@ -29,207 +29,216 @@
! ! $
! ! $
subroutine psi_extract_dep_list ( ictxt , is_bld , is_upd , desc_str , dep_list , &
& length_dl , np , dl_lda , mode , info )
submodule ( psi_i_mod ) psi_extract_dep_list_impl_mod
subroutine psi_extract_dep_list ( ictxt , is_bld , is_upd , desc_str , dep_list , &
& length_dl , np , dl_lda , mode , info )
! internal routine
! == = == == == == == == =
! _ _ _ _ _ called by psi_crea_halo and psi_crea_ovrlap _ _ _ _ _ _
! purpose
! == = == ==
! process root ( pid = 0 ) extracts for each process "k" the ordered list of process
! to which "k" must communicate . this list with its order is extracted from
! desc_str list
! input
! == = == ==
! desc_data : integer array
! explanation :
! name explanation
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! desc_data array of integer that contains some local and global
! information of matrix .
! now we explain each of the above vectors .
! let a be a generic sparse matrix . we denote with matdata_a the matrix_data
! array for matrix a .
! data stored in matrix_data array are :
! notation stored in explanation
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! dec_type matdata_a [ psb_dec_type_ ] decomposition type
! m matdata_a [ m_ ] total number of equations
! n matdata_a [ n_ ] total number of variables
! n_row matdata_a [ psb_n_row_ ] number of local equations
! n_col matdata_a [ psb_n_col_ ] number of local variables
! psb_ctxt_a matdata_a [ ctxt_ ] the blacs context handle , indicating
! the global context of the operation
! on the matrix .
! the context itself is global .
! desc_str integer array
! explanation :
! let desc_str_p be the array desc_str for local process .
! ! this is composed of variable dimension blocks for each process to
! communicate to .
! each block contain indexes of local halo elements to exchange with other
! process .
! let p be the pointer to the first element of a block in desc_str_p .
! this block is stored in desc_str_p as :
! notation stored in explanation
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! process_id desc_str_p [ p + psb_proc_id_ ] identifier of process which exchange
! data with .
! n_elements_recv desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_recv_ ] number of elements to receive .
! elements_recv desc_str_p [ p + elem_recv_ + i ] indexes of local elements to
! receive . these are stored in the
! array from location p + elem_recv_ to
! location p + elem_recv_ +
! desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_recv_ ] - 1.
! if desc_data ( psb_dec_type_ ) == 0
! then also will be :
! n_elements_send desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_send_ ] number of elements to send .
! elements_send desc_str_p [ p + elem_send_ + i ] indexes of local elements to
! send . these are stored in the
! array from location p + elem_send_ to
! location p + elem_send_ +
! desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_send_ ] - 1.
! list is ended by - 1 value
! np integer ( global input )
! number of grid process .
! mode integer ( global input )
! if mode = 0 then will be inserted also duplicate element in
! a same dependence list
! if mode = 1 then not will be inserted duplicate element in
! a same dependence list
! output
! == = ==
! only for root ( pid = 0 ) process :
! dep_list integer array ( dl_lda , 0 : np )
! dependence list dep_list ( * , i ) is the list of process identifiers to which process i
! must communicate with . this list with its order is extracted from
! desc_str list .
! length_dl integer array ( 0 : np )
! length_dl ( i ) is the length of dep_list ( * , i ) list
use psi_mod , psb_protect_name = > psi_extract_dep_list
! internal routine
! == = == == == == == == =
! _ _ _ _ _ called by psi_crea_halo and psi_crea_ovrlap _ _ _ _ _ _
! purpose
! == = == ==
! process root ( pid = 0 ) extracts for each process "k" the ordered list of process
! to which "k" must communicate . this list with its order is extracted from
! desc_str list
! input
! == = == ==
! desc_data : integer array
! explanation :
! name explanation
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! desc_data array of integer that contains some local and global
! information of matrix .
! now we explain each of the above vectors .
! let a be a generic sparse matrix . we denote with matdata_a the matrix_data
! array for matrix a .
! data stored in matrix_data array are :
! notation stored in explanation
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! dec_type matdata_a [ psb_dec_type_ ] decomposition type
! m matdata_a [ m_ ] total number of equations
! n matdata_a [ n_ ] total number of variables
! n_row matdata_a [ psb_n_row_ ] number of local equations
! n_col matdata_a [ psb_n_col_ ] number of local variables
! psb_ctxt_a matdata_a [ ctxt_ ] the blacs context handle , indicating
! the global context of the operation
! on the matrix .
! the context itself is global .
! desc_str integer array
! explanation :
! let desc_str_p be the array desc_str for local process .
! ! this is composed of variable dimension blocks for each process to
! communicate to .
! each block contain indexes of local halo elements to exchange with other
! process .
! let p be the pointer to the first element of a block in desc_str_p .
! this block is stored in desc_str_p as :
! notation stored in explanation
! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! process_id desc_str_p [ p + psb_proc_id_ ] identifier of process which exchange
! data with .
! n_elements_recv desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_recv_ ] number of elements to receive .
! elements_recv desc_str_p [ p + elem_recv_ + i ] indexes of local elements to
! receive . these are stored in the
! array from location p + elem_recv_ to
! location p + elem_recv_ +
! desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_recv_ ] - 1.
! if desc_data ( psb_dec_type_ ) == 0
! then also will be :
! n_elements_send desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_send_ ] number of elements to send .
! elements_send desc_str_p [ p + elem_send_ + i ] indexes of local elements to
! send . these are stored in the
! array from location p + elem_send_ to
! location p + elem_send_ +
! desc_str_p [ p + n_elem_send_ ] - 1.
! list is ended by - 1 value
! np integer ( global input )
! number of grid process .
! mode integer ( global input )
! if mode = 0 then will be inserted also duplicate element in
! a same dependence list
! if mode = 1 then not will be inserted duplicate element in
! a same dependence list
! output
! == = ==
! only for root ( pid = 0 ) process :
! dep_list integer array ( dl_lda , 0 : np )
! dependence list dep_list ( * , i ) is the list of process identifiers to which process i
! must communicate with . this list with its order is extracted from
! desc_str list .
! length_dl integer array ( 0 : np )
! length_dl ( i ) is the length of dep_list ( * , i ) list
# ifdef MPI_MOD
use mpi
use mpi
# endif
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_desc_mod
implicit none
use psb_penv_mod
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_desc_mod
implicit none
# ifdef MPI_H
include 'mpif.h'
include 'mpif.h'
# endif
! . . . . scalar parameters . . .
logical :: is_bld , is_upd
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: ictxt
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: np , dl_lda , mode , info
! . . . . scalar parameters . . .
logical :: is_bld , is_upd
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: ictxt
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: np , dl_lda , mode , info
! . . . . array parameters . . . .
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: desc_str ( * ) , dep_list ( dl_lda , 0 : np ) , length_dl ( 0 : np )
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) , allocatable :: itmp ( : )
! . . . . . local arrays . . . .
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: int_err ( 5 )
! . . . . array parameters . . . .
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: desc_str ( * ) , dep_list ( dl_lda , 0 : np ) , length_dl ( 0 : np )
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) , allocatable :: itmp ( : )
! . . . . . local arrays . . . .
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: int_err ( 5 )
! . . . . . local scalars . . .
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: i , pointer_dep_list , proc , j , err_act
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: err
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: debug_level , debug_unit
integer ( psb_mpik_ ) :: iictxt , icomm , me , npr , dl_mpi , minfo
character name * 20
name = 'psi_extrct_dl'
! . . . . . local scalars . . .
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: i , pointer_dep_list , proc , j , err_act
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: err
integer ( psb_ipk_ ) :: debug_level , debug_unit
integer ( psb_mpik_ ) :: iictxt , icomm , me , npr , dl_mpi , minfo
character name * 20
name = 'psi_extrct_dl'
call psb_erractionsave ( err_act )
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit ( )
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level ( )
iictxt = ictxt
info = psb_success_
call psb_erractionsave ( err_act )
debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit ( )
debug_level = psb_get_debug_level ( )
iictxt = ictxt
info = psb_success_
call psb_info ( iictxt , me , npr )
do i = 0 , np
length_dl ( i ) = 0
i = 1
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': start ' , info
call psb_info ( iictxt , me , npr )
do i = 0 , np
length_dl ( i ) = 0
i = 1
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': start ' , info
pointer_dep_list = 1
if ( is_bld ) then
do while ( desc_str ( i ) / = - 1 )
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ' : looping ' , i , &
& desc_str ( i ) , desc_str ( i + 1 ) , desc_str ( i + 2 )
pointer_dep_list = 1
if ( is_bld ) then
do while ( desc_str ( i ) / = - 1 )
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ' : looping ' , i , &
& desc_str ( i ) , desc_str ( i + 1 ) , desc_str ( i + 2 )
! . . . with different decomposition type we have different
! structure of indices lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if ( ( desc_str ( i + 1 ) / = 0 ) . or . ( desc_str ( i + 2 ) / = 0 ) ) then
! . . if number of element to be exchanged ! = 0
proc = desc_str ( i )
if ( ( proc < 0 ) . or . ( proc > = npr ) ) then
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': error ' , i , desc_str ( i )
info = 9999
int_err ( 1 ) = i
int_err ( 2 ) = desc_str ( i )
go to 998
! if ( ( me == 1 ) . and . ( proc == 3 ) ) write ( psb_err_unit , * ) 'found 3'
if ( mode == 1 ) then
! . . . search if already exist proc
! in dep_list ( * , me ) . . .
j = 1
do while ( ( j < pointer_dep_list ) . and . &
& ( dep_list ( j , me ) / = proc ) )
j = j + 1
! . . . with different decomposition type we have different
! structure of indices lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if ( ( desc_str ( i + 1 ) / = 0 ) . or . ( desc_str ( i + 2 ) / = 0 ) ) then
! . . if number of element to be exchanged ! = 0
proc = desc_str ( i )
if ( ( proc < 0 ) . or . ( proc > = npr ) ) then
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': error ' , i , desc_str ( i )
info = 9999
int_err ( 1 ) = i
int_err ( 2 ) = desc_str ( i )
go to 998
! if ( ( me == 1 ) . and . ( proc == 3 ) ) write ( psb_err_unit , * ) 'found 3'
if ( mode == 1 ) then
! . . . search if already exist proc
! in dep_list ( * , me ) . . .
j = 1
do while ( ( j < pointer_dep_list ) . and . &
& ( dep_list ( j , me ) / = proc ) )
j = j + 1
if ( j == pointer_dep_list ) then
! . . . if not found . . . . .
if ( j == pointer_dep_list ) then
! . . . if not found . . . . .
dep_list ( pointer_dep_list , me ) = proc
pointer_dep_list = pointer_dep_list + 1
else if ( mode == 0 ) then
if ( pointer_dep_list > dl_lda ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 998
dep_list ( pointer_dep_list , me ) = proc
pointer_dep_list = pointer_dep_list + 1
else if ( mode == 0 ) then
if ( pointer_dep_list > dl_lda ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 998
dep_list ( pointer_dep_list , me ) = proc
pointer_dep_list = pointer_dep_list + 1
i = i + desc_str ( i + 1 ) + 2
else if ( is_upd ) then
do while ( desc_str ( i ) / = - 1 )
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': looping ' , i , desc_str ( i )
i = i + desc_str ( i + 1 ) + 2
else if ( is_upd ) then
do while ( desc_str ( i ) / = - 1 )
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': looping ' , i , desc_str ( i )
! . . . with different decomposition type we have different
! structure of indices lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if ( desc_str ( i + 1 ) / = 0 ) then
! . . . with different decomposition type we have different
! structure of indices lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
if ( desc_str ( i + 1 ) / = 0 ) then
proc = desc_str ( i )
! . . if number of element to be exchanged ! = 0
proc = desc_str ( i )
! . . if number of element to be exchanged ! = 0
if ( mode == 1 ) then
! . . . search if already exist proc . . . .
j = 1
do while ( ( j < pointer_dep_list ) . and . &
& ( dep_list ( j , me ) / = proc ) )
j = j + 1
if ( j == pointer_dep_list ) then
! . . . if not found . . . . .
if ( mode == 1 ) then
! . . . search if already exist proc . . . .
j = 1
do while ( ( j < pointer_dep_list ) . and . &
& ( dep_list ( j , me ) / = proc ) )
j = j + 1
if ( j == pointer_dep_list ) then
! . . . if not found . . . . .
if ( pointer_dep_list > dl_lda ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 998
dep_list ( pointer_dep_list , me ) = proc
pointer_dep_list = pointer_dep_list + 1
else if ( mode == 0 ) then
if ( pointer_dep_list > dl_lda ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 998
@ -237,59 +246,52 @@ subroutine psi_extract_dep_list(ictxt,is_bld,is_upd,desc_str,dep_list,&
dep_list ( pointer_dep_list , me ) = proc
pointer_dep_list = pointer_dep_list + 1
else if ( mode == 0 ) then
if ( pointer_dep_list > dl_lda ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 998
dep_list ( pointer_dep_list , me ) = proc
pointer_dep_list = pointer_dep_list + 1
i = i + desc_str ( i + 1 ) + 2
info = 2020
go to 9999
i = i + desc_str ( i + 1 ) + 2
info = 2020
go to 9999
length_dl ( me ) = pointer_dep_list - 1
length_dl ( me ) = pointer_dep_list - 1
! . . . check for errors . . .
! . . . check for errors . . .
998 continue
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': info ' , info
err = info
if ( debug_level > = psb_debug_inner_ ) &
& write ( debug_unit , * ) me , ' ' , trim ( name ) , ': info ' , info
err = info
if ( err / = 0 ) go to 9999
if ( err / = 0 ) go to 9999
call psb_sum ( iictxt , length_dl ( 0 : np ) )
call psb_get_mpicomm ( iictxt , icomm )
allocate ( itmp ( dl_lda ) , stat = info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 9999
itmp ( 1 : dl_lda ) = dep_list ( 1 : dl_lda , me )
dl_mpi = dl_lda
call mpi_allgather ( itmp , dl_mpi , psb_mpi_ipk_integer , &
& dep_list , dl_mpi , psb_mpi_ipk_integer , icomm , minfo )
info = minfo
if ( info == 0 ) deallocate ( itmp , stat = info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 9999
call psb_sum ( iictxt , length_dl ( 0 : np ) )
call psb_get_mpicomm ( iictxt , icomm )
allocate ( itmp ( dl_lda ) , stat = info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 9999
itmp ( 1 : dl_lda ) = dep_list ( 1 : dl_lda , me )
dl_mpi = dl_lda
call mpi_allgather ( itmp , dl_mpi , psb_mpi_ipk_integer , &
& dep_list , dl_mpi , psb_mpi_ipk_integer , icomm , minfo )
info = minfo
if ( info == 0 ) deallocate ( itmp , stat = info )
if ( info / = psb_success_ ) then
info = psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
go to 9999
call psb_erractionrestore ( err_act )
call psb_erractionrestore ( err_act )
9999 continue
call psb_errpush ( info , name , i_err = int_err )
call psb_error_handler ( err_act )
call psb_errpush ( info , name , i_err = int_err )
call psb_error_handler ( err_act )
end subroutine psi_extract_dep_list
end subroutine psi_extract_dep_list
end submodule psi_extract_dep_list_impl_mod