/* Parallel Sparse BLAS GPU plugin */ /* (C) Copyright 2013 */ /* Salvatore Filippone */ /* Alessandro Fanfarillo */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without */ /* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions */ /* are met: */ /* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the */ /* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. */ /* 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may */ /* not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this */ /* software without specific written permission. */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS */ /* ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED */ /* TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR */ /* PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PSBLAS GROUP OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS */ /* BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR */ /* CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF */ /* SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS */ /* INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN */ /* CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) */ /* ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE */ /* POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cuda_util.h" static int hasUVA=-1; static struct cudaDeviceProp *prop=NULL; static spgpuHandle_t psb_cuda_handle = NULL; static cublasHandle_t psb_cublas_handle = NULL; int allocRemoteBuffer(void** buffer, int count) { cudaError_t err = cudaMalloc(buffer, count); if (err == cudaSuccess) { return SPGPU_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA allocRemoteBuffer for %d bytes Error: %s \n", count, cudaGetErrorString(err)); if(err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) return SPGPU_OUTOFMEMORY; else return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int hostRegisterMapped(void *pointer, long size) { cudaError_t err = cudaHostRegister(pointer, size, cudaHostRegisterMapped); if (err == cudaSuccess) { return SPGPU_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA hostRegisterMapped Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); if(err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) return SPGPU_OUTOFMEMORY; else return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int getDevicePointer(void **d_p, void * h_p) { cudaError_t err = cudaHostGetDevicePointer(d_p,h_p,0); if (err == cudaSuccess) { return SPGPU_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA getDevicePointer Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); if(err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) return SPGPU_OUTOFMEMORY; else return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int registerMappedMemory(void *buffer, void **dp, int size) { //cudaError_t err = cudaHostAlloc(buffer,size,cudaHostAllocMapped); cudaError_t err = cudaHostRegister(buffer, size, cudaHostRegisterMapped); if (err == cudaSuccess) err = cudaHostGetDevicePointer(dp,buffer,0); if (err == cudaSuccess) { err = cudaHostGetDevicePointer(dp,buffer,0); if (err == cudaSuccess) { return SPGPU_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA registerMappedMemory Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA registerMappedMemory Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); if(err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) return SPGPU_OUTOFMEMORY; else return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int allocMappedMemory(void **buffer, void **dp, int size) { cudaError_t err = cudaHostAlloc(buffer,size,cudaHostAllocMapped); if (err == 0) err = cudaHostGetDevicePointer(dp,*buffer,0); if (err == cudaSuccess) { return SPGPU_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA allocMappedMemory Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); if(err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) return SPGPU_OUTOFMEMORY; else return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int unregisterMappedMemory(void *buffer) { //cudaError_t err = cudaHostAlloc(buffer,size,cudaHostAllocMapped); cudaError_t err = cudaHostUnregister(buffer); if (err == cudaSuccess) { return SPGPU_SUCCESS; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA unregisterMappedMemory Error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); if(err == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation) return SPGPU_OUTOFMEMORY; else return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int writeRemoteBuffer(void* hostSrc, void* buffer, int count) { cudaError_t err = cudaMemcpy(buffer, hostSrc, count, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); if (err == cudaSuccess) return SPGPU_SUCCESS; else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error writeRemoteBuffer: %s %p %p %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(err),buffer, hostSrc, count); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int readRemoteBuffer(void* hostDest, void* buffer, int count) { cudaError_t err1; cudaError_t err; #if 0 { err1 =cudaGetLastError(); fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error prior to readRemoteBuffer: %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(err1),err1); } #endif err = cudaMemcpy(hostDest, buffer, count, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); if (err == cudaSuccess) return SPGPU_SUCCESS; else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error readRemoteBuffer: %s %p %p %d %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(err),hostDest,buffer,count,err); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int freeRemoteBuffer(void* buffer) { cudaError_t err = cudaFree(buffer); if (err == cudaSuccess) return SPGPU_SUCCESS; else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error freeRemoteBuffer: %s %p\n", cudaGetErrorString(err),buffer); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } int gpuInit(int dev) { int count,err; if ((err=cudaSetDeviceFlags(cudaDeviceMapHost))!=cudaSuccess) fprintf(stderr,"Error On SetDeviceFlags: %d '%s'\n",err,cudaGetErrorString(err)); if ((prop=(struct cudaDeviceProp *) malloc(sizeof(struct cudaDeviceProp)))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error gpuInit3: not malloced prop\n"); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } err = setDevice(dev); if (err != cudaSuccess) { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error gpuInit2: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } if (!psb_cublas_handle) psb_cudaCreateCublasHandle(); hasUVA=getDeviceHasUVA(); FcusparseCreate(); return err; } void gpuClose() { cudaStream_t st1, st2; if (! psb_cuda_handle) st1=spgpuGetStream(psb_cuda_handle); if (! psb_cublas_handle) cublasGetStream(psb_cublas_handle,&st2); FcusparseDestroy(); psb_cudaDestroyHandle(); if (st1 != st2) psb_cudaDestroyCublasHandle(); free(prop); prop=NULL; hasUVA=-1; } int setDevice(int dev) { int count,err,idev; err = cudaGetDeviceCount(&count); if (err != cudaSuccess) { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error setDevice: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } if ((0<=dev)&&(devunifiedAddressing; return(count); } int getGPUMultiProcessors() { int count=0; if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->multiProcessorCount; return(count); } int getGPUMemoryBusWidth() { int count=0; #if CUDART_VERSION >= 5000 if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->memoryBusWidth; #endif return(count); } int getGPUMemoryClockRate() { int count=0; #if CUDART_VERSION >= 5000 if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->memoryClockRate; #endif return(count); } int getGPUWarpSize() { int count=0; if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->warpSize; return(count); } int getGPUMaxThreadsPerBlock() { int count=0; if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->maxThreadsPerBlock; return(count); } int getGPUMaxThreadsPerMP() { int count=0; if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor; return(count); } int getGPUMaxRegistersPerBlock() { int count=0; if (prop!=NULL) count = prop->regsPerBlock; return(count); } void cpyGPUNameString(char *cstring) { *cstring='\0'; if (prop!=NULL) strcpy(cstring,prop->name); } int DeviceHasUVA() { return(hasUVA == 1); } int getDeviceCount() { int count; cudaError_t err; err = cudaGetDeviceCount(&count); if (err != cudaSuccess) { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error getDeviceCount: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } return(count); } void cudaSync() { cudaError_t err; err = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); if (err == cudaSuccess) return SPGPU_SUCCESS; else { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error cudaSync: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } void cudaReset() { cudaError_t err; err = cudaDeviceReset(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { fprintf(stderr,"CUDA Error Reset: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err)); return SPGPU_UNSPECIFIED; } } spgpuHandle_t psb_cudaGetHandle() { return psb_cuda_handle; } void psb_cudaCreateHandle() { if (!psb_cuda_handle) spgpuCreate(&psb_cuda_handle, getDevice()); } void psb_cudaDestroyHandle() { if (!psb_cuda_handle) spgpuDestroy(psb_cuda_handle); psb_cuda_handle = NULL; } cudaStream_t psb_cudaGetStream() { return spgpuGetStream(psb_cuda_handle); } void psb_cudaSetStream(cudaStream_t stream) { spgpuSetStream(psb_cuda_handle, stream); return ; } cublasHandle_t psb_cudaGetCublasHandle() { if (!psb_cublas_handle) psb_cudaCreateCublasHandle(); return psb_cublas_handle; } void psb_cudaCreateCublasHandle() { if (!psb_cublas_handle) cublasCreate(&psb_cublas_handle); } void psb_cudaDestroyCublasHandle() { if (!psb_cublas_handle) cublasDestroy(psb_cublas_handle); psb_cublas_handle=NULL; } /* Simple memory tools */ int allocateInt(void **d_int, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_int), n*sizeof(int)); } int writeInt(void *d_int, int* h_int, int n) { int i,j; int *di; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_int, (void*)d_int, n*sizeof(int)); return i; } int readInt(void* d_int, int* h_int, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_int, (void *) d_int, n*sizeof(int)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } int writeIntFirst(int first, void *d_int, int* h_int, int n, int IndexBase) { int i,j; int *di=(int *) d_int; di = &(di[first-IndexBase]); i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_int, (void*)di, n*sizeof(int)); return i; } int readIntFirst(int first,void* d_int, int* h_int, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; int *di=(int *) d_int; di = &(di[first-IndexBase]); i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_int, (void *) di, n*sizeof(int)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } int allocateMultiInt(void **d_int, int m, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_int), m*n*sizeof(int)); } int writeMultiInt(void *d_int, int* h_int, int m, int n) { int i,j; int *di; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_int, (void*)d_int, m*n*sizeof(int)); return i; } int readMultiInt(void* d_int, int* h_int, int m, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_int, (void *) d_int, m*n*sizeof(int)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } void freeInt(void *d_int) { //printf("Before freeInt\n"); freeRemoteBuffer(d_int); } int allocateFloat(void **d_float, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_float), n*sizeof(float)); } int writeFloat(void *d_float, float* h_float, int n) { int i; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_float, (void*)d_float, n*sizeof(float)); return i; } int readFloat(void* d_float, float* h_float, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_float, (void *) d_float, n*sizeof(float)); return(i); } int writeFloatFirst(int df, void *d_float, float* h_float, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; float *dv=(float *) d_float; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_float, (void*)dv, n*sizeof(float)); return i; } int readFloatFirst(int df, void* d_float, float* h_float, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; float *dv=(float *) d_float; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; //fprintf(stderr,"readFloatFirst: %d %p %p %p %d \n",df,d_float,dv,h_float,n); i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_float, (void *) dv, n*sizeof(float)); return(i); } int allocateMultiFloat(void **d_float, int m, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_float), m*n*sizeof(float)); } int writeMultiFloat(void *d_float, float* h_float, int m, int n) { int i,j; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_float, (void*)d_float, m*n*sizeof(float)); return i; } int readMultiFloat(void* d_float, float* h_float, int m, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_float, (void *) d_float, m*n*sizeof(float)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } void freeFloat(void *d_float) { freeRemoteBuffer(d_float); } int allocateDouble(void **d_double, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_double), n*sizeof(double)); } int writeDouble(void *d_double, double* h_double, int n) { int i; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_double, (void*)d_double, n*sizeof(double)); return i; } int readDouble(void* d_double, double* h_double, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_double, (void *) d_double, n*sizeof(double)); return(i); } int writeDoubleFirst(int df, void *d_double, double* h_double, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; double *dv=(double *) d_double; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_double, (void*)dv, n*sizeof(double)); return i; } int readDoubleFirst(int df, void* d_double, double* h_double, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; double *dv=(double *) d_double; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; //fprintf(stderr,"readDoubleFirst: %d %p %p %p %d \n",df,d_double,dv,h_double,n); i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_double, (void *) dv, n*sizeof(double)); return(i); } int allocateMultiDouble(void **d_double, int m, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_double), m*n*sizeof(double)); } int writeMultiDouble(void *d_double, double* h_double, int m, int n) { int i,j; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_double, (void*)d_double, m*n*sizeof(double)); return i; } int readMultiDouble(void* d_double, double* h_double, int m, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_double, (void *) d_double, m*n*sizeof(double)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } void freeDouble(void *d_double) { freeRemoteBuffer(d_double); } int allocateFloatComplex(void **d_FloatComplex, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_FloatComplex), n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); } int writeFloatComplex(void *d_FloatComplex, cuFloatComplex* h_FloatComplex, int n) { int i; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_FloatComplex, (void*)d_FloatComplex, n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); return i; } int readFloatComplex(void* d_FloatComplex, cuFloatComplex* h_FloatComplex, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_FloatComplex, (void *) d_FloatComplex, n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); return(i); } int allocateMultiFloatComplex(void **d_FloatComplex, int m, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_FloatComplex), m*n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); } int writeMultiFloatComplex(void *d_FloatComplex, cuFloatComplex* h_FloatComplex, int m, int n) { int i,j; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_FloatComplex, (void*)d_FloatComplex, m*n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); return i; } int readMultiFloatComplex(void* d_FloatComplex, cuFloatComplex* h_FloatComplex, int m, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_FloatComplex, (void *) d_FloatComplex, m*n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } int writeFloatComplexFirst(int df, void *d_floatComplex, cuFloatComplex* h_floatComplex, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; cuFloatComplex *dv=(cuFloatComplex *) d_floatComplex; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_floatComplex, (void*)dv, n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); return i; } int readFloatComplexFirst(int df, void* d_floatComplex, cuFloatComplex* h_floatComplex, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; cuFloatComplex *dv=(cuFloatComplex *) d_floatComplex; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_floatComplex, (void *) dv, n*sizeof(cuFloatComplex)); return(i); } void freeFloatComplex(void *d_FloatComplex) { freeRemoteBuffer(d_FloatComplex); } int allocateDoubleComplex(void **d_DoubleComplex, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_DoubleComplex), n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); } int writeDoubleComplex(void *d_DoubleComplex, cuDoubleComplex* h_DoubleComplex, int n) { int i; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_DoubleComplex, (void*)d_DoubleComplex, n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); return i; } int readDoubleComplex(void* d_DoubleComplex, cuDoubleComplex* h_DoubleComplex, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_DoubleComplex, (void *) d_DoubleComplex, n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); return(i); } int writeDoubleComplexFirst(int df, void *d_doubleComplex, cuDoubleComplex* h_doubleComplex, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; cuDoubleComplex *dv=(cuDoubleComplex *) d_doubleComplex; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_doubleComplex, (void*)dv, n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); return i; } int readDoubleComplexFirst(int df, void* d_doubleComplex, cuDoubleComplex* h_doubleComplex, int n, int IndexBase) { int i; cuDoubleComplex *dv=(cuDoubleComplex *) d_doubleComplex; dv = &dv[df-IndexBase]; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_doubleComplex, (void *) dv, n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); return(i); } int allocateMultiDoubleComplex(void **d_DoubleComplex, int m, int n) { return allocRemoteBuffer((void **)(d_DoubleComplex), m*n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); } int writeMultiDoubleComplex(void *d_DoubleComplex, cuDoubleComplex* h_DoubleComplex, int m, int n) { int i,j; i = writeRemoteBuffer((void*)h_DoubleComplex, (void*)d_DoubleComplex, m*n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); return i; } int readMultiDoubleComplex(void* d_DoubleComplex, cuDoubleComplex* h_DoubleComplex, int m, int n) { int i; i = readRemoteBuffer((void *) h_DoubleComplex, (void *) d_DoubleComplex, m*n*sizeof(cuDoubleComplex)); //cudaSync(); return(i); } void freeDoubleComplex(void *d_DoubleComplex) { freeRemoteBuffer(d_DoubleComplex); } double etime() { struct timeval tt; struct timezone tz; double temp; if (gettimeofday(&tt,&tz) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Fatal error for gettimeofday ??? \n"); exit(-1); } temp = ((double)tt.tv_sec) + ((double)tt.tv_usec)*1.0e-6; return(temp); }