
goto 9999
end if
! ----scatter----
! write(*,'(I2 A)', advance='no') me, "::::: rcvbuf ="
! print '(104 F4.0)', y%p%rcvbuf
! ----scatter/unpack buffer----
#ifdef DBG_PER
print*, me, ": begin scatter/unpack buffer"
pnti = 1
rcv_pt = 1
do i=1, totxch
ri = 1
proc_to_comm = idx%v(pnti+psb_proc_id_)
nerv = idx%v(pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_)
nesd = idx%v(pnti+nerv+psb_n_elem_send_)
idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_ !
idx_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
rcv_pt = 1+pnti+psb_n_elem_recv_
do ii=1, y%p%rcv_count
if (proc_to_comm .eq. y%p%rcv_from(ii)) then ! gather from rcvbuf
if (nerv .ne. y%p%rcv_counts(ii)) then
print *, "Error: dsi_dswapdata.F90:", &
do j=1, y%p%rcv_count
! make sure proc_to_comm is the rcv_from(j) so we get the right number
! of receive elements
if (proc_to_comm .eq. y%p%rcv_from(j)) then
if (nerv .ne. y%p%rcv_counts(j)) then
print *, me, ":Error: psi_dswapdata.F90:", &
"number of persistent elements received differs from nerv"
goto 9999
end if
do ri=1,nerv
y%v(idx%v(ri+rcv_pt-1)) = y%p%rcvbuf(ri + y%p%rcv_displs(ii))
do ii=0,nerv-1
y%v(idx%v(ii+rcv_pt)) = y%p%rcvbuf(ri + y%p%rcv_displs(j))
ri = ri + 1
end do
end if
end do
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
pnti = pnti + nerv + nesd + 3
end do
end if ! persistent communication is complete
#ifdef DBG_PER
print*, me, ": end scatter/unpack buffer"
end if ! ----- persistent communication is complete -----
if (debug) write(*,*) me,'Internal buffer'
