submodule (psb_d_oacc_hll_mat_mod) psb_d_oacc_hll_csmv_impl use psb_base_mod contains module subroutine psb_d_oacc_hll_csmv(alpha, a, x, beta, y, info, trans) implicit none class(psb_d_oacc_hll_sparse_mat), intent(in) :: a real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: alpha, beta real(psb_dpk_), intent(in) :: x(:) real(psb_dpk_), intent(inout) :: y(:) integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info character, optional, intent(in) :: trans character :: trans_ integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, m, n, hksz, nhacks logical :: tra integer(psb_ipk_) :: err_act character(len=20) :: name = 'd_oacc_hll_csmv' logical, parameter :: debug = .false. call psb_erractionsave(err_act) info = psb_success_ if (present(trans)) then trans_ = trans else trans_ = 'N' end if if (.not.a%is_asb()) then info = psb_err_invalid_mat_state_ call psb_errpush(info, name) goto 9999 endif tra = (psb_toupper(trans_) == 'T') .or. (psb_toupper(trans_) == 'C') if (tra) then m = a%get_ncols() n = a%get_nrows() else n = a%get_ncols() m = a%get_nrows() end if if (size(x,1) < n) then info = 36 call psb_errpush(info, name, i_err = (/3 * ione, n, izero, izero, izero/)) goto 9999 end if if (size(y,1) < m) then info = 36 call psb_errpush(info, name, i_err = (/5 * ione, m, izero, izero, izero/)) goto 9999 end if if (tra) then call a%psb_d_hll_sparse_mat%spmm(alpha, x, beta, y, info, trans) else hksz = a%hksz nhacks = (a%get_nrows() + hksz - 1) / hksz !$acc parallel loop present(a, x, y) do i = 1, m y(i) = beta * y(i) end do ! This loop nest cannot be run with collapse, since ! the inner loop extent varies. !$acc parallel loop present(a, x, y) do i = 1, nhacks do j = a%hkoffs(i), a%hkoffs(i + 1) - 1 y(a%irn(j)) = y(a%irn(j)) + alpha * a%val(j) * x(a%ja(j)) end do end do endif call psb_erractionrestore(err_act) return 9999 call psb_error_handler(err_act) return end subroutine psb_d_oacc_hll_csmv end submodule psb_d_oacc_hll_csmv_impl