/* * Sp3MM_for_AlgebraicMultiGrid * (C) Copyright 2021-2022 * Andrea Di Iorio * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the Sp3MM_for_AlgebraicMultiGrid or the names of its contributors may * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE Sp3MM_for_AlgebraicMultiGrid GROUP OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*#pragma message( "compiling SpMM_CSR_OMP_Generic.c with OFF_F as:" STR(OFF_F) )*/ #ifndef OFF_F #error generic implementation requires OFF_F defined #endif #ifndef SP3MM_OMP_SYMB #define SP3MM_OMP_SYMB //allocCSRSpMatSymbStep aux function for IRP set by symb step output static inline idx_t _setCSR_IRP_1DPartitioing(spmat* m, idx_t* rowSizes){ idx_t r,cumulSize; for (r=0,cumulSize=0; rM; cumulSize += rowSizes[r++]) m->IRP[r] = cumulSize; DEBUGCHECKS assert(cumulSize == rowSizes[m->M]); m->IRP[m->M] = cumulSize; return cumulSize; } static inline idx_t _setCSR_IRP_2DPartitioing(spmat* m,idx_t* rowSizes,ushort gridCols){ idx_t cumulSize=0; for (idx_t r=0,cumulSizeOld; rM; r++){ m->IRP[r] = cumulSize; for (ushort gc=0; gcM*gridCols]); m->IRP[m->M] = cumulSize; return cumulSize; } /* * allocate CSR mat @m, setting up correctly IRP and other buffers allocations * if @gridCols == 1: (1D partitioning of @m) -> @rowsSizes will be an array of row lenghts * if @gridCols > 1: (2D partitioning of @m) -> @rowsSizes will be a matrix with * elem i,j = len of j-th colPartition (out of @gridCols) of i-th row */ static inline int allocCSRSpMatSymbStep(spmat* m,idx_t* rowSizes,ushort gridCols){ //setup IRP and get cumul, whole size of @m if (!gridCols) return EXIT_FAILURE; idx_t cumulSize; if (gridCols == 1) cumulSize = _setCSR_IRP_1DPartitioing(m,rowSizes); /*if (gridCols > 1} -- static analizer miss unsignedness...*/ else cumulSize = _setCSR_IRP_2DPartitioing(m,rowSizes,gridCols); m->IRP[m->M] = cumulSize; m->NZ = cumulSize; if (!(m->AS = malloc(rowSizes[m->M] * sizeof(*m->AS))) ){ ERRPRINT("allocCSRSpMatSymbStep m->AS malloc errd\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!(m->JA = malloc(rowSizes[m->M] * sizeof(*m->JA))) ){ ERRPRINT("allocCSRSpMatSymbStep m->JA malloc errd\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif //////////////////// COMPUTE CORE Sp[3]MM SYMB-NUMB PHASE ////////////////////////// ////////Sp3MM as 2 x SpMM ///1D spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow_SymbNum_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){ ACC_DENSE *accVects = NULL,*acc; SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL; idx_t* rowsSizes = NULL; ///init AB matrix with SPMM heuristic preallocation spmat* AB = allocSpMatrix(A->M,B->N); if (!AB) goto _err; ///aux structures alloc if (!(accVects = _initAccVectors(cfg->threadNum,AB->N))){ ERRPRINT("accVects init failed\n"); goto _err; } ///SYMBOLIC STEP if (!(rowsSizes = CAT(SpMM_Symb___,OFF_F) (cfg->symbMMRowImplID, A,B))) goto _err; if (allocCSRSpMatSymbStep(AB,rowsSizes,1)) goto _err; ///NUMERIC STEP ((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (AB->M,AB,cfg); AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime(); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) private(acc) for (idx_t r=0; rM; r++){ //row-by-row formulation acc = accVects + omp_get_thread_num(); _resetAccVect(acc); //rezero for the next A row //for each A's row nnz, accumulate scalar vector product nnz.val * B[nnz.col] /* direct use of sparse scalar vector multiplication for (idx_t ja=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F,ca,jb,bRowLen; jaIRP[r+1]-OFF_F; ja++){ ca = A->JA[ja] - OFF_F; jb = B->IRP[ca] - OFF_F; bRowLen = B->IRP[ca+1] - B->IRP[ca]; CAT(scSparseVectMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[ja], B->AS+jb,B->JA+jb,bRowLen,acc); } */ for (idx_t ja=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; jaIRP[r+1]-OFF_F; ja++) //row-by-row formul CAT(scSparseRowMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[ja], B, A->JA[ja]-OFF_F, acc); //direct sparsify: trasform accumulated dense vector to a CSR row sparsifyDirect(acc,AB,r); //0,NULL);TODO COL PARTITIONING COMMON API } #if OFF_F != 0 C_FortranShiftIdxs(AB); #endif AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES End=omp_get_wtime(); DEBUG checkOverallocPercent(rowsSizes,AB); goto _free; _err: if(AB) freeSpmat(AB); AB=NULL; //nothing'll be returned _free: free(rowsSizes); if(accVects) freeAccsDense(accVects,cfg->threadNum); if(outAccumul) freeSpMMAcc(outAccumul); return AB; } spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow1DBlocks_SymbNum_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){ ACC_DENSE *accVects = NULL,*acc; SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL; idx_t* rowsSizes = NULL; ///init AB matrix with SPMM heuristic preallocation spmat* AB = allocSpMatrix(A->M,B->N); if (!AB) goto _err; ///aux structures alloc if (!(accVects = _initAccVectors(cfg->threadNum,AB->N))){ ERRPRINT("accVects init failed\n"); goto _err; } ///SYMBOLIC STEP if (!(rowsSizes = CAT(SpMM_Symb___,OFF_F) (cfg->symbMMRowImplID, A,B))) goto _err; if (allocCSRSpMatSymbStep(AB,rowsSizes,1)) goto _err; ///NUMERIC STEP //perform Gustavson over rows blocks -> M / @cfg->gridRows idx_t rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows; ((CHUNKS_DISTR_INTERF) cfg->chunkDistrbFunc) (cfg->gridRows,AB,cfg); AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES Start=omp_get_wtime(); idx_t b,startRow,block; //omp for aux vars #pragma omp parallel for schedule(runtime) private(acc,startRow,block) for (b=0; b < cfg->gridRows; b++){ block = UNIF_REMINDER_DISTRI(b,rowBlock,rowBlockRem); startRow = UNIF_REMINDER_DISTRI_STARTIDX(b,rowBlock,rowBlockRem); for (idx_t r=startRow; rIRP[r]-OFF_F,ca,jb,bRowLen; jaIRP[r+1]-OFF_F; ja++){ ca = A->JA[ja] - OFF_F; jb = B->IRP[ca] - OFF_F; bRowLen = B->IRP[ca+1] - B->IRP[ca]; CAT(scSparseVectMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[ja], B->AS+jb,B->JA+jb,bRowLen,acc); } */ for (idx_t ja=A->IRP[r]-OFF_F; jaIRP[r+1]-OFF_F; ja++) //row-by-row formul CAT(scSparseRowMul_,OFF_F)(A->AS[ja], B, A->JA[ja]-OFF_F, acc); //direct sparsify: trasform accumulated dense vector to a CSR row sparsifyDirect(acc,AB,r); //0,NULL);TODO COL PARTITIONING COMMON API } } #if OFF_F != 0 C_FortranShiftIdxs(AB); #endif AUDIT_INTERNAL_TIMES End=omp_get_wtime(); DEBUG checkOverallocPercent(rowsSizes,AB); goto _free; _err: if(AB) freeSpmat(AB); AB=NULL; //nothing'll be returned _free: if(rowsSizes) free(rowsSizes); if(accVects) freeAccsDense(accVects,cfg->threadNum); if(outAccumul) freeSpMMAcc(outAccumul); return AB; } spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocks_SymbNum_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){ DEBUG printf("spmm\trowBlocks of A ,\tcolBlocks of B\tM=%dxN=%d\n",A->M,B->N); idx_t* bColOffsets = NULL; //B group columns starting offset for each row ACC_DENSE *accVectors=NULL,*accV; SPACC* accRowPart; spmat* AB = allocSpMatrix(A->M,B->N); SPMM_ACC* outAccumul=NULL; idx_t *rowsPartsSizes=NULL, *rowSizes=NULL; //for rows' cols partition, correct len if (!AB) goto _err; //2D indexing aux vars idx_t gridSize=cfg->gridRows*cfg->gridCols, aSubRowsN=A->M*cfg->gridCols; idx_t _rowBlock = AB->M/cfg->gridRows, _rowBlockRem = AB->M%cfg->gridRows; idx_t _colBlock = AB->N/cfg->gridCols, _colBlockRem = AB->N%cfg->gridCols; idx_t startRow,startCol,rowBlock,colBlock; //data division aux variables ////get bColOffsets for B column groups if (!(bColOffsets = CAT(colsOffsetsPartitioningUnifRanges_,OFF_F)(B,cfg->gridCols))) goto _err; ///TODO TODO _err: if (AB) freeSpmat(AB); AB = NULL; _free: free(rowsPartsSizes); free(bColOffsets); if (accVectors) freeAccsDense(accVectors,gridSize); if (outAccumul) freeSpMMAcc(outAccumul); return AB; } /* TODO ///2D //PARTITIONS NOT ALLOCATED spmat* CAT(spmmRowByRow2DBlocksAllocated_,OFF_F)(spmat* A,spmat* B, CONFIG* cfg){ ///SP3MM spmat* CAT(sp3mmRowByRowPair_,OFF_F)(spmat* R,spmat* AC,spmat* P,CONFIG* cfg,SPMM_INTERF spmm){ ////////Sp3MM direct ///1D spmat* CAT(sp3mmRowByRowMerged_,OFF_F)(spmat* R,spmat* AC,spmat* P,CONFIG* cfg,SPMM_INTERF spmm){ */