
Fixes for compilation with GNU 4.5.0 (fortran-dev branch).
Added transpose to S/C/Z.
Salvatore Filippone 16 years ago
parent 76b1d9cdf9
commit e8b376b22c

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ module psb_c_base_mat_mod
generic, public :: cp_from => c_base_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: c_base_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => c_base_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_1mat => c_base_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_2mat => c_base_transp_2mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_1mat => c_base_transc_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_2mat => c_base_transc_2mat
end type psb_c_base_sparse_mat
private :: c_base_csmv, c_base_csmm, c_base_cssv, c_base_cssm,&
@ -88,7 +93,9 @@ module psb_c_base_mat_mod
generic, public :: cp_from => c_coo_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: c_coo_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => c_coo_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_1mat => c_coo_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_1mat => c_coo_transc_1mat
end type psb_c_coo_sparse_mat
private :: c_coo_get_nzeros, c_coo_set_nzeros, c_coo_get_diag, &
@ -99,7 +106,8 @@ module psb_c_base_mat_mod
& c_cp_coo_to_fmt, c_cp_coo_from_fmt, &
& c_coo_scals, c_coo_scal, c_coo_csgetrow, c_coo_sizeof, &
& c_coo_csgetptn, c_coo_get_nz_row, c_coo_reinit,&
& c_coo_cp_from, c_coo_mv_from
& c_coo_cp_from, c_coo_mv_from, &
& c_coo_transp_1mat, c_coo_transc_1mat
@ -779,6 +787,186 @@ contains
end subroutine csclip
! Here we go.
subroutine c_coo_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer, allocatable :: itemp(:)
integer :: info
call a%psb_c_base_sparse_mat%psb_base_sparse_mat%transp()
call move_alloc(a%ia,itemp)
call move_alloc(a%ja,a%ia)
call move_alloc(itemp,a%ja)
call a%fix(info)
end subroutine c_coo_transp_1mat
subroutine c_coo_transc_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
call a%transp()
a%val(:) = conjg(a%val)
end subroutine c_coo_transc_1mat
subroutine c_base_transp_2mat(a,b)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='c_base_transp'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
select type(b)
class is (psb_c_base_sparse_mat)
call b%cp_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transp()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
class default
info = 700
end select
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=b%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine c_base_transp_2mat
subroutine c_base_transc_2mat(a,b)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='c_base_transc'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
select type(b)
class is (psb_c_base_sparse_mat)
call b%cp_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transc()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
class default
info = 700
end select
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=b%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine c_base_transc_2mat
subroutine c_base_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer :: err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='c_base_transp'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
call a%mv_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transp()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
if (info /= 0) then
info = 700
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine c_base_transp_1mat
subroutine c_base_transc_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_c_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer :: err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='c_base_transc'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
call a%mv_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transc()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
if (info /= 0) then
info = 700
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine c_base_transc_1mat

@ -790,34 +790,6 @@ contains
! Here we go.
!!$ subroutine d_coo_transp_2mat(a,b)
!!$ use psb_error_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
!!$ type(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
!!$ call a%psb_d_base_sparse_mat%psb_base_sparse_mat%transp(b%psb_d_base_sparse_mat%psb_base_sparse_mat)
!!$ a%ia = b%ja
!!$ a%ja = b%ia
!!$ a%val = b%val
!!$ call a%fix()
!!$ return
!!$ end subroutine d_coo_transp_2mat
!!$ subroutine d_coo_transc_2mat(a,b)
!!$ use psb_error_mod
!!$ implicit none
!!$ class(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
!!$ class(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
!!$ call a%transp(b)
!!$ end subroutine d_coo_transc_2mat
subroutine d_coo_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ module psb_s_base_mat_mod
generic, public :: cp_from => s_base_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: s_base_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => s_base_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_1mat => s_base_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_2mat => s_base_transp_2mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_1mat => s_base_transc_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_2mat => s_base_transc_2mat
end type psb_s_base_sparse_mat
private :: s_base_csmv, s_base_csmm, s_base_cssv, s_base_cssm,&
@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ module psb_s_base_mat_mod
generic, public :: cp_from => s_coo_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: s_coo_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => s_coo_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_1mat => s_coo_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_1mat => s_coo_transc_1mat
end type psb_s_coo_sparse_mat
@ -99,7 +106,9 @@ module psb_s_base_mat_mod
& s_cp_coo_to_fmt, s_cp_coo_from_fmt, &
& s_coo_scals, s_coo_scal, s_coo_csgetrow, s_coo_sizeof, &
& s_coo_csgetptn, s_coo_get_nz_row, s_coo_reinit,&
& s_coo_cp_from, s_coo_mv_from
& s_coo_cp_from, s_coo_mv_from, &
& s_coo_transp_1mat, s_coo_transc_1mat
@ -778,6 +787,127 @@ contains
end subroutine csclip
subroutine s_coo_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer, allocatable :: itemp(:)
integer :: info
call a%psb_s_base_sparse_mat%psb_base_sparse_mat%transp()
call move_alloc(a%ia,itemp)
call move_alloc(a%ja,a%ia)
call move_alloc(itemp,a%ja)
call a%fix(info)
end subroutine s_coo_transp_1mat
subroutine s_coo_transc_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
call a%transp()
end subroutine s_coo_transc_1mat
subroutine s_base_transp_2mat(a,b)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
type(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='s_base_transp'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
select type(b)
class is (psb_s_base_sparse_mat)
call b%cp_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transp()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
class default
info = 700
end select
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=b%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine s_base_transp_2mat
subroutine s_base_transc_2mat(a,b)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
call a%transp(b)
end subroutine s_base_transc_2mat
subroutine s_base_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer :: err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='s_base_transp'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
call a%mv_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transp()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
if (info /= 0) then
info = 700
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine s_base_transp_1mat
subroutine s_base_transc_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
call a%transp()
end subroutine s_base_transc_1mat

@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ module psb_z_base_mat_mod
generic, public :: cp_from => z_base_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: z_base_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => z_base_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_1mat => z_base_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_2mat => z_base_transp_2mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_1mat => z_base_transc_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_2mat => z_base_transc_2mat
end type psb_z_base_sparse_mat
private :: z_base_csmv, z_base_csmm, z_base_cssv, z_base_cssm,&
@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ module psb_z_base_mat_mod
generic, public :: cp_from => z_coo_cp_from
procedure, pass(a) :: z_coo_mv_from
generic, public :: mv_from => z_coo_mv_from
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transp_1mat => z_coo_transp_1mat
procedure, pass(a) :: base_transc_1mat => z_coo_transc_1mat
end type psb_z_coo_sparse_mat
@ -99,7 +106,8 @@ module psb_z_base_mat_mod
& z_cp_coo_to_fmt, z_cp_coo_from_fmt, &
& z_coo_scals, z_coo_scal, z_coo_csgetrow, z_coo_sizeof, &
& z_coo_csgetptn, z_coo_get_nz_row, z_coo_reinit,&
& z_coo_cp_from, z_coo_mv_from
& z_coo_cp_from, z_coo_mv_from, &
& z_coo_transp_1mat, z_coo_transc_1mat
@ -779,6 +787,187 @@ contains
end subroutine csclip
! Here we go.
subroutine z_coo_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer, allocatable :: itemp(:)
integer :: info
call a%psb_z_base_sparse_mat%psb_base_sparse_mat%transp()
call move_alloc(a%ia,itemp)
call move_alloc(a%ja,a%ia)
call move_alloc(itemp,a%ja)
call a%fix(info)
end subroutine z_coo_transp_1mat
subroutine z_coo_transc_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
call a%transp()
a%val(:) = conjg(a%val)
end subroutine z_coo_transc_1mat
subroutine z_base_transp_2mat(a,b)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='z_base_transp'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
select type(b)
class is (psb_z_base_sparse_mat)
call b%cp_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transp()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
class default
info = 700
end select
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=b%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine z_base_transp_2mat
subroutine z_base_transc_2mat(a,b)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), intent(out) :: a
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: b
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='z_base_transc'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
select type(b)
class is (psb_z_base_sparse_mat)
call b%cp_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transc()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
class default
info = 700
end select
if (info /= 0) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=b%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine z_base_transc_2mat
subroutine z_base_transp_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer :: err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='z_base_transp'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
call a%mv_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transp()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
if (info /= 0) then
info = 700
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine z_base_transp_1mat
subroutine z_base_transc_1mat(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
type(psb_z_coo_sparse_mat) :: tmp
integer :: err_act, info
character(len=*), parameter :: name='z_base_transc'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = 0
call a%mv_to_coo(tmp,info)
if (info == 0) call tmp%transc()
if (info == 0) call a%mv_from_coo(tmp,info)
if (info /= 0) then
info = 700
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
goto 9999
end if
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 continue
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) then
call psb_error()
end if
end subroutine z_base_transc_1mat

@ -1929,7 +1929,10 @@ subroutine d_cp_csc_to_fmt_impl(a,b,info)
call a%cp_to_coo(b,info)
type is (psb_d_csc_sparse_mat)
b = a
call b%psb_d_base_sparse_mat%cp_from(a%psb_d_base_sparse_mat)
b%icp = a%icp
b%ia = a%ia
b%val = a%val
class default
call tmp%cp_from_fmt(a,info)
