! ! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5 ! (C) Copyright 2006-2018 ! Salvatore Filippone ! Alfredo Buttari ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ! are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the ! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may ! not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ! software without specific written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ! ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ! TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ! PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PSBLAS GROUP OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS ! BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ! CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ! SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ! CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ! ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ! POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! program psb_df_sample use psb_base_mod use psb_prec_mod use psb_krylov_mod use psb_util_mod use getp use mpi implicit none ! input parameters character(len=40) :: kmethd, ptype, mtrx_file, rhs_file,renum ! sparse matrices type(psb_dspmat_type) :: a, aux_a ! preconditioner data type(psb_dprec_type) :: prec ! dense matrices real(psb_dpk_), allocatable, target :: aux_b(:,:), d(:) real(psb_dpk_), allocatable , save :: x_col_glob(:), r_col_glob(:) real(psb_dpk_), pointer :: b_col_glob(:) type(psb_d_vect_type) :: b_col, x_col, r_col ! communications data structure type(psb_desc_type):: desc_a integer(psb_ipk_) :: ictxt, me, np ! solver paramters integer(psb_ipk_) :: iter, itmax, ierr, itrace, ircode,& & methd, istopc, irst integer(psb_epk_) :: amatsize, precsize, descsize real(psb_dpk_) :: err, eps, cond character(len=5) :: afmt character(len=20) :: name, part character(len=2) :: filefmt integer(psb_ipk_), parameter :: iunit=12 integer(psb_ipk_) :: iparm(20) ! other variables integer(psb_ipk_) :: i,info,j,m_problem, err_act integer(psb_ipk_) :: internal, m,ii,nnzero real(psb_dpk_) :: t1, t2, tprec, t_low, t_high, t_mean, t_sum real(psb_dpk_) :: r_amax, b_amax, scale,resmx,resmxp integer(psb_ipk_) :: nrhs, nrow, n_row, dim, ne, nv, ncol integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ivg(:), perm(:) integer(psb_ipk_), allocatable :: ipv(:) character(len=40) :: fname, fnout ! persistant communication integer(psb_lpk_), allocatable :: iv(:) real(psb_dpk_), allocatable :: xa(:) integer(psb_lpk_) :: num_iterations call psb_init(ictxt) call psb_info(ictxt,me,np) if (me < 0) then ! This should not happen, but just in case call psb_exit(ictxt) stop endif name='psb_df_sample' if(psb_errstatus_fatal()) goto 9999 info=psb_success_ call psb_set_errverbosity(itwo) ! ! Hello world ! if (me == psb_root_) then write(*,*) 'Welcome to PSBLAS version: ',psb_version_string_ write(*,*) 'This is the ',trim(name),' sample program' end if ! ! get parameters ! call get_parms(ictxt,mtrx_file,rhs_file,filefmt,kmethd,ptype,& & part,afmt,istopc,itmax,itrace,irst,eps) call psb_barrier(ictxt) t1 = psb_wtime() ! read the input matrix to be processed and (possibly) the rhs nrhs = 1 if (me == psb_root_) then select case(psb_toupper(filefmt)) case('MM') ! For Matrix Market we have an input file for the matrix ! and an (optional) second file for the RHS. call mm_mat_read(aux_a,info,iunit=iunit,filename=mtrx_file) if (info == psb_success_) then if (rhs_file /= 'NONE') then call mm_array_read(aux_b,info,iunit=iunit,filename=rhs_file) end if end if case ('HB') ! For Harwell-Boeing we have a single file which may or may not ! contain an RHS. call hb_read(aux_a,info,iunit=iunit,b=aux_b,filename=mtrx_file) case default info = -1 write(psb_err_unit,*) 'Wrong choice for fileformat ', filefmt end select if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) 'Error while reading input matrix ' call psb_abort(ictxt) end if m_problem = aux_a%get_nrows() call psb_bcast(ictxt,m_problem) call psb_mat_renum(psb_mat_renum_identity_,aux_a,info,perm) ! At this point aux_b may still be unallocated if (size(aux_b,dim=1) == m_problem) then ! if any rhs were present, broadcast the first one write(psb_err_unit,'("Ok, got an rhs ")') b_col_glob =>aux_b(:,1) call psb_gelp('N',perm(1:m_problem),& & b_col_glob(1:m_problem),info) else write(psb_out_unit,'("Generating an rhs...")') write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")') call psb_realloc(m_problem,1,aux_b,ircode) if (ircode /= 0) then call psb_errpush(psb_err_alloc_dealloc_,name) goto 9999 endif b_col_glob => aux_b(:,1) do i=1, m_problem b_col_glob(i) = done enddo endif else call psb_bcast(ictxt,m_problem) end if ! switch over different partition types select case(psb_toupper(part)) case('BLOCK') if (me == psb_root_) write(psb_out_unit,'("Partition type: block")') call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, ictxt,desc_a,info,fmt=afmt,parts=part_block) ! call desc_a%cd_get_list ! call desc_a%cd_v_get_list ! print *, "desc_a%v_halo_index", desc_a%v_get_list() case('GRAPH') if (me == psb_root_) then write(psb_out_unit,'("Partition type: graph vector")') write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")') ! write(psb_err_unit,'("Build type: graph")') call build_mtpart(aux_a,np) endif call psb_barrier(ictxt) call distr_mtpart(psb_root_,ictxt) call getv_mtpart(ivg) call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, ictxt,desc_a,info,fmt=afmt,v=ivg) case default if (me == psb_root_) write(psb_out_unit,'("Partition type: block")') call psb_matdist(aux_a, a, ictxt,desc_a,info,fmt=afmt,parts=part_block) end select ! call psb_scatter(b_col_glob,b_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_) call psb_geall(x_col,desc_a,info) call x_col%zero() ! change to mpi rank? Artless ! nrow=desc_a%get_local_rows() ! number of rows ncol=desc_a%get_local_cols() ! number of columns iv = [ (i,i=1,ncol)] ! call psb_loc_to_glob(iv,desc_a,info) ! call desc_a%l2gv1(iv,info) xa = iv ! call desc_a%locgv1(iv,info) ! ---- test where halo regions are set to -1, sending 10+me ! xa(nrow+1:ncol) = -1 ! (10 + me) * -1 ! ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! ! do i=0,np ! ! if (me .eq. i) then ! ! print *, "=======================" ! ! print *, "me = ", me, "iv =" ! ! print '(225 I4)', iv ! ! print *, "-----------------------" ! ! end if ! ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! ! end do ! ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! ! do i=0,np ! ! if (me .eq. i) then ! ! print *, "=======================" ! ! print *, "me = ", me, "xa =" ! ! print '(225 F4.0)', xa ! ! print *, "-----------------------" ! ! end if ! ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! ! end do ! ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! call x_col%set_vect(xa) ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! call psb_halo(x_col,desc_a,info,mode=psb_swap_persistent_) ! xa = x_col%get_vect() ! do i=nrow+1,ncol ! if (xa(i) /= iv(i)) then ! ha ! write(0,*) me, ': MISMATCH i=',i,"xa(i)=",xa(i),"iv(i)",iv(i) ! ! goto 9999 ! end if ! end do num_iterations = ITERATIONS do iter = 1, num_iterations xa = iv xa(nrow+1:ncol) = -1 call x_col%set_vect(xa) call psb_halo(x_col,desc_a,info,mode=psb_swap_persistent_) xa = x_col%get_vect() do i=nrow+1,ncol if (xa(i) /= iv(i)) then ! ha write(0,*) me, ': MISMATCH i=',i,"xa(i)=",xa(i),"iv(i)",iv(i) goto 9999 end if end do end do ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! do i=0,np ! if (me .eq. i) then ! print *, "=======================" ! print *, "me = ", me, " xa after halo" ! print '(225 F4.0)', xa ! print *, "me = ", me, " iv after halo" ! print '(225 I4)', iv ! print *, "-----------------------" ! end if ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! end do ! call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) ! goto 9999 call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) call flush(output_unit) call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (allocated(x_col%v)) then print *, me, "desc_a%p%comm_create_time = ", x_col%v%p%comm_create_time call MPI_Reduce(x_col%v%p%comm_create_time, t_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM, & psb_root_, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (me == psb_root_) then open(1,file='halo_persistant_output.txt', status='new') write(1,*) "flt type max_buf[B] visits time[s] time[%] time/visit[us] region" t_mean = t_sum / np write(1,*) "MPI", t_sum, " ", t_mean end if end if call flush(output_unit) call MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (me == psb_root_) then print *, "did halo communication", num_iterations, "times" end if ! artless: commenting these because geasb is breaking it for now ! call psb_geasb(x_col,desc_a,info) ! call psb_geall(r_col,desc_a,info) ! call r_col%zero() ! call psb_geasb(r_col,desc_a,info) ! t2 = psb_wtime() - t1 ! call psb_amx(ictxt, t2) ! if (me == psb_root_) then ! write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")') ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Time to read and partition matrix : ",es12.5)')t2 ! write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")') ! end if ! ! call perc%init(ictxt,ptype,info) ! building the preconditioner ! t1 = psb_wtime() ! call prec%build(a,desc_a,info) ! tprec = psb_wtime()-t1 ! if (info /= psb_success_) then ! call psb_errpush(psb_err_from_subroutine_,name,a_err='psb_precbld') ! goto 9999 ! end if ! call psb_amx(ictxt,tprec) ! if(me == psb_root_) then ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Preconditioner time: ",es12.5)')tprec ! write(psb_out_unit,'(" ")') ! end if ! cond = dzero ! iparm = 0 ! call psb_barrier(ictxt) ! t1 = psb_wtime() ! call psb_krylov(kmethd,a,prec,b_col,x_col,eps,desc_a,info,& ! & itmax=itmax,iter=iter,err=err,itrace=itrace,& ! & istop=istopc,irst=irst,cond=cond) ! call psb_barrier(ictxt) ! t2 = psb_wtime() - t1 ! call psb_amx(ictxt,t2) ! call psb_geaxpby(done,b_col,dzero,r_col,desc_a,info) ! call psb_spmm(-done,a,x_col,done,r_col,desc_a,info) ! resmx = psb_genrm2(r_col,desc_a,info) ! resmxp = psb_geamax(r_col,desc_a,info) ! amatsize = a%sizeof() ! descsize = desc_a%sizeof() ! precsize = prec%sizeof() ! call psb_sum(ictxt,amatsize) ! call psb_sum(ictxt,descsize) ! call psb_sum(ictxt,precsize) ! if (me == psb_root_) then ! call prec%descr() ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Matrix: ",a)')mtrx_file ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Computed solution on ",i8," processors")')np ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Iterations to convergence: ",i6)')iter ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Error estimate on exit : ",es12.5)') err ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Time to buil prec. : ",es12.5)')tprec ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Time to solve system : ",es12.5)')t2 ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Time per iteration : ",es12.5)')t2/(iter) ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Total time : ",es12.5)')t2+tprec ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Residual norm 2 : ",es12.5)')resmx ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Residual norm inf : ",es12.5)')resmxp ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Condition number : ",es12.5)')cond ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Total memory occupation for A: ",i12)')amatsize ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Total memory occupation for PREC: ",i12)')precsize ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Total memory occupation for DESC_A: ",i12)')descsize ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Storage format for A : ",a)')& ! & a%get_fmt() ! write(psb_out_unit,'("Storage format for DESC_A : ",a)')& ! & desc_a%get_fmt() ! end if ! call psb_gather(x_col_glob,x_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_) ! if (info == psb_success_) & ! & call psb_gather(r_col_glob,r_col,desc_a,info,root=psb_root_) ! if (info /= psb_success_) goto 9999 ! if (me == psb_root_) then ! write(psb_err_unit,'(" ")') ! write(psb_err_unit,'("Saving x on file")') ! write(20,*) 'matrix: ',mtrx_file ! write(20,*) 'computed solution on ',np,' processors.' ! write(20,*) 'iterations to convergence: ',iter ! write(20,*) 'error estimate (infinity norm) on exit:', & ! & ' ||r||/(||a||||x||+||b||) = ',err ! write(20,'("Residual norm 2 : ",es12.5)')resmx ! write(20,'("Residual norm inf : ",es12.5)')resmxp ! write(20,'(a8,4(2x,a20))') 'I','X(I)','R(I)','B(I)' ! do i=1,m_problem ! write(20,998) i,x_col_glob(i),r_col_glob(i),b_col_glob(i) ! enddo ! end if 998 format(i8,4(2x,g20.14)) 993 format(i6,4(1x,e12.6)) ! print *, "* calling free funcs" ! call psb_gefree(b_col, desc_a,info) call psb_gefree(x_col, desc_a,info) call psb_spfree(a, desc_a,info) call prec%free(info) call psb_cdfree(desc_a,info) call psb_exit(ictxt) print *, "* FIN for", me stop 9999 call psb_error(ictxt) stop end program psb_df_sample