From 1337009f910ba48f0a84f24144bc558101ad1be1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2022 10:56:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/69] Infrastructure for non-local matrix build
base/modules/desc/psb_hash_map_mod.f90 | 3 ++-
base/modules/psb_const_mod.F90 | 3 +++
base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90 | 2 ++
base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90 | 2 ++
base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90 | 2 ++
base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90 | 2 ++
base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90 | 4 +--
base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90 | 4 +--
base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90 | 4 +--
base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90 | 4 +--
base/serial/impl/psb_c_coo_impl.F90 | 1 -
base/serial/impl/psb_c_mat_impl.F90 | 7 +++++-
base/serial/impl/psb_d_coo_impl.F90 | 1 -
base/serial/impl/psb_d_mat_impl.F90 | 7 +++++-
base/serial/impl/psb_s_coo_impl.F90 | 1 -
base/serial/impl/psb_s_mat_impl.F90 | 7 +++++-
base/serial/impl/psb_z_coo_impl.F90 | 1 -
base/serial/impl/psb_z_mat_impl.F90 | 7 +++++-
base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90 | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 | 10 +++++++-
base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90 | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 | 10 +++++++-
base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90 | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 | 10 +++++++-
base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90 | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 | 10 +++++++-
base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++
cbind/base/psb_c_serial_cbind_mod.F90 | 33 -------------------------
test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 | 3 ++-
test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90 | 3 ++-
33 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
diff --git a/base/modules/desc/psb_hash_map_mod.f90 b/base/modules/desc/psb_hash_map_mod.f90
index 3cfd33a4..5fe7b75b 100644
--- a/base/modules/desc/psb_hash_map_mod.f90
+++ b/base/modules/desc/psb_hash_map_mod.f90
@@ -746,7 +746,8 @@ contains
if (info >=0) then
if (nxt == lip) then
ncol = max(nxt,ncol)
- call psb_ensure_size(ncol,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,pad=-1_psb_lpk_,addsz=laddsz)
+ call psb_ensure_size(ncol,idxmap%loc_to_glob,info,&
+ & pad=-1_psb_lpk_,addsz=laddsz)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_ai_,name,&
diff --git a/base/modules/psb_const_mod.F90 b/base/modules/psb_const_mod.F90
index c2277da0..85833a49 100644
--- a/base/modules/psb_const_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/psb_const_mod.F90
@@ -204,6 +204,9 @@ module psb_const_mod
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: psb_spmat_null_=0, psb_spmat_bld_=1
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: psb_spmat_asb_=2, psb_spmat_upd_=4
+ integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: psb_matbld_noremote_=0, psb_matbld_remote_=1
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: psb_ireg_flgs_=10, psb_ip2_=0
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: psb_iflag_=2, psb_ichk_=3
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: psb_nnzt_=4, psb_zero_=5,psb_ipc_=6
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90
index 75699249..2ba77fcf 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ module psb_c_mat_mod
type :: psb_cspmat_type
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
+ class(psb_lc_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90
index ff51d1cb..d03818e7 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ module psb_d_mat_mod
type :: psb_dspmat_type
class(psb_d_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
+ class(psb_ld_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90
index 849c64c3..d748667a 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ module psb_s_mat_mod
type :: psb_sspmat_type
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
+ class(psb_ls_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90
index fc16ca80..b81a5126 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ module psb_z_mat_mod
type :: psb_zspmat_type
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
+ class(psb_lz_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90
index 378e146b..91a629e1 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ Module psb_c_tools_mod
interface psb_spall
- subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+ subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
implicit none
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_cspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
end subroutine psb_cspalloc
end interface
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90
index 81c75ece..f76a31eb 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ Module psb_d_tools_mod
interface psb_spall
- subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+ subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
implicit none
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
end subroutine psb_dspalloc
end interface
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90
index fa82a53e..aa2e6990 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ Module psb_s_tools_mod
interface psb_spall
- subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+ subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
implicit none
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_sspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
end subroutine psb_sspalloc
end interface
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90
index 233f2c20..bdb91e98 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ Module psb_z_tools_mod
interface psb_spall
- subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+ subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
implicit none
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_zspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
end subroutine psb_zspalloc
end interface
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_c_coo_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_c_coo_impl.F90
index bd03b1b8..0127d00f 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_c_coo_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_c_coo_impl.F90
@@ -6121,7 +6121,6 @@ subroutine psb_lc_coo_csput_a(nz,ia,ja,val,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info)
if (nz == 0) return
nza = a%get_nzeros()
isza = a%get_size()
if (a%is_bld()) then
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_c_mat_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_c_mat_impl.F90
index 088b012d..df5c4cd9 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_c_mat_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_c_mat_impl.F90
@@ -675,7 +675,12 @@ subroutine psb_c_free(a)
call a%a%free()
+ if (allocated(a%rmta)) then
+ call a%rmta%free()
+ deallocate(a%rmta)
+ end if
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
end subroutine psb_c_free
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_d_coo_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_d_coo_impl.F90
index d4d88027..7e835261 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_d_coo_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_d_coo_impl.F90
@@ -6121,7 +6121,6 @@ subroutine psb_ld_coo_csput_a(nz,ia,ja,val,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info)
if (nz == 0) return
nza = a%get_nzeros()
isza = a%get_size()
if (a%is_bld()) then
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_d_mat_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_d_mat_impl.F90
index b21fa40f..2a6fb9a5 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_d_mat_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_d_mat_impl.F90
@@ -675,7 +675,12 @@ subroutine psb_d_free(a)
call a%a%free()
+ if (allocated(a%rmta)) then
+ call a%rmta%free()
+ deallocate(a%rmta)
+ end if
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
end subroutine psb_d_free
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_s_coo_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_s_coo_impl.F90
index 5ae9dd96..67725ffb 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_s_coo_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_s_coo_impl.F90
@@ -6121,7 +6121,6 @@ subroutine psb_ls_coo_csput_a(nz,ia,ja,val,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info)
if (nz == 0) return
nza = a%get_nzeros()
isza = a%get_size()
if (a%is_bld()) then
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_s_mat_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_s_mat_impl.F90
index c624dc2f..ce7ce653 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_s_mat_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_s_mat_impl.F90
@@ -675,7 +675,12 @@ subroutine psb_s_free(a)
call a%a%free()
+ if (allocated(a%rmta)) then
+ call a%rmta%free()
+ deallocate(a%rmta)
+ end if
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
end subroutine psb_s_free
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_z_coo_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_z_coo_impl.F90
index 49e6c7fe..158f1ffe 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_z_coo_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_z_coo_impl.F90
@@ -6121,7 +6121,6 @@ subroutine psb_lz_coo_csput_a(nz,ia,ja,val,a,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,info)
if (nz == 0) return
nza = a%get_nzeros()
isza = a%get_size()
if (a%is_bld()) then
diff --git a/base/serial/impl/psb_z_mat_impl.F90 b/base/serial/impl/psb_z_mat_impl.F90
index e008dfdb..2cebf9e7 100644
--- a/base/serial/impl/psb_z_mat_impl.F90
+++ b/base/serial/impl/psb_z_mat_impl.F90
@@ -675,7 +675,12 @@ subroutine psb_z_free(a)
call a%a%free()
+ if (allocated(a%rmta)) then
+ call a%rmta%free()
+ deallocate(a%rmta)
+ end if
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
end subroutine psb_z_free
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
index 69b9e1c2..d5a56609 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
! nnz - integer(optional). The number of nonzeroes in the matrix.
! (local, user estimate)
-subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_cspalloc
implicit none
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_cspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: np, me, err_act
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype
- integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype, bldmode_
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n, nnzrmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name
@@ -96,7 +96,12 @@ subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
nnz_ = max(1,5*loc_row)
+ if (present(bldmode)) then
+ bldmode_ = bldmode
+ else
+ bldmode_ = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name), &
& ':allocating size:',loc_row,loc_col,nnz_
@@ -109,6 +114,25 @@ subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
goto 9999
end if
+ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+ a%remote_build = bldmode_
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ allocate(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
+ call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,'Invalid value for remote_build '
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end select
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ', &
& desc_a%get_dectype(),psb_desc_bld_
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
index 96ed7fe7..0c2ade2d 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
@@ -111,7 +111,15 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
call a%set_ncols(n_col)
end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
+ if (a%is_bld()) then
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
call a%asb(mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
index 15ea556f..0084aa7d 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: relocsz=200
logical :: rebuild_, local_
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:),jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,k
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nnl
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: lila(:),ljla(:)
+ complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: lval(:)
character(len=20) :: name
info = psb_success_
@@ -147,6 +151,30 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_a_and_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
index 56ad6c93..088d5129 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
! nnz - integer(optional). The number of nonzeroes in the matrix.
! (local, user estimate)
-subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_dspalloc
implicit none
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: np, me, err_act
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype
- integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype, bldmode_
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n, nnzrmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name
@@ -96,7 +96,12 @@ subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
nnz_ = max(1,5*loc_row)
+ if (present(bldmode)) then
+ bldmode_ = bldmode
+ else
+ bldmode_ = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name), &
& ':allocating size:',loc_row,loc_col,nnz_
@@ -109,6 +114,25 @@ subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
goto 9999
end if
+ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+ a%remote_build = bldmode_
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ allocate(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
+ call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,'Invalid value for remote_build '
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end select
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ', &
& desc_a%get_dectype(),psb_desc_bld_
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
index 457553f7..293c5edd 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
@@ -111,7 +111,15 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
call a%set_ncols(n_col)
end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
+ if (a%is_bld()) then
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
call a%asb(mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
index 3e9ef0cc..1bd113dc 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: relocsz=200
logical :: rebuild_, local_
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:),jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,k
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nnl
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: lila(:),ljla(:)
+ real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: lval(:)
character(len=20) :: name
info = psb_success_
@@ -147,6 +151,30 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_a_and_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
index 15c3c538..1a418f2a 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
! nnz - integer(optional). The number of nonzeroes in the matrix.
! (local, user estimate)
-subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_sspalloc
implicit none
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_sspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: np, me, err_act
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype
- integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype, bldmode_
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n, nnzrmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name
@@ -96,7 +96,12 @@ subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
nnz_ = max(1,5*loc_row)
+ if (present(bldmode)) then
+ bldmode_ = bldmode
+ else
+ bldmode_ = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name), &
& ':allocating size:',loc_row,loc_col,nnz_
@@ -109,6 +114,25 @@ subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
goto 9999
end if
+ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+ a%remote_build = bldmode_
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ allocate(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
+ call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,'Invalid value for remote_build '
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end select
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ', &
& desc_a%get_dectype(),psb_desc_bld_
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
index f4e6169d..e27724b2 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
@@ -111,7 +111,15 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
call a%set_ncols(n_col)
end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
+ if (a%is_bld()) then
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
call a%asb(mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
index 1fd6eed0..2ae3d8df 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: relocsz=200
logical :: rebuild_, local_
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:),jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,k
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nnl
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: lila(:),ljla(:)
+ real(psb_spk_), allocatable :: lval(:)
character(len=20) :: name
info = psb_success_
@@ -147,6 +151,30 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_a_and_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
index 16d48734..6d95f179 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
! nnz - integer(optional). The number of nonzeroes in the matrix.
! (local, user estimate)
-subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_zspalloc
implicit none
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
type(psb_zspmat_type), intent(inout) :: a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), optional, intent(in) :: nnz, bldmode
type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: np, me, err_act
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype
- integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: loc_row,loc_col, nnz_, dectype, bldmode_
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: m, n, nnzrmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name
@@ -96,7 +96,12 @@ subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
nnz_ = max(1,5*loc_row)
+ if (present(bldmode)) then
+ bldmode_ = bldmode
+ else
+ bldmode_ = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name), &
& ':allocating size:',loc_row,loc_col,nnz_
@@ -109,6 +114,25 @@ subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
goto 9999
end if
+ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+ a%remote_build = bldmode_
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ allocate(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
+ call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,'Invalid value for remote_build '
+ a%remote_build = psb_matbld_noremote_
+ end select
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_ext_) &
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ', &
& desc_a%get_dectype(),psb_desc_bld_
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
index b5966110..7021bbaa 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
@@ -111,7 +111,15 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
call a%set_ncols(n_col)
end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
+ if (a%is_bld()) then
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! nothing needed
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
call a%asb(mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
index 525ed415..d76450e3 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: relocsz=200
logical :: rebuild_, local_
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:),jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,k
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nnl
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: lila(:),ljla(:)
+ complex(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: lval(:)
character(len=20) :: name
info = psb_success_
@@ -147,6 +151,30 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_a_and_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/cbind/base/psb_c_serial_cbind_mod.F90 b/cbind/base/psb_c_serial_cbind_mod.F90
index dba41b67..b298d84a 100644
--- a/cbind/base/psb_c_serial_cbind_mod.F90
+++ b/cbind/base/psb_c_serial_cbind_mod.F90
@@ -204,38 +204,5 @@ contains
end function psb_c_cvect_set_vect
- function psb_c_g2l(cdh,gindex,cowned) bind(c) result(lindex)
- use psb_base_mod
- implicit none
- integer(psb_c_lpk_), value :: gindex
- logical(c_bool), value :: cowned
- type(psb_c_descriptor) :: cdh
- integer(psb_c_ipk_) :: lindex
- type(psb_desc_type), pointer :: descp
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: info, localindex, ixb, iam, np
- logical :: owned
- ixb = psb_c_get_index_base()
- owned = cowned
- lindex = -1
- if (c_associated(cdh%item)) then
- call c_f_pointer(cdh%item,descp)
- else
- return
- end if
- call psb_info(descp%get_context(),iam,np)
- if (ixb == 1) then
- call descp%indxmap%g2l(gindex,localindex,info,owned=owned)
- lindex = localindex
- else
- call descp%indxmap%g2l(gindex+(1-ixb),localindex,info,owned=owned)
- lindex = localindex-(1-ixb)
- endif
- end function psb_c_g2l
end module psb_c_serial_cbind_mod
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
index def2ea37..2e3976ce 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
@@ -429,7 +429,8 @@ contains
end select
- if (info == psb_success_) call psb_spall(a,desc_a,info,nnz=nnz)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_spall(a,desc_a,info,nnz=nnz, &
+ & bldmode=psb_matbld_remote_)
! define rhs from boundary conditions; also build initial guess
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geall(xv,desc_a,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geall(bv,desc_a,info)
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
index 619a7f75..a4788338 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
@@ -429,7 +429,8 @@ contains
end select
- if (info == psb_success_) call psb_spall(a,desc_a,info,nnz=nnz)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_spall(a,desc_a,info,nnz=nnz, &
+ & bldmode=psb_matbld_remote_)
! define rhs from boundary conditions; also build initial guess
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geall(xv,desc_a,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geall(bv,desc_a,info)
From 0e676d2903c8f57ef6247a88ddf8db1826a1542e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2022 13:15:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/69] Infrastructure for remote builds
base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 | 30 +++++++++++++-------------
base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 | 31 ++++++++++++++-------------
base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 | 30 +++++++++++++-------------
base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 | 30 +++++++++++++-------------
test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
9 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
index 0c2ade2d..747d1427 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
index 0084aa7d..2961c646 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
@@ -157,20 +157,22 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
! Do nothing
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
- k = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (ila(i)<0) then
- k=k+1
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
- end if
- end do
- if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
- call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
- & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
case default
write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
end select
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
index 293c5edd..14204ad9 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
index 1bd113dc..ac074487 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
@@ -156,21 +156,24 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! Do nothing
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
- k = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (ila(i)<0) then
- k=k+1
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
- end if
- end do
- if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
- call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
- & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
case default
write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
end select
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
index e27724b2..4c019622 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
index 2ae3d8df..f8971ce2 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
@@ -157,20 +157,22 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
! Do nothing
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
- k = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (ila(i)<0) then
- k=k+1
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
- end if
- end do
- if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
- call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
- & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
case default
write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
end select
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
index 7021bbaa..6c9fc76f 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) 'Need to implement data movement! '
+ write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
index d76450e3..bfe61a17 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
@@ -157,20 +157,22 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
! Do nothing
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
- k = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (ila(i)<0) then
- k=k+1
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
- end if
- end do
- if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
- call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
- & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
case default
write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
end select
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
index 2e3976ce..bbef8645 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ contains
type(psb_d_coo_sparse_mat) :: acoo
type(psb_d_csr_sparse_mat) :: acsr
real(psb_dpk_) :: zt(nb),x,y,z
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnz,nr,nlr,i,j,ii,ib,k, partition_
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnz,nr,nlr,i,j,ii,ib,k, partition_, mysz
integer(psb_lpk_) :: m,n,glob_row,nt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ix,iy,iz,ia,indx_owner
! For 3D partition
@@ -377,6 +377,30 @@ contains
call psb_cdall(ctxt,desc_a,info,vl=myidx)
+ !
+ ! Add extra rows
+ !
+ block
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: ks
+ mysz = nlr
+ if (m>nlr) mysz = mysz + m/nlr
+ call psb_realloc(mysz,myidx,info)
+ ks = nlr
+ outer: do i=1,idim
+ do j=1,idim
+ do k=1,idim
+ if (outside(i,j,k,bndx,bndy,bndz,iamx,iamy,iamz)) then
+ ks = ks + 1
+ if (ks > mysz) exit outer
+ call ijk2idx(myidx(ks),i,j,k,idim,idim,idim)
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do outer
+ write(0,*) iam,' Check on extra nodes ',nlr,mysz,':',myidx(nlr+1:mysz)
+ end block
! Specify process topology
@@ -463,8 +487,9 @@ contains
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
- do ii=1, nlr,nb
- ib = min(nb,nlr-ii+1)
+ do ii=1, mysz, nb
+ !ib = min(nb,nlr-ii+1)
+ ib = min(nb,mysz-ii+1)
icoeff = 1
do k=1,ib
@@ -616,8 +641,15 @@ contains
end subroutine psb_d_gen_pde3d
+ function outside(i,j,k,bndx,bndy,bndz,iamx,iamy,iamz) result(res)
+ logical :: res
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: i,j,k,iamx,iamy,iamz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: bndx(0:),bndy(0:),bndz(0:)
+ res = (i=bndx(iamx+1)) &
+ & .or.(j=bndy(iamy+1)) &
+ & .or.(k=bndz(iamz+1))
+ end function outside
end module psb_d_pde3d_mod
program psb_d_pde3d
From 6d0b26ecf13e8c468bb57526d2cb739c0511aeeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 13:25:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/69] Further changes for remote build, new method
base/internals/psi_graph_fnd_owner.F90 | 12 +-
base/internals/psi_indx_map_fnd_owner.F90 | 10 +-
base/modules/desc/psb_indx_map_mod.f90 | 3 +-
base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90 | 2 +-
base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90 | 2 +-
base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90 | 2 +-
base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90 | 2 +-
base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90 | 13 +-
base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90 | 13 +-
base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90 | 13 +-
base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90 | 13 +-
base/tools/Makefile | 3 +-
base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90 | 259 ++++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 | 12 +-
base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 | 32 ++-
base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90 | 259 ++++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 | 12 +-
base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 | 33 ++-
base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90 | 259 ++++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 | 12 +-
base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 | 32 ++-
base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90 | 259 ++++++++++++++++++++++
base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90 | 2 +-
base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 | 12 +-
base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 | 32 ++-
test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 | 141 +++++++++---
test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90 | 127 ++++++++++-
30 files changed, 1499 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90
create mode 100644 base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90
create mode 100644 base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90
create mode 100644 base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90
diff --git a/base/internals/psi_graph_fnd_owner.F90 b/base/internals/psi_graph_fnd_owner.F90
index 966af403..e3e7ec4f 100644
--- a/base/internals/psi_graph_fnd_owner.F90
+++ b/base/internals/psi_graph_fnd_owner.F90
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
! iprc(:) - integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable Output: process identifiers
! for the corresponding indices
+! ladj(:) - integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable Output: A list of adjacent processes
! idxmap - class(psb_indx_map). The index map
! info - integer. return code.
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
! thereby limiting the memory footprint to a predefined maximum
! (that the user can force with psb_cd_set_maxspace()).
-subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
+subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,ladj,idxmap,info)
use psb_serial_mod
use psb_const_mod
use psb_error_mod
@@ -93,13 +95,13 @@ subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
include 'mpif.h'
integer(psb_lpk_), intent(in) :: idx(:)
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: iprc(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: iprc(:), ladj(:)
class(psb_indx_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: tidx(:)
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: tprc(:), tsmpl(:), ladj(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: tprc(:), tsmpl(:)
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,n_row,n_col,err_act,ip,j, nsampl_out,&
& nv, n_answers, nqries, nsampl_in, locr_max, ist, iend,&
@@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
if (trace.and.(me == 0)) write(0,*) ' Initial sweep on user-defined topology',&
& nsampl_in
call psi_adj_fnd_sweep(idx,iprc,ladj,idxmap,nsampl_in,n_answers)
- call idxmap%xtnd_p_adjcncy(ladj)
+ !call idxmap%xtnd_p_adjcncy(ladj)
nqries = nv - n_answers
nqries_max = nqries
call psb_max(ctxt,nqries_max)
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
ladj = tprc(1:nlansw)
call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nadj)
call psb_realloc(nadj,ladj,info)
- call idxmap%xtnd_p_adjcncy(ladj)
+ ! call idxmap%xtnd_p_adjcncy(ladj)
if (do_timings) call psb_toc(idx_loop_a2a)
if (do_timings) call psb_tic(idx_loop_neigh)
diff --git a/base/internals/psi_indx_map_fnd_owner.F90 b/base/internals/psi_indx_map_fnd_owner.F90
index 0ecade3d..3efcbe59 100644
--- a/base/internals/psi_indx_map_fnd_owner.F90
+++ b/base/internals/psi_indx_map_fnd_owner.F90
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ subroutine psi_indx_map_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: hhidx(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: hhidx(:), ladj(:)
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, err_act, hsize
integer(psb_lpk_) :: nv
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ subroutine psi_indx_map_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
tidx(k2) = idx(k1)
end if
end do
- call psi_graph_fnd_owner(tidx,tprc,idxmap,info)
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(tidx,tprc,ladj,idxmap,info)
k2 = 0
do k1 = 1, nv
if (iprc(k1) < 0) then
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ subroutine psi_indx_map_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
end do
end block
- call psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,ladj,idxmap,info)
end if
+ call idxmap%xtnd_p_adjcncy(ladj)
end if
if (gettime) then
diff --git a/base/modules/desc/psb_indx_map_mod.f90 b/base/modules/desc/psb_indx_map_mod.f90
index 79526d59..d4ce78f1 100644
--- a/base/modules/desc/psb_indx_map_mod.f90
+++ b/base/modules/desc/psb_indx_map_mod.f90
@@ -303,11 +303,12 @@ module psb_indx_map_mod
end interface
- subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,idxmap,info)
+ subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner(idx,iprc,ladj,idxmap,info)
import :: psb_indx_map, psb_ipk_, psb_lpk_
implicit none
integer(psb_lpk_), intent(in) :: idx(:)
integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: iprc(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable, intent(out) :: ladj(:)
class(psb_indx_map), intent(inout) :: idxmap
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
end subroutine psi_graph_fnd_owner
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90
index 2ba77fcf..e3e8ab69 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_c_mat_mod.F90
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module psb_c_mat_mod
class(psb_c_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
- class(psb_lc_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
+ type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90
index d03818e7..a072197e 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_d_mat_mod.F90
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module psb_d_mat_mod
class(psb_d_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
- class(psb_ld_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
+ type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90
index d748667a..20bf3249 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_s_mat_mod.F90
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module psb_s_mat_mod
class(psb_s_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
- class(psb_ls_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
+ type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90 b/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90
index b81a5126..1ca6941b 100644
--- a/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/serial/psb_z_mat_mod.F90
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ module psb_z_mat_mod
class(psb_z_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: a
integer(psb_ipk_) :: remote_build=psb_matbld_noremote_
- class(psb_lz_base_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
+ type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: rmta
! Getters
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90
index 91a629e1..1aa2bcbb 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_c_tools_mod.F90
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Module psb_c_tools_mod
implicit none
type(psb_cspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -262,6 +262,17 @@ Module psb_c_tools_mod
end subroutine psb_cspasb
end interface
+ interface psb_remote_mat
+ subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b, info)
+ import
+ implicit none
+ type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ type(psb_desc_type),intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ end subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat
+ end interface psb_remote_mat
interface psb_spfree
subroutine psb_cspfree(a, desc_a,info)
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90
index f76a31eb..b73fcb74 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_d_tools_mod.F90
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Module psb_d_tools_mod
implicit none
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -262,6 +262,17 @@ Module psb_d_tools_mod
end subroutine psb_dspasb
end interface
+ interface psb_remote_mat
+ subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b, info)
+ import
+ implicit none
+ type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ type(psb_desc_type),intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ end subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat
+ end interface psb_remote_mat
interface psb_spfree
subroutine psb_dspfree(a, desc_a,info)
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90
index aa2e6990..dfa18e92 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_s_tools_mod.F90
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Module psb_s_tools_mod
implicit none
type(psb_sspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -262,6 +262,17 @@ Module psb_s_tools_mod
end subroutine psb_sspasb
end interface
+ interface psb_remote_mat
+ subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b, info)
+ import
+ implicit none
+ type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ type(psb_desc_type),intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ end subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat
+ end interface psb_remote_mat
interface psb_spfree
subroutine psb_sspfree(a, desc_a,info)
diff --git a/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90 b/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90
index bdb91e98..b76893c7 100644
--- a/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90
+++ b/base/modules/tools/psb_z_tools_mod.F90
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ Module psb_z_tools_mod
implicit none
type(psb_zspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -262,6 +262,17 @@ Module psb_z_tools_mod
end subroutine psb_zspasb
end interface
+ interface psb_remote_mat
+ subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b, info)
+ import
+ implicit none
+ type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ type(psb_desc_type),intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ end subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat
+ end interface psb_remote_mat
interface psb_spfree
subroutine psb_zspfree(a, desc_a,info)
diff --git a/base/tools/Makefile b/base/tools/Makefile
index 2c160616..ce13caed 100644
--- a/base/tools/Makefile
+++ b/base/tools/Makefile
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ FOBJS = psb_cdall.o psb_cdals.o psb_cdalv.o psb_cd_inloc.o psb_cdins.o psb_cdprt
psb_cgetelem.o psb_dgetelem.o psb_sgetelem.o psb_zgetelem.o
MPFOBJS = psb_icdasb.o psb_ssphalo.o psb_dsphalo.o psb_csphalo.o psb_zsphalo.o \
- psb_dcdbldext.o psb_zcdbldext.o psb_scdbldext.o psb_ccdbldext.o
+ psb_dcdbldext.o psb_zcdbldext.o psb_scdbldext.o psb_ccdbldext.o \
+ psb_s_remote_mat.o psb_d_remote_mat.o psb_c_remote_mat.o psb_z_remote_mat.o
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..acd2ba6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5
+! (C) Copyright 2006-2018
+! Salvatore Filippone
+! Alfredo Buttari
+! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+! are met:
+! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
+! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+! 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may
+! not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+! software without specific written permission.
+! File: psb_csphalo.f90
+! Subroutine: psb_csphalo psb_lcsphalo
+! This routine does the retrieval of remote matrix rows.
+! Retrieval is done through GETROW, therefore it should work
+! for any matrix format in A; as for the output, default is CSR.
+! There is also a specialized version lc_CSR whose interface
+! is adapted for the needs of c_par_csr_spspmm.
+! There are three possible exchange algorithms:
+! 1. Use MPI_Alltoallv
+! 2. Use psb_simple_a2av
+! 3. Use psb_simple_triad_a2av
+! Default choice is 3. The MPI variant has proved to be inefficient;
+! that is because it is not persistent, therefore you pay the initialization price
+! every time, and it is not optimized for a sparse communication pattern,
+! most MPI implementations assume that all communications are non-empty.
+! The PSB_SIMPLE variants reuse the same communicator, and go for a simplistic
+! sequence of sends/receive that is quite efficient for a sparse communication
+! pattern. To be refined/reviewed in the future to compare with neighbour
+! persistent collectives.
+! Arguments:
+! a - type(psb_cspmat_type) The local part of input matrix A
+! desc_a - type(psb_desc_type). The communication descriptor.
+! blck - type(psb_cspmat_type) The local part of output matrix BLCK
+! info - integer. Return code
+! rowcnv - logical Should row/col indices be converted
+! colcnv - logical to/from global numbering when sent/received?
+! default is .TRUE.
+! rowscale - logical Should row/col indices on output be remapped
+! colscale - logical from MIN:MAX to 1:(MAX-MIN+1) ?
+! default is .FALSE.
+! (commmon use is ROWSCALE=.TRUE., COLSCALE=.FALSE.)
+! data - integer Which index list in desc_a should be used to retrieve
+! rows, default psb_comm_halo_
+! psb_comm_halo_ use halo_index
+! psb_comm_ext_ use ext_index
+! psb_comm_ovrl_ DISABLED for this routine.
+Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
+ use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_lc_remote_mat
+#ifdef MPI_MOD
+ use mpi
+ Implicit None
+#ifdef MPI_H
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ Type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ Type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ Type(psb_desc_type), Intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ ! ...local scalars....
+ type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: np,me
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter, proc, i, n_el_send,n_el_recv, &
+ & n_elem, j, ipx,mat_recv, idxs,idxr,&
+ & data_,totxch,nxs, nxr, ncg
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: r, k, irmin, irmax, icmin, icmax, iszs, iszr, &
+ & lidx, l1, lnr, lnc, lnnz, idx, ngtz, tot_elem
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nz,nouth
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
+ integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
+ integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
+ complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
+ type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
+ integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
+ character(len=5) :: outfmt_
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
+ character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ info=psb_success_
+ name='psb_csphalo'
+ call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
+ end if
+ debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
+ debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
+ ctxt = desc_a%get_context()
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Call psb_info(ctxt, me, np)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
+ call b%free()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name)
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(ipx) = 0
+ bsdindx(ipx) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
+ lnc = a%get_ncols()
+ call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
+ & ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_triad_)
+ call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,acoo%ia,acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_v_)
+ call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_mpi_)
+ call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_c_spk_,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_c_spk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
+ case default
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
+ goto 9999
+ end select
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
+ Deallocate(brvindx,bsdindx,rvsz,sdsz,&
+ & iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
+ call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
+ return
+9999 call psb_error_handler(ctxt,err_act)
+ return
+End Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
index d5a56609..379cb935 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
- allocate(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ allocate(a%rmta)
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
index 747d1427..4904d336 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@
subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_cspasb
+ use psb_sort_mod
use psi_mod
implicit none
type(psb_cspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -117,7 +118,14 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ block
+ type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
index 2961c646..6c050b0c 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
if (nnl > 0) then
- write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
k = 0
do i=1,nz
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
ila(1:nz) = ia(1:nz)
jla(1:nz) = ja(1:nz)
- call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info)
- if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info,&
+ & mask=(ila(1:nz)>0))
end if
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,val,ione,nrow,ione,ncol,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -207,6 +208,31 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e35970a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5
+! (C) Copyright 2006-2018
+! Salvatore Filippone
+! Alfredo Buttari
+! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+! are met:
+! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
+! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+! 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may
+! not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+! software without specific written permission.
+! File: psb_dsphalo.f90
+! Subroutine: psb_dsphalo psb_ldsphalo
+! This routine does the retrieval of remote matrix rows.
+! Retrieval is done through GETROW, therefore it should work
+! for any matrix format in A; as for the output, default is CSR.
+! There is also a specialized version ld_CSR whose interface
+! is adapted for the needs of d_par_csr_spspmm.
+! There are three possible exchange algorithms:
+! 1. Use MPI_Alltoallv
+! 2. Use psb_simple_a2av
+! 3. Use psb_simple_triad_a2av
+! Default choice is 3. The MPI variant has proved to be inefficient;
+! that is because it is not persistent, therefore you pay the initialization price
+! every time, and it is not optimized for a sparse communication pattern,
+! most MPI implementations assume that all communications are non-empty.
+! The PSB_SIMPLE variants reuse the same communicator, and go for a simplistic
+! sequence of sends/receive that is quite efficient for a sparse communication
+! pattern. To be refined/reviewed in the future to compare with neighbour
+! persistent collectives.
+! Arguments:
+! a - type(psb_dspmat_type) The local part of input matrix A
+! desc_a - type(psb_desc_type). The communication descriptor.
+! blck - type(psb_dspmat_type) The local part of output matrix BLCK
+! info - integer. Return code
+! rowcnv - logical Should row/col indices be converted
+! colcnv - logical to/from global numbering when sent/received?
+! default is .TRUE.
+! rowscale - logical Should row/col indices on output be remapped
+! colscale - logical from MIN:MAX to 1:(MAX-MIN+1) ?
+! default is .FALSE.
+! (commmon use is ROWSCALE=.TRUE., COLSCALE=.FALSE.)
+! data - integer Which index list in desc_a should be used to retrieve
+! rows, default psb_comm_halo_
+! psb_comm_halo_ use halo_index
+! psb_comm_ext_ use ext_index
+! psb_comm_ovrl_ DISABLED for this routine.
+Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
+ use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_ld_remote_mat
+#ifdef MPI_MOD
+ use mpi
+ Implicit None
+#ifdef MPI_H
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ Type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ Type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ Type(psb_desc_type), Intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ ! ...local scalars....
+ type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: np,me
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter, proc, i, n_el_send,n_el_recv, &
+ & n_elem, j, ipx,mat_recv, idxs,idxr,&
+ & data_,totxch,nxs, nxr, ncg
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: r, k, irmin, irmax, icmin, icmax, iszs, iszr, &
+ & lidx, l1, lnr, lnc, lnnz, idx, ngtz, tot_elem
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nz,nouth
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
+ integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
+ integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
+ real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
+ type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
+ integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
+ character(len=5) :: outfmt_
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
+ character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ info=psb_success_
+ name='psb_dsphalo'
+ call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
+ end if
+ debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
+ debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
+ ctxt = desc_a%get_context()
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Call psb_info(ctxt, me, np)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
+ call b%free()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name)
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(ipx) = 0
+ bsdindx(ipx) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
+ lnc = a%get_ncols()
+ call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
+ & ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_triad_)
+ call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,acoo%ia,acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_v_)
+ call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_mpi_)
+ call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_r_dpk_,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_r_dpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
+ case default
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
+ goto 9999
+ end select
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
+ Deallocate(brvindx,bsdindx,rvsz,sdsz,&
+ & iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
+ call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
+ return
+9999 call psb_error_handler(ctxt,err_act)
+ return
+End Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
index 088d5129..3d945274 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
- allocate(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ allocate(a%rmta)
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
index 14204ad9..bc66eb11 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@
subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_dspasb
+ use psb_sort_mod
use psi_mod
implicit none
type(psb_dspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -117,7 +118,14 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ block
+ type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
index ac074487..06276fa8 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
@@ -156,10 +156,9 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! Do nothing
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
if (nnl > 0) then
- write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
k = 0
do i=1,nz
@@ -199,8 +198,9 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
ila(1:nz) = ia(1:nz)
jla(1:nz) = ja(1:nz)
- call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info)
- if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info,&
+ & mask=(ila(1:nz)>0))
end if
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,val,ione,nrow,ione,ncol,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -208,6 +208,31 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a78d2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5
+! (C) Copyright 2006-2018
+! Salvatore Filippone
+! Alfredo Buttari
+! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+! are met:
+! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
+! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+! 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may
+! not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+! software without specific written permission.
+! File: psb_ssphalo.f90
+! Subroutine: psb_ssphalo psb_lssphalo
+! This routine does the retrieval of remote matrix rows.
+! Retrieval is done through GETROW, therefore it should work
+! for any matrix format in A; as for the output, default is CSR.
+! There is also a specialized version ls_CSR whose interface
+! is adapted for the needs of s_par_csr_spspmm.
+! There are three possible exchange algorithms:
+! 1. Use MPI_Alltoallv
+! 2. Use psb_simple_a2av
+! 3. Use psb_simple_triad_a2av
+! Default choice is 3. The MPI variant has proved to be inefficient;
+! that is because it is not persistent, therefore you pay the initialization price
+! every time, and it is not optimized for a sparse communication pattern,
+! most MPI implementations assume that all communications are non-empty.
+! The PSB_SIMPLE variants reuse the same communicator, and go for a simplistic
+! sequence of sends/receive that is quite efficient for a sparse communication
+! pattern. To be refined/reviewed in the future to compare with neighbour
+! persistent collectives.
+! Arguments:
+! a - type(psb_sspmat_type) The local part of input matrix A
+! desc_a - type(psb_desc_type). The communication descriptor.
+! blck - type(psb_sspmat_type) The local part of output matrix BLCK
+! info - integer. Return code
+! rowcnv - logical Should row/col indices be converted
+! colcnv - logical to/from global numbering when sent/received?
+! default is .TRUE.
+! rowscale - logical Should row/col indices on output be remapped
+! colscale - logical from MIN:MAX to 1:(MAX-MIN+1) ?
+! default is .FALSE.
+! (commmon use is ROWSCALE=.TRUE., COLSCALE=.FALSE.)
+! data - integer Which index list in desc_a should be used to retrieve
+! rows, default psb_comm_halo_
+! psb_comm_halo_ use halo_index
+! psb_comm_ext_ use ext_index
+! psb_comm_ovrl_ DISABLED for this routine.
+Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
+ use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_ls_remote_mat
+#ifdef MPI_MOD
+ use mpi
+ Implicit None
+#ifdef MPI_H
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ Type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ Type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ Type(psb_desc_type), Intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ ! ...local scalars....
+ type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: np,me
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter, proc, i, n_el_send,n_el_recv, &
+ & n_elem, j, ipx,mat_recv, idxs,idxr,&
+ & data_,totxch,nxs, nxr, ncg
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: r, k, irmin, irmax, icmin, icmax, iszs, iszr, &
+ & lidx, l1, lnr, lnc, lnnz, idx, ngtz, tot_elem
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nz,nouth
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
+ integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
+ integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
+ real(psb_spk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
+ type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
+ integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
+ character(len=5) :: outfmt_
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
+ character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ info=psb_success_
+ name='psb_ssphalo'
+ call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
+ end if
+ debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
+ debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
+ ctxt = desc_a%get_context()
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Call psb_info(ctxt, me, np)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
+ call b%free()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name)
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(ipx) = 0
+ bsdindx(ipx) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
+ lnc = a%get_ncols()
+ call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
+ & ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_triad_)
+ call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,acoo%ia,acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_v_)
+ call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_mpi_)
+ call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_r_spk_,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_r_spk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
+ case default
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
+ goto 9999
+ end select
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
+ Deallocate(brvindx,bsdindx,rvsz,sdsz,&
+ & iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
+ call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
+ return
+9999 call psb_error_handler(ctxt,err_act)
+ return
+End Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
index 1a418f2a..2d79b0ba 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
- allocate(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ allocate(a%rmta)
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
index 4c019622..fa9a2a49 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@
subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_sspasb
+ use psb_sort_mod
use psi_mod
implicit none
type(psb_sspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -117,7 +118,14 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ block
+ type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
index f8971ce2..c4abb9f6 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
if (nnl > 0) then
- write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
k = 0
do i=1,nz
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
ila(1:nz) = ia(1:nz)
jla(1:nz) = ja(1:nz)
- call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info)
- if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info,&
+ & mask=(ila(1:nz)>0))
end if
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,val,ione,nrow,ione,ncol,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -207,6 +208,31 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1acc57b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5
+! (C) Copyright 2006-2018
+! Salvatore Filippone
+! Alfredo Buttari
+! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+! are met:
+! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+! notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the
+! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+! 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may
+! not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+! software without specific written permission.
+! File: psb_zsphalo.f90
+! Subroutine: psb_zsphalo psb_lzsphalo
+! This routine does the retrieval of remote matrix rows.
+! Retrieval is done through GETROW, therefore it should work
+! for any matrix format in A; as for the output, default is CSR.
+! There is also a specialized version lz_CSR whose interface
+! is adapted for the needs of z_par_csr_spspmm.
+! There are three possible exchange algorithms:
+! 1. Use MPI_Alltoallv
+! 2. Use psb_simple_a2av
+! 3. Use psb_simple_triad_a2av
+! Default choice is 3. The MPI variant has proved to be inefficient;
+! that is because it is not persistent, therefore you pay the initialization price
+! every time, and it is not optimized for a sparse communication pattern,
+! most MPI implementations assume that all communications are non-empty.
+! The PSB_SIMPLE variants reuse the same communicator, and go for a simplistic
+! sequence of sends/receive that is quite efficient for a sparse communication
+! pattern. To be refined/reviewed in the future to compare with neighbour
+! persistent collectives.
+! Arguments:
+! a - type(psb_zspmat_type) The local part of input matrix A
+! desc_a - type(psb_desc_type). The communication descriptor.
+! blck - type(psb_zspmat_type) The local part of output matrix BLCK
+! info - integer. Return code
+! rowcnv - logical Should row/col indices be converted
+! colcnv - logical to/from global numbering when sent/received?
+! default is .TRUE.
+! rowscale - logical Should row/col indices on output be remapped
+! colscale - logical from MIN:MAX to 1:(MAX-MIN+1) ?
+! default is .FALSE.
+! (commmon use is ROWSCALE=.TRUE., COLSCALE=.FALSE.)
+! data - integer Which index list in desc_a should be used to retrieve
+! rows, default psb_comm_halo_
+! psb_comm_halo_ use halo_index
+! psb_comm_ext_ use ext_index
+! psb_comm_ovrl_ DISABLED for this routine.
+Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
+ use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_lz_remote_mat
+#ifdef MPI_MOD
+ use mpi
+ Implicit None
+#ifdef MPI_H
+ include 'mpif.h'
+ Type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: a
+ Type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat),Intent(inout) :: b
+ Type(psb_desc_type), Intent(inout) :: desc_a
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
+ ! ...local scalars....
+ type(psb_ctxt_type) :: ctxt
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: np,me
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: counter, proc, i, n_el_send,n_el_recv, &
+ & n_elem, j, ipx,mat_recv, idxs,idxr,&
+ & data_,totxch,nxs, nxr, ncg
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: r, k, irmin, irmax, icmin, icmax, iszs, iszr, &
+ & lidx, l1, lnr, lnc, lnnz, idx, ngtz, tot_elem
+ integer(psb_lpk_) :: nz,nouth
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
+ integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
+ integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
+ complex(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
+ type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
+ integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
+ character(len=5) :: outfmt_
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
+ character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ info=psb_success_
+ name='psb_zsphalo'
+ call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
+ end if
+ debug_unit = psb_get_debug_unit()
+ debug_level = psb_get_debug_level()
+ ctxt = desc_a%get_context()
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Call psb_info(ctxt, me, np)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_) &
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Start'
+ call b%free()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_alloc_dealloc_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name)
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
+ & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(ipx) = 0
+ bsdindx(ipx) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
+ lnc = a%get_ncols()
+ call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
+ & ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_triad_)
+ call psb_simple_triad_a2av(valsnd,iasnd,jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,acoo%ia,acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_smpl_v_)
+ call psb_simple_a2av(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
+ case(psb_sp_a2av_mpi_)
+ call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_c_dpk_,&
+ & acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_c_dpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(iasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ia,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo == mpi_success) &
+ & call mpi_alltoallv(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,&
+ & acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_lpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= mpi_success) info = minfo
+ case default
+ info = psb_err_internal_error_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='wrong A2AV alg selector')
+ goto 9999
+ end select
+ if (info /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
+ Deallocate(brvindx,bsdindx,rvsz,sdsz,&
+ & iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
+ if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
+ & write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Done'
+ call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
+ return
+9999 call psb_error_handler(ctxt,err_act)
+ return
+End Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
index 6d95f179..1d76d66c 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
- allocate(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat :: a%rmta)
+ allocate(a%rmta)
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
index 6c9fc76f..67353739 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
@@ -50,13 +50,14 @@
subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_zspasb
+ use psb_sort_mod
use psi_mod
implicit none
type(psb_zspmat_type), intent (inout) :: a
- type(psb_desc_type), intent(in) :: desc_a
+ type(psb_desc_type), intent(inout) :: desc_a
integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info
integer(psb_ipk_),optional, intent(in) :: dupl, upd
character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: afmt
@@ -117,7 +118,14 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ block
+ type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
index bfe61a17..2a654e14 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
if (nnl > 0) then
- write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
k = 0
do i=1,nz
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
ila(1:nz) = ia(1:nz)
jla(1:nz) = ja(1:nz)
- call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info)
- if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info,&
+ & mask=(ila(1:nz)>0))
end if
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,val,ione,nrow,ione,ncol,info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -207,6 +208,31 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='a%csput')
goto 9999
end if
+ select case(a%remote_build)
+ case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
+ ! Do nothing
+ case (psb_matbld_remote_)
+ nnl = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ if (nnl > 0) then
+ !write(0,*) 'Check on insert ',nnl
+ allocate(lila(nnl),ljla(nnl),lval(nnl))
+ k = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (ila(i)<0) then
+ k=k+1
+ lila(k) = ia(k)
+ ljla(k) = ja(k)
+ lval(k) = val(k)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
+ call a%rmta%csput(nnl,lila,ljla,lval,1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),&
+ & 1_psb_lpk_,desc_a%get_global_rows(),info)
+ end if
+ case default
+ write(0,*) name,' Ignoring wrong value for %remote_build'
+ end select
info = psb_err_invalid_cd_state_
call psb_errpush(info,name)
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
index bbef8645..483e6d9c 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
@@ -377,30 +377,7 @@ contains
call psb_cdall(ctxt,desc_a,info,vl=myidx)
- !
- ! Add extra rows
- !
- block
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: ks
- mysz = nlr
- if (m>nlr) mysz = mysz + m/nlr
- call psb_realloc(mysz,myidx,info)
- ks = nlr
- outer: do i=1,idim
- do j=1,idim
- do k=1,idim
- if (outside(i,j,k,bndx,bndy,bndz,iamx,iamy,iamz)) then
- ks = ks + 1
- if (ks > mysz) exit outer
- call ijk2idx(myidx(ks),i,j,k,idim,idim,idim)
- end if
- end do
- end do
- end do outer
- write(0,*) iam,' Check on extra nodes ',nlr,mysz,':',myidx(nlr+1:mysz)
- end block
! Specify process topology
@@ -487,9 +464,9 @@ contains
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
- do ii=1, mysz, nb
- !ib = min(nb,nlr-ii+1)
- ib = min(nb,mysz-ii+1)
+ do ii=1, nlr, nb
+ ib = min(nb,nlr-ii+1)
+ !ib = min(nb,mysz-ii+1)
icoeff = 1
do k=1,ib
@@ -585,12 +562,119 @@ contains
goto 9999
end if
- deallocate(val,irow,icol)
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info,mold=imold)
tcdasb = psb_wtime()-t1
+ !
+ ! Add extra rows
+ !
+ block
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: ks, i
+ ks = desc_a%get_local_cols()-desc_a%get_local_rows()
+ if (ks > 0) ks = max(1,ks / 10)
+ mysz = nlr+ks
+ call psb_realloc(mysz,myidx,info)
+ do i=nlr+1, mysz
+ myidx(i) = i
+ end do
+ call desc_a%l2gv1(myidx(nlr+1:mysz),info)
+ !write(0,*) iam,' Check on extra nodes ',nlr,mysz,':',myidx(nlr+1:mysz)
+ do ii= nlr+1, mysz, nb
+ ib = min(nb,mysz-ii+1)
+ icoeff = 1
+ do k=1,ib
+ i=ii+k-1
+ ! local matrix pointer
+ glob_row=myidx(i)
+ ! compute gridpoint coordinates
+ call idx2ijk(ix,iy,iz,glob_row,idim,idim,idim)
+ ! x, y, z coordinates
+ x = (ix-1)*deltah
+ y = (iy-1)*deltah
+ z = (iz-1)*deltah
+ zt(k) = f_(x,y,z)
+ ! internal point: build discretization
+ !
+ ! term depending on (x-1,y,z)
+ !
+ val(icoeff) = -a1(x,y,z)/sqdeltah-b1(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (ix == 1) then
+ zt(k) = g(dzero,y,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix-1,iy,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y-1,z)
+ val(icoeff) = -a2(x,y,z)/sqdeltah-b2(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iy == 1) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,dzero,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy-1,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y,z-1)
+ val(icoeff)=-a3(x,y,z)/sqdeltah-b3(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iz == 1) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,y,dzero)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy,iz-1,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y,z)
+ val(icoeff)=(2*done)*(a1(x,y,z)+a2(x,y,z)+a3(x,y,z))/sqdeltah &
+ & + c(x,y,z)
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ ! term depending on (x,y,z+1)
+ val(icoeff)=-a3(x,y,z)/sqdeltah+b3(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iz == idim) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,y,done)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy,iz+1,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y+1,z)
+ val(icoeff)=-a2(x,y,z)/sqdeltah+b2(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iy == idim) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,done,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy+1,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x+1,y,z)
+ val(icoeff)=-a1(x,y,z)/sqdeltah+b1(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (ix==idim) then
+ zt(k) = g(done,y,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix+1,iy,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ end do
+ call psb_spins(icoeff-1,irow,icol,val,a,desc_a,info)
+ if(info /= psb_success_) exit
+ call psb_geins(ib,myidx(ii:ii+ib-1),zt(1:ib),bv,desc_a,info)
+ if(info /= psb_success_) exit
+ zt(:)=dzero
+ call psb_geins(ib,myidx(ii:ii+ib-1),zt(1:ib),xv,desc_a,info)
+ if(info /= psb_success_) exit
+ end do
+ end block
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
if (info == psb_success_) then
@@ -634,6 +718,7 @@ contains
write(psb_out_unit,'("-total time : ",es12.5)') ttot
end if
+ deallocate(val,irow,icol)
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
index a4788338..b27f8818 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ contains
type(psb_s_coo_sparse_mat) :: acoo
type(psb_s_csr_sparse_mat) :: acsr
real(psb_spk_) :: zt(nb),x,y,z
- integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnz,nr,nlr,i,j,ii,ib,k, partition_
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnz,nr,nlr,i,j,ii,ib,k, partition_, mysz
integer(psb_lpk_) :: m,n,glob_row,nt
integer(psb_ipk_) :: ix,iy,iz,ia,indx_owner
! For 3D partition
@@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ contains
call psb_cdall(ctxt,desc_a,info,vl=myidx)
! Specify process topology
@@ -463,8 +464,9 @@ contains
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
- do ii=1, nlr,nb
+ do ii=1, nlr, nb
ib = min(nb,nlr-ii+1)
+ !ib = min(nb,mysz-ii+1)
icoeff = 1
do k=1,ib
@@ -560,12 +562,119 @@ contains
goto 9999
end if
- deallocate(val,irow,icol)
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info,mold=imold)
tcdasb = psb_wtime()-t1
+ !
+ ! Add extra rows
+ !
+ block
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: ks, i
+ ks = desc_a%get_local_cols()-desc_a%get_local_rows()
+ if (ks > 0) ks = max(1,ks / 10)
+ mysz = nlr+ks
+ call psb_realloc(mysz,myidx,info)
+ do i=nlr+1, mysz
+ myidx(i) = i
+ end do
+ call desc_a%l2gv1(myidx(nlr+1:mysz),info)
+ !write(0,*) iam,' Check on extra nodes ',nlr,mysz,':',myidx(nlr+1:mysz)
+ do ii= nlr+1, mysz, nb
+ ib = min(nb,mysz-ii+1)
+ icoeff = 1
+ do k=1,ib
+ i=ii+k-1
+ ! local matrix pointer
+ glob_row=myidx(i)
+ ! compute gridpoint coordinates
+ call idx2ijk(ix,iy,iz,glob_row,idim,idim,idim)
+ ! x, y, z coordinates
+ x = (ix-1)*deltah
+ y = (iy-1)*deltah
+ z = (iz-1)*deltah
+ zt(k) = f_(x,y,z)
+ ! internal point: build discretization
+ !
+ ! term depending on (x-1,y,z)
+ !
+ val(icoeff) = -a1(x,y,z)/sqdeltah-b1(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (ix == 1) then
+ zt(k) = g(szero,y,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix-1,iy,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y-1,z)
+ val(icoeff) = -a2(x,y,z)/sqdeltah-b2(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iy == 1) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,szero,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy-1,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y,z-1)
+ val(icoeff)=-a3(x,y,z)/sqdeltah-b3(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iz == 1) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,y,szero)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy,iz-1,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y,z)
+ val(icoeff)=(2*sone)*(a1(x,y,z)+a2(x,y,z)+a3(x,y,z))/sqdeltah &
+ & + c(x,y,z)
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ ! term depending on (x,y,z+1)
+ val(icoeff)=-a3(x,y,z)/sqdeltah+b3(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iz == idim) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,y,sone)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy,iz+1,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x,y+1,z)
+ val(icoeff)=-a2(x,y,z)/sqdeltah+b2(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (iy == idim) then
+ zt(k) = g(x,sone,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix,iy+1,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ ! term depending on (x+1,y,z)
+ val(icoeff)=-a1(x,y,z)/sqdeltah+b1(x,y,z)/deltah2
+ if (ix==idim) then
+ zt(k) = g(sone,y,z)*(-val(icoeff)) + zt(k)
+ else
+ call ijk2idx(icol(icoeff),ix+1,iy,iz,idim,idim,idim)
+ irow(icoeff) = glob_row
+ icoeff = icoeff+1
+ endif
+ end do
+ call psb_spins(icoeff-1,irow,icol,val,a,desc_a,info)
+ if(info /= psb_success_) exit
+ call psb_geins(ib,myidx(ii:ii+ib-1),zt(1:ib),bv,desc_a,info)
+ if(info /= psb_success_) exit
+ zt(:)=szero
+ call psb_geins(ib,myidx(ii:ii+ib-1),zt(1:ib),xv,desc_a,info)
+ if(info /= psb_success_) exit
+ end do
+ end block
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
t1 = psb_wtime()
if (info == psb_success_) then
@@ -609,6 +718,7 @@ contains
write(psb_out_unit,'("-total time : ",es12.5)') ttot
end if
+ deallocate(val,irow,icol)
call psb_erractionrestore(err_act)
@@ -616,8 +726,15 @@ contains
end subroutine psb_s_gen_pde3d
+ function outside(i,j,k,bndx,bndy,bndz,iamx,iamy,iamz) result(res)
+ logical :: res
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: i,j,k,iamx,iamy,iamz
+ integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: bndx(0:),bndy(0:),bndz(0:)
+ res = (i=bndx(iamx+1)) &
+ & .or.(j=bndy(iamy+1)) &
+ & .or.(k=bndz(iamz+1))
+ end function outside
end module psb_s_pde3d_mod
program psb_s_pde3d
From 0b19adab3c242d3d85614e0d2a27fafa8f283a17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 19:12:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/69] Round of fixes for matrix remote build. Something still
base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90 | 147 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90 | 8 +-
base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 | 36 +++++---
base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 | 6 +-
base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90 | 147 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90 | 8 +-
base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 | 36 +++++---
base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 | 6 +-
base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90 | 147 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90 | 8 +-
base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 | 36 +++++---
base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 | 6 +-
base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90 | 147 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90 | 8 +-
base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 | 36 +++++---
base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 | 6 +-
test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 | 4 +-
test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90 | 4 +-
18 files changed, 464 insertions(+), 332 deletions(-)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90
index acd2ba6e..fcccd26d 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_c_remote_mat.F90
@@ -98,20 +98,19 @@ Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
- & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:), sdsi(:), rvsi(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
- integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
- name='psb_csphalo'
+ name='psb_c_remote_mat'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call b%free()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ Allocate(rvsz(np),sdsz(np),sdsi(np),rvsi(np),brvindx(np+1),&
+ & bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -140,71 +139,94 @@ Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
end if
- nz = a%get_nzeros()
- allocate(ila(nz))
- write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
- call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
- nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
- call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
- if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
- & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
- call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
- sdsz(:)=0
- rvsz(:)=0
- ipx = 1
- brvindx(ipx) = 0
- bsdindx(ipx) = 0
- counter=1
- idx = 0
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (iprc(i) >=0) then
- sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
- else
- write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
- end if
- end do
- call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
- & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
- if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
- info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
- call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
- goto 9999
- end if
- write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
- nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
- nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- counter = 1
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
- lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
- lnc = a%get_ncols()
- call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ sdsi(:)=0
+ rvsi(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(:) = 0
+ bsdindx(:) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ !write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ Do proc=0,np-1
+ bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
+ idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
+ brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
+ idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
+ Enddo
+ iszs = sum(sdsz)
+ iszr = sum(rvsz)
+ call acoo%allocate(desc_a%get_global_rows(),desc_a%get_global_cols(),iszr)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ write(0,*) 'Error from acoo%allocate '
+ info = 4010
+ goto 9999
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' iasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' jasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' valsnd: ',info
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
+ do k=1, nz
+ proc = iprc(k)
+ sdsi(proc+1) = sdsi(proc+1) + 1
+ !rvsi(proc) = rvsi(proc) + 1
+ iasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ia(k)
+ jasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ja(k)
+ valsnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%val(k)
+ end do
+ do proc=0,np-1
+ if (sdsi(proc+1) /= sdsz(proc+1)) &
+ & write(0,*) me,name,'Send mismacth ',sdsi(proc+1),sdsz(proc+1)
+ end do
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
@@ -218,7 +240,7 @@ Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_c_spk_,&
& acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_c_spk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
@@ -239,10 +261,9 @@ Subroutine psb_lc_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
+ call acoo%set_nzeros(iszr)
call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
index 379cb935..286bb4a0 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspalloc.f90
@@ -114,16 +114,16 @@ subroutine psb_cspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
goto 9999
end if
- write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
- & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+!!$ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+!!$ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
a%remote_build = bldmode_
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
index 4904d336..99c8990e 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
@@ -106,26 +106,38 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
! First case: we come from a fresh build.
- n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
- n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
- call a%set_nrows(n_row)
- call a%set_ncols(n_col)
- end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
type(psb_lc_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:), jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz, nzt,k
call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
- end block
+ nz = a_add%get_nzeros()
+!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
+ nzt = nz
+ call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
+ if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nz > 0) then
+ !
+ ! Should we check for new indices here?
+ !
+ call psb_realloc(nz,ila,info)
+ call psb_realloc(nz,jla,info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(a_add%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l_ins(a_add%ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
+ n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
+ n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
+ end if
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
index 6c050b0c..553e3e3d 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspins.F90
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ subroutine psb_cspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
do i=1,nz
if (ila(i)<0) then
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
+ lila(k) = ia(i)
+ ljla(k) = ja(i)
+ lval(k) = val(i)
end if
end do
if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90
index 3e35970a..290a6f3d 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_d_remote_mat.F90
@@ -98,20 +98,19 @@ Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
- & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:), sdsi(:), rvsi(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
- integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
- name='psb_dsphalo'
+ name='psb_d_remote_mat'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call b%free()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ Allocate(rvsz(np),sdsz(np),sdsi(np),rvsi(np),brvindx(np+1),&
+ & bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -140,71 +139,94 @@ Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
end if
- nz = a%get_nzeros()
- allocate(ila(nz))
- write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
- call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
- nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
- call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
- if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
- & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
- call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
- sdsz(:)=0
- rvsz(:)=0
- ipx = 1
- brvindx(ipx) = 0
- bsdindx(ipx) = 0
- counter=1
- idx = 0
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (iprc(i) >=0) then
- sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
- else
- write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
- end if
- end do
- call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
- & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
- if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
- info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
- call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
- goto 9999
- end if
- write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
- nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
- nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- counter = 1
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
- lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
- lnc = a%get_ncols()
- call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ sdsi(:)=0
+ rvsi(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(:) = 0
+ bsdindx(:) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ !write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ Do proc=0,np-1
+ bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
+ idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
+ brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
+ idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
+ Enddo
+ iszs = sum(sdsz)
+ iszr = sum(rvsz)
+ call acoo%allocate(desc_a%get_global_rows(),desc_a%get_global_cols(),iszr)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ write(0,*) 'Error from acoo%allocate '
+ info = 4010
+ goto 9999
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' iasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' jasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' valsnd: ',info
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
+ do k=1, nz
+ proc = iprc(k)
+ sdsi(proc+1) = sdsi(proc+1) + 1
+ !rvsi(proc) = rvsi(proc) + 1
+ iasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ia(k)
+ jasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ja(k)
+ valsnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%val(k)
+ end do
+ do proc=0,np-1
+ if (sdsi(proc+1) /= sdsz(proc+1)) &
+ & write(0,*) me,name,'Send mismacth ',sdsi(proc+1),sdsz(proc+1)
+ end do
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
@@ -218,7 +240,7 @@ Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_r_dpk_,&
& acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_r_dpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
@@ -239,10 +261,9 @@ Subroutine psb_ld_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
+ call acoo%set_nzeros(iszr)
call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
index 3d945274..781a3abf 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspalloc.f90
@@ -114,16 +114,16 @@ subroutine psb_dspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
goto 9999
end if
- write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
- & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+!!$ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+!!$ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
a%remote_build = bldmode_
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
index bc66eb11..c9d3cd08 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
@@ -106,26 +106,38 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
! First case: we come from a fresh build.
- n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
- n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
- call a%set_nrows(n_row)
- call a%set_ncols(n_col)
- end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
type(psb_ld_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:), jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz, nzt,k
call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
- end block
+ nz = a_add%get_nzeros()
+!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
+ nzt = nz
+ call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
+ if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nz > 0) then
+ !
+ ! Should we check for new indices here?
+ !
+ call psb_realloc(nz,ila,info)
+ call psb_realloc(nz,jla,info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(a_add%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l_ins(a_add%ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
+ n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
+ n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
+ end if
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
index 06276fa8..064b816c 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspins.F90
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ subroutine psb_dspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
do i=1,nz
if (ila(i)<0) then
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
+ lila(k) = ia(i)
+ ljla(k) = ja(i)
+ lval(k) = val(i)
end if
end do
if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90
index 0a78d2b6..26b12652 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_s_remote_mat.F90
@@ -98,20 +98,19 @@ Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
- & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:), sdsi(:), rvsi(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
real(psb_spk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
- integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
- name='psb_ssphalo'
+ name='psb_s_remote_mat'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call b%free()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ Allocate(rvsz(np),sdsz(np),sdsi(np),rvsi(np),brvindx(np+1),&
+ & bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -140,71 +139,94 @@ Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
end if
- nz = a%get_nzeros()
- allocate(ila(nz))
- write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
- call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
- nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
- call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
- if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
- & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
- call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
- sdsz(:)=0
- rvsz(:)=0
- ipx = 1
- brvindx(ipx) = 0
- bsdindx(ipx) = 0
- counter=1
- idx = 0
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (iprc(i) >=0) then
- sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
- else
- write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
- end if
- end do
- call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
- & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
- if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
- info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
- call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
- goto 9999
- end if
- write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
- nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
- nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- counter = 1
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
- lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
- lnc = a%get_ncols()
- call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ sdsi(:)=0
+ rvsi(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(:) = 0
+ bsdindx(:) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ !write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ Do proc=0,np-1
+ bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
+ idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
+ brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
+ idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
+ Enddo
+ iszs = sum(sdsz)
+ iszr = sum(rvsz)
+ call acoo%allocate(desc_a%get_global_rows(),desc_a%get_global_cols(),iszr)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ write(0,*) 'Error from acoo%allocate '
+ info = 4010
+ goto 9999
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' iasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' jasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' valsnd: ',info
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
+ do k=1, nz
+ proc = iprc(k)
+ sdsi(proc+1) = sdsi(proc+1) + 1
+ !rvsi(proc) = rvsi(proc) + 1
+ iasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ia(k)
+ jasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ja(k)
+ valsnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%val(k)
+ end do
+ do proc=0,np-1
+ if (sdsi(proc+1) /= sdsz(proc+1)) &
+ & write(0,*) me,name,'Send mismacth ',sdsi(proc+1),sdsz(proc+1)
+ end do
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
@@ -218,7 +240,7 @@ Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_r_spk_,&
& acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_r_spk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
@@ -239,10 +261,9 @@ Subroutine psb_ls_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
+ call acoo%set_nzeros(iszr)
call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
index 2d79b0ba..14e784da 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspalloc.f90
@@ -114,16 +114,16 @@ subroutine psb_sspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
goto 9999
end if
- write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
- & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+!!$ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+!!$ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
a%remote_build = bldmode_
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
index fa9a2a49..9249c59c 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
@@ -106,26 +106,38 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
! First case: we come from a fresh build.
- n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
- n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
- call a%set_nrows(n_row)
- call a%set_ncols(n_col)
- end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
type(psb_ls_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:), jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz, nzt,k
call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
- end block
+ nz = a_add%get_nzeros()
+!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
+ nzt = nz
+ call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
+ if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nz > 0) then
+ !
+ ! Should we check for new indices here?
+ !
+ call psb_realloc(nz,ila,info)
+ call psb_realloc(nz,jla,info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(a_add%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l_ins(a_add%ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
+ n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
+ n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
+ end if
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
index c4abb9f6..e49e7423 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspins.F90
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ subroutine psb_sspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
do i=1,nz
if (ila(i)<0) then
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
+ lila(k) = ia(i)
+ ljla(k) = ja(i)
+ lval(k) = val(i)
end if
end do
if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90 b/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90
index 1acc57b2..7b2ade7c 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_z_remote_mat.F90
@@ -98,20 +98,19 @@ Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: nnp, nrcvs, nsnds
integer(psb_mpk_) :: icomm, minfo
integer(psb_mpk_), allocatable :: brvindx(:), &
- & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:)
+ & rvsz(:), bsdindx(:),sdsz(:), sdsi(:), rvsi(:)
integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iasnd(:), jasnd(:)
complex(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: valsnd(:)
type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat), allocatable :: acoo
- integer(psb_ipk_), pointer :: idxv(:)
class(psb_i_base_vect_type), pointer :: pdxv
- integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipdxv(:), ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ladj(:), ila(:), iprc(:)
logical :: rowcnv_,colcnv_,rowscale_,colscale_
character(len=5) :: outfmt_
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit, err_act
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
- name='psb_zsphalo'
+ name='psb_z_remote_mat'
call psb_erractionsave(err_act)
if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
info = psb_err_internal_error_ ; goto 9999
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call b%free()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
+ Allocate(rvsz(np),sdsz(np),sdsi(np),rvsi(np),brvindx(np+1),&
+ & bsdindx(np+1), acoo,stat=info)
if (info /= psb_success_) then
@@ -140,71 +139,94 @@ Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
end if
- nz = a%get_nzeros()
- allocate(ila(nz))
- write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
- call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
- nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
- call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
- if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
- & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
- call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
+ nz = a%get_nzeros()
+ allocate(ila(nz))
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' size :',nz,size(ila)
+ call desc_a%g2l(a%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.false.)
+ nouth = count(ila(1:nz)<0)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Count out of halo :',nouth
+ call psb_max(ctxt,nouth)
+ if ((nouth/=0).and.(me==0)) &
+ & write(0,*) 'Warning: would require reinit of DESC_A'
- icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
- Allocate(brvindx(np+1),&
- & rvsz(np),sdsz(np),bsdindx(np+1), stat=info)
- sdsz(:)=0
- rvsz(:)=0
- ipx = 1
- brvindx(ipx) = 0
- bsdindx(ipx) = 0
- counter=1
- idx = 0
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- do i=1,nz
- if (iprc(i) >=0) then
- sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
- else
- write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
- end if
- end do
- call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
- & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
- if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
- info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
- call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
- goto 9999
- end if
- write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
- nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
- nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
- idxs = 0
- idxr = 0
- counter = 1
+ call psi_graph_fnd_owner(a%ia(1:nz),iprc,ladj,desc_a%indxmap,info)
+ call psb_msort_unique(ladj,nnp)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Processes:',ladj(1:nnp)
- lnnz = max(iszr,iszs,lone)
- lnc = a%get_ncols()
- call acoo%allocate(lnr,lnc,lnnz)
+ icomm = desc_a%get_mpic()
+ sdsz(:)=0
+ rvsz(:)=0
+ sdsi(:)=0
+ rvsi(:)=0
+ ipx = 1
+ brvindx(:) = 0
+ bsdindx(:) = 0
+ counter=1
+ idx = 0
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ do i=1,nz
+ if (iprc(i) >=0) then
+ sdsz(iprc(i)+1) = sdsz(iprc(i)+1) +1
+ else
+ write(0,*)me,name,' Error from fnd_owner: ',iprc(i)
+ end if
+ end do
+ call mpi_alltoall(sdsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,&
+ & rvsz,1,psb_mpi_mpk_,icomm,minfo)
+ if (minfo /= psb_success_) then
+ info=psb_err_from_subroutine_
+ call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='mpi_alltoall')
+ goto 9999
+ end if
+ !write(0,*)me,name,' sdsz ',sdsz(:),' rvsz:',rvsz(:)
+ nsnds = count(sdsz /= 0)
+ nrcvs = count(rvsz /= 0)
+ idxs = 0
+ idxr = 0
+ counter = 1
+ Do proc=0,np-1
+ bsdindx(proc+1) = idxs
+ idxs = idxs + sdsz(proc+1)
+ brvindx(proc+1) = idxr
+ idxr = idxr + rvsz(proc+1)
+ Enddo
+ iszs = sum(sdsz)
+ iszr = sum(rvsz)
+ call acoo%allocate(desc_a%get_global_rows(),desc_a%get_global_cols(),iszr)
+ if (psb_errstatus_fatal()) then
+ write(0,*) 'Error from acoo%allocate '
+ info = 4010
+ goto 9999
+ end if
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
& write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': Sizes:',acoo%get_size(),&
& ' Send:',sdsz(:),' Receive:',rvsz(:)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),': ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),iasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' iasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),jasnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' jasnd: ',info
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_ensure_size(max(iszs,1),valsnd,info)
+ !write(debug_unit,*) me,' ',trim(name),' valsnd: ',info
if (info /= psb_success_) then
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='ensure_size')
goto 9999
end if
+ do k=1, nz
+ proc = iprc(k)
+ sdsi(proc+1) = sdsi(proc+1) + 1
+ !rvsi(proc) = rvsi(proc) + 1
+ iasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ia(k)
+ jasnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%ja(k)
+ valsnd(bsdindx(proc+1)+sdsi(proc+1)) = a%val(k)
+ end do
+ do proc=0,np-1
+ if (sdsi(proc+1) /= sdsz(proc+1)) &
+ & write(0,*) me,name,'Send mismacth ',sdsi(proc+1),sdsz(proc+1)
+ end do
select case(psb_get_sp_a2av_alg())
@@ -218,7 +240,7 @@ Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
if (info == psb_success_) call psb_simple_a2av(jasnd,sdsz,bsdindx,&
& acoo%ja,rvsz,brvindx,ctxt,info)
call mpi_alltoallv(valsnd,sdsz,bsdindx,psb_mpi_c_dpk_,&
& acoo%val,rvsz,brvindx,psb_mpi_c_dpk_,icomm,minfo)
if (minfo == mpi_success) &
@@ -239,10 +261,9 @@ Subroutine psb_lz_remote_mat(a,desc_a,b,info)
call psb_errpush(info,name,a_err='alltoallv')
goto 9999
end if
+ call acoo%set_nzeros(iszr)
call acoo%mv_to_coo(b,info)
& iasnd,jasnd,valsnd,stat=info)
if (debug_level >= psb_debug_outer_)&
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
index 1d76d66c..3b0fc7d2 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspalloc.f90
@@ -114,16 +114,16 @@ subroutine psb_zspalloc(a, desc_a, info, nnz, bldmode)
goto 9999
end if
- write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
- & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
+!!$ write(0,*) name,'Setting a%remote_build ',&
+!!$ & bldmode_,psb_matbld_noremote_,psb_matbld_remote_
a%remote_build = bldmode_
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_noremote_ nothing needed'
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
+ !write(0,*) name,' matbld_remote_ start '
nnzrmt_ = max(100,(nnz_/100))
call a%rmta%allocate(m,n,nnzrmt_)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
index 67353739..d92daa2c 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
@@ -106,26 +106,38 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
! First case: we come from a fresh build.
- n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
- n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
- call a%set_nrows(n_row)
- call a%set_ncols(n_col)
- end if
- if (a%is_bld()) then
select case(a%remote_build)
case (psb_matbld_noremote_)
! nothing needed
case (psb_matbld_remote_)
- write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Size of rmta:',a%rmta%get_nzeros()
type(psb_lz_coo_sparse_mat) :: a_add
+ integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ila(:), jla(:)
+ integer(psb_ipk_) :: nz, nzt,k
call psb_remote_mat(a%rmta,desc_a,a_add,info)
- end block
+ nz = a_add%get_nzeros()
+!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
+ nzt = nz
+ call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
+ if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nz > 0) then
+ !
+ ! Should we check for new indices here?
+ !
+ call psb_realloc(nz,ila,info)
+ call psb_realloc(nz,jla,info)
+ call desc_a%indxmap%g2l(a_add%ia(1:nz),ila(1:nz),info,owned=.true.)
+ if (info == 0) call desc_a%indxmap%g2l_ins(a_add%ja(1:nz),jla(1:nz),info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
+ n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
+ n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
+ !write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
+ end if
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ end block
end select
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90 b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
index 2a654e14..835a4d04 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspins.F90
@@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ subroutine psb_zspins(nz,ia,ja,val,a,desc_a,info,rebuild,local)
do i=1,nz
if (ila(i)<0) then
- lila(k) = ia(k)
- ljla(k) = ja(k)
- lval(k) = val(k)
+ lila(k) = ia(i)
+ ljla(k) = ja(i)
+ lval(k) = val(i)
end if
end do
if (k /= nnl) write(0,*) name,' Wrong conversion?',k,nnl
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
index 483e6d9c..2384d410 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_d_pde3d.F90
@@ -679,9 +679,9 @@ contains
t1 = psb_wtime()
if (info == psb_success_) then
if (present(amold)) then
- call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_err_,mold=amold)
+ call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_add_,mold=amold)
- call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_err_,afmt=afmt)
+ call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_add_,afmt=afmt)
end if
end if
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
diff --git a/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90 b/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
index b27f8818..96dbd5db 100644
--- a/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
+++ b/test/pargen/psb_s_pde3d.F90
@@ -679,9 +679,9 @@ contains
t1 = psb_wtime()
if (info == psb_success_) then
if (present(amold)) then
- call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_err_,mold=amold)
+ call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_add_,mold=amold)
- call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_err_,afmt=afmt)
+ call psb_spasb(a,desc_a,info,dupl=psb_dupl_add_,afmt=afmt)
end if
end if
call psb_barrier(ctxt)
From 7d150e2eca2eea0cfabea3757eb3cfa4f7b453d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 18:34:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/69] Fix assembly procedure for remote build
base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 | 1 +
base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 | 1 +
base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 | 1 +
base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 | 1 +
4 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
index 99c8990e..6cec5fa7 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end block
end select
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
index c9d3cd08..422a8661 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end block
end select
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
index 9249c59c..d6de2136 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end block
end select
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
index d92daa2c..b343426d 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
end block
end select
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%cscnv(info,type=afmt,dupl=dupl, mold=mold)
else if (a%is_upd()) then
From 4a7f9d786d60746547e2249bd1f8409b6b818ac8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 09:10:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/69] Keep track of inner integer class for descriptor
base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 | 9 +++++++--
base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 | 9 +++++++--
base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 | 9 +++++++--
base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 | 9 +++++++--
4 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
index 6cec5fa7..390bdcaf 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_cspasb.f90
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: n_row,n_col
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), allocatable :: ivm
info = psb_success_
name = 'psb_spasb'
@@ -120,7 +121,10 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
nzt = nz
call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
- if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nzt>0) then
+ allocate(ivm, mold=desc_a%v_halo_index%v)
+ call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ end if
if (nz > 0) then
! Should we check for new indices here?
@@ -132,10 +136,11 @@ subroutine psb_cspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
end if
- if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info,mold=ivm)
end block
end select
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
index 422a8661..d82f5efe 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_dspasb.f90
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: n_row,n_col
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), allocatable :: ivm
info = psb_success_
name = 'psb_spasb'
@@ -120,7 +121,10 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
nzt = nz
call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
- if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nzt>0) then
+ allocate(ivm, mold=desc_a%v_halo_index%v)
+ call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ end if
if (nz > 0) then
! Should we check for new indices here?
@@ -132,10 +136,11 @@ subroutine psb_dspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
end if
- if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info,mold=ivm)
end block
end select
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
index d6de2136..87372d01 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_sspasb.f90
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: n_row,n_col
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), allocatable :: ivm
info = psb_success_
name = 'psb_spasb'
@@ -120,7 +121,10 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
nzt = nz
call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
- if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nzt>0) then
+ allocate(ivm, mold=desc_a%v_halo_index%v)
+ call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ end if
if (nz > 0) then
! Should we check for new indices here?
@@ -132,10 +136,11 @@ subroutine psb_sspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
end if
- if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info,mold=ivm)
end block
end select
diff --git a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90 b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
index b343426d..9c42ae85 100644
--- a/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
+++ b/base/tools/psb_zspasb.f90
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
integer(psb_ipk_) :: n_row,n_col
integer(psb_ipk_) :: debug_level, debug_unit
character(len=20) :: name, ch_err
+ class(psb_i_base_vect_type), allocatable :: ivm
info = psb_success_
name = 'psb_spasb'
@@ -120,7 +121,10 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!!$ write(0,*) me,name,' Nz to be added',nz
nzt = nz
call psb_sum(ctxt,nzt)
- if (nzt>0) call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ if (nzt>0) then
+ allocate(ivm, mold=desc_a%v_halo_index%v)
+ call psb_cd_reinit(desc_a, info)
+ end if
if (nz > 0) then
! Should we check for new indices here?
@@ -132,10 +136,11 @@ subroutine psb_zspasb(a,desc_a, info, afmt, upd, dupl, mold)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check before insert',a%get_nzeros()
n_row = desc_a%get_local_rows()
n_col = desc_a%get_local_cols()
+ call a%set_ncols(desc_a%get_local_cols())
call a%csput(nz,ila,jla,a_add%val,ione,n_row,ione,n_col,info)
!write(0,*) me,name,' Check after insert',a%get_nzeros(),nz
end if
- if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info)
+ if (nzt > 0) call psb_cdasb(desc_a,info,mold=ivm)
end block
end select
From fef69bf799088d1ad42e1eac44b845ebc3f735ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Salvatore Filippone
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 16:54:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/69] Update docs for remote build.
docs/html/index.html | 2 +-
docs/html/userhtml.html | 2 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu36.html | 35 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu37.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu38.html | 27 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu39.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu40.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu41.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu42.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu43.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu44.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu45.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu46.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu47.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu48.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu49.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu50.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu51.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu52.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu53.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu54.html | 14 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu55.html | 12 +-
docs/html/userhtmlsu56.html | 16 +-
docs/psblas-3.7.pdf | 3101 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
docs/src/toolsrout.tex | 19 +-
docs/src/userguide.tex | 4 +-
docs/src/userhtml.tex | 2 +-
27 files changed, 1753 insertions(+), 1693 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/html/index.html b/docs/html/index.html
index 2906d9ce..ece52ac5 100644
--- a/docs/html/index.html
+++ b/docs/html/index.html
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class="cmbx-10">Salvatore Filippone
Alfredo Buttari
Software version:
May 11th, 2021
+class="newline" />Feb 14th, 2022
diff --git a/docs/html/userhtml.html b/docs/html/userhtml.html
index 2906d9ce..ece52ac5 100644
--- a/docs/html/userhtml.html
+++ b/docs/html/userhtml.html
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class="cmbx-10">Salvatore Filippone
Alfredo Buttari
Software version:
May 11th, 2021
+class="newline" />Feb 14th, 2022
diff --git a/docs/html/userhtmlsu36.html b/docs/html/userhtmlsu36.html
index 9616adcb..dfb56550 100644
--- a/docs/html/userhtmlsu36.html
+++ b/docs/html/userhtmlsu36.html
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ href="userhtmlsu32.html#userhtmlsu39.html" >up]
-call psb_spall(a, desc_a, info, nnz)
+call psb_spall(a, desc_a, info, nnz, buildmode)
@@ -61,8 +61,25 @@ class="newline" />Type: optional.
Intent: in.
Specified as: an integer value.
+class="newline" />Specified as: an integer value.
+buildmode Whether to keep track of matrix entries that do not belong to the
+ current process.
Scope: global.
Type: optional.
Intent: in.
Specified as:
+ an integer value psb_matbld_noremote_, psb_matbld_remote_. Default:
+ psb_matbld_noremote_.
On Return
- psb_Tspmat_type.
- required
Intent: out.
An integer value; 0 means no error has been detected.
- On exit from this routine the sparse matrix is in the build state.
- The descriptor may be in either the build or assembled state.
@@ -117,12 +134,12 @@ class="cmmi-10">nnz
in the