base/internals/psi_dswapdata.F90 base/internals/psi_dswaptran.F90 base/internals/psi_ovrl_restr.f90 base/internals/psi_ovrl_save.f90 base/internals/psi_ovrl_upd.f90 base/modules/psb_base_mat_mod.f90 base/modules/psb_d_base_mat_mod.f90 base/modules/psb_d_csc_mat_mod.f90 base/modules/psb_d_csr_mat_mod.f90 base/modules/psb_d_mat_mod.f90 base/modules/psb_d_sort_mod.f90 base/modules/psb_error_impl.F90 base/modules/psb_error_mod.F90 base/modules/psi_d_mod.f90 base/modules/psi_serial_mod.f90 base/serial/impl/psb_base_mat_impl.f90 base/serial/impl/psb_d_base_mat_impl.F90 base/serial/impl/psb_d_coo_impl.f90 base/serial/impl/psb_d_csc_impl.f90 base/serial/impl/psb_d_csr_impl.f90 base/serial/impl/psb_d_mat_impl.F90 base/serial/psi_serial_impl.f90 base/serial/sort/psb_d_hsort_impl.f90 base/serial/sort/psb_d_isort_impl.f90 base/serial/sort/psb_d_msort_impl.f90 base/serial/sort/psb_d_qsort_impl.f90 prec/impl/psb_dilu_fct.f90 test/pargen/runs/ppde.inp util/psb_d_renum_impl.F90 util/psb_metispart_mod.F90 Encapsulated in submodules many of the D impl files. Made CSR data components PRIVATE and adjusted prec/util accordingly (defined special accessor functions).psblas3-submodules
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,152 +1,151 @@
! checks wether an error has occurred on one of the porecesses in the execution pool
subroutine psb_errcomm(ictxt, err)
use psb_error_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_errcomm
use psb_penv_mod
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout):: err
call psb_amx(ictxt, err)
end subroutine psb_errcomm
subroutine psb_ser_error_handler(err_act)
use psb_error_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_ser_error_handler
use psb_penv_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: err_act
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) &
& call psb_error()
if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) stop
end subroutine psb_ser_error_handler
subroutine psb_par_error_handler(ictxt,err_act)
use psb_error_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_par_error_handler
use psb_penv_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: err_act
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
if (err_act == psb_act_print_) &
& call psb_error(ictxt, abrt=.false.)
if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) &
& call psb_error(ictxt, abrt=.true.)
end subroutine psb_par_error_handler
subroutine psb_par_error_print_stack(ictxt)
use psb_error_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_par_error_print_stack
use psb_penv_mod
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
call psb_error(ictxt, abrt=.false.)
end subroutine psb_par_error_print_stack
subroutine psb_ser_error_print_stack()
use psb_error_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_ser_error_print_stack
call psb_error()
end subroutine psb_ser_error_print_stack
! handles the occurence of an error in a serial routine
subroutine psb_serror()
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_c
character(len=20) :: r_name
character(len=40) :: a_e_d
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i_e_d(5)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
if(psb_get_errverbosity() > 1) then
do while (psb_get_numerr() > izero)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
! write(psb_err_unit,'(50("="))')
end do
submodule (psb_error_mod) psb_error_impl_mod
! checks wether an error has occurred on one of the porecesses in the execution pool
subroutine psb_errcomm(ictxt, err)
use psb_penv_mod
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout):: err
call psb_amx(ictxt, err)
end subroutine psb_errcomm
subroutine psb_ser_error_handler(err_act)
use psb_penv_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(inout) :: err_act
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
if (err_act /= psb_act_ret_) &
& call psb_error()
if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) stop
end subroutine psb_ser_error_handler
subroutine psb_par_error_handler(ictxt,err_act)
use psb_penv_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: err_act
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
if (err_act == psb_act_print_) &
& call psb_error(ictxt, abrt=.false.)
if (err_act == psb_act_abort_) &
& call psb_error(ictxt, abrt=.true.)
end subroutine psb_par_error_handler
subroutine psb_par_error_print_stack(ictxt)
use psb_penv_mod
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
call psb_error(ictxt, abrt=.false.)
end subroutine psb_par_error_print_stack
subroutine psb_ser_error_print_stack()
call psb_error()
end subroutine psb_ser_error_print_stack
! handles the occurence of an error in a serial routine
subroutine psb_serror()
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_c
character(len=20) :: r_name
character(len=40) :: a_e_d
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i_e_d(5)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
if(psb_get_errverbosity() > 1) then
do while (psb_get_numerr() > izero)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
! write(psb_err_unit,'(50("="))')
end do
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
do while (psb_get_numerr() > 0)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
end do
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
do while (psb_get_numerr() > 0)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
end do
end if
end if
end if
#if defined(HAVE_FLUSH_STMT)
end subroutine psb_serror
end subroutine psb_serror
! handles the occurence of an error in a parallel routine
subroutine psb_perror(ictxt,abrt)
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_penv_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
logical, intent(in), optional :: abrt
! handles the occurence of an error in a parallel routine
subroutine psb_perror(ictxt,abrt)
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
use psb_penv_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_mpik_), intent(in) :: ictxt
logical, intent(in), optional :: abrt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_c
character(len=20) :: r_name
character(len=40) :: a_e_d
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i_e_d(5)
integer(psb_mpik_) :: iam, np
logical :: abrt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_c
character(len=20) :: r_name
character(len=40) :: a_e_d
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i_e_d(5)
integer(psb_mpik_) :: iam, np
logical :: abrt_
if (present(abrt)) abrt_=abrt
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
if (psb_get_errverbosity() > 1) then
if (present(abrt)) abrt_=abrt
call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np)
do while (psb_get_numerr() > izero)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d,iam)
! write(psb_err_unit,'(50("="))')
end do
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
if (psb_get_errverbosity() > 1) then
do while (psb_get_numerr() > izero)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d,iam)
! write(psb_err_unit,'(50("="))')
end do
#if defined(HAVE_FLUSH_STMT)
if (abrt_) call psb_abort(ictxt,-1)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d,iam)
do while (psb_get_numerr() > 0)
if (abrt_) call psb_abort(ictxt,-1)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
end do
call psb_errmsg(psb_err_unit,err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d,iam)
do while (psb_get_numerr() > 0)
call psb_errpop(err_c, r_name, i_e_d, a_e_d)
end do
#if defined(HAVE_FLUSH_STMT)
if (abrt_) call psb_abort(ictxt,-1)
if (abrt_) call psb_abort(ictxt,-1)
end if
end if
end if
end subroutine psb_perror
end subroutine psb_perror
end submodule psb_error_impl_mod
@ -1,295 +1,288 @@
function psb_base_get_nz_row(idx,a) result(res)
use psb_error_mod
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_get_nz_row
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idx
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='base_get_nz_row'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
res = -1
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end function psb_base_get_nz_row
function psb_base_get_nzeros(a) result(res)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_get_nzeros
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='base_get_nzeros'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
res = -1
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end function psb_base_get_nzeros
function psb_base_get_size(a) result(res)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_get_size
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='get_size'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
res = -1
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end function psb_base_get_size
subroutine psb_base_reinit(a,clear)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_reinit
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
logical, intent(in), optional :: clear
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act, info
character(len=20) :: name='reinit'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_reinit
subroutine psb_base_sparse_print(iout,a,iv,head,ivr,ivc)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_sparse_print
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: iout
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: iv(:)
character(len=*), optional :: head
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: ivr(:), ivc(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act, info
character(len=20) :: name='sparse_print'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_sparse_print
subroutine psb_base_csgetptn(imin,imax,a,nz,ia,ja,info,&
& jmin,jmax,iren,append,nzin,rscale,cscale)
! Output is always in COO format
use psb_error_mod
use psb_const_mod
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_csgetptn
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: imin,imax
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: nz
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(inout) :: ia(:), ja(:)
integer(psb_ipk_),intent(out) :: info
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: iren(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: jmin,jmax, nzin
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='csget'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_csgetptn
subroutine psb_base_get_neigh(a,idx,neigh,n,info,lev)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_get_neigh
use psb_error_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_sort_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: n
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: neigh(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: lev
integer(psb_ipk_) :: lev_, i, nl, ifl,ill,&
& n1, err_act, nn, nidx,ntl,ma
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ia(:), ja(:)
character(len=20) :: name='get_neigh'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = psb_success_
if(present(lev)) then
lev_ = lev
end if
! Turns out we can write get_neigh at this
! level
n = 0
ma = a%get_nrows()
call a%csget(idx,idx,n,ia,ja,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_realloc(n,neigh,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name)
goto 9999
end if
neigh(1:n) = ja(1:n)
ifl = 1
ill = n
do nl = 2, lev_
n1 = ill - ifl + 1
call psb_ensure_size(ill+n1*n1,neigh,info)
submodule (psb_base_mat_mod) psb_base_mat_impl_mod
function psb_base_get_nz_row(idx,a) result(res)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idx
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='base_get_nz_row'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
res = -1
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end function psb_base_get_nz_row
function psb_base_get_nzeros(a) result(res)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='base_get_nzeros'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
res = -1
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end function psb_base_get_nzeros
function psb_base_get_size(a) result(res)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: res
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='get_size'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
res = -1
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end function psb_base_get_size
subroutine psb_base_reinit(a,clear)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
logical, intent(in), optional :: clear
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act, info
character(len=20) :: name='reinit'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_reinit
subroutine psb_base_sparse_print(iout,a,iv,head,ivr,ivc)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: iout
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: iv(:)
character(len=*), optional :: head
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: ivr(:), ivc(:)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act, info
character(len=20) :: name='sparse_print'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_sparse_print
subroutine psb_base_csgetptn(imin,imax,a,nz,ia,ja,info,&
& jmin,jmax,iren,append,nzin,rscale,cscale)
! Output is always in COO format
use psb_error_mod
use psb_const_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: imin,imax
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: nz
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(inout) :: ia(:), ja(:)
integer(psb_ipk_),intent(out) :: info
logical, intent(in), optional :: append
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: iren(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: jmin,jmax, nzin
logical, intent(in), optional :: rscale,cscale
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='csget'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
info = psb_err_missing_override_method_
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_csgetptn
subroutine psb_base_get_neigh(a,idx,neigh,n,info,lev)
use psb_error_mod
use psb_realloc_mod
use psb_sort_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: idx
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: n
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: neigh(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: lev
integer(psb_ipk_) :: lev_, i, nl, ifl,ill,&
& n1, err_act, nn, nidx,ntl,ma
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ia(:), ja(:)
character(len=20) :: name='get_neigh'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
info = psb_success_
if(present(lev)) then
lev_ = lev
end if
! Turns out we can write get_neigh at this
! level
n = 0
ma = a%get_nrows()
call a%csget(idx,idx,n,ia,ja,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_realloc(n,neigh,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name)
goto 9999
end if
ntl = 0
do i=ifl,ill
if ((nidx /= idx).and.(nidx > 0).and.(nidx <= ma)) then
call a%csget(nidx,nidx,nn,ia,ja,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(ill+ntl+nn,neigh,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name)
goto 9999
end if
ntl = ntl+nn
neigh(1:n) = ja(1:n)
ifl = 1
ill = n
do nl = 2, lev_
n1 = ill - ifl + 1
call psb_ensure_size(ill+n1*n1,neigh,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name)
goto 9999
end if
ntl = 0
do i=ifl,ill
if ((nidx /= idx).and.(nidx > 0).and.(nidx <= ma)) then
call a%csget(nidx,nidx,nn,ia,ja,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(ill+ntl+nn,neigh,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name)
goto 9999
end if
ntl = ntl+nn
end if
end do
call psb_msort_unique(neigh(ill+1:ill+ntl),nn,dir=psb_sort_up_)
ifl = ill + 1
ill = ill + nn
end do
call psb_msort_unique(neigh(ill+1:ill+ntl),nn,dir=psb_sort_up_)
ifl = ill + 1
ill = ill + nn
end do
call psb_msort_unique(neigh(1:ill),nn,dir=psb_sort_up_)
n = nn
call psb_msort_unique(neigh(1:ill),nn,dir=psb_sort_up_)
n = nn
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
9999 call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_get_neigh
subroutine psb_base_allocate_mnnz(m,n,a,nz)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_allocate_mnnz
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: m,n
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='allocate_mnz'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_allocate_mnnz
subroutine psb_base_reallocate_nz(nz,a)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_reallocate_nz
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nz
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='reallocate_nz'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_reallocate_nz
subroutine psb_base_free(a)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_free
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='free'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_free
subroutine psb_base_trim(a)
use psb_base_mat_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_base_trim
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='trim'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
! This is the base version.
! The correct action is: do nothing.
! Indeed, the more complicated the data structure, the
! more likely this is the only possible course.
end subroutine psb_base_trim
end subroutine psb_base_get_neigh
subroutine psb_base_allocate_mnnz(m,n,a,nz)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: m,n
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: nz
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='allocate_mnz'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_allocate_mnnz
subroutine psb_base_reallocate_nz(nz,a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: nz
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='reallocate_nz'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_reallocate_nz
subroutine psb_base_free(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='free'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
call psb_get_erraction(err_act)
! This is the base version. If we get here
! it means the derived class is incomplete,
! so we throw an error.
call psb_errpush(psb_err_missing_override_method_,name,a_err=a%get_fmt())
call psb_error_handler(err_act)
end subroutine psb_base_free
subroutine psb_base_trim(a)
use psb_error_mod
implicit none
class(psb_base_sparse_mat), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act
character(len=20) :: name='trim'
logical, parameter :: debug=.false.
! This is the base version.
! The correct action is: do nothing.
! Indeed, the more complicated the data structure, the
! more likely this is the only possible course.
end subroutine psb_base_trim
end submodule psb_base_mat_impl_mod
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue