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Sparse Matrix class

The spdatapsb_Tspmat_type class contains all information about the local portion of the sparse matrix and its storage mode. Its design is based on the STATE design pattern [13] as detailed in [11]; the type declaration is shown in figure 4 where T is a placeholder for the data type and precision variants
Single precision real;
Double precision real;
Single precision complex;
Double precision complex.
The actual data is contained in the polymorphic component a%a of type spbasedatapsb_T_base_sparse_mat; its specific layout can be chosen dynamically among the predefined types, or an entirely new storage layout can be implemented and passed to the library at runtime via the psb_spasb routine.
Figure 4: The PSBLAS defined data type that contains a sparse matrix.
  type :: psb_Tspmat_type
    class(psb_T_base_sparse_mat), allocatable  :: a 
  end type  psb_Tspmat_type
The following very common formats are precompiled in PSBLAS and thus are always available:
Coordinate storage;
Compressed storage by rows;
Compressed storage by columns;
The inner sparse matrix has an associated state, which can take the following values:
State entered after the first allocation, and before the first assembly; in this state it is possible to add nonzero entries.
State entered after the assembly; computations using the sparse matrix, such as matrix-vector products, are only possible in this state;
State entered after a reinitalization; this is used to handle applications in which the same sparsity pattern is used multiple times with different coefficients. In this state it is only possible to enter coefficients for already existing nonzero entries.
The only storage variant supporting the build state is COO; all other variants are obtained by conversion to/from it.

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