# This is Make.inc file generated automatically by the PSBLAS configure script. # It should be ready to use, included by Makefile. # If it gives problems, consider editing it. # These lines are quite portable. .mod=.mod .fh=.fh .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .f90 .F90 .f .F .c .o # The following ones are the variables used by the PSBLAS make scripts. FC=caf CC=mpicc FCOPT=-g -O3 CCOPT=-g -O3 FMFLAG=-I FIFLAG=-I EXTRA_OPT= # These three should be always set! MPFC=caf MPCC=mpicc FLINK=$(MPFC) LIBS= # BLAS, BLACS and METIS libraries. BLAS=-lcblas -lf77blas -latlas -L/opt/atlas/3.8.4/gnu/7.1.0/lib METIS_LIB=-lmetis -L/opt/parmetis/4.0.3/mpich/3.2.0/gnu/7.1.0/Lib -L/opt/parmetis/4.0.3/mpich/3.2.0/gnu/7.1.0/lib AMD_LIB= LAPACK=-llapack EXTRA_COBJS= PSBFDEFINES=-DHAVE_METIS -DHAVE_LAPACK -DHAVE_MOLD -DHAVE_EXTENDS_TYPE_OF -DHAVE_SAME_TYPE_AS -DHAVE_FINAL -DHAVE_ISO_FORTRAN_ENV -DHAVE_FLUSH_STMT -DHAVE_VOLATILE -DMPI_MOD PSBCDEFINES=-DHAVE_METIS_ -I/opt/parmetis/4.0.3/mpich/3.2.0/gnu/7.1.0/include -I/opt/parmetis/4.0.3/mpich/3.2.0/gnu/7.1.0/Include -DLowerUnderscore -DPtr64Bits AR=ar -cur RANLIB=ranlib INSTALL=/usr/bin/install -c INSTALL_DATA=${INSTALL} -m 644 INSTALL_DIR=/opt/psblas/CAF/7.1.0-csr INSTALL_LIBDIR=/opt/psblas/CAF/7.1.0-csr/lib INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=/opt/psblas/CAF/7.1.0-csr/include INSTALL_DOCSDIR=/opt/psblas/CAF/7.1.0-csr/docs INSTALL_SAMPLESDIR=/opt/psblas/CAF/7.1.0-csr/samples # the following is the flag for /bin/cp which shall copy the file only for updating (timestamp based)--on GNU Linux, '-u' CPUPDFLAG= LIBDIR=lib RSB_LIBS= BASELIBNAME=libpsb_base.a PRECLIBNAME=libpsb_prec.a METHDLIBNAME=libpsb_krylov.a UTILLIBNAME=libpsb_util.a BASEMODNAME=psb_base_mod PRECMODNAME=psb_prec_mod METHDMODNAME=psb_krylov_mod UTILMODNAME=psb_util_mod PSBLDLIBS=$(LAPACK) $(BLAS) $(METIS_LIB) $(AMD_LIB) $(LIBS) CDEFINES=$(PSBCDEFINES) FDEFINES=$(PSBFDEFINES) # These should be portable rules, arent they? .c.o: $(CC) $(CCOPT) $(CINCLUDES) $(CDEFINES) -c $< -o $@ .f90.o: $(FC) $(FCOPT) $(FINCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ .F90.o: $(FC) $(FCOPT) $(FINCLUDES) $(FDEFINES) -c $< -o $@