@ -2246,14 +2246,17 @@ module psb_d_base_multivect_mod
procedure, pass(x) :: set_vect => d_base_mlv_set_vect
generic, public :: set => set_vect, set_scal
! Dot product and AXPBY
! TODO Dot product (col-by-col and row-by-col) and AXPBY
procedure, pass(x) :: dot_v => d_base_mlv_dot_v
procedure, pass(x) :: dot_a => d_base_mlv_dot_a
generic, public :: dot => dot_v, dot_a
procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_v => d_base_mlv_axpby_v
procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_a => d_base_mlv_axpby_a
generic, public :: axpby => axpby_v, axpby_a
procedure, pass(x) :: dot_col_v => d_base_mlv_dot_col_v
procedure, pass(x) :: dot_col_a => d_base_mlv_dot_col_a
generic, public :: dot_col => dot_col_v, dot_col_a
procedure, pass(x) :: dot_row_v => d_base_mlv_dot_row_v
procedure, pass(x) :: dot_row_a => d_base_mlv_dot_row_a
generic, public :: dot_row => dot_row_v, dot_row_a
procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_v => d_base_mlv_axpby_v
procedure, pass(y) :: axpby_a => d_base_mlv_axpby_a
generic, public :: axpby => axpby_v, axpby_a
! MultiVector by vector/multivector multiplication. Need all variants
! to handle multiple requirements from preconditioners
@ -2358,14 +2361,22 @@ contains
real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: this(:,:)
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i
call psb_realloc(size(this,1),size(this,2),x%v,info)
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,'base_mlv_vect_bld')
end if
x%v(:,:) = this(:,:)
#if defined (OPENMP)
!$omp parallel do private(i)
do i = 1, size(this,1)
x%v(i,:) = this(i,:)
end do
x%v(:,:) = this(:,:)
end subroutine d_base_mlv_bld_x
@ -2801,31 +2812,24 @@ contains
end subroutine d_base_mlv_set_vect
! Dot products
! Col Dot products
!> Function base_mlv_dot_v
!> Function base_mlv_dot_col_v
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief Dot product by another base_mlv_vector
!! \brief Col-by-col mult using dot product by a mlv
!! \param nr Number of rows to be considered
!! \param y The other (base_mlv_vect) to be multiplied by
!! \param res Result matrix
!! \param t If true, x is transposed
!! \param res Result vector
subroutine d_base_mlv_dot_v(x,y,res,t)
function d_base_mlv_dot_col_v(nr,x,y) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x, y
real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: res(:,:)
logical, optional, intent(in) :: t
logical :: t_
external :: dgemm
integer(psb_ipk_) :: x_m, x_n, y_m, y_n
if (present(t)) then
t_ = t
t_ = .false.
end if
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, n_x, n_y
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
@ -2835,65 +2839,126 @@ contains
! If Y is not, throw the burden on it, implicitly
! calling dot_a
x_m = x%get_nrows()
x_n = x%get_ncols()
y_m = y%get_nrows()
y_n = y%get_ncols()
select type(yy => y)
type is (psb_d_base_multivect_type)
if (y%is_dev()) call y%sync()
if (t_) then
call dgemm('T','N',x_n,y_n,x_n,done,x%v,x_n,y%v,y_m,dzero,res,x_n)
call dgemm('N','N',x_m,y_n,x_n,done,x%v,x_m,y%v,y_m,dzero,res,x_m)
end if
n_x = psb_size(x%v,2_psb_ipk_)
n_y = psb_size(y%v,2_psb_ipk_)
do i=1,n_x
do j=1,n_y
res(i,j) = ddot(nr,x%v(1:nr,i),1,y%v(1:nr,j),1)
end do
end do
class default
call x%dot(y%v,res,t)
res = x%dot_col(nr,y%v)
end select
end subroutine d_base_mlv_dot_v
end function d_base_mlv_dot_col_v
! Base workhorse is good old BLAS1
!> Function base_mlv_dot_a
!> Function base_mlv_dot_col_a
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief Dot product by a normal array
!! \param n Number of entries to be considered
!! \brief Col-by-col mult using dot product by a normal array
!! \param nr Number of rows to be considered
!! \param y(:,:) The array to be multiplied by
!! \param res Result matrix
!! \param t If true, x is transposed
!! \param res Result vector
subroutine d_base_mlv_dot_a(x,y,res,t)
function d_base_mlv_dot_col_a(nr,x,y) result(res)
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: y(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: res(:,:)
logical, optional, intent(in) :: t
logical :: t_
external :: dgemm
integer(psb_ipk_) :: x_m, x_n, y_m, y_n
if (present(t)) then
t_ = t
t_ = .false.
end if
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, n_x, n_y
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
n_x = psb_size(x%v,2_psb_ipk_)
n_y = size(y,2_psb_ipk_)
do i=1,n_x
do j=1,n_y
res(i,j) = ddot(nr,x%v(1:nr,i),1,y(1:nr,j),1)
end do
end do
x_m = x%get_nrows()
x_n = x%get_ncols()
y_m = size(y,dim=1)
y_n = size(y,dim=2)
end function d_base_mlv_dot_col_a
if (t_) then
call dgemm('T','N',x_n,y_n,x_n,done,x%v,x_n,y,y_m,dzero,res,x_n)
call dgemm('N','N',x_m,y_n,x_n,done,x%v,x_m,y,y_m,dzero,res,x_m)
end if
! Row Dot products
!> Function base_mlv_dot_col_v
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief Row-by-col mult using dot product by mlv
!! \param nr Number of rows to be considered
!! \param y The other (base_mlv_vect) to be multiplied by
!! \param res Result vector
function d_base_mlv_dot_row_v(nr,x,y) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x, y
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, n_x, n_y
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
! Note: this is the base implementation.
! When we get here, we are sure that X is of
! TYPE psb_d_base_mlv_vect (or its class does not care).
! If Y is not, throw the burden on it, implicitly
! calling dot_a
select type(yy => y)
type is (psb_d_base_multivect_type)
if (y%is_dev()) call y%sync()
n_x = psb_size(x%v,2_psb_ipk_)
n_y = psb_size(y%v,2_psb_ipk_)
do i=1,nr
do j=1,n_y
res(i,j) = ddot(n_x,x%v(i,:),1,y%v(:,j),1)
end do
end do
class default
res = x%dot_row(nr,y%v)
end select
end function d_base_mlv_dot_row_v
! Base workhorse is good old BLAS1
!> Function base_mlv_dot_row_a
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief Row-by-col mult using dot product by a normal array
!! \param nr Number of rows to be considered
!! \param y(:,:) The array to be multiplied by
!! \param res Result vector
function d_base_mlv_dot_row_a(nr,x,y) result(res)
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: y(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), external :: ddot
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, n_x, n_y
end subroutine d_base_mlv_dot_a
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
n_x = psb_size(x%v,2_psb_ipk_)
n_y = size(y,2_psb_ipk_)
do i=1,nr
do j=1,n_y
res(i,j) = ddot(n_x,x%v(i,:),1,y(:,j),1)
end do
end do
end function d_base_mlv_dot_row_a
! AXPBY is invoked via Y, hence the structure below.
@ -2928,7 +2993,7 @@ contains
select type(xx => x)
type is (psb_d_base_multivect_type)
call psb_geaxpby(m,nc,alpha,x%v,beta,y%v,info)
class default
class default
call y%axpby(m,alpha,x%v,beta,info,n=n)
end select
@ -3215,17 +3280,17 @@ contains
!> Function base_mlv_nrm2
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief 2-norm |x(1:n)|_2
!! \param nc how many entries to consider
function d_base_mlv_nrm2(nc,x) result(res)
!! \param nr how many rows to consider
function d_base_mlv_nrm2(nr,x) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nc
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res
real(psb_dpk_), external :: dnrm2
integer(psb_ipk_) :: j, nr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: j, nc
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
nr = x%get_nrows()
nc = x%get_ncols()
res = dnrm2(nc*nr,x%v,1)
end function d_base_mlv_nrm2
@ -3234,16 +3299,16 @@ contains
!> Function base_mlv_amax
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief infinity-norm |x(1:n)|_\infty
!! \param nc how many entries to consider
function d_base_mlv_amax(nc,x) result(res)
!! \param nr how many rows to consider
function d_base_mlv_amax(nr,x) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nc
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, nc
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
nr = x%get_nrows()
nc = x%get_ncols()
res = 0
do i=1,nr
res = max(res,sum(abs(x%v(i,1:nc))))
@ -3255,16 +3320,16 @@ contains
!> Function base_mlv_asum
!! \memberof psb_d_base_multivect_type
!! \brief 1-norm |x(1:n)|_1
!! \param nc how many entries to consider
function d_base_mlv_asum(nc,x) result(res)
!! \param nr how many rows to consider
function d_base_mlv_asum(nr,x) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nc
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nr
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: j, nr
integer(psb_ipk_) :: j, nc
if (x%is_dev()) call x%sync()
nr = x%get_nrows()
nc = x%get_ncols()
res = 0
do j=1,nc
res = max(res,sum(abs(x%v(1:nr,j))))
@ -3314,10 +3379,10 @@ contains
!! \param info Return code
!! \brief QR factorization
subroutine d_base_mlv_qr_fact(x, res, info)
function d_base_mlv_qr_fact(x, info) result(res)
implicit none
class(psb_d_base_multivect_type), intent(inout) :: x
real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: res(:,:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: tau(:), work(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, m, n, lda, lwork
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
@ -3330,7 +3395,7 @@ contains
n = x%get_ncols()
lda = m
lwork = n
allocate(tau(n), work(lwork))
allocate(tau(n), work(lwork), res(n,n))
! Perform QR factorization
call dgeqrf(m, n, x%v, lda, tau, work, lwork, info)
@ -3348,7 +3413,7 @@ contains
deallocate(tau, work)
end subroutine d_base_mlv_qr_fact
end function d_base_mlv_qr_fact
function d_base_mlv_use_buffer() result(res)
implicit none