@ -87,18 +87,23 @@
! performed.
! iter - integer(optional) Output: how many iterations have been
! performed.
! err - real (optional) Output: error estimate on exit
! performed.
! err - real (optional) Output: error estimate on exit. If the
! denominator of the estimate is exactly
! 0, it is changed into 1.
! itrace - integer(optional) Input: print an informational message
! with the error estimate every itrace
! iterations
! irst - integer(optional) Input: restart parameter
! istop - integer(optional) Input: stopping criterion, or how
! to estimate the error.
! 1: err = |r|/|b|
! 2: err = |r|/(|a||x|+|b|)
! 1: err = |r|/|b|; here the iteration is
! stopped when |r| <= eps * |b|
! 2: err = |r|/(|a||x|+|b|); here the iteration is
! stopped when |r| <= eps * (|a||x|+|b|)
! where r is the (preconditioned, recursive
! estimate of) residual
! estimate of) residual.
! irst - integer(optional) Input: restart parameter
Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,istop)
use psb_base_mod
@ -119,7 +124,7 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
!!$ local data
Real(Kind(1.d0)), allocatable, target :: aux(:),w(:),w1(:), v(:,:)
Real(Kind(1.d0)), allocatable :: c(:),s(:), h(:,:), rs(:),rst(:),xt(:)
Real(Kind(1.d0)) :: rerr, scal, gm, rti, rti1
Real(Kind(1.d0)) :: scal, gm, rti, rti1
Integer ::litmax, naux, mglob, it,k, itrace_,&
& np,me, n_row, n_col, nl, int_err(5)
Logical, Parameter :: exchange=.True., noexchange=.False., use_drot=.true.
@ -128,6 +133,7 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
integer :: debug_level, debug_unit
Real(Kind(1.d0)) :: rni, xni, bni, ani,bn2, dt
real(kind(1.d0)), external :: dnrm2
real(kind(1.d0)) :: errnum, errden
character(len=20) :: name
info = 0
@ -239,6 +245,8 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
else if (istop_ == 2) then
bn2 = psb_genrm2(b,desc_a,info)
errnum = dzero
errden = done
if (info.ne.0) Then
call psb_errpush(info,name)
@ -289,10 +297,12 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
if (istop_ == 1) then
rni = psb_geamax(v(:,1),desc_a,info)
xni = psb_geamax(x,desc_a,info)
rerr = rni/(ani*xni+bni)
errnum = rni
errden = (ani*xni+bni)
else if (istop_ == 2) then
rni = psb_genrm2(v(:,1),desc_a,info)
rerr = rni/bn2
errnum = rni
errden = bn2
if (info.ne.0) Then
@ -300,13 +310,13 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
goto 9999
End If
If (rerr<=eps) Then
If (errnum <= eps*errden) Then
Exit restart
End If
If (itrace_ > 0) then
if ((mod(itx,itrace_)==0).and.(me == 0))&
& write(*,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmres(l): ',itx,rerr
& write(*,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmres(l): ',itx,errnum,eps*errden
end If
v(:,1) = v(:,1) * scal
@ -379,7 +389,8 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
call psb_spmm(-done,a,xt,done,w1,desc_a,info,work=aux)
rni = psb_geamax(w1,desc_a,info)
xni = psb_geamax(xt,desc_a,info)
rerr = rni/(ani*xni+bni)
errnum = rni
errden = (ani*xni+bni)
else if (istop_ == 2) then
@ -388,12 +399,12 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
! procedure of the least-squares problem
rni = abs(rs(i+1))
rerr = rni/bn2
errnum = rni
errden = bn2
if (rerr < eps ) then
If (errnum <= eps*errden) Then
if (istop_ == 1) then
x = xt
else if (istop_ == 2) then
@ -418,7 +429,7 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
If (itrace_ > 0) then
if ((mod(itx,itrace_)==0).and.(me == 0))&
& write(*,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmres(l): ',itx,rerr
& write(*,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmres(l): ',itx,errnum,eps*errden
end If
end Do inner
@ -443,13 +454,20 @@ Subroutine psb_drgmres(a,prec,b,x,eps,desc_a,info,itmax,iter,err,itrace,irst,ist
End Do restart
If (itrace_ > 0) then
if (me == 0) write(*,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmres(l): ',itx,rerr
if (me == 0) write(*,'(a,i4,3(2x,es10.4))') 'gmres(l): ',itx,errnum,eps*errden
end If
If (Present(err)) then
if (errden /= dzero) then
err = errnum/errden
err = errnum
end if
end If
If (Present(err)) err=rerr
If (Present(iter)) iter = itx
If ((rerr>eps).and. (me == 0)) Then
write(debug_unit,*) 'gmresr(l) failed to converge to ',eps,&
If ((errnum > eps*errden).and.(me==0)) Then
write(debug_unit,*) 'gmresr(l) failed to converge to ',eps*errden,&
& ' in ',itx,' iterations '
End If